Hospital Needed for Budget $12,783.00 Sunday School 191 11/9 $12,783.00 172 Budget Received $14,622.77 $12,797.50 Total Desig. Rec’d $3,585.26 $2,689.00 Bldg. Fund Rec’d $2,627.00 $1,844.00 Total Rec’d $18,208.03 $15,486.50 I would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you for your kindness and prayers, they have meant so much to my family and I. Also thank you for the luncheon that was served a er my mother’s funeral service. It has been such a blessing to have each and every‐ one of ya’ll in our lives. Blessings and Thank you for the kind‐ ness, Olga Benitez and Family A Place for You! PASTOR'S COPY Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods. In whose hand are the depths of the earth, The peaks of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for it was He who made it, and His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship and bow down, Lut us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Psalms 95:2‐7 LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING Sunday morning worship service Broadcast on 93.5 FM, 11 a.m. 11/2 November 12, 2014 Genoa Goad, Pastor Interim Matthew Molina, Youth Interim Angela Briley, Secretary Melinda Stalcup, Secretary Olga Benitez, Custodian Troy Begeman, Custodian VITAL SIGNS Pastor Search Committee Church’s Renovation First Baptist Church Vermont Missions-Bill & Jan Smith Our Military; BISD Staff & Students Rain 301 S. Rose Breckenridge, Texas 76424 254-559-2295 Friday, October 31st, we signed up 345 children for our annual Festival of Light. That is not counting all the parents, grandparents and siblings...Probably around 500 people passed thru the doors of this church. This would not have been possible without the help from so many in our congregation. I want to say thank you to each one who came and sorted candy, put up booths, worked the booths, made cotton candy, signs, hot dogs, donated cokes, baked goods, helped clean up afterwards, our wonderful office staff, and most of all for the prayers for the success of this ministry. This was a team effort and we have a wonderful team here at First Baptist Church. In Christian Love, Ginger Wimberley Continual Prayer Lloyd Capps Michael Phelps Denise Davis (Albert & Jaynell Shelby Duggan Flournoy’s Tanya Gilbreath Son-in-law) (Martha Loggains’ Dylan Smoot Daughter) (Friend of Neil & Ouita Griffin Janice Davis) Doris Hogan Dorothy Eddie Holmes Thompson Robert Jackson (Neil & Janice (Hospice) Davis’ neighbor) Joe Lobstein Amy Walters John Longoria (Carrol Morehart’s Tommy Meredith Brother’s Step(Gena BartonDaughter) Meredith’s Tonya Wilcox Husband) (Pastor Mark WilTrisha Nichols cox’s Wife) Cathy Williams (Lee White’s Sister) First Baptist Church “A Word of Thanks” Nursing Home/Homebound Marina Perrin Rena Aldridge Jack Stephens David Burney Mable Larned New Billy Crudginton Jackie Garrison Gary Glick Gary Grimm (Mary Capps’ Nephew) Greg Langford Carrol Morehart Breckenridge Deacon Ministers of the Week: 11/16 Butch Knight 254‐522‐1799 Jerry Taylor 254‐559‐2797 11/23 Carl Evere 254‐559‐8130 Darcy Turner 254‐559‐3844 SUNDAY 9:00 AM ............................Library Open 9:45 AM ..........................Sunday School 11:00 AM ....................Morning Worship 6:00 PM...................Praise Maker Choir 6:00 PM..........................Evening Service MONDAY-THURSDAY 5:30 PM......................................Aerobics TUESDAY 7:00 PM...........Community Bible Study WEDNESDAY Noon......................Ladies Bible Study 4:00 PM................Children’s Bible Drill 5:00 PM.......................Youth Bible Drill 6:00 PM.............................Family Supper 6:30 PM....................................TeamKids 6:30 PM .....................Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM...........Jr & Sr. High Encounter THURSDAY 6:30 PM..................Celebrate Recovery SATURDAY (Every Saturday) 9:00 AM..........................Clothes Closet First Baptist Church RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Prayer Requests NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid Breckenridge, Texas Permit No. 47 Regular Weekly Ministry Schedule: WEEK OF PRAYER—NOVEMBER 30 ‐ DECEMBER 7 SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING Sunday, November 23rd at 6:00 PM Recommenda ons from Personnel, Commi ee on Commi ee and Nomina ng Commi ee. A Word from the Pastor Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! For my Birthday Gi Cards and Pastor Apprecia on Gi s and Cards. Dr. Genoa & Martha Goad An Update from Bill & Jan Smith Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are amazed that we have now been in Washington, Vermont 5 months. We are even more amazed at what God is doing in this state, more specifically in Orange County and that He has allowed us to be a part of it. Our life has been almost non‐ stop since arriving in Washington on May 3. The me has been filled with se ng up our home in the original parsonage of Washington Bap st; working side by side with mission teams from North Carolina and Texas; hos ng an occasional Texan who comes through to check on us; a ending opportuni es to meet and build friendship with other pastors and planters; and of course, find opportuni es to meet and con‐ nect with people in Chelsea and West Topsham. Many of our friends and family have expressed concerns about the distance and possible loneliness we might expe‐ rience, however God has taken care of that with an awesome church family in Wash‐ ington Bap st Church; great support through a church plan ng network; special mes of support and encouragement by groups from churches from Texas & Missis‐ sippi; and the support and care of some special couples. We have also received con‐ stant encouragement through cards, le ers, and phone calls from many of you back home. Thank you! God is con nually taking care of our needs through His body, the churches who meet in a number of different loca ons. Our personal needs are being met through the basic support of the North American Mission Board, two churches back home, the Singing Men of West Texas, and a couple of individual families. Our sponsoring church, Washington Bap st, has made a major contribu on as well as they are providing us with the place we call home (plus did some major work insula ng it for these Texans). We have each taken subs tute teaching posi ons and I will soon begin school bus driving to supplement our support. Also, before we le Texas we were blessed with some tremendous offerings that allowed us to focus on ministry and get established before having to find addi onal income. God is doing some great