The UBI Banca Group Consolidated Results as at 30th September 2014 12th November 2014 Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Unione di Banche Italiane Scpa ("UBI") for informational purposes only and for use in the presentation of November 2014. It is not permitted to publish, transmit or otherwise reproduce this document, in whole or in part, in any format, to any third party without the express written consent of UBI and it is not permitted to alter, manipulate, obscure or take out of context any information set out in the document. The information, opinions, estimates and forecasts contained herein have not been independently verified and are subject to change without notice. They have been obtained from, or are based upon, sources we believe to be reliable but UBI makes no representation (either expressed or implied) or warranty on their completeness, timeliness or accuracy. Nothing contained in this document or expressed during the presentation constitutes financial, legal, tax or other advice, nor should any investment or any other decision be solely based on this document. This document does not constitute a solicitation, offer, invitation or recommendation to purchase, subscribe or sell for any investment instruments, to effect any transaction, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. This document contains statements that are forward-looking: such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of UBI and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of UBI, could cause the results of UBI to differ materially from those set forth in such forward looking statements. Under no circumstances will UBI or its affiliates, representatives, directors, officers and employees have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any use of this document or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the document or the above mentioned presentation. For further information about the UBI Group, please refer to publicly available information, including Annual, Quarterly and Interim Reports. By receiving this document you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations. Please be informed that some of the managers of UBI involved in the drawing up and in the presentation of data contained in this document either participated in a stock option plan and were therefore assigned stock of the company or possess stock of the bank otherwise acquired. The disclosure relating to shareholdings of top management is available in the annual reports. Methodology The “notes on the reclassified financial statements” contained in the periodic financial reports of the Group may be consulted for a fuller comprehension of the rules followed in preparing the reclassified financial statements. 2 Executive Summary CAPITAL CET 1 phased in at 13%, the highest level in UBI Banca’s history TCR phased in at 18.01% CET1 fully loaded at 12% (11.2% taking into consideration 4Q updating of risk parameters and announced transactions - Aviva and UBI Assicurazioni disposals LEVERAGE ratio (Basel 3)*: phased in at 5.9% and fully loaded at 5.4% COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT: Capital surplus of €1.743 billion Highest CET1 after AQR in Italy: 11.82% LIQUIDITY P&L As at 12th November 2014, € 4 billion LTRO reimbursed (out of € 12 billion) LCR and NSFR > 1 also net of LTRO Loan to Deposit ratio: 96.7% TLTRO to be taken in Dec 2014: approx. € 3 billion euro Net Interest Income: +3% 3Q14 vs 2Q14, the best quarter in the last 2 years Encouraging results from LLPs: -14.5% 3Q14 vs. 2Q14 FY14 guidance confirmed and