The Grammar Weekly DOCTRINA VITAE Volume 27 Number 32 Wednesday 12 November 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL I would like to congratulate the students and staff that were involved in the Junior School production of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. Playing to full houses on both Thursday and Friday, it was a pleasure to see so many students participating and performing at such a high level. Parents will be receiving a letter in the next day or so outlining the School’s fee structure for next year. Considerable effort has been put into enabling increases to be minimised, whilst enabling the school to maintain its healthy financial condition. If you do not receive the letter by next Monday (17th November), please contact the school. We are fast approaching the end of the year and students are currently preparing for end of year examinations. I cannot stress the importance of becoming familiar and getting used to examinations and the examination process as early as possible. Our school is one that primarily prepares students for the VCE, and it remains an examination based system. Understanding how to tackle examinations and cope with the undoubted pressure they engender is an important part of the education process. Facing a trial exam or test with recourse only to memory and previous knowledge under a time constraint is sometimes derided as artificial, however, there are many instances in our lives where in fact the kind of skills that rapid decisions based on our knowledge under pressure of time are of enormous use. Examinations are about practice and preparation and I would encourage you to ensure that your child has an appropriate plan of revision in place and is following it. Andrew A. Neal Principal Bacchus Marsh Grammar School Inc. P.O. Box 214 South Maddingley Road Bacchus Marsh, VIC, 3340 Website: IMPORTANT DATES 18/11/14 Orientation Day: Junior School & Year 7 2015 only. 18/11/14 Exam & Report Writing Years 7-11 2014 – No School (Year 11students with exams are to attend) 19-21/11/14 Year 4 Camp – Queenscliff 25/11/14 Year 6 Field Trip 26/11/14 Year 1 Day Camp – Sunnystones 1-5/12/14 JS Christmas Activity Week 2/12/14 Year 6 Graduation – Lakeside, Taylors Lakes 6.30pm 3-4/12 /14 9A, 9C, & 9E (2015) DOE Preparation Camp 4-5/12/14 9B, 9D, 9F & 9G (2015) DOE Preparation Camp 8/12/14 Junior School Concert 9/12/14 Years 9-11 final day & Awards Afternoon 10/12/14 Years 5-8 final day & Awards Afternoon 11/12/14 End of Term Prep – Year 4. FROM THE` DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL REMEMBRANCE DAY Yesterday students, Sarah Atze, Andrew Lock and I attended the Bacchus Marsh RSL Remembrance Day Service in Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. Sarah and Andrew were invited to place a wreath at the memorial statue on behalf of Bacchus Marsh Grammar. It was a very positive service with a large representation from the Bacchus Marsh community, with numerous primary and secondary school students in attendance. Thank you to the Bacchus Marsh RSL for organising this service and allowing our students to participate. Students at Bacchus Marsh Grammar observed a minute’s silence at 11:00, preceded by the reading of the Ode by Mr Makenzie and the playing of the Last Post by Mr Clare. Thank you VCE UNIT 2 INTERIM REPORTS VCE interim reports were completed by VCE teachers last week and were posted to families Friday. Please read through the Interim Report with your child discussing both the positives and negatives highlighted in their report. One of the topics of the interim report is the overdue work list, please ensure that any overdue work is addressed as soon as possible to avoid consequences such as detentions or an unsatisfactory result for that that subject. If your son or daughter is not progressing as well as expected or has a significant amount of overdue work, please follow this up with the appropriate Year Level Coordinator or teacher. Telephone: (03) 5366 4800 Fax: (03) 5366 4850 Website: E-Mail: YEAR 7 INFORMATION NIGHT Last night the Year 7, 2015 Information Night was held. Thank you to all parents and students who attended the evening. Thank you to Miss Ballard for coordinating the evening and to all the presenters. Rachel Jackson of Year 7 gave an excellent presentation of what it is like to transition from Year 6 into Year 7. Thank you. school canteen will be available for recess and lunch snacks if you wish your child to access this. Students will need to wear sensible, closed in shoes to enable them to participate fully in all activities throughout the day. Students in all levels except Prep Reception and Prep are required to bring their pencil case to school for the day’s activities. If parents have any further questions that they need answered please make contact with the people highlighted in your handbook. