SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY Serving the counties of Placer, Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Colusa, Butte, Shasta, Tehama, Siskiyou M I N U T E S JOINT POWERS AGENCY BOARD – BI-MONTHLY MEETING Friday, September 12, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT 5995 Pacific Street Rocklin, CA 95677 916-625-1702 916-825-1730 (fax) Roger Abe Denise Carter Jim Holmes Leonard Moty Marcia Armstrong Dennis Garton Bill Connelly Ron Sullenger Hank Weston REPRESENTING Yuba County Colusa County Placer County Shasta County Siskiyou County Tehama County Butte County Sutter County Nevada County MEMBERS ABSENT REPRESENTING EX-OFFICIO MEMBER Victoria Pinette REPRESENTING S-SV EMS Agency LEGAL COUNSEL Brian Wirtz REPRESENTING Placer County/S-SV EMS Agency OTHERS PRESENT John Lord Karl Pedroni Amy Boryczko Mark Belden Jennie Mackney Kevin Perry Troy Falck Karen Crain-Riddle Steve Guisti John McEldowney Alex Bumpus REPRESENTING S-SV EMS Agency AMR S-SV EMS Agency AMR S-SV EMS Agency S-SV EMS Agency S-SV EMS Agency S-SV EMS Agency AMR Placer City OES Bi-County Ambulance 2775 Bechelli Lane Redding, CA 96002 530-722-6617 530-222-3007 (fax) SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY A. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Supervisor Moty called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. and led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. B. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Everyone present introduced themselves. C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Supervisor Weston moved to approve the agenda as written. Supervisor Holmes seconded. Motion approved. D. PUBLIC COMMENT Supervisor Moty asked the public if anyone would like to speak to an issue that is not on the agenda. None was forthcoming. E. BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Supervisor Holmes announced that in August, the Board of Supervisors in Placer County approved Laura’s Law. Supervisor Carter mentioned that the Colusa Ambulance Contract is expiring at the end of the year, and they are working with S-SV on this. They currently have two full time Ambulances, but the numbers don’t support having two, so they’re looking at all options. F. CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Garton motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Supervisor Holmes seconded. Motion approved. G. PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing was to occur at 1:15 p.m. The Committee moved to Item H since they were ahead of schedule and came back to this item. At 1:28 p.m., the Board returned to the Public Hearing/Fee Schedule. The proposed fee changes were highlighted on the Fee schedule. These changes are based on Staff time and work load. The changes being removed: Policy Manual w/binder, Policy Manual w/o binder, Returned Check fee. S-SV no longer supplies Policy Manuals since everything is available on line, and S-SV does not accept personal checks. • The Paramedic Accreditation, MICN Authorization, and MICN Re-authorization fees will all be raised to $100.00. Currently the Paramedic Accreditation and MICN Authorization are $60.00. The MICN re-authorization is currently $35.00. There is no cost for re-accreditation for Paramedics. JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 2 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY • There currently is no fee for EMT/AEMT site visits, and no current set fee for training program monitoring. The latter fee is currently in the contracts so the fee varies. There is currently a contract with NCTI and the Regulations read that wherever the main office is for these programs falls under the local LEMSA. Since NCTI’s main office is in Roseville, they fall under S-SV. John Poland does site visits all over California for the different programs. A flat rate is being added plus travel, so that local sites aren’t paying the same fee as sites farther away. If staff is on site for a Paramedic Program that also has an EMT program, both will be reviewed at the same time and no separate fee would be charged for the EMT program. • The Aeromedical annual monitoring fee is currently $3000.00. A significant amount of Staff time is spent monitoring these providers. The proposed new fee will be $5000.00. There has been some resistance from the aeromedical providers regarding the change in this fee, which is notably lower than any other aeromedical fees in California. • The Level IV Trauma Center proposed fee is $2500.00. There currently is no fee. There previously were no site visits but there are now, and more staff time is required. • A Board member asked what the justification was for the proposed Accreditation/Authorization fees being so high. Vickie explained that it’s mainly staff time. • The proposed fee changes will take effect upon operation of the law. • The $2500 proposed Level IV Trauma Center fee was also due to Staff time. • All providers were notified of proposed changes. 1:38 p.m. The Public hearing was opened to the Public for comments. None was forthcoming. 1:38 p.m. The Public hearing was closed to Public comments. Supervisor Weston motioned to approve the proposed Fee schedule changes. Supervisor Abe seconded. Motion approved. H. INFORMATION UPDATE Supervisor Armstrong arrived at 1:07 p.m., during the Response times. 