asset quality improving (-37.2% YoY new inflows from performing loans to deteriorated loans) Data as at Sept 2014, unless otherwise stated * According to Basel 3 definition of Leverage Ratio, the B3 tier one capital must be equal to at least 3% of on- and off-balance-sheet assets 3 UBI Banca solid capital position confirmed by the CA and by actual ratios COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT UBI Banca is well positioned, in terms of CET1, both in Italy and even in Europe*... UBI AQR impact: UBI Italy SSM* CET 1 as at 1st Jan 2014 12.25% 10.17% 11.77% AQR adjusted CET 1 11.82% 9.47% 11.35% CET 1 after adverse scenario 8.20% 6.14% 8.37% • • • • -44 bps Credit file review Projection of findings Collective provisioning RWA adjustment -21 -18 -2 -3 UBI Adv. Scenario impact: -362 bps Capital excess after AQR and adverse stress test • stress effect • phase-in • join-up -270 -80 -12 + 1.7 bln/€ ACTUAL (AS AT 30 SEPT ‘14) CET 1 phased in CET 1 fully loaded in 2018 CET 1 fully loaded in 2018 Regulatory Basel 3 ratio Pro-forma calculated as at Sept ’14 Management figure at regime 12.7% 13.0% Including profit June '14 Sept '14 Transitional adjustments (shortfall, minorities, AFS reserve...) 12.0% Sept '14 Transitional adjustments + prudential approach to credit parameters + estimates of the JV Aviva and JV UBI Assic. transactions 11.2% Sept '14 * SSM: Europe including Italy, official ECB and EBA data 4 Improving profitability and cost control capacity confirmed 9M13 9M14 % change 1,291 1,376 +6.6% NET COMMISSION INCOME 888 908 +2.3% NET RESULTS FROM FINANCE 168 151 -10.7% 9M13 9M14 % change STAFF COSTS 974 977 +0.2% OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 494 458 -7.2% D&A 135 128 -5.4% OPERATING INCOME NET INTEREST INCOME 2,558 2,486 +2.9% 9M13 9M14 Notwithstanding loans down by 3.9% vs. Dec ‘13 OPERATING EXPENSES 1,603 1,563 -2.5% 9M13 9M14 +12.7% YoY 9M14 Net operating Income 995 ml/€ +34.3% YoY 9M14 Pre tax profit 362 mln/€ +47% YoY 9M14 Net Profit 150 mln/€ +136.3% YoY 9M14 Net Profit excl. non recurring items 175 mln/€ (€ mln) 5 Weak demand and defence of margins drive lending trend € bln 30 Sept '13 Retail o f which: % Qo Q 31 Dec '13 30 June '14 30 Sept '14 c ha nge s 1 Favouring medium/long term lending 44.5 44.0 43.3 42.8 -1.2% Private Customers 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 -0.3% Medium/long term Small business 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 -1.1% Short term 62 6.2 60 6.0 57 5.7 55 5.5 -3.0% 3 0% 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.1 -6.1% UBI Banca (fo (f rmer B anca 24/7) 1 Prestitalia 2 72.6% 73.6% 27.4% 26.4% June '14 Sept' 14 Corporate o f which: Core corporate Large corporate UBI Banca (fo rmer Centro banca) Private Other o f which: UBI Leasing UBI Factor UBI Banca 3 Total lending Small business: turnover up to €15 mln Core Corporate: turnover from €15 to €250 mln Large Corporate: turnover > €250 mln 1 2 3 28.6 28.0 27.9 27.0 -3.4% 14.9 14 9 8.2 5.6 14.6 14 6 8.1 5.3 14.6 14 6 8.3 5.1 14.1 14 1 7.8 5.0 -2 9% -2.9% 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 -1.9% 16.0 15.7 15.2 14.5 -4.5% 7.6 2.2 1.6 7.4 2.3 1.4 7.2 2.0 1.0 7.0 2.0 0.7 -2.4% -30.7% 89.8 88.4 87.1 84.9 -2.5% -5.6% 2 Defence of margins Mark up 3Q14 vs 2Q14: +9 bps 3 Medium/long term new origination vs. reimbursement: +100 bps on average of delta spread on banking gp perimeter and +150 bps p on leasing contracts -1.6% -2.6% Net of repos with CCG for the investment of liquidity made by UBI and of portfolio run off, (altogether 0.6 bln/€) QoQ change is -1.9% Following the merger