Kesser Torah College Your Weekly eNewsletter Thursday 13 November 2014 / 20 Cheshvan 5775 Parshas - Chayei Sora Shabbos candlelighting - 7:16pm Shabbos ends - 8:16pm For all K-6! “Life Be In It” Final Class Tallies (p9) Medal Earners (p10-16) Rank Risers (p17-18) High Achievers List (p19) Mission Reminders (p20) Tzivos Hashem Squad (p20) An initiative led by the KTC Year 6 Girls School Captains Principal’s Dvar Torah Important Dates General News (Pg 2) (Pg 3) (Pgs 4-5) Thursday, 13 November 2014 ECC (Pgs 6-7) PS (Pgs 8-22) HS (Pg 23-27) In Your Area... Shluchos update (Pg 14) PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE “A father or a mother can manage the 4 children, but 4 children cannot take care of one mother or one father!” What an appropriate marketing slogan for a nursing home soliciting elderly to seek accommodation within their institution. Sadly, within the world today, many children are seen to find their elderly parents in need of care as a burden and distraction to their hectic work oriented lifestyles. Do not fear mum and dad! As Jewish parents we can count on better, kinder destiny as our children are imbued with Torah and her Mitzvos with the foundational principle of kibud av v’aim (honouring one’s parents). Let us look at how this promise is exemplified in this week’s sedra (Torah portion). The Torah tells us “ “וְאַבְרָהָם זָקֵן בָּא בַּיָּמִים וַה' בֵּרַךְ אֶת אַבְרָהָם בַּכֹּל- “And Avraham was old and advanced in age and Hashem blessed Avraham with everything”. Rashi, the famed 11th century commentator on the Torah, tells us that the Hebrew word בַּכֹּל,‘everything’, has the numerical value of 52 (,2=ב 30= ל,20= )כwhich also happens to be the equivalent value of the Hebrew word “בןben” meaning son (2= בand 50=)ן. The connection is clear – Hashem’s blessing to Avraham that he would have everything would be manifest in his son. Avraham and Sarah’s loyal and faithful son Yitzchak expressed his obedience and love for his parents as a result of their guidance and care during his formative years. The Torah explicitly states that Avraham was blessed with “everything” in order to emphasise that although Avraham was alone in many of the later years of his life, his son Yitzchak stood firmly at his side steadfastly devoted to his father’s wellbeing. Yitzchak ensured that everything was taken care of so that Avraham’s old age was satisfying and contented. This is a goal each and every Jewish child looks to emulate as we strive to follow in the footsteps of our forefathers. As KTC families, what does this message mean to each of us? Whether our children are sons or daughters; whether we have been blessed, Thank G-d with 12 or 1 or 4 beautiful children, our blessings reside in our children from two sources. One source is the incredible investment we place in them every day. This investment is alluded to in the pasuk (verse) cited above in the phrase: בָּא בַּיָּמִיםba bayamim, literally coming in days. These words lead us to the understanding that every one of Avraham Avinu’s days every moment of every day, in fact, had been dedicated to a life of meaning through G-dliness. Avraham and Sara were the spiritual parents of the Jewish nation. Their mission was to teach the world a life of dedication to G-dliness in our physical world. This message came through investing these timeless values in their future, their son, Yitzchak. What better example of good parenting styles are there? In last week’s parsha we see, even at the age of 37, the obedience, no, the absolute trust and oneness of mind that Yitzchak, the son, had for his father Avraham’s G-dly mission for him during the Akeida, the sacrifice of Yitzchak. The more we allow the details of a Torah lifestyle into our daily life, the more we are striving toward this example, the more we can expect the blessings to come through our children. