City Planning Division Anita MacLeod Manager & Deputy Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment City Hall 100 Queen Street West Toronto ON M5H 2N2 Tel: 416-392-7565 Fax: 416-392-0580 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TORONTO EAST YORK PANEL B Hearing Date: November 19, 2014 9:00 a.m. Time: Committee Room 2 - Toronto City Hall - 100 Queen Street West Location: 1. OPENING REMARKS Declarations of Interest Confirmation of Minutes from Previous Hearing Closed & Deferred Files 2. DEPUTATION ITEMS The following applications will be heard at 9:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 3. File Number Property Community (Ward) A0860/14TEY A0891/14TEY A0915/14TEY A0916/14TEY A0918/14TEY A0922/14TEY A0923/14TEY A0924/14TEY A0929/14TEY A0930/14TEY A0934/14TEY A0994/14TEY A0947/14TEY A0953/14TEY A0957/14TEY A0960/14TEY A0971/14TEY A0981/14TEY A0983/14TEY A0997/14TEY 15 ELDERWOOD DR 28 RIDGE DR 29 GORMLEY AVE 34 GARNOCK AVE 3 AVA CRES 126 WAVERLEY RD 508 RUSSELL HILL RD 5 GOVERNORS RD 43 CHESTER AVE 64 HIGHLAND AVE 380 SHUTER ST 83 ST HUBERT AVE 99 KING EDWARD AVE 1049 GREENWOOD AVE 107 ROXBOROUGH ST E 276 WITHROW AVE 177 BELSIZE DR 10 QUEENSDALE AVE 13 GRANGE AVE 2327 GERRARD ST E St. Paul's (21) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) St. Paul's (22) Toronto-Danforth (30) St. Paul's (21) Beaches-East York (32) St. Paul's (22) Toronto-Danforth (29) Toronto-Danforth (29) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (28) Toronto-Danforth (29) Beaches-East York (31) Toronto-Danforth (29) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto-Danforth (30) St. Paul's (22) Toronto-Danforth (29) Trinity-Spadina (20) Beaches-East York (32) OTHER BUSINESS 1 The following applications will be heard at 9:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter: 1. 15 ELDERWOOD DR File Number: A0860/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: Community: 15 ELDERWOOD DR PLAN M508 PT LOT 123 PT LOT 124 RD(fl5.0,d0.65)(x1321) & R1 Z0.6 (PPR) St. Paul's (21) Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two-storey single family detached dwelling with integral garage at-grade and a finished basement. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (B), By-law 569-2013 The minimum required rear yard setback is 8.00 m. The new dwelling will be setback 7.58 m from the rear lot line. 2. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.65 times the area of the lot (322.58 m2). The new dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.710 times the area of the lot (358.58 m2). 3. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (297.79 m2). The residential gross floor area of the new house is 0.710 times the area of the lot (358.58 m2). 2 2. 28 RIDGE DR File Number: A0891/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: 28 RIDGE DR PLAN E633 LOT 28 PT LOT 29 Community: RD(f12.0; d0.6)(x1430) & R1 Z0.6 (PPR) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing 2½-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a rear one-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter 900.3.10.(1430), By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953 are permitted, provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (248.37 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.886 times the area of the lot (318.96 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953 are permitted, provided the residential gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (248.37 m²). The altered dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.886 times the area of the lot (318.96 m²). 2. Section 4(4)(c)(i), By-law 438-86 The minimum required width of a driveway providing access to a parking facility is 2.6 m. In this case, the driveway will have a width of 2.28 m. 3 3. 29 GORMLEY AVE File Number: A0915/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: Community: 29 GORMLEY AVE PLAN 743 PT LOT 41 RP 63R1971 PART 2 R(d0.6)(x905) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a front one-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (169.80 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.92 times the area of the lot (259.25 m²). Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (169.80 m²). The altered dwelling will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.91 times the area of the lot (258.30 m²) 4 4. 34 GARNOCK AVE File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0916/14TEY 34 GARNOCK AVE PLAN 81E PT LOTS 36 & 37 Zoning Ward: R(d0.6)(x736) & R2 Z0.6 (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (30) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear one-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a semi-detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (120.1 m²). Following altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.93 times the area of the lot (160.9 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 25% of the required rear yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping (15.37 m²). In this case, 22% of the rear yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping (13.96 m²). 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a semi-detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the residential gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (120.1 m²). The altered dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.93 times the area of the lot (160.9 m²). 