of Banca 24/7 in UBI Banca, effective July 2012, UBI Banca is managing the remaining stock of non captive mortgages and personal and special purpose loans. Prestitalia is managing the “salary backed loan” operations Minor companies, IAS adjustments, loans not segmented to commercial portfolios and intercompany eliminations UBI net of intercompany 6 MLT lending origination reflects GDP weakness (2014E -0.4%* vs. 2013 -1.9%) Significant improvement in new inflows YoY but not enough for growth FOCUS ON MEDIUM / LONG TERM LENDING (~74% of TOTAL LENDING) STOCK ** ~62.5 bln/€ NETWORK BANKS: ~ 44.4 bln€ 95% = 82% 1Q 9M14 = 95% 82% 2Q 9M13 = 83% 3Q New origination = STOCK IN RUN-OFF ~6.5 bln/€ 85% 2013 ~ 44.5 bln/€ in June ‘14 ~ 12.0 bln/€ in June ‘14 87% New origination Reimbursement PRODUCT COMPANIES ~ 11.6 bln/€ 104% 2014 42% in 9M14 (vs 37% in 9M13) Reimbursement Portfolio in run off: 6.5 bln/€ end Sept ‘14, 6.9 bln/€ end Dec ‘13, mainly former Banca 24/7 and Leasing ~ 6.7 bln/€ in June ‘14 * ** EU Commission estimate as at 4th November 2014 As at 30 Sept 2014, including NPLs, management accounts 7 Solid “core funding” (current accounts + retail bonds: +0.7% performance in total indirect funding (+3.4% 3Q vs 2Q14 ) 3Q vs 2Q14) and good Loan to Deposit ratio IAS amounts in € bln DIRECT FUNDING FROM ORDINARY CUSTOMERS Sept '13 Dec '13 June '14 Sept '14 quarterly % changes 75.3 74.7 74.0 74.0 Current accounts & deposits (other than CCG) 42.6 42.6 42.5 42.8 0.8% Term deposits, other payables and repos 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.0 -14.4% Securities in issue: Network b anks + UBI Extra-captive customers* Other (mainly customer CDs) 23.8 3.8 2.0 24.1 3.7 1.7 24.4 3.4 1.3 24.6 3.3 1.3 0.6% -3.5% -1.5% 17.5 17.9 16.2 13.9 -14.3% Covered Bonds EMTN CD and ECP Preferred shares 6.3 5.1 0.3 0.3 7.7 4.2 0.2 0.3 8.8 4.3 0.8 0.0 8.9 3.6 0.7 0.0 0.7% -15.4% -22.9% n.s. Repos with CCG 5.5 5.5 2.3 0.7 -67.8% TOTAL DIRECT FUNDING 92.8 92.6 90.2 87.9 -2.6% AUM Bancassurance AUC 27.8 11.6 30.7 27.8 11.7 32.1 28.7 12.1 32.9 30.0 12.2 33.9 4.7% 1.2% 3.0% TOTAL INDIRECT FUNDING 70.1 71.7 73.7 76.1 3.4% TOTAL DIRECT + INDIRECT FUNDING 162.9 164.3 163.8 164.0 0.1% DIRECT FUNDING FROM INSTITUTIONAL CUSTOMERS 0.0% 96.7% ~80% of total direct funding Current accounts & deposits slightly up QoQ Retail bonds slightly up QoQ; strong placement power confirmed ~20% of total direct funding €1 billion 10Y Covered Bond issuance effected in Nov 2014 at a spread of 30 bps Low recourse to Repos with CCG due to strong liquidity position Total Direct Funding: -0.9% QoQ (i.e. € 0.8 bln) excluding Repos with CCG Among AuM, mutual funds and SICAV stocks up by around € 3 billion (+14.7%) Sept ‘14 vs. Sept ‘13 * Bonds placed on third party banks networks 8 Both retail and institutional bonds placed at significantly lower spreads RETAIL BONDS: Maturity Profile RETAIL BONDS: NEW ISSUANCES (Nominal amounts in € bln, net of bond repurchases) In 9M14, replacement rate: > 100% 2014 Decreasing spreads vs. 6M Euribor (bps) 150 FY12 126 FY13 110 1Q14 102 2Q14 84 61 3Q14 Oct '14 INSTITUTIONAL BONDS: NEW ISSUANCES IN 9M14 COVERED BOND EMTN COVERED BOND Date Jan ‘14 Feb ’14 Nov ‘14 Amount € 1 bln € 1 bln € 1 bln Maturity 10 Y 5Y 10 Y Coupon 3.125% 2.875% 1.25% Matured 2.00 9M14 4Q14 70% 55% 65% DOMESTIC 30% 45% 35% 6.84 2.44 2015 2016 INSTITUTIONAL BONDS: Maturity Profile 2017 2018 and following (Nominal amounts in € bln) COVERED BONDS* EMTN 1.00 Nov’14 issue 2014 Matured 0.55 0.03 Subscribers FOREIGN 9.01 7.28 6.45 1.05 1.05 1.80 1.60 0.03 0.48 0.97 9M14 4Q14 