Phone (03)4178585
Fax (03)4174792
Mission Statement
St Mary’s School will provide opportunities within a Christian, Catholic environment, where children receive an
education that enables them to develop fully.
Friday 14th November 2014
Dear Parents
School Family Mass
There will be a School Family Mass this Sunday 16th November. All children are
expected to attend as they will be taking part in the Mass. The children will need to
assemble in Room 3 at 8.50 am. The Mass will begin at 9am. The children are required to
wear uniform - (this does not include the First Communicants).
Some of the children will be receiving the Sacrament of First Communion at this Mass.
Children receiving the Sacrament are:
Marinah Butland-Browne, Kanyon Francis, Isabella Gordon-Glassford, Emily Hickey,
Katie Macnee, Aiden Mallon, Wyatt Mallon, Lucy Nicol, Emily Scanlan and Ingrid
We will be having morning tea afterwards in the Parish Hall. Could you PLEASE provide a
plate for this. Thank you.
Twilight Fair
The Twilight Fair was amazing - what a
wonderful evening! Thank you all so
much for your support. We have had so
much positive feedback about the
fantastically, happy, friendly atmosphere
at the fair. We made approximately
$4500 - A tremendous effort. What a
wonderful School Family we have.
Special thanks to Leeanne and her team.
Activator Extravaganza
We managed to get 2 fine days so that the Activator Extravaganza in Balclutha was able to
go ahead. Thank you for your invaluable support – without which we would not have been
able to take part. The children certainly enjoyed the range of sporting and team building
Parents of Maori Children Consultation Meeting
Thank you to the parents and staff who attended the Meeting of Parents of Maori children in
the school on Wednesday evening. We were grateful for your attendance, your interest,
affirmation and GREAT ideas!
If you wish to peruse the Minutes of the Meeting, they are available at the School Office.
Super Eights Cricket Tournament
The Room 4 children have been entered in the Super Eights Cricket Tournament to be held
in Milton at the Show Grounds on Tuesday 18th November. The children will be leaving
school at approximately 9.00am and returning to school around 2.00pm. Children will need
suitable foot ware, drink bottle, packed lunch, sunhat and warm clothes. St Mary’s sports
uniforms are to be worn for this event. Children will still have these from the Extravaganza.
Quadrathon – Years 4, 5 & 6 children only
On Friday 28th November the Year 4, 5 & 6 children will be competing in a Quadrathon at
Waiwera South School. The teams are made up of up to 4 competitors, each competing in
either the swim (100m), bike (2km), cross country run (1.5km) or the road run (1.2km). I
will be informing the children of their teams and which event / events they will be doing as
soon as possible so they are able to train.
For this to run smoothly we need parents to assist with managing teams and transportation of
the bikes. This is the last sporting event for the year so please come and help out! This is
always a great day out which is always enjoyed by all. More news about this next week!
If you are able to help, please fill in the form below and return to school as soon as possible.
Thank you
Kylie Forrest – Sports Co-ordinator
I (Name)____________________________am able to transport and/or
supervise children at the Quadrathon on Friday 28th November.
Signed ________________________
Nachos will be for sale for lunch on Thursday 20th November. The cost is $3-50.
Could you please complete the order form at the bottom of this newsletter and return to
school no later than Tuesday so the correct amount of food can be prepared. Thank
The children are learning the following value:
 RELATIONSHIPS - Relationship with God, ourselves, each other and the Earth.
Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit”. – Matthew 28:19
Our School Values will be published in the newsletter over the next 2 weeks. If you see your
child fulfilling these – please remember to affirm and encourage them.
Wanted – A House to Rent
Do you know of a house for rent in Milton? We have a family who need a house to rent.
If you know of anywhere – please ring Marceline or Merlin on 4177977.
School T Shirts
PLEASE send the School T Shirts worn at the Extravaganzas back to school immediately!!
Pet Day and Spring Fling
We will be holding a Pet Day (afternoon) on Thursday 20th November. - beginning at
1.30pm. Please bring pets to school between 1pm and 1.30pm. There will be a variety of
competitions for animals including;
Lamb drinking - (you will need to bring your own bottle of milk)
Lamb weaving
Best Cat
Best Bunny
Dog Show - dogs will be judged on an obstacle course.
Best dressed animal
Most unique animal
The children will be creating a variety of models/art work etc in the morning. Families
and friends are asked to go to the hall and look at what the children have created for our
Spring Fling.
The day will conclude with a Grand Pet Parade and Award Ceremony. If you have any
queries, please contact Mrs Walker or Mrs McElrea.
Dates For Your Information
 Home and School Meeting – 25th November – 3.15pm
 BOT Meeting – 27th November
 Quadrathon - Waiwera South - Years 4, 5 & 6 children only – 28th November
 5+ a day – Healthy Food – Shared lunch – 4th December
 St Mary’s Feast Day – Liturgy – 8th December
 Production – First Performance & Final Performance – Friday 12th December
 Fun Afternoon – Friday 12th December – Shared Lunch, Santa Claus & Games
 Last Day of School - Monday 15th December
Milton Area Schools’ Touch Competition
A reminder, that the Touch Competition for the Milton area will run through to the end of
Term 4. This will be held each Wednesday beginning at 3.30pm at Milton Primary School.
Kylie Forrest – Sport Co-ordinator
Overdue Library Books
A reminder, that some children have well overdue library books dating back to the beginning
of the year and there are also some outstanding from last year. Please have a good look at
home and send these books back to school as soon as possible. Your help would be
Miss Henderson – Librarian
Photo Orders
Last day to return your orders will be Monday 17th November !
We have joined the technological world of texting with the capability to text you all so that if
we need to cancel for example Pet Day as we had to this week, you will not have to wonder,
or wait for a phone call from me!!! 
Sleep Over
I went to Katie-Jane’s home for dinner and I stayed for a sleep over for the
Written by: Janae Winter Room 1
Raffle results:
Family size pool - Alana Taylor
Electrical Appliances - D. Leach
Larnach Castle Family Pass - Jillian Waitere
Grocery Hamper - Debbie Murray
Grocery Hamper - Georgia Low
Goody Bag Draws:
Daune O’Connor
Niamh McElrea
Helen Lyon
Logan Divers
Jenny Good
Kamalie DeSeymour
Guess the combined weight of Yr 6 Students:
Kaden Crowie
How many lollies in the jar:
Gumboot throwing:
Adult – Jacob Jenkins
Under 12 yrs – Jade Thompson
Under 7 yrs – Harrison
The Fair was a great success - thank you, thank you, thank you to the parents, teachers and
students that helped on the night, donated chocolate, mince, elegant junk, prizes, plants,
tombola bottles, baked or made sweets, cooked, helped set up, worked on a stall, cleaned up,
arranged advertising and all the other things that were done behind the scenes. The evening
went very well with more people attending than in previous years. I have heard many
fantastic comments around the town about the delicious food, the variety of stalls and the
wonderful family atmosphere the school provided. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Leeanne Phillips, President, St Marys Home & School Committee.
E te Atua Manaki mai, E te Atua Awhina mai, E te Atua Aroha mai, Amene
May God guide us, May God support us, May God love us, Amen
The following children received cups at Assembly last week.
Best worker
Archie Finch
Baylee Weatherall
Neatest work
Nelly Graves
Kindest Pupil
Ryan Clark
Kind Regards
Diane Hayes
Narcho Order – Thursday 20th
November $3.50