Third Quarter 2014 Results Bergen – 13 November 2014 1 Agenda • Highlights • Financials • Operational review • Market update and prospects 2 Highlights Highlights • Chemical Tankers EBITDA of USD 26 million, compared with USD 24 million in second quarter • Time-charter results down by 3% • Odfjell Terminals EBITDA of USD 4 million compared with negative USD 10 million in second quarter ODFIX Annualized EBITDA¹ 200 350 Index 1990=100 300 USD mill 250 200 150 100 150 100 50 50 0 -50 0 05 06 07 Chemical tankers 08 09 10 Tank terminals 11 12 13 14 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 LPG/Ethylene ¹ Proportional consolidation method according to actual historical ownership share 3 Highlights Highlights • Closing of transaction of gas carrier joint venture, resulting in a capital gain in excess of USD 6 million • Ongoing cost-cutting and efficiency review to significantly improve Odfjell results going forward 4 Financials Income statement¹ - Third quarter 2014 3Q14 2Q14 267 275 Voyage expenses (123) (127) TC expenses (47) (50) Operating expenses (44) (48) Share of net result from associates and JV (8) (11) General and administrative expenses (24) (26) 19 13 (24) (23) Capital gain/loss on fixed assets 7 0 Operating result (EBIT) 1 (9) Net finance (9) (15) Taxes (1) (1) Net result (9) (26) USD mill Gross revenue Operating result before depr. (EBITDA) Depreciation ¹ Equity method hallo 5 Financials Quarterly figures¹ USD mill EBITDA Gross Revenue 45 40 300 35 250 30 USD mill USD mill 350 200 150 25 20 15 100 10 50 5 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 • Stable gross revenue • Improved EBITDA for all business segments • EBITDA in 3Q USD 31 million compared to USD 29 million in 2Q, which 2014 was adjusted for one off charges of USD 14 million ¹ Proportional consolidation method 6 Financials Quarterly figures USD mill Operating Result (EBIT)¹ 40 23 11 20 8 5 0 ‐5 USD mill -20 ‐6 EBIT improved compared to last quarter • EBIT 2Q included one-off items of total ‐15 ‐15 ‐25 ‐23 -40 • USD 14 million -60 • -80 Net interest remains stable -100 ‐99 -120 2012 2013 2014 Net Finance² Net Result 10 20 0 0 -5 ‐8 1 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 ‐7 ‐7 ‐9 ‐9 ‐9 0 0 ‐9 -20 ‐1 -10 -15 ‐3 ‐6 ‐7 ‐9 ‐5 ‐15 -20 -25 9 7 USD mill USD mill 5 -40 ‐2 ‐4 ‐9 ‐13 ‐22 ‐26 ‐28 ‐39 ‐40 -60 -80 Net interest 2012 Other financial/currency 2013 ¹ Proportional consolidation method ² Equity method 2014 -100 ‐102 -120 2012 2013 haallooo oooooo 2014 oooo 7 Financials Balance sheet¹ – 30.09.2014 USD mill - Assets Ships and newbuilding contracts Other non-current assets/receivables Investment in associates and JV’s Total non-current assets Equity and liabilities 1 285 81 397 1 762 Total equity Non-current liabilities and derivatives 681 38 Non-current interest bearing debt 1 064 Total non-current liabilities 1 102 Available-for-sale investments and cash 123 Current portion of interest bearing debt 134 Other current assets 155. Other current liabilities and derivatives 122 Total current assets 278 Total current liabilities 256 Total assets 2 040 Total equity and liabilities • Cash balance of USD 123 million - excluding JV’s cash • Net investment in tank terminals JV’s USD 333 million • 9.8% of own shares held as treasury shares • Equity ratio 33.4% • Odfjell Gas included as joint venture as of 30.09.2014 2 040 ¹ Equity method 8 Financials Debt development – 30.09.2014 • Two last Hyundai Mipo newbuildings fully financed • Financing of gas newbuildings in process • Exploring various financial arrangements for loans maturing towards the end of 2015 Debt Portfolio Planned Debt Repayments 1,400 400 1,200 350 300 USD mill USD mill 1,000 800 600 250 200 150 100 400 50 200 0 2014 0 2014 2015 Ending balance 2016 Repayment 2017 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Secured loans NOK bond 12/15 Balloon NOK bond 12/17 Leasing NOK Bond 12/18 Balloon repayment in late 2015 relates primarly to loans on our sophisticated stainless steel vessels built in Poland 9 Financials Capital expenditure programme In USD mill – per 30.09.2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 6 20 20 20 20 14 81 63 25 84 70 75 56 34 Chemical Tankers, Odfjell share Hyundai Mipo, 2 x 46,000 dwt1) Docking 55 Odfjell Gas, 100 % share2) Sinopacific, 4 x 17,000 cbm Sinopacific, 4 x 22,000 cbm Tank Terminals, 100% share Planned (not commited) capex 1)Third 64 8 vessel was delivered 2 October 2014, remaining capex USD 28 million is committed to inject up to USD 50 million in equity in 2015/2017 2)Odfjell 10 Financials Income statement¹ – 3Q14 chemical tankers 3Q14 2Q14 263 270 Voyage expenses (122) (125) TC expenses (45) (48) Operating expenses (44) (48) General and administrative expenses 2 (25) (25) Operating result before depr. (EBITDA) 26 24 (24) (23) Capital gain/loss on fixed assets 0 0 Operating result (EBIT) 3 1 USD mill Gross revenue Depreciation ¹ Proportional consolidation method 2 Including corporate 11 Financials Income statement¹ – 3Q14 tank terminals 3Q14 2Q14 23 24 Operating expenses (14) (26) General and administrative expenses (5) (8) 4 (10) Depreciation (8) (8) Capital gain/(loss)* (1) 1 Operating result (EBIT) (5) (17) USD mill Gross revenue Operating result before depr. (EBITDA) *Write-off investment project in Le Havre of USD 1 million ¹ Proportional consolidation method 12 Financials Results per segment¹ 3Q14 Annualized EBITDA¹ 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 350 300 USD mill 250 200 150 100 50 0 05 -50 Gross revenue Chemical tankers EBITDA 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 Assets Tank terminals LPG/Ethylene Chemical tankers 3Q14 Tank terminals LPG/Ethylene 2Q14 Chemical tankers Tank terminals LPG/ Ethylene Chemical tankers Tank terminals LPG/ Ethylene Gross revenue 263 23 7 270 24 8 EBITDA 26 4 1 24 (10) 1 EBIT 3 (5) 7 1 (17) 1 USD mill 13 ¹ Proportional consolidation method 13 Financials Tank terminals EBITDA – by geographical segment USD mill EBITDA YTD 2014 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 11 10 7 • One-off charges in 2Q14 of USD 11.8 million at OTR ‐34 Europe North America Asia EBITDA Tank Terminals by geographical segment Middle East 3Q14 2Q14 (6) (20) North America 3 4 Asia 4 4 Middle East 2 3 Total EBITDA 4 (10) Europe 14 Operational review Vessel operating expenses - chemical tankers 12,000 10,000 USD 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 05 06 07 08 09 USD / day, total 10 11 12 13 14 USD/day, crew 15 Operational review Bunker development Net Bunker Cost 80 70 65.2 67.7 65.2 60 61.3 63.0 65.9 66.4 50 USD mill 40 30 71.1 72.3 (4.8) (4.2) (1.1) 4Q13 70.1 20 10 - (3.1) (1.8) (10) (3.2) (0.4) (3.9) (0.7) 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 (0.2) (20) (30) 3Q13 Bunker purchase Bunker clauses Bunker hedging Net bunker cost Platts 3.5% FOB Rotterdam 800 • Net bunker cost per tonne in 3Q was USD 565 700 USD/mt 600 • About 90% of the remaining 2014 exposure and 500 400 45% of the 2015 exposure is hedged at an 300 200 hallooooo oooooooo Bunker clauses in CoAs cover about 53% of the oooooo exposure average of USD 525 per tonne 100 0 09 10 11 12 13 14 • 16 Operational review Fleet development - last 12 months Fleet additions DWT Built Tanks Transaction October 2014 Bow Trident 46 600 2014 Coated Owned August 2014 Kristin Knutsen 19 152 1998 Stainless Short-term TC June 2014 Bow Tribute 46 000 2014 Coated Bareboat May 2014 UACC Mansouria 45 352 2013 Coated Short-term TC April 2014 Bow Trajectory 46 000 2014 Coated Bareboat April 2014 Bow Harmony 33 619 2008 Stainless Purchase March 2014 SG Friendship 19 773 2003 Stainless Medium-term TC Februay 2014 Berlian Ekuator 35 000 cbm 2004 LPG Short-term TC January 2014 Celsius Mumbai 19 993 2005 Stainless Medium-term TC December 2013 RT Star 26 199 2011 Stainless Medium-termTC December 2013 Celsius Miami 19 991 2005 Stainless Medium-termTC November 2013 Celsius Manhatten 19 807 2006 Stainless Medium-termTC November 2013 Bow Condor 16 121 2000 Stainless Purchase J/V October 2013 Bow Eagle 24 700 1988 Stainless Short-termTC Short-term: Medium-term: Long-term: Up to one year 1-3 years More than three years haloooo h oooooo oooo 17 Operational review Fleet development – last 12 months Fleet disposals, owned DWT Built Tanks Transaction December 2013 Bow Mate 6 001 1999 Stainless Sale October 2013 Bow Eagle 24 700 1988 Stainless Sale Delivery of Bow Trident, the third of four coated chemical tankers from the Hyundai Mipo yard in South Korea 18 Operational review Odfjell Gas Carriers The announced joint venture became effective 29 September Entered into an agreement with affiliates of Breakwater Capital and Oak Hill Advisors to form a liquefied petroleum gas and ethylene shipping joint