Townsville Gun Club Inc. Members Newsletter VOLUME 1 ISSUE 4 Newsletter Date: Oct/Nov 2014 Front Page News VALE Inside This Issue 1 Message from the President 2 New Members 2 Recent Major Shoot Results 3 Club News 3 Shooter Profile 4 Birthdays 4 Local Club Shoot Results 4 Sell swap or buy 5 Upcoming Events 5 Know your committee Peter Asher It is with some sadness that I have to inform you that another one of our long standing members, Peter Asher, has passed away. Peter leaves behind his wife Caroline, Children and several Grandchildren At times like this our thoughts go to his family and I take this opportunity to express our condolences to them. Message from the President Hi everybody, It has been a little while since our last newsletter and quite a few things have been happening. Townsville has been chosen as a training centre for the next Commonwealth Games and our club has been chosen as one of the training sites for Trench and ISU Skeet, which is great news! With this interest and support we in a great position to get funding for a significant upgrade for our Trench and Skeet facilities in the Help Always Required If you can help the club in any way please don’t hesitate to come forward near future. As this picture becomes clearer I will keep you all informed — this is a really exciting development for our club! We also had three Townsville Gun Club members (Pat Dury, Steve Makris and David Vize) attend the World Skeet Championships in the US, with some success — we now have a World Champion in our club, congratulations to Pat Dury! A number of our members also attended the State Skeet Championships, the results are included in the newsletter. On a sadder note, we have lost another of our long term members of the club. Peter Asher passed away recently after a long battle with cancer and I would like to pass on to his wife Caroline, my condolences on behalf of the club and its members. Peter was a keen skeet shooter and an all-round nice bloke and he will be missed. Our first "novice" shoot will be held on Saturday the 15th of November, if you haven't shot competition yet or have not shot enough to be graded, come along and give it a try, the nominations are free and there will be prizes. Note that you have to be a member of the club and done Peter Mackay's induction course to be eligible. We also have a two day skeet Championship at the end of the month (29th, 30th November), the 100 target event on the Sunday will be in memory of Bob Rogers, come along and have a go! Finally, there will be a working bee next Saturday (8th November) at the club starting at 8.00am, come along and lend a hand and have some fun! PAGE 2 MEMBERS NEWSLETTER New Members This month’s Shooter Profile Townsville Gun Club would like to welcome the following new members for PAT DURY September 2014 Nyree Bolton Kurt Carmichael Tara Cesconetto Glen Garvey Jacqueline Lago Darren McKenna Rebecca Munnings Simon Nash Wayne Winkleman Please make these new members welcome Recent Major Shoot Results for TGC Members Townsville was well represented at the recent shoots with the following members posting credible results QLD STATE SKEET – Pioneer Gun Club – Pre State Skeet Multi gauge Championship Event 1 50t 20 Gauge Event 2 50t 28 Gauge 2nd “B” Grade Wayne Read 1st “C” Grade 2nd “C” Grade Bruce McFarlane Event 3 50t 410 Gauge 1st “C” Grade Bruce McFarlane Event 4 50t 12 Gauge Bruce McFarlane 1st “B” Grade Wayne Read 2nd “C” Grade Ian Palmer QLD STATE SKEET – Pioneer Gun Club – 2014 Skeet Carnival Event 1 50t State Skeet Handicap Event 2 100t State Skeet Championship 3rd Errol Reeves 135/140 1st “A” Grade Errol Reeves 97/100 4th Ian Palmer 119/130 2nd “C” Grade Ian Palmer 87/100 Event 3 50t 20 Gauge 1st “C” Grade Event 4 50t State Doubles Championship Glenn Reeves 48/54 1st “C” Grade Jason Phillis 2014 QLD State Skeet Postal Team Open Ladies Veteran 5th Errol Reeves 5th Louise Harker 6th Ralph Escriva 12th Chris Barber 2014 QLD State Skeet Shoulder to Shoulder Team Open Ladies 4th Errol Reeves 2nd Reserve Louise Harker “C” Grade Highgun Ian Palmer 214/250 Congratulations and well done to all these club members 44/50 MEMBERS NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Club News Keep Saturday November 15th free. The club will be holding a Novice Shoot Day for all NEW members that have joined in the last two years. The object is to provide a comfortable shooting experience for all new shooters in a competition environment. More experienced shooters will be on hand to answer questions, give pointers and tips and generally assist the new shooters. For the NEW shooter it will be a chance to get familiar with the rules, etiquette and guns as NOVICE NEW MEMBERS DAY November 15th ALL NEW MEMBERS WELCOME well as actually meeting some of the more experienced shooters. Please feel free to ask questions, you may well benefit from their advice. Shooter Profile Pat Dury Date started shooting: Favourite Discipline: Highest Grade attained: Regional Championships won: I started shooting in 2001 when I joined Townsville Gun Club. Skeet is my favourite discipline followed by DTL then Sporting AA in Skeet & AA in DTL in the same year 2011 NTH Zone Double Rise Tower O/A Winner 2005 Atherton Annual B GD H/Gun 2007 NTH Zone Skeet Carnival H/Cap Winner 2008 Central Zone Skeet overall H/Gun, 50tgt Champion,100tgt Champion, Doubles Champion. 