Program to brighten holidays for Cuyahoga County seniors

The Neighborhood News
92nd YEAR NO. 08
Program to brighten holidays
for Cuyahoga County seniors
Bedford, now 12-0, will play
Mayfield, with an 11-1 record
and No. 2 in the division, in a
regional final this Friday, Nov.
21. The game will be played at
7:30 p.m. at Solon High School's
Stewart Field, 33600 Inwood Rd.
Murder trial in
death of Maple
teen postponed
The trial date has been postponed
Pick an ornament off this Christmas tree at UH Bedford Hospital or for the four accused of participation
those at several Walgreens locations throughout Cuyahoga County in last March's killing of Davon
Wright, 15, in the parking lot outand make a senior happy this Christmas. Photo by Michael Psenicka
side Word of Righteousness Family
This season many Cuyahoga County seniors who are alone or impover- Life Center on Dressler Ave. in
ished will receive some holiday cheer thanks to the Be a Santa to a Senior Garfield Heights during a private
program. Sponsored by the local Home Instead Senior Care office, the party.
program brings together area nonprofits, retailers, volunteers and
members of the community to provide gifts and companionship for Karlos Blevins, 18, Malik Thompson, 18, Martez Hudson, 17, and
lonely and isolated seniors.
James Goodman, 19, were to go on
“It is heartbreaking to think of the senior members of our community trial last Wednesday in the courtspending the holidays all by themselves, without any gifts or any way to room of Judge Ronald Suster, but
celebrate the season,” said Scott Radcliff, owner of the Home Instead the trial was continued at the reSenior Care office serving Cuyahoga County. “But all too often that’s what quest of defense attorneys, accordhappens when seniors live alone. It can be a really tough time of year for ing to Joseph Frolik, director of
communications for the Cuyahoga
Prior to the holiday season, the participating nonprofit organizations County prosecutor's office.
identify financially needy and isolated seniors and provide those names
He said a pretrial is set for Decemto Home Instead Senior Care. The name and gift request of each senior ber 1, at noon before Judge Suster.
are written on an ornament and then placed on Christmas trees at various The new trial date is February 25,
Participating retail locations are displaying Be a Santa to a Senior
Christmas trees through December 12 with seniors’ first names and their
gift requests. Holiday shoppers can pick ornaments from the trees, buy
the items listed and return them unwrapped (and with the ornament
attached) to the store.
Police had found Wright, who was
a freshman at Maple Heights High
School, laying face down in the
WORFLC parking lot with blood
coming from his head on the
evening of Friday, March 14. Party
attendees had reported hearing a
gunshot inside the center and several shots outside.
Holiday Lighting Ceremonies
The city of Bedford's annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Bedford Commons will be
held Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 6 p.m. sharp. The Bedford Fire Department will be on
hand to give out free hot chocolate as Mayor Stan Koci counts down to the lighting
of the square, marking the beginning of the Bedford holiday season. Santa Claus will
also join in the festivities.
Cuyahoga Heights
The Village of Cuyahoga Heights will hold its Tree Lighting Ceremony on Friday,
Nov. 28, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the front lawn outside Village Hall, 4863 East 71st
St. Refreshments will be served inside following the lighting ceremonies.
Garfield Heights
The annual Garfield Heights Holiday Lighting Ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. on
Sunday, Nov. 30, with music in the main dining room at the Civic Center, 5407 Turney
Rd. Guests will head outside at 5:30 p.m. when the holiday decorations at City Hall
will be turned on. The event will also include a visit from Santa Claus arriving on a
Garfield Heights fire engine. He will be available for photographs inside the Civic
Center following the lighting session. Residents and recreation season pass holders
will then be admitted to a free skating event from 6 to 8 p.m. the same evening at the
Dan Kostel Recreation Center, where Santa will also visit.
Independence will host its annual Tree Lighting on Saturday, Dec. 6, beginning at
5:30 p.m. on Public Square. Attendees will welcome Santa, enjoy Christmas carols by
the Greater Cleveland Chorus, sip wassail and hot chocolate, and roast chestnuts and
marshmallows by the fire! There will also be a chance to win gift certificates for a family
sleigh ride; Christmas stockings for the children.
Newburgh Heights
Although there is no formal lighting ceremony, Newburgh Heights Mayor Trevor
Elkins said the village lights will be turned on the day after Thanksgiving for all
residents to enjoy.
Valley View
Residents only are invited to the Valley View Village Lighting Ceremony set for
Sunday, Dec. 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Valley View Community Center, 6828 Hathaway
Rd. Cuyahoga Heights school students will provide musical entertainment beginning
at 6 p.m.
Lighting plans in Maple Heights and Slavic Village were not finalized at press time.
Trinity High offers 'Holly Jolly' shopping
Trinity High School's first-ever
Wright was taken to MetroHealth
Be a Santa to a Senior trees are in place at various Walgreens locations Medical Center, where he died two Holly Jolly Gifting Boutique will be
open this Saturday, Nov. 22, from
throughout the county, including the one in Bedford at 520 Broadway days later.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the old IndeAve. A tree is also located at UH Bedford Hospital, 44 Blaine Ave.
pendence Rec Center on W. Pete
Program partners and volunteers will wrap and distribute the gifts to
Wisnieski Pkwy.
local seniors who might otherwise spend the holiday alone.
