CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS The Back 1935 A room of your own and good old-fashioned meals The Clark Boarding House $435/Month Anthony Katchever (414) 342-0323 Cell: (262) 339-7883 West Marquette Area DWELL ROOMS FOR RENT WALKER’S POINT MANSION Five star rating ***** Newly renovated. Furnished, quiet, extra clean. Shared kitchen. $77/week and up. Call: 414-384-2428. 703 S. 5th St. Walkers Point. ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM JOBS WHEELS KT DISTRIBUTING CAPTAIN INSTALL $500 weekly per company program. No experience necessary. Service Reps Sales Reps Customer Care Assistant Management CALL 414-939-7062 Africa, Brazil Work/Study! AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! (269) 591-0518 (AAN CAN) Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Housing and Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) HEALTH Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at! (AAN CAN) Reiki Healing WHO SAYS PEOPLE DON’T READ ADS ANYMORE? YOU’VE ALREADY READ MOST OF THIS AD. SHEPHERD EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS Gentle, pure and Powerful Spiritual healing that relaxes mind, body and soul. Call Kalela 414 483 7758 for info. SPECIAL TOUCH MASSAGE Massage $40 and up. Facials for men & women starting at $35. Body wraps to lose inches starting at $45. Call Sheldon for appt. 414-5514100. Prices may vary. Hotel services available. Get Fast, Private STD TESTING Results in 3 DAYS! Now accepting insurance. Call toll free: 855-787-2108 (Daily 6am-10pm CT). We Want To Make You A Loan! Struggling with DRUGS or ALCHOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-978-6674 (AAN CAN) Pregnant? Thinking of Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. CALL 24/7 ABBY’s ONE TRUE GIFT ADOPTIONS. 866-413-6293. Void in IL/NM/IN (AAN CAN) $75-$1500 CASH FOR CARS Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-4203808 (AAN CAN) SHOP •Off the Cuff •Sports •Listings •Classieds •Astrology •News of the Weird •Games •Art Kumbalek Buying Broken iPhones We will buy your broken Apple iPhone- 5, 5S and 5C. Please call- 414-520-1021. CONNECT Looking for Companion Single male looking for single good looking female around 40-45 years. 262-510-3908. ATTENTION LADIES Single man looking for young lady for companionship and more. 414-458-1944. Your Credit 3152 S. 27th St. (414) 389-1000 We Want To Make You A Loan Loans from $75 to $3000 CRANE FINANCE 7447 W Greenfield Ave West Allis, WI 53214 414-257-4285 Usually 30 minute Approval NEED CASH? I will pay more than anyone in town for the right records. Call me first! BANKRUPTCY Chapter 7 $850 Flat Fee Includes Filing Fee Attorney Robert Flessas Especially looking for Import and Foreign rock albums from UK, Europe, Asia & S. America from 60’s/70’s/80’s. 262-821-5533 Plus- albums wanted with Jem, Peters or Greenworld stickers on the cover. Records MUST be in very good condition and please, NO 78’s, showtunes, Christmas, Seasame Street/ Children’s, Rap/Hip Hop or sing-along with Mitch! We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. Call Mark at 414-292-3812 or 414-736-4380 (cell) ROBERT FLESSAS attorney 262-821-5533 auto accidents, ch 7 bankruptcy, drunk driving defense, divorce, evictions. 414.292.3816 38 | N OV E M B E R 13 , 2 0 1 4 NEED CASH NOW? 414.372.4556 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR: ad io TURKEY SAYS Ste BUY reo FROM TH CAPTAIN E ! Stuffing 2231 N HUMBOLDT • CAPTAININSTALL.NET 414-372-4556 Brought to you by: HELP WANTED R ote Rem t Star GET YOUR VOICE HEARD! CALL NOW TO PLACE YOUR AD 414-292-3816 Since Tints NOT YOUR GRANDMA’S car audio • security • marine Ala rm s it’s in SHEPHERD EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS AFFORDABLE BANKRUPTCY HANDLER LAW GROUP File with a lawyer - ch. 7 & 13 Quick! Easy! $50 Down Payment Stops Creditors. 