ISSN 2302-786X Speech From Head of Research and Community Service Center of State Polytechnic of Jakarta Assalamualaikum Wr Wb We pray to Allah SWT for all His grace and gift He has given to us all so that the international seminar on “Engineering Technology and Social Innovation for National Welfare”. This international annual seminar is aimed to provide a dissemitaion forum for the results of researches and community services. This is expected to be a forum for information exchanges, discussion involving many parties: scholars, practitioners, and government. Interaction among different perspectives could become a medium to create technology development and sustainability accurately applicable in industry and society to enhance and support their autonomy in this modern era. For this, P3M PNJ ASAIS 2014 invite scholars, practitioners and government to write and present their papers under the following fields: 1. TECHNOLOGY Computer and Information Technology, Telecommunication, Electrical and Electronics, Energy Conversion, Mechanical Technology, Manufacture and Production Process, Production Management, Machinery Maintenance, Heavy Equipment and Automotive Technology, Civil Engineering, Building Structure, Road and Bridge, Water Resource and Environment, Geotechnical, Engineering Materials, Construction Management, Graphics Technology, Animation Technology. 2. COMMERCE Finance, Accountancy, Banking, Law, Business Administration, Event Management, Communication, Publishing, e-commerce, e-government, elearning, e-promotion, Islamic Banking, Islamic Economics. 3. ENVIRONMENT As the person in charge of this Seminar, we thank the Director of State Polytechnic of Jakarta and all the management; resourcepersons, colleagues from colleges, universities, polytechnics; researchers, and all invitees. And we also thank all members of commitees who have worked hard and are full of spirit to make the seminar happen. This 3rd ASAIS Seminar, attended by 9 universities, 40 paper presenters, and 60 participants Finally, we look forward to suggestions and critisism so that we can carry out the next international seminar in 2014 better. Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb Jakarta, November 12th, 2014 Head of P3M, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta/State Polytechnic of Jakarta Dr. Drs. Ahmad Tossin Alamsyah ST MT NIP. 196008051986031002 1 ISSN 2302-786X Speech From Director of State Polytechnic of Jakarta Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb, We pray to Allah SWT for all His grace and gift He has given to us all so that today we can attend the International Seminar on the Results of Researches and community Services under the theme of ” “Engineering Technology and Social Innovation for National Welfare” as a basis of knowledge and research development in higher education, both national and international which can be conducted by Research and Community Service Center in State Polytechnic of Jakarta. Keynote Speech _2 : *Prof. Dr. I Gusti NgurahWiratmaja The purpose of conducting this seminar is to provide knowledge and concepts exchange opportunity for multidiciplinary scientists to put forward their perspectives in national and state problems under the three defined sciences. Beside that, this forum can also be used to strengthen relationship of researchers from both national and international institutions. In this instance we would like to thank: 1. (Ketua Forum Politeknik Se Indonesia) 2. Prof. Dr. I Gusti NyomanWiratmaja (Deputy of ESDM of Indonesia) (Deputy of ESDM of Indonesia) 3. Keynote Speech _3, Mr. Hsiung Goh.National Instrument, Singapore 4. Presenters 5. All Boards of committee who have made this happens We hope that this academic activity can be conducted regularly and the spirit of the research will always sustain and give valuable contribution to the welfare and the development of the nation. We thank you and hope you gain valuable benefits from the seminar. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb, Jakarta, 12 November 2014 Director of state Polytechnic of Jakarta Abdillah, SE, M.Si NIP. 195903091989101001 2 ISSN 2302-786X BOARDS OF COMMITTEE Advisors : Unit in charge : Chairman Vice Chairman First Secretary Treasurer : : : : Reviewer Paper Section Coordinators Direktur Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Pembantu Direktur I. Kepala P3M Dr. A. Tossin Alamsyah, MT. Dr. Nining Latianingsih SH MH. Ir. Budi Damianto MSi Anis Rosyidah MT. Nurmalisna : : Dr. Drs. Agus Edy Pramono, ST., M.Si Putera Agung Maha Agung, Ph.D. Dr. Belyamin, MT. Dr. Dianta M. Event Section Coordinator : Dr. Dra. Iis Mariam, M.Si International Affair Coordinator : Dra. Yogi Widiawati, M.Hum Proceedings Section Coordinator : Gun Gun R. Gunadi, MT Linguistic Section Coordinators : Dra. Mawarta Onida Sinaga, MSi. Publication and Documentation Section Coordinators : Mahar Azhari Caterers Section Coordinators : Muryeti MSi Secretariate : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Gedung Q, Lantai 2, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Tlp. 021 7270036 ext 236, website: Depok, November 12th, 2014 International Seminar Board of Committee (ASAIS 2014) 3 ISSN 2302-786X AGENDA OF INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RESEARCH RESULTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 2014 ANNUAL SOUTH EAST ASIAN INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR (ASAIS) 2014 NOVEMBER 12TH, 2014 ACTIVITY 08.00 – 09.00 Registration Registration Welcome Speech (The First, Indonesia Raya Song) 09.00 – 09.20 Opening Chairman of Committee Director of PNJ + Opening Ceremony 09.20 – 09.30 Opening Performance 09.30 – 10.15 Keynote Speech - 1 : Forum Politeknik Se Indonesia 10.15 – 10.30 Coffee Break Keynote Speech - 2 : 10.30 – 11.15 *Prof. Dr. I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Plenary Session (Deputy of ESDM of Indonesia) Keynote Speech - 3 : 11.15 – 12.00 Mr. Hsuing Goh. National Instrument, Singapore 12.00 – 12.20 Photo Sessions 12.20 –13.15 Lunch Theme : Economic , Humaniora Theme : Engineering 1 (Electrical & Mechanic Engineering) 13.15 – 15.15 Parallel Session Theme : Engineering 2 ( Civil & Environment Engineering) 15.15 – 15.30 Coffee Break 15.30 – 16.30 To be continued 16.30 – 17.00 Closing Closing Speech 4 ISSN 2302-786X DISTRIBUTION OF CLASS PRESENTATION Time Moderator Notulis 13.15 – 13.30 13.30 – 13.45 13.45 - 14.00 14.00 – 14.15 14.15 – 14.30 14.30 – 14.45 14.45 – 15. 00 15.00 – 15.15 15.15 – 15.30 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.00 16.15 - 16.30 16.30 - 16.45 16.45 – 17.00 17.00 – 17.15 17.15 Theme : Engineering1 @Justira 2 Room Putera Agung + Budi Damianto Adina Kanza TEC – 01 TEC – 02 TEC – 03 TEC – 04 TEC – 05 TEC – 06 TEC – 07 TEC – 08 TEC – 09 TEC – 10 TEC – 11 TEC – 24 TEC – 25 Theme : Engineering 2 @Judistira 3 Room Dianta M. + Agus Edy P. Rizal Hermawan TEC – 12 TEC – 13 TEC – 14 TEC – 15 TEC – 16 TEC – 17 Coffee break TEC – 18 TEC – 19 TEC – 20 TEC – 21 TEC – 22 TEC – 23 TEC – 26 Closing ceremony Notes: TEC = Technology CSH = Commerce, Sosial and Humaniora 5 Theme : Commerce sosial, humaniora (CSH) @Judistira 4 Room Mawarta + Darna Maya Alfi CSH – 01 CSH – 02 CSH – 03 CSH – 04 CSH – 05 CSH – 06 CSH – 07 CSH – 08 CSH – 09 CSH – 10 CSH – 11 CSH – 12 CSH – 13 CSH – 14 ISSN 2302-786X THEME : ENGINEERING 1(ELECTRICAL & MECHANIC ENGINEERING) @Yudistra 2 Room CODE TITLE PRESENTER TEC-01 Groove Overhang Effect on The Result of Surface Roughness on Vertical CNC Milling Process TEC-02 Comparative Study of The Punch Shear Strength of BFRP Composite in Unidirection and Double Direction Agus Sujatmiko, Moh Hartono, R Edy Purwanto3 123 Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang 1 Agus Edy Pramono1, Indriyani Rebet1, Anne Zulfia2. 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. 2 Department of metallurgy and material, faculty of engineering, Universitas Indonesia. TEC-03 Precast Concrete Panel With Substitution of Fine Agregate Mining Gold Tailing Pongkor TEC-04 Effect of Testing Speed on Tensile Behavior of Kenaf Fiber TEC-05 The Making of Automatic Thresher Rice With Solar Cell as an Effort to Repair Technology in order to Increase Crop Yield TEC-06 Developing of Multi-Parametric Bioelectric Signal Acquisition System TEC-07 Temperature Variation in Resilient Modulus of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete 6 Amalia1*) dan Murdiyoto A1 1 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Prof. Dr GA. Siwabessy Kampus UI, Depok 16424 *) E-mail Anggit Murdani1, Maskuri2, Profiyanti Hermin Suharti3 1,2 Mechanical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Malang., 3 Chemical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Malang Anton Hidayat1) Nasrullah2) Ramiati3) Electronica Engineering Department of State polytechnic of Padang Unand Limau Manis College Padang E-mail:, C. Bambang Dwi Kuncoro Electrical & Instrumentation Laboratory, Politeknik Negeri BandungPh./Fax:+62222013789/2013889 email:, Eva Azhra Latifa,1 Nuzul Barkah Prihutomo,2 Mulyono3 1,2,3 Civil Engineering Department, ISSN 2302-786X TEC-08 TEC-09 TEC-10 TEC-11 TEC-23 Jakarta State Polytechnic PNJ Jln GA Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI Depok – 16425 Phone 021 7863532, Fax 021 7863532 e-mail: The Characteristic of Bantak Agregate as Faqih Ma’arif1, Buntara S. Gan2, Main Materials on Marshall Test Imam Muchoyar3, Effendie T4, Sumarjo H5 1,2,4 Department Of Civil engineering and Planning, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta-Indonesia, 55281 em@il: 2 Associate Professor, Department Of Architecture Engineering, College Of Engineering, Nihon University, Japan, 963-8642; em@il: 4 Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta -Indonesia Compressive snd Shear Strength Behaviour Faqih Ma’arif1, Slamet Widodo2, of Masonry Wall with Pumice Breccia as Agus Santoso3, Sumardjo H4 1 Mortar Department Of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 55281 email: 2 Department Of Civil Engineering and Education Planning, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 55281 Effect of Granular Elastic Column on The Gerard Aponno1, Dandung Swelling Characteristic of Expansive Clay Novianto2, Yunaefi3 1,2,3 Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytechnic of Malang Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang email: Effect of Chitosan in Drinking Process on Muryeti1, Estuti Budi Mulyani1 and Teddy Tapianto2 Brightness of Paper 1 State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl. Prof. Siwabessy Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia, Depok 2 State Polytechnic Media Creative, Jl. Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta. Email: Analysis of Color Conversion Model of Wiwi Prastiwinarti, Noorbaity, Variation Hue, Saturation, Brightness on Zulkarnain Digital Image State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia 7 ISSN 2302-786X TEC-24 Development of Penstock Hydraulic Governing Valve for Micro Hydro Power Plant Waterwheel Type 8 email:, Gun Gun Ramdlan G, Jusafwar, Adi Syuriadi dan Dianta Mustofa Kamal Mechanical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia ISSN 2302-786X Theme : Engineering 2 ( Civil & Environment Engineering) @Yudistira 3 Room CODE TITLE PRESENTER TEC-12 Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900OC TEC-13 Electrical Energy Potential of Undersea Current Power Plant in The Manado Bay North Sulawesi TEC-14 Effect of Propeller Turbine Blade Angle Type Ф 125 on Efficiency Mhp System of Head 2 and 3 Meters TEC-15 Broadband Metamaterial Microstrip Filters for Wimax Applications 2.3 Ghz and Wifi 2.4 Ghz TEC-16 Assessment Analysis of Lateral Movement of Gate Shaft Structure on Fractured Rock Mass, Jatigede Dam Area, West Java, Indonesia TEC-17 Sperm Attenuation Techniques Using Ultraviolet Irradiation With Fuzzy Algorithm Implementation TEC-18 Auxalary Prime Mover on Gas Power Plant by using Static Frequency Converter D. Mustofa K., F. Zainuri Mechanical Engineering Departement,Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Parabelem T.D. Rompas1, Jenly D.I. Manongko1 1Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Engineering, UNIMA UNIMA Fatek campus Tondano Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Paulus Sukusno(1), Fachruddin, P Jannus, Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering State Polytechnic of Jakarta, New Campus UI Depok 16425 (1) Triprijooetomo1,Toto Supriyanto2 email :, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Putera Agung M, A; Pramusandi, S; Ardianto, A. Civil Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia E-mail:; Sunaryo, B Senior Engineer for Jatigede Dam Project, West Java, Indonesia R Edy Purwanto1, Eka Mandayatma2, Totok Winarno3 123 State Polytechnic of Malang A. Sofwan1,3) dan dan Suprapto2A.Priyono3) 1) Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Industrial Technology Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional (ISTN), Jl.M.Kahfi II Jagakarsa JKT 12640 Email: 2) Electrical Dept in PT PJB MuaraKarang, Tangerang.Email: 9 ISSN 2302-786X 3) TEC-19 The Design of Environmentally Friendly Parking System Based on RFID and Database TEC-20 Optimazation of Battery Waste Carbon Quantity on Design of Cathode in Electrocoagulation Process Tank to Reducing Metal Content in Waste Water TEC-21 Optimization The Fuel Filter Viewed Performance Automotive Engines Impact on Fuel Efficiency TEC – 22 TEC-25 Day Lighting Skylight for Improving Task Lighting Performance of Writing Batik Space Casestudy: IKM Batik Katura, Trusmi-Cirebon Speed Control of Induction Motor Based Variable Frequency with Artificial Neural Network 10 Graduate Program School of ISTN, Jl.PLN Duren Tiga Jakarta 12760 Email: 1 Sugeng Mulyono, 2 B.S.RahayuPurwanti, 3Zainal NurArifin, 4Azwardi 14 Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta 2 Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta 3 Civil Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta Sutanto1 dan Danang Widjajanto2 1 Electrical Engineering,State Polytechnic Jakarta Jl Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy ,Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok E-mail : E-mail : Tatun Hayatun N 1 , Sri Lestari K 2 1 Mechanical Engineering Department , Faculty of Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424, Indonesia email :, 2 Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424, Indonesia Email : Dyah Nurwidyaningrum Civil Departement State Polytechnic of Jakarta Tuti Angraini1, Abd. Hafid2, Anton3 , Ifni Joi4 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia Perumahan Unand B3-3-10 Ulu Gadut 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia Kampus Sultan Alaudin Makassar 3,4 Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia Kampus Politeknik Limau Manis Padang ISSN 2302-786X TEC-26 Development Length of Steel Bar Embedded in Hardened Concrete Using Masterflow 810 11 Fauzri Fahimuddin 1), Anis Rosyidah 2), Praganif Sukarno3), I Ketut Sucita4), dan Siffa Fauziah5) 1,2,3,4) Lecture of Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytecnic of Jakarta 5) Graduated of Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytecnic of Jakarta E-mail:, ISSN 2302-786X TITLES OF COMMERCE, SOCIAL, AND HUMANITIES PAPER @Free Function Room CODE TITLE CSH-1 Building Curriculum Based on Competency Through Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Higher Vocational Education Organization (Aplication Research of Soft Systems Methodology) CSH-2 CSH-3 CSH-4 CSH-5 CSH-6 CSH-7 PRESENTER Iis Mariam1, Nining Latianingsih2, Endah Wartiningsih3 (,, Lecturer of Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl.Prof. G.A.Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok –West Java, Indonesia Phone/Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-217863521 Increase Regional Potency in order to Dewi Winarni SusYunti Develop Tourism - Based on Community Lecturer of Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl.Prof. G.A.Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok –West Java, Indonesia Implementation of Education for Sustainable Abdul Rokhmat Sairah Z., M.Phil Development (ESD) in Gunungkidul’s South Faculty of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada Coast Society in 2013 University Jl. Sosio Humaniora No. 1 Email: Effectiveness of Local Government Alhapen Ruslin Chandra1, Afifah2, Regulation on Demarketing of Tobacco in Willson Gustiawan3 1,2,3 Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra Business Administration Department Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia The Effectiveness of Rolled-over Fund Andi Asdani in PNPM-MP To Improve The Welfare State Polythecnic of Malang of Poor Households Email: Green Banking: A New Strategic For Atika Syuliswati Sustainable Development Accounting Department, State Polytechnic Of Malang Jl.Soekarno-Hatta No.09, PO.BOX 04 Malang 65141 Email: Emotional Attachment as an Intervening Variable between Service Performance and Emotional Branding 12 Gugyh Susandy, S.E., M.Si. STIE Sutaatmadja Subang Jln. Otista No.76, Subang Phone 0260 411 065, 421 548 Fax. 0260 411 751 ISSN 2302-786X CSH-8 Hipothetical Model of Researcher’s Competency: Case Study in Bandung State Polytechnic (POLBAN), Indonesia CSH-9 Applying of Model Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Learning with Based Learning Management System Applied to Enhance Learning Outcome at Malang State Polytechnic CSH-10 Developing Model Time Driven Activity Based Costing for Analysis of Unit Cost on Educational Institution CSH-11 The Implementation of Slow Learner Education in Politeknik Negeri Jakarta CSH-12 Improving The Competitiveness of Small and Micro Enterprises (SMES) are Managed by Women Through Improved Corporate Performance CSH-13 Implementation of Electronic Transactions by UMKM Connected with Contract of Law CSH_14 Product Innovations of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (SMES) to Improve Local Competitiveness 13 Carolina Lasambouw , Ediana Sutjiredjeki and Neneng Nuryati Bandung State Polytechnic Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Desa Ciwaruga, 40012 Bandung, Indonesia,,neng_nurya Dr. Mohammad Maskan, M.Si.1) Ahmad Fauzi, S.Kom., M.MT2) Drs. Ludfi Djajanto, MBA3) 1),2) Administration Business Department of State Polytechnic of Malang 65144 Email: 3) Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang 65144 Siti Amerieska Departemen Accounting, State Polythecnic of Malang Nur Hasyim, Ade Sukma Mulya, Sri Wahyono Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Lecturer. Email: Darna, Ida Syafrida, Rudi Haryanto AccountingDepartment of PoliteknikNegeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI Depok 16425 Nining Latianingsih1,Rita Farida2 Iis Mariam3 , Neni Sri Imaniyati4 ( Lecturer of Business Administration Department: 1,3State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Lecturer Civil Enginering 3, State Polytechnic of Jakarta Lecture of faculty of law 4 Bandung Islamic University Jl.Prof. G.A.Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok –West Java, Indonesia Phone/Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-217863521 Endah Wartiningsih1, Iis Mariam2, Nining Latianingsih3,, Lecturer of Business Administration ISSN 2302-786X Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl.Prof. GASiwabessy, New Campus, Depok -West Java, Indonesia Phone / Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-217863521 14 ISSN 2302-786X ABSTRACT TECHNOLOGY 15 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-01 and CODE: TEC-02 Groove Overhang Effect on the Result of Surface Roughness on Vertical CNC Milling Process Agus Sujatmiko 1, Moh Hartono2, R Edy Purwanto3 Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang 123 Abstract CNC vertical milling a work piece cutting tool in cutting process is done by giving the Computer Numerically Controlled G program code on a milling machine that gives the direction of the cutting plane or space conditions chisel end mill position perpendicular to the surface of the work piece. Distance to the tool holder overhang conducted mostly standard distance is not a chisel end mill going resulted in minimum and maximum deflection during the cutting process. Cutting and surface roughness measurements performed by means of the test specimen made of BJ37 in a square shape with a rectangular cross-section cutting parameters include overhangs groove variations, vibration and feeding, whose data are taken from each of three locations: the left edge of the surface, the middle and the right edge, while the measurement is done by testing the surface roughness. The results obtained from the overhang groove changes, vibration and small feeding can result in deflection and angle of the smaller pieces to obtain a minimum level of roughness on the overhang that is 25 mm with the same feeding 0.18 mm/rev the value obtained average