venture A capital gain in excess of USD 6 million was realised as a result of this transaction Existing two vessels entered into an pool agreement with Lauritzen Kosan AS Newbuildings expected to be delivered from 4Q 2015 and onwards 3Q14 2Q14 Gross revenue 7 8 EBITDA 1 1 EBIT 7 1 USD mill 19 Operational review Terminal projects and expansions • Odfjell Terminals (Charleston) has been operational since the start of 2014 and contracts for the full capacity are in final negotiations • New stainless steel tank capacity of 30,800 cbm in Houston was completed in September • Construction of another new tank pit in Houston is underway with expected completion in 4Q 2015, adding 17,170 cbm of tank capacity • The construction of the new Tianjin Terminal in China is progressing with start of operations scheduled in 1Q 2015 hallooo oooooo o OTH bay 9 completed in September 20 Operational review Tank terminal capacity Total capacity in CBM (incl. related parties): Current capacity Ongoing expansions 5,419,722 479,570 1,800 1,600 Cubic Metres`000 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Mineral oil storage Chemical storage Ongoing expansions * Odfjell’s ownership share in the respective tank terminals is shown in percentage 21 Operational review Odfjell Terminals (Rotterdam) – current status • EBITDA negative USD 6 million in 3Q14, Odfjell share • Re-organisation and subsequent reduction of staff completed 1 August 2014 • Cost base reduced and positioned for growth • Storage tanks supporting the distillation units will be re-commissioned in fourth quarter of 2014 OTR Historical EBITDA (100%) 60 EUR mill 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 * YTD 2014 EBITDA includes one-off items of EUR 16.8 million 22 Market update and prospects Reducing cost and improving efficiency • The cost cutting and efficiency review was announced in May and fully mobilised as from July • Organized through work streams focusing on operating expenses, G&A, bunkers and trade optimization • Identification of all potential cost reductions has recently been finalized • All identified cost reductions will be subject to risk assessment and detailed planning and implementation will take place from January 2015 • Immediate initiatives alone are expected to bring an annualised bottom line effect in excess of USD 50 million when fully implemented • Any provisions related to fleet optimisation and implementation costs will be made in Q4/Q1 2015 23 Market update and prospects Market update – chemical tankers • The activity in the market in third quarter was quite similar to previous period • Reduced spot trading caused downward pressure on freight rates • Lower oil prices will reduce our bunker costs • Lower price for oil products seems to hamper trade and the activity in general • Delays in ports continue to rise and creates challenges 24 Market update and prospects Core Chemical Deep-sea Fleet 2004-2018 Orderbook and estimated demolition per October 31st, 2014 t e e l f t r a t s r a e y f o % % 0 . 5 1 t w D 0 0 00 ' 0 0 , 2 % 0 . 2 1 0 0 6 , 1 Average annual net growth: 2004-2013: 7.5% 2014-2018: 4.0% % 0 . 9 0 0 2 , 1 % 0 . 6 0 0 8 % 0 . 3 0 0 4 0 % 0 . 0 0 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 % 0 . 3 - 0 4 - 04 % 0 . 6 - 0 0 8 - g n i s a h p t u o l e s ks oe ov b. r m e i ds t r OE d e h sh i l t o w mo r eg sdt e e y i r l e e a l f vu i t l te e c DAN Source: Odfjell FLEETBASE hhhhhh hhhhhh h built) * Outphasing 30 years (Europe built) and 25 years (Asian 25 Market update and prospects Prospects • US consumer confidence advanced in October to the highest in the past seven years • Stronger expansion of the US economy • European economies are still weakening • Odfjell will benefit from lower bunker prices • Fourth quarter expected to improve from the third quarter for the chemical tanker and LPG/Ethylene segments • We expect improved results at Odfjell Terminals (Rotterdam) and slight increase in earnings for the remainder of the terminals due to increase in capacity 26 Company representatives Jan A. Hammer – CEO, Odfjell SE Terje Iversen – CFO, Odfjell SE Email: Email: Phone: +47 908 39 719 Phone: +47 932 40 359 IR – contact: Tom A. Haugen – VP Finance, Odfjell SE Email: Phone: +47 905 96 944 27 Thank you For more information please visit our webpage at 28
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