November 16, 2014 PASTOR: Fr. Robert Schlageter, OFM Conv. PAROCHIAL VICARS: Fr. Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv. Fr. Timothy Lyons, OFM Conv. DEACON: Deacon Carmen Guzzardi TRUSTEES Edward J. Janik & David N. Loiselle, Jr. FINANCE OFFICE Diane Funk, Business Manager BUILDING AND GROUNDS William DiCicco PARISH SECRETARY Flora Sittnick COORDINATOR FOR PARISH COMMUNICATION & MEMBERSHIP Patty LaVette PARISH SCHOOL PRE-K TO GRADE 8 PRINCIPAL Fayne Molloy ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Heidi Calderone BUSINESS MANAGER Diane Funk DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS & ADVANCEMENT Ellen Bertolami RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS ED Robin Veronesi ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Michelle LaFrance YOUTH MINISTER Sal Biase MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY Jeff Batter CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE Maura Liegeot CANTORS Karen Cyr, Michelle Fiertek Meric Martin, David Pelletier and Patricia Tzetzo PARISH CENTER 467 Alling Street, Kensington, Ct 06037 Weekdays, 8 AM—4 PM (860) 828-0331 Fax (860)828-7620 Parish Website: Email: RELIGIOUS ED Monday—Thursday 8 AM—2 PM (860) 828-1934 Email: PARISH SCHOOL (860)-828-4343 Fax (860) 828-1226 Website: Email: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday • 4 PM Vigil Sunday 7:30, 9, & 10:30 AM, & Noon Weekdays 7 AM • 5 PM Headphones for the hearing impaired are available in the Sacristy. ANOINTING Please see a Friar after Mass or call our office. CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00-3:45 PM, or by appointment BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, 1:15 PM. Register on our website. Baptism instruction is required for all first time parents and all first-time godparents. 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the Parish Center. You must pre-register. CONFIRMATION: Confirmation is held each year for candidates who have completed the 2-year confirmation program. SPONSORS: A sponsor must be a Confirmed Catholic, who lives a life of faith (i.e., regular Sunday worship; if married, in a ceremony approved by the Church), and who is not the parent of the person to be baptized/confirmed. If you are registered at St. Paul and need a sponsor certificate, contact the Parish Office. MARRIAGES: Register on our website at least 6 months prior. TO JOIN OUR CHURCH: 7 PM, Church Hall, 2nd Monday of the month. (Please let us know if you are coming.) MASS INTENTIONS SAINT PAUL CHURCH Saturday, November 15, 2014 1:00 Wedding: Catherine Burgio and Gianni Marino 4:00 Edward, Timothy & Sharon Darigis by the Family Peter Vitali by Ron & Dodi Vitali Teresa Soliwoda by Husband & Family Rosalie & Louis DiValentino by Diana Sandra Mangiafico (2nd Anniversary) by her Family Thomas Farr (Birthday Remembrance) by Michelle Farr & Family Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:00 Laurie Ann Zapor by Mom & Dad Zapor Frank McLoughlin by the Family Teresa Soliwoda by Husband & Family Mary Horbal by Tom & Marlene Drzata Salvatore Italia by the Family Agnes McDougall (1st Anniversary) by the Family Rosalie & Louis DiValentino by Diana Marie & Michael Reale by Diana Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:30 Patricia McCormack (Birthday Remembrance) by Ron & Judy Lindgren 9:00 Helen Juliano (10th Anniversary) by Paul, Linda & Michael Mallia Peter Lavery by Pamela Lavery & Family 10:30 Alfred Callegari by Henry Andrukiewicz Carol Virostek by Dan & Cindy Wagner 12:00 Judy Kusy by Deborah Kusy, Daughter Roland Dubay by Sadie Breton Sebastiano Agnello (12th Anniversary) by the Family Monday, November 17, 2014 Giuseppe Amato (For his Health) by Stanislawa Szczygla 5:00 Paul F. Messina by John & Debbie Slowikowski Ann Fracasso (19th Anniversary) by her Family 7:00 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:00 Antoinette Urso Simeone 5:00 Virginia Centore & John Fitzgerald by Roz & Daughters Alfio & Concetta Barbagallo by the Family Anna DeCarlo by Charise & John Platt & Annie Krawciw Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:00 Roland Dubay by Friends of St. Paul 9:00 Saint Paul School Mass 5:00 Anna DeCarlo by Helen Malinka Ferdinand Mercier & Theo Ferdinand Race by Family Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:00 