1. glucose is broken down to pyruvate in the cytoplasm; with a small yield of ATP / net yield of 2 ATP; and NADH + H+ / NADH; aerobic respiration in the presence of oxygen; pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA; acetyl CoA enters Krebs cycle; Krebs cycle yields a small amount of ATP / one ATP per cycle; and FADH2 / FADH + H+ / NADH / NADH + H+ / reduced compounds / electron collecting molecules; these molecules pass electrons to electron transport chain; oxygen is final electron acceptor / water produced; electron transport chain linked to creation of an electrochemical gradient; electrochemical gradient / chemiosmosis powers creation of ATP; through ATPase; [8] 2. (a) (b) (i) increasing fructose 6-phosphate concentration (initially) causes an increase in activity; activity levels out / remains constant as (substrate) concentration continues to rise; 2 (ii) more collisions with active site as concentration rises; at high substrate levels all active sites are occupied so no further increase in rate / enzyme working at maximum rate; 2 (i) decreases activity; at all fructose 6-phosphate concentrations; most effect at intermediate fructose 6-phosphate concentrations / little difference at high fructose 6-phosphate concentrations; ATP acts as an inhibitor; 2 max (ii) end-product inhibition; respiration rate decreased if ATP already available; 1 max [7] 3. (a) Award [1] for each of the following clearly drawn and correctly labelled. outer membrane; inner membrane – folded into thin cristae; cristae – shown as thin; matrix; intermembrane space – shown as thin; (70S) ribosomes; ATP synthase – shown on the inner membrane surface; (naked) loop of DNA; 4 max 1 (b) photosynthesis: chloroplasts / photosystems: for light absorption / photosynthesis; stroma: light-independent reactions / Calvin cycle; thylakoid membranes of chloroplast: chemiosmosis / photophosphorylation / light dependent reactions; thylakoid space: build up H+ concentration gradient; inner membrane of thylakoid: electron transfer; inner membrane: ATP synthesis; 3 max cell respiration: 3 max mitochondria: for ATP production / aerobic respiration; cytoplasm: glycolysis / matrix: Krebs cycle / oxidative phosphorylation / link reaction; double / inner membranes of mitochondria: chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation; intermembrane space: build-up H+ concentration gradient; inner membrane of mitochondria: electron transfer; inner membrane: ATP synthesis; 6 max Answers must indicate location and process to receive a mark. Do not award a mark if it is ambiguous whether the candidate is discussing photosynthesis or respiration. (c) a food chain includes a producer and consumers; represents the direction of energy flow; energy loss occurs between trophic levels; due to material not consumed / assimilated; and from heat loss due to cell respiration; energy passed on from one level to next is 10–20%; which limits length of food chain; photosynthesis / producers convert solar energy to chemical energy (in organic molecules); consumers obtain necessary energy from eating organisms of previous trophic level; an energy pyramid shows the flow of energy from one tropic level to the next (in a community); units are energy per unit area per unit time / J m–2 yr–1; Pyramid of energy – properly drawn, each level no more than one fifth the width of the level below it, with three correctly labelled trophic levels eg producer, primary consumer; 8 max (Plus up to [2] for quality) [20] 4. (a) between 1.5 and 3.5 hours (or number between these figures) after feeding mealworm RQ values are higher than for millet; no difference in RQ values between 3.5 hours and 6 hours; between 0.5 and 1.5 hours (or number between these figures) millet RQ values much higher than for mealworm; between 2 and 3 hours mealworm RQ values are slightly higher than for millet; 2 max 2 (b) (c) millet is not composed entirely of carbohydrates; millet contains more carbohydrates; mealworms contain more lipids / proteins; 2 max (i) using carbohydrate (from millet as a respiratory substrate) 1 (ii) reverting to other substrates / carbohydrates (from millet) used up 1 [6] 5. Answers must include both similarities and differences to receive full marks. aerobic requires oxygen and anaerobic does not utilize oxygen; similarities: both can start with glucose; both use glycolysis; both produce ATP / energy (heat); both produce pyruvate; carbon dioxide is produced; (both start with glycolysis) aerobic leads to Krebs’ cycle and anaerobic leads to fermentation; 3 max differences: anaerobic: (fermentation) produces lactic acid in humans; (fermentation) produces ethanol and CO2 in yeast; occurs in cytoplasm of the cell; recycles NADH (NAD+); 5 max aerobic cellular respiration: pyruvate transported to mitochondria; further oxidized to CO2 and water (in Krebs’ cycle); produce a larger amount of ATP (36–38 ATP) / anaerobic produces less ATP (2); can use other compounds / lipids / amino acids for energy; [8] 6. (a) (i) A: cristae / inner membrane; B: matrix; 1 Both needed for [1]. (ii) A: electron transport / proton transport; B: Krebs cycle / ATP synthesis; 1 Both needed for [1]. 