The boutique was created by a
“During this season of giving, we encourage shoppers to buy a little extra
Trinity parent, Denise Rose, with
for a local senior,” said Radcliff. “Your gift - and more importantly the
The Remington College Cleve- the help of two other parents, Mary
visit that comes with the delivery – could make their holiday season.”
land Campus Cosmetology Program Hohman and Dina McSweeney. The
For more information about the program, visit will hold its "Cuts for a Cause" event women were able to bring together
or call 440-914-1400.
to collect food for families in need. a number of vendors for the event
including the following:
Throughout November, anyone
who brings in a can of food or other Pampered Chef, Wreaths and
nonperishable food donation will Swags, 31 Gifts, Premier Jewelry,
get a free haircut, manicure or pedi- Tupperware, Sienna Prints, Sassy's
cure, at the Salon at Remington, Sweets, Artwork by Linda, StampGood company, delicious buffet, in art, music and the performing 14801 Broadway Ave., Cleveland.
music, dancing and a chance to bid arts, and other activities to enrich Services will be provided by stuon some great items. You’ll find the overall learning experience of dents and instructors in the cosmetology program.
them all at the Holly Ball and Silent Bedford District students.
Auction! This year’s event will be
Available hours are: Monday-FriTickets for the Holly Ball sell
held Friday, Dec. 5, from 6:30 to
10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Wednes11:30 p.m. at Catered Elegance quickly. For reservations, ticket in- day, Thursday, Friday, 6:30-8 p.m.; Saint Nicholas Day is a big event
in the Czech Republic and is celParty Center, 1160 Broadway Ave.
Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to noon by ebrated each year at Bohemian Nain Bedford, sponsored by the or donate an item for the silent appointment only.
tional Hall, the home of Sokol
Bedford City Schools Foundation. auction,
Lindenbaum at 440-786-3514 or To schedule an appointment, call Greater Cleveland, 4939 Broadway
The evening includes music and 216-407-2902. Deadline for reser- 216-584-2490. Walk-ins are also Ave., Cleveland. Families and
dancing to the sounds of Buzzy J & vations is Monday, Nov. 24.
friends are invited to join in on the
the Verbs, a silent auction featuring
more than 100 items for bidding
and a raffle prize drawing. Tickets
are $50 per person and include
hors d’oeuvres, an elegant food buffet, Mitchell’s Ice Cream Bar, beer
and wash (BYOB) and complimentary holiday cocktails.
Cuts for a Cause
at Remington
Bedford School Foundation to
host annual Holly Ball, auction
ing Up, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tastefully Simple, Origami Owl, Get it
While U Can, Mariann Candies,
Kay's Fudge, Bookman Jewelers,
Candles, Nature Asana Yoga,
Proceeds from the Holly Ball provide college scholarships to Bedford
City School District students, grants
to teachers for classroom projects
and programs, cultural programs
Cuyahoga Hts. Council notes
Cuyahoga Heights Council met
last Wednesday and okayed an ordinance to proceed with the appropriation through eminent domain
of property at 5037 E. 71 St. in the
village for a public park, open space
and recreational purposes.
An ordinance was also passed to
regulate the location and duration
of use of portable temporary storage
units. They are now required to be
placed in the rear of buildings for
not more than 72 hours, with an
option for extension through the
village's Building Department.
Another ordinance was okayed
requiring dumpsters, garbage and
holiday fun on Saturday, Dec. 6, rubbish bins be kept in the rear of
buildings and homes.
beginning at 7:30 p.m.
In both big cities and small towns Memorial resolutions were passed
throughout the Czech Republic, by council for two longtime resithree characters visit homes or town dents who died recently, Cleri M.
squares in the early evening hours Adorni and Margaret J. Woodrick.
of the feast day of the saint.
Also last Wednesday evening a
meeting of the board of
Costumed, and looking a lot like
of the Cuyahoga Heights
Santa Claus is St. Nicholas, accomCommunity
Improvement Corpopanied by an angel representing
ration was held and approved was a
good, and the devil representing
$5,000 grant to Millcraft Paper
evil. Children are asked if they've
been good all year and if they say
yes, they are rewarded by the angel The Millcraft grant will be used
with small gifts. Bad children would for landscaping and lighting imreceive coal and supposedly be put provements to its new employee
parking lot at its business at 6800
in the devil's sack.
Grant Ave.
Similarly at Bohemian Hall, small
gifts brought by friends and family
members are passed out to the appropriate children. Appearances by
St. Nick, the angel and devil are
enhanced with visits by Santa Claus
Take a holiday bus trip with the
and his elves.
Independence Art Guild on SaturLight refreshments, such as pizza day, Dec. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and hot dogs, will be available as Board the city of Independence bus
well as a cash bar. In addition, there at the Civic Center, 6363 Selig Dr.,
will be a raffle and Frank Moravcik by 9 a.m.
will provide music for dancing, toe
First stop will be the Cleveland
tapping or just listening.
Botanical Garden's annual holiday
Admission price for adult Sokol show, including the Eleanor
members and juniors, $5; adult Armstrong Smith Glasshouse.
non-Sokol members, $7; children Homemade Italian luncheon will
follow at Guarino's Restaurant in
under 12 are free.
Little Italy. Last stop will be the Art
For further information call Julie Craft Studio at 27th and Superior
Meyer at 216-288-5692, who is also for its annual holiday sale. Fee for
looking for volunteers to help at members is $26; nonmembers, $28.
this event. The hall is handicapped All costs are included. Call Linda
Sevcik, 216-749-7639, to reserve.
Indy Art Guild
plans bus outing
GHHS theatre
The Garfield Heights High
School Theatre Department will
present "Almost, Maine" by John
Cariani this weekend at the Performing Arts Center, 4900 Turney
Tickets are $5 and seating is
limited. Theater-goers are advised
to arrive early. For more information, call 216-662-2800, ext.
versation with old or new friends.
All vendors have agreed to give a
portion of their proceeds to Trinity
High School.
For more information, or for those
that would like to donate holiday
Shoppers can also enjoy a cup of bakery items, call Mary Hohman,
coffee, Christmas bakery and con- 216-410-6750.
Annual St. Nicholas event set
for Dec. 6th at Bohemian Hall
Shows will be held on Friday
and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22, at
7 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 23 matinee, 2 p.m.