Lucille Micacci by Husband, Anthony Micacci 5:00 Deceased Members of the Prey Family by the Prey Family Pauline & Edward Havelevitch (60th Wedding Anniversary) Friday, November 21, 2014 7:00 John & Adele Hubbard by the Hubbard Family George Rapacky by Theresa 5:00 Charlotte Listro by her Husband Rosalie DiValentino by A Beloved Friend Vincent Lewandowski (Birthday Remembrance) by Wife & Family MASS SCHEDULE FOR THANKSGIVING Thursday, Nov. 27th: 9AM (No 7am or 5pm) Friday, Nov. 28th: 7 AM (No 5pm) Sunday, November 23, 2014 7:30 Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Paul Church 9:00 Deceased Members of St. Jarre & Bossie Families by Regina St. Jarre Adele Palumbo by Antonio & Marie DelSesto 10:30 Paul Holmes by Aunt Grace 12:00 Alfonso Batista by the Perzanowski Family Anna DeCarlo by Grace Callegari Mass of Thanksgiving for Irene & Ray Kramer (55th Wedding Anniversary Celebration) by Children & Grandchildren The Blessed Mother Candle will burn this week for Al Callegari by Victoria Driscoll A Sanctuary Candle will burn this week for Anna DeCarlo by Annalee & Grace Rest in Peace Emily Sampl Maria Calafiore Just go to our website and click on the logo. ( ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITES TO SUPPORT FOR ONLINE GIVERS: Utilities & Energy (for St. Paul Church), Campaign for Human Development, November 23rd 2nd COLLECTION NOVEMBER 23rd Catholic Campaign for Human Development Next week’s Collection for the CCHD needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the U.S. by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Envelope Users: Non-Users: Online Giving: Total: $ 10,185.00 $ 899.61 $ 2, 060.63 $ 13,145.24 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Utilities & Energy Collection $ 2,981.00 NOVEMBER 16, 2014 November Prayer List Call our office monthly to add a name to this prayer list. Be sure the person knows their name is here. Henry M. Adamcewicz Nancy Adamowicz Giuseppe Amato Hank Andrukiewicz Lynn Baikal Ethel Blake Mae Carabetta Robert H. Cooley Alyssa Dutkiewicz Anne Fields Florence Filkof Richard Fracasso Danielle Freeman Katrina Garbiel Eileen George Jonathan Gionfriddo Maria Gionfriddo Gene Goryl Bruce Havelevitch Jeanne Higgins Tom Karanda Dijana Klapatch Rita Kropf John G. Kumitis, Sr. Sheila Labickas Angel Lauria Jennie Laviana Mary Helen Loiselle James F. Lynch Erica McMillian Shana Manafort Carla Mangiafico Lisa Mangiafico Keith Martin Paul Martin Joseph Michaud Nate Minor Evelyn Modzelewski Ray Moliino-Myers Emma Pagano John Pandolfo Tania Pandolfo Kimberly Pierce Katherine Romero Joan Schwartz Charles Snetro Betty Jo Stevens Elaine Willis Tristan Cole Yashura Diane Zanelli A Few Simple Words…...from Fr. Robert O Sole Mio... The Italian Night Dinner with all 5 delicious courses was wonderful. Everyone who attended had a great time and was filled with compliments. As usual, our gym was transformed into an Italian restaurant. There was live music, lots of good company and I tasted a lot of homemade wine. Let me tell you, you guys are good wine makers. Our confirmation students served, helped set up, waited on tables and cleaned up. You can always tell when Italian Night is coming because our church smells like homemade pasta sauce. I love it when our parish gathers for events like this. A heartfelt thank you to Diane Roncaioli and her committee of very generous and talented people who make this event happen every year. Sunday Afternoon at St. Paul Church—Altar Server Training After the Masses, just over 30 Altar Servers came for an Altar Server Training Session. As usual, our Masters of Ceremony (Those who dress in cassocks and surplices) ran the training. There were four stations. One group practiced processing in and out, another group practiced at the altar, a third group learned where to put things in the Sacristy and the last group learned the names of things we use at Mass in the Church Hall. The Gift of Sight Dear Father Robert, I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity that you gave me to collect glasses for Haiti. They were received with great enthusiasm. What a gift....the gift of good vision! I saw no one with glasses before we arrived. Thank you to the parishioners of St. Paul from the residents of Dame Marie,Haiti! Sincerely, Peggy