3 (b) large surface area of cristae allows electron transport / oxidative phosphorylation to be very efficient; matrix provides necessary chemical environment for the Krebs cycle; small distance between inner and outer membranes allows rapid movement of molecules between cytosol and matrix; small space between membranes allows protons to be accumulated / concentrated; 3 max [5] 7. glucose converted to pyruvate (two molecules); by glycolysis; pyruvate enters the mitochondria; pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA / ethyl CoA; by oxidative decarboxylation / NADH and CO2 formed; fatty acids / lipids converted to acetyl CoA; acetyl groups enter the Krebs cycle (accept acetyl CoA); FAD / NAD+ accepts hydrogen (from respiratory substrates) to form NADH / FADH2; FADH2 / NADH donates electrons / hydrogen to electron transport chain (reject donates H+); electrons release energy as they pass along the chain; oxygen final electron acceptor; production of water; builds up proton gradient / protons pumped across inner membrane; protons flow into matrix of mitochondria through ATPase; ATP produced; produces 36 / 38 ATP (per glucose); Accept any appropriate terminology for NAD and FAD. (Plus up to [2] for quality) 8 max [8] 8. (a) light dependent and light independent / Calvin cycle Do not accept “light” and “dark” reactions. 1 4 (b) Light low light; less ATP; less NADPH + H+; Carbon dioxide low carbon dioxide; less available for fixation in Calvin cycle; Temperature enzymes less active at low temperatures; enzymes denature at high temperatures; RuBP carboxylase as example; Do not award mark for factor without effect. (c) light excites electrons in chlorophyll / photosystem; electrons pass along carriers; protons / H+ pumped across thylakoid membrane / into thylakoid space; proton / H+ concentration rises inside; protons / H+ diffuse out / down concentration gradient; produces ATP from ADP; involvement of ATP synthetase / synthase; 2 max 3 max [6] 9. (a) (b) Award [1] for any two products. ATP; NADH; pyruvate; polar amino acids are hydrophilic and non-polar amino acids are hydrophobic; position of polar and non-polar amino acids determine protein shape / function / location; (in channel proteins) hydrophilic amino acids line the channels and allow transport of ions / polar substances; non-polar amino acids are in contact / embedded within the lipid membrane; polar amino acids on the surface proteins make them water soluble; non-polar in the centre of water-soluble proteins stabilize the structure; Accept any of the above points if clearly explained using a suitably labelled diagram. 1 max 3 max [4] 5 10. (a) (b) Award [1] for any two correct examples. hormones eg insulin; enzymes eg amylase; structural eg collagen; movement eg myosin / actin; transport eg hemoglobin; defence eg antibodies / immunoglobin; 2 max ATP synthesis is coupled to electron transport / H+ movement; occurs over the (inner) mitochondrial membrane; electrons are transported through carriers; energy released by electron transport; protons / H+ pumped across the membrane; ATP synthetase transports H+; uses energy to make ATP; 2 max [4] 11. (a) (b) (c) both have two (outer) membranes; both have cristae; both have a matrix (with a grainy appearance) / ribosomes; 2 max shape; arrangement of cristae; density of cristae; amount of matrix granules / any reference to dark dots; (do not accept ribosomes) 2 max A / bat’s; larger size / volume; greater surface area of cristae / more cristae; closeness of mitochondria in B mouse reduces rate; 3 max [7] 12. (a) (i) mitochondrion (ii) crista; 1 Award [1] for each of the following, up to [2 max]. folded membrane; provides large surface area; for electron transport chain / site of ATP synthesis; moves protons to inter membrane space from matrix; 3 max 6 (b) fatty acids oxidized / broken down; form two-carbon atom (acetyl) fragments; which are passed to Krebs’ cycle to be metabolized; 2 max [6] 13. (a) ATP; CO2; ethanol; lactic acid; heat energy; 1 (b) Reaction Electrons gained or lost Oxygen or hydrogen gained or lost Oxidation Reduction loss of electrons gain of electrons; gain of oxygen / loss of oxygen / loss of H+ / hydrogen gain of H+ / hydrogen; Award [2] for four correct and [1] for two correct. (c) 2 A – matrix: site for Krebs’ cycle / link reaction / ATP synthesis; B – inner membrane / cristae: site of oxidative phosphorylation / e– transport chain / increase surface area / ATP synthesis; C – inter membrane : H+ / proton build up; or C – outer membrane: determines which substances enter the mitochondrion; 3 max Award [1 max] if only the three labels are given. [6] 14. (a) (b) 2.4 (0.1) mlO2g1 h1 (units required) 1 as temperature