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates The other source? Of course, it is our Divine Yerusha, our Divine inheritance. Now that we know that we, as both Avraham and Yitzchak’s descendents are blessed with everything, may we renew our efforts to strengthening our greatest investment, our children. Not only that, may we begin to train our ‘mind’s eye’ to see the fulfilment of these blessings in our children more and more each day. Have a wonderful and blessed Shabbos, Rabbi Dr Noteh Glogauer - Principal Thursday, 13 November 2014 Important Dates Term 4 Wk 5 Term 4 Wk 6 Term 4 Wk 7 Maths Enrichment Days (in-school) Wednesday 19 November - BOYS Thursday 20 November - GIRLS Year K 2015 Orientation Morning Thursday 27 November Term 4 Interschool Sport Ends Thursday 27 November High School Vaccinations Tuesday 2 December Cyber-Bullying Presentations (Years 2-6) Tuesday 2 December ECC Orientation Day Tuesday 2 December CRELS Orientation Day Term 4 Wk 8 Year 7-10 End of Year Exams ECC/CRELS End of Year Event Channukah Wednesday 3 December Monday 8 - Thursday 11 December Thursday 11 December Tuesday 16 - 24 December GIRLS Final Assembly (Years 2 - 5) Tuesday 16 December @ 9:15am BOYS Final Assembly (Years 2 - 5) Wednesday 17 November @ 9:15am GIRLS Speech Night (Years 6 - 11) Tuesday 16 December (PM, TBA) BOYS Speech Night (Years 6 - 11) Wednesday 17 November (PM, TBA) Term 4 Wk 9 Last day of Term 4 Thursday 19 December Click here to return to Index Page Term 1 2015 Click here to return to Important Dates Wk 1 Thursday, 13 November 2014 First Day Term 1 2015 First Day Term 1 2015 - Year K Thursday 29 January Friday 30 January General News PSG Roster - Term 4, Week 5 Monday - Thursday Afternoon shift: ARRIVE AT 3:00PM SHARP! Friday Afternoon shift: ARRIVE AT 2:15PM SHARP! Monday 17 November Tuesday 18 November Wednesday 19 November Thursday 20 November Friday 21 November Click here to return to Index Page AM Dvora Taub PM Rabbi Isacowitz AM Elena Schwartz Eran Lobel PM Shoni Nagel Tamara Eichel AM PM AM PM Elena Schwartz Roni Goldberg Danny Friedman Joseph Raskin Mark Weinberg AM Lisa Nailand PM Avraham Blasenstein Mazel Tov To Roei and Elizabeth Avitan on the birth of a baby boy. Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Please be reminded of the following parking restriction. NO PARKING IN CUL-DE-SAC (NAPIER ST) There is to be strictly NO PARKING in the cul-de-sac side of Napier Street by Order of the Land and Environment Court of NSW No. 40197 of 1998. General News ʣ³ʱʡ General Knowledge Quiz This week, KTC has been buzzing with NUMBERS & QUESTIONS. . . What are the 6 books of the Mishna? What are the 10 tests of Avraham? What are the 4 Mothers? What are the 12 months of the year????? On Monday, a giant school-wide General Knowledge Quiz was launched, from Years 2-6 in the Primary, and throughout both the Boys' & Girls' high schools, with the help of the dedicated Primary & High School teachers, and the Shluchos. Students have been studying hard and testing each other, both in class and in the playground. All participants in the Quiz will take part in scrumptious edible treats next week at the conclusion of the week long Quiz, PLUS they will each be entered into a raffle to win valuable Westfield vouchers. Please encourage your children to bring home their booklets over the weekend and study, study, study!! Time is ticking!!! Uniform Shop Open Times The uniform shop will be open on the following days ONLY, during the summer holidays: Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Monday, 19 January Wednesday, 21 January 9:30am – 12:30pm 9:30am – 12:30pm Anne is looking for volunteers to assist in the uniform shop which is open on Tuesday mornings 8:30am – 10:00am and Thursday afternoons from 3:15pm to 4:30pm. She will also need help on the 19 and 21 January. Thursday, 13 November 2014 Early Childhood Centres Important Information Diary Dates Mazel Tov Yekutiel Channen who turned 4 (Torah Class) and Livia Friedman who turned 3 (Megillah Class) To Elizabeth and Roei Avitan on the birth of a son. Vanessa’s Holidays Vanessa will be on leave from 5 - 20 