roughness Ra = 1,64 µm including group N7 smooth roughness when compared with the standard 35 mm overhang value of average roughness Ra = 1,88 µm normal N7. As for the changes in feeding the smaller the cutting process can achieve the minimum level of roughness on the feeding of 0.18 mm/0.28 mm/rev and 0.38 mm/rev because of the cutting speed step/teeth get smaller. Keywords: Overhang Groove, Vibration, Roughness, CNC Milling Machine Comparative Study of The Punch Shear Strength of BFRP Composite in Unidirection and Double Direction Agus Edy Pramono 1, Indriyani Rebet1, Anne Zulfia2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta 2 Department of metallurgy and material, faculty of engineering, Universitas Indonesia 1 Abstract This paper reveals the punch shear strength of composites made of bamboo fibers in a phenolic resin polymer matrix. The first type, composites was fabricated in the form of a single direction of fibers and the second type, composites was fabricated in the form of a double direction of fibers. Both in the weight ratio of 50, 75 and 100 grams of the weight of fibers, respectively, and was immersed in a polymer matrix of phenolic resins. Both types of the composite were fabricated by hand lay-up method. The increase in the weight of fiber content showed an increase in punch shear strength of the composite fabricated of bamboo fibers / phenolic resin. Composites which were fabricated in the form of double fibers direction showed higher punch shear strength than the composites which was fabricated in the form of a unidirection. Thus, bamboo fibers showed its function as a reinforcing fibers in the a phenolic resin. Keywords: Bamboo fibers reinforced polymer (BFRP), punch shear strength, BFRP hand lay-up, phenolic resin. 16 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-03 and CODE: TEC-04 Precast Concrete Panel with Substitution of Fine Agregate Mining Gold Tailing Pongkor 1 Amalia1 and Murdiyoto A1 Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Prof. Dr GA. Siwabessy Kampus UI, Depok 16424 Abstract This study aims to investigate the potential of gold mining waste tailings in Pongkor as fine aggregate in precast concrete wall panels. The study was conducted by making the specimen precast concrete wall panels size 100 cm x 50 cm x 10 cm. To reduce the weight of the panel, made holes in the middle of the wall. Wall panels are made of concrete with water cement factor (fas) 0.50 to 5 variations of tailings as aggregate substitution, ie 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of the weight of the fine aggregate. The results showed that (1) the use of tailings as fine aggregate substitute in concrete precast panels can increase the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete on the composition of 10%, and 20%, (2) tensile strength of precast wall panels decreased in the presence of tailings on concrete mixture, (3) tailings can be used as a substitute fine aggregate in concrete panels up to 40%, wherein the composition produces precast concrete panels that meet the standards for non-structural partition wall, (4) weight content of wall concrete panels using more and more tailings, bulk density is decreased. Keywords: precast concrete panel, compressive strength, tailing of gold mining Effect of Testing Speed on Tensile Behavior of Kenaf Fiber Anggit Murdani1, Maskuri2, Profiyanti Hermin Suharti3 Mechanical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Malang Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No. 9, Malang 65141 Indonesia 3 Chemical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Malang Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No. 9, Malang 65141 Indonesia 1,2 Abstract The use of kenaf fiber as reinforcement in polymeric composite is continuously developed toward product diversity. In service, the products based on the composite are experiencing various loading conditions, from static loading to dynamic loading. Mechanical behavior of fiber has important role to determine the overall performance of composite. The objective of this research is to investigate the response of kenaf fiber on tensile loading with various testing speed. Specimens were prepared with 10mm in gage length or span. The testing speeds were 0.02mm/s, 0.1mm/s, 0.5mm/s, and 1mm/s. The tensile behavior of specimen is observed based on stress-strain relationship, supported by fracture evidence. The result shows that tensile strength of specimens increase significantly with increasing of the testing speed. The ultimate tensile stress with speed testing of 1mm/s achieved approximately 230% of that with speed testing of 0.02mm/s. The Young’s moduli also became higher increase with testing speed. Inversely, the strain at fracture tends to become smaller with increasing of the testing speed. For all testing speeds, fractured specimen are showing brittle-like fracture surface. It can be important information in considering kenaf fiber as reinforcement in polymeric composites. Key Words: kenaf fiber, testing speed, brittle 17 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-05 and CODE: TEC-06 The Making of Automatic Thresher Rice with Solar Cell as An Effort to Repair Technology in order to Increase Crop Yield Anton Hidayat1) Nasrullah2) Ramiati3) Electronica Engineering Department of State polytechnic of Padang Unand Limau Manis College Padang Abstract The main problem in handling postharvest rice is the high-lost result (Central Statistics Agency 1988, 1996), grain, and rice that were produced is low quality. This is happened on harvesting, threshing, and drying stages so repair of postharvest rice technology is focused on the three stages and increasingly reduced of employment in agriculture. It is caused many people want to cities looking for job in industrial sector. It is difficult for farmer in harvesting stage because the sort time on harvesting and it is needed the many employments. On the basis of that, this research tries to develop one of the automatic thresher rice and seed cleaner for increasing crop yield to farmer so helped out the farmer job on the harvesting stage and also get much rice. Design of this equipment will be made more lightly in order to easy for bring it, and it’s simple to use in purpose to be easily operated by farmer and can be set the speed with using fuzzy method appropriate with requirement and it is not using fossil fuels but it is using sunlight as source energy for moving motor DC. Solar cell is used as receiving apparatus the source of sunlight on the process of threshing rice and cheap in treatment. Testing acquired at the threshing rotary average decrease in velocity of a motor 195 RPM every additional of 5 rice straw whereas the required by a motor to play the thresher maximum is 6 ampere and the current minimum of motor is 2.2 ampere and also it’s needed the average time is 6 seconds by controller for stabilizing the rotary speed of motor on velocity 2000 RPM when the thresher machine given loads rice straw, besides that the level of efficiency of thresher 96.5% from the result of threshing rice, so it can get conclusion that time is needed for threshing rice is 9 rice straw per second. Keywords: Thresher Rice, Solar Cell, Fuzzy, and Motor DC. Developing of multi-parametric Bioelectric signal Acquisition system C. Bambang Dwi Kuncoro Electrical & Instrumentation Laboratory, Politeknik Negeri Bandung Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 20012, Indonesia, Ph./Fax:+62222013789/2013889 Abstract Although diagnostic medical instruments have been widely used, measurement system which can acquire bioelectric signal is still needed to achieve the purpose of physiological treatment or other biomedical applications. A multi-parametric bioelectric signal acquisition system has been developed as described in this paper. The system can acquire several bioelectric phenomenons, such as: ECG, GRS, PPG, and respiration rate. It is based on the Arduino Uno R3 platform, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and lowpower components, and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) on the recording terminal. The experimental evaluations show the system is able to acquire the signal with quality and more precise. Keywords: biosignal, ECG, PPG, GSR, respiration rate 18 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-07 and CODE: TEC-08 Temperature Variation in Resilient Modulus of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete 1,2,3 Eva Azhra Latifa1 Nuzul Barkah Prihutomo 2 Mulyono3 Civil Engineering Department, Jakarta State Polytechnic PNJ Jln GA Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI Depok – 16425 Phone 021 7863532, Fax 021 7863532 Abstract This study is the last in a series to obtain the best of hot mix asphaltic concrete used for flexible pavement with the lowest damage at high temperatures. Previous studies were conducted on varied submersions up to 120 hours and 600C of temperature towards various fillers, i.e. fly ash and Portland cement, compared to stone dust. The results on Marshall Stability found that a mixture of Portland cement filler and stone dust meets the required criteria, whereas fly ash does not qualify for further testing. Pertamina and Retona asphalt was used, both of which showed good performance. The aggregate gradation used was from Bina Marga and Superpave. The research was continued with dynamic stability testing using wheel tracking, where the durability of all variations of the aforementioned mixtures was tested against permanent deformation and the intensity of dynamic stability under vehicle load simulation 500C of temperature. The next research had the resilient modulus of asphalt concrete mixtures with Superpave gradation and Pertamina asphalt, as well as Bina Marga gradation and Retona asphalt 55, was tested with UMATTA device. The end result compared the behavior of each mixture against the applied tests. Keyword: aggregate gradation, asphalt variation, hotmix asphalt, wheel tracking, resilient modulus The Characteristic of Bantak Agregate as Main Materials on Marshall Test Faqih Ma’arif1, Buntara S. Gan2, Imam Muchoyar3, Effendie T4, Sumarjo H5 Department Of Civil engineering and Planning, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta-Indonesia, 55281 Associate Professor, Department Of Architecture Engineering, College Of Engineering, Nihon University, Japan, 963-8642 4 Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta -Indonesia 