rises oxygen consumption decreases / negative correlation / inverse proportion ( from 6C to 30-32C); but fairly stable / little effect above 31(1)C; (units required) 2 (c) temperature below which animals’ oxygen consumption increases / temperature below which animals respiration rate increases (to maintain body temperatures); temperature at which animal reaches minimal oxygen consumption / temperature above which oxygen consumption remains steady / possible increase; 1 max (d) (i) sloth 1 7 (ii) eg at 17C has 100% of metabolic rate and at 20C has 280 (5)% (of metabolic rate) / a change in 37C corresponds to a change of 180(5)% (of metabolic rate); 180 37 = 4.9 (0.2)% (of metabolic rate) per degree of temperature change / C1; 2 max Award full marks for correct calculation of slope using other figures. Award [1] in case of ECF of a correct calculation with incorrect figures. (e) (f) (g) (h) to produce heat; maintain constant body temperature; 1 max tropical mammals have a greater increase in metabolic rate as the temperature drops / arctic mammals have a (more) gradual change in metabolic rate as temperature drops; tropical mammals have a higher lower critical temperature; values for arctic mammals are extrapolated / estimated / not proven / less certain; tropical mammals are not (as well) adapted to cold temperatures / they live where little temperature change occurs; arctic mammals have more / thicker fur / more insulation to help keep warm; tropical mammals use BMR to regulate temperature more than arctic mammals; 3 max (i) 65.0 32.5 = 32.5(0.5) mm (units required) (ii) the values for thickness are only of length and not the density / number of hairs per surface area (that could be greater in the reindeer); does not include thickness of each hair (that could be greater in the reindeer) / different compositions / materials; does not include amount of air trapped in fur for insulation (that could be greater in the reindeer); different colours of hair affect absorption light energy; 1 max (i) beaver drops by about 1.9 (0.1)W dm−2 / from 2.05(0.05)W dm−2 to about 0.20(0.05)Wdm−2 (units required) (ii) increase in metabolic rate (to generate heat); fat insulation (to maintain heat); fast muscle movements (to generate heat); vasoconstriction / decreased blood flow to surface; 1 1 1 max Accept any other reasonable suggestion. 8 (i) (increases in) both are adaptations to maintain body temperature; mammals are homeotherms / must maintain constant body temperature; increased metabolic rate produces more energy to maintain body temperatures; thicker the fur, the greater the insulation value; animals with high fur thickness do not change BMR as quickly as animals with lower fur thickness; examples of animals with greater fur thickness and lower critical temperatures; greater fur thickness, less need for increased metabolic rate to maintain temperature / less fur thickness requires higher metabolic rate to maintain body temperature; thicker fur saves energy stores during cold temperatures when food is scarce; animals in two data sets are not identical / insufficient data; 3 max [18] 15. (a) as cadmium ion concentration increases, respiration rate decreases 1 (b) at 50 mol dm−3 respiration is lower than at 0 mol dm−3 for all temperatures; at50 mol dm−3 respiration is highest at 15C, whereas at 0 mol dm−3 respiration is highest at 25; respiration at 35C is lowest at both cadmium concentrations; 2 max (c) salinity / pH / clarity / oxygen level / pollution (d) data shows results only for cadmium, not for all trace elements; the hypothesis is always supported for changes of temperature from 15 / 25 to 35C; the hypothesis is not always supported from 15 to 25C; at 35C the effect on respiration is greatest at all cadmium levels; may be other factors causing the respiration to fall (such as activity of enzymes); marine temperatures unlikely to reach 35C; 3 max 1 [7] 16. (a) 210 ml kg–1 min–1 (2) (units required) 1 (b) Accept 86 (2) or 46 (2) 1 9 (c) oxygen delivery is similar to healthy; oxygen use is lower / half; insufficient energy / ATP produced by aerobic respiration; forced to respire anaerobically; lactic acid builds up; 3 max [5] 17. (a) (b) (c) Q: anaerobic respiration / fermentation; R: aerobic respiration / Kreb’s (citric acid) cycle; 2 A: pyruvate / 3-oxopropanoate; D: carbon dioxide; 2 mitochondrion; 1 [5] 18. (a) (b) (c) (i) carbon dioxide and water Need both to receive the mark. 1 (ii) heat / energy 1 starch is broken down transforming into sugar; chlorophyll is broken down so bananas change from green to yellow; increase in respiration causes water release and CO2 formation; 2 max reduce heat of cargo / refrigerate (bananas) to slow respiration rate; lower oxygen / raise nitrogen / carbon dioxide level in cargo atmosphere to inhibit respiration rate; shorten transport distance / time so less time to over ripen; 2 max [6] 10
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