‘House of Bala’, 35, Ext. Street, LRG Layout, Kongu Nagar, TIRUPUR 641 607, India. (P): +91 421 222 1020 (M): + 91 989 414 9010 (E): houseofbala@gmail.com (W): www.houseofbala.com 1. LICENSE: A. All copyrights to "HOB Hospital Management Program Pro" are exclusively owned by the author and copyright holder - Dr. Mohan Kumar. B. You may make copies of the version of this distribution package for backup purposes only. No person or company may distribute "HOB Hospital Management Program Pro" (this includes WWWserver or FTP-server publishing) without written permission from the copyright holder. C. You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. You are also not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. D. THE "HOB Hospital Management Program Pro" IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. WE MAY NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. E. By installing and / or using the software, you indicate your acceptance of the following license agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly delete the software from your computer and stop using it. 2. CONDITIONS OF SALE: A. This software is a scientific tool and it is there to serve Medical profession; and should be used only for that purpose within the legal frame work or ‘Law of the Land’. We are in no way responsible (Both in Right sense or Legal sense), if anyone exceeds the legal limits. B. Our responsibility stops with the sale and limited only to the extend of servicing this software. C. We don’t endorse / guarantee the genuineness any Client / Purchaser or any product that he / she prescribes. D. This software is 'Serviced / Supported' only for TWO years from the 'Date of Purchase'. E. The Payment and the Purchase of this software are enough unto themselves that the Client / Purchaser agrees to these ‘Conditions of Sale’. F. The Client / Purchaser agrees to the ‘Licence Agreement’ contained in the software. 3. SOMETHING ABOUT ADD-ON: From Jan 1, 2014 onwards, the following ‘Free Add-In' available with 'Hospital Management' as part of our special promotional offer. 'Room Management' SW worth over Rs. 5000 1 'Linen Management' SW worth over Rs. 7000 'Pharmacy' SW worth over Rs. 10000 'Mini Pay Roll' SW worth over Rs. 8000 A. These 'Add-on' are given as 'FREE SOFTWARE', 'TO HELP' you. B. They 'DON'T FORM PART OF ORIGINAL SOFTWARE', for which you pay. C. They are meant for Small to Medium-sized Hospital. D. So they cannot fullfil 'every expectation' of 'every Client'. E. If you prefer, you can go for a bigger SW (in open market), which are available in the price range of Rs. 5000 to 50000 4. SELLING THIS SOFTW ARE ON THE ASSUMPTION THA SOFTWARE THATT : A. Your Computer Hardware is perfect. B. OS is original & Updated with SP. C. Virus-free. D. LAN Setting is smooth. E. Either you / your asst. has basic knowledge in computer. F. If problem in the above, we cannot help you from here. G. We are responsible only for our SW; prepared to help you to any extent. H. We can teach you Software; Sorry, not Computer. I. We have solution for all your computer problems (Hardware or Software). J. But the prerequisite is, you have to understand our (computer) language. 2
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