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday 18th November for the Year 7, 2015 Orientation Day. Bus Travel on Orientation Day NEW students only New students enrolled in Year Prep Reception to Year 6, 2015 are unable to access the school bus service on this day. Parents are required to bring their child to and from school. STUDENT FREE DAY Next Tuesday 18th November, is the Year 7 2015 Orientation Day and commencement of examinations for Year 11. Current students in Years 7 to 10 of the Senior School are not required at school on this day. This day is an examination preparation day for the upcoming examinations for all students. Students are to prepare themselves for this student free day by collecting revision work for their examinations. Current students Current students will be informed of where they are to go on the day before Orientation Day prior to the end of the school day. However there will be class lists on classroom doors as a reminder for these students. Current students are to assemble in the areas below and wait for staff to arrive. Students will be continually mixed during the day to help in the final designation of students to classes for 2015. Current students are to wear full summer uniform to school. Kevin Richardson Deputy Principal - Head of the Senior School FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL 12th November Prep Reception and Prep 2015 Information Evening 7pm in Wilson Hall Orientation Day The Bacchus Marsh Grammar Orientation Day for all Prep Reception to Year 6 students enrolled for the 2015 school year will be conducted on Tuesday 18th November 2014. All new students who will be attending Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 2015 are invited to join us and attend school on this day. Students who will not be returning to Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 2015 are not required to attend school on this day. Hours of Attendance: Prep Reception – Year 6 8.45am – 3.05pm New Students to Bacchus Marsh Grammar 2015 On Orientation Day, new students to Bacchus Marsh Grammar should report to the allocated areas as listed or to the courtyard area directly outside the Administration building at any time from 8.20am. Staff will then disperse students to the appropriate room for the day. New Prep Reception and Prep students will need to make their way to the Prep room in which they completed their transition sessions and they can also be collected from this room at the end of the day. New students to the school are to wear casual clothes, bring a sunhat for outdoor activities and will require a drink, snack and lunch packed in a named bag. The Page 2 of 8 Parent Morning Tea All parents are invited to a morning tea in the dance room, located on the first floor of the school gymnasium, beginning at 8.45am. This will provide the perfect opportunity for you to meet other members of the school community. This will also provide the opportunity for you to investigate the ways you can become involved in the life of the school. Prep/Reception and Prep Prep Reception and Prep students 2015 are to assemble in the same room as they were allocated to, on their Transition day conducted in October. We ask that Prep/Reception and Prep parents settle your child into an activity as quickly as possible. Once your child is settled please join us for morning tea. The sooner you leave your child in the classroom, the better for all involved. The teacher can then get on with the day’s events. If there are any concerns or needs that your child may have, please let us know prior to this day or where this is not possible, before you leave the classroom. Any medication or special requirements should be handed to the school nurse in the Health Centre at the start of the school day with specific instructions for use. Year One – Year 6 Students enrolled for Year One – Year 6, 2015 will be involved in activities at each level for the full school day i.e. 8.45am – 3.05pm. They will also be involved in some formal testing for a designated part of this day. Students in all year levels will not be grouped in their class groupings or with their designated teacher for 2015. Please note that the day will be treated as a step up day to allow students to experience the next year of school and to enable new students a chance to meet peers and orientate themselves around the Junior School. The Grammar Weekly Current Year Level 2014 Prep B Prep C Prep D Prep E Year 1A Year 1B Year 1C Year 1D Year 1E Year 2A Year 2B Year 2C Year 2D Year 3 Year Level 2015 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 4 Year 3 Year 4 Year 3 Year 4 Year 3 Year 4 Year 4 Year 5 Year 4 Year 5 Year 4 Year 5 Year 4 Year 5 Year 5A Year 5B Year 5C Year 5D Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Orientation Day Room Number Wilson Hall 2 Wilson Hall 3 Room E2 Room E3 Room X1 