ST LUKE’S CATHOLIC PARISH SCHOOL 45 Degen Road, Capalaba Phone (07) 3245 9595 Fax (07) 3823 2222 Email: Website: NEWSLETTER 18 November 2014 No. 36 St Luke’s School 1989 - 2014 St Luke’s School 1989-2014 FROM OUR ADMIN TEAM P&F AGM AND GENERAL MEETING Thank you to all those parents who turned out last night to attend the last P&F meeting for 2014. The Annual General meeting was conducted and we congratulate the following Executive Members who will fill leadership positions as we move forward in 2015: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Mel Meredith Sally Edie Bonnie McKay Anne Stone & Alfina Miller A very big thank you to Adam Gould our outgoing President who for the past two years has been a great asset to our community along with the all the Executive, parent reps and parent supporters who have made a very significant positive difference to our school community. In the end our children benefit from this hard work and dedication and we thank them for their efforts. We now look forward to an exciting new year in 2015 where there will lots of parent participation opportunities and projects that will further enhance our learning community. CATHOLIC ZONE SWIMMING CARNIVAL This week the St Luke’s swim team will participate in friendly competition with other Catholic Schools from the Redlands. Thanks to Ms Milligan, Mrs Prentice and support staff for organising our participation in this event. Mrs Prentice has forwarded information directly to team members. CLASS PLACEMENT 2015 Similar to last year, we no longer accept letters or emails from parents regarding your child’s class placement. Parents are aware that present class teachers have the greatest input into class selection for 2015. Classroom teachers know your child very well having spent a whole year with them. Our teachers are highly professional and they are the ones in the best position to make judgments about your child’s placements. Class lists are being finalised and there will be no changes after this DATE CLAIMERS NOVEMBER Thu 20 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Prayer Assembly 3Blue 2pm Fri 21 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Mass 1White 9am Catholic swimming carnival Mon 24-Fri 28 Swimming lessons P-2 Swimming Carnival P-2 Wed 26 Big Breakfast 7.45am Parent cuppa 8.30am Canberra Tour meeting 6pm Thu 27 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Yr 6 & Yr 7 Thanksgiving Dyslexia support mtg 2pm Fri 28 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Yr 6 & Yr 7 excursion DECEMBER Wed 3 Christmas Carols 6.30pm Thu 4 Uniform Shop open 8-9.30am Fri 5 Uniform Shop closed Whole School Liturgy 10.30am School closes 12noon JANUARY 2015 Wed 28 School resumes Monday Assembly 2pm in the Emmaus Centre. Thursday Prayer Assembly 2pm in the Church. All Welcome. Uniform Shop Hours: Friday 8.00am – 9.30am week. Waiting until class teachers are announced is not in keeping with the process so if you have any concerns please see your class teacher as soon as possible. Principal’s Awards As in previous school terms a group of hard working and dedicated students will receive recognition for their efforts to live out the 3 Rules of St Luke’s. This ceremony takes place at the final school assembly on Monday 1 December in week 9 and the parents of students gaining these awards will be sent an invitation to attend the liturgy and assembly in the coming week. Once again I thank class teachers, students and parents for supporting these important awards of recognition in our community. ONE TO ONE PROGRAM Later this week the parents of current year 3 students will receive a document giving them detailed information about the 2015 program. The package of information will contain a timeline in preparation for next year. It will also include a request for email addresses, provide basic financial information and outline the policy and procedures for the One to One contemporary learning program. It’s important that parents read and review this information, as we get ready for 2015. Parents are encouraged to contact the school should they have any concerns or questions. St Luke’s Oval redevelopment It is very pleasing to announce that Oval redevelopment works will begin on the Christmas school holidays. The P&F have worked hard all year raising funds to support this vital development at our school. The redevelopment involves irrigation systems, resurfacing, levelling, drainage works and returfing the Oval area. CLASS STRUCTURES The following structure for class groups is being implemented in 2015: Prep - 2 groups Year 1 - 2 groups Year 2 - 2 groups Year 3 - 2 groups Year 4 - 2 groups Year 5 - 2 groups Year 6 - 2 groups Towards the end of term 4 final staffing will be announced. Similar to last year, students will receive their class listing for 2015 when they receive their Semester 2 report during the last week of school. Students will also have an opportunity to meet with their new teacher during the last week. Class lists will be displayed outside the office from Wednesday 10 December. SCHOOL BUDGET Planning is well under way for the 2015 School Budget and Fee Schedule. Parents can expect a slight increase in the Tuition Fee and Capital Levy in line with CPI. We do not expect new fees or levy increases in 2015 outside those outlined above. Parents must be congratulated and thanked for the considerable financial commitment they make to our school through the capital levy. The levy has allowed the school to maintain and refurbish various facilities in the school. This development could not take