November. In her absence, if you have any URGENT matters, please contact Rebecka Vaysbakh, who will be the second-in-charge. For any other non-urgent matters, please contact Vanessa upon her return. Thank you. Pink Ribbon Day Monday 17 November Please dress your child in Pink, Red or White and bring a gold coin donation to help support those with cancer. The children will be having a special afternoon tea. End of Year Show for Children and Parents “Swag full of Instruments” Thursday 11th December Chanukah Afternoon Tea will be served. Last Day of the Year Friday 19th December Click here to return to Index Page The Torah Class made poppies in honour of Remembrance Day, on Tuesday this week. Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 First Day of 2015 Monday 19 January 2015 Early Childhood Centres CLASS OF THE WEEK - MITZVAH CLASS The children in the Mitzvah Class have recently been displaying an interest in sensory experiences so this week the children were introduced to ‘Water Marbles.’ Water Marbles start as tiny dry little beads and to grow them we placed them into a container and then poured water over them. The children were excited to watch the water marbles grow over the day (150 times their original size) into firm bouncy and slippery balls. The children observed that once they had grown and soaked in the water, the water disappeared. The children all participated in this experience by firstly sorting the beads by colour and then having a turn to pour the jug of water over the beads. During the day the children enthusiastically observed the changes in the size of the water marbles, eager to tell their peers when they noticed the water marbles expanding and growing. The children have enjoyed engaging in this sensory play experience with these water marbles finding out that they are also great bouncy balls. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates They also engaged in numeracy experiences by counting and sorting the marbles which further led to discussions about primary and secondary colours. According to EYLF the children are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning, demonstrating they are able to follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration as they explore, infer, predict and hypothesise in order to develop an increased understanding of their environment. Thursday, 13 November 2014 Primary School For all K-6! Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 An initiative led by the KTC Year 6 Girls School Captains Tzivos Hashem It is with great excitement that after 15 weeks of hard work and effort we are able to announce the winning class. These 15 weeks included Term 3 and the whole month of Tishrei. The challenge was to see which class could bring in the most missions and coming in with a rate of an 85% return rate we have Year 4G! This means they will be treated to an exclusive fun session of sports and games together with a BBQ lunch. Wow! Well done 4G! TZIVOS HASHEM FINAL LIFE BE IN IT REPORT! 100 75 MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 50 Click here to return to Index Page 25 0 Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 KA KB 1A 1B 2B 2G 3B 3G 4B 4G 5B 5G 6B 6G Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners It is with a tremendous amount of nachas that we take a moment to recognise and salute our Chayolim who have earned medals and risen in rank and boruch Hashem there are quite a few! As always, we are proud of them! Keep it up boys and girls. Mazel Tov and may you go M’Chayil el Chayil! Your Torah and your Mitzvos are helping and giving koach to all our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. You are helping to make the world a better place! First our Medal earners, this will give you an idea of how long it takes to earn a medal. The Chayol only gets the medal after they have completed the prescribed amount of weeks required to complete the particular mission.:A white medal is 15 weeks of completing this mission