“Impacting our youth one base hit at a time” 2015 Spring Season Welcome to Canyon Hills Little League’s 2015 Spring Season. Mission Statement: It is the goal of Canyon Hills Little League to guide the young people in its program to understand the importance of fair play, honesty and sportsmanship as well as understanding others, not only in Little League Baseball, but continuing into their adulthood life. Website: www.canyonhillsll.com - League News, Important Dates, Game schedules, and Practice schedules. League Boundaries: If you live in the city of Chino Hills, west of Peyton Avenue and north of Eucalyptus Avenue, you are in the correct Little League. If you are unsure, or do not live within the boundaries, please contact us at canyonhillsll@gmail.com at your earliest convenience. (If you have recently moved, but did live within our boundaries, please contact us to secure a waiver to continue to be able to play in Canyon Hills Little League) Registration $120 per player – Ages 4-6 years old. $130 per player – Ages 7-9 years old. $140 per player – Ages 10-12 years old $150 per player – Ages 13 years and older. Players receive a uniform consisting of – Hat, Jersey, Socks and Belt. Only T-Ball and A Divisions will receive pants. (AA, AAA, Majors Divisions do not receive pants. Junior & Senior Division does not receive pants or belt due to higher equipments costs & umpire fees) Anyone signing up after Jan 24th is NOT guaranteed a uniform by Opening Day Uniforms. Refunds Partial Refund thru Opening Day No refunds after Opening Day Volunteer Buyout: Team volunteers are necessary to help offset costs for the league. You will pay to buy-out of volunteer duties at registration for a total of $25.00. If you volunteer for any of the following positions you will receive a refund of your $25.00. Manager, Team Parent, Scorekeeper or League Approved Volunteer. If you are interested in any of these duties, please contact us at canyonhillsll@gmail.com. Volunteer opportunities will be posted on the league website throughout the season. All refunds will be paid at the end of the regular season. Season Dates: Practices start at the end of January. You should hear from your manager no later than January 26th. The regular season will start on February 28th and ends on May 30th. Fields: The majority of our games will be played at Community Park on Fields #1, #4 or #6. As of now we have not received our allocation for the school fields for practices and weekday evening games. Divisions: Divisions are based on age and ability. Please use the following guidelines to play in the proper division. League age as of 4/30/2015: T-Ball A Division (coach pitch) AA Division AAA Division Majors (12 years MUST play in Majors) Juniors Seniors (season starts in May) Big League (season starts in May) 4-5 Years or 6 years with no experience 6-7 Years 7-9 Years 9-11 Years 10-12 year 13-14 Years 15-16 Years 17-18 Years Tryouts: - Tryouts are Mandatory for 8-14 year olds. 7 Year Olds who want to be eligible for the AA Draft may try out, but are not guaranteed to be drafted into the AA Division. Property Players in Majors and Juniors do not have to tryout but do have to attend the mandatory uniform fitting. Community Park: Tryout Dates: 8-12 year olds Saturday Jan 17th 7-8 year olds – 8am 9 year olds – 9:30am 10 year olds -11 am 11 year olds – 12:30pm 12 year olds – 1:30pm 13 year olds – 2:30pm 14 year olds – 3pm If you have any questions, please ask at registration or contact us at canyonhillsll@gmail.com. Mandatory Uniform Fittings- All players must submit Uniform sizes Community Park: - Saturday January 17th 4-6 Year Olds – 8 am 7-8 Year Olds – 9 am (after tryout) 9 Year olds – 10:30 am (after tryout) 10 Year olds – 12 pm (after tryout) 11 Year olds – 1 pm (after tryout) 12 Year olds – 2 pm (after tryout) 13 year olds – 3 pm (after tryout) 14 year olds – 4 pm (after tryout) If you are a Property Player, please come by at the appropriate time frame. Fundraiser: Our main fundraiser this year will be selling chocolate candy bars. Each player is required to participate in the fundraiser. Players can make a $50 donation to the league and not sell candy or buy $100 worth of candy to sell and recoup your fundraiser fees. All monies are due upon registration. In addition all Teams will be required to acquire a $200 minimum team sponsorship. Managers/Coaches: If you wish to manage or help coach a team, please contact us as soon as possible at canyonhillsll@gmail.com. Please fill out our volunteer form. You can find it under Forms on the website and turn it in at one of signups. Manager interviews will be held in January. Scorekeepers/Pitch Counters: For divisions AA and up, we will need 2 (two) scorekeepers/pitch counters per team. Team Mom/Parent: We need energetic fun, team parents for each team. You don’t have to be the manager’s spouse. Your duties will include planning team parties, collecting money for fund raisers, getting a team banner, holding 50/50 raffles at your home games and any more fun things you can plan for your team. Volunteers: We are always looking for volunteers. We will need help with Opening Day and our Fundraiser. Even if you only have a couple hours to spare, please contact us! We have a great time and love what we do for the kids. You will need to submit a completed volunteer application and copy of your driver’s license. You can access these forms on the league website, www.canyonhillsll.org Please check out the Little League Website www.littleleague.org. It has great information about the organization and why we do what we do. There are rule explanations, videos for training and helpful information. IMPORTANT DATES Mark your calendar Wednesday, January 21st Community Park 7-9 pm 12 year old Clinic (for 12 year olds who did not play Majors the previous year) Saturday, February 7th Location TBD Team Mom/Parent Meeting 10am-12pm Saturday, February 7th Location TBD Mandatory Scorekeeping Clinic 1-3 pm Saturday, March 7th Opening Day (Team Photos)
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