5 5. 3 AVA CRES File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0918/14TEY 3 AVA CRES PLAN M502 LOT 29 PT LOT 28 Zoning Ward: RD(f15.0;d0.65)(x1321) & R1 Z0.6(WAIVER) St. Paul's (21) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear one-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter 900.3.10 Exception RD (1321)(A)(i), By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the floor space index of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (459.7 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a floor space index of 0.73 times the area of the lot (492.9 m²). 2. Chapter 900.3.10 Exception RD (1320)(A)(iv), By-law 569-2013 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953 are permitted provided any prior additions are at least 5 years old. A previous addition to the dwelling was approved by virtue of Decision A0122/09TEY on February 18, 2009. 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1.(i), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (459.7 m²). The altered detached dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.73 times the area of the lot (492.9 m²). 2. Section 6(3) Part VI 1. (vi), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached house erected before October 15, 1953 are permitted provided any prior additions are at least 5 years old. A previous addition to the dwelling was approved by virtue of Decision A0122/09TEY on February 18, 2009. 6 6. 126 WAVERLEY RD File Number: A0922/14TEY Zoning Ward: R(0.6) & R2 Z0.6 (PPR) Beaches-East York (32) Property Address: Legal Description: 126 WAVERLEY RD PLAN M28 PT LOTS 112 & 113 Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new covered rear deck to the existing two-storey detached house. Note: The deck and roof is considered an addition because it is more than 1.2 m above grade and it projects more than 2.5 m from the rear wall. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth is 17.0 m. The building depth of the altered dwelling is 22.83 m, measured to the rear limit of the covered deck. 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 7.5 m for that portion of the building exceeding 17.0 m in depth. The 5.83 m portion of the dwelling exceeding the 17.0 m The side lot line setback is 1.1 m on the north side and 2.3 m on the south side for that 5.83 m portion of the building exceeding 17.0 m. 7 7. 508 RUSSELL HILL RD File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0923/14TEY 508 RUSSELL HILL RD PLAN 2275 LOT 34 Zoning Ward: RD (f15.0; d0.6) (x1332) & R1 Z0.35 (ZZC) St. Paul's (22) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new walkway, retaining wall and stairs leading to the front of the two-storey detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs providing pedestrian access to a building or structure may encroach into a required building setback if the stairs are no wider than 2.0 m. The new front stairs will be 2.44 m wide. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75% (46.91 m²) of the required front yard landscaping must be soft landscaping. A total of 68% (42.73 m²) of the front yard will be soft landscaping. 1. Section 6(3) Part III 4, By-law 438-86 The maximum width of a walkway located between the front lot line and any wall of the building facing the front lot line is 1.06 m In this case, the front walkway will have a width of 2.44 m. 8 8. 5 GOVERNORS RD File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0924/14TEY 5 GOVERNORS RD PLAN 2398 LOT 66 Zoning Ward: RD(f12.0; a370; d0.6) & R1B (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new two-storey single detached dwelling with integral garage. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the area of the lot (156.07 m²). In this case, the lot coverage will be 37.5% of the area of the lot (170.5 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building height is 8.5 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a height of 8.8 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (267.55 m²). The new two-storey dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.675 times the area of the lot (302.15 m²). 4. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.79 m. The new two-storey dwelling will be located 6.44 m from the west front lot line. 5. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback is 1.2 m. The new two-storey dwelling will be located 0.9 m from the south side lot line, and 1.03 m from the north side lot line. 1. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35% of the area of the lot (156.07 m²). In this case, the lot coverage will be 37.5% of the area of the lot (170.5 m²). 2. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (267.55 m²). The new two-storey dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.675 times the area of the lot (302.15 m²). 3. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted building height is 8.5 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a height of 8.8 m. 9 4. Section 7.3.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted building length of a detached dwelling is 16.75 m. The new two-storey dwelling will have a length of 17.69 m. 10 9. 