Document 437112

Dec. 6,
Filed Jan. 5, 1923
2 Sheets-Sheet l
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Filed Jan. 5, 1923
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
4 gwuentpi
é/ ?m/ .
Patented Dec. 6, 1921.'_ .
nton BLAOIIOBE,‘ or momma rm, MICHIGAN, xssronon 'ro enmn'xo'rons' '
conrona'rron, or nn'raorr, neurons, 4 coarou'rron or nmwm
' >
Application ?led January 5, 1888. Serial‘ No. 610,808.
_ My invention relates-to tractors designed improvedtractor and subordinate parts and 65
for hauling agricultural implements and for auxiliary features thereof illustrated in the
eneral. farm purposes,‘ and the principal ob-‘ accompanying drawin s and hereinafter de
]ect thereof is to provide an improved tra_c—' scribed and explaine ;' and in such varia
.5 tor which will be simple in construction and tions and modi?cations thereof within the
not likely to get. out of order, which may scope of the concluding claims, as will be
be manufactured at a minimum of expense, obvious to those skilled in the art to which.
and which will be convenient and effective ‘my invention relates.
for the purpose 'for which it is designed;
In the drawin accompanying and form10 my invention'being particularly directed to ing a part of th1s speci?cation, and wherein
tractors of the general type or class wherein the preferred embodiment of my invention
four wheels are employed, two-located upon is illustrated, and wherein the same refer
' each side of the machine, and all of which . ence numerals are employed to designate like
wheels are driven from the engine whereby
the tractor is propelled.
parts in the several views,
L -
Figure 1_,is a view showing my improved
My invention relates for the. most ‘part to ' tractor in side elevation.
F i ure 2 is a' fragmentar view showing
power is communicated from the engine of - my improved tractor .in p an, the wheels
the tractor to the four driving wheels there upon one side being ohiitted to shortenthe
of; vand a further object of my ‘invention
the transmission mechanism through which
is to provide improved driving mechanismv
‘Figure 3 is a fragmentary view showing 75
of the friction type through which the two a section upon a. vertical longitudinally ex
driving Wheels on each side of‘ the tractor tending plane, indicated approximately by
may be driven independently of those on the lines 3-3, Figure 4.
25 the other side, and either in a forward ,or in
Figure 4 is a View showin a section upon
a reverse direction; to thereby provide for a transverse plane indicate approximately 80
the operation of the tractor both forward by the lines 4——4, Figure 3.
Referring now to the drawings, the ref-.
and backward, thesteering thereof, and‘ the
turning of the same about within a mini erence-numerals 5, 6 designate two trans
mum space.
versely extending main frame members
.A further object of my invention is to; spaced apart from one another, but arranged 85
provide improved frame construction in comparatively close together as compared
tractors of the type above referred‘ to, that with the distance between the axes of the
is, of the type wherein all the .wheels which front and rear wheels of the tractor; which
support the machine are driving wheels; frame members may be of various forms but
the construction of the frame being such, which are shown as comprising suitable 90
that increased ?exibility thereof is secured lengths of angle iron to thereby provide a
‘ .upon the one hand, and greater strength frame structure which will be comparatively
upon the other.
A further object of my invention is to pro
vide an improved tractor of. the type above
referred to and wherein the construction of
the frame, the arrangement of the wheels,
and the disposition of the engine and trans
light in weight, but'which at the same time
will be ?exi 1 e to such a degree that it may
yield slightly when the tractor is in'use and
passing over'uneven ground and su?iciently
stiff to avoid buckling of the frame; the
?exibility of the frame structure being due
' mission mechanism relative to the frame and in part to the form of the frame members
to the wheels is such that the downward and in part to they fact that they are ar
force upon the several driving wheels is more ranged comparatively close together, as will
uniform than has heretofore commonly been be appreciated.
the case, and is in fact substantially equally
The frame ~members 5, 6 support the en
distributed between the four driving wheels gine 7, which may be of any suitable form,
when the tractor is in use hauling an agri
‘ cultural implement or other device.
