Aluminium car bodies in the past, present, future: Insight Edition 2014

Automotive Circle
Insight Edition 2014
Aluminium car bodies in the past, present, future:
the road to high volume production
10 – 11 December 2014
Jaguar Land Rover
Gaydon/Solihull, United Kingdom
in collaboration with
With OEM reports from
Audi BMW Daimler Fiat Ford General Motors Jaguar Land Rover Renault Volkswagen Volvo
English language only
Guided tour through
Jaguar Land Rover‘s
Range Rover / Range Rover
Sport bodyshop
Photos: Jaguar Land Rover, Vincentz Network
Aluminium making inroads
Reducing CO2 emissions remains the most important aim in vehicle development and, consequently, the search for efficient and economic
lightweight design governs modern car body development. Just a few years ago, lightweight car body material concepts were quite predictable:
functional steel-based lightweight design in high-volume series, aluminium in premium-segment, small-to-medium-series vehicles, CFRP in
niche cars.
However, this has changed. Especially aluminium has made and is making very strong inroads towards true high-volume car body production,
not least with the trailblazing and widely acclaimed all-aluminium car body of Jaguar Land Rover’s new Range Rover and Range Rover Sport.
Thus, four years after discussing standardization issues of aluminium in car body applications at Jaguar Land Rover’s Castle Bromwich production site, the Automotive Circle International’s Insight Edition conference series returns to the JLR premises, this time to the Range Rover
production site in Solihull/Birmingham, to hear about, discuss and experience the state-of-the-art and the future of high-volume aluminium
usage in modern car bodies.
Join us in these discussions. We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference.
Dr. Dirk Meine
Automotive Circle International
Dr. Mark White
Chief Technical Specialist –
Body Engineering
Jaguar Land Rover
Simon Black
Senior Manager
Body Structures
Jaguar Land Rover
Demosthenes Hoursoglou
Manufacturing Manager
Jaguar Land Rover
About Insight Edition
The Automotive Circle International Insight Edition conference
series, always hosted by a trailblazing OEM at an important production site, focuses on current, highly specific car body engineering issues. The event combines high-level presentations and
exclusive discussions, delivered by invited leading automotive
manufacturers and selected key system suppliers, combined with
an exclusive guided tour through the host’s production site, providing important insights into today’s state-of-the-art automotive
manufacturing processes.
The conference is aimed at …
… automotive engineers involved in deciding about car body material concepts and material selection, testing and processing, in
(pre-)development, planning and production at automotive manufacturers, as well as at material and system suppliers and other
interested stakeholders.
Specific highlights of the conference
\\Exclusive and extended guided tour through Jaguar Land Rover’s Solihull bodyshop,
producing the all-aluminium Range Rover and Range Rover Sport, currently the highest volume
all-aluminium bodyshop worldwide.
\\Reports by a variety of international OEM on current aluminium car body projects and
solutions, as well as their future expectations on aluminium in series car body production.
\\Intensive discussions with OEM and important suppliers, highlighting current technical
challenges and market situation.
Regular updates, detailed programme
and online-registration at
Conference Programme
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
8.00 h
8.15 h
9.15 h
Bus transfer from the Hilton Warwick hotel to the
conference venue
Registration and handover of conference documentation,
Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon
Welcome and conference introduction
13.15 h
Dr. Fabio D’Aiuto, R&D, EMEA, Global Materials Labs, Metals Department
Manager, Centro Ricerche Fiat S.c.p.A., IT
13.45 h
Dr. Dirk Meine, Presidium, Automotive Circle International, DE
Dr. Mark White, Chief Technical Specialist Body Engineering,
Jaguar Land Rover Ltd., UK
OEM Reports
Representatives from leading international OEM report on their experiences and
future expectations of aluminium usage in modern car bodies, across various
vehicle segments.