43 CHESTER AVE File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0929/14TEY 43 CHESTER AVE PLAN M126 PT LOT 29 Zoning Ward: R (d0.6) (x312) & R2 Z0.6 (Waiver) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a complete third floor addition over the existing two-storey detached house. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The permitted maximum floor space index is 0.6 times the lot area (148.27 m²). The three-storey detached house will have a floor space index equal to 0.693 times the lot area (171.42 m²). 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum side yard setback is 0.9 m. The three-storey detached house will have a south side yard setback of 0.71 m. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The required minimum side yard setback is 0.45 m if there are no windows or doors in that side of the building. The three-storey detached house will have a north side yard setback of 0.31 m. 1. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 0.45 m for a depth not exceeding 17.0 m and where the side walls contain no openings. The three-storey detached house will have a north side yard setback of 0.31 m. 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for the portion of the dwelling not exceeding a depth of 17 m is 0.9 m. The three-storey detached house will have a south side yard setback of 0.71 m. 3. Section 6(3) Part I 1, By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (148.27 m²). The three-storey detached house will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.693 times the lot area (171.42 m²). 4. Section 6(3) Part II 3(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback from the side wall of an adjacent building that does not contain any openings is 1.2 m. The three-storey detached house will be setback 0.97 m from the side wall of the adjacent building at 41 Chester Avenue. 11 10. 64 HIGHLAND AVE File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0930/14TEY 64 HIGHLAND AVE PLAN E342 LOT 22 Zoning Ward: RD(f15.0; d0.6)(x1281) & R1 Z0.6 (Waiver) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing 2½-storey single detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building length for a detached dwelling is 17.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a length of 17.81 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (338.05 m²). The altered dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.73 times the area of the lot (413.95 m²). 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback is 1.5 m. The altered dwelling will be located 1.09 m from the east side lot line. 1. Section 6(3) Part II 3.B(II), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback for the portion of the building exceeding a depth of 17.0 m is 7.5 m. The 0.81 m portion of the altered dwelling exceeding the 17.0 m depth, will be located 1.09 m from the east side lot line, and 5.92 m from the west side lot line. 2. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(V), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted dwelling, are permitted provided the depth of the residential building including the addition or additions does not exceed 17.0 m. The altered dwelling will have a depth of 17.81 m. 3. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of a detached dwelling erected before October 15, 1953, or to a converted dwelling, are permitted provided the residential gross floor area of the building, as enlarged, does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (388.76 m²). The altered dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.73 times the area of the lot (413.95 m²). 12 11. 380 SHUTER ST File Number: A0934/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: R4A(h) and Site Specific By-laws 141-2005 (Waiver) Toronto Centre-Rosedale (28) Community: Toronto 380 SHUTER ST PLAN 66M2491 BLK 10 << ENTRANCE ADDRESS FOR 591 DUNDAS ST E PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the redevelopment plan for the four-storey residential condominium building and seven townhouses, approved under Site Specific By-laws 141-2005, by decreasing the number of visitor parking spaces. REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Section 4.(g) D, By-law 141-2005 A minimum of three (3) visitor parking spaces are required to be provided on site. No visitor parking spaces will be provided on site. 13 12. 83 ST HUBERT AVE File Number: A0994/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: Community: 83 ST HUBERT AVE PLAN 2979 PT LOT 18 PT LOT 17 RD(f9.0,a280,d0.45) & R1A (BLD) (Waiver) Toronto-Danforth (29) Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing one-storey detached dwelling into a full two storey dwelling by constructing a complete second storey over the existing and a rear two-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.45 times the area of the lot (133.76 m2). The two-storey detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.66 times the lot area (196.72 m2). 2. Chapter (6), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted height of the finished first floor is 1.2 m. The height of the finished first floor of the two-storey detached dwelling will be 1.36 m. 1. Section 7.2.2, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.45 times the lot area (133.76 m2). The two-storey detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to0.66 times the lot area (196.72 m2). 2. Section 7.2.