Term 4, Week 7, 20th November, 2014 Dates to Remember: Reflection Thursday, 20th November NAMER OF THE STARS Yr 12 Graduation Mass and Dinner Looking up into the glittering galaxies I see a breathtaking canopy of light. Each twinkle leads to another and another, Friday, 21st November stretching out into an endless universe. Year 12 Graduation and Farewell Every star reveals an immensity of mystery and stirs in the soul a connection with you. You touch the heavens with sparkling beauty Thursday, 27th November Year 5 Rite of Passage Friday, 28th November Year 9 Rite of Passage Yr 10 & 11 finish St Eugene de Mazenod Church Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm Christ the King Church Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary @bne.catholic.edu.au www.steugene.qld.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 as you call each bright luminary into its place. Namer of the stars, Creator of wonder, I bow to the eternal brightness that is you. Psalm 147:3-4 From the Leadership Team DEAR PARENTS AND FRIENDS On Friday we farewell our third Senior Class. Following a week of journeying and celebrating and their Graduation Mass and Dinner tonight, the whole college bids them farewell at The Graduation Assembly which will be held at 9.00am in the hall. This is a liturgical celebration of what has been and what lies ahead of them. Following the Assembly the whole school lines up along Keelty Way to wave them on their way, with each of our Yr 12 students accompanied on their walk of fame by our Prep students. This ceremony is a beautiful expression of who we are. You are most welcome to join us. Seats in the hall may be a big ask though!! Thank You to our Graduating Class of 2014 for adding colour and verve to the canvas that is St Eugene College. You will be missed! Beautiful one day….graduating the next! Ash Tamplin was a pupil of our college for six years. During this time, Ash was diagnosed with Sanfillipo Syndrome. This rare medical condition causes degeneration of the brain and ultimately an early death. Ash moved to a special school which could better cater for his learning needs but he still considers himself a member of St Eugene College. Ash would have been in Yr 11. Our Cilacap students and Ash’s friends from Yr 11 are raising money for Sanfillipo Syndrome and the Cilacap Immersion program next Tuesday, November 25. Ash loved super heroes. We love Ash! You are most welcome to join us on the Junior Oval. Here are the details: Dash for Ash Tuesday November 25 from 1.30 to 2.45 Fun Obstacle Races for students from Prep to Yr 11 Dress Super Hero Costumes or Sports Uniform Starter and Medal Presenter -The Right Honourable Mr Ashley Tamplin Race Entry $1.00 Next week we have our Rites of Passage, marking student’s movements liturgically from Junior to Middle School and Middle to Senior School. The Yr 5s are the stars on Thursday, November 27 at 9.00 in the hall. The Yr 9 Ceremony takes place at 9.00 on Friday, November 28 at the same venue. Also on the happening front next week are the Yr 7 and 8 Orientation Days for our students and students new to our college; the 8s on Monday and the 7s on Wednesday. The Celebrations of Excellence and Learning last Thursday were also a wonderful expression of who we are. The Junior classes were resplendent with their displays and activities which epitomised some of the aspects of their curriculum. Did you see the Videos the Yr 1s and 2s had made? Wow! Choral, dance and musicians in the Junior classes put on a great show in P1 and 2. In the evening, excellence in the academic, spiritual, sporting and cultural arenas for our Yr 6 to 12s were celebrated in awards and performance. And we had lots to celebrate. Our special guests all commented on the very obvious community that is this college, the Award recipients constantly acknowledging their peer achievers. At the Celebration of Excellence, our 2015 leaders were announced. Congratulations to our new school captains Courtney Lombe and Antony Tatkovic and our new Vice Captains Tameka Bridge and Lewis Bargh. Hearty congratulations to our College Ministry Leaders, Junior Ministry Leaders and Middle Ministry Leaders listed below. We will be well served by this fine group of young people: Year 5 Community Connor Dunsdon Culture and the Arts Celena McKay Faith and Mission Sophie Diver Spirit Carroll Levi Sheather Spirit