INFORMATION ABOUT PREMISES AND CONNECTION Umeå University hospital Skellefteå hospital Lycksele hospital Skiffersalen, by 27, Södra entrén (3/9: Major Groove) Tranbäret Videokonferensrum 2 Härnösand hospital Sundsvalls hospital Sollefteå hospital Örnsköldsviks hospital the access code, 0611-80041. Närvårdens konferensrum Grupprum 4 (10/9, 1/10, 15/10: Lilla Bryggan) E-flygeln 1 Gröna konferensrummet (15/10: Örnen). Contact the front desk for Östersunds hospital Videokonferensrummet, hus 10 plan 2 (17/9: Dr Prag, hus 2 plan 2, 10/12: Östersunds sjukhus ingång 6 grupprum 2) Sunderby hospital Piteå Älvdals hospital Gällivare hospital Kiruna hospital Kalix hospital Konferensrum 5 (8/10: Konferensrum 4) Syrenen (17/9, 5/11: Rosentryn) Studio 2 Gruvan (5/11: Gropen) Utbildningssalen (8/10, 15/10, 5/11: no premises available) IMPORTANT INFORMATION * You are responsible to call the video meeting * If you are calling from a system belonging to a county council you can call video number 1247080 * If you are calling from a system that does not belong to a county council, call * We encourage you to call about 5 minutes before the meeting starts * Also remember to mute the microphone if you just listen * Disconnect the video call when the meeting ended * For technical problems contact your local support Support number for the different regions VLL 090-785 90 90 NLL 0920-710 10 choice 3 LVN 060-18 20 90 JLL 063-15 49 00
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