1,2,4 Abstract This research aimed to improving the performance of the aggregate bantak as main material in Marshall test. Bantak is an porous aggregate, derived from Merapi volcanoes has low abration. One of the most interest about this agregate is the abundant amount, but the locals society not use it as building materials, because their quality is inferior considered. An effort to improve performance aggregate bantak is adding fibers polypropylene. The method used experiment laboratory test. Consist of 105 total specimens, whereas CS (control specimen), BC (Bantak Clereng), BB (Bantak-Bantak) and CB (ClerengBantak) were 15, 30, 30 and 30 specimens every variance respectively. The results of tests indicate that Bantak agregate performance can increase when added polypropylene fibers. Furthermore, Bantak aggregate can be used as flexible pavement. Keyword: Bantak, polypropylene fibers, flexible pavement 19 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-09 and CODE: TEC-10 Compressive and Shear Strength Behaviour of Masonry Wall with Pumice Breccia as Mortar 1 Faqih Ma’arif1, Slamet Widodo2, Agus Santoso3, Sumardjo H4 Department Of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 55281 2 Department Of Civil Engineering and Education Planning, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 55281 Abstract This research aims to develop materials pumice breccia as instant mortar on brick wall construction. The special region of Yogyakarta (DIY) an enormous potential for the development of product-based natural pumice breccia. Based on Resources Information System Investment (2012), Pumice reserves stored on DIY Recorded more than two and a half billion cubic meters, Covering an area Gunung Kidul ± 2,497 billion m3, Bantul ± 76,067 billion m3 and Sleman ± 85,367 billion m3. in which each location located relatively next to one another. The method used is an experiment laboratory. This research used 3rd varians, which were CS (compressive strength); TBS (Tensile bond strength) and SS (shear strength). This research dealt with three tests (compressive test, tensile bond strength and shear stress). Proportion mix used 1Pc:4Pm and 1Pc:3Ps:3Pm. The test results show that on compressive strength, tensile bond strength and shear strength obtained the effective thickness of pumice mortar were 10mm, 15mm and 20mm respectively. The failure mode is combination failure. Keyword: shear strength, masonry, pumice breccia Effect of Granular Elastic Column on The Swelling Characteristic of Expansive Clay 1,2,3 Gerard Aponno1, Dandung Novianto2, Yunaefi3 Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytechnic of Malang Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang Abstract Foundations resting on expansive soils may move differentially in the vertical direction and show sign of unacceptable cracks as the water content in soil changes with season. Nowadays many measures have been practiced to overcome the problems posed by swelling soils. One of the methods is to modify the macro structure of expansive clays by adding non-expansive granular elastic materials into the soils. A laboratory investigation to reduce the swelling properties of the expansive soils found at Gunung Bentar - Probolinggo is reported in this paper. The rubber column techniques were used as alternative methods to improve the swelling characteristics of compacted expansive clays. Each soil samples with various proportion of crumb waste rubber tire to soils are compacted statically, and then performing zero swell test by using load ring for its loading system, and wetting process under controlled water inflow, instead of inundate the samples. The results of this study indicated that rubber column is effective techniques in reducing the value of swelling pressure. Keywords: expansive clays, swelling strain, swelling pressure, granular elastic material 20 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-11 and CODE: TEC-12 Effect of Chitosan in Drinking Process on Brightness of Paper 1 Muryeti1, Estuti Budi Mulyani1 and Teddy Tapianto2 State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl. Prof. Siwabessy Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia, Depok 2 State Polytechnic Media Creative, Jl. Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Abstract Chitosan has ben made from shrimp shell by deproteinization, demineralization dan deacetylation steps. Chitosan have been investigated as biosorbent for removal heavy metal and dyes. Recycling of paper requires the removal of the printing ink, also called deinking, from the used paper to obtain brighter pulp. The objective was the research was to investigate the effectiveness chitosan in deinking paper. The process of deinking involves ink particle dislogment from the fiber surface and the separation of dispersed ink from fiber suspensions by washing. Chitosan was added in deinking process with different dosage 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 g. Chitosan efficiencies in deinking can be obtained by analysis measuring of brightness paper. The increasing dosage of chitosan, will increase brightness paper. The result show that chitosan used in present work can improve ink removal in deinking process. Keywords: chitosan, deinking, recycling of paper, brightness Green Product of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Waste by Pyrolysis at 900 Oc D. Mustofa K., F. Zainuri Mechanical Engineering Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Abstract Alternative treatments to convert plastic waste into fuel currently receive great attention from researchers world wide. The objective of the research is to obtain liquid fuel from pyrolysis of waste plastics that is safe for humans as well as environment, with a heating value and fuel quality meet the standardized compliant.The method used for the research is plastic waste pyrolysis heated at 900°C, and the resulting vapor is condensed through a crossflow condenser. The method resulted in a liquid fuel with a calorific value of 46 848 J/g, which is greater than plastic waste processing at a temperature of 425°C, that is only 41 870 J/g. In addition, the nature of current method for treating plastic waste is considered more secure than that of plastic waste processing at the temperature of 425°C. The reason for this is due to the fact thatthe percentage of compounds that could potentially be carcinogenic (boric acid and cyclopentanone) is reduced. Keywords: plastic waste, fuel, pyrolisis, green product 21 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-13 and CODE: TEC-14 Electrical Energy Potential of Undersea Current Power Plant in The Manado Bay North Sulawesi 1 Parabelem T.D. Rompas1, Jenly D.I. Manongko1 Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Engineering, UNIMA UNIMA Fatek campus Tondano Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Abstract Electrical energy potential of undersea current power plant in the Manado bay, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia has been investigated. The objective of this research is to predict available renewable energy in the Manado bay. The method used a numerical model of the Navier Stoke’s equations through a approach of semi-implicit finite difference 3D where the pressure distribution on a vertical layer of sea water assumed hydrostatic. Energy was found underwater currents in the Manado bay potential for development of power generation turbine installation underwater currents which the maximum available power per m2 at seawater column of 1 m when high tide currents at debit 0.1 Sv is 2.1 kW/m2. Keywords: Renewable energy, undersea currents, semi-implicit, Manado bay EFFECT OF PROPELLER TURBINE BLADE ANGLE TYPE Ф 125 ON EFFICIENCY MHP SYSTEM OF HEAD 2 AND 3 METERS Paulus Sukusno1, Fachruddin, P Jannus, Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering State Polytechnic of Jakarta, New Campus UI Depok 16425 Abstract This research aims to determine the effect of propeller type turbine blade angle Ф 125 on system efficiency Micro Hydro Power (MHP) head 2 and 3 meters, by way of the impeller blade angle memvareasi with input water turbine capacity fixed. The results of this research can determine the optimal efficiency of the MHP system. Research report on the MHP system head 2 meters with fixed input water capacity obtained optimum efficiency on the blade angle 220 – 240. Research on MHP system head 3 meters with fixed input water capacity, obtained at optimum efficiency on the blade angle 180. To obtain a large output power, it is necessary to water the rate of entry into the turbine that great anyway. To obtain optimal efficiency, it is necessary that the impeller blade angle is set according to the flow rate of water entering the turbine. Keywords: blade angle, water capacity, efficiency, electricity. 22 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-15 and CODE: TEC-16 Broadband Metamaterial Microstrip Filters for WiMAX Applications 2.3 GHz and WiFi 2.4 GHz Triprijooetomo1,Toto Supriyanto2 Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Abstract The purpose of this study resulted in the design of metamaterial-based Broadband filters for WiMAX and WiFi technologies to implement the metamaterial ingredients. The performance of a filter is closely associated with the materials used to manufacture the filter. So it can improve the efficiency of the device and makes the device more compact. Materials metamaterial can be obtained by making a material structure that has properties not available in nature. That is a structure that has a value of permitivity (ε) and permeability (μ) negative. Materialsof this metamaterial has the advantage of low loss. Thus, its use is expected to reduce the coefficient of wave reflection and transmission of improving the efficiency of the filter. The simulation results showed that the use of open-split method is able to generate broadband metamaterial resonator BPF in the frequency range 1.975 GHz to 2.615 GHz, with a bandwidth of 640 MHz.Minimum return loss of -54.36 dB, insertion loss of -0.061 dB. Physically, broadband metamaterial microstrip BPF has compact dimensions are 40.2 x 31 x 1.6 mm, so that the potential of this BPF design used serbagai wireless communication applications. Keywords: WiMAX, WiFi, Metamaterial. Assessment Analysis of Lateral Movement of Gate Shaft Structure on Fractured Rock Mass, Jatigede Dam Area, West Java, Indonesia 12 Putera Agung M, A1, Pramusandi, S2, Ardianto, A Sunaryo, B3 Civil Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 Senior Engineer for Jatigede Dam Project, West Java, Indonesia Abstract Gate shaft is one of parts the power waterway system of dam structure and as an intake vertical tunnel or well function for hydroelectric power plants in Jatigede area, Sumedang, West Java. Paper concerns some consideration in determining a constitutive model of soil and rock material. Comparison of existing lateral movement and the analysis results identified that Hoek – Brown failure criterion were more suitable than Mohr – Coulomb. Study analysis was carried out using without and with reinforcement system, the risk assessment to a rock shaft during excavation is greater than that to a soil shaft, even though the two averages designed safety factors are the same. For the analysis, it should be considered to use the failure criteria of intermediate material. 