2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate CAEA State CONFERENCE, Irvine | NOVember 13-16, 2014 to Innovate 2 0 1 4 C A E A S t a t e C o n f e r e n ce I rInside v Program i n e Art: Power to Innovate .................................. 1 2014 Irvine Conference Committee .............. 2 President’s Welcome . ................................... 3 CAEA Says “Thank You” To Our Supporters! . .. 5 2014 Exhibitors Salon D/E Keynote Speakers .......................................... 7 Studio Workshops and Tours . ........................ 8 Strands . ........................................................ 9 Administrator/Supervisor Seminar . ............. 10 Sessions & Meetings . ................................... 11 Master Classes Irvine 2014 ........................... 12 Featured Artists . .......................................... 13 Workshops Irvine 2014 . ............................... 14 Special Events . ............................................. 20 2014 CAEA Professional Awards ................... 23 Conference Store .......................................... 25 Ongoing Activites Sacramento 2015 CAEA Contact Info & calendar . ..................... 26 Conference Overview . .................................. 27 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Art: Power to Innovate /Hotel Irvine By Dru Mauer, Conference Chair dmaurer@cityof missionviejo.org We look forward to sharing our hidden talent treasures with YOU. We are prepared to create an engaging environment for you to connect with art educators, exchange ideas, discuss current trends in teaching, experience new mediums and be inspired by art mavericks in the world of technology and animation. Featured artists include Marsha Judd demonstrating the secrets of burnishing clay; Joy Aldrich and Aileen May share their experience in using community collaboration as a tool; and Jackie Zimbalist will dazzle you with a glass fusion class. We have over sixty workshops scheduled during the weekend. Some new listings include: master teaching artist and Juilliard graduate, Beth Sussman, presenting a joyful workshop which uses music, movement and art to inspire learning; April Sayegh, Out of the Box Learning and Arts Playmaking and Performance on how using popular children’s literature can increase literacy through arts script writing and acting; and, Kent McFann, Theatre Designer/College Professor on how using design improves higher-level thinking skills and literary analysis. Enjoy a morning with the Administrator/Supervisor Seminar on Friday. This seminar is designed for those working with visual arts and career arts educators. We will host a “New Media Strand” strand on Saturday, November 15th. Matt Cauthron and Deb Joseph will facilitate innovative workshops for teachers and digital arts classrooms. Additional digital arts presenters include Teri Brudnak and Hilda Baitoo. Top off the weekend with our fabulous keynote speakers, Steven Hickner, a film director at DreamWorks Animation; Kevin Staniec, an arts advocate, author and publisher; and Nirvan Mullick, an LA based filmmaker, creative consultant, speaker and entrepreneur. Spend a day with members of the California Arts Project. Learn how multiple-subject teachers develop artistic literacy in the visual arts. The Common Core calls upon teachers to share in the responsibility for developing their students’ content literacy in the arts. How do the visual arts content, CCSS and ELD standards overlay to provide our students with knowledge and skills needed in the 21st Century? Master classes include plein air painting with Mark Kerckhoff, sculpture with Brittnay Ryan, ceramics with Scott Young and Bruce Harris, watercolor painting with Marlene Gerloff, collage with Jacki Long, drawing with Carolin Peters and caricature fun with Hiep Nguyen. Weekend fun includes fabulous exhibits, a silent auction, museum tours, hands on activities and entertainment. We hope you enjoy your art-full weekend and return home refreshed and energized with the knowledge that “Art Serves as Humanity’s Sanity”. WI-FI SPONSORED BY TCAP www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 1 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate 2014 Irvine Conference Committee Maribeth McFall Workshop Coordinator Dru Maurer Conference Chair Hiep Nguyen Social Media/Marketing Toni Nunez Graphic Artist / Signage Larry Oviatt Transportation Coordinator Ericka Perales Student Art Exhibit Lora Sanders Members’ As Artist Exhibit Lisa Soccio Conference Treasurer Jenni Stenson Museum Tour Linda Stevenson Registration Vicki Sullivan On-site Registration Craig Tomlinson Conference Administrator/Exhibitors Ann Uphoff Penny Venola Conference Scholarships Susan Wuerer Silent Auction Coordinator/ Website E’lyssa Zuer Amberleigh Adoff Student Art Exhibit/Volunteer Coordinator Kristine Alexander TCAP Workshops Nancy Andrrzejczak Marketing/Social Media Donna Banning Conference Manager Shannon Bown Photographer Linda Broderick On-site Registration Matt Cauthron New Media Strand Caitlin Clark Armalyn De La O Administrative/Supervisor Seminar Kay Devine Linda Erickson Betsy Holster Professional Development Deb Joseph New Media Strand Marsha Judd Carol Lockwood Silent Auction Tami Lincoln Bags/CAEA Store ART IS TIMELESS! ys 800 ta lp 25 ro 5 du -8 ct 62 io ns 9 .co m cr Art Education Begins with Crystal CRYSTAL Books DVDs Crystal Student Color Wheel Yellow Blue po ComC ar y lepmleemnetntary CCoololros rs m Orang e Blu noo MoM icicCoClo att ma orlor rom ho ncohcr Red-Orange s lor Coors Col dicic Triaiad Tr Ora nge Ye llo wO n Oran Red- Colors Complementary let Vio eBlu ee d Re Blue-Green orlsor eennttaarryyCoClo em s elm mlp RedVio let let Vio eBlu Violet d Printed in Hong student color acrylic paint Viole t e Edition Desk Referenc © Copyright Crystal TE MPERA PAINTING & TECHNIQUES PowerPoint Presen tation Gail Price Gail Price across Colors that are on the from one another color wheel. PRICE Productions Co. CrystalProductions 1812 Johns Dr. • Glenview, IL 60025 (800) 255-8629 • Fax (800) 657-8149 www.crystalproductions.com AM 10/24/12 10:58 Kong wheel desk reference.indd with Pencil Artist Gail Price demonstrates innovative techniques forArtist Gail Price demonstrates the steps and tools needed working with acrylic paints. Through the use of various to create realistic pencil drawings . She considers pencil hardness, value scales, brushes and mediums, she creates texture by layering. She gradation, and contour development. See artwork develop utilizes different scratching techniques, plays with paint from start to finish! opacity, and incorporates tissue paper into her vivid pieces. Look for other Gail Price titles from Crystal. Look for other Gail Price titles from Crystal. Colors Re Red -Vi olet nge, Red-Orange, Yellow-Ora n, Blue-Gree Yellow-Green, Red-Violet Blue-Violet, and Blue-Green Colors Cop Com TriTriad adicic Colo Colors rs Cool Colors Cool Triadic Colors Triadic Color Harmonies perceptions PowerPoint Presentation Drawing using e Gr reen Colors Intermediate Warm Colors Warm Colors and Violet Orange, Green, CRYSTAL Drawing with Pencil uss CCoololo rsrs ou aologgo AnAanl e-G Blue Yello w-G ree n n ee Gr Blu Red, Yellow, and Yellow e ng ra n ee Gr e ang Or wllo Ye Color Yello w-G ree n USING ACRYLIC PAINT Primary Colors CrystalCRYSTAL presents a library of Crystal presents a library of motivational art powerpoint motivational art powerpo presentations produced int presentations produced with leading artists and educators who with leading artists inspire and instruct inspire and instruct while bringing concepts and theories to life. while bringing concepts and educators who and theories to life. Secondary Colors Display Cards CrystalProductions ISBN 978-1-56290-710-5 1812 Johns Dr. • Glenview, IL 60025 CP7299 (800) 255-8629 • Fax (800) CD www.crystalproductions. 657-8149 com Z|xgHCIFIy72995ozX PRICE ISBN 978-1-56290-70 Color Wheels • Posters CRYSTAL 9-9 Z|xgHCIFIy72985pzY 2 CP7298 CD CRYSTAL PowerPoint Presentations CD-ROMs Use Crystal Productions’ art resources to reinforce your art curriculum and enhance your students’ art education! 10% off on all products & FREE shipping through November 30, 2014 • Use coupon code XXXX when ordering 7/23/14 1:45 PM bts half page ad 2014.indd 3 www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 2 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate President’s Welcome Welcome to Irvine! Join us in discovering Art: Power to Innovate at the CAEA state conference. For those of you who have attended many conferences over the years, welcome back! I know this year you will discover new things as you renew your “ art teacher friendships”. For those who are new this year, welcome to the conference and our organization! The state council would love to meet you and answer any questions you might have about us. Watch for us around the registration area and welcome table. This is our first year as an NAEA partnership state association. To further align with NAEA and offer more opportunities for networking and professional development, for our 1000 members, we are forming Issues and Interest Groups. This will be a great way for you to meet and join with other members who share your common interests or concerns. Some of the Issues/Interests Groups are: secondary, elementary, higher education, museum education, technology in the art room, special education, supervision/administration, independent/private schools, and more. Round Table Sessions have been scheduled for Friday at 3:15-4:15 in Santiago with CAEA State Council members. Others sessions will represent a variety of other topics including CAEA State Council members and learn about a variety of topics, such as the National Art Honor Society, NAEA/CAEA Student Chapters, the Curriculum Committee, Scholarships, Youth Art Month to name a few. On Sunday, at 12 noon we will convene the open CAEA State Council meeting. You are invited to come and see the Council in action. We will have a time for open communication if you would like to propose ideas or projects for the organization to investigate. Just fill out a card to speak during the communication time. Welcome again and enjoy the speakers, classes, workshops, exhibitors and social events. I know you will go away filled with ideas and enthusiasm that will carry you back to your “day job”. But until then, enjoy being in a crowd of like-minded people who know that Bernini is not a toasted sandwich! Nancy A. Dr. Nancy Andrzejczak www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 3 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate ANIMATION DESIGN + DIGITAL MEDIA DRAWING + PAINTING BFA, MFA & POST-BACC GAME ART ILLUSTRATION LCAD.EDU 2222 LAGUNA CANYON ROAD, LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 4 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate CAEA Supporters! CAEA Says “Thank You” To Our Supporters! OTHER CORPORATIONS MUSEUMS Pacon Corporation Davis Publications Crayola Circle Painting Laguna Clay Expo Audio Visual Aardvark Clay and Supplies Sargent Art Deena’s Boutique Crystal Productions Gelliart School Arts Arts and Activities National Art Education Association National Art Museum Blaine Convention Services Blick Art Materials Sketchbooks for Schools Ceramics Monthly Pottery Making Illustrated Kevin Staniec -Keynote Speaker Nirvan Mullick -Keynote Speaker Orange Coast College Orange County Department of Education Saddleback College -Dean Bart HcHenry Saddleback College -David Anderson Virginia Chavez-Mission Viejo Oso Creek Trail Tour Hotel Irvine Jamboree Center –Scott Bruno, Director of Group Sales Tricia Smith –Senior Convention Services Manager, Hotel Irvine Jamboree Center 44 Oak Street Arts Orange County California State University, Fullerton-Irvine Campus City of Irvine-Mayor Steven Choi City of Mission Viejo-Mayor Patricia Kelley Malcolm Marshall-Expo Audio Visual Julie Koons/ Jennifer Koons Salas Joe McFall Larry Maurer Aileen May Joy Aldrich Gabriela Moreno Armando Nunez Steven Hickner -Keynote Speaker Bowers Museum Orange County Museum of Art Orange County Center for Contemporary Art Vietnamese American Arts and Letters Laguna Museum of Art Great Park Palm Court Arts Irvine Museum of Art Santa Ana College Art Gallery 2014 Exhibitors Salon D/E BALLROOM & MEETING ROOMS Garden Pavilion Ballroom & Meeting Rooms L O A D IN G D O C K GRAND BALLROOM E XIT 2nd FLOOR TURTLE ROCK 16'6" C E IL IN G H E IG H T FE 7'11" C E IL IN G H E IG H T A S E R VIC E C O R R IDO R A B S AD D L E B AC K 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 26'x45' AR E A B C F R E IG H T 10'H . x11'7"W O AK C R E E K SALON A 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 25'x26' AR E A SALON D S C AL E 0' 10' 15' 20' 7'0" C E IL IN G H E IG H T SALON C C 5' WO O D B R IDG E 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 25'x26' AR E A A Q U AIL H IL L B T R AB U C O 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 26'x46'6" AR E A SALON B 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 25'x26' AR E A SALON E C S A N T IA G O 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 25'6"x26' AR E A TELEPHONES B O AR D R OOM F O YE R WOMEN F E DF E XIT SCALE ME N WO ME N E L E VA T O R S 5 0' T he C a fe P E L IC AN H IL L S H AD Y C AN YO N 6ix P a rk G rill IO AT TR K IS S G DE C O NF E R E NC E T H E AT R E T E R R AC E C O N F E R E N C E T H E AT R E Garden Pavilion Garden Terrace Cabana Board Room Terrace Court Pool M A IN L O B B Y RE ba r8 N MAIN ENTRANCE W AY AL K W E XIT E XIT CRYSTAL COVE T E R R AC E w w w. c a e a - a r t e d u c at i o n . o r g 5 AN TE R 9'9" C E IL IN G H E IG H T PL 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 28'x25' AR E A 10' C E IL IN G H E IG H T 28'x25' AR E A /S 4 0' W 3 0' E 2 0' G 1 5' RA 1 0' O 5' ST 0' MEN FE T h e Pa i n t e d M o n k e y Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: 2014 Exhibitors Salon D/E EXHIBITORS NOVEMBER 13-15, 2014 Power to Innovate CORRIDOR EExhibitor’s XHIBITOR’S M AP Map ===EXITo::::::J::!..!:::I =Il,t:::::;iij=======;:=::::::;:1:;;;:::6' ===::!..!:II=;=== EXIT=====;] BCS Mtrn 115 112 ' 216 Exhibitor Workshops 215 Magna Chrome 110 Circle Painting 111 Sargent Art .