Dunlea Jessica Mullins Spirit Mitchell Jye Abberley Spirit Ryan Jessica Smith Year 9 Community Faith and Mission Culture and the Arts Spirit Carroll Spirit Dunlea Spirit Mitchell Spirit Ryan Angus Turner Eliza Mann Lachlan Tramacchi Madeleine Blake Tyler Short Samuel Fiorin Kaylah Shearer Year 12 Community Faith and Mission Culture and the Arts Spirit Carroll Spirit Dunlea Spirit Mitchell Spirit Ryan Nicole Murray and Devon Patterson Skyla Clunn and Terry Mullins Olivia Fry and Ben Lamb Brenna Dransfield and Katie Davis Crystal Warnes and Danika Voigt Jessica Vernon and Riley Clare Stephanie Dyer and Jacob Attrill The march to the curtain falling on 2014 continues. Yr 10 and 11 break for the Junior holidays next Friday, November 28 at 2.55. On Friday, December 5 Prep to Yr 9 breaks for the Summer Holidays at 11.30. Blessings and regards DENIS ANTHONISZ - PRINCIPAL From the Leadership Team COURAGE JUNIOR YEARS—STUDENTS OF THE WEEK—17.11.14 We make much of our “dare to grow, in Faith Hope and Love” motto of this College. This week I would like to honour the daring of our students who pursue excellence in the various fields that the College offers. It takes great courage to attempt success. It risks failure, it risks being identified as different and in our culture and risks the wrath of the “tall poppy” syndrome. Congratulations to the following students for their fine efforts: Cale Sneath Prep Blue In Australia, we value equality so much that we often confuse and attack those among us who stand out or achieve success beyond the ordinary. Historically we have cut down or criticized those who have risen above the common and we dress it up by using powerful phrases like “too big for their boots”, or “who do they think they are?”, we accuse them of arrogance and use a variety of excuses to cover up our own perceived lack of success. In the end it is often envy that drives the negative criticism and in our Catholic faith, we name envy as one of the great sins for the damage it causes to relationships with God and each other. Kalista Somerville Prep White Kara Bradley Prep White Isaac Holland Prep White Rush Ballard Prep Gold Amara Oxey Prep Gold Natalie Wood 1 Gold Cullen Ireland 1 Gold Charlie Rose Ballard 2 Gold Despite all this we have students who chase excellence with courage and fortitude. They put the long hours in and strive for excellence. They hope that hard work and persistence pays off and we celebrate with them the rewards for amazing effort. To the cynical outsider they can be tagged as lucky but the truth is that the harder they work the luckier they seem to become. Their example that we celebrated on our night of learning and excellence last Thursday, is an example to us all. I admire their guts and determination, their courage to delay instant gratification for the long term reward. They become my heroes and their example inspires all the teaching staff who earnestly seek success for all their students. Wow! It was a great night and it was all about the kids who are our core business. Finley Silcox 2 Gold Zachary Becker 3 Blue Lachlan Grace 3 Blue Jack Craven 3 Blue Alissa Raw 3 White Matthew Barnett 3 White Jacinta Kelly 3 White Nicholas Washington 3 White Beatrice Sonquit 3 Gold Liam Jones 3 Gold Sophie Dransfield 3 Gold Jayden Spiteri 4 Blue Charlyse Garrard 4 Blue Cadence Charlot 4 Blue Lily Pimm 4 White Celena McKay 4 White Finley Silcox 4 Whtie Mason Buckley 4 White Olivia Martin 4 White Ricki-Lee Dransfield 4 Gold Lachlan Ball 4 Gold Logan Clark 5 Blue Letisha Cini 5 Blue Emma Nester 5 White Jacob Wilson 5 White Bethany Roche 5 Gold Erin Smollett 5 Gold Have a great week Mark Shakhovskoy P-12 HEAD (MIDDLE/SENIOR YEARS) APRE NEWS Christmas Family & Youth Mass – Wednesday 24 December 6 pm It is nearly Christmas and once again Students of St Eugene College, Children and youth of the parish are invited to participate in the Choir for the 6.00pm Family and Youth Christmas Vigil Mass at St Eugene Church on Wednesday 24th December. Last year a great group of young people from the College and Parish did a wonderful job leading the congregation for our Christmas Vigil celebration. We hope that you will join us again and also welcome any new members who would like to join us. Opportunities for practice will be arranged and advised shortly. On Christmas Eve the choir arrive at the church at 5.00pm for set up and warm up. For