Bearcats continue
winning streak
The Bedford Bearcats varsity
Willoughby South, 54-24, in the
Division II, Region 3 semifinal
game in Solon last Friday night.
Home Instead Senior Care has partnered with the Cleveland Department of Senior and Adult Services, low-income senior housing facilities,
nursing homes, local hospitals and area businesses to help with the gift
collection and distribution. Program officials hope to collect 900 gifts in
order to help more than 900 area seniors this holiday season.
PHONE: (216) 441-2141 • EMAIL: NNEWS1923@AOL.COM
The Kiwanis Club of Garfield Heights has donated money to local food banks from proceeds of this
year's Empty Bowl Project to help needy families enjoy a better Thanksgiving. Checks were presented
to the St. Vincent de Paul groups at St. Therese, St. Monica and Ss. Peter & Paul parishes, along with
the food banks at The Rock Community Church and the city of Garfield Heights. The next Kiwanis
Empty Bowl Project is planned for April 23, 2015. Shown in the photo, from left, are: club treasurer
and secretary Debra Sarnowski, Dianne Perez from The Rock Community Church, and Mary Stamler,
club president.
Thursday, November 20
Schedule Change For Free Meal
The Lutheran Church of the Covenant and Hope United Methodist Church invites all members of
the community to its ongoing free
community dinner served in the
church hall, 19000 Libby Rd.,
Maple Hts. For the months of
November and December only,
free hot meals will be served on
Thursdays, Nov. 20 and Dec. 18,
beginning at 6 p.m. (Dinners are
usually served on the last Thursday
of each month.) All are welcome; no
restrictions. Handicapped accessible. 216-662-0370.
Friday, November 21
Mobile Food Pantry
Oct. 17, from 3-5 p.m. Proof of Lutheran Church, 5780 Dunham
address and ID are required.
Rd. in Maple Hts. Learn how to
develop a strong foundation for a
St. Andrew's Fish Fry
Christian relationship, dating life
St. Andrew's Friday Fish Fry Din- and marriage. Also enjoy food,
ners will be served Friday, Nov. games, music, fellowship and fun.
21, from 4-7 p.m. at the church on No entry fee. Register by calling
Maple Park Dr. in Maple Hts. Take 216-315-3985 or 216-647-9511.
outs available. 216-475-9365.
THS Football Fundraiser
The Trinity High School football
team will host its annual Reverse
Raffle Fundraiser on Friday, Nov.
21, at the Knights of Columbus
Hall, 10806 Granger Rd., Garfield
Hts., beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets
for singles, $55; couples, $80. Both
include spot on the main board,
dinner and an open bar. Absentee
tickets, $30. Side boards and basket raffles also available. For tickets, call 216-581-5747.
The monthly Mobile Food PanSingles Ministry Meets
try will be open to the public in the
parking lot of the former BroadThe Olive Tree Christian Outway United Methodist Church, reach Singles Ministry will meet
5246 Broadway Ave., on Friday, Friday, Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. at Zion
Thursday, November 27
Wednesday, December 3
Service And Dinner
Free Breast Exams
Bible Baptist Church, 4592 E.
131 St., Garfield Hts., will host a
Thanksgiving Day Service and
Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 27.
Service starts at 10 a.m.; dinner
served at 1 p.m. All are welcome.
Saturday, November 29
Marymount Hospital, 12300
McCracken Rd., Garfield Hts., will
offer free clinical breast exams by
Cleveland Clinic breast surgeon
Christian Massier, MD, from 3-5
p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 3. Registration is required by calling 216952-6763.
Community Meal
Thursday, December 4
Saturday, November 22
Jones Road Chapel, 8000 Jones
Free Community Meal
Rd., Cleveland, will serve free
Spaghetti Dinner
lunches to the community on SatA free Community Meal will be
PLAV Lincoln Post 13, 6009 urday, Nov. 29, beginning at noon. served at Garfield Hts. United
Methodist Church, 4977 Turney
Fleet Ave., Cleveland, will host a All are welcome.
Rd., on Thursday, Dec. 4, from 5Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday,
Free Giveaway
7 p.m. No delivery; dine-in only.
Nov. 22, serving from 5-7 p.m.
Cost, $8. Call the Post for more A free bag/box meal and hygiene 440-813-1415.
info, 216-341-9556.
products (while supplies last) will
Saturday, December 6
be handed out in front of Jones
Night At The Races
Road Chapel, 8000 Jones Rd.,
Pancake Breakfast
The Union of Poles in America Cleveland, on Saturday, Nov. 29,
Breakfast and photos
will host its 15th annual Night at between 5:30 and 6 p.m.
will be held Satthe Races on Saturday, Nov. 22, at
St. Therese Reverse Raffle
urday, Dec. 6, from 9-11:30 a.m.,
the Knights of Columbus/WalTam's Grand Ballroom, 10808 St. Therese Church's annual Re- at University Hospital Bedford
Granger Rd., Garfield Hts. Doors verse Raffle will be held Saturday, Medical Center Cafe, 44 Blaine
open at 5:30 p.m.; buffet dinner, Nov. 29, at the Knights of Colum- Ave. Tickets are $5 for adults; $3
6:30 p.m.; racing starts, 7:30 p.m. bus Hall, 10806 Granger Rd., for children ages 10 and under;
sold at the door with cash or check
Open bar. Tickets, $30 per perGarfield Hts. Doors open at 6 p.m.; only. The whole family will enjoy
son. Call 216-478-0120 or 216dinner served at 7:30 p.m.; raffle breakfast, story time, photos with
at 9 p.m. Tickets are $60 and in- Santa and Christmas caroling;
Tuesday, November 25
clude buffet dinner, open bar and raffles, games and crafts available
a number. Extra dinner, $30. Side- at additional costs.
Prayer Night
boards, Chinese Auction, music
CityMusic Concert
A Prayer Night will be held at and dancing also part of the event.