------I 107 206 Young Masters DAVIS 209 WESTLOVE 205 Da Vinci Initiative Art Inst. School 100 101 Crystal 200 Crystal Crayola 203 FIDM 201 ..IM'II!!II!I " I NO'VEWIER13-'15,2014 SANTIAGO ENTRANCE Entrance 0 0 0 THURS. NOV 13 FRI. NOV 14 I I I I I Exhibitor’s 16 10' 20 Opening 6:00-8:00PM 8:00AM-12:45PM EXHIBITOR GRAND OPENING Hours 1:45-4:00 PM CALIFORNIA ART EDUCATION QUAIL HILL EXIT BLICK 103 2 02 NASCO EXIT SCAD Aardvark Clay WOODBRIDGE 105 204 104 EXIT 109 208 PACON 108 The Brush Guys Deena’s Boutique OAK CREEK =IRVINE iI I i iI I i iI I i iI I i 241-14, 10-1-14, 10-7-14 ORAD.....,_RDOMSALONOH SHOW#: 141102 DRAWN DATE:1-24-12 6:15-7:30 PM “CAROUSAL OF INNOVATION” w w w. c a e a - a r t e d u c at i o n . o r g 6 T h e Pa i n t e d M o n k e y Fa l l 2014 SAT. NOV 15 8:00AM 1:45-3:00 PM 1148.BERRY8T.BREA. CA82121 P:(714)522..az7D F:{714) 522-1271 www.BIII o..oorn 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Keynote Speakers Friday, Nov. 14 Saturday, Nov. 15 Sunday, Nov. 16 Steven Kevin Nirvan Hickner Mullick Staniec info@kevinstaniec.com Photo credit: Erin Muller Steven Hickner is a film director at Dream Works Animation. He has directed the films “The Prince of Egypt” and “Bee Movie”. He has also worked as storyboard artist on “Over the Hedge”, “Madagascar”, “Shark Tale”, “Shrek Forever” After”, and “Antz”. Steven began his career at Walt Disney Animation where he worked as producer for “An American Tail:Fievel Goes West” and “Balto”. Steven recently published a book Animating Your Career” (http:// www.animatingyour career. com/) The book is a holistic look at building a career in animation and not just getting a job. Steven has seen too many people get into the entertainment business and then vanish in a short time, and his book is about not only getting a job, but keeping it. His presentation will address “The Death of Curiosity”. Ever since I was a child, my parents would support my wandering mind and they welcomed art as my outlet. My first lesson was the purpose of past tense. I learned to never let an idea linger long enough for it to dissipate—finish your thoughts, package your projects, and share with your colleagues. And one can never have too many friends to collaborate with. I have yet to find a better way to inspire change than by fostering ideas through creativity. Kevin Staniec is an arts advocate, author, and publisher. He holds a degree in Creative Writing and Film & Media Arts from Chapman University and has worked at the Autry National Center, Muckenthaler Cultural Center, and the Orange County Museum of Art. He is currently completing his Master’s of Public Administration at California State University, Fullerton and programs arts and culture for the City of Irvine, Fine Arts Center and Orange County Great Park. In 2002, Kevin co-founded ISM, a non-profit organization publishing paperback projects and producing international art experiments. In 2013, Kevin co-founded Black Hill Press, a publishing collective dedicated to the novella. He has produced exhibitions and programs with many institutions including Bergamot Station Arts Center, Grand Central Art Center, Laguna Art Museum, Long Beach Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art. Kevin is the author of And This Was My Happy Ending, I Am. You Are., The Adventures of Super Bunny and Giant Cat Bear and Charlie, How To Catch a Cloud, How To Be a Super Hero, Begin, and 29 to 31: A Book of Dreams. His work has been featured in Artslant, Daily Candy,Flavorpill, The Hollywood Reporter, Huffington Post, Juxtapoz Magazine, KCBS, KCET, KCRW, KNBC, LA Times, LA Weekly,Long Beach Press Telegram, OC Register, OC Weekly, Riviera Magazine, among others. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 7 Nirvan is an LA based filmmaker, creative consultant, speaker, and entrepreneur. Nirvan began teaching himself animation while studying philosophy at New College. He went on to earn and MFA in Experimental Animation from CalArts. Nirvan’s animated short films have screened in festivals worldwide, winning numerous awards. In 2001, Nirvan began an ongoing collaborative experiment called The 1 Second Film, which became among the first crowd funded films. In 2012, Nirvan directed Caine’s Arcade, an 11-minute short film that became a viral phenomenon. Receiving over 8 million views and sparking a global movement of cardboard creativity in kids around the world. After Caine’s Arcade, Nirvan founded the non-profit Imagination Foundation to find, foster, and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in more kids. Nirvan has received the Dan Eldon Creative Activist Award and the innovation in Action award. Nirvan is a partner at Interconnected, consults with companies and non-profits, serves on the board of CicLAvia, and tries to keep up with his garden and email. Nirvan is a popular speaker at companies, schools and universities, and corporations around the world sharing inspiring stories, films, and insights that deliver a message with an emotional impact. Nirvan has spoken at Google, YouTube, General Motors, Cannes Lions, Viacom, E & J Gallo Winery, the Social Innovation Summit, Kellog Innovation network, Colorado Innovation network, TEDx, to name a few. Don’t miss his heartwarming presentation about the creative spirit. T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Studio Workshops and Tours Printmaking In Studio THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 INSTRUCTORS: NICK CAPACI AND JONDE NORTHCUTT If you have not experienced printmaking in the studio of Nick Capaci and Jonde Northcutt before, you have the rare opportunity to take advantage of this pre-conference tour to their newly renovated Santa Ana studio. The process of Monotype creates a unique printed image of diverse applications. Combined with painting, collage and drawing mediums, the options for visual enticements are endless! This workshop is for all levels and offers a wonderful non-toxic printmaking journey to take to your studio or classroom. Optional materials to bring available at caea-arteducation.org. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Van leaves the Hotel Irvine at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 4:30 p.m. There will be an additional cost for paper used per participant at the end of the workshop. This class is closed. TOUR VANS DEPART 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED TOUR TIME POSTED PRE-CONFERENCE TOURS THURSDAY, NOV. 13 Tour#1 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. $20 ORANGE COUNTY ART MUSEUMS Come early to the conference and spend the day visiting the fabulous Orange County Museums of Art and galleries. A fantastic day long tour has been planned for you that will take you to the Bowers Museum, CSUF Grand Central Station Galleries, lunch on your own at a unique GCS eatery, the Orange County Museum of Art, and finally a visit to the Laguna Museum of Art before returning to the Hotel Irvine. Museum exhibition details may be found at caea-arteducation..org Conference Website 2:30-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Friday, November 14 $20 IRVINE ART MUSEUM SANTA ANA ARTS DISTRICT, GRAND CENTRAL STATION, SANTORA BLDG, SAC ART GALLERY OCCCA AND VAALA Van leaves the hotel at 9:30 a.m. Van leaves the hotel at 9 a.m. Tour#4 Tour#2 $5 Visit the Irvine Museum of Art, the Santora Building and the juried CAEA-SA Artists Gallery Exhibition in the Santa Ana College Art Gallery. Have lunch on your own in one of the eateries in the Santa Ana Arts District on Broadway. Cross the street to the Orange County Center for Contemporary Arts and finally visit the Vietnamese American Arts and Letters. Detailed museum exhibition information may be found on the caea.arteducation.org Conference Website. Tour#3 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $20 Saturday, November 15 ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS MISSION VIEJO OSO CREEK TRAIL WALK AND GREAT PARK EXPERIENCE Don’t miss this opportunity to visit the award-winning Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) in Santa Ana. Established in 1987, OCSA provides a creative, challenging and nurturing environment that offers bright and talented students unparalleled preparation for higher education and a profession in the arts. This premier public charter school currently serves nearly 2,000 students in grades 7-12 from more than 100 cities throughout Southern California and offers 5 schools of study, with 15 arts conservatory programs. For additional information visit www. ocsarts.net. If you like to walk, this guided tour will be an exciting adventure. The Oso Creek Trail is nestled along the riparian corridor of the Oso Creek Valley . it is a wonderfully planned adventure full of amenities and features that include the Peace Obelisk to honor victims of 9/11, the mosaic history walls in the Character Garden , the painted butterflies , the Celebration Garden, the Wave Wall on the Upper Oss Creek Trail and the murals surrounding the Village Green. Over 130,00 plants have been planted by volunteers, along with native trees, birds galore for “birders” to photograph, sketch and just enjoy. It is an EASY level trail, suitable for everyone! Lunch on your own in a nearby eatery. Then on to experience the Great Park Gallery. Detailed information about the Trail and the Great Park may be found on the caea-arteducation.org Conference Website. Van leaves the hotel at 2 p.m. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 8 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Strands New Media Strand 8:15 - 8:30am 8:30 - 9:00am 9:00 - 10:25am 10:30 - 11:00am 11:00 - 12:25pm 12:30 - 1:25pm 1:00 - 2:25pm 2:30-3:10pm 3:15pm Mac Lab PC Lab Welcome What is “Media?” - A brief overview Mobile Apps for Creativity: Image, text, and motion in your pocket The Power of Color: Expression w/ Adobe Photoshop Deb Joseph, Visual Communication and Design, Beverly Hills High School Matt Cauthron, Digital Arts Technology Academy Fine Arts, Animation, and Imagination: Hands-on w/ Adobe Photoshop Teri Brudnak, Digital Media Arts, Corona del Mar High School Playing with Pattern: Vibrancy w/ Adobe Illustrator Teri Brudnak, Digital Media Arts, Corona del Mar High School Jeff Larson, CAST Academy, San Francisco Exploring Form and Function: 3D Printing in the Classroom and beyond! Using Cool Google Apps to Engage Students: Variety for tasks, presentations, and social media Jeff Larson, CAST Academy, San Francisco Matt Cauthron, Digital Arts Technology Academy Airwolf 3D Printers Hilda Baitoo, Professor/Freelance Graphic Designer Deb Joseph, Visual Communication and Design, Beverly Hills High School Matt Cauthron, Digital Arts Technology Academy Hilda Baitoo, Professor/Freelance Graphic Designer Lunch and 3D Printing demonstration with Airwolf Included with registration! Content Management & Teacher Resources: Image Editing w/Google Apps: Methods for the madness Industry trends and techniques Closing and Raffle - Adobe, Magbak, and Sensu Products Buses Depart Spend a day or part of a day with The California Arts Project! The California Arts Project’s Strand of Workshops Overview Presenters: Kristine Alexander, The California Arts Project Executive Director Teresa Cotner, Northern California Arts Project, Regional Director Armalyn De La O, RIMS California Arts Project, Regional Director Helena Hanna, Southern Counties Arts Project, Regional Director Barbara Hughes, Bay Area California Arts Project, Regional Director Nancy Oudegeest, Valley Sierra California Arts Project, Co-Regional Director Mari Samuels-Arseneault, Valley Sierra California Arts Project Co-Regional Director NOVEMBER 15 8:00 am – 2:15 pm | Santiago Room Session 2 Session 1 Session 3 9:15 – 10:30 am 10:45 am – 12:15 pm 12:45 – 2:15 pm What is new? This two-hour block will provide an overview of the new National Core Visual Arts Standards. Understand the “then and now” of the standards, learn how the new standards are organized, see how to navigate the on-line standards website, and be updated on California’s progress toward these new standards. Learn about TCAP’s leadership work in this area and other TCAP supports for visual arts educators. All grade levels Visual Arts Education for the 21st Century: moving from Concept to Practice in Integration of the Common Core Literacy Standards for Technical Subjects! What does instruction in the visual arts look like when the literacy and language standards are included?. Experience a slice of a visual arts unit and see how these multiple layers of are related. This session is appropriate for single subject visual arts teachers, 7-12 levels. Multiple Subject Teachers: Developing Artistic Literacy in Visual Arts! The Common Core calls upon teachers to share in the responsibility for developing their students’ content literacy in the arts. What do multiple subject teachers need to know to begin planning instruction in visual arts? Come and experience a hands-on slice of TCAP’s approach with multiple subject teachers who wish to begin to teach visual arts to their students. Appropriate for multiple subject levels. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 9 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Administrator/Supervisor Seminar California California AArt rt EEducation ducation AAssociation ssociation Administrator/Supervisor Administrator/SupervisorSeminar Seminar Friday, Friday, NNovember ovember 14 14 8 8 aa.m. | |H H otel Irvine .m. -‐ -‐1 1 p p.m. .m. otel Irvine This seminar is designed specifically for administrators and supervisors working This seminar is designed specifically for administrators and supervisors working with visual arts and career arts educators. with visual arts and career arts educators. Fee: $75 with Full CAEA Conference Registration or as a Single Event Registration Fee: $75 with Full CAEA Conference Registration or as a Single Event Registration Materials and Lunch Included Materials and Lunch Included Spend the morning engaged in two topics: Spend the morning engaged in two topics: Developing Next Generation Student Literacy: Sharing Responsibility Across Disciplines Developing Next classrooms Generation Literacy: cross Dlearning isciplines CCSS 21st Century are Sntudent ow engaging more Ssharing tudents Riesponsibility n disciplinary hA ands-‐on and critical thinking. CCSS 21st Century classrooms are in now engaging more disciplinary hands-‐on learning and cto ritical thinking. As students are actively engaged building mastery of sdtudents iscipline in specific literacy skills, they are called establish new As students are w actively engaged building mastery f d iscipline pecific aln iteracy skills, itnto hey haow re cthese alled ctonnecting o establish new habits of minds ithin and across itn he disciplines. This o session will psrovide experience habits of minds w ithin and across the disciplines. This for session provide aCn CSS, experience into how these connecting comprehension and disciplinary understanding called in the woill verlapping Visual Arts Standards, and NGSS comprehension a nd d isciplinary u nderstanding c alled f or i n t he o verlapping C CSS, V isual A rts S tandards, a nd NGSS support students in developing literacy within and across the disciplines. support students in developing literacy within aKristine nd across the disciplines. Alexander, The California Arts Project, Executive Director Kristine Alexander, he California Arts Project, Executive Director Maria Simani, CTalifornia Science Project, Executive Director Maria S imani, C alifornia S cience P roject, E xecutive Director National Core Arts Standards for Visual Arts Examine the new ational Core Afrts for Visual Arts. Discuss the correlation with California State Content National Core AN rts Standards or SVtandards isual Arts Standards for nVew isual Arts. C ore Arts Standards for Visual Arts. Discuss the correlation with California State Content Examine the National Standards for Visual Arts. The California Arts Project The California Arts Project In the afternoon, administrators and supervisors are welcome to join these breakout In the afternoon, administrators and supervisors are welcome to join these breakout sessions: sessions: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Arts Advantage Panel: Orange County Department of Education’s arts initiative in partnership with AArts rts AOdvantage range County and he California Project: Soouthern Counties egional Siite. 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Panel: OTrange County A Drts epartment f Education’s arts Rinitiative n Hear how they started the ow they’ve kept the initiative live and what the Cfounties uture holds for Arts partnership with A rts initiative, Orange Chounty and The California Arts Paroject: Southern Regional Site. Hear Advantage d istricts a nd a rts e ducation i n O range C ounty. how they started the initiative, how they’ve kept the initiative alive and what the future holds for Arts Advantage districts and arts education in Orange County. 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. CDE Panel: 2013 – 2014 Model Arts, Media, and Entertainment Schools Jack M– itchell, California Department of Education’s Education rograms Consultant for Arts, Media, and 2 p.m. 3 p.m. CDE Panel: 2013 – 2014 Model Arts, Media, aPnd Entertainment Schools Entertainment nd Visual Daepartment nd Performing Arts, Secondary will introduce a Cmonsultant oderated fpor anel of M educators Jack Mitchell, Caalifornia of Education’s Education Programs Arts, edia, and from 2 013 – 2 014 M odel A rts, M edia, a nd E ntertainment S chools a nd p rovide u pdates o n C TE A ME. Entertainment and Visual and Performing Arts, Secondary will introduce a moderated panel of educators from 2013 – 2014 Model Arts, Media, and Entertainment Schools and provide updates on CTE AME. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 10 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Sessions & Meetings Round Table Sessions Area Meetings Friday, November 14 3:15-4:15 p.m. QUAIL HILL ISSUES GROUPS: SANTIAGO GENERAL TOPICS: SECONDARY EDUCATION MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SPECIAL NEEDS IN ART EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION/ PRE-SERVICE/ RESEARCH CURRICULUM DESIGN ISSUES MULTI-CULTURAL ART ED TECH COMMUNITY ARTS INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS ART EDUCATION MUSEUM EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION/SUPERVISION LGBT WOMEN’S CAUCUS SPIRITUAL CAEA STATE COUNCIL POSITIONS CAEA AREA PRESIDENTS CAEA RETIRED ART EDUCATORS CAEA STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS EXEMPLARY PROGRAMS YOUTH ART MONTH CAEA PROFESSIONAL AWARDS/ NATIONAL BOARD NAHS/JR NAHS NAEA/ CAEA STUDENT CHAPTERS TCAP CROCKER ART MUSEUM AND OTHERS Saturday, Nov. 15 3:15-4:15 p.m. Northern Area - Quail Hill Central Area - Trabuco A Southern Area - Pelican Black Velvet Mystery Painting with Oil Pastels and Black Light Poster Paints Create a "painting" on black velour with Cray-Pas Expressionist Oil Pastels, then add a layer of mystery with UVFX Black Light Poster Paints. Only under a black light will the glowing "over-painting" be revealed! DickBlick.com/lesson-plans/ black-velvet-mystery-painting ® UP TO % 70 OFF Request a FREE off 10%flyer! sale As a omer d cust ive preferre ically rece mat you auto Book base prices Big annual of the e the lower sale price. s receiv flyer’s om You alway price or this nted DickBlick.c discou unts. ls, visit ® For detai keyword and enter disco NG IPorPI more. of $49 FREE SH rs apply. on ordeSome exclusiofornsdetails. See page 47 7.8192 800.44 800•447•8192 DickBlick.com ick.com DickBl www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 11 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Master Classes Irvine 2014 Buses leave hotel one-half hour before the scheduled class time and will leave to return to the hotel 15 minutes after the class ends. There is a $50 fee for each class payable with registration or on site for classes available. Pay materials fee directly to the instructor. Materials list: See caea-arteducation.org Conference Website Detailed descriptions, photos and material lists are posted on the Conference website FRIDAY, NOV. 14 250 Plein Air Painting at Crystal Cove with Mark Kerckhoff 9:30 – 2:00 pm LOCATION: Crystal Cove Beach Plein Air is the Art of Observation. Learn technique and aesthetic observation with Mark in the beautiful beach of Crystal Cove. Recommended for Advanced artists. Cancelled 251 Sculpture in Stone and Clay 252 Drawing Sit-Ups 8:30-11:30 am Saddleback College Campus Want to loosen up and reconnect with (or discover) your innate drawing confidence? This class has you covered. Through quick, intuitive gesture drawings we will tap into our eye-hand connection and learn to trust its competence. MATERIAL FEE: NONE 260 Creating Drama with Light and Shadow Instructor: Carolin Peters LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE In this 3 hour class participants will explore how to create dramatic, yet realistic statements in charcoal. They will get a refresher on sighting principles to improve your drawing’s proportions, and learn to understand and use the logic behind light and shadow distribution. MATERIALS FEE: NONE Wheel Throwing/Basic and Advanced Wheel Throwing Instructor: Bruce Harris LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE 353 Mixed Media Collage – “Faces in a Crowd” 8:30 – 11:30 am Instructor: Jacki Long LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE Participants will learn how to loosen up and simplify portraits. In this class multiple faces will be painted on different substrates, trying out various styles and mediums using acrylics, marking Check out her daily blog http://jackilong.blogspot.com. MATERIALS TO BRING: aprons, collage materials and gloves 360 Mixed Media Collage – 350 Slab Built Boxes in Clay Mixed Media Journals 8:30 am– 3:30 pm Scott will share his unique hand building techniques and demonstrate how to make four different types of soft slab projects. He will share images of one- slab plates, folded slab trays, bowl and open box along with exploring decorative options with surface embellishment and handle and feet ornamentation. 12:30 – 3:30 pm Instructor: Jacki Long LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE Participants will learn different techniques of collage. Students will paint on different substrates and use various styles and mediums such as acrylics, marking tools and collage materials. Re purpose books and memories. MATERIALS TO BRING: aprons, collage materials and gloves 351 Sculpture with Brittnay 361 Cariactures with Hiep Ryan Nguyen 8:30 – 3:30 pm 12:30 – 3:30 pm Brittnay shares her secrets of capturing the human form three-dimensionally. Participants will be creating a life size self-portrait sculpture in wire and mounting it on a plaster cast base. MATERIALS FEE: $15 Do you want to motivate students to learn how to draw a portrait? Let’s make it fun! This Master Class will give you the skills to learn secrets and techniques of portrait caricature. You’ll develop, practice, and transform a serious (boring) portrait drawing into a “whack-on-the-side-of-the-head” caricature that everyone having a big laughs drawing each other. MATERIALS FEE: $10 LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE 12:30-3:30 pm 12:30 – 3:30 SATURDAY, NOV. 15 Instructor: Scott Young LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE Instructor: Carolin Peters LOCATION: SADDLEBACK COLLEGE 261 Bruce Harris, “master potter” and ceramic artist will conduct a demonstration and question and answer master class on the basics of throwing clay vessels using the potters wheel. This class is designed for the individual with little or no experience in the use of the potters wheel. Such aspects as wedging, kneading, centering, opening, and raising a piece of clay will be presented. participating. Class limited to 30 | MATERIAL FEE: NONE | MATERIALS TO BRING: a sketchbook for note taking and camera for photos and video caea-arteducation.org 352 Watercolor Painting with Marlene Gerloff 8:30 – 11:30 am LOCATION: CSUF-IRVINE CAMPUS LOCATION: CSUF-IRVINE CAMPUS Marlene will stress a personal approach through planning a strong composition, the use of an underpainting, creative color and the value of values Marlene is originally from Boston, she received her BFA from Massachusetts College of Art. MATERIALS FEE: $10 www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 12 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Featured Artists Featured Artists are pre-paid workshops, see the conference web-site caea-arteducation.org for more detailed descriptions and photos. All Featured Artist workshops are $15 + materials fee to be paid to the artist at the time of the workshop. Clay and the Art of Burnishing THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 | 8:00-9:30pm INSTRUCTOR: MARSHA JUDD Marsha Judd will present a “Featured Artist Workshop” on the secrets of burnishing clay. This ancient technique has been utilized and revered by potters since the beginning of ceramic history. Judd’s tales of the trials of experimentation, happy accidents,, angry neighbors, great mentors and teachers will delight and entertain you as you learn how to burnish! This is a must for ceramics artists and teachers . MATERIALS FEE $10 payable to the instructor | CLASS LIMIT: 12 | THIS CLASS IS CLOSED Using Art Collaboration as a Tool THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 | 8:00-9:30pm INSTRUCTORS: JOY ALDRICH AND AILEEN MAY Participate in a community collaboration project using mosaics. Participants will learn a contouring and literal technique when applying mosaic to sculptural surfaces. Fun for all and a great feeling of accomplishment. Creating “ART” with a community develops trust in innate ability, discards limited thinking and builds confidence and invites viewing from a new perspective. It expands vision, resolves mistakes, creates design, expects balance and teaches patience as part of the making of a new community. MATERIALS FEE: NONE | CLASS LIMIT: 30 Glass Fusion SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 | 10:45am-12:00pm INSTRUCTOR: JACKIE ZIMBALIST Spend the last bit of conference time creating magical pieces with an award-winning and talented Laguna Beach Featured Artist, Jackie Zimbalist. Artists of all skill levels are invited to participate in this glass jewelry making class. In just a couple of hours, Jackie will demonstrate and guide you in how to create several beautifully crafted pieces of beautifully fused glass. Her art is a combination of science, timing, heat and of course, a bit of serendipity. MATERIALS FEE: $10 payable to the instructor | CLASS SIZE LIMIT: 25 www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 13 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 Schedule is subject to change. Check daily for additions and cancellations to the workshop schedule posted in the registration area. GRADE LEVEL: elementary high school higher education Digital two-dimensional three-dimensional Zentangles FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 middle school INSTRUCTOR: BETSY SMITH LOCATION:PELICAN 8:00-9:30PM SCHOLARSHIP WORKSHOP All Levels Creating Community Through Cuerda Seca Tile Murals INSTRUCTOR: JENNIFER SALAS LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL-SALON D/E THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 As a way to build community, students and teachers work together using Laguna Clay’s low-fire Creatable Colors glaze applicators to create a mural. CAEA 2014 conference participants will glaze the “Doves of Peace” mural tiles during the conference. It will be auctioned, at the Scholarship Live Auction dinner on Saturday evening, to raise funds for the Joe Koons Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship will provide funding for a high school ceramics teacher to attend the 2015 CAEA State Conference. Supported by Laguna Clay. 6:00-8:00PM EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS GELLI ARTS INSTRUCTOR: KRISTEN WIEGAND LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE CRAYOLA 8:00-9:00AM INSTRUCTOR: LINDA PARZYCH LOCATION: QUAIL HILL WORKSHOPS Blick Art Materials: Painting Black Velvet Mystery INSTRUCTOR: MARIBETH MCFAUL LOCATION: SANTIAGO Learn the history of street painting, the techniques and necessary materials, and how to start your own Street Painting Festival. Then participate in the street painting activity on the Terrace. The painting on the Terrace will be ongoing all weekend. 