Facciolo (St. Francis International Medical Missions) Religious Ed Homeschoolers When Altar Server training was done, the Masters of Ceremony gave tours of the Church to the children of families who have opted to Homeschool their children in Religious Ed. Once again, the tours were held in groups. One of our High School students explained the Stations of the Cross, the other explained all the statues in our Church, another took the kids around the sanctuary and explained the tabernacle, the altar, ambo and baptismal font. Then there was a group in the sacristy explaining the vestments and vessels to our Homeschoolers and Mrs. Dowd’s 7th Grade. The tour began with a trip to the bell tower and a chance to ring our bells. We are lucky that our neighbors are so patient. When all the training and tours were finished, the Altar Servers and the Masters of Ceremony polished off 9 very large pizzas. Middle School Youth Group Following the Altar Server Training, 34 of the kids opted to stay for Middle School Youth Group with Sal Biase. I’m not exactly sure what was going on in the Church Hall, but it sounded like they were having fun telling stories and I know that the meeting finished with a prayer. We’re famous by association Last week I was watching the news on WFSB and all of a sudden I saw Jack Stafstrom. He is a Master of Ceremony for the 9:00 AM Mass and plays football for Berlin High School. The sportscaster was speaking about the great season BHS is having. They are undefeated. Then I opened the New Britain Herald and there was Anthony Sisti’s picture. He plays for BHS, too, and is having a great season. Finally, rumor has it that Valerie Perzanowski competed in the National Finals with her Science project and came in 10th place in the whole country. I am sure there are many more stories about our children and their accomplishments. We have great kids at St. Paul Church. Missalette Stuffers Our Missallete Stuffers should have received a letter last week from me thanking you for volunteering and letting you know that we will be stuffing our Missalette covers on Tuesday, November 18th, at 10:00 AM in the Church Hall. If you have any questions, please call the parish office. With our new “old” style missalettes, the covers will have to be changed 4 times a year. Many hands make light work. I know and I’m sorry... I’m sorry we forgot to include the pictures of our newly baptized and their proud and parents in last week’s bulletin. I assure you it wasn’t an intentional slight. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re human and a very big parish. I promise the pictures will be in this week’s bulletin. Fr. Robert TODAY’S GOSPEL 33rd Sunday As the man in today’s gospel entrusted his servants with his money, so God has ‘entrusted’ our family to us. Like the good servants we are expected, not to play it safe, but to selflessly and totally invest ourselves in each other. 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SAINT PAUL SCHOOL NEWS OUR SCHOOL MASS IS NOVEMBER 19th AT 9:00 AM All are invited to join our entire student body & their teachers. OUR 2ND ANNUAL Mc EDUCATOR NIGHT WILL BE HELD on Tuesday, November 18th from 4:00 – 7:00 PM at McDonald’s Restaurant in Kensington. The event will be hosted by the Preschool and all of our teachers. Ronald McDonald himself will make an appearance from 5:00 –6:30 pm ! RELIGIOUS ED NEWS REMINDER: RETREAT ON NOVEMBER 16TH FOR GRADE 9 Retreat is from 3:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the school gym. Mass is included and will count as their attendance for the weekend. A meal and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are also included. ST. PAUL CHURCH NEWS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7TH AT 5:30PM ST. PAUL CHURCH Mark your busy calendars now! You won’t want to miss our annual Christmas Gathering. Featured will be St. Paul Choir, Exultations and selections by students of Saint Paul School. CHANGE OF MASS MUSIC FOR ADVENT Our service music for the liturgy of the Eucharist will be a solemn tone chant from the Roman Missal. It will be beautiful and simple and perfect for our time of preparation and anticipation. We have set up links on our webpage to listen and learn. MEDITATION SESSION—OUR PARISH NURSE MINISTRY Once again we invite you to a