Room X2 Room L7 Room X3 Room X4 Room E1 Room R1 Room R2 Room R3 Room R5 Assemble on the Room R6 Assemble on the Room R7 Assemble on the Room R4 Assemble on the Room N1 Assemble rear JS Room N2 Assemble rear JS Room A50 Assemble rear JS Room A51 Assemble rear JS Room W1 Room W2 Room W3 Room W4 If there are social issues that you have been working with your child and their teacher, then the class teacher will be well aware of these issues and will place students accordingly. The delegation of students to classes will be made by the school. Alice in Wonderland Congratulations to all the Year 5 and 6 students for a fabulous performance of their musical - Alice in Wonderland. A big thank you to all staff and parents involved in this activity. Deck R block Deck R block Deck R block Deck R block Library Junior School Colours Congratulations to the following students who were awarded their Junior School colours at the assembly on Monday 10th November: Joshua Arnold Harrison Barnes Zoe Barnes Reid Cilia Hayden DaCruz Brandan Kelly Jake Krstin Taj Lee Jack Mutsaerts Liam Volf Zane Ward Angelina Tetkowski Carlo Tralongo Billy Travers Elizabeth O’Day Deputy Principal - Head of the Junior School 2015 BOOKLIST & UNIFORM NEWS Library Library Library Class Arrangements for 2015 Allocating students in their new class for the following school year is always an area that staff and school management spend many hours, to ensure that students are placed in classes to allow for their maximum learning, in a safe and caring environment. Parents need to be aware that this is a school responsibility. Whilst we are aware that some parents become quite anxious about this, the teachers and senior staff in the Junior School are responsible for these grade splits and do so after considering many factors. It is paramount that class dynamics are balanced and that we consider ability levels, social issues and gender as part of this process. Booklists 2015 Booklists have been distributed to all Junior students for 2015 and to students entering Years 7 and 8 in 2015 in the Senior School. Years 9 to VCE will receive their booklists by the end of this week. Please contact me if you have any queries in relation to the booklist requirements. Second Hand Uniform & Books Traditionally a second hand uniform and book swap meet is held in Wilson Hall in December. Due to the update of the logo on the uniforms and also some updates to the 2015 Booklist this will not occur this year. If you wish to sell suitable second hand uniform or booklist items please email through the details to: The information will be placed on the School’s website for interested people to contact you directly. Please contact me if you have any queries. Michelle Graham Principal’s Assistant Parents are unable to request that their child is taught/not taught by a particular teacher. All teachers are employed at Bacchus Marsh Grammar after an intensive interview process and as such the Senior Management of the school is satisfied that all teachers have the ability to teach all children at whatever year level they are enrolled. Page 3 of 8 The Grammar Weekly JUNIOR SCHOOL EXTRAS CO-CURRICULAR The Learning Hub and The Sports Hub and Clubs. For each of these programs it is important and the parent/guardians responsibility to notify the program coordinators if there are any changes to your child/ren's attendance on the day that they are to attend. This may be done by SMS to either related program on the following numbers: The Learning Hub - 0408 548 058 The Sport Hub - 0428 315 081 or Confirmations of absentees may be phoned through the main school number on 5366 4800. SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB NEWS *A reminder for all students attending The Learning Hub, The Sports Hub and/or Clubs Program MUST have a spare hat to wear. Students are expected to keep their spare hat in their school bag so it is available to them after school. Students who do not attend with a hat will be excluded form outdoor activities. Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Dates Monday 17th November Monday 24th November Monday 1st December Tuesday18th November Tuesday 19th November Tuesday 2nd December Wednesday 21st November Wednesday 29th November Wednesday 3rd December Thursday 13th November Thursday 20th November Thursday 27th November Thursday 4th December Activity Basketball Adventure Games Cricket Issue 8 catalogues are out this week! Due date for orders is Wednesday 19th November (due date stamped on the back of the catalogues) Catalogues available for Year 9 - 12 students from the Senior Library. Crossfit The learning Hub is enjoying using some new and exciting craft supplies, games and equipment. The children are enjoying exploring and using these new things. PARENTS This is a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping! I am happy to take