further information and to register interest in participating in the choir please contact Sharon Flux on 38881768 or sharon.flux@bigpond.com St Vincent de Paul 2014 Christmas Appeal Term 4 marks the start of the annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Christmas is all about love in the world. As has become tradition at St Eugene College, we remember families who are struggling in the St Eugene Parish area and we give. Each class (with the exception of year 1 who are supporting Rosies) will be challenged to fill a basket with non-perishable food items, treats and toys that will bring joy to families this Christmas. Please support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal for 2014. Alison Bates - APRE Junior/Middle Years College News CAREER NEWS STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEXT WEEK CALLING GRADE 12 SCHOOL LEAVERS Certificate 1 in Engineering—6 Weeks from 1st December OSMAC in partnership with Rail Skills Australasia, are seeking expressions of interests from individuals who are keen to pursue an apprenticeship or traineeship within the following disciplines:- Monday Boilermaking Sheetmetal Fitting and Turning Diesel Fitting If you meet the above selection criteria and want to take advantage of this program please forward your cover letter and resume to bsanderson@rsa.org.au or call Belinda at Rail Skills Australasia on 0408 878 164. USC Options, Your Q&A Day This year USC Options has been extended to an all -day affair happening on Friday 19 December. USC will be open from 9am to 5pm, so you can choose a time that best suits you to get your questions answered. When: Where: 9am - 5pm, Friday 19 December USC Sippy Downs campus Come along to: take a campus tour with a USC student ambassador talk to program advisors about your preferred degree find out about your accommodation options attend a special seminar 'Surviving the first year of uni' Register now for your campus tour and preferred seminar time at usc.edu.au/options. School Based Apprenticeship Certificate II in Civil Construction HIA is working and partners Think Labour & Epic Employment Services to assist disadvantaged young people to find a pathway into construction. Expressions of interest are sought from students currently in Year 10 & completing Yr11 in 2015.Students will be given the opportunity to get real-life experience on a construction site. Duties include – General & Civil Construction. Expressions of interest with cover letter and Resume for the Cairns, Fraser Coast, Bundaberg, Sunshine Coast & North Brisbane regions are to be emailed to Wilina Stevens @ EPIC Wilina_S@epic.org.au For further information please come and see Mrs Prince in T1 or email her at: wprince@bne.catholic.edu.au WENDY PRINCE - VOC ED ASSISTANT Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Ken Lamb at Lincs ICT Workshop Michelle Buiatti at Cert IV Training Denis at BCE Principals Strategic Workforce Planning Dennis Russell at VET in School Conference Peter Ivers, Cathy Masotti, Jason Spiteri and Peter Orton at the Evaluation and Celebration of the ‘Life’ Program Murray Deale at Binnacle VET Training EXCURSIONS NEXT WEEK Wednesday Nicky Rose and Anne Costigan taking music students to Lion King REMINDER TO YEAR 12 STUDENTS Outstanding Laptops All laptops should by now have been to be returned to the Tech Support Department, prior to your final day at the College. This is so they can be wiped and reimaged back to their original setup. A reminder that failure to return your laptop to the College by the required date could jeopardize the timing of release of your graduation documentation, and result in a fee being charged for the cost of the laptop. The College has investigated the possibility of this model of laptops (e4310) being made available for ‘purchase’, as many are beyond their service life span. Those students who have been at the College since 2011 (Year 9) and have been continuously enrolled in the College 1:1 Laptop Program will have the option to purchase one of the laptops available for a nominal fee. Once it has been established that a student is eligible to purchase a used laptop, the fee will need to be paid to the Finance Department, and the receipt can be presented to the Tech Support Department. A list of students eligible to take part in the laptop purchase agreement is posted on the Tech Support notice area. JASON