things in both communi es where He has us currently working. Upon our arri‐ val we knew that there was an empty church facility wai ng to be used and that Washington Bap st had hosted both a Christmas Eve and a Good Friday services there this past year. We have been hos ng what we have labeled SNOW or Satur‐ day Nights of Worship service on the third Saturday on each month. A endance has been small, however we have a racted and met someone new each month. The most recent opportunity in West Topsham is a men’s Bible study that will begin in the next couple of weeks. Our use of that church facility is based upon an agree‐ ment that we can use it as needed without cost if we will help clean and care for the building and help cover the u li es. Chelsea is the town that God ini ally and con‐ nues to break our heart for. Over these five months we have seen six children ac‐ cept Christ as Savior plus an open door for us to subs tute teach and drive a bus. God has also opened a door for a men’s Bible study and, as of Oct. 7, we are ren ng an apartment above the café where I first began ge ng into the community. This apartment will be used as our ministry point and ongoing presence in the communi‐ ty. The café is next door to the Post Office and two doors down from the Town Hall. The ren ng of this apartment brought about a crisis of belief for us that called us to the point of faith and ac on in trus ng Him for the $500 a month. A er a me of prayer and seeking His face we believe this to be His will in reaching Chelsea. 7 days a er wri ng the security deposit a church in Texas voted to support us monthly far beyond the rent we needed. Twice this sum‐ mer He brought us to this same point and each me He already had the re‐ sources ready, and we just needed to act in faith and ask Him for provision. To God be the glory! Over the last year we have seen God accomplish things that we can only give Him the credit for. He has opened doors of opportunity in both our prepara on as well as ministry that have kept us amazed and hum‐ bled. In less than 3 months He provided our basic living support of over $36,000 a year plus love offerings to add another $1,000 through the first six months. Our church plan ng ministry needs have been met through start up money from the North American Mission Board (your Annie Armstrong Offer‐ ing gi s) and some addi onal dona on throughout the summer. We currently have two churches that are giving specifically toward the church plant budget with a total commitment of $12,000 a year. With all that being said we need your prayers for the financial aspect of the work before us. We have set a church plant budget for the coming year of $24,000 dollars. This does not in‐ clude our personal support but is strictly to go towards the work God has called us to in Orange County Vermont. This basically breaks down to $2,000 per month which includes the rent of the apartment, administra ve expenses (website, office, etc.) and the cost for ongoing small groups, events and a fu‐ ture launch of a church in the spring. As I have men oned earlier, we already have the commitment for the first 50%. Would you join us in praying for the addi onal churches/families/individuals that would commitment to give to‐ wards this budget? It might be that some would want to make a one‐ me do‐ na on toward our goal of $24,000 while others might want to pledge to give monthly. Either way, it would be greatly appreciated and create an ongoing partnership in reaching the lost of Vermont. If supports would like to receive a statement of your giving contribu ons they should be sent to our sponsoring church, Washington Bap st Church, who will then redirected them to New Cre‐ a on Ministries un l we receive our 501(c)3 designa on. As we look at the coming season of ministry we wait with great an cipa on for what God is going to do in not only Orange County Vermont, but the en re state of Vermont through the churches and church plants that are spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We are humbled and in awe of the fact that God has invited us to share in this work. Could He possibly be invi ng you as well? Please con nue to pray for us on a daily basis. Prayer truly is the great‐ est need we have. Satan is not happy about the good news of Jesus Christ re‐ turning to Chelsea and West Topsham through the power of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual warfare is already being felt and will only increase in the days to come. Pray that we will be faithful to the One who has called us and will also find favor with those who will hear. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” and 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new crea on…”. We have no doubt that God has called us to share the freedom and new life that can be found in Jesus Christ and we want to invite you to join us as God would lead you. To Him be all the glory! See you Sunday, Nov. 30th You missionaries in Orange County Vermont, during the PM Service!! Bill & Jan Smith, Jr., NAMB Church Planters New Crea on Ministries 802‐883‐2094 (home) PO Box 358 Washington, VT 05675 Youth Ministry Gree ngs: I trust everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. With that holiday behind us, we all know what comes next, Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays. It is a great me for reflec on, and an opportunity to look around to see just how much the Lord has blessed us. However, I also think that this reflec on and observa on should not remain an internal exercise. It can go a step farther. The holidays pre‐ sent before the believer an opportunity to show the love of Christ. This is the very opportunity our youth will have this Saturday. Beginning at 1 pm, the youth will engage in a scavenger hunt. All items that students collect will go to needy families who may not have the Thanksgiving that we all will enjoy. It is my prayer that this opportunity will be both transforma ve and eye‐opening for our teenagers. This week be in prayer for our youth. I pray they will be just as blessed as those who will receive these gi s. In Him, Ma Molina, Interim Youth Minister Cell: (210)710‐3982 Email: ma Church Ministry Received to Date: transfer of salaries Pre-Construction Cost: Construction Cost to Date: *Total Account Balance: Borrowed: Net: * This includes $ 970,082.72 $ 58,624.60 $1,317,866.00 $ -406,407.88 $ 400,000.00 $ -6,407.88 VISITORS Kenny & Alice Day WEDNESDAY, SUPPER MENU Nov. 12 Chicken Spaghe , Green Beans, Salad, Garlic Bread, Cookies Nov. 19 Nachos, Pudding Nov. 26 No TeamKids
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