secret orders – just include your contact details so I can organize a collection time with you. Please note: Cash orders are required to be placed through your child’s class teacher. Prepaid credit card orders may be left at Reception. Forthcoming changes to Book Club Scholastic is currently implementing changes to the ordering procedure in three stages: Stage 2 & 3 coming in 2015! Stage 1 is underway with a new ordering platform for the Coordinators. Stage 2 will allow parents to place their orders online (no order forms to fill out and send in!) with the school still receiving 20% commission. Orders will continue to be delivered to and distributed by me at this stage. Stage 3 students will receive their age appropriate booklet which will incorporate Extra! (only one catalogue and one order form to worry about.) So watch this space for updates when the changes will be happening. Di Dunn Book Club Coordinator Page 4 of 8 The Grammar Weekly JS ARTS NEWS Ballarat Show 2014 The Junior School Art department submitted 180 entries to the 2014 Ballarat Show Art and Craft Competition. The work submitted was of an extremely high standard and the art completed by Bacchus Marsh Grammar students was judged along with hundreds of other pieces entered by schools from Ballarat and surrounding areas. It is pleasing to announce that Bacchus Marsh Grammar students received awards in most of the categories entered. They were as follows; 11044-M Drawing Alexa Horsey Prep B – 1st Jorja Adami-Beer 1E – 2nd Isabella Renda 4B – 1st Ethan Wintershoven 4C – 1st Renae Agius 4C – 1st Gyan Singh 4A – 2nd Jenson Suter 4B – 2nd Joshua Whittaker 4B – 2nd Hayden Wjiteway 4A – 3rd Grace Fisher 6C - TBC 11045-M Painting Aysha Masood Prep E – 2nd Jazmin Park 2B – 2nd Luca Fortuna 2B – 3rd 11042-M Collage Chantal Thomas 6B – 1st Tahlia Pohatu 5B – 2nd Isabella DiMieri 5D – 3rd Yolanda Cordoba 5B –Highly Commended 11052-M Paper Mache Article Beau Skelton 5A – 1st Abby Taylor 5C – 2nd Izabel Fazzolari-Dusik 5D – 3rd 11079-M Ceramic Piece Imogen Burnett 5C – 1st Ella Grahek 5B – 2nd Ebony Adam 6D – 3rd 11060-M Decorated Shoe/Boot Mia Stanley 6B – 1st Charisma Ryan-Foster 5A – 2nd Riana Rene 5B – 2nd Annabel Conroy 6B – 3rd 11062-M Article Any Other Craft WIRE SCULPTURES Charli Jilbert 5A – 1st Ella Beazley 5A – 2nd Claire Sutton 5A – 3rd ALUMINUM EMBOSSING Ricky Heywood 4A – 3rd 11052-M Piece of Collage Alejandra Camacho 6B – 2nd Congratulations to all students who completed pieces for the Ballarat Show. It was wonderful to see art work from Bacchus Marsh Grammar exhibited at this competition. A special thank you to Mrs Chris Kerambrum for organising all of the Prep to Year Two entries and to Pam and Ron Noonan for collecting the art work from the showgrounds. Sian Rawlinson Head of Junior School Art JS PERFORMING ARTS NEWS Alice in Wonderland Jr. Congratulations to everyone involved. The Junior School team has had a wonderful time putting together ‘Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Jr.’ I would sincerely like to thank all the staff who have contributed to its success. The students are very lucky to have such talented teachers who are willing to go above and beyond to offer them this amazing opportunity. The students really responded with what was a very professional production. We certainly have some very talented students who I’m sure we’ll all see in future BMG productions. Thank you to the entire Junior School staff who have supported both the staff and students involved in the production. Thank you to everyone in the 2014 Parent Committee for assisting in all aspects of the production. A big thank you to all the mums who helped to get our performers ready for the show on Thursday & Friday. This production has truly been a great BMG team effort from students, staff, families and administration right through to the maintenance team. All the hours of rehearsal and organising have definitely paid off. We are looking forward to what 2015 will bring, after a rest! A professional DVD of the performance is available for purchase. Order forms have been sent home with students involved and need to be returned by Friday 14th November. Mrs Jenni Coombs Junior Musical Coordinator YEAR 7 NEWS A reminder to all students and parents, that the upcoming Year 7 examinations are a walk-through experience. The focus of this practice examination period is to instil positive study and revision habits. Students will complete the walkthrough examination during class time and will receive feedback from staff on their preparation and responses. 