1st Meeting is Free We are a debt relief agency. We help people get relief under the bankruptcy code. 4630 W. Burleigh (across from Lena’s) (414)502-9234 S H O R E W O O D COIN SHOP Coins | Currency BUY Gold and Silver Jewelry OR SELL Antique/Estate Jewelry Vintage Watches Hours Mon-Sat 10 AM - 5 PM 414-961-0999 | 4409 N Oakland Ave SHOREWOODCOINSHOP.COM BY THE WAY CONFESSIONS Early the other morning my cat tunneled his way under the covers to sleep next to me. I thought it was cute until he freaked out and practically skinned me alive. My boyfriend broke up with me on Twitter. I just bought some new perfume and later my fiancé informed me it smells like a urinal cake. Great! I clogged the only toilet at work the other day. I thought I could escape quickly and blame it on somebody else. I opened the door and saw a line of people waiting. Hello, Cheese Heads! If you love cheese, sausage, and beer look no further you’re in the right place. West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shoppe has been in business for 50 years. Back in the 60’s when the store first opened it was the birth of Merkt’s Cheese Spreads, and since then a lot has changed. Our family purchased the business in 2000 and has continued to maintain the customer service and old world charm of yesteryear, while further expanding our products and services. In 2006 we opened our second location inside the Milwaukee Public Market (MPM) and we are proud to be one of the original vendors where we showcase the largest selection of Wisconsin cheese in the state. In 2013 we added and built on a cafe to our original location in West Allis where we offer a complete breakfast menu as well as our famous deli sandwiches, and yes the best Bloody Mary in town. You can also see us weekly at the South Shore farmers market. We are also very proud of our expanded product offerings. Along with our large selection of cheese we now offer specialty meats, foods, wine and beer made in Wisconsin. We carry over 400 Wisconsin made cheeses Cheese and Party Platters Wisconsin specialty foods Holiday gift boxes shipped year round anywhere in the United States Corporate and business gifts for any occasion Business catering Wine, Beer, and Cheese tasting And don’t forget the best Breakfast and Bloody Mary in town Mouth watering sandwiches with plenty of cheese to go around. Submit your confession to WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING TO BUY HAVE MONEY QUESTIONS? Ask Kim from Summit Credit Union Submit your questions at SavvyMoney@ Advertise your Tattoo/ Piercing services with the Call 414.292.3816 Call 414.292.3823 For more information. The Shepherd Express makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding any advertising. Due diligence is recommended before entering into any agreement with an advertiser. The Shepherd Express will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. Please check your ad the first day of publication and notify us of any changes. We are not responsible for errors in advertising after the first day. We reserve the right to edit, reject or reclassify advertisements in our sole discretion, without notice. We do not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis, or are otherwise illegal. NO REFUNDS for cancellation after deadline, no copy changes except to price or telephone number. SHEPHERD EXPRESS I Love it in Bed , on the Couch or at the Dining Room table . . . BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST WANT TO EAT OUT our DINING GUIDE can satisfy any hunger EXPRESSMILWAUKEE.COM/PLACES Meet Norman Norman is an 8-month-old Terrier mix who keeps us laughing all day long. He’s currently available for adoption from his foster home where he’s learning to trust new people. When he first arrived at WHS, all people were scary to him, but his rehabilitation plan has worked wonders and his list of human friends grows every day. Though he retreats at first, his silly side quickly emerges with the help of a few treats and a little patience. Norman can be vocal when left alone, so he would not do well in a multi-family property or a home where he’d be on his own for long stretches of time. He enjoys the company of small, polite dogs, but gets intimidated by those larger than him. Due to his nervousness, Norman should go to a home without any children under 5. If you know anyone who might be able to give Norman the loving home he needs to truly blossom, please have them call 414-ANIMALS! West Allis Cheese & Sausage Shoppe West Alis Location: 414-543-4230 | 6832 W. Becher Street Milwaukee Public Market Location: 414-289-8333 | 400 N.Water Street Or visit is online at To feature your business here call: 414.292.3816 or email: ADVERTORIAL Visit or call 414-ANIMALS N OV E M B E R 13 , 2 0 1 4 | 39
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