CV Cecilia Åse - Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Cecilia Åse
Department of Political Science
Stockholm University
Curriculum Vitae
Updated July 2015
Degrees /Titles
Docent / Associate Professor, Political Science, Department of Political Science,
Stockholm University.
Ph.D., Political Science, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.
Academic Employment and Affiliations
Researcher, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.
2012- 2013
Affiliated guest researcher, Center for Contemporary History, Södertörn
University College (9 months).
Researcher, The Center for Teaching and Learning in the Social Sciences,
Stockholm University.
Researcher, Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköping
University (3 months).
Researcher/Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.
Lecturer (part time) Department of Gender Studies, Södertörn University College.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.
PhD Student, Stockholm University.
PhD Guest Student, European University Institute, Florence, Italy (3 months).
Parental Leave
Total of 36 months between 1996 and 2006
Kris! Perspektiv på Norrmalmstorgsdramat. Stockholm: Liber.
Monarkins makt. Nationell gemenskap i svensk demokrati. Stockholm: Ordfront.
Makten att se. Om kropp och kvinnlighet i lagens namn. Malmö: Liber.
With Maria Wendt Höjer The Paradoxes of Politics. An Introduction to Feminist
Political Theory. Academia Adacta.
With Maria Wendt Höjer Politikens paradoxer. En introduktion till feministisk
politisk teori. Lund: Academia Adacta. Several editions.
Peer-reviewed articles:
Ship of shame. Gender and Nation in Narratives of the 1981 Submarine Crisis in
Sweden. Forthcoming in Journal of Cold War Studies, Winter 2015.
Crisis Narratives and Masculinist Protection: Gendering the Original Stockholm
Syndrome. International Feminist Journal of Politics, DOI:
With Maria Wendt, Learning dilemmas in undergraduate students’ independent
essays. Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2013.842967.
With Maria Jansson, Linda Murstedt, and Maria Wendt, Liberal Liability.
Understanding Students’ Conceptions of Gender Structures, Journal of Social
Science Education, DOI: 10.2390/jsse-v13-i2-1237.
Monarchical Manoeuvres. Gender, nation and the boundary problem in post-war
Swedish constitutional development. NORA Nordic journal of feminist and gender
research, vol. 21(3) 172-186.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Common-sense notions of nation: A
challenge for teaching. 2013. Journal of Political Science Education, vol. 9(1) 3451.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Teaching Political Science Through
Memory Work. Journal of Political Science Education, vol. 5(3), 179-197.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Memory Work Reconsidered. NORA:
Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, vol. 16(4), 228-240.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Kön och nation i vardag och vetenskap.
Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, vol. 109(3), 241-258.
En nationell njutning: Kropp och kön i kungliga årsböcker. Kvinnovetenskaplig
tidskrift, vol. 26(1), 59-73.
With Malin Henriksson, Maria Jansson, Ulrika Thomsson, and Maria Wendt, I
vetenskapens namn. Ett minnesarbete. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift, vol. 20(1) 525.
Book chapters:
Skammens skepp. När U 137 gick på grund, in Andreas Linderoth (ed.), Det dolda
hotet. 12 forskare om ubåtar. Karlskrona: Statens Maritima Museer.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Tre nyanser av Sverige, in Diane
Sainsbury and Maritta Soininen (eds.), Kön makt nation. Tillägnad Maud
Eduards. Stockholm: Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.
Individ utan innehåll. En feministisk kritik av liberala idéer, in Lenita Freidenvall
and Maria Jansson (eds.), Politik och kritik. En feministisk guide till
statsvetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Klasslös i bersån. Ett minnesarbete om
skapandet av nationell harmoni, in Maria Jansson, Maria Wendt, and Cecilia Åse
(eds.), Den nationella väven. Feministiska analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Den nationella väven: Introduktion, in
Maria Jansson, Maria Wendt, and Cecilia Åse (eds.), Den nationella väven.
Feministiska analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
National Pleasure. Gender and nation in royal yearbooks, in Mats Jönsson and
Patrik Lundell (eds), Media and Monarchy in Sweden. Göteborg: Nordicom.
With Maria Wendt, Manliga maktordningar, in Ulf Mörkenstam and Ludvig
Beckman, (eds.), Politisk teori. Malmö: Liber
Vi är överens: Om monarki och demokrati, in Urban Lundberg and Mattias Tydén
(eds.), Sverigebilder. Det nationellas betydelser i politik och vardag, Stockholm:
Institutet för framtidsstudier.
Frihet eller gemenskap - en text med undertext, in Bo Lindensjö, Ulf Mörkenstam
and Jouni Reinikainen, (eds.), Liberalismen och den moderna demokratin. Lund:
Edited books/special issues:
När räntan gick i taket. Vittnesseminarium om valutakrisen 1992.