A red medal is for 20 weeks of completing this mission An orange medal is for 25 weeks of completing this mission A yellow medal is for 30 weeks of completing this mission A green medal is for 35 weeks completing this mission MISSION MEDAL COLOUR White Tefillah Click here to return to Index Page Red Thursday, 13 November 2014 Tzvi Bloom, Pele Damari, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Gavriel Eitan Lebson, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Rafael Bowdre, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Noah Oz Shalom Harkham, Shmuel Joseph, Amit Hayim Lebson, Shimon Sacher, Akiva Traurig, Benyomin Asben,, Aryeh Berkovitz, Isaak Giyos, Shmuel Rafi Blackman, Yehuda Eisenberg, Chriqui, GIRLS Flora Foxman, Amarise Sydelle Allegra Charlotte Maryanka, Sima Leah Barber, Edden Asben, Shira Dadon, Meira Zylberman, Liat Freidgut, Amit Aronstam, Chana Litzman, Aliya Ray, Orange Noah Bass, Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Kovi Kluwgant, Ariel Yisroel Moss, Levi Yitzchak Althaus, Menucha Brook, Rachelli Butnaro, Elisheva Traurig,Chaya Mushkah Groner, Liorah Kessel, Dina Lowinger, Leah Tuvel, Sara Chana Straiton Yellow Mendel Sufrin, David Charak, Rafael Ami Franklin Tali Moss Green Chaim Kastel, Blue Click here to return to Important Dates BOYS Rivkah Niasoff Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION MEDAL COLOUR Dina Schwartz, Amarise Sydelle Allegra Charlotte Maryanka, Shira Zaetz, Batya Moss, Dov Nagel, Yaacov Roberts Brocha Amzalak, Shaina Malka Irisulimsky, Noa Gold Orange JJ Raskin, Gavi Widmonte, Benyomin Asben, Rafael Nagel, Chaim Kastel Sima Leah Barber, Maytar Greenfeild, Lital Greenfeild, Chavi Althaus, Chaya Mushkah Groner, Liorah Kessel, Aliya Ray,, Shira Dadon, Chana Litzman Yellow Noah Bass, Benyomin Schwartz, Rafi Blackman, Rafael Ami Franklin, Aarom Mattes Rachelli Butnaro Green Chaim Groner Red Blue Click here to return to Index Page VaHalachta B’Drachav Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 GIRLS Tzvi Bloom, Jordan David Josman, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Rafael Bowdre, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Noah Oz Shalom Harkham, Shmuel Joseph, Amit Hayim Lebson, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Shimon Sacher, Emanuel Shariev White Avos Ubonim BOYS White Red Rivkah Niasoff Yehuda Eisenberg, Yochanan Twina Edden Asben, Shira Dadon, Chana Litzman Yitzchak Althaus Tali Moss, Amit Aronstam, Aliya Ray Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION MEDAL COLOUR White Mivtzoim Red Yellow White BOYS Tzvi Bloom, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Nissim Leinkram,Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Kovi Kluwgant, Ariel Yisroel Moss, Moshe Wolff, Zevi Litzman, Shmuel Dadon, Chaim Groner Sara Chana Straiton Tzvi Bloom, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, JJ Raskin, Asher Simmon, Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Kovi Kluwgant, Moshe Wolff,, Shmuel Dadon, Levi Yitzchak Althaus, Moshe Leuchter Chana Gopin, Chaya Greenwald, Rosie Kastel, Shira Zaetz, Bayla Gourarie, Shaina Brocha Sebban, Shira Dadon, Chaya Mushkah Groner, Shaina Malka Irisulimsky, Chana Litzman, Shani Spielman, Batya Moss, Chitas Red (Daily Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya) Orange Shaya Sufrin Leah Tuvel Yellow Chaim Groner Sara Chana Straiton Green Click here to return to Index Page GIRLS Tanya B’al Peh Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 White Red Rivkah Niasoff Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Shmuel Dadon Chaya Greenwald, Laila Faiglin Kovi Kluwgant, Ariel Yisroel Moss, JJ Raskin Sima Leah Barber, Rachelli Butnaro Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION Cheshbon Hanefesh MEDAL COLOUR BOYS White Jordan David Josman, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Evyatar Avraham Simon Malka, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Amit Hayim Lebson, Shimon Sacher, Liam