Document 435570

Oct. 15, 1929.
Filed Dec. 19, 1927
'3 Sheets-Sheet
6-0_ 5 rq~"/—r‘
Oct. 15,‘ ‘1929.
File‘d Dec. 19, 1927
3 Sheets-Sheet
?~ Mama;
Oct. 15, 1929.
Filed Dec. 19, 1927
s Sheets-Sheet
HQ. 3
Patented Oct. 15, 1929
Application ?led December 19, 1927. Serial No. 241,015.
vated heating chamber and the recuperative
Our invention is an improvement in heat
ing furnaces of the recuperative type particu construction for pre-heating, combination,
larly adapted to the heating of ingots and the combustion and exhaust of the gases.
Inwardly beyond end Wall 4, of the furnace
“like, Within a soaking pit or chamber.
It has in view to provide a recuperative chamber proper, is a main supporting an en
furnace construction in which the fuel gases closing inner wall 6, beyond which the heat
are brought together in a common vertical ing chamber 2 extends by a floor 7 carried on
mixing well orchamber for combination with suitable framing 32, as will be readily under
pre-‘heated air and then introduced horizon stood.
Inwardly beyond inner end wall 6 is a
lo tally into a common mixing, combustion and
delivery chamber, with resulting circulation transverse apertured partition wall 7 ',
through the heating chamber of the furnace. through which pre-heated gas and air pass
into a common intervening‘vertical well or
The combustion gases thus combined enter
at one side of‘ the heating chamber, pass chamber -8. The latter extends upwardly
15 across and down into and then upwardly from the bottom foundation to substantially
therethrough and ?nally emerge from the" the full height of wall 7 ' and leads over by
heating chamber at the same side, above the horizontal extension 9 into the lower portion
inlet opening and then outwardly and down of heating furnace chamber 2, and across the
through the waste gas passages in the mass full inner Width thereof.
Wall 6 extends slightly above ?oor ,7 in the
2c of recuperative checkerwork.
rll‘he construction, has in view to provide in manner of a bridge Wall 10, over which the
a furnace construction of such t pe, means fuel, gases in combustion pass, the wall being
for utilizing practically‘ all of the Waste heat preferably beveled inwardly ‘and downward
for pie-heating of the incoming air in a ly to allow for the free passage of the ex
25 direct, economical and effective manner; also panding gases of combustion into the full
4 to utilize'the gases of combustion most effec lower body portion of the heating chamber.
tively and directly inwardly, upwardly and The upper portion of well 8 is covered by
outwardly, through and within the heating
> a horizontal partition 11 laid across from one
chamber, and to provide a simple, economical side to the other and separating the incoming
so and ‘easily built and repaired furnace con~= gas and air passage 9, from the upper out
going waste gas passage 12. Said passage
struction of the type involved.
lln the drawings showing one preferred em or space 12 extends from the upper portion of
the heating chamber 2, above incoming chan
bodiment of the invention:
Fig". l is a longitudinal vertical section nel 9, outwardly along the full upper length
35 through the furnace on'the line I—-I of Fig. of the furnace over to an oppositeinner con
?ning wall 13.
2, artly broken away at each end;
Said wall, with wall 7, and side walls 3,
2 is a horizontal. sectional view on the,
provide the checkerwork-containing re
line lll-e-lll of Fig. 1;
Fig. 3 . is a vertical section on the line cuperator chamber which occupies the full
length and Width between said walls. and
40 fill-Jill of Fig. 2;
from the bottom to the top, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 4 is a perspective view of one of the
circulating refractory blocks.
Waste gas passage 12 ‘extends for the full
The soaking pit or heating chamber 2 of length of the recuperator chamber and the
the furnace is of generally rectangular con additional distance over to'the heating cham
45 struction within s1de walls 3-3 and outer her 2, and is covered by an arched roof 14, con
lining the outgoing gases in their passage, as
most end walls 4-5.
The construction of the furnace is rec» indicated.
tangular as shown, ‘preferably of uniform ' Heating chamber 2 is covered by a suitable
width from end to end, providing continuous closing cover 15 of any suitable construction,
50 side walls, between which are located .the ele adapted to be moved away for insertion and
removal of the ingots or other articles to be uous down going waste gas conduits 20 are
provided, with the communicating individual
The recuperative chamber is ?lled with a cross openings 17, so that all of the waste
body of pre-heat-ing brick or tile 16, shown gases will pass downwardly and horizontally,
in detail in Fig. 4:. These are of special con— arriving ?nally at the common outlet chamber
struction, and are open from end to end by a 25 communicating by ?ue 26 with the stack. 70
7 horizontal circulating channel 17 for passage
continuous series in such a manner as to pro
vide continuous horizontal air and gas cir
culating and heating passages. These reg
Supporting arches 27 provide intervening
therethrough of either air or combustion channels 28 registering with and leading
gases, as they may be used.
downwardly from ‘I the several circulation
Alternating rows of the blocks are laid up spaces 20, providing ample circulation clear
close together with the openings 17 forming ance, as will be readily understood.
The incoming gas and air mixing chamber
8 is provided with a bottom collecting cavity
29 closed by a removable gate or wall 30 for
istervwith similar inlet openings v18 in wall removal of any accumulated cinders or other
13 and outlet openings 19 in wall 7.
waste products of combustion.