23 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-17 and CODE: TEC-18 Sperm Attenuation Techniques using Ultraviolet Irradiation with Fuzzy Algorithm Implementation R Edy Purwanto1, Eka Mandayatma2, Totok Winarno3 123 State Polytechnic of Malang Abstract One type of sex manipulation is gynogenesis which is an insemination process using the stimulation of genetically weakened spermatozoa with ultraviolet radiation, so the result of gynogenesis is female fish. Sperm irradiation in gynogenesis is aimed at weakening the fish sperm genetically, so the number of chromosome in eggs is still diploid. There are many ways to inactivate sperm, in this research it is done through ultraviolet irradiation that is cheaper and not dangerous. The irradiation is done by setting the intensity through the changing distance of the ultraviolet source toward the object in this case the fish sperm. This research is aimed at designing and implementing ultraviolet irradiation setting system using fuzzy logic control. This research is done experimentally covers controler design, system making and testing. The result of fuzzy algorithm is planted in EEPROM microcontroler ATMega 8535 assisted by Bascom compiler software. The process of ultraviolet intensity changing is shown in the form of graph in computer and the variable observed is the dose of UV irradiation in fixe time. The dose of irradiation is determined to the amount of 1920J/m2 (4,5W/m2) the time option is 5 or 7.5 minutes. The result shows that fuzzy logic control is able to keep the UV intensity with error rate less than 5%. The allocated memory needed for fuzzy algorithm program in microcontroller ATmega 8535 which is written with Bascom compiler is 90% Keywords: irradiation, sperm, gynogenesis, fuzzy logic, Microcontroler Auxalary Prime Mover on Gas Power Plant by using Static Frequency Converter A. Sofwan1 3 and Suprapto2A.Priyono3 Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Industrial Technology Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional (ISTN), Jl.M.Kahfi II Jagakarsa JKT 12640 2 Electrical Dept in PT PJB MuaraKarang, Tangerang. 3 Graduate Program School of ISTN, Jl.PLN Duren Tiga Jakarta 12760 1 Abstract Generally, the gas power plant requires starting equipment as prime mover to rotate gas turbine especially at the start of operation before combustion process. The used starting equipment at gas power plant (PLTG) Muara Karang is static frequency converter (SFC). The function of static frequency converter is to convert generator become motor when starting. Characteristic of SFC will be discusses in this paper of ASAI Seminar. The components of SFC consist of a transformator, converter, DC reactor and inverter. The used SFC 3.7 kV input voltage is converted into a voltage that can be varied to be supplied to the generator when the gas Turbine starting. According of calculation result, that at Muara Karang gas power plant (PLTG), used SFC output voltage of 3300 volts is required. To produce the required output voltage SFC amounting to 3300 volts, then set the trigger of angle α to the converter at 36.05 0. Keywords: SFC, angle α, gas power plant , static frequency and converter 24 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-19 and CODE: TEC-20 The Design of Environmentally Friendly Parking System based on RFID And Database 1 Sugeng Mulyono, 2B.S.RahayuPurwanti, 3Zainal NurArifin, 4Azwardi 1 Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta 2 Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta 3 Civil Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta 4 Mechanical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta Abstract This research developed a motorcycle parking system based on RFID, supported by Visual Basic database. First, to developed an open-close system of motorcycle portal and a database on RFID. Second, the system encoded either the registered visitors or temporary visitors. The on-off controller of DC motor-driver was used for open-close of portal. Portal was equipped with RFID Box. The portal will opened after the Card is moved nearby to Reader. The maximum distance between Card and Reader is 7 cm, before being connected with SIMPARK. The unique Card code will be identified by Tag Reader. It’s according to Card owner identity and function as a trigger to open portal. The portal automatically closed after microcontroller receives a signal from PIR sensors. Motorcycles which passed portal were detected by PIR sensor. Identification of incoming and outgoing visitor, were encoded in the database. One hundred ID cards were tested, 97 % success to detect identification the unique number. The parking and the database system model can be continued test, hopefully could applied in any parking area. This research has succeeded and could use a database model for parking of motorcycles system activities. Keywords: parking, environmentally friendly, rfid, database Optimization of Battery Waste Carbon Quantity on Design of Cathode in Electrocoagulation Process Tank to Reducing Metal Content in Waste Water Sutanto1 dan Danang Widjajanto2 Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic Jakarta Jl Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok 2 Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic Jakarta Jl Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok 1 Abstract Metal Contet in uncontrolled industrial waste water can cause environmental pollution. To prevent environment destruction, The metal contents must be decreased to a safe treshold. The safe treshold of metal content in waste water was defined by a Resolution of Indonesian Environment Minister No.Kep03/MENKLH/II/1991. This research implement electrocoagulation process using aluminium anode and cathode from battery waste carbon. 7 liters industrial waste water was flowing into electrocoagulation process tank sized 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm. 12V electric power was implementeed during 30 minutes. The experiment was conduted by varying the number of battery waste carbon cathode in electrocoagulation process, that are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 rod. The carbon rod have height of 5.5 cm and diameter of 8mm. The copper content in wastewater was analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results of 6 minutes process showed that copper content is reduced from 4.32 mg/L to 0.98 mg/L or equivalent of 77.31 %,, nickel content is reduced from 1.37 mg/L to 0.05 mg/L or equivalent of 96.35 % , chromium content is reduced from 1.76 mg/L to 0,01 mg/L or equivalent of 99.43 % , iron content is reduced from 1.41 mg/L to 0,17 mg/L or equivalent of 87.94 %. Keywords: waste water, pollution, battery waste carbon cathode, electrocoagulation 25 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-21 and CODE: TEC-22 Optimization The Fuel Filter Viewed Performance Automotive Engines Impact on Fuel Efficiency Tatun Hayatun N1 , Sri Lestari K2 Mechanical Engineering Department , Faculty of Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424, Indonesia 2 ELECTRICAL Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI, Depok 16424, Indonesia 1 Abstract Fuel crisis and the more expensive, then do the research aims to improve engine performance and fuel economy. From the research, clustering - declustering fuel structure, researchers make magnetic filter, obtained from the coil wire electrified. Fuel filter 1 to 3 were made using coil 5000, consecutive with a core diameter of 2 dim, 1.5 dim, and 1 dim, for diesel machine. Each test is done at engine speed 1100 rpm until 1700 rpm. Testing is done by opening the throttle valve open 40 %, then rotation is obtained by adjusting the load on a water brake dynamometer. The results obtained, at engine speed of 1,500 rpm, fuel consumption by 30 ml spent for 27.15 seconds, occur in the standard engine, whereas engine using a fuel filter to spend time to 43 seconds. The opacity dropped from 0.2 K to 0:12 K if the engine uses fuel filters, smoke dropped from 97 C to 59 C if the engine uses fuel filter. On the average, with the addition of fuel filters will improve engine performance and fuel efficiency compared to standard engine conditions. Keywords: opacity, efficiency, fuel filters, smoke. Day Lighting Skylight For Improving Task Lighting Performance Of Writing Batik Space; Case Study: Ikm Batik Katura, Trusmi-Cirebon Dyah Nurwidyaningrum Civil Departement State Polytechnic of Jakarta Abstract Batik craftspersons need higher lighting intensity level than general workers that write or draw on the piece of cloth. Range of lighting intensity in writing batik is greater because writing batik has some steps of works that each step needs higher intensity level. Skylight is one of day lighting access that is used at batik workshop in Small and medium enterprises. Could skylight produce good lighting on writing batik task lighting? The aim of this research is to determine the kind of effective skylight for writing batik. The methods that implemented in this research are fenomenology and simulation. For simulation, Analysis tools that applied are Ecotect and Radiance. This research shows that direct day lighting skylight results better lighting value than indirect day lighting skylight, more than 400 lux. With direct day lighting skylight, lighting contrast scale between task and room is close to 3:2, that means that scale gives the better focus level. Besides, point fall of lighting could direct on task of writing batik, so it has effective lighting