REDCLIFF REPORT For November 10 Town of Redcliff Services & Info FAMILY PROGRAMMING Join us for an evening of Teen sport activity and family activity nights. Upcoming events: November 7th, Teen Activity at Parkside School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Teens 13 years and older can participate in a variety of active play. November 14th, Teen Activity, the Redcliff Youth Centre will facilitate activities at Parkside School from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. On November 28th a Family activity will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Parkside School. For more information please call 548-3232. NOVEMBER IS FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION MONTH Families and community members can play a key role in preventing family violence. People impacted by family violence usually turn first to those they trust. This is usually extended family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or spiritual leaders. After that, people may reach out to a service agency or seek out government services such as police, courts and child protection. Families dealing with violence are often not aware of the wide range of services that could help them. If they do not know, they may hesitate to come forward. Other community members can help support them to connect to sources of help. Community members who can make a difference include men, women and youth who understand the: power and control dynamics of family violence. Safety risks of violence in the home, connection between violence in the home and bullying on the playground and in the streets. What individuals can do: Encourage your local public library to carry magazines and books about family violence. What communities can do: Encourage a community standard that family violence and bullying are wrong. What schools can do: Help children learn non-violent ways of dealing with conflict. What employers can do: organize training sessions on family violence and ensure supervisors are aware of family violence warning signs. If you or a loved one is being affected learn the family violence warning signs, what to do and where to get help. Visit or phone the 24hour Family Violence Information Line 310-1818 ANYONE CAN FALL IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU The annual senior’s falls prevention awareness campaign, Finding Balance, runs throughout November across Alberta. Finding balance raises awareness about senior’s falls and educates older adults, their families and caregivers about fall prevention. Senior’s living independently or in care facilities can prevent falls by keeping active, having their medications reviewed, watching their step and speaking up about dizziness. There are many ways Finding Balance can support your efforts to reduce senior’s falls in your community. Prevent it from happening to you. Anyone can fall, but as you grow older, the risk increases. Falls are the leading cause of serious injuries in older adults. The facts don’t lie: Every year, 1 in 3 Alberta Seniors will fall. The good news is that you can take steps to prevent this from happening to you. Here are some tips for fall prevention Keep active-Exercise for strength and balance. Regular physical activity and exercise can increase muscle strength, improve balance and help prevent you from falling. Ask your doctor or healthcare provider about the best type of exercise program for you. Do at least 30 minutes of activity every day. Walk, dance or take an exercise class. For more information, call Health Link Alberta Toll free 1-866-408-5465. CHRISTMAS CRAFT CLASSES Snowflakes & Reindeer Ages 4-6 Monday, December 8th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Class will take place at the Library. Cost $17 plus GST until November 28th After November 28th $22 plus GST. Snowflakes & Reindeer Ages 7-9 Wednesday, December 10th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We will make lovely sparkling snowflake popsicle snowflakes to be hung in your Christmas trees. Your little hands will make wonderful reindeer prints on Christmas cards to hand out for the season! To register please call 548-3232. TOWN OFFICE ACCEPTING FOOD DONATIONS Help the Town of Redcliff raise donations for the Chat 94.5 Food Drive. Last year’s accumulation fulfilled 112, 327 pounds of food! Donations can be placed in the food bin located at the town office. End date for donations is November 14th, 2014 More and more, Canadians are stuck in part-time, temporary, low-paying jobs, thanks to a nationwide loss of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. Because of this, many are forced to depend on government benefits, and that assistance is not doing enough. “Low income is just one part of the equation that leads to food insecurity and the need for food banks,” “Just as important are the systems, led and managed by our federal, provincial and municipal governments that exist to ensure Canadians do not fall into destitution. These overlapping yet underco-ordinated and sometimes conflicting systems are failing too many.” REC-TANGLE PUBLIC SKATING The Rec-Tangle is now open! as follows: Monday – Friday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday Sunday FREE Public Skating, courtesy of the Medicine Hat Kinsmen, is 9:30–10:30 am 6:30-7:30 pm (Rec-Tangle closed November 11th ) 5:45–6:45 pm (occasionally cancelled due to tournaments) 5:30–6:30 pm FAMILY BOARD GAME DAY Saturday, November 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Library. Spend a lovely afternoon with your family at the second annual International Board Game Day. Choose from any one of about 20 different games that are suitable for a variety of age levels and skills. Last year’s international Games Day at the library was a huge success, so don’t miss it. Hosted by the Friends of the Redcliff Library. Games are courtesy by Redcliff FCSS. KIDS PLAY GROUPS/FAMILY GYM NIGHT If you would be interested in participating in or supervising either of these activities, call Community Services at 548-3232 Other Community Information SENIOR’S SOCIETY Is having a Pot Luck Supper & Bingo on Thursday, November 20. Cocktails 5:00 p.m. Dinner Begins at 6:00 p.m. Master card $5, $1/extra card. Must be a member to win. ADULT DROP IN VOLLEYBALL Begins October 14th from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Parkside School gym. Please use the second street entrance. DREAMS Girls Club Join us at the Redcliff Youth Centre from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. most Thursdays for baking, crafts, guest speakers, outings, wellness activities and more. Age 10-17 welcome. November 13th-Affirmation activity November 20th-Jamie from the Women’s Shelter will be joining us to talk about healthy relationships November 27th-No Group DREAMS Student Lunch and Learn Parkside School November 19th beginning at 11:35 a.m. Canadian Mental Health Association will be discussing grief and loss. Homemade soup and a bun will be served by the Redcliff Youth Centre. Community Family Movie Night DREAMS will be showing The Wizard of Oz on Friday, November 21 st from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Margaret Wooding School REDCLIFF LION’S CLUB November Yard of the Month The Lion’s Club would like to congratulate Mark & Diane Clares, recipients of the November Yard of the Month! Viewing at 8th Avenue and 2nd Street SE Unsung Hero-Congratulations to Sylvia Bergdahl the Redcliff Lion’s Unsung Hero for the month of November! Lion’s Club Monthly Meetings Redcliff Lion’s meet every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and every 4th Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. For more info contact Phil at 548-6947. REDCLIFF LEGION Friday Night Dances Admission Members $4.00 Non- Members $5.00 Dances start at 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Everyone welcome! November 14- Harvey Fleck Band November 21- Lavern Roth Gang November 28- Mixed Company Band Music Jams November 18 Music Jam starts at 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Bring your Instruments and Dancing partners. Legion AGM A General Meeting will take place at the Legion on November 20 th. Nomination of Officers. Legion AGM for members only. Redcliff Legion Remembrance Day Parade meets at the Legion at 9:00 a.m. Parade forms will be placed up at 9:45 a.m. in front of the Legion. Weekly Bus Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. the bus takes seniors to the Medicine Hat Mall. We leave from the Legion but will drive passengers home after the trip. All senior’s welcome. You do not have to be a Legion member. For more information please call Ruth at 526-7885. Draws – Meat draws, 50/50 and Queen Draw every Friday and Saturday at the Redcliff Legion from 4:30pm-6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. REDCLIFF MUSEUM Museum board meetings are the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 at the museum. Please join us if you have an hour or two to spare every month. We are in need of new members and people with fresh ideas as well as volunteers. We look forward to seeing you at the Museum
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