1. Response times –There was compliance from almost everyone. The AMR Shasta data is still an issue as the data is not in the correct format for S-SV. The ShasCom data is also in the wrong format. Kristy and Vickie are working to resolve this. At the next JPA meeting, there will be non-exclusive contracts from providers which will have a data submission requirement. Colusa’s data was provided to S-SV by the County and was added to the response times. ShasCom has a new Director from San Diego. Supervisor Garton asked about St. Elizabeth’s response times in Corning. They have been moving units around to try and improve their compliance. However, Matt Moser who has been in charge of Ambulance service there has resigned – which will incur more changes. The difficulty is that it’s a hospital based ambulance and they’re unwilling to put the resources into it to improve the service times. JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 3 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY 2. Trauma System Status Overview – Vickie asked Karen Crain-Riddle to give the Board an overview of the Trauma System. All Trauma centers throughout the State of California are required to follow Title 22 regulations for Trauma centers. Many of the Trauma Centers are also verified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) committee on Trauma. This is a level of verification that states that the Trauma center has met certain criteria that qualifies them to be experts in delivering care to Trauma patients. For the S-SV Region: • There are no Level I Trauma Centers. The closest Level I Trauma Center is UC Davis Medical Center. If the need arises, S-SV patients can be transferred there through a transfer agreement with UC Davis. • There are 3 Level II Trauma Centers: Enloe Medical Center, Mercy Medical Center-Redding, and Sutter Roseville Medical Center. • There are 5 Level III Trauma Centers: Mercy Medical Center –Mt. Shasta, Oroville Hospital, Rideout Medical Center, Shasta Regional Medical Center, and St. Elizabeth’s Community Hospital • There are 4 Level IV Trauma Centers: Colusa Regional Medical Center, Mayers Memorial Hospital, Fairchild Hospital, and Orchard Hospital. Level I Trauma Centers are the highest and are required to do research, outreach education, and injury prevention. Level II Trauma Centers have the same requirements as the Level I, in terms of specialty services and 24-hr hospital coverage, but they are not required to do research, outreach, or injury prevention. Level III Trauma Centers are not required to have the same full availability of all specialists. They are not required to have Neuro surgeons, but there are requirements for Orthopedics and general surgery as well as other specialties to a lesser extent. Surgeons do not have to be on-site but do need to be within a 30 minute response time to see the patient. Level IV Trauma Centers have had very minimal ACS requirements in the past. They tend to be the smaller, more rural facilities. The nurses and physicians are required to be trained to a specific Trauma level of training. Their role has been to stabilize, treat and transfer to a higher level of care facility; therefore, transfer agreements must be in place with all appropriate higher level of care trauma centers in the region. At the request of S-SV, The American College of Surgeons conducts an initial consultative site review at our Level II & Level III trauma centers to evaluate the current status of their trauma services/program. At the verification site review (required of Level III and Level IV Trauma Centers) they review the hospital trauma program, with the expectation that the facility meets established criteria. If there are any Type I deficiencies they will not be verified. It is the responsibility of the S-SV agency to look at the system as a whole. This means evaluating how many trauma centers exist or are necessary based upon: geographic locations of the centers in terms of available resources in the surrounding area, area JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 4 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY populations, data, and other resources available. Consequently, S-SV is evaluating the Level IV Trauma Centers and their locations. A Board member asked about Feather River Hospital in Paradise. It was clarified that the hospital is not a trauma center and the Agency currently does not see a need in that area, due to location and proximity to a Level II trauma center, for another Level IV trauma center. For Level IV trauma facilities, if they should lose their designation, the cost of operating as a Level IV trauma center would decrease, but patient traffic would essentially remain the same. S-SV recently met with Colusa and Orchard Hospitals due to their lack of responsiveness and understanding of the necessary requirements to be a Level IV trauma center. Orchard Hospital is currently having internal discussions regarding continuing their status as a Level IV trauma center. A Board member expressed concern for Siskiyou County’s only Level IV trauma center and was reassured that the Agency had no concerns regarding that facility. There were questions