SIARAN PERS PRESS RELEASE Untuk Segera Diterbitkan

Untuk Segera Diterbitkan
For Immediate Release
PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk ("TBIG")
Mengumumkan Kinerja Keuangan
Triwulan Ketiga 2014
PT Tower Bersama InfrastructureTbk (“TBIG”)
Announces Its Third Quarter 2014
Financial Performance
JAKARTA, 10 November 2014 - PT Tower
Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk. ("TBIG") hari ini
mengumumkan laporan keuangan interim sembilan
bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 30 September
JAKARTA, 10 November 2014 - PT Tower
Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk. ("TBIG") today
released its reviewed interim financial statements
for the nine months period ended 30 September
Ikhtisar Keuangan dan Indikator Operasional
Financial Highlights and Operational
TBIG berhasil mencatat pendapatan dan EBITDA
masing-masing sebesar Rp2.432 miliar dan
Rp1.998 miliar untuk periode sembilan bulan yang
berakhir pada tanggal 30 September 2014.
Pendapatan meningkat 24.4% dan EBITDA
meningkat 24.8% jika dibandingkan dengan
periode sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal
30 September 2013. Jika triwulan ketiga ini
disetahunkan, maka total pendapatan Perseroan
mencapai Rp3.402 miliar, atau terjadi peningkatan
26.4% dibandingkan pencapaian periode penuh
tahun 2013. EBITDA disetahunkan berdasarkan
triwulan ketiga mencapai Rp2.795 miliar, atau
pencapaian periode penuh tahun 2013.
TBIG generated revenue and EBITDA amounting
to Rp2,432 billion and Rp1,998 billion,
respectively, for the nine months ended 30
September 2014. This represents a 24.4%
increase in revenue and a 24.8% increase in
EBITDA versus the comparable nine month
period of 2013. Using the third quarter 2014
results on an annualized basis, total revenue
reached Rp3,402 billion, or 26.4% higher than
the 2013 full year revenue. Annualized EBITDA
based on the third quarter reached Rp2,795
billion, or 26.7% higher than 2013 full year
Per 30 September 2014, total pinjaman (debt)
Perseroan, jika bagian pinjaman dalam mata uang
US Dollar diukur dengan menggunakan kurs
lindung nilainya, adalah sebesar Rp13.508 miliar
dan total pinjaman senior (gross senior debt)
sebesar Rp9.648 miliar. Dengan saldo kas yang
mencapai Rp584 miliar, maka total pinjaman bersih
(net debt) menjadi Rp12.924 miliar dan total
pinjaman senior bersih (net senior debt) Perseroan
menjadi Rp9.064 miliar.
Total debt as of 30 September 2014, valuing
USD loans at their hedged exchange rate, was
Rp13,508 billion and gross senior debt was
Rp9,648 billion while cash balances were Rp584
billion, resulting in net debt of Rp12,924 billion
and net senior debt of Rp9,064 billion.
Rasio pinjaman senior bersih (net senior debt)
disetahunkan adalah 3,24x, dan rasio pinjaman
bersih (net debt) terhadap EBITDA triwulan ketiga
yang disetahunkan adalah 4,63x. Ini berarti TBIG
masih mempunyai ruang untuk pendanaan lebih
lanjut berdasarkan rasio yang disyaratkan dalam
perjanjian pinjaman perseroan serta obligasi
beredenominasi Dollar Amerika dan Rupiah.
Using the 3rd quarter 2014 annualized EBITDA,
the net senior debt to EBITDA ratio is 3.24x, and
net debt to EBITDA ratio is 4.63x. TBIG retains
ample room for further financing based on the
covenants under both the debt programme and
the USD and Rupiah bonds.
TBIG memiliki 18,802 penyewaan dan 11,686 site As of 30 September 2014, TBIG had 18,802
telekomunikasi per 30 September 2014. Site tenants and 11,686 telecommunication sites. The
telekomunikasi milik Perseroan terdiri dari 10.623
menara telekomunikasi, 967 shelter-only, dan 96
jaringan DAS. Dengan angka total penyewaan
pada menara telekomunikasi sebanyak 17.739,
maka rasio kolokasi (tenancy ratio) Perseroan
menjadi 1,67.