Jones Road Chapel, 8000 Jones Tickets available at the parish recCityMusic Cleveland and the
Rd., Cleveland, on Tuesday, Nov. tory, the credit union, or through Latino Church Choir, La Sagrada
25, at 7 p.m. All are welcome.
Dan Chermonte, 216-407-8033. Familia, will present Sarrier's
"Sinfonia in D," Mozart's "Bassoon
View the N.N. online at
Concerto" and Ramirez's "Misa
Criolla" as part of its free Holiday
Concert Series on Saturday, Dec.
6, at 8 p.m. at the Shrine Church
of St. Stanislaus, 3649 E. 65 St. in
Slavic Village. No tickets required. 216-321-8273 or
Sunday, December 7
St. Martin's Pasta Dinner
St. Martin of Tours will hold its
annual Pasta Dinner on Sunday,
Dec. 7, from noon to 5 p.m. at St.
Benedict Catholic School, 13633
Rockside Rd., Garfield Hts. Tickets for adults, $8; seniors 60+, $7;
children ages 5-13, $4; children
four and under, free. Take out
dinners also available. Tickets
for basket raffles will also be sold.
For tickets or more info, call 216475-4300.
Tuesday, December 9
IAG Holiday Craft Program
Six different make-it-take-it holiday projects will be offered at the
Independence Art Guild meeting
on Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m. at
the Civic Center, 6363 Selig Dr.
Entrance fee for members, $5; nonmembers, $7. Each project will
have an additional fee, $3-$7. For
more information on crafts available and their costs, and to make a
reservation, call Irene Zand, 216524-3480 or Louise Stalzer, 440526-9123.
Wednesday, December 10
FAFSA Info Night
A FAFSA (Free Application for
Federal Student Aid) Seminar for
parents of college-bound seniors
will be held at Cuyahoga Valley
Career Center, 8001 Brecksville
Rd., Brecksville, on Wednesday,
Dec. 10, from 7-8:30 p.m. Parents
will receive an overview of FAFSA
and a line-by-line explanation of
the form. Also learn how to accurately report assets and how to
deal with special financial circumstances. Reserve a seat by calling
440-746-8242 or by visiting http:/
More info can be found at
Saturday, December 13
Live Nativity
A live nativity scene will be on
display at the Valley View Village
Church, 11401 Tinkers Creek Rd.,
on Saturday, Dec. 13, from 5:308:30 p.m. For more info visit
Tuesday, December 16
M.H. Dems Christmas Party
The Maple Hts. Democratic Club
will hold its annual Christmas Party
on Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 6:30 p.m.
at Maple Hts. High School, One
Mustang Way. Tickets, $13. Call
216-965-5357 for info.
Eucharistic Day
at St. Stan's
The Shrine Church of St.
Stanislaus, 3649 East 65th St.
in Cleveland, will celebrate a
special Eucharistic Day on the
Feast of Christ the King this
Sunday, Nov. 23.
The church will be open for
private prayer and adoration
throughout the afternoon, concluding with a solemn sung
vesper service (evening prayer)
and procession beginning at
4:30 p.m.
A number of guest priests
have been invited and the ceremonies will be conducted by
Rev. Robert Ramser, who will
be among the newly ordained
priests of the Diocese of Cleveland this coming May.
This event will feature the
full musical and vocal repertoire for which St. Stanislaus
has become famous. All are
welcome to attend.
Gift shop open at
G.H. Senior Center
The "Craft Ladies" at the Garfield
Heights Senior Center invites the
public to visit the Craft Room at
the Civic Center, 5407 Turney Rd.,
when shopping for a special gift or
The Craft Room is open Monday
through Thursday year-round,
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and will also
be open during the Holiday Lighting Ceremony in the city set for
November 30.
Homemade baby blankets, booties, hats, scarves, decorative items
for homes, cards, wrapping paper
and gift bags are among the items
for sale at the Unique Gift and
Card Shop.
to register. All are welcome.
The Maple Heights Library is
located at 5225 Library Ln. To
register for any of the following
programs, call 216-475-5000.
meeting in G.H.
•Fascinating Friday, Nov. 21, 44:45 p.m., for students in grades
Rd. All programs require registra- 1-5. Get ready to get messy! Stop
tion unless otherwise noted. To in on Fridays to make movie blood,
All branches of the Cuyahoga register or for more information, a catapult or other fascinating
County Public Library will be call 216-475-8178.
closed beginning at 5:30 p.m.
•1-2-3 Engage With Me, Mon•e-Reader Assistance, WednesWednesday, Nov. 26, and all day
Nov. 24, 7-8 p.m., for stuThursday, Nov. 27, for the day, Nov. 19, 9:30-11 a.m. Stop at dents in grades K-3. Parents and
Thanksgiving holiday. Regular
children are invited for light rehours will resume on Friday, Nov. device for a drop-in individual freshments and a two part prosession on how to download free
28, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
ebooks from the library's selec- gram of information and fun! ParThe Cleveland Public Library, tion. Nook or other eReader us- ents will first go separately with a
Fleet Branch, is not part of the ers, bring your laptop. Kindle us- specialist to learn tips for working
Cuyahoga County Public Library ers, bring your ac- with their child at home to help
system. For more information on count email and password. No reg- them succeed at school, while children remain with the librarian for
Fleet Branch closures and pro- istration required.
fun educational activities. During
gram details, visit
•Animé Club, Wednesday, Nov. the second session, families par19, 7-8 p.m. Like Japanese animé ticipate together. Registration ReBEDFORD
and manga? Join this monthly club quired.