11059-M Lego Construction Jake Pawar & Christian Meguerditchian 5B – 1st Page 5 of 8 The Grammar Weekly Please be aware that the examination result is not recorded on the student’s report and it does not impact their overall grade. This practice examination period should be taken seriously, but students should not feel overwhelmed by the experience. Please encourage your child to begin establishing positive revision and study habits at home, which will be complemented in the classroom throughout the examination week. Please contact your child’s Tutor Group teacher if you require clarification or have any concerns. Sarah Hunter Year Level Coordinator: Years 7 & 8 LOTE NEWS Host Families Required The LOTE department is seeking families to host a Japanese girl/boy from the 10th to 22nd March 2015. If you can assist please complete a Host Family Profile Form which is attached to the full version of the Grammar Weekly online. For further information please contact Mr Love at school or through his email Michael Love CAREERS NEWS Careers Newsletter Edition #15 is now available at: Navigate to > News & Events > Publications Alice Wu-Tollis and Li Richardson Career Development Practitioners MUSIC NEWS Bacchus Marsh Community Bank Opening On Thursday 30th October, a group of Year 11 Music Performance students performed a number of songs for the opening of the Bacchus Marsh Community Bank on Main St. 2015 Instrumental Lesson Enrolment / Cancellation notification. Instrumental enrolments for 2015 are now closed. Notification of places in the program will be sent out on 21st November. If you have not returned an enrolment form to date, late forms will now be added to the waiting list and places will be offered when available. Please note the following important dates in relation to the Instrumental program for 2015: Friday 21st November – All enrolment confirmations posted to parents. Friday 5th December – Due date for 2015 instrumental program cancellation notice. Please be advised that if a place cannot be provided in the 2015 instrumental program for Semester One, applications will be forwarded to a waiting list until such time a position becomes available. Mr Dean Thomas Director of Music. The students were well received and praised for their professionalism and musical talents. Well done to all students involved. Thank you also to the staff assisting on the day, Mr Steven Bell, Mr Westgarth and Mr Love. Page 6 of 8 The Grammar Weekly BUS NEWS Attention: Parents whose children travel on a Country Bus service (includes: Toolern Vale, Bacchus Marsh Melton via Exford, Bacchus Marsh via Golf Links – Melton, Bacchus Marsh via Long Forest Road – Melton, Exford, Hopetoun Park, Blakeville, Glenmore – Balliang, Camerons Road, Bullengarook, Blackwood, Ballan and Balliang East) The Public Transport Victoria (PTV) School Bus Operation Division has conducted a review of eligible students travelling on school buses. They have advised that the number of students registered on the network is less than the actual number of students who are travelling. As a result, PTV has advised us that only eligible students who have registered and completed an Application for Permission to Travel Form travel on the school bus. PTV has noted that in the near future those students who are not registered will not be able to travel on the return route from school. If you have not completed Application for Permission to Travel Form for your child, please contact Kerryn Browne in the Administration office. Kerryn Browne Bus Coordinator Private Bus Service Reminder Private bus services including all Werribee, Watergardens, Caroline Springs, Cairnlea and Sunbury/Gisborne buses are private bus services for students who live in the Werribee, Watergardens, Caroline Springs, Sunbury and Gisborne areas. Students who are not allocated a seat on these bus routes are not permitted to travel on these services at any time. Late Bus Service The late bus service is available from Monday to Thursday which departs the school at 4.30pm. Students requiring use of the late bus must put their name on the late bus list in the Main Office by the end of lunch on the required day. The size of the late bus is determined by daily demand. If students fail to put their name on the late bus list they will not be guaranteed a seat. The cost of the Late Bus is $10.00 per trip and the fee will be charged to your next terms fee account. Please note if students place their name on the late bus list and do not inform the office that they no longer need the service by the end of the day the $10.00 fee will be charged to term fees. A copy of the Late Bus timetable is available from the Main Office. Late Bus Service MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY PM: 4.30 Depart Bacchus Marsh Grammar 4.55 Coburns Central near Safeway Petrol Station (Coburns Road, Melton) 5.10 Caroline Springs Boulevard (service rd just after Chisholm Dr roundabout) 5.30 514 Derrimut Rd (Service Road between Rebecca Prm and Baden Powell Drive) 5.35 Werribee Plaza (Corner Derrimut Rd and Baggott Drive) 5.45 Werribee Railway Station 5.50 Corner Ballan Road and Whitton Grove 5.52 