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 0.80 0.05 1.00 0.16 0.10 3.61 0.03 2020 and following * Inclusive of 0.5 bln/€ of private placement with BEI expiring within 2022. Further 2.4 bln/€ retained issue not included 9 Low lending demand implies maintenance of Govies portfolio to sustain NII and at the same time contributing to total eligible assets ITALIAN GOVIES: ~ 91% OF FINANCIAL ASSETS (€ bln) ITALIAN GOVIES MATURITY PROFILE (market values, € bln) TOTAL HTM HFT AFS 20.3 20.7 3.1 1.7 3.1 0.4 15.6 17.2 June '14 Modified duration of Italian Govies portfolio: 0.5 years Total 4Q14 maturing Govies to be replaced in an opportunistic way AFS Reserve on Italian Govies: +144 mln/€ as at 30th Sept 2014 HTM HFT AFS 0.4 3.1 2.2 6.9 1.8 4Q14 Sept '14 6.3 2015-16 2017-18 Over ITALIAN GOVIES: ~ 71% OF ELIGLIBLE ASSETS Use of eligible assets** (€ bln) 10% 13% Eligible Assets: 30.1 bln/€ (net of haircut) Data as at 31st October 2014 6% Data as at 31st October 2014 71% Italian Govies Retained securitisations* Retained covered bonds Other (ABACO) Unencumbered 14.7 Pledged for LTROs*** 11.3 CCG Repos 4.1 * 2.1 bln/€ on the 15 bln/€ Retail Mortgages CB Programme, 1.7 bln/€ on the 5 bln/€ Commercial Mortgages CB Programme (net of haircut) ** 4 bln/€ of LTRO reimbursed up to 12th November, 8 bln/€ left of which 2 expiring in Jan ’15 and 6 expiring in Feb ‘15 *** 11 bln/€ LTRO + interest accrued. 3 bln/€ LTRO subsequently reimbursed with value date 12th Nov 2014 ~34% of short term deposits 10 Stated Net Profit: 150 mln/€ in 9M14 vs. 102 mln/€ in 9M13 MAIN INCOME STATEMENT ITEMS Figures in € mln Net interest income Net commission income 9M13 9M14 % change 3Q13 2Q14 3Q14 % change 3Q14 vs 3Q13 % change 3Q14 vs 2Q14 1,291 1,376 6.6% 446 454 468 4.9% 3.0% 888 908 2.3% 286 310 299 4.4% (3.6%) Net result from finance 168 151 (10.7%) 59 74 14 (76.5%) (81.3%) Other income items 138 123 (11.3%) 43 45 42 (3.6%) (7.2%) Operating income 2,486 2,558 2.9% 834 882 822 (1.5%) (6.9%) Staff costs (974) (977) 0.2% (328) (322) (329) 0.2% 2.1% Other administrative expenses (494) (458) (7.2%) (159) (159) (147) (7.3%) (7.3%) Net impairment losses on property, equipment and investment property and intangible assets (135) (128) (5.4%) (45) (43) (42) (4.8%) (0.4%) (1,603) (1,563) (2.5%) (532) (523) (518) (2.5%) (0.9%) 883 995 12.7% 303 359 303 0.3% (15.6%) Operating expenses Net operating income Net impairment losses on loans (577) (626) 8.6% (193) (230) (197) 2.2% (14.5%) Net impairment losses on other financial assets and liabilities (22) (2) (89.8%) (5) (4) (0) n.s. n.s. Net provisions for risks and charges (14) (4) (72.4%) (3) 7 (1) n.s. n.s. 0 (0) n.s. (1) 0 0 n.s. n.s. 270 362 34.3% 101 133 105 3.7% (21.0%) Taxes on income for the period from continuing operations (150) (187) 25.4% (46) (77) (52) 12.1% (32.0%) Profits for the period attributable to non-controlling interests (18) (25) 36.1% (6) (8) (9) 62.0% 13.9% Profit for the period 102 150 47.0% 49 48 44 (11.0%) (9.2%) 74 175 136.3% 22 72 45 102.6% (37.8%) Profits (losses) from disposal of equity investments Pre-tax profit from continuing operations Profit for the period NET OF NON-RECURRING ITEMS PPA allocated line by line 11 Net Interest Income at: +6.6% YoY, +3% 3Q/2Q14 and +4.9% 3Q14/3Q13 9M evolution 9M14 vs. 9M13: differential contribution (€ mln) (€ mln) 1,291 1,376 1,376 1,291 -111 +155 +41 +6.6% 9M13 NII in 9M13 9M14 Change in avg. Volumes Loans Funding Financial activities -4.5 bln -2.0 bln +1.2 bln NII In 9M14 Quarterly evolution (€ mln) 417 428 468 446 459 454 454 +4.9% • NII achieved in 3Q14 is the highest in the last 8 quarters 