meditation session on Thursday, November 20th at 7pm in our church hall. You will learn more about meditation and enter into the experience through music and guided imagery. All members of the parish are welcome. LADIES GUILD CHRISTMAS PARTY—DECEMBER 3, AT 6PM Catered by “Jeske” in our church hall, we encourage you to come and enjoy great food and Christmas fun. Make checks for $20 payable to the Ladies Guild. For information, Call Maryann, 860-8284436 or Louise, 860-828-4443. Last Monday our monthly registration evening was held in our church hall for new parishioners. If you are interested in joining our church, let us know if you can attend the next registration night on Monday, December 8th at 7PM. Our new members are: Fred and Geri Indoe, Gary, Stephanie, Michela and Oliver Paul, Tess Dornfried, John and Ava Marie Salvatore. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS NORTHWEST CATHOLIC The Entrance Exam to incoming 9th and 10th graders is on December 6th at 8 a.m. For information or to apply/register for the exam, go to or you may contact Andrew Selig at XAVIER Xavier will hold its Freshman Entrance exam on Saturday, November 22nd at 8AM. Pre-Registration is requested and can be done online at ST. PAUL CATHOLIC The placement Exam will be given on Saturday, November 22, at 8:00 am at St. Paul Catholic H.S. for prospective grade 9 and grade 10 students. Visit our website; . CAN YOU HELP SEW BAPTISMAL ROBES? We need your help to sew our baptismal robes for our newly baptized babies. If you can help or for more information, please call Mary at 860-828-5005. THE FOLLOWING CHILDREN WERE BAPTIZED AT ST. PAUL CHURCH: Hunter Joseph Davis Grayson Joseph Pandolfi Delaney Katherine Potanka SAINT PAUL CHURCH DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY #142 NOV. 16, 2014 The Catholic Church needs to continue the fight for religious freedom so that she can promote a culture that is favorable to life from conception to natural death. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHRISTMAS POSTER CONTEST The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Christmas poster contest. This year’s theme is: Jesus is the reason- Keep Christ in Christmas. All posters should be on white paper (minimum size: 8 1/2” x 11” and no larger than 11” x 17”) Please include the following information on the back of the poster: artist’s name, home address, school name, grade of student, and home phone number. All posters must be delivered to the St. Paul Church Parish Center no later than Monday December 8, 2014. Posters will be judged in the following 5 categories: Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each category: Pre K & K 1st & 2nd grade rd th th th 3 & 4 grade 5 & 6 grade 7th & 8th grade WINTER COAT COLLECTION—1 WEEK LEFT The Knights of Columbus is collecting clean winter clothing for the working poor and homeless in New Haven. Items being collected are men, women and children’s coats, gloves, wool caps, socks, scarves and sweatshirts. Clothing should be placed in the boxes at the back of the Church through Sunday, November 23. On Thanksgiving Day, the clothing will be distributed to the needy at Christopher Martin’s restaurant in New Haven where they will enjoy a free meal. THE FOREVER YOUNG CLUB CHRISTMAS DINNER DECEMBER 4TH Dinner will be served at 5PM in Fr. Carroll Hall at Sacred Heart Church, East Berlin. Music from the Berlin High School Madrigal Singers will follow. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased from Dan Sabia, 860-828-3141, Carol Dauphin, 860828-9964 or Joan Hooper, 860-828-3164. KENSINGTON, CONNECTICUT CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday, November 16 10:30am NO 10th Gr ade Confirmation Class 12:30pm SET UP 1st Year Confirmation Retreat 1:15pm Baptisms 3:00pm 9th Grade Retreat / Confessions 4:30pm Grades 1-8 (SUN) 5:30pm Middle School Youth Group 7:00pm 9th Gr Retreat Confessions Monday, November 17 8:30am Parish Staff Meeting 2:00pm Ledgecrest 3:00pm Recycling Club 4:00pm JVA Basketball practice 4:30pm Gr 1-5 Rel Ed 5:30pm Varsity Boys basketball 6:30pm Gr 6-8 Rel Ed 6:30pm Deanery Coaching Clinic 7:30pm High School Youth Group Wednesday, November 19 9:00am School Mass 3:00pm Mock Trial 3:00pm JVC Girls basketball 5:30pm JVC Boys basketball 6:30pm Gr 6-8 Rel Ed 7:00pm