The Southeast Branch of the and get together with other fans to
•Junior Robotix Blox/Kids
Cuyahoga County Public Library talk about your favorite characters Club, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2-3:30
is located in Bedford at 70 Colum- and enjoy other fun activities.
p.m., for children ages 7-10. Love
bus Rd. To register or for more
•Access to Education, Thurs- to build with Lego and looking for
information, call 440-439-4997 or day, Nov. 20, 2-4 p.m. The Educa- a new adventure with like-minded
tional Opportunity Center Student friends? Come to the library each
•G2P: Animé Club, Wednesday, Advisers will be available to pro- month and build STEM skills and
Nov. 19, 7-8:30 p.m. Students ages vide academic advising, help with explore the world of WeDo robots.
11–18 can play video games, board completing financial aid, and ca- Spaces are limited in this handsgames and Yu-Gi-Oh trading card reer exploration. No registration on program. Registration required.
duels. iPads will also be available necessary.
for Minecraft, GarageBand and
•Record Your Own Holiday
Stop Motion Animation activities. Greeting, Thursday, Nov. 20, 6:30-
Does someone in your family have
a problem with drugs or alcohol?
A weekly Garfield Heights Families Anonymous meeting offers free
help to people whose loved ones
are struggling with addiction.
8:30 p.m. or Monday, Nov. 24,
2:30-4:30 p.m. Drop in the studio
to record your own holiday video
greeting! Props and backgrounds
will be available to get you into the
spirit of the season. Families are
welcome! No registration required.
University Settlement's Hunger
Center, located at 4800 Broadway
Ave. in Cleveland, is open Tuesday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to
2 p.m., and every Tuesday evening
for a free community meal from 67 p.m., for residents of the 44127,
44105 and portions of the 44125
zip codes.
•Teddy Bear Sleepover, Thursday, Nov. 20, 7-8:30 p.m., for children entering kindergarten in
2015 and their parents. Children
can bring their favorite teddy bear
and participate in crafts, face painting, and other fun activities. Teddy
bears will then spend the night at
the library. Parents, learn about
kindergarten readiness, Kindergarten Club, and the school registration process. Come back the
next day to pick up your teddy
bear and receive a bag containing
important information about getting ready for school and a surprise! Registration required, 440786-3517 or at
•Computer Essentials, Friday,
Nov. 21, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn
basic computer parts, how to use a
mouse and keyboard and about
Microsoft Windows. Registration
•Sound Studio Orientation, Saturday, Nov. 22, 9:30-10:30 a.m. or
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Drop in sound recording orientations. Sessions typically last 20-30
•Video Studio Orientation, Saturday, Nov. 22, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
or Tuesday, Nov. 25, 3:30-4:30
p.m. Drop in video studio orientations. Sessions typically last 45
•Hangout With a Book, Monday, Nov. 24, 7-7:30 p.m. Join a
live online book discussion on
Cuyahoga County Public Library's
Google+ page. Novel that will be
discussed, "Sex & Violence," by
•Internet Essentials, Friday, Carrie Mesrobian. How to join the
Nov. 21, 1-3 p.m. Learn how to discussion: Search "Hangout with
find what you're looking for on the a Book" on Google+.
Internet and make sure it's from a
Preschool Story/Craft, Wednestrusted source. Registration reday, Nov. 26, 10-11 a.m. Preschool
children and their caregivers will
•No Mopes Allowed, Saturday, enjoy stories, music activities, and
Nov. 22, 2 p.m. If you like no- a craft.
nonsense crime-busting, straight
shooting opinions, and offbeat hu- INDEPENDENCE
mor, join Chief David Oliver from
The Independence Library, 6361
the Brimfield Police Department
as he shares stories from his book Selig Dr., will offer the following
which will be available for pur- programs. Call 216-447-0160 or
visit for
chase and signing. Registration
more details or to register.
•Wednesday Evening and
•African-American Authors Thursday Afternoon Book DisBook Group, Tuesday, Nov. 25, cussions, November 19, 7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m. November title, "A and November 20, 2:15 p.m. This
Wanted Woman," by Eric Jerome month's title, "Fahrenheit 451," by
Ray Bradbury. Those that are new
to the discussion group are asked
The Cleveland Public Library's
Fleet Branch, 7224 Broadway Ave.,
Slavic Village, will offer the following programs. To register or for
more information, call 216-6236962.
•Thanksgiving Wreath, Thursday, Nov. 20, 3:30 p.m. Make a
Thanksgiving wreath to decorate
your home for the holiday.
•Papercraft 3D Modeling, Tuesday, Nov. 25, 3:30 p.m. Print out
and assemble 3D models without
the aid of a 3D printer.
The Garfield Heights Branch
Library is located at 5409 Turney
N.N. online
The Neighborhood News readers can now get their favorite
newspaper on the web at:
The entire newspaper is available on the N.N. website every
Wednesday morning and can be
read in Adobe Acrobat. Just click
on the front page to download
the remaining pages. Archives
and other features will be added
as the website evolves.
tions, referrals to in-house programs and community services,
supplemental nutrition and health
literacy information and services Ampol Club dinners are $7.50
each and are served each Wednesas an Ohio Benefit Bank site.
day at the Ampol Hall, 4737 Pearl
Rd., Cleveland, from 5 to 7 p.m.,
with music from 7 to 10 p.m. Admission is $5 if you are staying for
the music. Reservations are needed
for the Wednesday dinners, catered by Bonnie's Catering, by callGrandmother's Club
ing Ron Smotek at 216-581-4362.
The Grandmother's Club will
Duck dinners are also available on
meet on Thursday, Nov. 20, at
Wednesdays for $11 each, but must
Cuyahoga Heights Village Hall,
4863 E. 71 St., at 11:30 a.m. A be reserved by 9 a.m. Tuesdays.
Ampol Hall news
Meetings are held every Tuesday
at the Garfield Heights Family Resource Center, located inside the
luncheon will be served, birthCivic Center, 5407 Turney Rd.
days honored, raffles and games
Families Anonymous is a 12-Step
Program for anyone concerned
about the drug and alcohol abuse
or behavioral problems of a relative or friend.