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 12 Net Interest Income: growing contribution from business with customers and widening of customer spread See annex 5 for details NII from BUSINESS with CUSTOMERS ((€ mln)) Pricing (average bps on stocks*) Average interestbearing volumes ol mes (€ bln) 2Q14 3Q14 361 358 368 Mark-up 280 277 286 Customer Spread (UBI Banca Group) 168 182 187 Mark-down -112 -95 -99 85 84 86 80 • ~ 80% of NII generated by business with customers p in • constant improvement customer spread: 84 79 Lending Lending F di di F Funding Funding NII from FINANCIAL ASSETS & INTERBANK EXPOSURE (€ mln) Financial asset average volumes (€ bln) * 3Q13 Sept '13 June '14 Sept '14 3Q13 2Q14 3Q14 85 96 100 19.4 20.3 20.6 Sept '13 June '14 Sept '14 Average period data referred to the whole consolidated Group (Network banks+ Product companies + UBI) ‒ Increase in markup both compared to 2Q14 and 3Q13 ‒ Decrease in markdown is due to the 1M EURIBOR downward trend (-16 bps Sept ’14 14 vs. vs June ‘14) 14) Net yield on financial portfolio: interest income stable, improvement due to lower associated funding costs 13 Net Commission Income: +2.3% YoY, thanks to good performance of securities-related business but also to careful management of assets See annex 6 for details 9M evolution Net Commission Income (mln/€) (€ mln) +2.3% Guarantees (on State Guaranty Bonds) 908 888 9M13 9M14 vs 9M13 9M13 9M14 (34.8) (18.4) -47.1% Banking Services Commissions 482.7 453.5 -6.0% Securities Management, Trading & Advisory Services** 440.2 473.1 +7.5% Total 888.1 908.2 +2.3% 9M14 First mover in the reimbursement of state guaranteed bonds* thanks to the presence of other eligible assets Tendency affected by volumes of business Good performance thanks to better market conditions and good performance in AuM (+17 mln/€) Quarterly evolution (€ mln) -3.6% 286 3Q13 310 2Q14 2Q14 3Q14 3Q14 vs 2Q14 3Q14 vs 3Q13 (11.7) (5.6) (2.7) -77.2% -52.4% Banking Services Commissions 157.9 152.3 150.6 -1.1% -4.7% Securities Management, Trading & Advisory Services** 139.6 162.9 150.6 -7.5% +7.9% Total 285.9 309.6 -3.6% +4.4% Net Commission Income (mln/€) +4.4% Guarantees (on State Guaranty Bonds) 299 3Q13 298.5 3Q14 * First reimbursement 3 bln/€ value 7th March ’14 and remaining 3 bln/€ value 7th August ’14 ** Includes FX negotiations and excludes performance fees 14 Cost control: following in a virtuous path Total operating costs: -2.5% YoY, with an impressive performance by other administrative expenses (-36 mln/€ YoY) -2.5% Total operating costs 1,603 1,563 D&A (incl. PPA*) 135 -5.4% 128 Additional cost cutting measures announced on 14 October last Other Adm. Expenses 494 -7.2% 458 • Closing of 114 sales points (within January 2015) • Consequent negotiation with Trade unions currently under way Staff costs 974 +0.2% 977 (€ mln) 9M13 Total operating costs (€ mln) 9M14 of which Staff costs (€ mln) of which Other admin. expense (€ mln) -2.5% -0.9% 532 3Q13 * 523 2Q14 -7.3% +0.2% +2.1% 518 3Q14 -7.3% 328 322 329 159 159 147 3Q13 2Q14 3Q14 3Q13 2Q14 3Q14 PPA effect amounted to € 15.3 mln in 9M13 and to € 14.8 mln in 9M14 15 Stock of net deteriorated loans substantially stable, benefiting from lower inflows from performing loans (-37.2% 9M14 vs 9M13) and... GROSS DETERIORATED LOAN STOCKS (€ mln) +0.4 bln/€ NET DETERIORATED LOAN STOCKS (€ mln) 10,958 12,367 12,674 Sept '13 13,089 9,169 9,448 9,312 8,105 +1.5% +3.3% +12.8% Dec '12 +0.1 bln/€ +1.0 bln/€ +1.4 bln/€ +13.1% Dec '13 Sept '14 TOTAL INFLOWS FROM PERFORMING TO DETERIORATED LOANS Dec '12 Sept '13 Dec '13 MAIN OUTFLOWS FROM DETERIORATED