Each presentation addresses the following three issues:
\\ A brief overview of the previous use of aluminium in the respective company
\\ Highlights of aluminium application in current lightweight car body projects
\\ The company’s expectations regarding the foreseeable future of aluminium
usage in the bodyshop
9.30 h
14.15 h
Dr. Bernd Mlekusch, Head of Technology Development Production,
Audi AG, DE
10.30 h
Coffee and contacts in the adjacent exhibition area
11.00 h
Al @ BMW
Dr. Stefan Flöck, Vice President Concept and Architecture,
Body and Interior Trim & Dr. Marc Reinstettel, Light Metal Team Leader,
Body in White; BMW Group, DE
11.30 h
Al @ Daimler AG
Dr. Stefan Kienzle, Director Lightweight Design, Material and Production
Technologies & Dr. Thomas Rudlaff, Senior Manager Pre-Development
Body-in-White Structures and Hang-on Parts; Daimler AG, DE
12.00 h
Exhibitors on Stage – Short presentations by supplier companies
present in the adjacent exhibition, highlighting their innvations
Lunch break
Al @ Renault / Nissan
Daniel Couratin, Expert Leader Metals Characteristics and Processing,
Renault S.A.S., FR
14.45 h
Coffee and contacts in the adjacent exhibition area
15.15 h
Al @ Volvo Cars
Richard Johansson, Technical Expert, Metallic Body Materials &
Gunnar Lassl, Technical Expert, Body Architecture; Volvo Car Corp., SE
15.45 h
Al @ Jaguar Land Rover
Al @ Audi
Al @ GM
Gregory Warden, Executive Director, Global Functional Leader – Body
Engineering & David Malik, Director, Global BOM Leader – Lower Structures and Advanced Body Development; General Motors Company, US
Al @ VW
Dr. Martin Goede, Head of Technology Development Production,
Volkswagen AG, DE
Dr. Mark White, Chief Technical Specialist Body Engineering &
Simon Black, Senior Manager Body Structures; Jaguar Land Rover, UK
10.00 h
Al @ Fiat - Chrysler
Live polls in the auditorium
16.15 h
Opinions of the conference audience on current issues concerning aluminium usage in high volume car body production will be gathered by
means of an automated Live Poll system, making use of the combined
expertise present in this audience. All conference participants will have
the opportunity to submit their own questions for this session.
Panel discussion
16.30 h High volume aluminium usage and the consequences:
Is the market ready for mass production worldwide?
What technological and economical obstacles need to be
mastered? Are we facing an aluminium-based car body world?
These and further questions will be debated by representatives of
international OEM and important supplier companies.
17.30 h
Get together within the Automotive exhibition of the Heritage Motor Centre
19.00 h
Conference Dinner
Conference Programme
Terms & Conditions
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Guided Tour
Guided tour through Jaguar Land Rover‘s
Range Rover / Range Rover Sport bodyshop
8.00 h
Bus departure from the Hilton Warwick hotel to the
Jaguar Land Rover production site, Solihull
Expert-guided tour of the all-aluminium bodyshop of
Jaguar Land Rover’s new Range Rover / Range Rover Sport
\\Introduction to the plant
\\Extended tour of the bodyshop in small groups,
led by Jaguar Land Rover experts
\\Coffee break, specific highlight exhibits
The Land Rover Experience
\\drive through the neighbouring Land Rover Experience
offroad tracks
13.00 h
Bus Transfer back to the conference venue
13.30 h
Lunch break
OEM Reports (continued)
15.00 h
Al @ Ford
Bruno Barthelemy, Ph.D., Global Chief Engineer, Structures, Closures
& Body CAE, Ford Motor Company, US
15.30 h
Conclusions and Outlook
Dr. Dirk Meine, Automotive Circle international, DE
Dr. Mark White, Jaguar Land Rover, UK
16.00 h
Farewell address and end of the conference
Subject to change (status as of 13 October 2014)
\\ Registration procedures
Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG
Automotive Circle International
Plathnerstr. 4c, DE-30175 Hannover
T +49 511 9910-374, F +49 511 9910-379
\\ Date
10 - 11 December 2014
\\ Conference venue
Heritage Motor Centre
Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire, CV35 0BJ,
Great Britain
Automotive Circle
Connecting outstanding experts
on car body manufacturing,
painting and assembly
\\ Conference Hotel
We kindly ask you to make your own hotel reservation at one of the following two hotels. Both hotels
are located close to each other. There will be a shut- of cancellation is received later, but not later
tle service from these hotels to the conference ven- than 25 November 2014. Delegates who fail to
ues for all delegates.