7:30-9:00PM Art Miles Murals INSTRUCTOR: LINDA CARTER LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Participants create a pastel composition on black rayon velour, then add accents and embellishments with special UV paint. The images are invisible at first, but really come to life when placed under a black light. All Artist INSTRUCTOR: NONE, DRAWING ON YOUR OWN LOCATION: SANTIAGO Model provided! Bring your drawing board/ paper and favorite media and draw, draw, draw. INSTRUCTOR: LORA SANDERS LOCATION: OAK CREEK Teach your students how to appreciate newspapers while creating culturally relevant paintings out of text and acrylic paint. This lesson is designed to engage student through social media, a You Tube video and three meaningful sketchbook pages prior to the project. The concept is based on the IB model and the lesson plan is designed to meet the California Visual Arts Standards and Common Core Standards. ALL LEVELS Creating Community Through “Cuerda Seca” Tile Murals INSTRUCTOR: JENNIFER KOONS SALAS LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Jennifer will present a history of the tile designs created by Joe Koons’ during his career and introduce the new Joe Koons’ Scholarship Tile Project that will be completed during the conference . It will be located at the Laguna Clay booth in the Exhibit Hall and everyone will be invited to “glaze a tile” for it. It will be included in the Scholarship Live Auction on Saturday evening. She will also show slides and elaborate about theMission Viejo community mural project that she participated in. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g INSTRUCTOR: TAMI LINCOLN LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C This workshop will be presented by an experienced 2-D animation teacher with years of experience in a successful, established animation program in her school. Besides hands on activities, she will provide an informational packet of lessons and describe how to begin a basic 2-D animation program. Preparing for Retirement with CalSTRS and CalPERS ALL LEVELS Do not miss this workshop if you care about your retirement funds. Get the most current up to date information about CalSTRS and CalPERS retirement plans. See how everything connects and become better informed in order to make realistic and timely decisions about your financial future. 9:15-10:30AM EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS Art and Crayola INSTRUCTOR: LINDA PARZYCH LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Common Core and IB Introduction to The Art Miles Mural Project begins a hands-on interactive mural creation activity that will continue throughout the weekend. A mural will be created using acrylic paint, on a 5”x12” stretch of canvas that has been prepared with gesso. This project has been displayed in over150 major exhibitions in the last 15 years and has garnered major awards and recognitions. The object of the project is to bring people together through mural art and support a culture of peace by providing an opportunity for individual and group expression. All of the materials will be provided to create a “hands on” interactive mural. Visit http://www.artmiles. org for details. 8:00-9:30PM Figure Drawing Studio WORKSHOPS INSTRUCTOR: JOANNE TAWFILLS LOCATION: QUAIL HILL 2-D ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR: JEREMY GARBER, First Investor Advisor LOCATION: TRABUCO A EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS The Power of Pavement Art Participants will learn the basic philosophy and techniques of Zentangle. TM. The workshop will include examples of how Zentangle TM has been used in a 2nd grade classroom, with SDC students , to explore the “zen” of Zentangle TM. It will demonstrate how students can stay focused on an activity and create art that supports science (plants), social studies (heroes), language arts (illustration) and school community (big buddies) content. 14 Linda will present an exciting workshop that provides a variety of ways to use Crayola products to teach the visual arts. This hands-on workshop is always a winner. Participants enjoy the new ideas Crayola brings to their workshops and experiencing the products, new and old, that they share with them. WORKSHOPS Wilderness Landscape INSTRUCTOR: HEATHER ANDERSON, PhD LOCATION: OAK CREEK Create a wilderness “microcosm” landscape in charcoal or oil pastel to celebrate the 50th year of the Wilderness Act. Participants will make a quick sketch with light charcoal line and continue with details using charcoal and oil pastels, experimenting with values, mixing colors and varying grays to complete their “wilderness”. Heather’s vast knowledge about the national parks and land makes this session unforgettable. She will share other lesson plans and curriculum ideas with participants. Heather is the 2015 CAEA Outstanding Active Retired Visual Art Educator. T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 What a Relief! INSTRUCTORS: CAROL WEBB/CHRISTOPHER WEBB LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Use patterns, textures, stencils and other mediums to create a unique layered print with Carol and Christopher. The emphasis will be on creating original prints that are colorful expressions of individual ideas and experiences. As printmakers, they bring personal artistic experience to this workshop. More Than Just a Box: Blurring the Boundries INSTRUCTOR: PENNY VENOLA LOCATION: PELICAN Package design in new dimensions that reflect student’s consumer world, uses creative thinking, rulers and a minimum of common art room supplies. Package design and construction is a major selling point in today’s world. This design project incorporates visual thinking, measurement, proportion, and elements of model making all done with pencil, paper, and color media to produce an exciting fabricated package with high visual interest and imagination. Innovation in Our Own Backyard-Paper Mosaic Hip Hop Airbrush “Inspiring Youth Through Urban Art” INSTRUCTOR: MALCOM McCRAE LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Create airbrush art that represents personal cultures and bridges gaps with creativity and inspiration. This hands-on workshop provides teachers and outlet for themselves through art using the airbrush and urban art as new tools to incorporate into their curriculum. Participants will learn how to use the airbrush and create art that represents their student’s cultures. By connecting and relating with students on their level helps bridge the gap of learning and fascinating growth in a unique, fun and creative way. Breaking the Mold: Lead, Laugh, and Restore the Joy of Teaching INSTRUCTOR: HIEP NGUYEN LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Hiep’s workshops are always filled with activities that are just plain fun! This lively and activity filled one will begin with an ”cebreaker” and motivational exercises to promote teamwork, release stresses, and restore the joy of teaching. Participants will learn and practice: • 3 co-leadership games INSTRUCTOR: TERESA COTNER LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C This art lesson is suitable for students of all ages and uses paper mosaic as a way to discover and express innovative solutions to physical or social predicaments that we encounter in our local environment. Familiar places, such as our own backyards, school yards, or neighborhood parks may provide the most meaningful innovative happenings if we actively engage with the physical and social dimensions we see and experience there Online Tools: Where the Wild Things Are! INSTUCTOR: CHRIS GUENTER LOCATION: TRABUCO A Take a walk on the wild side! This session is designed for K-12 art educators and will highlight a series of free digital tools that you can use to organize yourself as you plan curriculum, open a unit, anchor a lesson, work on digital portfolios, integrate Digital tools designed for all levels to help plan curriculum, open a unit, anchor a lesson and/or directly engage students in digital art assignments. These tools have been used in my art education courses at the university with student teachers and/or teachers earning their masters degrees. A link to all online tools shred will be made available to participants. Cris Guenter is the NAEA Pacific Region Vice President-Elect. 10:45AM-12:00PM Dynamic iPad Photography Projects INSTRUCTOR: RINA VINETZ LOCATION: OAKCREEK The best app on your iPad is the camera! We will explore classroom-tested photography projects you can do with your students using only the iPad camera and free apps. Projects include fine art connections. Learn leaf collage, shadow art, alphabet photography, blended self-portraits, found object illustrations and more. We will discuss turning in work, sharing , printing and displaying work, working collaboratively and creating tutorials. Suitable for grades 2-12. Piease bring your iPad to the session. Please download the following free apps before the session:1) Pic Collage 2)Sketchbook X. • 2 morning songs and a ritual that promotes calmness, concentration and empowerment • 3 laughing wellness exercises • At the end, participants will create a large drawing together if time allows Create 2 Exciting Collage Projects INSTRUCTOR: MERRILEE RAGLAND LOCATION: PELICAN This dual project collage workshop will have participants creating an original rainforest bird or an underwater fish using methods that have been classroom tested. The second original collage will be created using an interesting still life with vegetables as inspiration. Merrilee is an outstanding active retired elementary teacher who continues to inspire students to produce award winning artworks. Art Program Goals, Say Them Loud, Say Them Proud INSTRUCTOR: SAMUEL SWAIL LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C We can’t teach everything! How do we decide? Without a clear vision of where we are going, how can we advocate for our needs, assess, improve, or fill gaps in our program interpretations of artistic expression? The presentation will provide ideas for creating a vision and how to get there. The presenter has crafted his Art Program Goals to focus, translate, and connect to other subject areas, staff and administration, Common Core Standards, STEAM, the community, and most importantly the diverse lives and needs of his students. The Train Tribe Project: A True Story of Art in Motion INSTRUCTOR: JAMES REES LOCATION: TRABUCO A Share the journey of a group of Utah high school students collaborating with Commuters in Washington DC. Students used images and symbols to convey real meaning and the power to represent a big idea: what unites people? The project helped both the students and the travelers understand different perspectives and reflect on their own value systems for living. The arts became the vehicle for helping to learn empathy and technology enhanced the pathways that allowed them to examine their own lives. My students learned about the challenge www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 15 of balancing work and family, how common values tie people, and the importance of communicating to better understand others. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 12:45-1:45PM Magna Chrome - Subtractive Color Acrylic Painting Techniques INSTRUCTORS: DAVID TAMORI LOCATION: OAKCREEK A practical classroom approach to teaching acrylic painting to students; how to use and manage acrylic paint efficiently. Integrated Learning Through Contemporary Art INSTRUCTORS: DAVID DONAHUE/ JULIA MARSHALL LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Explore how to use art, from the contemporary scene, as a catalyst for inspiring, creating and critiquing art . Drawing on examples of contemporary art across a variety of media, this session provides a model of thoughtful, multidimensional, and substantive integrated learning across disciplines. Participants will explore how critical thinking and open-ended inquiry promotes student-centered art-based research. What Can We Learn From Street Art? INSTRUCTOR: G. JAMES DAICHENDT LOCATION: QUAIL HILL An introduction to how street art can serve as a model for thinking about art education. Is street art the next major art movement or is it a simply a trend? What the differences are between graffiti and street art will be explored. A number of counterintuitive themes plague street art but that does not stop the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding this engaging and exciting art form. Arts Advantage Panel ALL LEVELS PRESENTERS: JIM THOMAS, HELEN HANNA, PAT WAYNE LOCATION: SANTIAGO Orange County Department of Education’s arts initiative with The California Arts Project: Southern Counties Regional Site and Arts Orange County. Hear how they started the intieative, how they’ve kept the initiative alive and what the future holds for Arts Advantage districts and arts education in Orange County. Identity as Agency: asking students to express and affirm who they are INSTRUCTOR: ALISHA MERNICK LOCATION: PELICAN How does art reflect, as well as shape, our world? What is the relationship between the artist and the “real world”? How do we communicate mood through an image? How do we represent our opinions and feeling with abstract design elements? This workshop will present two case studies by teachers who have asked students to explore how art has the power to affect change on oneself, their community and the world around them and use art as a tool for student exploration and critical analysis of unique self-portraits. TIME TO TEACH ART! INSTRUCTOR: ANNE AUSTIN LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C Achievement gaps can occur for many reasons. One significant cause is due to the disruption of the classroom because of certain low-level student be- T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 haviors. Whether the teacher is new or a seasoned veteran, who has seen it all, effective classroom management is a continual challenge. “Time to Teach ART’ distills a 6-hour course into a shorter workshop to provide educators with a set of strategies for improving classroom management. No longer will lessons languish due to classroom discipline disruptions. Instead teachers will recapture what is really important—“Time to Teach Art”. Theatre Designer/College Professor Using Design to Improve Higher Thinking Skills and Literafry McFANNAnalysis INSTRUCTOR: KENT Mc FANN LOCATION: TRABUCO A Participants will learn how to help students form a deeper understanding of characterization, plot, and setting through choices the author has made with regard to these elements. We will read a short story and begin the design process by breaking down descriptive language and creating the visual images described by the author. Education Programs Consultant for Arts, Media, and Entertainment and Visual and Performing Arts, Secondary will introduce a moderated panel of educators from 2013 – 2014 Model Arts, Media, and Entertainment Schools and provide updates on CTE AME. Using Google Tools to Collaborate and Teach in an Art Program INSTRUCTOR: LORI NOCK LOCATION: PELICAN The workshop participants will receive information on how to set up Google Plus for their department and how to begin using the tools to enhance their teaching practice, department collaboration and communication with other staff and the administration. They found that the tools provided them with the ability to share documents, video conference, text and more. They were able to documented their efforts and share them with administrators using the Google plus tools. Sample Common Core lesson plans will be provided. Colored Pencil and the Common Core 2:00-3:00PM INSTRUCTOR: E’LYSSA ZUER LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS Blick Art Materials: Creative Quill Pen INSTRUCTOR: LINDA CARTER LOCATION: OAK CREEK Imagine the stories, poems, and sketches that can be created with a hybrid quill and dip pen that’s a work of art in itself! Participants ,in this Blick Art Materials‘ workshop, will assemble, decorate, and write with a feather pen of their own design. Art Since 2000: Making Sense of Emerging Art INSTRUCTOR: KARISSA FERRELL LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE It is hard to deny that a gap exists between what art educators teach in the classroom and what goes on in the ever evolving realm of contemporary art. Constrained disciplines and mastery of traditional techniques are not what motivate and challenge most of today’s youth. The presenter will explore a variety of trends and concepts that connect contemporary artists with their roots in the past, as well as engage students with the art of their own time. Visit TeachArt.org as a resource. Design Thinking in the Classroom INSTRUCTORS: RAYA LOPEZ/ CRISTINA FAULKNER LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Design thinking is an exciting teaching technique that fosters creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills. Workshop participants will engage in a fast paced design challenge, hear about the presenter’s experiences using Design Thinking in the art classroom, and take away resources for participants who would like to try this technique. Design thinking emphasizes the role of empathy in identifying the specific needs of individuals as an essential first step in developing innovative solutions for the problems and complex challenges we face daily. Additional steps in this human-centered approach focuses on clearly framing problems, generating possible solutions, and prototyping and testing ideas. Using colored pencils, participants will master technique while identifying elements of their own cultural background, and incorporate them using symbolism, allegory, and irony. They will create unique colorful animals that will illustrate their own personal cultural background and identity. The composition will be guided by the elements of art: line, shape, form, space, texture and value and the principles of design: balance, contrast, repetition, pattern, unity, movement and emphasis. Handouts will include colored pencil animals from major artists across cultures and historical periods Out of the Box Learning & Arts Playmaking and Performance: Using Popular Children’s Literature to Increase Literacy Through Script Writing and Acting INSTRUCTOR: APRIL SAYEGH LOCATION: TRABUCO A Participants will learn how students can become more comfortable performing in front of new people, while improving literacy through exploration of improv sketch theatre, and performance. After a quick introduction to improvisation, participants will use children’s books to create simple scripts through improv and sketch writing, focusing on necessary story elements and story structure. If time allows, participants will perform their plays for the group. 3:15-4:15PM ROUND TABLE SESSIONS 6:00-7:30 PM EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS Blick Art Materials: We All Wear Masks, Metaphorically Speaking INSTRUCTORL JULIE TONKOVICH LOCATION: OAKCREEK Participants will investigate the function of masks in a variety of past and present cultures and create a plaster “Life Mask”, casting the face of a living person Gelli Arts Printmaking INSTRUCTOR: JENNIFER MARQUEZ LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Jennifer will be presenting a lesson on how to use Gelli Arts products in the visual arts classroom to create innovative and exciting art works at all levels. WORKSHOPS Brain Break: Steady Beat and Reading Fluency INSTRUCTOR: BETH SUSSMAN LOCATION: QUAIL HILL A joyful workshop that uses music and movement to teach and practice the skill of steady beat. This inner sense of timing is crucial for reading fluency and comprehension. In the 1970’s, 80-90% of kids entering Kindergarten had the ability to keep a steady beat. By the 90’s it had declined to 10%. Kids that the presenter has worked with have doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled their fluency rates. Participants will learn these joyful “Brain Breaks”: • A simple African chant that has a steady beat • A fun and easy sequence of movements to a song with a great beat • How to conduct to the beat of a classical piece using different parts of our bodies • A poem with a steady beat which we will express in a variety of ways using musical terms (connects to reading and speaking with expression) 6:30-7:00 PM Traveling Sketchbooks INSTRUCTOR: donna banning LOCATION: SANTIAGO The Traveling Sketchbooks are back! Come to this session with your “traveling sketchbook” and trade it for another one, or take a new one. Sketchbooks provided by Blick Art Materials. ISSUES GROUPS LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Groups posted 6:30-7:00 PM Wire Wrap Jewelry GENERAL TOPICS LOCATION: SANTIAGO Topics posted INSTRUCTOR: JOE McFAUL LOCATION: OAKCREEK CAROUSEL OF INNOVATION-EXHIBIT HALL/ SALON D/E CDE PANEL: 2013-2014 Model Arts, Media, and Entertainment Schools ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS Learn the basic techniques for creating wire wrap pendants, rings and earrings. It is fun and easy with step-by-step directions. $5 donation suggested. Computer Graphic Design for Young But Capable Kids INSTRUCTOR: LIZ MOSHER LOCATION: SANTIAGO PRESENTER: JACK MITCHELL, California Department of Education LOCATION: SANTIAGO Using Microsoft Word-Office the presenter will take the participants through the 15 steps to teach your students how to make a flyer, business card, and/ Jack Mitchell, California Department of Education’s www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 16 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 or pamphlet for their personal interest or school events, reports or projects. Besides finding what all of those buttons are for we will cover the principles of design to insure that the poster attracts attention and gives a clear message. Bring your own laptop or Ipad with Microsoft Word-Office on it. Wifi available. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:OOAM-1:00PM te. crayon. Come to explore, contribute and learn in a no stress, creative and friendly environment. Title One INSTRUCTOR: SAMUEL SWAIL LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Questions about Title One and your classroom? Sam has designed this session as an open discussion by participants, to discuss the challenges they have met and the successes they have experienced in their Title One environments. Sam will share his own experiences as well. A must for all Title One teachers. Coil Baskets INSTRUCTOR: ELIZABETH RUBENSTEIN LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS ALL LEVELS Laguna Clay: Creating Community Through Cuerda Seca Tile Mural INSTRUCTOR: JENNIFER SALAS LOCATION: EXHBIT HALL SALON D/E Learn simple step-by-step methods for making coil baskets with inexpensive and found materials using ancient and modern techniques. 9:15-10:30AM First Grade Blue Dog 8:00-9:00AM Golden Spirals INSTRUCTOR: KATHY ROGERS LOCATION: OAKCREEK Imagine the excitement your students will share when they see Gustav Klimt’s Tree of Life mural. Sargent Art has the perfect supplies for your students to create a stunning Tree of Life of their own. Design Inspirations Where Designers “Shop” for Ideas-FIDM This lesson is so much fun and colorful! The presenter begins with a discussion of George Rodrique’s childhood dog Tiffany and describes how she reads his book, “Blue Dog”, to her class for information and inspiration. This workshop will present the step by step process the presenter uses to teach this lesson, from the development of a background painting, to the gluing of an original blue dog body to it. Art Education and the Radioactive Seafood Market INSTRUCTOR: JOY SPINK, FIDM Instructor and College Representative LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C From nature to architecture, music and technology, the sources for creative inspiration are many and varied. This presentation explores the visionary process behind fashion, interiors, print and graphics, automobiles, and more. Fine Art Discussions: Powerful Opportunities to Reinforce Common Core Standards INSTRUCTOR: BARBARA PLACE LOCATION: TRABUCO A This presentation focuses on concrete and research-proven strategies for the art teacher to reinforce critical reading, listening and speaking strategies specified in the common core state standards through the discussion of fine art images. It will outline the key reading, listening and speaking strategies based on discussions of fine art images to support the school community’s goal of teaching those skills and strategies. Handouts will outline key reading strategies, lessons and images for participants to try out on their own following the session. Sponsored by Davis Publishing INSTRUCTORS: LYNETTE K HENDERSON/EDIE PISTOLOSI/KEN SAKATANI LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Participants will focus on creating brilliant neon colored mixed-media ocean creatures in a studio workshop experience. This workshop presents an innovative thematic curriculum, designed to integrate studio skills with a contemporary international phenomenon that has an effect on us here in California. With an emphasis on the 2011 tsunamidamaged Fukushima nuclear reactors on the coast of Japan, students learn about the environmental