SPITERI - ICLT/DIGITAL LITERACY COORDINATOR CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES/ADDRESS If your contact details have changed for any reason at all during the past 6 months and you have not advised us, please do so as soon as possible. This is particularly important for change of address details for all parents and caregivers as the reporting process is about to commence, and this will ensure that you receive your child’s report successfully. Please contact the College on 3491 4606 or 3491 4603 or email us at pburpengary@bne.catholic.edu.au. LINDA MATHESON - DATA SECRETARY College News CREATIVE ARTS NEWS DUNLEA RESOURCE CENTRE Musical Auditions Sincere thanks and congratulations to all students who auditioned last Wednesday for next year’s musical Grease. We saw one of the largest and strongest groups yet auditioning which is a wonderful milestone in the cultural life of our school. We are in awe and admiration of the talent we saw that day, and also blown away by the courage and bravery of all those who auditioned. Unfortunately due to such large numbers trying out this year, we will not be able to take in every student who auditioned. The audition panel staff are currently meeting every day and are having a very difficult time in trying to cast our show! We will soon be announcing those students who are being called back for lead and minor roles. Once that 2nd round process is completed, we will then be able to announce the ensemble members and roles cast! Thank you for your support and patience and stay tuned for the upcoming exciting announcements! Returned Library & Text BooksThese need to be returned NOW for all students from Prep - Year 12, to enable us to have everything ready for the 2015 school year. Dance Troupe Auditions A final reminder that we are holding auditions next week for the 2015 Dance troupes. Those students wishing to try out should currently be preparing their own dance solo in any style that showcases their level of extension, strength, flexibility and expression. Auditions will be held in 1st breaks in the hall next week – Senior troupe on Monday, Middle Years on Tuesday, Junior Dance Troupe on Wednesday and Boys’ Hip Hop Crew on Thursday. Invited members of the Early Years crew will be announced early next year. Students will need to bring along their own music to the auditions. Best wishes during this exciting end to the year, Kathy Stewart - Acting Head of Creative Arts CONGRATULATIONS! Eloise Joy Kozak was born at 11.24am last Wednesday, 12th November. She weighed in at a healthy 4.15kg (9 pounds 2 ounces) and is just beautiful! A big congratulations to Megan, Nahum and Leela on this gorgeous new addition to your family! Bookfair This runs all this week until Friday 9am. JANICE CHILCOTT—TEACHER LIBRARIAN BOOKLISTS FOR 2015 Book lists for next year have been distributed to the Classrooms. You can order on-line at www.brodiesbookstore.com.au (school code 021352) or return the form to School before Friday 21st November. Please remember to allocate another address if you will be away during this time. The final date for return of Book lists for next year is this Friday 21 st November. Delivery will be in the week beginning 4th January, 2015. TUCKSHOP NEWS Volunteer Roster Roster for week commencing 24th November 2014: Monday: Jennifer Pascoe Tuesday: Mandy Bein Wednesday: Linda Cadman Thursday: Leiza Dunlop Friday: Leanne Camerlengo & Amanda Bradley I will be starting to work on the tuckshop roster for 2015 and if you are able to give us a few hours or a day per month we would love to have you! Even a part day from school drop off until 10.45 is very helpful. If you would like to help and have children in the lower grades you are welcome to go with Angelique or Michelle to the junior school tuckshop. You can contact me on 3491 4633 directly or by email at pmporter@bne.catholic.edu.au. You can also leave a message at Reception and it will be passed along to me. The tuckshop closes on Fri 28th November. As the year draws to a close we may run out of some items. We will endeavour to give the kids what they order but their orders may have to be substituted. PAULA PORTER—TUCKSHOP CONVENOR UNIFORM NEWS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8am to 10am Tuesday & Thursday 2pm to 4pm ANGELIQUE MURPHY - UNIFORM CONVENOR
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