attend without notifying the organiser will be
liable for the whole conference fees. SubstituHilton Warwick
Stratford-upon-Avon, Junction 15 M40 A429 Strat- tions of delegates may be made at any time.
Cancellations and changes should be notified
ford road, Warwick CV34 6RE
in writing. In all cases date of postmark shall
T: 44-1926-499-555, F: 44-1926-410-020
apply. Any fees to be refunded will be paid
The Hilton Warwick offers rooms at a rate of £100
after the end of the conference. The organiser
per room per night including breakfast. These
reserves the right to change the programme
rooms are held until the 10th November.
content or to cancel the event due to important reasons. Cancellation fees of third parties
Holiday Inn Express Warwick
that may appear in this context will not be
Stratford-Upon-Avon, Stratford Road, Warwick
CV34 6TW, Great Britain
T: +44 (0) 1926 483 000, F: +44 (0) 1926 483 033
\\ Data Protection
The Holiday Inn Express Warwick offers rooms at Vincentz Network produces a list of delegates
a rate of £80 per room per night, including break- for each event which may include the followfast and wi-fi. These rooms are held until the 27 th ing information: company name, address (zip
November. Guests can contact the hotel directly to code, city, country), name and job function of
make their booking quoting the date or allotment delegate. This list of delegates will be made
code “SHS”. This is bookable through their web- available for all conference delegates, speaksite also.
ers, exhibitors and sponsors of the event, who
may use the data for promotional purposes.
\\ Conference fees
Objection against publication and circulation
Conference (standard): 1.975,- €*
of this data may be made at any time until 3
Conference (early-bird): 1.775,- €*
weeks prior to the event and has to be made
Early-bird price available until 11 November 2014.
Students will get 50 % discount on standard prices in writing to the organizer. Company’s name,
city and country might be published on the
on presentation of a valid student ID.
internet as reference for upcoming Automotive
* All prices plus 20 % British VAT.
Circle International-conferences.
All conferences in Europe are subject to VAT. To
\\ Please Note
reclaim, please contact your local tax office.
By registering you understand that your parti\\ Conference fees include
cipation and attendance at the conference may
Fees including full conference participation, incl.
be videotaped, filmed and/or audio recorded.
conference materials and list of delegates, shuttle
You agree that the recording may be used for
service from the above mentioned hotels to the conany lawful purposes that Vincentz Network,
ference venues, participation in the plant tour, the
or its designees, in their sole discretion, may
authority for downloading the presentations on the
determine. The address data are processed for
internet, luncheons, catering and the participation
customer service and information purposes in
in the evening networking event.
compliance with the German Federal Data
Protection Law. Company’s name, city and
\\ Conference language
country might be published on the internet
The conference will be in English only.
as reference for the upcoming conferences of
\\ Cancellations
Automotive Circle International.
Fees will be refunded in full if notice of cancellation is received by 11 November 2014. 50 % of the \\ Pictures
conference fees will be refunded in case notification Jaguar Land Rover, Vincentz Network
Insight Edition 2014
10 – 11 December \\ Jaguar Land Rover
Gaydon/Solihull, United Kingdom
Your ContaCt
Last Name
First Name
Sarah Hausmann
Automotive Circle International, DE
T +49 511 9910-374
Zip Code, City
Our Order No.
Our VAT No.
I hereby register for:
ò Conference: 10 – 11 December 2014 (For prices see terms and conditions)
Method of payment
ò Please send me an invoice.
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