Cohen, Benjamin Munoz, Benyomin Asben, Shmuel Chriqui, Amarise Sydelle Allegra Charlotte Maryanka, Rosie Kastel, Rachel Chriqui, Eliana Cohen, Shaina Brocha Sebban, Batya Moss, Red Noam Litvin, Natan Roberts, Yochanan Twina Chavi Althaus, Adina Channen, Rivkah Josman, Elinor Litvin, Edden Asben, Mima Schwartz, Noa Gold Orange Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Kovi Kluwgant, Ariel Yisroel Moss, JJ Raskin, Akiva Winton, Noah Dan Loyd Levy, Asher Simmon, Levi Yitzchak Althaus, Yellow Nash Yehuda, Mendel Sufrin, Nissim Leinkram, Koby Berkovitz, Rafi Blackman, David Charak, Rafael Ami Franklin, Aaron Mattes, Blue Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 GIRLS Rochel Glogauer Rivkah Niasoff Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION MEDAL COLOUR White Hiskashrus Orange Red White Niggunim Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Red BOYS Tzvi Bloom, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Kovi Kluwgant, GIRLS Chana Gopin, Shira Dadon, Batya Moss, Rafael Nagel Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Ariel Yisroel Moss, Moshe Leuchter, Chana Litzman, Aliya Ray, Tzvi Bloom, Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Eliyahu Yehuda Loyd-Levy, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Rafael Bowdre, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Kovi Kluwgant, JJ Raskin, Dina Schwartz, Chana Gopin, Sima Leah Barber, Shaina Brocha Sebban, Shira Dadon, Batya Moss, Mima Schwartz, Levi Yitzchak Gescheit, Moshe Wolff Orange Ariel Yisroel Moss Chaya Mushkah Groner, Tali Moss, Yellow Chaim Groner Sara Chana Straiton, Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION MEDAL COLOUR Click here to return to Index Page Shira Zaetz, Laila Faiglin, Shaina Brocha Sebban, Talia Sara Meyer, Red Tzvi Bloom, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Noah Oz Shalom Harkham, Shmuel Joseph, Amit Hayim Lebson, Rafael Matan Reindardt, Shimon Sacher, Akiva Traurig, Isaak Giyos, Yossi Bleir, Yochanan Twina Flora Foxman, Maytar Greenfeild, Lital Greenfeild, Shaina Brocha Sebban, Edden Asben, Orange Elchonon Dovber Kavka, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Noah Bass, Kovi Kluwgant, Moshe Wolff, JJ Raskin, Aaron Mattes, Naftoli Shlomo Bentzion Ray, Sima Leah Barber, Temima Suttner, Liorah Kessel, Chana Litzman, Aliya Ray, Yellow Green Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 GIRLS Gavriel Eitan Lebson, Amit Hayim Lebson, Mendel Moss, Aviel Lobel, Asher Simmon, White Yomei DePagra / Yom Tov BOYS Chaya Mushkah Groner, Tali Moss, Chaim Groner Tzivos Hashem Medal Earners / continued... MISSION Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim (WWTC) Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 MEDAL COLOUR BOYS GIRLS White Tzvi Bloom, Meir Aryeh Gershowitz, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Nash Yehuda, Yoni Franklin, Shmuel Chriqui, Rafi Blackman, Yehuda Eisenberg, Elinor Litvin, Aliya Ray, Chani Dadon Red Aiden Suntup, Gavi Widmonte, Levi Yitzchak Althaus, Rachelli Butnaro, Brocha Amzalak, Liorah Kessel, Orange Mendel Sufrin, Yellow Chaim Kastel, Tzivos Hashem Rank Risers Mazel Tov to these latest rank risers! We salute you and take pride in your achievements. A Chayol in Tzivos Hashem is always striving to improve in his or her avodas Hashem and when that happens they go up in rank. This is so beautiful to see. Wow, you are incredible! These rank risers took place between Rosh Choiesh Av and Rosh Choidesh Cheshvan. RANK BOYS GIRLS SERGEANT Tzvi Bloom, Pele Damari, Jordan Josman, Elchonon Dov-Ber Kavka, Gavriel Eitan Lebson, Eliyahu Yehuda Loyd Levy, Boruch Nachman Straiton, Rafael Bowdre, Meir Aryeh Gershovitz, Noah Oz Shalom Harkham, Shmuel Joseph, Avraham Abba Niasoff, Shimon Sachar, Akiva Traurig, Benjamin Asben, Aaron Levy, Aryeh Berkowitz, Yoni Franklin, Shmuel Chriqui Flora Foxman, Dina Schwartz, Chana Gopin, Amarise Sydelle Allegra Charlotte Maryanka, Meira Zylberman, Liat Friedgut, SERGEANT MAJOR Tzvi