Global Entrepreneurship Week Johannesburg 2014 ‘Creating Sustainable Ecosystems for Entrepreneurial Growth’ 18 & 19 November 2014 Hyatt Hotel, Rosebank, Johannesburg In Association with: Hosted by: EVENT PROGRAMME : Tuesday, 18 November 2014 – Day 1 • • • • 08h00 09h00 09h15 09h35 Arrival, Registration and Breakfast Opening Remarks - Kizito Okechukwu, Executive Head SEA Africa Enabling funding for SMMEs - Vuyelwa Matsiliza (Executive Wholesale, Sefa) Key Note: Fostering the development of innovative businesses through access to markets, funding and non-financial support services Happy Ralinala, Head Absa Business Banking - South Africa Key note: Championing the Global world of entrepreneurship Buke Cuhadar, GEW Vice President Key Note: Creating sustainable ecosystems for entrepreneurial growth Hon Lindiwe Zulu (Minister - Small Business Development) Coffee and Tea Break Q & A for all key note speakers The role of design in economic development - Gavin Mageni, Head SABS Design Institute Business Process Re-engineering - Case studies from entrepreneurial businesses (discussed in various tables) Lunch and Networking Building opportunities for SMMEs in different sectors of the economy Hon Tokozile Xasa, Deputy Minister Tourism • 10h00 • 10h25 • • • • 11h00 11h30 12h00 12h25 • • 13h30 14h30 • - 15h30 - 16H30 Fringe Workshop (3 venues) Venue 1: Entrepreneurial champions and Business in Motion (Shanduka Black Umbrellas – Phindile Mthethwa and Talent Muzambi) Moderator: Alesimo Mwanga - Venue 2: Starting and growing a business through idea design and innovation (SABS Design Institute - Bongani Ntombela & SAB Foundation - Tshepiso Poho) - Venue 3: Innovation; skills development; funding and market access (Absa – Basani Mametja & Charlton Thangalan) - Moderator: Kizito Okechukwu • 16h30 -18h00 Cocktail and Networking - Katzys Rosebank EVENT PROGRAMME : Wednesday, 19 November 2014 – Day 2 • • 08h00 08h45 • 09h30 • 09h50 • • 10h30 11h00 • 12h00 • • 12h30 13h00 Arrival, Registration and Breakfast Key note Address: Entrepreneurial City Leader-Facilitating the Sustainability of SMMEs - Lebogang Maile, MEC Economic Development - Gauteng Enabling growth of black industrialists through GE SMME Supplier programme Reginald Shaver, Southern Africa, Leader for Sales & Project Finance General Electric The State of Youth Entrepreneurial Innovation in South Africa - Yvonne Themba - Chairperson Shanduka Black Umbrellas, Zanele Monnakgotla - Head Innovation IDC, Tasos Calantzis Director Terrestrial, Bridgit Evans - Manager SAB Foundation Coffee and Tea Break Aspiring Youth Entrepreneurship session Selected youths to share their innovative ideas and products Key Note Address: Exploring business opportunities in Africa Ambassador Uche Ajulu-Okeke: Consul General of Nigeria, Johannesburg South Africa Markets and Funding - Jan de Kock, Head: Markets and Funding - Absa Closing Remarks & Lunch Global Entrepreneurship Week Johannesburg 2014 1 Key Partner Profile Absa Absa aims to create and promote entrepreneurship to ultimately contribute towards job creation and the sustainability of small and medium sized businesses. The Enterprise Development unit has a greater vision, which also involves taking a view on new and existing clients. This provides an understanding of what needs to be done to attract, grow and retain these clients and also to assist them to overcome any possible challenges they may be confronted with. By investing in our clients and going beyond banking, Absa is effectively changing the South African business landscape. We have developed three pillars which include access to markets, funding solutions and access to business support services. SEA Africa Profile Sustainable Entrepreneur Accelerator (SEA) Africa (Pty) Ltd is a research and development firm that supports entrepreneurs and businesses in different markets. Our business model is built not only in offering basic primary research but also through a conceptual design framework to perceive, substantiate and collate critical business knowledge for our clients. We have worked with various private and public institutions on market and industry research, impact and risk assessment, market intelligence and analysis, innovation, entrepreneurship, business relationships, market and product development, innovative project conception and development. With a keenly focused African perspective, SEA Africa endeavors to maintain its solid reputation as a pioneering company, fully immersed in the process of realising and contributing to the exciting African renaissance. CAYE The Centre for African Youth Entrepreneurship is a non-profit continental organization initiated by SEA Africa to facilitate entrepreneurship, innovation and design thinking development among African youth aged 13-24 (high schools and universities). CAYE applies its renowned ORACEL model to inform, introduce, and educate the youth while producing tangible results and measurable impacts. CAYE encourages interaction across borders Global Entrepreneurship Week Johannesburg 2013 through its annual exchange programmes. 2 Contact us: Address: 377 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia 2092 Tel: +27 (0) 11 027 7976 Fax: +27 (0) 86 244 3517 Mobile: +27 (0) 74 531 1401 Email: / Website: / In Association with: Global Entrepreneurship Week Johannesburg 2013 1
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