Corner Ballan Road and Manor Lakes Blvd (Shopping Centre Bus Interchange) ADMINISTRATION NEWS Changes to the Education Maintenance Allowance From 1st January 2015, the government will provide extra financial support directly to Victoria’s neediest schools. This funding will replace the current provision of the Education Maintenance Allowance which is directly paid to parents. Parents will be unable to apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance in 2015. The funding will be allocated to eligible schools through schools’ core operational funding mechanism, with the neediest schools receiving the most funding. Not all schools will be receiving funding in 2015. At this stage the School has received no indication of what or if any funding it will receive under the new arrangements. The change to how money is distributed was required by the funding agreement between the Commonwealth Government and State Government to make sure Victorian schools receive increased funding that will benefit all students and, in particular, those from schools with concentrated disadvantage. The end of the EMA direct payments to parents will not affect any other payment you may be receiving such as the Schoolkids Bonus, which is provided directly to eligible parents to assist with education costs. If you have any questions about this change, please speak to the School Principal. School Early Leavers A reminder to all students and parents: if a student is required to leave school early for any reason, please ensure that your child has a signed note in their diary. This note must be sighted and counter signed by their Year Level Coordinator or Teacher, Mr Richardson or Mrs O’Day. Parents are required to arrange to meet their child at the Main Office in order to sign out in the Early Leavers Register. Please note students are not permitted to have mobile phones switched on during School hours. Page 7 of 8 The Grammar Weekly PFA NEWS Please NOTE secondhand items are now advertised on the school website COMMUNITY NEWS Due to the fabulous support from the BMG Community towards the Amart Loyalty Program the PFA will be running a Christmas Raffles as their final fundraiser for 2014. Raffle books have been circulated to families of the Junior school. Senior students may collect books from the Main Administration Office. BMG PFA 2014 Christmas Raffle Tickets $1 each (book of 10) Tickets to be returned by 5 December 2014 to the BMG Administration Office. Raffle drawn Monday 8 December 2014 Prizes include: 1st Prize - 50cm Nitro BMX bike 2nd Prize - 4x reading Cinemas voucher and candy store voucher. 3rd &4th Prizes - $50 Amart sports voucher. 5th & 6th Prizes - Mixed sports ball hamper. 7th Prize - Indoor Mini basketball pro hoop and ball set. 8th Prize - 39" Boogie board and towel. 9th Prize - 37" Boogie board and towel. 10th Prize - Totem tennis set and slip n slide. Sienna – One Step at a Time Race Night Come along and be a part of this special event. Date: Saturday 22nd November Venue: St Bernard’s Parish Hall, Lerderderg Street, Bacchus Marsh Time: From 7.15pm Tickets: Children 15-17 - $20.00 Adults - $50.00 To purchase tickets please contact Brad on 0419 508 569 All proceeds go to Sienna’s wheelchair. Special Guests on the night include footballers Dyson Heppell and Brian Lake Disclaimer: please note the school provides this newsletter space to local community activity based businesses and does not have an affiliation or endorse individual businesses. The PFA is registered and now part of Amart sports loyalty rewards program. Families shopping at Amart stores may choose to nominate Bacchus Marsh Grammar as their community group and the PFA will receive benefits associated with this program. UNIFORM SHOP NEWS “ON CAMPUS” TRADING HOURS Mon & Fri: 12:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Wed: 8a.m. to 12noon Bacchus Marsh Grammar “On Campus Shop” Phone: 5367 4072 RUSHFORDS TRADING HOURS Mon-Fri: 9a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Sat: 9a.m. to 1p.m. Shop 3-5 Watton Arcade, 28 Watton Street, Werribee Phone: 9741 3211 Fax: 9741 3155 Email: Page 8 of 8 The Grammar Weekly St Bernard’s Parish Fete Saturday 15th November 2014 10am to 2pm St Bernard’s Primary School Grounds Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh Stacks of Stalls! Cakes, Toys, Books, Pre-Loved Clothes, Plants, Mystery Jars, Lollies, Show Bags & More! Loads of Attractions! Chair-O-Plane, Race Cars, Animal Farm, Jumping Castle, Spinning Wheel, Face Painting And our Major Raffle with $5000 worth of Prizes! Piles of Food! Devonshire Tea, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Hot Roast Rolls, Baked Potatoes, Tandoori Chicken Wraps, Popcorn, Fairy Floss & Snow Cones! Heaps of Entertainment! Apple FM, SES, Talent Show, Calisthenics and Dance Displays and very special guests— “The Waggles”, Father