Su 16 Mo 17 We 19 Th 20 Fr 21 8.00am 10:00am 11.30am 3.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 10.30am 8.00pm 6.30pm 5.00pm Su 23 8.00am 10:00am 11.30am 3.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm Mo 24 7.00pm Tu 25 7.30pm We 26 10.30am 8.00pm Th 27 6.30pm Sa 29 8.00pm Building fund offering Early morning prayer meeting Bible Classes Campaigner Sunday David Canning Sunday School Prayer Meeting Campaigner Sunday David Canning Basic Hygiene course Parents & Toddlers Prayer Meeting Pastor Alan Hoey Campaigners Baptist Youth Fellowship are going to the Ulster rugby match in Belfast Early morning prayer meeting Bible Classes Morning Service Pastor Alan Hoey Sunday School Prayer Meeting Evening Service Pastor Alan Hoey Prayer time after service for Sunday School Basic Hygiene Course Knit Together Parents & Toddlers Prayer Meeting Pastor Alan Hoey Campaigners Downtown Outreach For people with good eyesight. Say Happy Birthday to Sorry Not Printed last week Eileen Anderson Kathleen Corscadden Joan Glendinning Heather Hoey Beverley McCormick Now this week Stephen McCormick Hannah Neilly Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you May God bless you and keep you May you walk in His way November 19 November 26 December 3 Lorna, Norma & Betty S. Lorna, Eileen & Sandra CHRISTMAS PARTY Irene, Katrina & Katherine Mon 7pm Basic Hygiene course in church hall 17th Regulations now require that those preparing or orNov ganising meals complete the Basic Hygiene Course. It is necessary therefore that some members of each organisation complete the course. Perhaps each organisation could decide who should attend and record their names on the sheet in the hall. Jennifer Hoping to visit Feeny Community Centre with a view to doing a Christmas club. Pray that God would open up the way. (am) 7.45pm Committee meeting in Eglinton We welcome you this Lord’s Day Sunday 16th November The Year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2014 11:30am Morning Service Speaker: David Canning During this service the King of kings invites His children to examine themselves and to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. (The pancakes on the plate are gluten free and are suitable for people who are Coeliac) 6:30pm Evening Service Speaker: David Canning Heather/Bryan Drumachose PS GNC Tue 7.30pm Drummond Hotel CEF Annual fellowship meal 18th Speaker Alan Hoey. Singer Angie McKee Cost £15 Nov Tickets from Jennifer or any of the local committee. Jennifer 9am Ballougry P.S. Assembly 2-3pm Ballykelly P1/2 Bible club 3-4pm Ballykelly Senior Bible Club 7.30pm Fellowship evening, Drummond hotel Fri Pray for safe travel as the BYF go to Belfast leaving 21st at 5pm Sat Averil 22nd Killyhevlin Hotel Ladies Breakfast Crèche facilities for children up to and including primary three are available morning & evening. We thank the following people for being in charge of this work EVENING MORNING DATE 16/11/2014 Belinda Lorna McC Sarah Betty S Gael Lorraine 23/11/2014 Betty S Lorraine Alice Beverly Heather Mavis 30/11/2014 Beverly Mavis Alison Christine Helen Pauline Mon 24th Nov 7pm Basic Hygiene course in church hall Tue 2nd Dec Baptist Ladies dinner in church hall Sat Ladies Coffee Morning “Sheephill House” 13th Speaker Ruth Hamilton (Kilkeel) Dec “The other side of depression” John McCormick Thought for the week rota Jan Pastor Hoey Nov Norman Somerville Feb Oct Bob Barbour Dec Robert Brolly Hymns are displayed under copyright licence No 13923 All need a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and then we need Christian thoroughness in the relationships of life. Because of this Our Motto is ‘UNTO HIM’ (Christ) Our Password is ‘THROUGH AND THROUGH’ Please stay for a cup of tea after the evening service. IN TROUBLOUS TIMES...? This phrase occurs in the prophesy of Daniel (Chap. 9) in relation to the coming of Messiah to Israel and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. As we survey our world today and look for signs preceding its demise in its present form, and the setting up of a new, eternal kingdom, are there any parallels with the world Daniel was foretelling, with its unique events, and the one we inhabit today? For sure! Messiah, Jesus, is the key. He would come in troubled times for Israel – conquered by Rome and, after the fleeting, but stupendous, events of his earthly ministry, death and resurrection to atone for man’s sin, would again see Jerusalem obliterated by the emperor Titus. Troublous times indeed! Then Daniel’s vision in Chap. 9 fast forwards us to the climactic events of his seventieth week – a time in the future that would see a revived ‘Roman Empire’ in place, or more specifically, an empire akin to ancient Rome in its geographical location. Guess what? We have such an ‘empire’ in place today – it’s called the European Community – and it will have a key role in end-time events. Bible prophecy (in Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 2 Tim 3 and other