Varsity Boys basketball 7:00pm Folk Group 7:00pm Religious Ed Homeschool Gr 6-8 Adoration Thursday, November 20 2:30pm Sportography photosBasketball & Cheerleading 3:15pm Faculty PLC 6:30pm Varsity Girls basketball 7:00pm Parish Nurse Ministry Meditation Session 7:00pm RCIA Mtg. Friday, November 21 3:00pm JVB Girls basketball 5:30pm JVA Boys basketball 7:30pm AA Meeting Tuesday, November 18 10:30am Missalette Stuffing 3:00pm After School Band Saturday, November 22 3:00pm Newspaper Club 3:00pm Confessions 4:00pm McEducator Night at McDonald's Sunday, November 23 4:30pm JVB Boys basketball 4:30pm Grades 1-8 (SUN) 4:30pm Gr 1-5 Rel Ed 5:45pm Exultations! Rehearsals 5:30pm Middle School Youth Group 6:00pm Daisy Scout Trp Meeting * The 1st Sunday in Advent 6:30pm Varsity Girls basketball Is next Sunday, November 30th. 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Pastoral Council THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME To those who have, much will be given. Count your blessings. Give them away. If one of your blessings is a call to become a priest or religious, call Fr. Anthony Smith, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Tel. 860-242-5573, e-mail or visit the web at THE BOOK OF LIFE BY JOSH NOEM (used with permission) Halloween had all the markings of a disaster in our town this year: snow was falling and the wind was gusting up to 45 mph. Our family looked out the window and decided to throw in the towel. Oscar is getting too old for trick-or-treating, anyway, and Simon and Lucy are too temperate to risk pneumonia for some Tootsie Rolls and Sweet-n-Sours. We did want to mark the holiday with a fun family outing, so we decided to go to a movie, and allowed the kids to pick out their own theater candy. We saw the new animated feature, The Book of Life. There are moments in family life when a plan goes terribly, terribly wrong—that happens often, and is good fodder for blog posts for us. But occasionally, there are also moments when everything clicks to produce a beautiful experience. Thanks to this film, our alternative Halloween was one of these beautiful experiences. The story for the movie has to do with the Latino tradition of the Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos), which draws upon the feasts of All Saints and All Souls in the Church to celebrate the communion of saints. The plot line has characters entering the afterlife in pursuit of love, encountering deceased family members, and confronting evil. It was a funny, exciting, and beautiful film. Most of all, though, it was a thoroughly Christian film, even though the only overtly religious figures—a priest and some nuns—served as only background characters. The characters moved through a Christian world in the presentation of death and the afterlife. Finding deceased loved ones in the “land of the remembered” was the ultimate fiesta, for example, and this communion of love beyond death colored everything—it freed the main character to live fully and authentically and fearlessly. We all came out of the film uplifted, and the experience utterly recast the feast of All Hallow’s Eve for us. Halloween has its origin as the vigil for the great feast of All Saints (“all hallowed” refers to “all the holy ones”), so I was very grateful to avoid all the zombies and superheroes wandering the streets in search of free candy, and instead consider death through the lens of faith and love. After the movie, we used the opportunity to call to mind those in our own family who are in the “land of the remembered.” We had the kids recall the grandparents they have known who have passed, and Stacey and I spoke about the grandparents who we remember, but who died before the kids could get to know them. We even recalled two special lives in our own family who were lost to miscarriage—it was a nice moment for the children to call to mind their siblings who are still a part of our family, even though we cannot see them with us now. November is a good time to turn our minds to the end of things. The natural world is passing away before us in preparation for winter—trees are diminishing before our very eyes and even the daylight is dying slowly. Soon it will be time to recall the source of our hope and to prepare, through Advent, for his coming into our lives. But for