AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report Ingvar Bergdahl Enheten för biobanksforskning och Yrkes- och miljömedicin, Inst f folkhälsa o klinisk medicin The AMAP Programme Combining monitoring and research to inform policy-making Kommer i höst: AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Introduction 2. Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the Arctic 3. Levels and trends of contaminants in humans 4. Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the Arctic 5. Approaches to describe risks and future needs 6. Risk communication 7. Adaption in Arctic circumpolar communities: Food and water security in a changing climate 8. Key findings and recommendations Ingvars snabbanalys: AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Introduction Faktaspäckat om miljömedicinska studier i Arktis 2. 3. 4. Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the Arctic Levels and trends of contaminants in humans Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the Arctic Holistiskt om hälsa och miljöföroreningar i Arktis 5. 6. 7. Approaches to describe risks and future needs Risk communication Adaption in Arctic circumpolar communities: Food and water security in a changing climate Highlights 8. Key findings and recommendations Ingvars snabbanalys: AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Introduction Faktaspäckat om miljömedicinska studier i Arktis 2. 3. 4. Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the Arctic Levels and trends of contaminants in humans Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the Arctic Holistiskt om hälsa och miljöföroreningar i Arktis 5. 6. 7. Approaches to describe risks and future needs Risk communication Adaption in Arctic circumpolar communities: Food and water security in a changing climate Highlights 8. Key findings and recommendations Intressant för mig 1. AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Human exposure to most POPs and metals is declining across many parts of the Arctic, but remains high among certain populations. Still a concern. 2. Brominated flame retardants and perfluorinated contaminants (PFCs) have been measured in human populations living in the Arctic. 3. Hg Faroe details and highlights. Intressant för mig 2. AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Prenatal exposure to OCs does increase susceptibility to infectious diseases (in particular otitis media – middle ear infection, often in children 0-2 years). Most experimental evidence points to the role played by the dioxin-like PCB congeners. Perinatal exposure to PCBs and (especially) perfluorinated compounds in Faroese children has been associated with lower than expected antibody production after routine childhood immunizations. Intressant för mig 3. AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report 1. Changes in PBDE levels follow a different pattern to most ohther POPs, suggesting an alternative exposure route. PBDEs may not accumulate in the same way as other POPs. This still needs investigation. 2. Blood Pb concentrations are still elevated in parts of Russia and Canada. There may be other important sources of exposure in addition to lead shot in country food. Intressant för mig 4. AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report Encyklopedisk användning av kapitlen 2. 3. 4 Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the Arctic Levels and trends of contaminants in humans Health effects associated with measured levels of contaminants in the Arctic DISCLAIMER AMAP 2015 Human Health Assessment Report Rapporten är extensiv men ändå bitvis ofullständig. Ha överseende och gör ändå fynd! Utpekade fynd eller slutsatser i den här presentationen är från ett preliminärt utkast, inte den färdiga rapporten. Ytterligare vägning av formuleringar kan innebära att texten förändras. What’s next? Modernisera mätprogrammet. Fokusera relevanta hälsoeffekter. Samarbete AMAP HHAG och SDWG. “White Paper” under utveckling. Pågående projekt: Mercu-North: Hg och “nya” Pop:ar hos gravida i Arktis. Internationell jämförelse och baslinje för uppföljning av Minamatakonventionen (8*50 st) Tack!
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