With the above and other objects of in
as well also as the transmission mechanism
or gearing of the tractorythe latter being
enclosed within a suitable gear casing 8 lo- '
view my invention consists in the, cated adjacent the central portlqn of the a,
vehicle and supported from the frame mem
approxin'iately uniform bearing pressure is
bers in any suitable way as by means of secured at all four wheels of the tractor, as
lugs 9 resting upon the frame. members. will be appreciated.
The engine is shown as supported from the
The driving wheels are preferably driven
frame members through and by means of a through pairs of sprocket chains 19 which
sub~framc structure comprising angle iron extend about sprocket wheels ‘31 secured one
bars 10 extending transverse to the frame to each wheel so as to rotate the same, and
bars and supported beneath the same by' which sprocket chains are driven from driv
depending posts 11; said bars 10 being bent ing shafts 20 through suitable sprocket
upward at their forward end, as shown in pinions 21; this drivinnr arrangement being
Figure 1, and so arranged as to support the duplicated upon each side of the tractor, as
engine at the proper level relative to the will be appreciated, as both the wheels upon
main frame and to the transmission mecha each side thereof are driven from the engine
nism of the tractor.
The rear end of the through the transmission mechanism and the
engine is secured to the front frame bar 6 two driving shafts 20. The driving shafts
through lugs 12 which are shown as formed are supported at their outer ends in bearings
upon the fly wheel enclosing casing 13 of 22 which in turn are supported in openings
the engine structure. in the upper horizontal web portions 23 of
The reference numerals 111 designate two the end frames 14, see Figure 4, while the
end frames identical in form with one an» inner ends of said driving shafts are sup
other and disposed one upon each side of the ported in bearings 2% supported in openings
tractor, and which are shown as formed from in the sidewalls 25 of the transmission
a suitable plate metal blank bent to provide
inwardly extending flanges 15 at the top and
The transmission casing 8 is hollow in
bottom of the upper horizontal portion of form and the open top thereof is closed by
said frame, and bent also to provide flanges a cover ‘.26, as best shown in Figure 4; and
extending along the sides of the depending the reference numeral 27 designates two an
and diverging leg portions 16 thereof, as nular friction driven members carried one
best shown in Figure 4; and the reference by the inner end of each driving shaft 20
numerals 17 designate the supporting and and which members are ?xedly secured to
driving wheels of the tractor, four of such said shafts so as to drive the same, said mem
wheels being employed two located upon bers being ‘Shown as comprising dished end
each side of the machine. These wheels are plates 28 secured to sleeve members 29,‘ which
all driven from the engine through the trans in turn are secured to the shaft by means of
mission gearing and driving mechanism em
ployed, and they are supported from the lower
ends of the depending legs of the end frames
upon suitable short shafts or journal bear
suitable keys; and which sleeves serve as
supports for the inner races of the bearings
2-1 whereby the inner ends of the shafts 20 i
are supported. The peripheries of the fric
ings 18, as clearly‘ appears in Figure 1. tion driven members are provided with V
Preferably the lower ends of the legs are shaped grooves, as best shown in Figure 4,
tied together by longitudinally extending which grooves are prefe'a’bly provided by
bars 181, one of which is shown in Figure 1, building the said membei's up of a plurality
to thereb provide a more rigid support for of annular rings having V-shaped inner pe~
the whee s and prevent bending of the end l‘lPllt‘l'lOS whereby friction is increased, and
frames when the tractor is in use; it being a better driving action between the friction
appreciated that the metal throughout. the driving members. to be next referred to, and
entire frame structure will be disposed in said driven members is secured.
such a manner as to secure maximum
The main driving shaft which is driven
strength with minimum weight as it is from the engine appears most clearly in Fig—
highly desirable that the tractor as a whole ure 3 of the drawing and is designated by the
be kept as light and the frame thereof as numeral 30, and the same is provided with
flexible as practicable consistent with the a bevel pinion 31 at its rear end which meshes
service for which the machine is designed.