now, we remember the faithful departed, and draw courage from our communion with them and the continuity of life beyond death. When a Catholic is cremated, must the ashes be buried or can they be scattered or kept in the home? More and more, people are choosing cremation for the final disposition of the deceased. In 2010, over a third of all funerals involved cremation. And that rate is estimated to increase to over half by 2025. It is done for many different reasons, including economic and environmental reasons, or to follow the wishes of the person who has died. In the past, cremation was rare for a Catholic and the cremains were not brought into church for the funeral. Now both the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" (§ 2301) and canon law (Canon 1176, § 3) allow for cremation, provided that it is not done as an act of denial of our belief in the resurrection of the body. Catholics are still encouraged to honor the age-old custom of bodily burial ("Pastoral Companion"). The catechism also instructs that we honor the bodies of the dead with respect and dignity, since they were the temples of the Holy Spirit. Burial of the dead is one of the corporal works of mercy. The final disposition calls for the ashes to be placed in an urn and placed in consecrated ground or inside a mausoleum. The church has a reverence and respect for the body as a place where the soul had resided. Leaving the ashes on the mantel or scattering them in some significant spot is contrary to church practice and belief. © 2013 Liturgical Publications Inc ANSWERS FOR OUR SENIORS What's so easy about applying online for benefits? There's no need to go to a local Social Security office or wait for an appointment with a Social Security representative. You can apply in less than 15 minutes. Just visit Once you submit your electronic application, you're done. In most cases, there are no forms to sign or documents to mail. Try it at What is the earliest age that I can begin receiving retirement benefits? You can get a reduced benefit as early as age 62. Keep in mind that your monthly benefit amount would be about 33 percent higher if you wait until age 66 and nearly 80 percent higher if you defer payments until age 70. Visit our "Retirement Estimator" to find out how much you can expect to receive. You can find it at Erickson Hansen Royal Machine & Tool Corporation 4 Willow Brook Dr. 860-828-6555 A Fine Italian Ristorante including Take Out and Pizza Open 7 Days 246 New Britain Road, Kensington, CT 826-6374 &RQQHFWLFXW&KLPQH\ Sweep & Restoration Co., LLC Complete Chimney Repair & Maintenance Residential • Commercial Office: (860) 828-0756 Berlin Memorial Funeral Home 96 MAIN STREET, KENSINGTON, CT (860) 828-4730 “Caring Service with a Gentle Hand” Carolyn Smith, Owner/Lifelong Resident Parishioner James Casso, Director Peter Bartlewski, Director Peter Hansen 100 WEBSTER SQ. RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 (860) 828-5555 Jim Newman, CFA, CFP® President 860-543-0721 !"#$%&'$"&()"*(+")",-).(/.)""-"0 %$1#-,$%(&2)&(/13#-*$(,.)1-&45 ,6%&3'-7$*(%3.6&-3"%5(389$,&-#$()*#-,$ 860-223-0981 Christopher Porter, Director Major Collision Specialists Complete Auto Body & Paint Service John Szozdowski - President / Parishioner Gift Certificates Available Ron Lindgren, Parishioner Newington Memorial (860) 229-9021 A division of Bank of England #418481 For all your home mortgage financing needs Peter D.L. Kern, VP - Branch Manager #11142 I’m a Berlin resident, lend in 50 states 860-828-5374 Rehabilitation • Long Term Care • Respite Care 154 Kensington Road, Kensington, CT 06037 860-828-0583 • Fax 860-828-4946 David S. Motyka EXCAVATING “Devoted to Our Customers” Tailoring & Alterations General Excavating Services Septic / Sewer / Water / Installation & Repair Over 40 Years Experience Fully Insured 860-828-6723 Free Estimates 314 New Britain Rd. • Kensington, CT 06037 (860) 829-5226 Cirillo & Giovanna Berardozzi 860-828-3346 Fax 860-828-0363 Ron’s Automotive Repair, Inc. GENERAL AUTO REPAIR CEREC Sales & Service • Family Owned Since 1984 Single Visit Restorations 928 Farmington Ave., Berlin Switch to a company you can trust: KENSINGTON INSURANCE, LTD. SPEND MORE ON FAMILY. LESS ON CAR INSURANCE. 