Company’s telecommunication sites comprised
10,623 telecommunication towers, 967 shelteronly sites, and 96 DAS networks. With total tower
tenants amounting to 17,739 on tower sites, the
Company’s tenancy ratio is 1.67.
telekomunikasi build-to-suit baru selama sembilan
bulan di tahun ini dimana angka pertumbuhan ini
hampir setara dengan pertumbuhan site yang
dicapai di tahun penuh 2013. Di kuartal ini, kami
juga menandatangani perjanjian penukaran saham
dengan PT Telkom atas saham di PT Dayamitra
Telekomunikasi yang akan mempererat hubungan
kami dengan Telkom.”, komentar Hardi Wijaya
“In the first nine months of this year, we
telecommunication sites, which is close to what
we added for the full year of 2013. In this quarter,
we also signed a share exchange agreement
with PT Telkom for shares in PT Dayamitra
Telekomunikasi, which will further strengthen our
relationship with Telkom.”, said Hardi Wijaya
Liong, CEO of TBIG.
Mengenai PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk:
About PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk:
PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (“TBIG”), adalah
perusahaan penyedia infrastruktur telekomunikasi bagi
penempatan BTS oleh para operator telekomunikasi di
PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (“TBIG”), is a
provider of telecommunications infrastructure for the
placement of BTS by telecommunications operators in
TBIG adalah perusahaan yang sahamnya tercatat di
Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan dimiliki oleh Saratoga
Capital dan Provident Capital.
TBIG is publicly listed on the Indonesian Stock
Exchange and is majority owned by Saratoga Capital
and Provident Capital.
For more information contact:
Corporate Secretary:
Helmy Yusman Santoso – Tower Bersama Group
Telp. (62-21) 571 1946 ext 8300
Investor Relations:
Edison Bako
Telp. (62-21) 571 1946 ext 8811
Email :
This press release has been prepared by PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. (“TBIG”) and is circulated for the purpose of general information only. It is not intended for any specific person or purpose and does not constitute a recommendation regarding the securities of TBIG. No warranty (expressed or implied) is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information. All opinions and estimations included in this release constitute our judgment as of this date and are subject to change without prior notice. TBIG disclaims any responsibility or liability whatsoever arising which may be brought against or suffered by any person as a result of reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this press release and neither TBIG nor any of its affiliated companies and their respective employees and agents accepts liability for any errors, omissions, negligent or otherwise, in this press release and any inaccuracy herein or omission here from which might otherwise arise. Forward‐Looking Statements Certain statements in this release are or may be forward‐ looking statements. These statements typically contain words such as "will", "expects" and "anticipates" and words of similar import. By their nature, forward looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those described in this release. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, but are not limited to, economic, social and political conditions in Indonesia; the state of the property industry in Indonesia; prevailing market conditions; increases in regulatory burdens in Indonesia, including environmental regulations and compliance costs; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; interest rate trends, cost of capital and capital availability; the anticipated demand and selling prices for our developments and related capital expenditures and investments; the cost of construction; availability of real estate property; competition from other companies and venues; shifts in customer demands; changes in operation expenses, including employee wages, benefits and training, governmental and public policy changes; our ability to be and remain competitive; our financial condition, business strategy as well as the plans and objectives of our management for future operations; generation of future receivables; and environmental compliance and remediation. Should one or more of these uncertainties or risks, among others, materialize, actual results may vary materially from those estimated, anticipated or projected. Specifically, but without limitation, capital costs could increase, projects could be delayed and anticipated improvements in production, capacity or performance might not be fully realized. Although we believe that the expectations of our management as reflected by such forward‐looking statements are reasonable based on information currently available to us, no assurances can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. You should not unduly rely on such statements. In any event, these statements speak only as of the date hereof, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.