scriptures) make clear certain other features will also be present in the world’s make-up at that time: catastrophes of nature and living, savage behaviour, distress of nations, perplexity, ‘the sea and the waves roaring’, signs in the heavens, and ‘men’s hearts failing them for fear’ (Lk 21). An explosion of knowledge (the computer revolution) will lead to man’s heart despising the concept of one true God, but ironically at ease with, and indulging in, satanic activity and trifling with death. One other factor, and the most significant, will set the stage for Messiah’s coming again – scattered and chastened Israel back in their own land. As God promised. Troublous times again, for sure! But, for the believer in Jesus, Messiah, what glorious hope and expectation! ‘When these things begin to come to pass...look up... for your redemption draweth nigh’ (Lk.21.28). Norman Somerville Isa 43 V 11 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Chapter per day 16-Nov Ezek 28 17-Nov Ezek 29 18-Nov Ezek 30 19-Nov Ezek 31 20-Nov Ezek 32 21-Nov Ezek 33 22-Nov Ezek 34 23-Nov Ezek 35 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun One Year Plan 16-Nov Acts 18-19 17-Nov Acts 20-21 18-Nov Acts 22-23 19-Nov Acts 24-26 20-Nov Acts 27-28 21-Nov Rom 1-3 22-Nov Rom 4-7 23-Nov Rom 8-10 The Goal of the Islamic State The Dabiq, the Islamic State magazine, made accessible to all through its English edition, makes their goal abundantly clear. It cited the September speech of Islamic State spokesman Mohammad al-Adnani, who brashly warned the "crusaders" (America and Europe) thus: "We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women … so mobilize your forces, O crusaders … roar with thunder, threaten whom you want, plot, arm your troops, prepare yourselves, strike, kill, and destroy us. This will not avail you. You will be defeated … for our Lord … has promised our victory and your defeat." In the Islamic State’s view of the world, Israel is merely a Roman military outpost that must be taken before marching on Europe. For this reason, Israel is far from being the focus of this magazine, which is all about waging an apocalyptic war against America and Europe. In fact, one might be disappointed to discover that the latest issue of Dabiq doesn’t mention at all the Palestinians or the summer’s Gaza war, which dominated headlines in the rest of the world. Ashers Bakery A petition has been raised to back Ashers Bakery To support this log into Fill in the details and click sign. Pastor Alan Hoey Bob Barbour Norman Somerville John McCormick Robert Brolly Web Site M: 07968169155 H:028 703 52079 M: 07710150020 H:028 703 51244 M: 07743382170 H:028 777 6 2037 M: 07900051996 H:028 713 44723 M: 07708848195 H:028 777 22308 During the war against Hitler, the Queen's father, King George VI called many times for national days of prayer. It was such an acknowledgement of the Sovereignty of Jesus Christ over Britain that undoubtedly preserved our freedom, and God answered those prayers at many times when it appeared that our military forces were about to be overcome. The Magna Carta, The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, The Bill Rights of 1689 and the Coronation Oath gave us the right to live as free men and women and acknowledged the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God, as revealed in the natural world and supremely in the Bible. The Coronation oath, sworn by British monarchs, codified those freedoms into law and gave protection to the British people from any government that would attempt to impose Godless tyranny on its own people. The Coronation Oath, established in 1688 by King William and Queen Mary, codified the promise of a sovereign to preserve peace and protect the church, to maintain laws that uphold Judeo/ Christian values and morality and abolish bad laws and dispense justice to all. At their coronation, they were asked whether they would “solemnly promise and swear to govern the People of this Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereto, according to the statutes in Parliament agreed on and the laws and customs of the same”.... Would they to their power “cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be Executed in all Your Judgements....?” And would they, to the utmost of their power, “Maintain the Laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel and the Protestant reformed religion, established by law?” and would they “Preserve unto the Bishops and clergy of this realm and the churches committed to their charge all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertaine unto them or any of them.?” To which they responded by saying, All this I promise to do ….The things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep so help me God.” So, here written into the very DNA of our laws is an acknowledgement that we need to be protected by God not only from external forces, but our own fallen natures.
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