A nonperishable Food Pantry will
Many recovery programs are be open every Sunday from 12:30available for addicted loved ones 1:30 p.m. at Community Friends
when they are ready to seek help Church, 4509 Warner Rd. in Cleveand recovery. However, Families land. Each person is permitted to
Anonymous is for the parent, come once per month with a photo
spouse, brother, sister or any other ID. The pantry will be closed when
emotionally involved relative or there is a fifth Sunday of the month.
friend. Your identity is protected
at all meetings as anonymity is an
underlying principal of the program.
Food Pantry
For information, send an email
or call 216-475-1103.
Hunger Center
The Center provides a 3-5 day
supply of groceries each month, a
fresh produce distribution on the
first Monday of each month, free
community cooking demonstra-
Menu and entertainment for November include: November 19chicken paprikash dinner; music
by Linda Hocevar. November 26breaded pork chops; Thanksgiving Eve Party, music by Frank
Make your reservations now for
the New Years Eve Polka Dance
Party! Couples $50; singles $30.
Also, tune in to Joe Kocab's radio
show every Sunday on WHK Radio
1220 AM from 3 to 5 p.m.!
By Amber Weisbarth
Breaking and Entering
Maple Hts./Garfield Hts. Practical
and inviting 2-3 bedroom. Updated,
modern paint, marble & ceramic, carpeting. $745-$895 plus deposit. No
pets. Non Section 8 approved. For
details call (216) 310-6161 or visit
3 bedroom up, $450. 1 bedroom
down, $350. Plus security. Parking
for one car. References required. No
pets. (216) 641-9381.
First Place Event and Multipurpose
Center, 16536 Broadway Ave., Maple
Heights. (216) 233-9166. Your first
choice for a private, small event. Full
kitchen, private men's and women's
bathrooms, free parking, bring in your
own food.
4815 Wendell, up. 2 bedrooms.
Clean. Newly painted. $400 per
month. Call (216) 781-2856.
Garfield. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large
dining room, nice yard. $850. (216)
Fleet & Ottawa area. 2 bedroom
down. $500 month + deposit. Serious inquiries only. (216) 618-3559.
71st/Grant. Beautiful, clean, quiet.
2 bedroom down unit. Large kitchen.
Porch. Yard. $550. (440) 248-4096.
Worley- Single, 2 bedroom. Living
room, dining room, with study. Full
basement. Driveway. New porch and
windows. $665 month. Section 8
okay. (216) 769-6081.
Lansing- 2 bedroom up. Living room,
dining room, carpet. Modern kitchen.
$600 month. Section 8 okay. (216)
Houses for rent starting at $450
monthly in the Garfield Hts., Fleet,
Broadway areas. (216) 341-2391.
Spafford Rd. 2 bedroom single house.
Living room and full basement. Large
porch, large yard and off street parking. $650 month + $650 security
deposit. (216) 641-7624.
Large 2 bedroom, 71st near Grant.
$500 month. Must have references.
(216) 218-9250.
Warner-Connecticut. 3 room apartments, up. 1 bedroom each. $360 &
$380. All are decorated. Parking, security, pets extra security. (440) 4765676 or (440) 582-3009.
5709 Mound, Slavic Village. 2 bedroom, down, front, with porch. $450
month + deposit. (216) 225-5425.
Garfield Heights - Turney Rd. Storefront or office space. 360 sq. ft. $400
plus deposit. (216) 233-4611.
Efficiency basement apt., off Turney
Rd. $400 month, utilities included.
(216) 832-1745.
Efficiency for rent. $435 month. Heat
included. Slavic Village area. No pets.
(440) 263-5146.
48" round wood dinette, 4 captains
chairs, excellent condition, $250. Artificial Christmas trees, 7.5 ft., green,
$20; 7.5 ft., white, $45. (216) 5247075.
Slavic Village area. 1 bedroom down/
up. Appliances, new flooring, parking. No pets. Credit check. 1 year
income verification. $390 month,
$100 security deposit. 1-866-7618319.
2 bedrooms up. Garfield Hts. Clean,
quiet, mature building. Off street
parking. Stove and refrigerator. Balcony. Heat included. $600 month +
security deposit. No pets. No Section
8. (216) 952-6349; (216) 952-6357.
Slavic Village area. 2 bedroom up,
$500. 2 bedroom down, $525. Both
plus utilities or rent whole house.
Rental application and proof of employment required. (440) 668-9434.
Classified deadline is every Monday
at 5:00 pm. Call 216-441-2141.
Plumbing, carpentry, painting, window ropes, locks and numerous home
repairs and improvements. References. Gary, (216) 441-4747.
Garage cleanouts, attics, basements,
yards, whole houses and delivery of
any appliances. Paul, (216) 5511902.
AT 5:00 P.M.
Call 216-441-2141
Automotive technician/mechanic
with experience in general repairs.
Good attendance mandatory, M-F.
Must have own tools and at least 5
years of automotive experience. Must
be able and willing to work on all
makes and models, and multi-task
between vehicles, and demonstrate
good self-motivation to complete job
on time. $12-$15 per hour. Call (216)
Breaking and Entering
Free Thanksgiving
Day meals offered
Holy Name Church
The St. Vincent de Paul Society
of Holy Name Church will deliver
free meals on Thanksgiving Day
between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to
shut-ins, seniors and needy in the
44105, 44125 and 44127 zip codes.
Those in need of a meal should
call 216-271-4242, between 10 a.m.
and 1 p.m., through Wednesday,
Nov. 19. Leave your name, ad•A man in the 10000 block of dress, apartment number, locaPark Heights told police he is self- tion and phone number.
employed and runs a security business from his home. He said he Volunteers are also needed, age
hired two females from Facebook 16 and over. Call the number listed
who come to his home to make above if you can help.
calls. The man stated that one of
the females stole his vehicle and
failed to return it. He said he reThe Garfield Heights United
covered his vehicle and reported Methodist Church, 4977 Turney
Rd., across from Turneytown
Shopping Center, will serve free
Thanksgiving Day meals, with turkey and all the trimmings, on
G.H. Ward 7
Thursday, Nov. 27, from noon to
The Garfield Heights Ward 7
2 p.m.