regarding Mercy Medical Center-Redding, and Shasta Regional Medical Center, regarding their proximity to each other and their Levels (II & III) as well as the need for the two trauma centers in such close proximity. It was clarified that Shasta Regional Medical Center has always been a Level III trauma center. Additionally, it was asked if we actually have the ability to change the Levels of a trauma center or take away their designation. It was clarified that, yes, the Board/SSV EMS Agency is the entity that designates and can de-designate a trauma center if it is not meeting the requirements of the contract with S-SV for trauma services or fulfilling the obligations as a trauma center. Prior to de-designation, the Agency will give the trauma facility a timeline by which to guide them toward success in meeting their obligations, which is attached to an updated contract for approval by this Board. Tahoe Forest was asked about. Tahoe Forest is not a Trauma Center. A Board member inquired about Tahoe Forest hospital. It was explained that several years ago, the hospital was moving in the direction of becoming a trauma center, but there was a lack of support from the physicians necessary to sustain a trauma program and become designated as such. The Board returned to item G1, the Public Hearing, at this point. 3. Public Comment documents – These were sent out so that the Board would know how the Agency was responding to the State. Going forward, when a response is submitted to EMSA it will also be forwarded to the Board. 4. Audit update – The annual audit starts next week. All of the financials have been sent to the auditors. This is a single audit because of grants, which means it’s a more JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 5 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY detailed audit. Instead of them looking at 10% of the transactions, they look at 40-50% of the transactions. The audit will be conducted over a 3 day period next week. I. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. J. NEW BUSINESS The State requires a resolution to be signed in addition to contracts being signed. A Board member suggested the wording of the resolution request items be changed to “...allow the Executive Director…” instead of ‘Director’. 1. Resolution to allow Director to sign Cal Fire Cooperative – for approval – Supervisor Garton motioned to approve the resolution. Supervisor Holmes seconded. A roll call of votes was called: Ayes=9 (Counties of Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Yuba, Butte, Tehama, Sutter, Nevada, and Colusa). Noes=0, Absent=0. Motion approved. 2. Resolution to allow Director to sign the 2014/15 State General Fund (Multi County Local Emergency Medical Services Agency) Contract – for approval - Supervisor Holmes motioned to approve the resolution. Supervisor Weston seconded. A roll call of votes was called: Ayes=9 (Counties of Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Yuba, Butte, Tehama, Sutter, Nevada, and Colusa). Noes=0, Absent=0. Motion approved. 3. Resolution to allow Director to sign the HPP YR13 Emergency Preparedness Office (EPO) Yuba and Sutter Contracts –for approval- Supervisor Carter motioned to approve the resolution. Supervisor Connelly seconded. A roll call of votes was called: Ayes=9 (Counties of Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Yuba, Butte, Tehama, Sutter, Nevada, and Colusa). Noes=0, Absent=0. Motion approved. 4. Resolution to allow Director to sign the 2014/15 LEMSA HPP Contract –for approval- Supervisor Weston motioned to approve the resolution. Supervisor Armstrong seconded. A roll call of votes was called: Ayes=9 (Counties of Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Yuba, Butte, Tehama, Sutter, Nevada, and Colusa). Noes=0, Absent=0. Motion approved. 5. Resolution to allow Director to sign the RDMHS contract with EMSA for FY 2014/15 – for approval- Supervisor Holmes motioned to approve the resolution. Supervisor Abe seconded. A roll call of votes was called: Ayes=9 (Counties of Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Yuba, Butte, Tehama, Sutter, Nevada, and Colusa). Noes=0, Absent=0. Motion approved. K. EMCC/COUNTY COMMITTEE REPORTS These reports were given to the Board members in writing. Supervisor Armstrong mentioned that the Butte Valley and Happy Camp airports were being decommissioned. She also mentioned that 210,000 acres have burned in the fires in Siskiyou. S-SV provided the following update to all committees: JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 6 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY • S-SV Agency activity reports provided at all meetings including MCC, Trauma, and Air Ambulance Committee reports. Placer County – • • • • • • There was continued discussion on the 5150/mental health patient impact on the EMS system that the EMCC is going to be looking into. Eric Angle mentioned that they continue to receive several law enforcement and EMS transported 515 patients from Sacramento County because the crews do not want to wait at the Sacramento County hospitals. He was advised that we would need some specific data related to this issue with the Sacramento County patients so that we could address it with Sacramento County EMS if