distribution. Keywords: skylight, day lighting, task lighting 26 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-23 and CODE: TEC-24 Analysis of Color Conversion Model of Variation Hue, Saturation, Brightness on Digital Image Wiwi Prastiwinarti, Noorbaity, Zulkarnain State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia, Abstract Color is an element that must be considered in the control of print quality, especially in obtaining consistent and predictable color between the colors on the monitor and the printout. The digital images which have a resolution detail and color, can be used to solve communication problems at the color of the print production process. In color reproduction, there are two types of color models are RGB and CMY color model. Based on previous research, it can be described no color reproduction formula can be applied to any condition or tools used. To measure the difference in color in the digital image -24 bit RGB model, designed a color model conversion, and experiments to measure the color difference in a variety of Hue, Saturation, Brightness. Five people were asked to measure the color difference in different experiments. First, the color difference of the values measured by the two hue, brightness, and saturation remains constant. Then, the previous results are applied to measure the color difference with one value of hue, brightness, and saturation is kept constant. The Results are any colour in 24-bit RGB colour model for which the value of brightness in CIEL*a*b* is less than 10 can be considered as background because such a colour cannot be perceived at the green and yellow parts, and the blue colours do not appear in green parts. Any colour in 24-bit RGB colour model for which the value of brightness in CIEL*a*b* more than 95 appears as yellow or white. However, these results are obtained from a particular condition: that is, that at least one of the brightness, hue, and saturation is constant. Therefore, these results cannot be applied to general colour differences. In the next research, colour differences will be analysed and discussed with all parameters varying. Keyword: RGB, HSV, colorimetry, digital image Development of Penstock Hydraulic Governing Valve For Micro Hydro Power Plant Waterwheel Type Gun Gun Ramdlan G, Jusafwar, Adi Syuriadi dan Dianta Mustofa Kamal Mechanical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract Provision of food, energy, and information with adequate and sustainable to ensure the welfare of the people life. In 2011, 6 percent of national electricity production supplied by hydropower and 5 percent from geothermal energy. PLN plans to increase the use of geothermal energy to 13 percent and hydropower are still 6 percent of the national electricity production. Most of the energy availability fulfilled independently by people with a lot of built Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) waterwheel type. Development of MHPP waterwheel type has been developed in the first year of research; it can improve the efficiency of the system, and the system of protection of natural disturbances. Development is done on penstock, to see the effectiveness of the extension of the contact between the flow of water and waterwheel, as well as a decrease in the flow of momentum due to a decrease in flow rate, addressing each area reduction at 1/5 maximum extents, lowering the average power of 42.5. All activities are carried out between the community and the research team, can improve capabilities for MHP development independently. Keywords: MHP, control systems, waterwheel, independent 27 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: TEC-25 and TEC-26 Speed Control of Induction Motor based Variable Frequency with Artificial Neural Network Tuti Angraini1, Abd. Hafid2, Anton3, Ifni Joi4 Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia Perumahan Unand B3-3-10 Ulu Gadut Padang 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia Kampus Sultan Alaudin Makassar 3,4 Department of Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia Kampus Politeknik Limau Manis Padang 1 Abstract Artificial Neural network method (ANN) for identification system and controller can be used as a dynamic system, among which there are the types ANN, Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network (DRNN). Induction motors are electric motors of alternating current (ac) are the most widely used, industrial and domestic environment, the type of induction motor which there is 1 phase and 3 phase, induction motor speed can be controlled by providing a source of AC voltage at the controlled frequency. Used to produce a variable frequency inverter circuit, the inverter works by setting a pulse with modulation (PWM). The result of a motor speed controller using 3 case. value can be predicted, namely; for speed. 197.38 rpm, ts = 15.2 sec, f = 5.29Hz; speed. 302.02 rpm, ts = 14 sec, f = 9 Hz and speed. 498.51rpm, ts = 15.7 sec. f = 15.97Hz. Keywords: ANN, DRNN, induction motor and Inverter Development Length of Steel Bar Embedded in Hardened Concrete using Masterflow 810 Fauzri Fahimuddin1, Anis Rosyidah2, Praganif Sukarno3, I Ketut Sucita4, and Siffa Fauziah5 1,2,3,4 Lecturer of Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytecnic of Jakarta 5 Graduated from Civil Engineering Department, The State Polytecnic of Jakarta, Abstract This research aims to investigate the value of bond strength, development length, and to know the failure pattern of the specimen. The research method using bond pull out test with the Universal Testing Machine tools, it refer to ASTM C 234-91a code. This research consists of two stages. In the first step intend to test bond strength to get the development length. The second step is to prove development length (ld) by varying development length (ld) with shorter steel than ld, equal as long as ld, and longer than ld. The first step of speciments that used a cube with 200 x 200 x 200 mm in measurement with a compressive strength of concrete in f'c 29,75 MPa generate strong adhesion at 6, 04 MPa and the speciments with the type of grouting material added masterflow 810 produces of bond strength at 6, 19 MPa. In the second step of the speciments measuring 200 x 200 x l mm, l was made with 3 variations which is using smaller then development length (<) ie 120 and 160 mm, equal to as long as development length (=) 200 mm, and larger (>) 260 mm. There are two failure patterns, which is slip on steel reinforcement and steel repture failure. Keywords: development length, bond strength, and failure patterns 28 ISSN 2302-786X ABSTRACT COMMERCE, SOCIAL AND HUMANIORA 29 ISSN 2302-786X CODE : CSH – 01 Building Curriculum based on Competency Through Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Higher Vocational Education Organization Iis Mariam1, Nining Latianingsih2, Endah Wartiningsih3,, Lecturer of Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl.Prof. G.A.Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok –West Java, Indonesia Phone/Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-21-7863521 Abstract In the current era where organizations globalizations both in the government and the company is required to always be reactive to changes in the environment and able to respond to the challenges faced. Environment of an organization consists of various segments namely cultural segments, technological, educational, political, legal, natural resources, and social and economic demographics. Bureaucracy is sensitive to the knowledge-based should be able to do an innovation. In facing the challenges of globalization and information technology, State Polytechnic of Jakarta (PNJ) has responded by implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education with PNJ vision become a world-class polytechnic in 2029. In fact, PNJ innovation is done through standard curriculum needs of the industry, the number of research oriented, intellectual property rights and patents, and devotion based on community development. Du Chaternier et al., (2009) describes four stages of implementation CKC: Externalizing and Sharing, Analyzing and Interpreting, Negotiating and Revising, and Combining and Creating. The purpose of this study is aimed to analyze the learning process in a participatory and based culture within the framework of an open complicated and complex form of human activity systems (HAS) at the Polytechnic organization CKC dual imperative systems approach and borrow PNJ as a laboratory for the benefit of research interest and problem solving. CKC application of the Polytechnic organization has the same characteristics with the characteristics and advantages of the Polytechnic as vocational higher education. The results showed that all four stages in CKC used in the formulation and curriculum development of higher vocational education models and support the implementation of quality improvement of inovation and competitiveness in higher education. Research involving actors and competent authorities, starting from the level of the individual, group, organizational and interorganizational Polytechnic. In the face of globalization and helping to improve the nation's competitiveness, PNJ have an important role through institutional improvements and supported by government policies, improve the quality of the graduates, the quality of learning and teaching process, strengthen innovation and do collaboration with industries. Keywords: innovation, collaborative knowledge creation, polytechnics, ssm 30 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH – 02 and CODE: CSH - 03 Increase Regional Potency in Order to Develop Tourism based on Community Dewi Winarni Susyanti Abstract Most areas in Indonesia have rural characteristics. The most important economic activities in rural areas is agriculture and natural resource management. In rural areas, most of the population have a low standard of living. The main problems in rural communities are poverty, the limited employment opportunities, and the low productivity of rural labor. In the first study, this research has collected 23 villages in Bogor, which have the potential of becoming a rural tourism.The twenty three villages have been identified based on the object and rural activities, also the existence of support from the central government/local. Furthermore, thesecond study has verified the identification result of rural potential in CiasihanVillage – Pamijahan District, which located