Christmas and Elsa & Olaf from “Frozen”!! SHIBUYA-BACCHUS MARSH GRAMMAR HOST FAMILY PROFILE Proposed Date of Visit: 10th – 22nd March 2015 ##Japanese Student name: ________________________________________________ Please write clearly. Surname Father’s name Address Suburb Mother’s name Post code Father’s Occupation State VICTORIA Mobile/Work number Mother’s Occupation Mobile/Work number Phone number (Hm) Email address: PARENT/S SIGNATURE: Children living at home Name (Host child’s name first) Age Gender Year level at BMG Interests/Hobbies/Job Other general information. Is there anyone else living with the family. (please circle) YES/NO If YES please specify._______________ Will the student have his or her own room? (please circle) YES/SHARE Is there anyone in the family who smokes?(please circle) YES/NO OUTSIDE or INSIDE Do you have pets? Dogs/cats/birds/fish/rabbits/horses/etc. (please circle relevant pet) Where are they kept? (please circle) OUTSIDE or INSIDE Have you hosted before? (please circle) YES/NO Have you had a recent police check? (please circle) YES/NO Do you have a working with children check? (please circle) YES/NO Number_____________________ How do you get to school? (please circle) BUS If by bus what is the name and/or color? ______________________ Do you have a preference for a male/female host student? (please circle) CAR MALE WALK FEMALE Any further information that may be relevant? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ##To be filled in by the coordinator. Thank you for your efforts. Michael Love Please return form to Main Office. Thank you. 2014 2014 November VCE Unit 2 Exam Timetable 2014 Year 11 students only need to attend their exams and can study at home. The VCE Study Room will also be available for study. Each exam has 15 minutes reading time. Students are not permitted to leave the room before the finish time. All Exams are in the W11, 12&13 unless shown otherwise Tuesday 18th Nov Wednesday 19th Nov Thursday 20th Nov 9:00 am – 12:15 pm 9:00 – 11:45 am English Exam P. Buchanan – M1 G. Gainey – M1 M. Kirby – M4 B. Shannon – O23 C. Smith – O23 Biology Business Management# 1:15 – 3:00 pm 12:45 – 3:00 pm 12:45 – 3:00 pm HHD Literature Visual C & D* Maths Methods1** - M1 General Maths1* A. Alweyn – M4 D. Hunter – M4 M. Grmusa – O23 D. Ogston – O23 S. Symes – O23 9:00 – 11:45 am Chemistry PE# Dance# Friday 21st Nov 9:00 – 11:45 am Psychology Physics Media Studies# Music Perf.* – Music1 History GMSpec. Exam 1** OES - Gym 12:45 – 3:00 pm Art* Economics English Language Legal Studies * These exams are 90 min plus 15 min reading time. ** These exams are 60 min plus 15 min reading time. # These exams are 120 min plus 15 min reading time. Please Note: All classes for Years 8-12, 2015 will commence on Wednesday 26th November. Monday 24th Nov 9:00 – 11:15 am Accounting Drama Geography Japanese – W13 D&T-Textiles* 12:45 – 3:00 pm Food Technology IT GMSpec. Exam 2 Studio Art* Tuesday 25th Nov 9:00 – 11:15 am Maths Methods2 General Maths2* 12:45 – 3:00 pm Env. Science French – W13 Hospitality Years 8, 9 and 10 Exam Timetable – Semester 2 2014 Each exam will take a double period with 5 minutes reading time and 80 minutes writing time. Students are not permitted to leave the room before the finish time. All Exams are in the Gym unless shown otherwise. If a Year 10 student does not have an exam they are to be studying in their Tutor Group Rooms: P11,P12,P13,P14,P15 or P16 Wednesday 19th Nov Period 1&2 Y8 Normal Classes 3&4 5&6 Thursday 20th Nov Friday 21st Nov Monday 24th Nov Tuesday 25th Nov Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Maths Exam Y8 Normal Classes Y9 Normal Classes Y9 H & G Exam Y9 Maths Exam Y9 Normal Classes Y9 Programme Year 10 English Year 10 Art Drawing & Painting Advanced Fitness Media Studies Physics VCD Design Year 10 Maths Methods Exam 1 Year 10 Art Printing & Drawing Extension Maths Food & Consumer Science Injury P & C 20th Century History Year 10 Dance English Language Food for Serving Global Health & Dev. IT Games Prog. – O6 Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Geography Exam Y8 Science Exam Y8 Normal Classes Y8 LOTE Exam Y9 English Exam Y9 Normal Classes Y9 Normal Classes and LOTE Exams Y9 Health Exam Y9 Programme Year 10 Study Year 10 Biology Year 10 Study Year 10 Study Year 10 The Business World Y8 English Exam Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Normal Classes Y8 Normal Classes Y9 Normal Classes Y9 Science Exam Y9 Normal Classes Y9 Normal Classes Y9 Programme Year 10: Start at 12:45pm OES 2 Year 10 Elite Sports Global Sustainability Textiles Year 10 Art Sculpture & Ceramics Exercise Physiology French Japanese VCD Drawing Year 10 Aus. & the Modern World Aus. Politics Eco. & Legal Music Perf. 2 – Mus 1 Chemistry Year 10 Maths General Maths Methods Exam 2
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