Bloom, Elchonon Kavka, Boruch Straiton, Meir Berkovits, Shmuel Joseph, Avraham Niasoff, Gavi Widmonte, Yaacov Roberts, Selah Krassenstein, Yochanan Twina Chana Gopin, Maytar Greenfield, Rosie Kastel, Chaya Greenwald, Pearl Krassenstein, Lital Greenfield, Leora Bass 2ND LIEUTENANT Kovi Kluwgant, Moshe Wolf, J.J Raskin, Benyomin Schwartz, Bentzion Sufrin, Akiva Winton, Noah Dan Loyd Levy, Asher Simmon, Rafi Blackman, Yehuda Eisenberg, Aron Mattes, Sima Leah Barber, Shaina Malka Irusalimsky, Amit Aronstam, Chana Litzman, Chani Dadon 1ST LIEUTENANT Levi Yitzchak Gercheit, Ariel Yisroel Moss, Zevi Litzman, Shmuel Dadon, Shaya Sufrin, Levi Yitzchak Althaus, David Charak, Moshe Leuchter Rachelli Butnaro, Chaya Mushkah Groner, Dina Lowinger, Click here to return to Index Page CAPTAIN Mendel Sufrin, Koby Berkovits Shani Spielman Click here to return to Important Dates MAJOR Chaim Kastel Thursday, 13 November 2014 Tzivos Hashem Rank Risers Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Tzivos Hashem High Achievers Now we take a moment to give honour and recognition to some very hard working Chayolim who have consistently put effort into completing their missions and making sure they are returned to school. These Chayolim have a 95% return rate on their missions and with that have earned a Tzivos Hashem “frequent flyer” points card. This means they get a bonus amount of 50 miles to spend at the Tzivos Hashem store and will be treated to a Shmooze, coconut ice cream, on Monday as well as a special certificate! They have displayed a commitment to being good soldiers in the army of Hashem and are standing strong in the “line of duty”. Well done to all of you! Your classmates and all your teachers are very proud of you. You are setting a wonderful example for others to follow. Keep it up and may many others follow your lead. KA - Tzvi Bloom, Boruch Straiton, Gavriel Lebson KB - Chana Gopin, Shmuel Joseph, Avrohom Abba Niasoff, Rafael Reinhardt, Amarise Maryanka, Shimon Sachar, Amit Hayim Lebson 1A - Sima Leah Barber, Noah Bass, Eliya Cohen, Liam Cohen, Levi Gescheit, Kovi Kluwgant, Aviel Lobel, Ariel Yisroel Moss, Moshe Wolff 1B - Leora Bass, Rachelli Butnaro, Lital Greenfield, Noam Litvin, JJ Raskin, Aiden Suntup, Akiva Winton, Gavi Widmonte 2G - Rivka Josman, Liorah Kessel, Dina Lowinger , Chaya Mushkah Groner, Brocha Amzalak 3G - Shaina Bracha Sebban 4G - Amit Aronstam 4B - Mendel Sufrin 5B - Aryeh Amzalak Click here to return to Index Page 5G - Rochel Glogauer, Rivkah Niasoff 6B - Rafi Blackman, Yehuda Eisenberg 6G - Chaya Mushkah Straiton Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Tzivos Hashem Missions Reminder This a reminder that missions operate from Friday to Thursday. Practically this means that the children receive their new missions on Friday morning and on the same day should hand in their completed missions. Parents should please be reviewing their children’s mission sheets and signing them. Tzivos Hashem Squad When we model the actions of our Avos and Imhos, we can accomplish incredible things! We can conquer the four directions of the world! With this in mind classes will meet, discuss and learn about the unique qualities of our Avos and Imhos. These will be practical life lessons. Right after the B’nei Yisroel left Mitzraim, Hashem’s army was divided into four divisions each with its own leaders which consisted of the Avos, Imhos and Dovid HaMelech. Each month we here in Tzivos Hashem will focus on one of the Avos and Imhos! For the month of Cheshvan we are focussing on Avraham and Sara. These missions fall under the V’Halchta B’Drachav, “and you will follow in their ways”, category on the mission sheets. You will please G-d see coming the feature called “Tzivos Hashem Squads”. This is a great opportunity to revisit, read and reinforce the middos we are trying to instil in our children. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Shabbos week! Just giving the heads up that next week is Shabbos Mevorchim Choidesh Kislev which means saying as much Tehillim as we can! Stay tuned for special programmes with refreshments! Thursday, 13 November 2014 Primary School Hanging Mobiles on 6 Days of Creation As part of a weeks learning in general knowledge of Jewish studies Mrs Schapiro’s Year 3 & 4 girls made a hanging mobile showing the 6 days of creation. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Primary School NRL Coach Trains Girls for Oztag Gala Day On Monday, 10th November, the Year 6 girls had the wonderful opportunity to be trained by an NRL coach who helped our girls hone their skills for the exciting Oztag Gala Day taking place next Wednesday, 19th November 2014 at Reservoir Fields. The students are motivated and excited to show their skills at the Oztag Gala Day where they will compete against other independent schools. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 High School Year 7G Make Tzitzis with Mrs Moss Year 7 Chumash class completed Parshas Shelach with the topic of Tzitzis. Rabbi Spielman came into class and demonstrated the art of tying Tzitzis as well as explaining the significance of the numbers of knots and threads. It was a hands on fun and informative lesson. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 High School Boys High School Goral Winners! This year, a special program was run in the BHS to help prepare the boys for the month of Tishrei. It required the boys to send an email every day confirming that they had checked off all necessary components. Components included doing extra study on a daily basis, being careful with Kriyas shema sheal hamitta and maariv, and most importantly sending in a daily summary of one of the tefillos in the machzor. Boys who qualified entered a goral for a $400 and $200 Westfield voucher. This week this the goral was held and the deserving winners were Nachman Kastel ($400) and Alexis Shteinman ($200). Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 High School Girls High School First Aid Course On Monday, 10 November 2014, thirteen Girls High School students attended a First Aid Course conducted on campus. The students now hold an Applied Senior First Aid qualification, which allows them to work in environments such as childcare, as counsellors at youth camps, and many others. All participants received a Statement of Attainment which is valid for three years. Conducted by the Surf Lifesaving Academy of Australia, the course addressed various aspects of First Aid including burns, sports injuries and trauma. The students had the opportunity to discuss and practise emergency scenarios, and also to work with a defibrillator. This course builds on the First Aid unit that is part of the curriculum in PDHPE in Year 8 and the HSC. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 High School Phi Day Mathematics Enrichment Day in GHS Jack and the beanstalk, Jewish giants, the six-fingered hand in the mathematics project, the goose that layed the golden egg, why are there 12 eggs in a dozen, the golden ratio - what is the connection? Well, Phi day in the girls high school on Thursday 20th November will be a chance to answer that question plus showcase some of those Mathematics projects. By the way, whoever said that Mathematics was allowed to have projects. Well, hopefully all of the girls have had a different experience and will find Phi day an extension of this experience. Two years ago, we called it Pi-lates day. The students incorporated some yoga and pies (mental and physical sustenance), along with some fun mental activities. The format proved popular among students. Looking for a similar theme, the girls will be doing some PHIsical exercise and nourishing themselves with PH(r)Ies (hot kosher chips), again combined with PHI related activities. Why: “Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel.” This quote by Johannes Kepler suggests that students should be exposed to this special number. The NSW syllabus pays little mention to it but I think it should be an important part, at least, of our KTC mathematics enrichment. Click here to return to Index Page How: Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 Fibonacci Cake 12:00-12:40 Mrs. Kraus will begin by directing the girls through some PHIsical exercise. 