in West Java. This area is the main zone of urbanization and wáter infiltration and conservation area. As in another región of West Java, this region has a varied agricultural area, including agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, tourism and nature. However, problems in this area is as like as themost other rural areas in Indonesia. Namely, wealth and natural beauty of this región does not improve the welfare of society. This work is to overcome the weakness of the rural economy, and also to support the government's policy in rural's economy, through the integrated approach in rural tourism, by the optimal utilization of natural resources, rural environment, daily life of local identity, and also contact with the cultural heritage and locals as the main product. So, for the conclusión, it will give "Community empowerment Model through the Tourism Village Development" as the result, by increasing the potential for the development of rural communitybased tourism. Keywords: Rural Characteristic, Local Identity, Cultural Haritage, Society Development, Rural Tour) Implementation of Education For Sustainable Development (ESD) in Gunungkidul’s South Coast Society in 2013 Abdul Rokhmat Sairah Z., M.Phil Faculty of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University Jl. Sosio Humaniora No. 1 Abstract South coast in Gunungkidul well known as a tourism destination in Special District of Yogyakarta because it’s natural environment. That is showed there are some way of live to harmony with nature. The aim of this research is to explore the way of live of the society in the south coast Gunungkidul and implement the sustainable development concept to them. Method in This research is focus group discussion (FGD), interview and field studies. Method used to explore the philosophy in that society by dialogue with the some key person in the society. The result of this study is sustainability concept in the Gunungkidul’s south coast society based on their local wisdom. The other anticipated result in this study is value system about environment management in that society. This result can be reference to the tourist in this area for not to destruct the natural environment in this area. So, natural environment can be sustain for the next generation and the human live. Keywords: Sustainability Development, Environment, South Coast Gunungkidul, Society, Local Wisdom. 31 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH - 04 and CODE: CSH - 05 Effectiveness of Local Government Regulation on Demarketing of Tobacco in Tebing Tinggi North Sumatra AlhapenRuslin Chandra1, Afifah2, Willson Gustiawan3 1,2,3 Business Administration Department PoliteknikNegeri Padang, Indonesia Abstract Adolescent arepotential targetof marketerof cigarettes. Since smokingaffect the health of consumerincluding teenager, tobacco productsshouldbe restricted. This isdemarketingefforttoprotect consumers fromthenegativeeffects. This studyaimed to investigate effectiveness oflocal regulationof TebingTinggiwhich had implementedMayor Regulation number13year 2013about restriction smoking zone.Respondents of this qualitativedescriptive studywere189 student of senior high school. Tomeasure the effectiveness the regulation, this study usedseveralindicators: knowledge ofregulation, enforcement ofregulation, intentionto quit smoking, restriction onsmokingareas, sanctionof violation, facilitytostop smoking, andgeneraleffectiveness. Most respondentsstill werenotaware the regulation. Nevertheless,theysupport theimplementation ofregulation and believed that regulation could encouragepeopletoquit smoking. Restricted areas already known by respondents which led only afew respondentsstillsmoke in area where they did their dailyactivities. Sanction for violationwas lessknownanditsapplication was still limited. Local governmenthad tocontinue to improve facilitytohelp thosewhowant toquit smoking. Overall, more thanhalf respondentsbelieved that generallyregulation of restriction oncigarettehad not beeneffective. Keywords: demarketing, tobacco, regulation The Effectiveness of Rolled-over Fund in PNPM-MP to Improve The Welfare of Poor Households Andi Asdani State Polythecnic of Malang Abstract Poverty problem are the worst problem faced by the government and people of Indonesia in 2014. Many steps have been taken to reduce poverty by providing food, ensuring health and education services, increasing job, and ascertaining economic factor, which is capitalization. Talking about capitalization, a program that is a part of great package PNPM -MP (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat – Masyarakat Perkotaan) which empowers community through productive work is rolled-over fund. Formulation of Problems how can the effectiveness of rolled-over fund in PNPM-MP improve the welfare of poor households in Malang City? Type of research is case study. The author visits each of poor households selected as respondent (25 persons) to obtain information about self -work type, financing rate (nominal), self-work development, daily omzet, self-work profit, and others. Data Collection Method are the observation, interview and the documentation. Keywords: Fund in PNPM-MP, and The Welfare of Poor Households 32 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH - 06 and CODE: CSH - 07 Green Banking: A New Strategic for Sustainable Development Atika Syuliswati Accounting Department, State Polytechnic Of Malang Jl.Soekarno-Hatta No.09, PO.BOX 04 Malang 65141 Abstract There are two main issues in environmental management, namely the green issues such as floods, landslide or drought, and the brown issues such as air pollution, water pollution, hazardous, and toxic waste generated by industries. Banking is indirectly related to environmental pollution issues especially those coming from industries, since bank plays a role in investment and financing of those industries. So there is need for banks in Indonesia especially government bank to adopt green banking in their operations, buildings, investments, and financing strategies for sustainable development. The paper aims to explain green banking models at Government Bank in Indonesia. The research methodology is literature review. Finding of this research showed that the models of green banking are balance of 3P (People, Profit, Planet). The strategy to apply the models are legal enforcement, government support, banking association involvement, banking readiness, industrial maturity, and potential international support. Keywords: Green Issues, Green Banking Models, Sustainable Development EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE BETWEEN SERVICE PERFORMANCE AND EMOTIONAL BRANDING Gugyh Susandy, S.E., M.Si. STIE Sutaatmadja Subang Jln. Otista No.76 Subang Phone 0260 411 065, 421 548 Fax. 0260 411 751 Abstract In a previous study conducted by Jawahar and Maheswari (2009) in banking service industry in India, it is concluded that the effect of service performance on Emotional Branding through emotional attachment is stronger than the direct effect of service performance on emotional branding. The emotional attachment has also been proved as a partial mediating variable. This study is conducted with the intention to gain an overview of empirical facts that can be used as findings appropriate with former research topics, but this research is conducted in the ground transport industry shuttle service in Indonesia. The method used in this study is descriptive and explanatory survey. The analysis used to answer the objectives of the study is path analysis and mediation test of Baron and Kenny. Sample is taken using simple random sampling method. Sample size is determined based on the sample measurement method proposed by Slovin, the number of selected samples is 100 respondents.The result of hypotheses testing regarding the effect of Service Performance on Emotional Branding through Emotional Attachment is 84.8%. This evident shows that the effect is stronger than the direct influence of Service Performance on Emotional Branding which is only 67.1%. The result of hypotheses testing regarding the emotional attachment as a mediating variable is that the emotional attachment acts as a partial mediating variable. Keywords: Service Performance, Emotional Attachment and Emotional Branding 33 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH - 08 and CODE: CSH - 09 Hipothetical Model of Researcher’s Competency: Case Study in Bandung State Polytechnic (POLBAN), Indonesia Carolina Lasambouw, Ediana Sutjiredjeki and Neneng Nuryati Bandung State Polytechnic Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Desa Ciwaruga, 40012 Bandung, Indonesia,, Abstract Polytechnic education as a vocational education plays a very important role in preparing the workforce for employment in Indonesian industries. Research is scholars' responsibility. Therefore, the role of research conducted by Bandung State Polytechnic’s (POLBAN) lecturer needs to strengthen and drives improvements in teaching and learning which then results in graduate and lecturer capability. A successful research program encompasses a continuous process of researchers’ capacity building. This quantitative study begin with exploration of researcher’s tasks and sub-tasks. Then developed questionnaire which is distributed to researchers in 10 faculty in POLBAN. Based on the information gathered, reserachers identify variables as a based to develop a framework of researchers’ competency. Nine main competencies of a researcher are found to be mastered by each lecturer in order to conduct a quality research. Applying of Model Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Learning with Based Learning Management System Applied to Enhance Learning Outcome at Malang State Polytechnic Mohammad Maskan1), Ahmad Fauzi, S.Kom., Drs. LudfiDjajanto, MBA3) 1),2) Administration Business Department of State Polytechnic of Malang 65144 Email: 3) Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang 65144 Abstract Appliying of the Entrepreneurship learning model at Malang State Polytechnic into learning model characterized by intranet/internet aided, which is Learning Management System (LMS) based Entrepreneurship learning model, in which this learning model employs students who are active, multi methods of teaching, and multi source of learning. Findings show that based on need analysis, e-learning expert, entrepreneurship subject expert and students view on the product of Learning Management Sustem (LMS) based Entrepreneurship learning model is good. It means that product of Learning Management System based Entrepreneurship learning model is valid to use in the learning process of Entrepreneurship lesson at all department of Malang State Polytechnic.Besides, outcome of this learning mdel increase in cognitive, affective and psichomotoric It is recommended that (1) For further development, this Entrepreneurship learning model can be in the form of Web Modular based on internet (2) To share matrial of subject Entrepreneurship to academic society should be build e-librarythrough internet in future. Keywords: entrepreneurship, learning management system-based learning model, e-learning, learning outcome. 