effects of the ocean waters, ongoing problems and the U.S. and related energy production issues. A New Twist on Paper Figures INSTRUCTOR: KAY DEVINE LOCATION: QUAIL HILL WORKSHOPS Participants will create an original three-dimensional sculpture using rolls of paper, toothpicks and glue in the manner of modern artists who quill. Each piece will be created using a variety of geometric and organic shapes, as well as, contrasting colors. Participants will look at various examples of paper filigree from diverse cultures and historical settings. There will be a discussion of the differences between earlier historical pieces and today’s art examples. The discussion will focus on the role of art in past cultures versus our culture today. INSTRUCTOR: PATRICE COOLEY LOCATION:WOODBRIDGE SPEND A DAY OR PART OF A DAY WITH THE CALIFORNIA ARTS PROJECT Experimenting with Chalk Pastels This hands-on workshop will explore the basics of using soft chalk pastels and conte crayon. Participants will review chalk pastel and conte crayon techniques and experiment with them to create a small image. Instruction will include how to create the illusion of form using soft chalk pastels and con- TCAP STRAND Workshop-Session 1 PRESENTERS: THE CALIFORNIA ARTS PROJECT: KRIS ALEXANDER, TCAP, Executive Director TERESA COTNER, Northern TCAP, Regional Director ARMALYN De La O, RIMS TCAP, Regional Director www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 17 What is new? This session will provide an overview of the new National Visual Arts Standards. Understand the “then and now” of the standards. Learn how the new standards are organized, see how to navigate the on-line standards website, and be updated on California’s progress toward these new standards. Learn about TCAP’s leadership work in this area and other TCAP supports for visual arts educators. This session is appropriate for all grade levels. Paper Quilts INSTRUCTOR: ELIZABETH RUBENSTEIN LOCATION: PELICAN Inspired by the geometric artworks of Eleanor McCain, paper quilt blocks will be created to demonstrate a collaborative project. A Bunch of Handmade Book Ideas! INSTRUCTOR: RENEE ROBINETTE LOCATION: OAKCREEK EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS HELENA HANNA, Southern Counties TCAP, Regional Director NANCY OUDEGEEST, Valley Sierra TCAP, Co-Regional Director MARI SAMUELS, Valley Sierra TCAP, Co-Regional Director LOCATION: SANTIAGO INSTRUCTOR: KATHY OLSON LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C Learn how to make a variety of books, from simple to more complex, that can be incorporated into your writing standards for math, science and history. You will learn how to make books including the slit book, an accordian style book, a paper bag book and more. 10:45AM-12:00PM Come to RIZZI City! INSTRUCTORS: EILEEN O’BRIEN/MONIQUE POLDBERG LOCATION: OAKCREEK This hands-on workshop for elementary teachers will be based on the work of New York Pop artist, James Rizzi. Participants will make a colorful threedimensional house or building using watercolor and crayon resist. Additional examples and media choices will be shared as examples of what may be adapted for your grade level and curriculum. Create Design Time INSTRUCTOR: LINDA ERICKSON LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE This exciting and unique workshop will demonstrate how to design and create a clay clock that works! Uncommon CORE Identities: Alter Egos and Imaginary Friends INSTRUCTORS: KATHLEEN CROCETTI/SUSAN MEGORDAN/GINI GYORKOS LOCATION: QUAIL HILL This workshop will present how to teach basic sewing skills, explore creativity and manifest inner alter egos in soft sculptures. TCAP STRAND Workshop Session 2 PRESENTERS: SEE TCAP Workshop Session 1 LOCATION: SANTIAGO Visual Arts Education for the 21st Century: moving from Concept to Practice in Integration of the Common Core Literacy Standards for Technical Subjeccts! What does instruction in the visual arts look like when the literacy and language standards are included? Learn of TCAP’s professional learning programs for the visual arts educators focused on these standards, Common Core and other arts education initiatives. This session is appropriate for single subject visual arts teachers, 7-12 levels. T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Using the Design Cycle in Introduction to Art Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 Building a Successful AP 3D Course INSTRUCTOR: JOANNA JONES LOCATION: PELICAN INSTRUCTOR: ANNE UPHOFF LOCATION: PELICAN Learn how to encourage “design thinking” by using the design cycle to deepen student engagement with more personal investment. The design cycle helps students to develop the “Studio Thinking Habits” of engaging and persisting, and envisioning. Participants will learn how to turn a perspective drawing “assignment” into a “project” with more personal investment. Learning Observational Drawing in a [+SM] Art Way This workshop will focus on helping high school teachers create and build a successful AP 3-D course. The presenter will share how to recruit students and grow the program year to year. Everything from project ideas, to helping a student come up with a concentration, to how to stage and shoot projects so they will look their best in photos, and how to successfully order the photos for a better overall portfolio presentation will be illustrated with examples and described in detail. Using Museums in the Classroom INSTRUCTOR: MALLORIE MARSH LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C INSTRUCTOR: WIE XU, PH. D. LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C Want to learn a new way to draw? Dr.Xu presents a new scientific way of realistic drawing. This workshop will teach the “ABC (Angle-Based Constructive) method” for observational drawing. By applying simple but elegant math and science principles, we can turn a drawing task into an easy shape-construction process. No measuring tools or perspective theory is necessary in this progressive method. The result is the ability to draw anything you see (two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects) in a unified manner. What does it look/sound/move like: Aesthetics and Creative Literacy Aesthetic valuing promotes opportunities for learners to engage in informed dialogic encounters through interpreting what aesthetic theories might look/sound/move like. Discovering what a theory might look like builds a language of vivid visual/aural/kinetic literacy that awakens interpretation and meaning for aesthetics in the creative process. This presentation aims to share ideas for engaging in visualizing aesthetic theories in classroom practice that can give students confidence and ownership over complex conceptual ideas, potentially bolstering their creative literacy toolbox. Step-by-step Guide to Evaluating Art INSTRUCTOR: RENEE WEITZEL LOCATION: OAKCREEK Teach your students how to examine and write about an art work! Use a method of scaffolding to produce guided thoughtful, intelligent written art work evaluations. Participants will learn how to examine, and write about an art work, identifying the key elements of art, principles of design, mood, artists point of view and their personal opinion about the work of art. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a holiday/ festival celebrated in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala and other areas of Central and South America. It is an important ritual that the Latino people see as “a way of recognizing the cycle of life and death that is human existence”. During this time, people remember, re-live and enjoy” November 2nd is the officially recognized date of the holiday. Although the celebration is associated with the dead, it is not portrayed as morbid or depressing, but rather a period full of life. Workshop participants will first write a tribute to honor a loved one that has passed., then design and create a “calaco/skull” in their honor using the tonal charcoal technique. Many Hands Make Light Work: Supportive Training for Classroom Volunteers Do you have classroom volunteers help with your art program? Do you sometimes wonder if “help” is the right word? Learn some practical tips to train your art volunteers so that their contribution is meaningful. In this workshop you’ll receive guidelines and worksheets that you can share with volunteers to help them understand how to appropriately support your students. Learn how to support them so the can support you. The Uterus Flag Project: for stitchers, knitters, fabric artists and those concerned with social justice Flag Project that evolved into sharing and creating awareness of over “medicalizaton “ of women and the importance of the uterus. Participants become the artists and when the project is exhibited it takes on a feeling of synergism focused on women’s health. 12:45-2:15PM TCAP STRAND Workshop Session 3 Multiple Subject Teachers: Developing Artistic Literacy in Visual Arts Give the Child the World INSTRUCTOR: DEBORAH WALLIN LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE Take a spaceship to a distant galaxy, design African kente cloth with a Maasai craftsman, and record your catch of the day with a Japanese fisherman as you make a gyotaku fish print. Through art we can connect the students with people around the world. Art is central to the understanding of other cultures, other subject areas, and a way of looking at micro and macro worlds. When we enrich social studies and science curricula in the art room, we deepen the student’s understanding and form a bridge between the other subject areas. Participants will be guided through the creation of two difference collage projects. One will be a choice of a bird in the rain forest or underwater scene with fish and sea life. The second one will be a still life of vegetables and fruits. Using these lessons, I have had students place in the CAEA Southern Area YAM exhibits, with one artwork going to the State Exhibit in Sacramento. Refresh and strengthen your classroom teaching and learn the value of incorporating authentic, accessible objects through programs that enhance student learning and renew your passion for art. Participants will design a hand painted flag with traditional “women materials” (embroidery threads, quilting threads, yarns, etc.) embellishing with their personal stories as part of a collaborative piece. The presenter will share her Uterus 12:45-1:45PM Writing in the Art Classroom: INSTRUCTOR: MARILEE RAGLAND LOCATION: OAKCREEK Don’t be afraid of Dia de los Muertos and/or charcoal! INSTRUCTOR: TERRYLYNN QUICK LOCATION: QUAIL HILL LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 2:00-3:00PM Create Exciting Collages Museum educators invite you to think beyond the school tour and see what museums have to offer! Discover opportunities the Asian Art Museum, Bowers Museum, Crocker Art Museum, and Laguna Art Museum, offer on-site and from afar. INSTRUCTOR: RUBY MING LOCATION: TRABUCO A INSTRUCTOR: KAREN McGARRY LOCATION: TRABUCO A This session is appropriate for multiple subject teachers elementary level – or middle school. PRESENTERS: SEE TCAP SESSION 1 LOCATION: SANTIAGO The Common Core calls upon teachers to share in the responsibility in developing their students’ content literacy in the arts. How do the visual arts content, CCSS and ELD standards overlay to provide our students with knowledge and skills needed in the 21st Century? What do multiple subject teachers need to know to begin planning instruction in visual arts? Come and experience a hands on slice of TCAP’s approach with multiple subject teachers who wish to begin to teach visual arts to their students. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 18 INSTRUCTOR: KATHY FLANAGAN LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE National Art Honor Society/Junior National Art Honor Society INSTRUCTORS: N ANDRZEJCZAK/LINDA BROWN/ LUCY McHUGH, CAROLYN THOM LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Do you want to start a National Art Honor Society chapter for your high school? This panel of current National Art Honor Society sponsors will discuss how they started their chapter and how they link the chapter with service learning. You will learn about the impact on students and how the NAHS serves as a valuable advocacy tool in your school and district. They will also discuss the Junior National Honor Society for middle school students. Come and join in on the discussion. Now that we are a joint partnership-state---all middle school and high school teachers are eligible to sponsor chapters. This is an important session for all art teachers. Don’t miss it! Pretending to be Real INSTRUCTOR: KAREN TWEEDY LOCATION: PELICAN Life is real, but pretending awakens curiosity and creativity, and allows for real life application. This workshop will be highly interactive. When supplies are low, or your white board markers are out of ink, you are not without tools! Your students become your visual model and they move on, instigating their own innovative models, teaching their peers, from their own viewpoints, a more lasting method of comprehending and remembering content information. Participants will be asked to take on the role of a theater arts student and delve into learning in all subject areas: history, language arts, math and science and explore inspirational ideas, as well as, experience bringing a lesson to LIFE. T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Workshops Irvine 2014 3:15-4:15PM Making the Text: How to use sketchbooks to support Common Core INSTRUCTOR: CATHERINE SMUTNY LOCATION: TRABUCO B/C EXHIBITOR WORKSHOPS 10:45 AM-12:00 PM Da Vinci Initiative AREA COUNCIL MEETINGS Participants will be taken through a lesson on visual rhythm in which notes and artworks will be “read”. The workshop will demonstrate how to use a sketchbook with student created notes that are then marked and reviewed as a critical reading strategy. NORTHERN-QUAIL HILL CENTRAL-TRABUCO ASOUTHERN-PELICAN INSTRUCTOR:NANCY HINES LOCATION: WOODBRIDGE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Preparing Your High Potential Student for Art College INSTRUCTOR: REBECCA TUYNMAN LOCATION: TRABUCO A Do you have students who want to go to art school but don’t know where to begin? As good as the college counselors at your school may be, when it comes to applying to art schools, a lot of work lands on the art teacher. Ryman Arts has been preparing students for college for 25 years and we would love to talk with you about this specialized area of college admissions. The presenter will discuss helping your student to find the right school, the cost of art school, portfolio preparation, and the pros and cons of starting at community college, and transferring to art college as a way to cut down on costs. Resource material will be distributed. This session is copresented with the Admissions Department of Otis College of Art and Design and Ryman Arts. 10:45 AM-12:00 PM FEATURED ARTIST: GLASS FUSION INSTRUCTOR: JACKIE ZIMBALIST LOCATION: OAKCREEK Create magical pieces with an award-winning and talented Laguna Beach Featured Artist. This inspiring artist will excite you as you learn how to fuse glass into beautiful original jewelry. She will make certain you get your art work when it cools. See Featured Artists in the Conference Program for details. A wonderful way to end the conference workshop sessions would be with Nancy, who will be presenting one last hands-on session. She will have a Power Point presentation about the skills based lessons she uses successfully in her classroom, showing the full process done in the Bargue drawing course, as well as, some measuring and pencil technique sheets I use before we begin the projects. I will take the teachers through as many of these exercises as the time allows. Meet her in her booth in the Exhibit Hall. 2014 CAEA STATE CONFERENCE IRVINE/ 2015 CAEA STATE CONFERENCE SACRAMENTO MEETING PRESENTERS: Dru Maurer and Jackie White LOCATION: QUAIL HILL 12:00-2:00 PM CAEA STATE COUNCIL MEETING PRESIDING: Nancy Andrzejzak, CAEA STATE PRESIDENT LOCATION: QUAIL HILL Meet your students’ needs with flexible curriculums that are designed to support the way art teachers teach! Davis designs programs made with the art teacher in mind—so you can follow a suggested scope and sequence, or pick and choose to support your curriculum and lesson plans! Discover Davis K–12 curriculums today with a FREE 3-month test drive that includes: • Student eBooks • Teacher Edition eBooks • ePortfolios • Curriculum Builder • Digital Fine Art Images Go to DavisArtSpace.com for your FREE 3-month test drive! For more information visit DavisArt.com, call 800.533.2847 or email ContactUs@DavisArt.com. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 19 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Art Share: Special Events DON’T MISS The Silent Auction The Live Auction & Dinner A Way to Recycle & Support Other CAEA Teachers HOTEL IRVINE GARDEN PAVILION TIME: Thursday evening through Saturday afternoon GARDEN PAVILION | SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 6:15-7:30 PM Art Share was started in 2009 as a way to help a fellow CAEA teacher by donating materials, tools, art posters, teaching aides, and any other educational items that someone no longer needs. Bring your items to be “adopted” and drop them off at the Arts Share table in the Garden Pavilion. For those of you who are interested in expanding your teaching tools or are in need of supplies, visit Art Share and take what you can use. This is especially great for retiring teachers to pass on what they no longer need to newer teachers that are just starting out. It is teachers helping teachers! Student Art Exhibit GARDEN PAVILION Friday, November 14- 7:30 PM to Saturday, November 15-7:00 PM We invite you to enjoy the student art exhibition in the Garden Pavilion beginning Friday evening and continuing until 7:00 PM on Saturday afternoon. Work may be delivered to the Student Exhibition Table in the Garden Pavilion on Thursday or Friday morning by 10:00 AM. Volunteers will check the work in for you. ALL STUDENT ART WORK MUST BE PICKED UP BY 7:00 PM ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15. THERE IS NO PLACE TO STORE IT AT THE HOTEL. CAEA cannot be responsible for loss or damage or work not picked up. Members’ Art Exhibit Opening with the Area Dessert Reception GARDEN PAVILION Friday, November 14-7:30 PM Power to Innovate AND SALON D/E | SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 7:45-9:00 PM Join the fun and attend the Silent Auction on Saturday, November 15, starting at 6:16 following the General Session. The bidding is exciting and fast-paced! Nibble on appetizers and sip a complementary glass of wine or soda as you try to outbid other participants for those special items. Pick up a holiday gift at cash and carry where there is always a bargain waiting. Wonderful art work abounds and for those of you who have a collection of CAEA member artists works, you will once again score at this event. Money raised each year at this exciting event supports our Student Scholarship Program. Last year we provided high school seniors with more than $7000 in scholarships. Drop off your donation at the designated Silent Auction table in the hotel foyer. For each donation, you will receive a raffle ticket for a drawing for $25.00 worth of Silent/Live Auction shopping. The drawing will take place at the General Session on Sunday. Donations are tax deductible, including cash! The Friday night “Exhibitor Carousel of Innovation” will be followed by the Members’ Art Exhibit Opening with the Area Dessert Reception. At the reception visit the Student Art Exhibit that is also in the Garden Pavilion. Make a note of the wonderful art produced by the students of statewide CAEA member teachers in their visual arts classrooms. At the Members’ Art Exhibit Reception, hosted by the Areas, enjoy the dessert and the art works on display. It is amazing how talented our CAEA members are. Many of the art works will be available for bidding at the Scholarship Silent Auction on Saturday evening, in the Garden Pavilion, beginning at 6:15 PM. A dinner and live auction will follow at 7:45 PM in Salon D/E. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 20 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Special Events THE EXHIBITOR’S Area Meetings “Carousel of & New Member Innovation” Meet And Greet RECEPTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15| 3:15-4:15 NORTHERN AREA- QUAIL HILL CENTRAL AREA-TRABUCO A SOUTHERN AREA-PELICAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 | 6:00-7:30 PM EXHIBIT HALL/ SALON D/E After a full day of master classes, workshops, and a fantastic keynote speaker, Steven Hickner, join us for the exiting evening receptions. Inside the Exhibit Hall there will be a series of activities to engage you including the Joe Koons scholarship tile glazing project. You won’t want to miss the musical workshop by Barbara Sussman, making masks with Julie Tonkovich, Gelliarts presenter, Jennifer Marquez and more Traveling Sketchbook with donna banning. After the Area Art Exhibition reception in the Garden Pavilion, return to more workshops at 8:30, including wire wrap jewelry with Joe McFaul. Bring your laptop computer and learn about graphics design with Liz Mosher. There will be more opportunities to participate in the ongoing activities begun earlier in the conference, street painting, mosaics, murals and more. Area Meetings have been scheduled for Saturday afternoon. The New Member Meet and Greet will be a part of the activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to get to know your Area Board members, meet the CAEA State President, Nancy Andrzejczak, and learn about what is happening in your Area and be a part of the planning for the future. It is a wonderful chance to find others in your Area that teach what you teach, and take advantage of “Job Alike” opportunities, as well as, find out what our professional organization is all about. See you there. Exhibitor Grand Opening THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 | 6:00-8:00 PM EXHIBIT HALL/ SALON D/E Professional Development Join us for the Exhibitor’s Grand Opening on Thursday evening from 6:00-8:00 PM. Visit our exhibitors to learn about the new products and offerings they have for you and your classrooms this year. Learn how you can incorporate technology into your curriculum and about new materials and techniques as you move from one exhibitor to the other, all the while enjoying delectable appetizers. Engage the exhibitors in conversation and listen to them as they describe their products to you. They will be happy to explain how you might enhance your teaching with the products they display in their booths. That is why they are here! They are always happy to assist you with placing an order while they are here. Don’t miss this opportunity to take home some really great ideas as well. The Exhibit Hall is open every day, so don’t limit your visit to the evening openings, but wander in and out during the entire time they are open, including lunch. So pick up your lunch and bring it into the Hall as you spend more time there. Check the Conference Program for the Exhibit Hall hours. There will be demonstrations and activities inside the Exhibit Hall that you won’t want to miss. Workshops and Featured Artists have also been scheduled for this evening from 6:00-9:00 PM. Several exciting and engaging activities will be introduced tonight and will be ongoing during the conference, including JoAnn Tawfills mural project, so don’t miss out. The Figure Drawing Studio, with a model, will be in Santiago at 8:00 PM. Check the Conference Program for time and place. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g VISIT THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TABLE IN THE FOYER FOR INFORMATION AND FORMS FOR EARNING GRADUATE LEVEL UNITS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF PACIFIC. Attention Teachers PreK-12: You may earn two graduate-level semester units from University of the Pacific for your attendance and participation at our CAEA Conference. The cost will be $186 for the two credits. You may select from either of these two titles that you would like to appear on your transcipt: _____P EDU 9063 Focusing On Objectives For Teaching Art _____P EDU 9093 Multi-Cultural Art History and Projects Should you need Prior approval, your district will likely request the course number and title you selected. They will also need to know that it is graduate-level semester unit credit from The University of the Pacific, and that the University is accredited with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. 21 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 CAEA 2014 Conference CAEA1410 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 22 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 Power to Innovate 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate 2014 CAEA Professional Awards Outstanding Secondary Visual Art Educator Pam Avery Outstanding Visual Art Outstanding Middle School Art Educator Antoinette Bailey Outstanding Elementary School Art Educator Connie Watt Outstanding Special Outstanding Active Retired Outstanding Museum Visual Art Educator Needs Visual Art Educator Visual Art Educator Gini Gyorkos Mallorie Marsh Heather Anderson Educator of the Year Kristen Wiegand Visual art helps to cultivate the whole person. In the classroom, it helps students embrace creativity, visualize connections between ideas, materials, and processes, and expand their scope of vision. It allows learners to see in more detail, develop greater problem solving skills, and explore ideas innovatively. When one of my artist instructors introduced me to the joys and benefits of discovering the art scene in my own community, she not only encouraged me to explore local art installations and public art, but she also persuaded me to drive down to Palm Springs and attend my first CAEA conference. It was there I experienced the pleasure and rewards of sharing a similar vision and passion with fellow educators. It was then I decided to become a teacher myself. I wanted to share the language of art with young people, both as a means of personal expression, and as a means of connecting with their own lives and their communities. In the visual arts, students’ art making experiences and their study of the work of artists and art traditions provide powerful tools for learning and growing. Student artists, just like experienced artists, learn to draw on their thoughts, ideas, and experiences to explore their hopes and dreams. Through creative expression, they learn to make comparisons and look for patterns, trends, and hopefully, find the unexpected. In learning how to create, they also learn how to generate ideas and find new ways of approaching problems. Ruth Jansen Visual Art Educator Award Southern Area Sherri Patten Ruth Jansen Visual Art Educator Award Central Area Jamie Eaton Ruth Jansen Visual Art Educator Award Northern Area Barb Purdy Award of Merit Southern Area Bruce Harris Award of Merit Southern Area Merilee Ragland Award of Merit Northern Area Teresa Cotner Douc Langur