Dodgeville United Methodist Church 327 North Iowa Street Dodgeville, WI 53533 Newsletter NOVEMBER 2014 Prepared especially for… “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” – 2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV) Dear members & friends of the Dodgeville UMC, I want to take a moment of your time to share a different kind of ‘thanksgiving’. As you well know, the Thanksgiving holiday will soon be upon us, along with deer hunting, and Thanksgiving pies and other goodies. And, if I’m not mistaken, most of the time all that reminds us of Thanksgiving revolves around family—those we love. One of the things we used to do as a family (and my dad would always lead in this) is to go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, before we blessed the food and dug in. In that spirit, I’d like to take a moment of privilege and share with you a few things I’m thankful for … from a pastor’s perspective: This year, I’m thankful for… · · · MY WIFE AND FAMILY. These are the persons that understand me the most … and love me anyway. They’re the ones who’ll be with me for a lifetime—in spirit if not in person. And they’re the ones who’ll always have my back … and I will have theirs… GOOD HEALTH. After all I’ve been through the past couple years—both heart & spine surgery, I’ve never been more thankful for the gift of health. God is good—all the time. God has given me more than one second chance in this life to make a difference; I’m planning on using these second chances to the fullest… FRIENDS. As a pastor, friends are not always an easy acquisition. As we wander from place to place, in ministry— nowhere to really call home … these persons are the constants—the ones who’ll be there, no matter what! As a pastor, we may not experience a quantity of friendships, but we certainly do experience a quality of friendship. And that means a lot… · THOSE WHO’VE CHOSEN TO BE OBEDIENT. It’s a privilege to shepherd you in your walk with God. Well done, folks! While many stay busy looking for the magic lever to pull, or simply relishing in excuses, these are the ones that know … the only ‘fix’ to turning around both lives and churches is to do things God’s way—to choose to live and give as God directs in his word. I thank you! So, what are you most thankful for right now? Think about it … and have a great month of thanksgiving! Also never forget why God so richly blesses us—not so we can do with the blessings whatever we want, but so that we can richly bless others. That’s the way it is in God’s family. Won’t you join us this year? On the journey of life together, Pastor Rom ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME Preorder Now $15.00 each: “A History of the Dodgeville United Methodist Church, 1840 through 2007” Written by Ora Kasten with much assistance from the former Glee Enright. Pictures will be in color. On sale at the church Sunday mornings now through November 30th or until sold out. Contact: Ora Kasten 341-8010 Cathryn Tredinnick 935-3248 Charlene Mingst 935-5758 Marian Reynolds 935-5196 The Adult Choir will sing on November 2 and 16, we will rehearse at 8:15AM preceding the Services. We will have a Wednesday night rehearsal on November 5 at 7:00PM in the Music Room. We will be starting to work on some music for Advent at that rehearsal. Please join us—we welcome new and “returning” members at any time. If you have questions regarding the choir please contact Charlene Mingst (935-5758). MISSION & OUTREACH NEWS COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL The Iowa County Thanksgiving community meal will be right here at DUMC this year on November 27th. If you are interested in helping, there are sign-up sheets in the fellowship hall. SHOEBOX MINISTRY We will be filling and shipping 60 boxes! LOOSE CHANGE November loose change will be going to support the Iowa County Thanksgiving & Christmas Meals. We serve 300-400 people per event. ALUMINUM CANS Please continue to bring your empty aluminum cans to church. All women of the church are invited and encouraged to attend the following events. Local Unit Meetings and special happenings: The November meeting for the UMW will be held in Fellowship Hall on Thursday, November 6 at 7:00PM. The Evening Star Circle will present the annual World Thank Offering program. (Don’t forget your offering containers!!) The Grace Post Circle will serve the refreshments. The officers will meet at 6:30PM in the library. The Evening Star Circle will meet on Monday, November 10, at 7:00PM in Fellowship Hall with Kim Roble as co-hostess and Charlene Mingst presenting the devotions. The Grace Post Circle will meet on Monday, November 17, at 1:30PM. Cathryn Tredinnick is the hostess, Lois Dobson will present the devotions. The last Coulee District event of this year—the annual “Day of Enrichment” is scheduled for Saturday, November 1 at the Viroqua UMC. This event does not require any pre-registration. Please contact Charlene Mingst (935-5758) if you are interested in attending. ADULT FELLOWSHIP THANKSGIVING DINNER Adult Fellowship will meet in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 23 at 4:30 p.m. for their annual turkey dinner. Regular attendees please note the change of time. We would like to invite members of the congregation to join us. If you plan to attend please sign the two sheets available on the table in Fellowship Hall. The first sheet indicates your plan to join us, important so we know how much meat to purchase. On the second sheet please indicate the food item you plan to bring. Sign-up sheets will be out from November 