34 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH – 10 and CODE: CSH - 11 Developing Model Time Driven Activity based Costing for Analysis of Unit Cost on Educational Institution Siti Amerieska Departemen Accounting, State Polythecnic of Malang Abstract The purpose of this paper is examination of implementation feasibility of time-driven activity-based costing system (TDABC) in hospitality industry by this system in Educational context. The research outline of this system were developing model to calculate cost of unit student in university. Regarding to the goal of the subject, this is an application research by case study. The results showed that using TDABC model, there are have three cost in educational institution, there are cost of learning, cost of service and cost of facilities. Also, the proposed model distinguishes non-added value activities and demonstrates real capacity of each parts of the educational institution. Thus they can do necessary actions to decrease cost of unit in educational institution.. Keywords: TD-ABC, Cost of learning, cost of service and cost of facilities The Implementation of Slow Learner Education in Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Nur Hasyim, Ade Sukma Mulya, Sri Wahyono Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Lecturer Abstract Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, since, the academic year 2009/2011, has organized program of education for slow learners. Each year 11 students accepted. What is the implementation of education program for slow learner in Politeknik Negeri Jakarta? The research conducted by qualitative research approach. Observation by participating in the conduct of education and doing interviews is a method of data collection, while the qualitative analysis includes data reduction, display data, and conclude the data is analysis method. The findings of the research are: (1) education for slow learner student at Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Jakarta conducted by the educational model of integration, (2) since the academic year 2013/2014, the courses are developed computer applications, graphic design, and art, diploma level 3, (3) The system of selection of the value of IQ, slow learning, namely 66-79 (4) the potential for students to be the focus of the development of student competence, (5) the teaching is done by teachers who have given debriefing about the condition of slow learning students, (6) the curriculum established by considering the learning outcomes that should be achieved by graduates with diploma education level 3, (7) curriculum is designed to be able to increase the confidence of the students, (8) classrooms comfortably designed so that students can learn well, (9) graduate education for the slow learner program in Politeknik Negeri Jakarta show that the competence of graduates' lack of achievement of learning targets ", but believes himself to rise significantly. 35 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH - 12 and CODE: CSH - 13 Improving The Competitiveness of Small and Micro Enterprises (SMES) are managed by Women Through Improved Corporate Performance 1,2,3 Darna, Ida Syafrida, Rudi Haryanto AccountingDepartment of PoliteknikNegeri Jakarta, Kampus Baru UI Depok 16425 Abstract Improving the competitiveness of small and micro enterprises ( SMEs ) is vital in order to face the global market competition both AFTA (Asian Free Trade Area) and NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Area). This study aims to perform and reconstruct various concepts , models , and optimization of empowerment and improving the competitiveness of SMEs through improved performance by identifying and analyzing external conditions , internal conditions, capabilities and performance of SME innovation capabilities that include marketing, new product development capabilities , capabilities production. Study area includes the city of Depok and Bogor. The variables that were examined in this study include market research , labor and production technologies (internal factors) , capital support, cooperation and development of products (external factors), the two variables respectively as exogenous. Further innovation capabilities and performance variables as variables endogennya.The study using survey methods, with the questionnaire instrument. This research is a study of policies that lead to applied research to generate model output Improved Performance through Innovation Capability in women SMEs in Depok and Bogor. The results of data processing by using the AMOS program indicates that there is a positive relationship between the management of internal factors and external factors that management made against women SME innovation capabilities and business performance. Means the better management of external factors and internal factors by women SMEs, will have a positive impact on innovation capability. Furthermore, by increasing innovation capabilities of SMEs will have a positive impact on increasing the performance of SMEs. Keywords: internal factors, external factors, innovation capability, performance, competitiveness Implementation of Electronic Transactions by UMKM Connected with Contract of Law Nining Latianingsih1, Rita Farida2, Iis Mariam3, Neni Sri Imaniyati4 Lecturer of Business Administration Department: 1,3State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Lecturer Civil Enginering 3, State Polytechnic of Jakarta Lecture of faculty of law 4 Bandung Islamic University Jl.Prof. G.A.Siwabessy, Kampus Baru UI, Depok –West Java, Indonesia Phone/Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-21-7863521 Abstract The development of information technology is able to map the world with kinds of activities regardless of boundaries which are by land, sea or air. Thus, in business activities also can be done using information technology, thereby every business actors from various countries can do a business fastly, precisely, and effectively through every facilities of information technology. The problem is how to implemented the Contract Law, especially in electronic transaction of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in business activity. The method that is used in this research is qualitative. The obtained data then analyzed by using Juridical-Normative approach. This study is descriptive-analysis, which has intent to get a result about Act of Electronic Transaction reviewed from contract law in the business activity of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The result is, business actors of SMEs in conjunction with the implementation of electronic transactions are not using the Internet yet as business place. In Depok City, West Java, Indonesia, the percentage are 26.8% for the people who already using the internet as a media for their business, and 77.2% which are not using it, both in recruitment (HR) as well as in the marketing of their products. Keywords: electronic transaction, SMEs, Contract Law, Internet, Information Technology 36 ISSN 2302-786X CODE: CSH – 14 Product Innovations of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (SMES) to Improve Local Competitiveness Endah Wartiningsih1, Iis Mariam2, Nining Latianingsih3 Lecturer of Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Jl.Prof. GASiwabessy, New Campus, Depok -West Java, Indonesia Phone / Fax: 62-21-7863538, 62-21-7863521,, Abstract In the era of globalization and information technology are rapidly changing the type of organization is no exception to the micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), innovation is required as a manifestation of the ability to create new products that are qualified and able to win the competition. Innovation can increase the value-added companies and organizations if they meet the elements of efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out its activities as well as providing a positive dampat the progress of the company or organization. Innovation occurs radical and incremental and in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of the organization in order to avoid deviations in the implementation. Innovation occurs also in the organization of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which aims to increase lift growth and highly competitive business. Type the ability to innovate in a company / organization has characteristics such as: the invention (discovery), the existence of (development), duplication (procurement) and synthesis (a combination of the use of the new formulation). The study was carried out to respondents in 20 SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in Depok were classified on the type of business: culinary, handicraft, fashion, education equipment, and industrial bags and leather shoes. Qualitative methods used in this study, the data obtained through interviews (SME owners, the Department of Cooperatives, SMEs and Markets; Department of Industry and Trade), observations, questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that 65% of respondents strongly agreed that the innovations made in Depok more oriented SMEs in the manufacture of superior new products, unique products (55% agree) and is characterized by Depok. Depok role of local government in providing assistance, training, commitment and responsibility to MSMEs in Gurgaon (40% strongly agree; 35% disagree), innovation is balanced with good service (55% strongly agree), and the products have high competitiveness (60% agree) . This study was published in the journal of business, journal of epigram, journal of development economics and journal of knowledge management. Keywords: innovation, competitiveness, qualitative, SMEs 37
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