Block Watch will meet ThursFor more information, call the
day, Nov. 20, at 7 p.m. in the
office at 216-641-4149, or
St. Augustine Room of St.
Scott at 216-870-1589.
Benedict School, 13633
Rockside Rd. A special guest
St. Monica Church
speaker will be present. NonFree Thanksgiving Day meals will
perishable items for the St.
be served in the St. Monica Parish's
Vincent de Paul food pantry
would be appreciated. Nikki
school cafeteria, 13623 Rockside
Majka, 216-310-6514.
Rd. in Garfield Heights, from 11
a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thanksgiving
Day, November 27.
The Cranwood Ward Club will
All are welcome to enjoy a
meet Tuesday, Nov. 25, at 7
homestyle turkey dinner with all
p.m. at the Garfield Heights
the traditional side dishes, plus
Civic Center, 5407 Turney Rd.
Block watches
The man said that the other female was at his house on November 12 making phone calls and
stole a watch, two gold chains, his
wife's credit card and other prescription pain pills. He was told to
follow up with the Detective Bureau to continue an investigation.
An employee of Engine Art, Inc.
at East 81st and Broadway Ave.,
told police someone broke into
the business and stole four tires, a
•A resident of Grafton, Ohio told scanner and miscellaneous old car
police he had an ATV and a dirt stereo equipment between 1 a.m.
bike listed for sale on Craigslist, and 10:30 a.m. on November 15.
and on November 10, he met with Burglary
a man who was interested in buying both of them in the 13600 A resident in the 3400 block of
block of Cranwood Dr. He said the East 50th St. told police she left
potential buyer was the passenger her home on November 11, about
in a vehicle who got out and went 1 p.m., and when she returned
into the backyard of a house on around 4:30 p.m. she noticed
the block to "get his brother," someone had been in her son's
when another male appeared and bedroom and had stolen a TV,
asked to test drive the ATV. At gaming system and about 30
this time, the vehicle left the area video games. She said she just
towards East 139th St.
moved into the house about one
The second male drove the ATV month ago and does not have
around the block and returned, any insurance.
saying it wasn't running properly. Petty Theft
As the owner of the ATV bent
A resident in the 6900 block of
down to look at it, the first male
appeared, got onto the dirt bike Indiana Ave. said that someone
and fled eastbound on Cranwood came into his backyard during the
Dr. The second male then climbed night on November 13, and stole
back onto the ATV and fled in the his stainless steel wood smoker,
same direction. The victim said which was on wheels. He said the
both vehicles turned northbound suspect must have stolen it before
onto East 139th St., where he lost the snowfall because there were no
sight of the men and the vehicles. tracks. He said he noticed the
Police checked the area with smoker was gone in the morning
negative results. The Cleveland on November 14.
Police Department was also notified. The victim was told to contact
the Detective Bureau.
•A resident of the 12700 block of
Oakpark Blvd. told police his semiautomatic pistol was stolen from
his home between Sunday, Nov. 9
and Wednesday, Nov. 10. He said
the only other person who knows
where the gun is kept is his uncle,
but he was unsure if his uncle had
been at the house between those
dates. He said one magazine
which was loaded with ten hollow
point bullets was also missing.
The firearm was entered into
LEADS as stolen.
The owner of a rental property in
the 10800 block of Langton Ave.
told police she evicted two tenants
from the property on November
10, leaving behind their furniture
and two vehicles. The tenants contacted a lawyer on November 13
and were told they would need to
hire an insured/bonded company
to remove their items. On November 14, the owner went back to the
property and found a window damaged and the door unbolted. When
she went inside, the tenants' furniture and belongings were gone.
The property owner was unable to
provide a list of missing items and
their value at the time of the report.
over $1180 in damage plus $120
in towing fees. The man also said
that during the week of November
12, the same female stole the company cell phone and bank card, on
which she made over $880 worth
of charges, and stole pain medication, sleeping pills and two tablet
computers with keyboards.
Rat Pack and More, a nonprofit $12 for children 12 and under; tickCleveland institution supporting ets must be purchased in advance.
youth in arts and music, will also
Tree and iconic replica items from perform Friday evening. Visit
For more information, visit
"A Christmas Story" house. Pose www.ixchristmasconnection/en/
for photos with the infamous flag entertainment.aspx for more info.
pole, leg lamp and fire truck, or
Breakfast with Santa will be held
take a break from shopping and
watch the movie on the big screen! on Saturday and Sunday only.
Doors will open at 9 a.m., holiday The Holy Name Society of Holy
Shoppers can also enjoy the show at 9:15 a.m., breakfast at Name Church, 8328 Broadway
Christmas Wine Cellar with wine 9:40 a.m., followed by activities Ave., Cleveland, will begin its Holitastings; the Shop and Drop area until 11 a.m. Cost for adults, $20; day Candy/Nut/Craft Sale after all
to store holiday purchases to continue shopping with ease;
SantaLand, where kids can write
and send letters to Santa or meet
him in person; the Sugar Plum
Shoppe with over 4,000
prewrapped gifts, under $7 each,
for kids to buy presents for parents;
and Gingerbread Square, where the
first 600 kids can decorate and eat
their own holiday cookie.
Christmas Connection Nov. 21-23
A holiday tradition for 29 years,
the I-X Christmas Connection will
be held November 21, 22 and 23,
at the I-X Center, located at One IX Center Dr., on Route 237, adjacent to Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Shoppers will enjoy hundreds
of unique gifts, handmade crafts
and great holiday entertainment.