Award: Northern Area Ann Litney www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 23 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 Douc Langur Award: Southern Area Amberleigh Adoff 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Certificates of Appreciation NORTHERN AREA Danny Scheible, Tapigami Landscape Artist Graciela Eulate, VAPA Department Chair, Westmoor HS, JUHSD Jacquelyn White, Principal, Creative Connections Art Academy, TRUSD Kandis Horton, Visual Art Instructor, OUHSD Linda S. Fitz Gibbon, Ceramic Artist and Adjunct Professor, Cosumnes River College Michael Dittmer, Visual Arts Lead Instructor, Mesa Verde High School, SJUSD Michelle Townsend, Crocker YAM Coordinator, Inderkum High School, NUSD Robert Wadman, Art Instructor, Grant High School, TRUSD Power to Innovate 2014 CAEA CENTRAL AREA Pat Semrick, Central Area YAM Chair, CAEA Strategic Planning Weekend Attendee Vicki Smart, Central Area Member, CAEA Strategic Planning Weekend Attendee SOUTHERN AREA Tim Benson, San Diego County YAM Chair Sheena, Dowling, Youth Program Director, San Diego Art Institute Betty Harrison, Riverside County YAM Chair Betsy Holster, Southern Area Meetings Host and Workshop Day at CSUF Susan Lewis, San Diego County YAM Chair Livija Lipaite, Barnsdall Junior Arts Center, Los Angeles County YAM Venue Caroline McCabe, Santa Ana College Arts Philip Marquez, Santa Ana College Arts Larry Oviatt, SmArt Day and Clay Day Host Mark Schooley, Riverside Community Art Association Gallery AC Arts Lydia Vogt, California Center for the Arts, Escondido, Southern Area YAM Show Venue Susan Wuerer, Orange County YAM Chair STATE Kristine Alexander, The California Arts Project Crocker Art Museum Diane Dennis, Idyllwild Arts Bhakti Oza, Sargent Art TCAP Leadership Academy Dennis Inhulson, President, National Art Education Association Exemplary Programs Award Winner “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” Albert Einstein I emulate this quote - it fits my philosophy as an art teacher and a teacher in general. Most of my students enter my classroom with little or no experience in art. Along with the inexperience is a deeply rooted fear, lack of self-confidence, and a subtle insecurity in creating art. My goal is to motivate and teach them they are able to create art, to overcome their fear of failure, and to actively gain confidence and self-esteem through investigation, exploration, and discovery. I model all of these qualities as I enthusiastically count their successes. The environment in which I teach is challenging, stimulating, and always safe. This continued atmosphere of understanding and patience opens a world of artistic creations students never knew they could undertake especially while gaining critical thinking and verbal and written skills as they critique historical art. Achieving these skills helps students explore their uniqueness as they discover self-expression eventually without fear. Collecting and displaying their art achievements in a gallery setting aids the student’s understanding of the importance of precision work and the satisfaction of a job well done. My diverse approach to teaching art reflects the varied needs of my students as they come from varied socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, I present art in a way that reaches all of my students. Finding ways to connect to the students’ lives, I offer demos and integrate art history. Through my careful modeling and encouragement, I coach my students to become more self-directed and independent learners, not just as artists but for the love of learning. It is of utmost importance that my students are able to apply the lessons from my classes later in life. Providing a positive, safe experience through art, I motivate students to face new challenges in life. I hope to develop not only their creative abilities but to improve their overall life experiences with courage and the ability to overcome the most daunting tasks. I care about all my students; I am an art teacher striving to”...awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” Youth Art Month Awards www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 24 Lori Renee Krum Silver Valley High School Silver Valley Unified School District Exemplary Use of Integration of the Visual Arts Curriculum with the School; Multicultural Processes, and the Use of Authentic Assessments Northern Area: Pam Avery Central Area: Pat Semrick Southern Area: Susan Wuerer T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Irvine 2014 Conference Come to Conference Store Sacramento in 2015 CAEA CONFERENCE STORE will once again be available for members to purchase CAEA merchandise. The CAEA monkey pins will be available, as well as our popular CAEA aprons and t-shirts. Workshop presenters will have books for sale and signing. The store will have monkey luggage tags, fine point pens, and a limited assortment of memorabilia from past years. The store will be located near Registration in the Hotel Irvine foyer. Store hours will be posted. Your purchase will help support the California Art Education Association and its mission to support art education. Join in the 50th year anniversary celebration of the California Art Education Association. Celebrate the past contributions CAEA has made to the promotion of a visual arts education for all students in California, and be among the ones creating a future for the organization moving into the future. Jackie White, Conference Chair, and her Conference Committee are planning events that will honor the past, reflect the present and look forward to the future of CAEA. See you in Sacramento 2015! Ongoing Activites MURAL PAINTING AREA MONKEY FIGURE PAINTING COMMUNITY MONKEY FIGURE BEADING LOCATION: SHADY CANYON 7:00AM-10:00PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY STREET PAINTING LOCATION: TERRACE HOURS POSTED IN FOYER THURSDAY-SATURDAY JOE KOONS SCHOLARSHIP TILE GLAZING LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL/SALON D/E 9:00AM-8:00PM FRIDAY 8:00AM-3:00PM SATURDAY (CLOSED FOR EXHIBITOR LUNCH 12:45-1:45) CAEA Membership Information TO JOIN OR RENEW CAEA/NAEA MEMBERSHIP VISIT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE: http://www.arteducators.org/community/membership NAEA WILL GIVE YOU A COMBINED MEMBERSHIP IN NAEA AND CAEA The mission of CAEA is to strengthen visual arts education in all grades, pre-K through university, by providing professional development, a collaborative network for visual arts education professionals, and advocacy. www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 25 T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 Master calendar Board Meetings Please note whether meeting is full council or executive council. January 10-11, 2015 California Art Education Association Official Address: 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #373, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 membership@caea-arteducation.org 626-355-4829 President Dr. Nancy L. Andrzejczak P.O. Box 545, Wildomar, CA 92595 Nancya48@me.com March 7-8, 2015 President-elect Armalyn De La O 1444 Keystone Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92407 adelao@csusb.edu May 16-17, 2015 Full Council Meeting Ontario Holiday Inn September 11-12, 2015 Executive Council Meeting Sacramento Sheraton November 15, 2015 Full Council and General Membership Meeting Sacramento Sheraton Get Involved in The Painted Monkey Members are invited to submit articles through the editor, Karen McGarry. painted.monkey.editor. kmcg@gmail.com Next deadline is December 1, 2014 and the theme is Community for the Winter 2015 issue. is the official newsletter of the California Art Education Association. Content is provided by members of the CAEA State Council. It is published three times during the year: • Fall • Winter • Spring • Conference Program Power to Innovate CAEA Contact Info Full Council Meeting Ontario Holiday Inn Executive Council Meeting Ontario Holiday Inn 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Past President Tami Lincoln 2251 Monterey Peninsula Dr., Corona, CA 92882 tlincoln@cnusd.k12.ca.us Secretary Maureen Gemma 6725 Lakeview Drive, Carmichael CA 95608 mgem6@yahoo.com Treasurer Lisa Soccio lsoccio@collegeofthedesert.edu Executive Secretary Linda Stevenson 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #373, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 264-2791 membership@caea-arteducation.org Northern Area President Pam Avery 2916 Maison Way, Sacramento, CA 95864 pavery@infs.net Northern Area President-elect Gini Gyorkos 724 Loma Prieta Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 gini.gyorkos@gmail.com Central Area President Jamee Eaton 5805 Royalston Falls Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93312 treeart71@hotmail.com Central Area President-elect TBD Southern Area President Anne Uphoff 15515 Vincennes St., North Hills, CA 91343 auphoff330@hotmail.com Southern Area President-elect Lora Sanders 41425 Floyd Court, Temecula, CA 92592 loramurphysanders@gmail.com Youth Art Month Gini Gyorkos 724 Loma Prieta Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 gini.gyorkos@gmail.com Scholarship Penelope Venola 2197 Santa Ana Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 pvenola1@gmail.com Professional Awards Julie Tonkovich 9371 Randall Avenue, La Habra, CA 90631 jatcagirl7@roadrunner.com Exemplary Programs Kathleen Crocetti 240 Maple Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076 crocetti@rocketmail.com CURRICULUM/ADMINSTRATION Lee Hanson 4164 Vinton Avenue, Culver City, CA 90236 leehanson100@gmail.com Active Retired Kathy Rogers 78 Medea Creek Lane, Oak Park, CA 91377 artlver@hotmail.com CURRICULUM Lee Hansen leehanson100@gmail.com Social Media Chairman Suzette Morrow suzette.morrow@gmail.com Website Coordinator Susan Wuerer webmonkey@caea-arteducator.org THE Painted Monkey Editor Karen McGarry painted.monkey.editor.kmcg@gmail.com Graphic Editor Jihyun Oh thepaintedmonkey.graphics@gmail.com Conference Administrator Craig Tomlinson 40079 Road 48, Dinuba, CA 93618 ctomlins@dinuba.k12.ca.us Conference Manager donna banning 2391 N. Waterberry St., Orange, CA 92865 dbanning.123@gmail.com Advocacy Betsy Holster 306 Molokai Dr., Placentia, CA 92870 bholster@hotmail.com News for our Facebook page, email Suzette Morrow caea.fb@gmail.com You may contact the editor via email at: painted.monkey.editor.kmcg@gmail.com www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 26 www. caea-arteducation .org Have you visited our website? Login to view and update your profile, visit the member directory, sign up for e-lists and other forums of discussion! Our calendar links you to important dates and information on events. T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014 2014 CAEA State Conference Art: Power to Innovate Conference Overview 2014 CAEA State Conference, Irvine | November 13-16 THURSDAY NOV 13 HOTEL IRVINE HOTEL IRVINE REGISTRATION HOTEL FOYER 4-8 PM PRE-CONFERENCE TOUR #1 OC MUSEUMS HOTEL IRVINE REGISTRATION HOTEL FOYER 7 AM-4PM FRIDAY NOV 14 WORKSHOPS 8- 9AM WORKSHOPS VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 9:00AM 9:15-10:30AM SATURDAY NOV 15 IRVINE HOTEL REGISTRATION HOTEL FOYER 7-10AM ADMINISTRATOR/ SUPERVISOR SEMINAR 8 AM -12:30 PM SANTIAGO WORKSHOPS 8-9am WORKSHOPS 9:15-10:30AM PRINTMAKING AT THE STUDIO NEW MEDIA STRAND AT CSUF-I VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 8:00AM TOUR #3 OSO CREEK TRAILS SUNDAY NOV 16 IRVINE HOTEL Awards Breakfast SALON D/E 8-9:30am GENERAL SESSION SALON D/E KEYNOTE SPEAKER NIRVAN MULLIK 9:30-10:30 AM VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 8:30AM VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 8:30AM TOUR #4 OCSA Master Classes Off Site VAN LEAVES THE HOTEL AT 2:00PM Master Classes Off Site 8:30-11:30 AM VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 8:00AM Exhibitors Open 6-8pm Exhibitors Open 8am TOUR #2 VAN LEAVES HOTEL IRVINE AT 9:30AM 8:30-11:30 AM VAN LEAVES HOTEL AT 8:00AM WORKSHOPS EXHIBITORS OPEN EXHIBITOR 8-9AM 8AM WORKSHOPS VISIT EXHIBITORS 12-12:45 PM 12:30-3:30PM VANS LEAVE HOTEL AT 12:00 PM LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 12-12:45PM 12:45-1:45PM 2-3PM 12:45-1:45PM 2-3PM 3:15-4:15PM QUAIL HILL SANTIAGO 3:15-4:15PM QUAIL HILL-N TRABUCO A-C PELICAN-S ROUND TABLES EXHIBITOR GRAND OPENING WORKSHOPS 6-7:30PM 8:30-10:00PM FEATURED ARTISTS #1 & #2 8-9:30PM Exhibitors Close at 3pm AREA MEETINGS Exhibitors close 4:15PM EXHIBITOR CAROUSEL OF INNOVATION EXHIBIT HALL 6-8PM VISIT EXHIBITORS 12-12:45 PM 12:45-1:45PM WORKSHOPS EXHIBIT HALL 6:00-7:30PM GENERAL SESSION KEYNOTE SPEAKER KEVIN STANIEC 4:30-5:45PM SILENT AUCTION GARDEN PAVILION 6:15-7:30 PM LIVE AUCTION DINNER SALON D/E 7:45-9:00PM AREA’S DESSERT RECEPTION FOR MEMBERS’ & STUDENT ART EXHIBITS OPENING 7:30-8:30 PM GARDEN PAVILION LIFE DRAWING OPEN STUDIO 8-10PM MODEL PROVIDED SANTIAGO www. caea - a r ted u catio n . o r g 27 SANTIAGO 10:45-11:45AM SANTIAGO 12:00-2:00PM EXHIBITS CLOSED FOR LUNCH 12:45-1:45PM 2015 STATE CONFERENCE MEETING OPEN STATE COUNCIL MEETING MASTER CLASSES OFF SITE WORKSHOPS GENERAL SESSION WORKSHOPS EXHIBITORS 8-9 am 9:15-10-30am 10:45am-12:00pm EXHIBITS CLOSED FOR LUNCH KEYNOTE SPEAKER STEVEN HICKNER 4:30-5:45 PM FEATURED ARTIST GLASS FUSING JACKIE ZIMBALIST 10:45AM-12:00PM WORKSHOPS 9:15-10:30 10:45am-12:00pm MASTER CLASSES OFF SITE 12:30-3:30 PM VANS LEAVE HOTEL AT 12:00 PM LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 12-12:45PM WORKSHOPS 10:45AM-12:00PM T h e Pai n ted M o n key Fa l l 2014
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