necessary. Red Cross reported that they are continuing to see an increase in frequency of calls for service – 2012 – 1 call every 21 hours, 2013 – 1 call every 16 hours, 2014 ytd – 1 call every 10 hours. These numbers are for the 24 county northern California regions. Placer County Public Health will be holding a closed POD exercise related to an anthrax release/exposure in October (specific dates tbd). This will be held in conjunction with several surrounding counties. The goal is to determine how long it would take to dispense medical countermeasures to response partners. Sutter Auburn Faith will soon begin a remodel of their front entrance to improve patient access. Placer County will receive and maintain one of the 5 water purification trailers that are being funded by Raleys as part of their improper hazardous waste lawsuit settlement. This equipment will be available for use in Placer County as well as a statewide asset. South Placer FD has been in discussions with State OES to receive and maintain one of 18 statewide Type 2 Urban Search and Rescue trailers. Nevada County EMCC – no meeting. Trying to establish a meeting date since a number of committee members, notably the Chair and Vice-chair, have retired. Colusa County EMCC – next week Butte County- next week Yuba/Sutter EMCC – • • • • • Yuba and Sutter Counties reported that they are still waiting on CDPH approval of their year 13 HPP work plans. Bi County Ambulance held an MCI training class in Wheatland in June which was well attended and went well There was a short discussion on the 7/10/2014 Sutter County MCI. Everyone agreed that it went well with no issues Yuba County will be holding a Flood exercise in October and both counties will be participating in the Statewide Medical & Health Exercise in November Sutter County will be holding their annual drive through Flu clinic/exercise in September JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 7 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY • The meeting time was changed to begin at 8:30 am beginning with the next meeting in September Siskiyou EMAG – • • • • • • • Air ambulance dispatch was discussed. Notification was made that REACH will have a fixed wing aircraft at the Weed airport CalFire requested that Mt. Shasta ambulance have visible unit numbers and state where they are coming from. Mt. Shasta reported that narrow-banding isn’t working, they aren’t getting the communications The impact of the drought was discussed The air ambulance dispatch analysis was discussed with a request to include Siskiyou County in the discussions Fairchild hospital announced some staffing changes/additions Butte Valley Ambulance is actively recruiting volunteers Shasta EMAG – next week Tehama EMAG – next week L. LEGISLATION Legislation is either dead or sitting on the Governor’s desk. EMSAAC and EMDAC are both in opposition of AB 1535. They are waiting to see what the Governor does with this bill. M. MEDICAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dr. Falck provided an update on the Community Paramedicine project. After the last Board meeting, there was another public hearing with significant opposition from the CNA and others. They still haven’t heard from OSHPD (Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development), on whether they will get to move forward with the project. The longer the wait, the longer the project gets delayed. Ebola is a really difficult disease because the symptoms are so non-specific. This will get worse in the winter when many will have fever, nausea, and vomiting. The key issue is travel history, and contact with other patients with Ebola. We don’t know what the impact will be on this area. Hospitals can’t screen every patient with a fever, unless the patient offers up an exposure history. This is not a respiratory disease. In order to get the disease you have to be exposed through your own mucous membranes. It’s avoidable with proper personal protection. Regarding the Respiratory Virus that affects children; it mostly affects those that have underlying respiratory problems like Asthma, COPD and other issues. There haven’t been any cases yet out here. The nature of this virus is predominant in children. Dr. Falck explained blood transfusions with antibodies. JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 8 of 9 SIERRA-SACRAMENTO VALLEY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCY N. CLOSED SESSION None. O. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence is available in a binder for review. Vickie mentioned in the correspondence was a letter to IOT, a training center, suspending their Modesto campus. The Redding campus is still open. There is also a letter to Happy Camp, regarding an investigation and the requirements set up for them to become compliant. P. S-SV EMS AGENCY ACTIVITIES Noted. Q. NEXT JPA GOVERNING BOARD MEETING The next JPA Governing Board of Directors meeting is on Friday, November 14, 2014, 1pm-3pm, at the Rocklin office. R. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Boryczko, Clerk to the Board Date Leonard Moty, Chairman Date JPA Governing Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2014 Page 9 of 9 K EMCC/County Committee Reports
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