LOANS (€ mln) 9M14 2,989 3,064 1,923 -37.2% 9M12 9M13 Sept '14 vs 9M13 BACK TO PERFORMING 627 mln/€ - 172 mln/€ LOANS CASHED-IN 734 mln/€ +50 mln/€ LOANS WRITE-OFFS 423 mln/€ +115 mln/€ 9M14 16 ... increase in coverage: +130 bps LOAN LOSS PROVISIONS Annualised cost of credit (bps) 86 98 35.4% 36.2% 37.8% 25.9% 26.5% 27.8% 626 STATED CASH COVERAGE (€ mln) 9M13 9M14 OTHER KEY ELEMENTS TO ASSESS THE GROUP LOAN PORTFOLIO +130 bps +66 bps Sept' 13 Dec '13 Sept' 14 30 Sept '13 31 Dec '13 30 Sept '14 NPLs (sofferenze) 41.30% 41.60% 40.53% ..including write-offs 55.6% 56.0% 55.0% Impaired loans (incagli) 14.03% 15.12% 16.11% Retail: 56.3% (57.1% in June ’14) Restructured loans 15.28% 13.94% 16.73% Corporate: 48.3% (49.7% in June ‘14) Past due loans 3.06% 2.83% 4.49% Loan To Value * (Network banks + UBI): Performing loans: Retail: 45.7% (45.8% in June ’14) Corporate: 40.6% (41.2% in June ‘14) COVERAGE OF DETERIORATED LOANS COVERAGE INCLUDING WRITE-OFFS 577 FROM YEAR END Impaired Loans: % of Collateralised (real estate) Positions ** : Total portfolio: > 60% (of which NPLs and Impaired > 64%) of which In 9M14, coverage impacted by the sale of 79 mln/€ of gross NPLs covered at ~ 80%. Pro-forma coverage excluding this event: 40.96% * Arithmetic mean **The secured portion of the portfolio increases to approx.76% adding up personal guarantees - Source: 2013 Annual Report 17 Outlook Net interest income will be influenced by the performance of average volumes of business, by the maturity of government securities in the fourth quarter which will be replaced in an opportunistic way -, by the benefits of re-pricing action already taken with regard to funding and by the resilience of medium to long-term loan spreads Net fee and commission income is expected to benefit from the usual and positive seasonal effects normally experienced in the last quarter of the year The expected year-on-year fall in recurring operating expenses is confirmed The slowdown in the pace of new defaults on loans recorded in the first nine months of the year and the results of the AQR allow expectations of a slight overall year-on-year improvement in loan losses (in terms of absolute amounts) to be confirmed 18 Annexes 19 Annex 1 Main Reclassified Balance Sheet Items MAIN ASSETS ITEMS Figures in millions of euro 30.09.2013 31.12.2013 30.06.2014 30.09.2014 % annual change % quarterly change Financial assets (AFS, HFT, FV, HTM) 21,576 21,841 22,153 22,617 4.8% 2.1% Loans to customers 89,846 88,421 87,119 84,947 -5.5% -2.5% Property, equipment and investment property 1,909 1,798 1,765 1,741 -8.8% -1.3% Intangible assets 2,938 2,919 2,896 2,883 -1.9% -0.4% 2,537 2,512 2,512 2,512 -1.0% 0.0% 2,386 2,833 2,567 2,567 7.6% 0.0% Other assets 940 931 1,169 778 -17.2% -33.5% Total assets 125,002 124,242 123,226 120,539 -3.6% -2.2% of which: goodwill Tax assets MAIN LIABILITIES AND EQUITY ITEMS Figures in millions of euro 30.09.2013 31.12.2013 30.06.2014 30.09.2014 % annual change % quarterly change Net interbank position* 10,948 10,888 11,886 12,259 12.0% 3.1% Due to customers 51,223 50,702 47,127 45,582 -11.0% -3.3% Securities issued 41,546 41,902 43,049 42,272 1.7% -1.8% 620 756 620 732 18.2% 18.1% 9,907 10,089 10,603 10,651 7.5% 0.4% Non-controlling interests 838 842 823 831 -0.8% 1.0% Profit for the period 102 251 106 150 47.0% 41.1% 125,002 124,242 123,226 120,539 -3.6% -2.2% Tax liabilities Net worth attributable to the Parent Total liabilities and equity * Including €12 bln LTRO 20 Capital Ratios (Phased in, Basel 3) as at 30 Sept ‘14: Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio at 