2 until November 16 which is the deadline for signing up. Following the meal we will be entertained by accordion music. If you have any questions call Ron and Bobbi Butteris 935-2693 or Charlie and Louise Price 935-7224. COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER FOR THE PEOPLE OF IOWA COUNTY Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings at no cost Date: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 12:00-1:30PM Where: Here at DUMC Reservations: For a delivered meal, or to eat at the church, call 608-574-4591 CURRENT MONTH Monthly Income Monthly Expenses Paid Net Income for month Apportionments Paid Unpaid Apportionments SEPTEMBER 2014 $12,722 $ 10,988 $ 1,734 $ 0 (figure included in Monthly Expenses Paid) $ 2,127 (not included in Monthly Expenses Paid) YEAR TOTALS THROUGH CURRENT MONTH Years Income Years Expenses Paid Net Income for Year Apportionments Paid Unpaid Apportionments $ 104,107 $ 112,094 $ < 7,986 > $ 2,127 (figure included in Years Expenses Paid) $ 19,014 (not included in Years Expenses Paid) TOTAL APPORTIONMENTS DUE FOR YEAR APPORTIONMENTS DUE PER MONTH $ 25,524 $ 2,127 Scott Godfrey Finance Chair Week 1 2 3 4 Giving/Attendance Stats Attendance Offering October 109 $5,258 115 $2,428 102 $2,702 101 $1,536 Dodgeville & Ridgeway: Grace United Methodist Churches announce their 2014 CHURCH CONFERENCE Thursday, November 20, 2014 7 PM Dodgeville UMC Sanctuary Rev. Cherie Forret, Presiding Elder Come & join us as we celebrate the ministry of 2014 and plan ahead for ministry in 2015! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The UMW wishes to thank everyone who helped in any way to make our Fall Rummage and Bake Sale a huge success!! Because of your generous donations of rummage items, crafts, and baked goods; and because of the generous donations of time (and muscle) from the Trustees and the approximately 40 people who worked throughout the 4 day event we were able to realize a profit of $2098.00!! Also, a very big thank you to Ron Butteris who took the leftover items to the St. Vincent DePaul store in Verona. This money will be used to support our local church, community charities and programs, and meet our pledge to mission to the Wisconsin Conference UMW. Specific donations will be made to UMC Camp Scholarships, the Youth Mission Trip, the Madison Mission Chaplaincy, Stephen Ministry, Prayer Ministry (cards), as well as the Iowa County Food Pantry, We Care, and other community and church programs. UMW Conference programs that we have supported include Northcott, the Hmong House of Good News, and Harbor House all in Wisconsin; and the Redbird Mission in Kentucky. Again we say thank you and we very sincerely appreciate your support!! Coulee Region: October 26 and December 7 at Dodgeville UMC from 1:30--5:30pm The Congregation as a Discipleship System All clergy and laity leaders of the Wisconsin Annual Conference are invited to attend one of eight learning events to help us “Imagine Wisconsin Anew.” As the Wisconsin Conference re-launches circuit ministry, conference leadership is offering two critically important orientation trainings for all leaders throughout Wisconsin. In October, we will focus on The Congregation as a Discipleship System and in November the theme will be Community Engagement and OffStage Leadership. These two workshops are foundational for congregational vitality – strengthening and reenergizing our existing churches. This is important information for pastors, preachers, teachers, lay servants, the chairs of church councils, staff-parish relations committees, trustees, lay leaders, youth and young adults. Together, we will cast a vision for moving from “imagining” Wisconsin Anew to “leading” Wisconsin Anew. Participants may attend these essential learning events in any of the eight locations, not just in their own district. Sign up for one of the upcoming events &OID=50 or call the church office at 935-5451. N O V E M B E R COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, November 27th, 12:00-1:30 PM Dodgeville United Methodist Church Please call 574-4591 to register ________________________________________ DODGEVILLE HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL “Anything Goes” November 6, 7, 8 at 7:00 PM Matinee also at 2:00PM Saturday _______________________________________ UPLAND HILLS HEALTH BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, November 5th, 9AM-2PM Conference Rooms A & B ___________________________________ PASTY SUPPER Bethlehem Lutheran Church – Edmund Thursday, November 6th 4:30-8:00 PM _______________________________ PIZZA HUT FUNDRAISER FOR HOMELESS Monday, November 3 – 5:00-8:00PM ___________________________________________ David Jeglum, tom Black, Diane Dangerfield in concert PERRY LUTHERAN CHURCH, DALEYVILLE Sunday, November 30th, 7:00PM – Free Will Offering NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Daylight Savings Time Ends November 3rd! Remember to set your clock back. 3 - Eunice Jewell 3 - Jase Mulder 4 - Michael Beerkircher 4 - Nolen Weier 11 - Megan Weier 12 - Lee Oxnem 14 - Merlin Gorsline 15 - Lois Nelson 22 - Karl Lasse 23 - Thomas Steil 24 - Bev Strutt 25 - Cathryn Tredinnick 25 - Suzanne Tremelling 26 – Justin Athey 30 - Jade Udelhoven T H A N K s PLEASE PRAY: Jim Tolzman, Julia Harman, Ken & Mary Johnson, Kaylyn Knight, Marcie Scullion, Schlueter family, Jim Middagh, John Aschliman, Jeff Dux, Gerald Fingerson, Craig & Family, ISIS Innocents, Ebola Outbreak, Karl Lasse, Mae Kinsman, Alan Jewell NOVEMBER
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