place without the dedicated financial support of our community. Thanks for putting such commitment towards the education offered at St Luke’s. P TO 2 SWIMMING PROGRAM Next week the 4 day block swimming lessons program commences. The program received excellent support from families last year and is viewed as an important part of the HPE program and the children’s safety and development. An information letter was sent home recently in preparation for this activity. CANBERRA TOUR A Canberra tour meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 26th November 6.00pm to begin preparations for the 2015 tour! The tour takes place every 2nd year and next year will be our 3rd tour at St Luke’s. Due to popularity our most recent tour reached the maximum number of seats. Next year the tour will be open to year 5 and 6 students and we encourage families to come along and learn more about this excellent educational tour. The school works with Pam Walsh and EDUCA tours and they are a high quality educational tour provider with many years’ experience. The tour takes place in the first week of the September holidays. More information to follow. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING PROCESS Class teachers are currently working towards the completion of their report cards for second semester. The process is the culmination of a long term effort of judgements about the development of each student. Reports will be forwarded to parents in week 9 of term 4. Once again thanks to teaching staff for their efforts in this area. STAFFING DEVELOPMENTS Parents may not be aware that the school is currently taking steps to establish the school staff for 2015. A number of teaching contracts need renewal as well as the appointment of staff in key support positions. Once these positions have been secured and finalised the full staffing complement can be shared with community in week 8 and 9 of term 4. More information to follow. IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2014 AND 2015 Term 4, 2014 ends Friday, 5 December, 2014 at 12noon following our whole school liturgy at 10.30am. 2015 – Term Dates Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Wednesday 28 January – Thursday 2 April Monday 20 April – Friday 26 June Monday 13 July – Friday 18 September Tuesday 6 October – Friday 4 December 2015 – Important dates and public holidays School office opens Monday 19 January Professional development days Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 January & Tuesday 27 January (administration) Australia Day Monday 26 January Students return Wednesday 28 January Good Friday Friday 3 April Easter Monday Monday 6 April ANZAC Day Saturday 25 April Queen’s Birthday Monday 8 June Show Holiday (Redlands) Monday 10 August Labour Day Monday 5 October UPCOMING EXCURSIONS Parents please be aware that various end of year excursions are coming up and it is important that all medical and permission forms are returned to school to support the safe organization of excursions. Our staff follow clear processes when preparing excursions and we thank parents for supporting this process. Parents can contact the school office if they have any concerns regarding upcoming excursions. RELIGIOUS LIFE OF THE SCHOOL St Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas Appeal Thank you to the many families who have already contributed to our St Vincent de Paul Annual Christmas Appeal. Our boxes are slowly beginning to fill. We are continue to collect items until the last day of school when we will then present our school community’s donations to our St Vincent de Paul chapter. BIG As this is such a busy time of the year we are having the breakfast on Wednesday 26 November from 7.45 a.m. On the menu will be sausage in bread, hash browns, muffins and fruit juice (and coffee and tea for the mums and dads). Thank you to Year 6 and 7 parents who have volunteered to provide the muffins! Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate the end of another successful and productive year here at St. Luke’s. FRIDAY MORNING MASS Each fortnight one of the classes celebrates Mass with Father Emmanuel on a Friday morning at 9 a.m. This is a quiet and intimate Mass where Father takes the opportunity to explain parts of the Mass and speak to the children in a less formal way. Parents are always welcome to be part of this. Our next Friday morning Mass will be this Friday, 21 November and Year 1 White will be celebrating. FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROLS CELEBRATION Our Christmas Carols night will be held in the Emmaus Centre on Wednesday 3 December beginning at 6.30pm. Children may come dressed in Christmas clothes or as a Christmas character e.g. shepherd. They will be sitting in their class groups and will need to be here at 6.20pm so that we can start on time. All children are singing and are expected to attend. We respectfully ask that younger siblings stay seated with their parents during the carols. YEAR 6 and 7 THANKSGIVING MASS: We are One… Celebrate Our Year 6 and 7 students will celebrate their Mass of Thanksgiving next week on Thursday 27 November at 7pm. This will be an important opportunity for our students to give thanks to God for all they have received during their time here at St. Luke’s. END OF YEAR LITURGY We will be celebrating our end of the year liturgy on Friday, 5 December at 10.30 am in the Church. This is a great opportunity to thank God for all the blessings we have received during the year and to farewell staff and children who are leaving. Children will return to their classrooms after this and will be dismissed from there at 12 noon. THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL- Matthew 25:31-46 In this week’s Gospel we are called to live our Christian faith as we consider the reality of judgement. We are asked to reflect on how we respond to Jesus’ teachings, and to look for ways that we can be God’s messenger in all we say and do. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT – Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful. (Margaret J. Wheatley) Tim Lomas, Principal and Renae Collier, Acting APRE FROM OUR PARISH OFFICE Greetings from the Parish Office! ESCHATOLOGY: REFLECTING ON THE LAST THINGS There is a branch of theology called eschatology. It deals with the doctrine of the last things, namely, death, judgment, hell and heaven, which are the ultimate destiny of all humans. These may not be the most interesting topics in Christianity for many people but they still remain important issues of our faith. Topics like love, charity, mercy, social justice and goodness among others are more interesting than the issues in eschatology. November however is a good month for us to look at our ultimate destiny. This month being a month of remembrance, we invite everyone to take time and reflect on the meaning and implications of life and eternal life, and what our final destiny could be like. We may not find all the answers to the questions that might come to our mind as we reflect. Do not worry about that. In issues like this questions are more important than answers. One thing our Christian faith teaches us with certainty is; that if we live the Christian life, we will enjoy eternal life with God. Otherwise, we would exclude ourselves from that which St Paul described as “what no human eyes has seen, no human ears has heard and that which human heart has not imagined; the things that God has prepared for those who love him” (1Cornt. 2.9). God Bless, Fr Emmanuel Parish Christmas Picnic (Including Altar Servers Break-up) St Anthony's School Grounds Sunday 23rd November commencing at 10.30am. There will be activities for adults and children. Lunch Chicken and Salad $5 Adults (2 per family) $15 Family. Cold Drinks on sale. Christmas Mass Helpers for St Luke’s If you are available over Christmas to help out at any of the Masses, please place your name on the roster that will be at the back of the church or phone the Parish Office on 38200100. Baptism of Older Children Next Saturday 22nd November at 2pm we will be celebrating the Baptism of Older Children in our parish. Please keep these children in your prayers. Year 1W Class Mass This Friday 21st November we will be celebrating 9am Mass with Year 1W. Parents are most welcome to attend. MASS TIMES ACROSS OUR PARISH Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 7:00 7:00 9:00 7:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 am St Anthony’s am St Luke’s am St Anthony’s am St Luke’s pm St Anthony's pm St Luke’s am St Luke’s am St Anthony’s CONGRATULATIONS The following students received awards at Assembly recently: Jai, William, Luke, Ben, Rocco, Levi, Cooper, Annaliese, Aleyah, Lachlan, Maya, Alexia, Annie, Ella, Zane, Hayden, Tia, Cruise, Laura, Jennifer, Joseph, Myah, Peter, Mathew, Amie, Mara, Jayden. Congratulations to Charlotte and Amy who have been selected in the Redlands Districts Netball team. Well done girls. OFFICE MATTERS SCHOOL FEES P&F Levy rebate – a reminder to all families to fill in your levy cards which are kept in the office. If you have worked at working bees, covered or shelved library books, tuckshop or helped with student banking you are entitled to claim a levy rebate. Please ensure your cards are up to date as the total rebate is calculated from these cards. Rebates are credited to Term 1, 2015 fees unless the family is leaving the school and then a cheque will be issued. All cards must be completed and handed in by Friday 28 November. BOOKLISTS FOR 2015 – Online – quick & easy Booklists have been sent home and were due last Friday 14 November. Orders can be processed online and details are on the form. Books can be collected from Mt Cotton Road Newsagency on Mt Cotton Road on certain dates in January 2015 or from St Luke’s School on Tuesday 2 December 2014 (8am-9am or 2.30pm-3.30pm) Tips for ordering online: must be typed into the url address bar at the very top of screen (not in google box) An account must be set up the first time you use this website – click on My Account (top right hand side) then Create My Account Select School and Year Level from drop down box Please contact the school office if you have any queries. WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTO – $22 ea Order forms are available from the office. 25TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE th We still have plenty of 25 Anniversary merchandise available for sale: Drink Bottle Travel Mug $5.50 $7.00 Caps $4.00(purple, pink, blue, navy) Umbrella $22.00 USB $6.50 (credit card shape) Flexible Ruler $1.50 Pen $2.00 Sirromet Wine – St Luke’s limited edition Cabernet Merlot $15.00ea Sauvignon Blanc $20.00ea Sets 1 white 1 red 2 white 2 red $30.00 $35.00 $25.00 STUDENT BANKING – Wed 18 Nov – Narelle Carter & Lisa Fiteni Dear Super Savers Thank you for your wonderful saving efforts for 2014. Not only have you saved your money and received some fun rewards but you also helped our school raise $400 in commission to go towards fundraising efforts. We would like to let you know some important dates for School Banking: Wed 19 Nov - last day to order rewards Wed 29 Nov - last banking day - training session for new Volunteers (see below) Wed 5 Feb - first banking day To those of you leaving the school at the end of the year we wish you all the best with your new adventures and remember if you still have siblings banking at the school you are welcome to send your banking book in with them to continue your saving journey. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you back in 2015. Kind regards, School Banking Coordinators. Calling for Parent Volunteers to help with School Banking! We are SEEKING PARENT HELPERS, to act as the School Banking Coordinators at our school in 2015. School Banking deposits are currently processed on a Wednesday morning at the library. We will be holding a training session on Wednesday 26 November at 9am. As a lot of our volunteers will be leaving the school this year we are desperate for some new helpers. Ideally you would only work 1 morning a month. Parents willing to help should complete their details below and return to the Office ASAP. Yes, I would like to help with School Banking! Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Dylexia Support Meeting Final dyslexia support meeting Date: Thursday 27th November Time: 2pm Location: Library Annexe Hope to see you all there Raymond Schwartz, Guidance Counsellor All library books are due back this week. Please have a search at home and return overdue books. Thank you, Katrina and Maureen. PARENT EDUCATION MORNING TEA Come celebrate the end of year with a cuppa, sweetie treat and a chat with friends. renewal project scheduled for the Christmas Holidays! $932 raised at BUNNINGS THANK YOU!! All P&F Events for 2015 were locked in at last night’s event planning meeting. All dates will be published in next week’s newsletter. Thank you to everyone that attended. Friday 6 March 2015 Remember to use your Capalaba Tavern Discount Card and receive 10% discount on payment and St Luke’s will then receive 10%. Great savings for Christmas celebrations! More cards are available at the office. “Please support the businesses that support US” UNIFORM SHOP NEWS When: Where: Time: Bring: You are all Wednesday, 26 November Emmaus Hall 8.30am (after BIG Brekky) a small plate to share w e l c o m e big and small, so see y o u there! FROM OUR P&F THANK YOU for helping to raise $9,874 at the 2014 FESTIVAL! BIG THANK YOU to Bianca Stubbs, Tania Henderson, Tammy Milton, Catherine Clifton, Lisa Arnold, Laura Clarkham and all our Class Parent Reps!! THANK YOU to EVERYONE that helped make our Festival a wonderful community event for St Luke’s. All these funds go towards the oval Opening Days rest of 2014 & 2015 Thursday 20 Nov 8am – 9.30am Friday 21 Nov 8am – 9.30am Thursday 27 Nov 8am – 9.30am Friday 28 Nov 81m – 9.30am Thursday 4 Dec 8am – 9.30am Friday 5 Dec Closed Tues 20 Jan 2015 2pm – 4pm Fri 23 Jan 2015 9am – 12noon Tues 27 Jan 2015 1pm – 3pm Back to normal trading Friday mornings for rest of school term. If you need any information please email Joy on TUCKSHOP NEWS TUCKSHOP MENUS are on front page of school website ( under tuckshop link on left. COMMUNITY NEWS If your child would like to learn piano next year please contact Annette Brennan on 0407 599 544. - every Wednesday Subway orders must: be in by 2pm Tuesday be attached to a brown paper bag have name and class on top of form be placed in red satchel in classroom An order form is available on St Luke’s School website Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as orders are collected Tuesday afternoon and delivered to Subway. Summer Menu is still available on For Sale: $100 A beautiful wooden dog kennel only used for a few months. In excellent condition. 2 small dogs can fit comfortably. Easy to access for cleaning. Comes with a floor mat and 2 rugs- all clean. Contact Julie O’Brien- 3 Blue Thursday and Fridays. Sushi GRADUATION NECKLACES $20 each - every Thursday Sushi orders must: be in by 2pm Wednesday be attached to a brown paper bag have name and class on top of bag be placed in tuckshop box in classroom Sushi menu is available on St Luke’s School website Sorry - No late orders can be accepted as orders are placed on Wednesday afternoon. This week’s helpers are Sharon Robson & Michelle Sutherland. Thank you. Juanita Holman, Tuckshop Convenor. . GIRLS White locket coloured crystals Silver plate hand stamped with St Lukes 2014 year 6 or 7 Initial charm can be added for $3 BOYS Stainless steel dog tag Hand stamped with St Lukes 2014 year 6 or 7 and name If you want. To order contact Juanita on facebook Phone 0400 920 202 My name is David Richards, I am the owner of a local business that specialises in the creation of Custom Built Cubby Houses, Forts and Creative Children’s Play Areas and also a dad of a child at St Luke’s School. With the safety of your children at the forefront of our designs, our Cubby Houses, Forts and Play Areas are built with quality timber and fixtures with child friendly finishes. Our designs are drafted based on your budget and can be built on site or in flat packs for pick up or delivery. The choices are endless; Choose from 20 Colour Bond roof Colours Scramble Nets and Rock Climbing Walls Slides, swings, basketball and netball hoops Play kitchens Play Accessories e.g.; phones, binoculars Planter Boxes and Letter boxes For every Cubby or Fort sold, $100 will be donated to St Luke’s Catholic Parish School. Customers will receive 2 FREE play accessories from a selected range when ordering their Cubby/Fort. Order now for Christmas
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