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.0 m. The two-storey detached dwelling will be located 4.88 m from the front lot line. 14 13. 99 KING EDWARD AVE File Number: A0947/14TEY Zoning Ward: RD d0.75 & R1C(ZZC) Beaches-East York (31) Property Address: Legal Description: 99 KING EDWARD AVE PLAN 1757 PT LOT 12 Community: East York PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the two-storey semi-detached dwelling by enclosing the front porch. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (3)(B), By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.9 m. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 0.34 m to the north side lot line. 2. Chapter (1)(A)(i), By-law 569-2013 In a front yard, a platform without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a floor no higher than the first storey of the building above established grade may encroach into the required front yard setback 2.5 m if it is no closer to a side lot line than 0.9m, the required side yard setback. The front platform will encroach 0.91 m into the required front yard setback and will be located 0.34 m closer to the side lot line than the required setback. 3. Chapter (3)(A)(iii), By-law 569-2013 Exterior stairs providing pedestrian access to a building or structure may encroach into the required building setbacks provided the stairs are located no closer than 0.6 m to a lot line. The front stairs will be located 0.34 m from the north side lot line. 4. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 The required minimum front yard setback is 6.2 m. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 4.52 m from the west front lot line. 5. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 The front yard area (21.51 m²), excluding the permitted driveway must be landscaping. In this case, the front yard area (8.54 m²), excluding the permitted driveway will be landscaping. 6. Chapter (1)(D), By-law 569-2013 A minimum of 75 % (16.13 m²) of the front yard landscaping shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 39.7 % (8.54 m²) of the front yard landscaping will be maintained as soft landscaping. 1. Section 7.4.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required front yard setback is 6.2 m. The altered semi-detached dwelling will be located 4.54 m from the west front lot line. 15 2. Section 7.1.6, By-law 6752 A minimum of 75 % (16.13 m²) of the front yard, not covered by a permitted driveway or parking pad, shall be maintained as soft landscaping. A total of 39.7 % (8.54 m²) of the front yard will be maintained as soft landscaping. 16 14. 1049 GREENWOOD AVE File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0953/14TEY 1049 GREENWOOD AVE PLAN 3219 PT LOT 39 Zoning Ward: RD (f9.0;a280;d0.45) & R1A(ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Community: East York PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the one-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear deck with a canopy. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 5.6 (b)(i), By-law 6752 Canopies may project to a maximum of 2.5 m beyond the main rear wall of the building. The rear canopy will project 3.66 m beyond the main rear wall of the building. 2. Section 5.6 (b)(ii), By-law 6752 A platform which does not exceed 1.2 m in height above existing grade may project a maximum of 3.6 m beyond a main rear wall of a dwelling. The rear platform will project 3.66 m beyond the main rear wall of the dwelling. 17 15. 107 ROXBOROUGH ST E File Number: A0957/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: 107 ROXBOROUGH ST E PLAN E84 PT LOTS 69 & 70 Community: RD(fl5.0, d0.6) (x1281) & R1 Z0.6 PPR Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27) Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing 2½ -storey single family detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition with a deck above and a rear ground. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (A), By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (332.72 m2). The altered 2½ -storey single family detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.71 times the area of the lot (393.33 m2). 2. Chapter (C), By-law 569-2013 The minimum required side yard setback is 1.2 m. The altered 2½ -storey single family detached dwelling will be located 0.68 m from the west side lot line and 0.9 m from the east side lot line. 1. Section 6(3) Part VI 1(I), By-law 438-86 Additions to the rear of detached house erected before October 15, 1953, are permitted provided the residential gross floor area of the building as enlarged does not exceed 0.69 times the area of the lot (392.63 m2). The altered 2½ -storey single family detached dwelling will have a residential gross floor area equal to 0.71 times the lot area (393.33 m2). 18 16. 276 WITHROW AVE File Number: A0960/14TEY Zoning Ward: R(d0.6) (x736) PPR Toronto-Danforth (30) Property Address: Legal Description: Community: Toronto 276 WITHROW AVE PLAN 429E PT LOT 1 RP 63R238 PARTS 3 4 SUBJECT TO ROW PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructin a third floor addition with a rear deck. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: Chapter (A), Bylaw 569-2013 The maximum permitted floor space index is 0.6 times the area of the lot (126.3 m2). The three-storey semi-detached dwelling will have a floor space index equal to 0.76 times the area of the lot (160.32 m2). Section 6(3) Part I 1, Bylaw 438-86 The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 0.6 times the area of the lot (126.3 m2). The three-storey semi-detached dwelling will have a gross floor area equal to 0.76 times the area of the lot (160.32 m2). 19 *REVISED FOR AGENDA 17. 177 BELSIZE DR File Number: A0971/14TEY Zoning Ward: R2 Z0.6 (BLD) St. Paul's (22) Property Address: Legal Description: 177 BELSIZE DR PLAN 1789 PT LOT 252 Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: *To maintain the expanded driveway for the three-storey detached dwelling permitted under Minor Variance Decision A0787/12TEY. To alter the existing three-storey detached dwelling with an integral garage by reducing the front yard landscaping. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Section 6(3) Part III 3(d)(i)D, By-law 438-86 A minimum of 75 % (14.4 m²), of the required front yard landscaped open space shall be in the form of soft landscaping. Decision A0787/12TEY permitted 63% (12.07 m²) of the front yard landscaped open space to be maintained as soft landscaping. In this case, 5% (1.0 m²) of the front yard landscaped open space is in the form of soft landscaping. 2. Section 6(3) Part IV 4(b), By-law 438-86 A driveway located between the front lot lines, as projected to the side lot lines and any wall facing the front lot line, shall not exceed a maximum width of 3.4 m. The expanded driveway *has will have a width of 3.8 m. 20 *REVISED FOR AGENDA 18. 10 QUEENSDALE AVE File Number: A0981/14TEY Zoning Ward: RS d0.75 & R2A (ZZC) Toronto-Danforth (29) Property Address: Legal Description: 10 QUEENSDALE AVE PLAN M365 LOT 58 Community: East York PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing two-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35 % of the lot area (55.60 m²). The lot coverage will be equal to 38 % of the lot area (60.4 m²). 1. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The minimum required side yard setback is 0.45 m. The altered dwelling will be located 0.43 m from the east side lot line. 2. Section 7.5.3, By-law 6752 The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35 % of the lot area (55.60 m²). The lot *coverage, area including the covered front porch, will be equal to 41.3% of the lot area (65.6 m²). 21 *REVISED FOR AGENDA 19. 13 GRANGE AVE File Number: Property Address: Legal Description: A0983/14TEY 13 GRANGE AVE PLAN 534 LOT 1 Zoning Ward: R(f4,d1.0)(x834) & R3 Z1.0 (PPR) Trinity-Spadina (20) Community: Toronto PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To alter the existing six-unit apartment building with four parking spaces into a seven-unit apartment building with four parking spaces. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter (1), By-law 569-2013 One additional parking space is required to be provided for the additional one-bedroom dwelling unit for a total required parking supply of 7 spaces. The four existing on-site parking spaces will be maintained (no additional parking spaces will be provided). 2. Section 4(5)(B), By-law 438-86 One additional parking space is to be provided for the additional one bedroom dwelling unit, for a total required parking supply of 7 spaces. The four existing on-site parking spaces will be maintained (no additional parking spaces will be provided). 22 20. 2327 GERRARD ST E File Number: A0997/14TEY Zoning Ward: Property Address: Legal Description: Community: 2327 GERRARD ST E PLAN 635 BLK 16 PT LOTS 11 & 12 ZZC Beaches-East York (32) PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To convert the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling into a two unit dwelling by constructing a rear twostorey addition; a second dwelling in the basement; and a rear detached garage. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: 1. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted building depth is 14.0 m. The two-unit dwelling will have a building depth of 16.89 m. 2. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 A lot with a residential building, other than an apartment building, must have a minimum of 50 % of the rear yard for soft landscaping (96.39 m²). In this case, 34% (66.31 m²) of the rear yard will be soft landscaping. 3. Chapter, By-law 569-2013 The maximum permitted total floor area of ancillary building or structure on a lot is 40.0 m². The rear detached garage will have an area of 47.5 m². 1. Section 6(3) Part II 3.F(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 0.45 m, where the side wall contains no openings. The two-unit dwelling will be located 0.0 m from the west side lot line. 2. Section 6(3) Part II 3.F(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 1.2 m, where the side wall does contain openings. The two-unit dwelling will be located 1.14 m from the east side lot line. 3. Section 6(3) Part II 5(I), By-law 438-86 The maximum permitted building depth is 14.0 m. The two-unit dwelling will have a building depth of 16.89 m. 4. Section 6(3) Part II 3(I), By-law 438-86 The minimum required side lot line setback is 0.90 m from the side wall of an adjacent building that contains no openings. The two-unit dwelling will be located 0.0 m from the west side wall of the adjacent building at 2329 Gerrard Street East. 23
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