Samtidshistoriska frågor 32. Samtidshistoriska institutet, Södertörns högskola.
Guest editor with Maria Wendt, special issue Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift (2010:3)
Theme: ”Manifesto for Political Science.”
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Den nationella väven. Feministiska
analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
With Yvonne Hirdman, ’Något kan man väl göra’, texter 1932-1982 / Alva
Myrdal. Stockholm: Carlsson.
Other academic publications:
Book review of Johanna Dahlgren (ed.), Polisen i förändring: konflikter,
organisering och genus inom polisen under 1900-talet. Historisk tidskrift, 2015(2).
Moderna svenska individer. Lösningar och problembilder i beskrivningar av ESFprojekt, Linköpings universitet, Temagruppen för integration i arbetslivet rapport
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Hårda bud: Manifest för en levd
statsvetenskap. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 2010 nr 3, s 407-409.
Book review of Johanna Dahlgrens PhD thesis Kvinnor i polistjänst. Föreningen
Kamraterna, Svenska Polisförbundet och kvinnors inträde i polisyrket 1957-1971,
Scandia, vol 74(2).
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, Ett ögonblick (utanför ordningen) – om
minnesarbete i undervisningssituationer. Working Papers 2007:1, Department of
Political Science, Stockholm University.
Manlighet och kvinnlighet i lagens namn, in Jämställdhet. En modesak eller ett
ständigt pågående arbete? Talmannens nätverk åren 1995-2002. Sveriges
With Maria Wendt Höjer, Det sminkade könet: Om postmoderna paradoxer i
feministisk teori. Ord och Bild, 1996 (1).
Gunhild Tegen och 30-talets sedlighetsdebatt. Idéhistoriska uppsatser nr 20,
Stockholms universitet, Avdelningen för Idéhistoria.
Conference papers (selected):
Gender and Nation in Crises. Paper presented at the annual meeting of SWEPSA, Lund, Sweden,
October 9, 2014.
With Maria Wendt, Post-national Wars and National Deaths: The Politics of Demised Soldiers in
Denmark and Sweden 2001-2014. Paper presented at Nordic Political Science Association
(NOPSA) conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13 August, 2014.
The “nation-as-body”: borders and transgressions. Paper presented at the Association of Border
Studies (ABS) World Conference, Jouensuu, Finland, June 10, 2014.
The Stockholm Syndrome Revisited. Paper presented at International Feminist Journal of
Politics (IFjP) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, USA, May 10, 2014.
Nation and gender in crisis narratives. The submarine incident in Sweden, 1981. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, USA, April
5, 2013.
Crisis, gender and national(ist) emotions. Paper presented at Politics and Emotions conference,
Labour Movement Archives and Library, Stockholm, Sweden, December 2012.
Kris och nationell gemenskap. Exemplet Norrmalmstorgsdramat. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of SWEPSA, Växjö, Sweden, September, 2012.
Crisis in Sweden: Death, gender and nationalist emotions. Paper presented at IFjP-workshop
“Theorising Crisis from a Feminist Perspective”, University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia, December 2011.
Gender, Nation and Hierarchy in the Openings of the Swedish Riksdag. Paper presented at
European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 11
September, 2009.
National pleasure. Gender and Nation in Royal Yearbooks. Paper presented at Inter: A European
Cultural Studies Conference, Norrköping, Sweden, 12 June, 2007.
Other conference appearances (selected)
With Maria Wendt, invited to present paper at British International Studies BISA-workshop
Hero(in)es and Heroism in International Relations, London, 16 June, 2015. Paper title: Hero
Narratives in Postnational Wars.
Moderator at the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) General Conference, panel:
“The Politics of New (Trans)National Heroes”, Puerto Rico, November 15 2014.
Discussant at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, panel: “Feminism,
Gender and Place”, San Fransisco, USA, 6 April, 2013.
Organizer and chair and of three open seminars, 22 October, 2012 (seminar on the siege situation
at Norrmalmstorg in 1973), 5 November, 2013 (seminar on the U 137 submarine crisis 1981),
and 11 December, 2014 (the 1992 financial crisis in Sweden) at Institute of Contemporary
History, Södertörn University College.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, organizer and discussant for the panel: ”Memory work in
theory and practice, at Feminist Research Methods – An International Conference, Stockholm,
Sweden, 4-6 February, 2009.
With Maria Jansson and Maria Wendt, organizer and chair of workshop (funded by the Swedish
Research Council): Demokrati, nation och kön, Stockholm, April 2007.
Invited talks (2010 to present)
“Gender, national identity and the 1981 submarine crisis”, invited presentation at the Seminar for
Maritime Research, The Vasa Museum, 6 February, 2015.
”Innocent and harmless? Royalty, gender and Swedish nationalism”, invited presentation at the UCGS
Higher Gender Research Seminar, Umeå University, 11 February, 2014.