13%, Total Capital Ratio (TCR) at 18.09% Figures in millions of euro Common Equity Tier 1 Capital (before filters and transitional provisions) Transitional provisions (minority interest) Transitional provisions (AFS Reserves) Common Equity Tier 1 Capital filters 30 June '14 Basel 3 30 Sept '14 Basel 3 7,974.2 8,021.7 375.6 386.8 -103.6 -103.2 -2.8 -2.1 -59.8 -103.3 8,183.5 8,199.8 Common Equity Tier 1 regulatory adjustments -519.4 -490.6 of which: negative elements for deduction excess of expected losses over impairment losses -519.4 -490.6 7,664.1 7,709.2 Additional Tier 1 (before regulatory adjustments) 39.4 39.0 Additional Tier 1 regulatory adjustments -39.4 -39.0 of which: negative elements for deduction excess of expected losses over impairment losses -39.4 -39.0 0.0 0.0 Tier 1 (CET1 + AT1) 7,664.1 7,709.2 Tier 2 Capital before transitional provisions 3,527.9 3,347.7 Italian Govies filters Common Equity Tier 1 (after filters and transitional provisions) Common Equity Tier 1 Capital (CET1) Additional Tier 1 Capital (AT1) Tier 2 instruments grandfathering 19.4 6.8 3,547.2 3,354.5 Tier 2 capital regulatory adjustments -357.9 -339.0 of which: negative elements for deduction excess of expected losses over impairment losses -372.6 -353.1 3,189.3 3,015.4 10,853.4 10,724.6 Tier 2 Capital after transitional provisions Tier 2 Capital Total Own Funds (€ mln) Credit risk CVA (Credit Value Adjustment) risk Total prudential requirements 4,815.2 4,743.3 60,190.4 59,291.5 Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio 12.73% 13.00% Tier 1 Ratio 12.73% 13.00% Total Capital Ratio (TCR) 18.03% 18.09% Risk weighted assets Annex 2 Market risk Operational risk Total prudential requirements 30 June ‘14 30 Sept ‘14 4,414.9 4,348.4 10.8 11.5 55.7 333.8 49.6 333.8 4,815.2 4,743.3 21 Annex 3 Indirect Funding shows positive evolution both YoY and QoQ ∆ vs. June ‘14 TOTAL INDIRECT FUNDING 70.1 71.7 73.7 76.1 +3.4% 27.8 27.8 28.7 30.0 +4.7% 11.6 11.7 12.1 12.2 +1.2% 30.7 32.1 32.9 33.9 +3% Sept '13 Dec '13 June '14 Sept '14 Sept ‘13 Dec ‘13 June‘14 Sept ‘14 11% 10% AuM Bancassurance AuC In € bln AuM 4% 3% Source: Assogestioni’s “PATRIMONIO GESTITO* aggregate 14% 13% 13% 13% 59% Bond 7% 8% 5% 12% 5% 49% 56% 51% 17% Balanced 25% 25% Equity Flexible * Customers assets managed to which assets received for management under a mandate from other managers are added and from which assets entrusted under mandate to other managers are subtracted. With reference to UBI Pramerica, as from June ‘12 Assogestioni includes again in this aggregate the amounts managed by third parties, i.e. approx. € 4.9 bln managed by Prudential Cash 22 Annex 4 Securities Portfolio Composition* Composition of the portfolio BY TYPE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT BY FINANCIAL PROFILE BY CURRENCY BY GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION BY RATINGS (BONDS) * ** 31.12.2013 30.06.2014 30.09.2014 Government bonds 93.2% 94.8% 94.8% Corporate bonds (mainly bank issues) 4.6% 4.3% 4.4% Hedge funds 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% Funds and shares 1.6% 0.3% 0.3% Floating rate** 20.6% 49.7% 52.1% Fixed rate 74.2% 46.6% 44.1% Structured securities 3.0% 2.8% 3.0% Shares, funds, convertible bonds 2.2% 0.9% 0.9% Securities in euro 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% Securites of the euro area 99.6% 99.7% 99.7% USA securities 0.0% 0.00% 0.00% Investment grade 99.1% 99.1% 98.7% Average rating Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Analysis refers to a portfolio which excludes participations, some smaller portfolios and