12:45-1:45 Mr.Wagner will speak and some girls will present their projects. 1:45- 2:30 Lunchtime – Mrs. Bachmann will be collecting five dollars from each student for lunch provided. 2:30- 3:50 Mr. Wagner will be leading the girls through a series of activities centred around the Golden Ratio (PHI) (in the AV Room) High School Phi Day Mathematics Enrichment Day in BHS A Guest speaker at KTC talking about Mathematics, how strange, surely that would never happen. Well, we are very fortunate to have Mr. Randell Heyman visiting us next Wednesday to enrich the boys with some Mathematical ideas and applications. Randell is a brilliant and enthusiastic Mathematician currently working on his PHD. With a daughter who recently completed her HSC, he will connect with us on many levels. He has some time to share with us at KTC and has kindly agreed to offer some insights into Mathematics beyond High School. He is going to treat us with his Mathematics and we will attempt to repay him by treating him to a “sausage” sandwich. What a deal! And what a deal for the boys? Their day will include lunch, a wee bit more Enrichment Mathematics and then a vigorous game of squash at Bondi Squash Courts. How: Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 13 November 2014 12:05-1:15 Guest speaker Mr. Randell Heyman followed by some Year 7 Phi presentations. 1:15-1:30 Mincha. 1:30-2:10 Lunchtime – BBQ 2:20- 4:00 Travel to Bondi Junction by public bus to Bondi Squash Courts. Courts booked from 3:00 to 4:00, and students to be dismissed from there. High School Shluchos Corner Happy Thursday KTC! We are finally taking off for our iGrow Shabbaton to Melbourne!!! Exciting stuff! We can’t believe it is already here, and we are looking forward to our incredible and jam-packed schedule, check out next week’s newsletter for pictures of our trip. This week was introduced with a break-out video for the school-wide general knowledge challenge! How well do you know your numbers? It’s time to buckle down and whizz through your booklet so that you can enter the 2 x $50 voucher raffle! And stay in the running for our GHS pizza party this coming Tuesday, yum… All you have to do is learn your numbers really well and make sure it all goes into the quiz you’ll be taking on Tuesday - we’re rooting for you! A massive effort from the ‘traditions’ team of teachers went into pulling this program off the ground. We also had out first week back at Bnos since the holidays and it was lovely to see everyone again :) Please note there will not be bnos this week due to the Shabbaton - but we will be back on next week IyH. On Motzei Shabbos our rooftop held it’s very first KTC program! An epic movie night with lots of snacks to keep us going - not to mention the stunning view. When else are you going to chill on a rooftop? ;) This Wednesday night we had a beautiful farbrengen in honour of Chof Cheshvan. We discussed together the meaning of being a ‘lamplighter’ - a topic very dear to the Rebbe Rashab. It was so nice to see everyone turn up on a school night for some extra learning and meaningful discussion :) A big thank you to the Amzalak family for hosting and to Mrs Althaus for giving of her time to speak to us. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates The SRC are busy cooking up a secret diabolically fun plot which will be introduced to everyone this coming Tuesday at assembly, so make sure you do not miss out! Also make sure to come down to the courtyard by recess for Thursday Torah and Tea and always make sure you are at mincha before the bell rings at the end of lunch. Bon Voyage! And Good Shabbos to all those staying in Sydney, Love Bassie and Chaya Thursday, 13 November 2014
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