”The Power of Monarchy. National identity and democracy in Sweden”, invited presentation at
the Research Seminar in Political Science, Gothenburg University, 15 March, 2010.
“Monarchy and Democracy in Sweden”, keynote address at open seminar Monarchy in Focus.
Living history or a contemporary institution? Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, 2 June
“Learning dilemmas in undergraduate students’ individual essays”, invited presentation with
Maria Wendt, Center for Learning and Teaching, Stockholm University, 12 October, 2010.
”The Woven Nation”, invited presentation with Maria Jansson at the Higher Research Seminar,
Gender Studies, Linköping University, 3 November, 2010.
“The Power of the Monarchy”, invited presentation at the Higher Research Seminar, Department
of Political Science, Södertörn University College, 3 February, 2010.
Grants and fellowships
2014 From Swedish Research Council, 2015-2017, SEK 5,9 million for the project “The
Politics of Military Loss in Contemporary Europe.”
2013 With Maria Wendt, from Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences,
research initiation grant SEK 50 000 for the project ”The Politics of Military Loss in
Contemporary Europe.”
2011 From the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och
Beredskap, MSB) 2012-2014, SEK 2,9 million SEK for the project ”Swedish Democracy under
Crisis - From Norrmalmstorg to the Tsunami.”
2011 With Maria Wendt, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University, SEK
300 000, 2011-2012, for the pedagogical research project ”Analysera mera! Hinder och
möjligheter när studenter analyserar politik”.
2010 Individual scholarship from Swedish Writers Union (Författarförbundet) SEK 65 000.
2007 With Professor Ola Halldén from Swedish Research Council, 2008-2010, SEK 2,9
million, for the project ”Social och individuell konstruktion av omtvistade begrepp i
2007 From Swedish Research Ccouncil, SEK 50 000 grant for conference: ”Democracy,
Nation, Gender.”
2004 From Swedish Research Council, 2005-2007, SEK 1,1 million for the project “Monarchy
and Democracy in Sweden.”
2002 With Professor Gunilla Härnsten, from the Swedish Research Council, 2003-2005, 4,5
million SEK for the project ”Genusperspektiv i praktiknära forskning inom
högskoleutbildning”[Gender perspective in practice-oriented research in Higher Education].
2002-2003 Postdoc scholarship from Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation, SEK 200 000.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate: Political Theory, Democracy, State and Municipalities, Media and Political
Power, Individual Academic Essay, Introduction to Gender Studies, Methods in Gender Studies.
Graduate: Masters thesis, supervision and examination
PhD courses: Individual literature courses (2012: “Resarch methodology and issues of research
design, analysing narratives in Swedish political science”, 2014: “Swedish identity formation and
international military presence: insights from previous research”), Member of Research
Colloqium for first year PhD Students, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University,
PhD Supervision
Elin Hafstéinsdottir, dissertation project: The Art of Making Democratic Trouble. (Main
supervisor, dissertation date 18 December 2015).
Tua Sandman, dissertation project, Discourses of Violence. (Planned dissertation 2018).
Helena Tinnerholm, dissertation project, The Impossible Family. (Dissertation date 4 December
Academic Administration, Leadership and Service
Editorial Board Advisor, Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, 2010-2012.
Referee Service: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap.
Referee Service for Research Application: Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social
Member of Referee Committee, Stockholm Conference on Global Gender Equality Politics,
Stockholm University, 10-11th September 2013.
Internal evaluator of four dissertation manuscripts, Department of Political Science, Stockholm
Member of selection committee for PhD applicants, 2013, Department of Political Science,
Stockholm University.
Member of External Evalutation Committee (Betygsnämnd), 2011 Stockholm University (Fia
Sundevall), 2012 Umeå University (Sara Carlbaum).
Pedagogical Training
“PhD Supervision in Theory and Practice,” 2012, Universitetspedagogiskt Centrum, Stockholm
”University Pedagogics I,” 2007, Universitetspedagogiskt Centrum, Stockholm University.
Selected public and media appearances
Invited by Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (RIksbankens
Jubileumsfond) to represent Swedish research at Euroscience Open Forum, Turin, 7 July, 2010.
Invited to present research at the Foreign Office service to journalists in connection with the
Royal Wedding, 20 June, 2010.
Invited speaker at the Congress of The Swedish Republican Society, 2009, 2010.
Invited Speaker at meeting with Swedish Writers Union, 24 November, 2010.
Expert Commentator on constitutional status of the Swedish monarchy, see for example Sveriges
Radio ( 23 February, 26 May, 31 May, 16 November 2010, 31 May 2011,
30 September 2014.
Essays in Svenska Dagbladet, “Under Strecket”, 5 October, 2011, 21 February, 2012, 22 August