derivatives Fixed rate securities with asset swaps are considered as floating rate securities; securities in asset swap represent 95% of floating rate securities as at 30th September 2014 23 Annex 5 Net Interest Income - Customer Spread Details CUSTOMER SPREADS in bps on avg. STOCK* 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 23 23 7 Mark up vs 1M Euribor Short term Medium-long term 278 361 253 277 348 257 286 347 268 Mark down vs 1M Euribor -98 -95 -99 -8 -191 -146 -186 -7 -163 -146 -183 -19 -130 -148 -191 180 182 187 197 199 204 1M Euribor Sight deposits Term deposits Retail bonds Institutional bonds UBI Group - Customer spread of which Network Banks cust. Spread * Average period data referred to the whole consolidated Group (Network banks+ Product companies + UBI), unless otherwise stated 1Q14 and 2Q14 values restated for consistency 24 Annex 6 Net Commission Income Details Net Commission Income: 9M Evolution Net Commission Income (€ mln) 9M13 9M14 9M14 / 9M13 (%) Guarantees (on State guaranty b onds) (34.8) (18.4) -47.1% 482.7 453.5 -6.0% Guarantees (b anking activity) 36.8 37.8 2.7% Collection and payment services 79.8 73.6 -7.8% BANKING RELATED COMMISSIONS 0 of which: Services for factoring transactions 17.9 14.5 -19.3% Current accounts management 151.1 149.6 -0.9% Other services 197.0 177.9 -9.7% 473.1 7.5% MANAGEMENT, TRADING & ADVISORY SERVICES* 440.2 Net Commission Income: Quarterly Evolution of which: Portfolio management 174.2 191.1 9.7% Placement of securities 125.7 134.2 6.8% Third party services distrib ution 114.3 126.9 11.0% 908.2 2.3% TOTAL 888.1 Net Commission Income (€ mln) 3Q13 Guarantees (on State guaranty b onds) (11.7) 2Q14 3Q14 3Q14 / 3Q13 3Q14 / 2Q14 (%) (%) (5.6) (2.7) -77.2% -52.4% 157.9 152.3 150.6 -4.7% -1.1% Guarantees (b anking activity) 11.6 12.3 11.1 -4.2% -9.4% Collection and payment services 26.4 25.3 22.8 -13.6% -9.8% BANKING RELATED COMMISSIONS of which: Services for factoring transactions 5.5 4.9 4.4 -20.6% -9.5% Current accounts management 52.2 50.6 51.5 -1.2% 1.9% Other services 62.2 59.2 60.7 -2.4% 2.4% 139.6 162.9 150.6 7.9% -7.5% Portfolio management 58.8 64.1 67.4 14.7% 5.2% Placement of securities 33.8 46.5 40.6 20.3% -12.7% Third party services distrib ution 39.0 43.9 39.8 2.1% -9.4% 285.9 309.6 298.5 4.4% -3.6% MANAGEMENT, TRADING & ADVISORY SERVICES* of which: TOTAL * Includes FX negotiations and excludes performance fees 25 Annex 7 Asset Quality Details LOANS TO CUSTOMERS - AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 GROSS EXPOSURE € mln %* IMPAIRMENT LOSSES € mln CARRYING AMOUNT € mln %* COVERAGE RATIO % 2,665 799 3,911 4,162 4.60% 729 647 0.86% 0.76% 146 30 0.76% 16.73% 4.49% 13,089 14.70% 3,640 9,448 11.12% 27.82% TOTAL PERFORMING LOANS 75,926 85.30% 428 75,498 88.88% 0.56% TOTAL LOANS TO CUSTOMERS 89,016 100% 4,069 84,947 100% 4.57% NPLs (Sofferenze) 6,576 7.39% IMPAIRED LOANS (Incagli) 4,961 875 677 5.57% TOTAL DETERIORATED LOANS RESTRUCTURED LOANS PAST DUE 0.98% 4.90% 40.53% 16.11% LOANS TO CUSTOMERS - AS AT 30 JUNE 2014 GROSS EXPOSURE € mln %* IMPAIRMENT LOSSES € mln CARRYING AMOUNT € mln %* COVERAGE RATIO % 2,579 798 3,771 4,117 4.33% 717 652 0.82% 0.75% 121 33 0.75% 14.49% 4.78% 12,788 14.04% 3,531 9,257 10.63% 27.61% TOTAL PERFORMING LOANS 78,311 85.96% 449 77,862 89.37% 0.57% TOTAL LOANS TO CUSTOMERS 91,099 100% 3,980 87,119 100% 4.37% NPLs (Sofferenze) 6,351 4,915 6.97% 838 685 0.92% TOTAL DETERIORATED LOANS IMPAIRED LOANS (Incagli) RESTRUCTURED LOANS PAST DUE 5.40% 4.73% 40.61% 16.23% * As a percentage of total loans 26
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