860-828-6525 *free gift card with quote* 24 - Hours Skilled Nursing Services Grand Knight Tom Drzata Kensington Dry Cleaner C. SCOTT BUONANNO, D.M.D. E X P O 2 0 1 4 !!!"#$%&'()**+&,&-.,(*$(%/.$&*"-$0 Please Go To 332 Burritt Street - New Britain MIDDLESEX COUNTY’S BUSINESS SHOWCASE 860-983-5851 New Members Welcome Burritt Hill Funeral Home College Planning-Estate Conservation-Business ServicesInsurance & Annuity Products Personal Financial Road Maps Council #3675, Kensington, CT (860) 666-0600 GENERAL DENTISTRY Asset Allocation & Risk ManagementInvestment Management-Retirement Strategies KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Funeral Home 20 Bonair Avenue - Newington Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Sales, Service, Installation Richard Solek, President Since 1988 (860) 828-9271 111 Apple Lane Fax (860) 828-9381 Kensington, CT 06037 A Financial Education Center and Dave Ramsey ELP Office LEDGECREST Health Care Center BERLIN AUTO CENTER, INC. 1700 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037 SUPERIOR HEATING AND COOLING, INC. 860-828-7030 Richard A. Lamore, M.A.,M.Div. 111 Chamberlain Hwy. 24 Hr. Towing BERLIN VNA “Because Home Is Where You Want To Be” NURSING, THERAPIES, AIDE SERVICE 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk State Licensed - Medicare/Medicaid Private Insurance - JCAHO Accredited Boundless Financial Solutions FUNERAL HOME Training for the Whole Family Redcoat Square 1105 Farmington Avenue Kensington, Connecticut 06037 Telephone: 860-828-4189 Rob Hansen 411 S. Main St., New Britain 860-229-5676 • PORTER’S FIRST CLASS FREE Insurance Estimates 828-4660 • 828-7662 fax Funeral Home Lic. #’s P7-206765/004080 - 915 Chamberlain Hwy, Berlin, CT :LVKLQJ*RG·V%OHVVLQJV IRUWKHHQWLUH6W3DXO3DULVKIDPLO\ IURP'LDQHDQG6WHYHQ:LOVRQ Christopher J. Bober Compliments of... Langdon’s Florist NOVEMBER 18TH 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza Cromwell • Jct. of Rt. 372 & 91 Kent Carlson Betsy Carlson Erik Carlson James Carlson FUNERAL HOME Service Since 1932 45 Franklin Square New Britain, CT 06051 (860) 225-6361 Fax: (860) 229-7349 Email: FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 Service & Repair Jason A. Borselle 860-748-7910 One Liberty Square • New Britain, CT 06051 18 Kenton Street Kensington, CT 06037 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 31, 2014 4:20 PM ST. PAUL, KENSINGTON, CT 03-0062 NSINGTON KEMA RKET Wisniowski & Sullivan, LLC BARUFFI Attorneys at Law Wanda L. Wisniowski (860) 829-1330 1014 Farmmington Avenue, Kensington, CT 06037 “Hot Food Daily” Fresh Meat • Deli • Catering Mowing • Mulch & Stone Installations • Plantings Plowing • Pruning • Spring/Fall Cleanups • Overseeding Lawn Dethatching • Brick Walkways & Patios Fully Insured, Licensed • Free Estimates Commercial & Residential • 860-829-6419 “Mowie Po Polsku” 55 Broad Street, Suite 210 New Britain, CT 06037 860-225-9912 35 North Main Street, Suite 2F Southington, CT 06489 860-620-9335 Boundless Financial Solutions & SONS LANDSCAPING, INC. Timothy Sullivan KERN & KERN, LLC BERLIN LAW OFFICES, LLC Attorneys at Law Richard A. Lamore, M.A., M.Div. 19 Bassett St., Suite 205, New Britain, CT 860-983-5851 !!!"#$%&'()**+&,&-.,(*$(%/.$&*"-$0 DENNIS L. KERN 860-828-9950 33 Kensington Road, Kensington, CT 06037 52 Missionary Road, Cromwell CT. 06416 829-8888 Fitness For The Whole Family Saint Paul School All Day Pre-K through Grade 8 (860) 828-4343 Fax: (860) 828-1226 Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. “Catholic Schools: Education for a Lifetime” Free Consult for Parishioners 1240 Farmington Ave., Berlin Attorney Robert Murphy 860-828-6688 Dr. David M Roccapriore PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON PILGRIM MANOR HEALTH AND REHAB Parishioners Discount With This Ad Lawn mowing • Snowplowing • Shrub planting Mulch delivery & installation CT Lic. 0579817 (860) 828-0556 • A Financial Education Center & !"#$%&"'$()&*"+,-"./01& 99 Webster Square Road Berlin Since 1946 Medical & Surgical Treatment A 5-STAR ACCREDITED FACILITY FEATURING: • In-Patient Short Term Rehabilitation • Respite & Long-term Care • Out-Patient Rehabilitation & Therapy • Newly Renovated Rooms • Restaurant Style Fine Dining Contact Joni Barnett, BSW @ 860-559-5408 of FOOT Disorders must last a lifetime... 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