The longitudinal openings thus provided The construction and manner or" operation
are in bank arrangement both. vertically and of our improved furnace will be readily un
horizontally across the recuperating chamber derstood and appreciated from the foregoing
area, alternating with series of vertically ar description.
ranged open circulating passages for the
The supply of air and gas are under the
downgoing waste gases.
control of the operator by any suitable valve
A horizontal series of such gas heating or gate mechanism, and the ‘furnace may be
openings 18——17~—19 is provided in the upper operated continuously, avoiding the necessity
portion of the recuperative chamber, and a of the usual reversal of circulation and with
similar series of such heating openings for resulting regularity of operation. The tem~ 90
gas is provided below an intervening ?ue par perature may be continuously maintained to
tition 31.
the desired degree, and the articles to be
The bricks 16 as shown are arranged in heated are exposed to the upwardly circulat
vertical rows, alternating with longitudinally , ing gases within the closed chamber for any
arranged laterally spaced bricks for down desired time.
ward and outward circulation of waste gases, ‘
The heating chamber itself may be of any
as shown in Fig. 2. The alternating single desired proportions, but for best results the
bricks between each contlnuous row of bricks incoming fuel gases in combustion ?rst pass
- leaves a series of intervening vertical circu downwardly ‘toward the bottom, then up
lating spaces 20 and the horizontal openings through the whole interior, and outwardly
17 of the single unit bricks for the outgoing from a higher level, with thorough action on
waste gases towards the stack‘.
the contained units, as ingots, etc.
By such arrangement the incoming air What we claim is:
40 passes through each continuous upper series
1. A furnace having an outwardly enclosed
of openings 17 to chamber 8, and is in intimate heating chamber and provided with later
heating'relationship with the outgoing waste ally continuous inlet and outlet ports for
gases, thereby becoming highly heated and heating gases located at different levels on
ready for combination with the fuel gas in the inner side of said chamber to cause all
chamber 8.’
of the gases to pass inwardly across the
Air is furnished to openings 18 for such
circulation from a common supply chamber
'21-to which air is furnished from the atmos
phere by any suitable means, as aconduit 22.
hearth and then upwardly and outwardly
through the chamber, and having a vertical
mixing chamber communicating with in
Vertically below air chamber 21° and parti
tion_31 is the gas supply chamber 23, to which
gas is furnished from‘ any source, for similar
pie-heating through a similar series of hori—
zontal channels 18——17——~19, extending from
leading to the heating‘ chamber.
comingair and gas and with the inlet port
2. A furnace having an outwardly extend- ‘
ing entirely enclosed heating chamber pro
vided at its inner side with a lower laterally
continuous inlet port ‘and an upper laterally
one end of the recuperative chamber to the continuous outlet port for heating gases and
other, and into the lower portion of chamber a longitudinally extended waste gas passage
8, for combination with the upper incoming of substantially the width of the chamber,
hot air.
said inlet and outlet ports to and from the
The several horizontal series of bricks are heating chamber being above and below the
spaced apart and maintained in supported hearth and roof of the chamber respectively.
v‘position by transverse bridge strips or bars 3. A furnace having an entirely enclosed
24, spaced apart longitudinally in each tier heating chamber provided with a lower inlet
to provide clearance openings corresponding» poyrtlfor incoming gases and an upper outlet
to the vertical openings 20.
port for outgoing gases on the inner side of
By such arrangement the series of contin the chamber, the lower port being above a.
bottom wall and having oppositely disposed
downwardly sloping faces.‘
4. A furnace having an enclosed heating
chamber provided at its inner side with a
lower inletport, a Vertically arranged mix
ing chamber extending. downwardly there
from, means providing channels for intro
_ ducing air and'gas to the mixing chamber,
an upper outlet port leading inwardly, from
10 the heating chamber and having a waste gas
passage extension, and means providing cir
culation of waste gases from the said waste
gas passage outwardly and downwardly be
tween the air and gas‘ channels-
5. A furnace having an outer enclosed
heating chamber provided at its inner side
with a lower inlet port and an upper outlet
port, a continuous vertical mixing chamber
for preheated gas and air opening upwardly
into the inlet‘ port, and a recuperator having
passageways leading to the mixing chamber
for gases to be heated and intervening cross
' passageways leading from the outlet port for
waste gases.
6. A furnace having an enclosed heating
chamber provided at one side with a lower
inlet port and an upper outlet port, a ver
tically arranged mixing chamber opening
at the top to the lower inlet port, and a re
cuperator having individual horizontal pas
sageways leading-to the mixing chamber for
gases to be heated and intervening ‘vertical
and horizontal passageways between said
passageways leading from the outlet port for
35 waste gases to a gas outlet conduit.
7. A furnace having an enclosed heating
chamber provided at one side with a- lower
inlet port and an upper outlet port, a ver
tically arranged hot :air and gas mixing
chamber leading to the inlet port, an upper
waste gas chamber leading from the outlet
port, a' lower waste gas outlet conduit, and
a9- recuperator between the upper waste gas
chamber and the lower outlet conduit having
series of individual horizontal air and gas
passageways leading to the mixing chamber
and intervening reverse circulation passages
leading from the waste gas chamber to the
gas outlet conduit.
50 '
In ‘ testimony whereof we’ hereunto a?ix
our signatures.