2010 NTH Zone Skeet Carnival Overall H/G, HAA Champion, Zone Champion, 25tgt Champion 2011 NTH Zone Skeet Veteran H/Gun 2012 Nth Zone Double Barrel Tower Overall Winner 2012 NTH Zone Skeet Veteran H/Gun, 25tgt Champion. 2012 Annual Skeet Carnival Mackay Overall H/Gun, Handicap Champion,100tgt Champion. 2013 NTH Zone Skeet Overall H/Gun, Zone Champion, HAA Champion, 25tgt Champion, Doubles Champion, Handicap Champion. 2014 NTH Zone Skeet Veteran H/Gun, Doubles Champion. State Championships 2012 Victorian State Skeet Veteran H/Gun 2012 QLD State Skeet 20 Gauge Veteran Champion, Doubles Veteran Champion, 100tgt Veteran Champion. 2012 QLD State Trap Veteran Points Score Champion. 2013 QLD State Skeet 20 Gauge Champion National Championships: 2005 National Skeet Championships 3rd in the Handicap. 2005 National ISSF Championships 1st C Grade International Championships: Attended four years of World Skeet Championships in the USA, numerous medals in my Grade, Retired Military and Senior Classes. 2011 World Skeet Beretta 12 Gauge 150Tgt Event 149/150 Silver Medal in A Grade which placed me second in the World in my Grade. 2014 World Champion High Overall - shot over four guns 410,28,20 and 12gauge Teams Represented: State Postal teams: Skeet: 8, ISSF Skeet: 1, ISSF Double Trap: 1 State Shoulder to Shoulder Teams - Skeet: 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 Australian Mackintosh Team - Skeet 2010 Total 10 Total 4 Total 1 Hobbies: My main hobby is shooting, after 25 years of Military Service; I enjoy competing in any of the Clay Target Disciplines. So I try to spend as much time with family as possible to make up for the time I am away. PAGE 4 MEMBERS NEWSLETTER Latest Local Club Shoot Results The following are results for local Shooters at the September Monthly Shoot Evt1: 25 tgt Skeet Handicap Cash Divide Equal First Ross Carty, Chris Jelliffe, Clarence Davis 25/25 Evt 2: 25 tgt Skeet Handicap Cash Divide Equal First Paul Currie, Ross Carty, Chris Jelliffe, Doug Edwards 25/25 Evt 3: 50 tgt Double Barrel Equal First AA Owen Zammitt, Jim Williams 50/50 Equal First A Keith Macgregor, Ben Beazley 50/50 First B Brian Taylor 49/50 Second B Shane Woltmann 48/50 First C Gavin McPherson 44/50 Second C Larry Archer 42/50 Evt 4: 25pr Double Rise First AA Bruce Murphy 48/50 Second AA Barry Bosworth 46/50 First A Greg Reeves 43/50 Second A Noel Benson 42/50 First B Brian Taylor 41/50 Second B Doug Killick 40/50 First C Pio Bonato 40/50 Second C Gavin McPherson 30/50 Evt 5: 25pr Double Rise First AA Bruce Murphy 48/50 Second AA Barry Bosworth 45/50 First A Greg Reeves 63/70 Second A Rod Maxwell 62/70 First B Brian Taylor 44/50 Second B Shane Woltmann 43/50 First C Pio Bonato 38/50 Second C Gavin McPherson 42/60 Congratulation go to all SELL, SWAP or BUY NOTICE If you have anything you wish to list in this section please email details to Bruce Murphy ( Please provide full description of item, condition, price, photos and contact details. Please be advised that guns will require shooters license details. Examples of items are furniture, shooting products, cars, guns, and general household items. MEMBERS NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 Upcoming Events This is our calendar of upcoming events Charters Towers Monthly Shoot Nov 2 Herbert River Monthly Shoot Nov 9 Club Contact Details New Member Novice Shoot Nov 15 Club House Phone: 07 47788163 Townsville Monthly Shoot Nov 16 Email: Bowen Monthly Shoot Nov 23 Townsville Skeet Championship Nov 28 Bob Rogers 100tgt Memorial Skeet Nov 30 Web: Know your Committee President Wayne Read Vice President Brendon Bullick Vice President Neil Sinclair Secretary Bruce Murphy Treasurer Clive Glasgow General Members Ben Beazley Steven Goss Neville Sheehan Glenn Reeves Keith Macgregor Hire Guns Available Hire guns are available for use during monthly competition shoots for new members. It is on a first in best dressed basis. Rates: $10.00 per Half Day $20.00 per Full Day The user is responsible for all damage incurred and MUST clean the gun before returning to the safe
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