Centrum för vuxnas lärande Sfi for students at Linnaeus University Start: Continuous start: After your application has been handled you will receive a letter with necessary information about the start of the course Organizer: Arbete och välfärd, Växjö kommun Application: Send to: Växjö kommun Arbete och välfärd Vuxnas lärande Box 1222 351 12 Växjö What is SFI? The teaching of Swedish For Immigrants (SFI) is basic education for adults whose first language is not Swedish. It provides knowledge of the Swedish language and Swedish society. What rules govern SFI? Every municipality is obliged to provide SFI to those adults who are entitled to it. The course can be arranged in different ways in the municipalities, but it is to be provided within three months of the participant having expressed an interest in it. SFI follows the national curriculum for non-compulsory education (Lpf94). Those who are immigrants and registered in the municipality of Växjö or those who have an approval from the municipality of residence have a possibility to study sfi. If you are not a registered resident in Växjö you must send your application to your local municipality. After your application has been handled you will receive a letter with necessary information about the start of the course. There is no tuition fee, but you have to pay for books and study material. After each completed course (A,B,C,D) you receive a grade. Grades are set using a national grading scale of six grades. Grades awarded are A, B, C, D, E and F – where A-E are passing grades and F a fail. You can find the application form on the opposite page! For more information contact: Vuxenutbildningen Tel: 0470-410 00 E-post: sfi@vaxjo.se Webb: www.vaxjo.se/vuxenutbildning Version 201509 ANSÖKAN TILL UTBILDNING I SVENSKA FÖR INVANDRARE – SFI APPLICATION TO EDUCATION IN SWEDISH FOR IMMIGRANTS – SFI Fyll i blanketten noggrant (texta) och kontrollera så du fått med all information. Skickas till: Please fill out the form carefully and write in text hand. Send to: Växjö kommun, Arbete och välfärd, Vuxnas lärande, Box 1222, 351 12 Växjö Personnummer (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD-NNNN) / Personal ID (YYYY-MM-DD-NNNN) 1. Personuppgifter / Personal data Förnamn / Given name Efternamn / Surname Gatuadress / Street address Postadress / Postal address c/o adress / c/o address Telefon / Telephone 2. Personlig bakgrund / Personal background Ankomst till Sverige – år, månad / Arrival to Sweden – year, month Sätt kryss / Select Modersmål / First language Övriga språk / Other languages Ursprungsland / Country of origin Invandrare Immigrant Flykting Refugee 3. Etablering via Arbetsförmedlingen / Establishment by Arbetsförmedlingen Har du en etableringsplan? Do you have an establishment plan? Handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen / Administrator at Arbetsförmedlingen Ja / Yes Nej / No 4. Tidigare erfarenheter (ange antal år) / Past experience (indicate number of years) Utbildning / Education År/Years Arbetslivserfarenhet - Yrke – Övrig kompetens i hemlandet och i Sverige / Profession and other skills in your home country or in Sweden År/Years Sfi kurs - var och tid (bifoga betygskopior) / Sfi course, place and period (attach copies of your grades) Kan du läsa och skriva på ditt modersmål? / Can you read and write in your first language? Ja / Yes Mål med sfi studierna / My goals with sfi studies 5. Sökande till följande kurs / Applying for the following course Dag / Daytime Kväll, flex, distans / Evening, flex, distance Jag försäkrar att lämnade uppgifter överrensstämmer med verkliga förhållanden I hereby certify that the data correspond to actual conditions Datum / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Sökandens underskrift / Applicant’s signature ………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. Version 2015, september Nej / No
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