Hours of the show are: Friday
and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22, 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets to the show
are $11.99 at the I-X Center, or
$9.99 at Discount Drug Mart. I-X
Center parking charge not included.
New this year, shoppers will be
transported back to Cleveland's
Christmas past as they step into
the Christmas Connection surLive entertainment will include
rounded by "A Christmas Story"
movie magic. Take a walk by the the Singing Angels on Friday
Sterling Lindner Davis Christmas evening at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The
Holiday sale!
Masses, starting Saturday, Nov. 22,
through Sunday, Dec. 21. Brochures and order forms will be
available at the church doors.
Garfield Heights' new Walkway of
Recognition at the Turney Rd. fire
station. Orders are now being accepted.
Purchase G.H.
'Walkway' bricks
Construction of the brick walkway
is set to begin in the spring of 2015.
Order forms are available at the
Garfield Heights Civic Center,
Create a memory that will last a 5407 Turney Road, or online at
lifetime by purchasing an engraved For addibrick to be placed on the City of tional details, call 216-475-1100.
Everyone is going to "stuff" themselves on Thanksgiving Day! Feel
a little less guilty by working off
some calories ahead of time on
this fast-paced 3.5 mile fall hike.
Alexander Bike Lot is located off
Alexander Road, between Dunham
and Canal roads in Bedford. 216341-3152
Homemade Suet, Saturday,
Nov. 22, 10:30 a.m. to noon,
Garfield Park Nature Center,
Garfield Park Reservation.
Learn an easy, inexpensive way
to make bird feed cakes. Bring a
large well muffin tin. Ingredients
will be provided. While the treats
cool we will try to locate some of
our wintering species on a brief
hike through the Garfield Park
Reservation. Adults and families.
Gobble Gobble, Saturday, Nov.
22, 3-4:30 p.m., Hermit's
Hollow Picnic Area, Bedford
Fifth Third Bank and Rebuilding Together rehabbed the Chambers Avenue home of an 83-yearold veteran in Slavic Village last Thursday, in a one-day project. The bank donated $10,000 for
a new roof, porch, landscaping and other improvements, and 25 volunteers from Fifth Third
assisted in repairs. Rebuilding Together is a nonprofit year-round program that helps repair and
rehabilitate the homes of low-income, elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners.
Disco Dayz, an ice skating and
holiday shopping event, set for
Friday, Nov. 21, from 6 to 8 p.m.,
at the Rec Center, 5411 Turney
Lowered admission price will be
$5, which includes rental skates.
Children under three will be adThe Bash will be held Tuesday, mitted free. All children must be
Dec. 2, beginning at 6 p.m. at accompanied by an adult.
Haren Hall at Holy Name CathoThose that don't ice skate are
lic Church, 8328 Broadway Ave. invited to enjoy the fun! Wear your
All residents and friends of Slavic bell-bottom pants and tie-dyed
Village are invited to what has be- shirts, skate to songs from the disco
come one of the largest commu- era, and do some holiday shopnity Christmas parties in the area. ping in the rec's lobby, where variAnyone interested in donating a ous vendors will be selling their
products. Homemade bakery will
tree from their property should
also be for sale.
call the committee at 216-469There is no admission fee for
Turkey is on everyone's mind,
but how much do you know about
Ohio's wild turkeys? Enjoy a brisk
2.5 mile hike in search of toms and
hens and learn more about these
fascinating birds. Hermit's Hollow Picnic Area is located off Gorge
Parkway in Bedford Reservation,
just east of Dunham Road in
Walton Hills. 216-341-3152
Fun with Food! Monday, Nov.
24, 3-4:30 p.m., Garfield Park
Nature Center, Garfield Park
Every youngster will serve as the
"Prep Chef" for their own portion
of a simple meal. During the preparation, learn a little about the food
those that are shopping only. This that comes from the dusty earth.
event is open to the public.
Those ages 6-13 years welcome.
Call 216-475-7272 and follow Register by November 21, 216prompts for open office hours, or 341-3152.
press zero to speak with a team Pre-emptive Strike Hike,
member. More information can Wednesday, Nov. 26, 10 a.m. to
at noon, Alexander Bike Lot,
Bedford Reservation
Bash needs a Disco Dayz at G.H. Rec Center
The Garfield Heights Parks and
Christmas tree Recreation
Department will host
Volunteers organizing the Ward
12 Holiday Bash in Slavic Village
are once again searching for a
Christmas tree as the centerpiece
for their reception hall. They say
they'd like a fir tree that is live, not
artificial, and big, at least eleven
foot tall.
Holiday Hike, Friday, Nov. 28,
3-4 p.m., CanalWay Center,
Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation
Take an after-holiday hike along
the Ohio & Erie Canal. Burn some
of the calories you consumed on
Thanksgiving Day while walking
the Lower 40 Loop trail. Come by
yourself or bring the family. 216206-1000
Free meals
offered here
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 3395
East 53rd St., Cleveland, serves
free hot meals the last Thursday of
each month at 5:30 p.m., and free
breakfast on the last Sunday of
each month at 11 a.m., in the school
cafeteria. All are welcome. Call
216-641-2829 for more details.
Due to Thanksgiving, the next
meals will be served on November
20 and November 30.
St. Eugene
St. Eugene Byzantine Catholic
Church, 264 Center Rd. in
Bedford, offers free meals on the
last Thursday of each month from
4-6 p.m. 440-232-7302. Due to
Thanksgiving, this month's meal
will be served November 20. All
are welcome.
University Settlement
University Settlement, 4800
Broadway Ave., Cleveland, hosts
free weekly community meals evHoly Name
ery Tuesday, from 6-7 p.m. The
Free hot meals are served at next meal will be served NovemHoly Name Church in the parish ber 25. Call 216-641-8948.
hall, 8328 Broadway Ave., each
Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
The menu varies and all are welcome. The next meal will be
served November 20.