with and serves to drive a bevel gear'82,
The features of construction and arrange which is ?xedly secured upon a shaft 33 the
ment above enumerated provide a frame ends of which in turn are supported in
structure wherein the wheels are properly brackets 34 within the casing,\.,8; and which
supported relative to one another and to ‘the bearines'extend preferably from the front
driving shafts, as will hereinafter appear, by wall of the casing to about the middle there
the rigid end frame members, and wherein of to thereby'bring the said shaft 33 into a
flexibility of the frame structure is secured central position within the casing. The
by the tranverse frame members arranged shaft 33 which is driven from the engine
comparatively close together so that the through the opinion 31 and gear 32 has a
frame structure regarded in its entirety is wide driving gear '35 ?xedly secured upon
comparatively free to yield, due to uneven~ it and from which the driving shafts 20 are
ness of the ground; while at the same time driven,
Supported upon the shaft 33 are two oscil "the interiors of the driven members 27
lating members both designated by the refer These driving members are the ones whereby
ence numeral‘ 36 as both are, alike and each forward driving is secured, so that when the ,
of which members, has two bearings 37, 38 springs 47 are permitted to act the driving
adjacent its lower end, and within which mechanism will operate to drive the tractor
bearings two driving shafts 39, 40 are ro-.
in a forward direction.
tatably supported. The inner ends of these
The levers 45 may be ordinaryforms of le
last mentioned shafts are provided with vers operable directly by hand'although I
pinions 41, 42 which mesh with one another, prefer‘ to operate said levers through suit
as shown in Figure 3. One of these pinions,‘ able lines 48 and links‘ 49 pivotally connect
for example the pinion 42, meshes with the ed with the upper ends of said levers, so that
gear 35 so that both the gears 41, 42. carried by pulling upon the lines-the levers may be
by each oscillating member 36 are driven swung rearward, and the, friction driving
from said gear 35. It will be ‘ap reciated members 44 moved into driving engagement
that the gears 41, 42 ‘and the sha ts 39, 40 with the interiors of the friction driven mem
of each oscillating member are driven in op bers 27, to thereby secure reverse driving of
posite directions so that one of theseshafts
the tractor;
may be used for forward driving and the
other for reverse driving of the tractor, as
will hereinafter appear; and that‘the driving
mechanism above referred to is duplicated
upon each side of the tractor, as illustrated
in Figure 4. Inasmuch as both the gears 42
mesh with the wide gear 35 the driving
425 mechanisms upon each side of the central
line of the tractor, and the driving shafts
extending to the driving wheels at the two
sides thereof, will both be driven from the
single wide gear 35 and from the shaft 33.
as the oscillating members 36 are independ
ent of one another; and are operable each
‘It will also be appreciated‘ that inasmuch
independent of the other through its lever
45, t e'parts may be so positioned as to se
cure forward ‘driving of the wheels on one‘
side of the tractor. and rearward‘ driving on
the other'side, thus providing for the turn 90
ing of the tractor 'within an extremel short ‘
space; and it also follows that the. riving
of the wheels upon either side of the tractor
may be interrupted by holding the levers
The outer ends of the shafts 39, 40 are pro- - 45 in a central position with all the driving
vided with grooved friction driving mem members 43,- 44 out of enga ment with the
bers 43, 44 so shaped as to correspond with
the interiors of the annular friction driven
members 27, which driving-members may be
made up of a plurality of discs having V~
driven members 27 with which they cooper
ate; and that steering of the tractor may be
accomplished by permitting slipping be
tween thefriction driving members and the
shaped peripheries, the same as in the case interiors of the driven members. -_ In the nor- -
of the driven members 27. The bearings 37, mal operation of the tractor, however. the
38 are comparatively long and the shafts-39, tension of the springs 47 mav be readily ad-_
40 may move axiall in said bearings to a justed so that the machine will‘ proceed in slight extent to there y insure proper seating a straight ahead direction; it being necessary
of the grooved driving members 43, 44‘ with .to bestow little or no attention, as y pulling
in the grooves of the driven members 27 and upon-one 'or' the other of the lines '48, to the
prevent binding of the parts in question. steering of the tractar except when a consid
Obviously two driving members cooperate erable deviation from a straight ahead path: 7
with each drivenmember and as said mem-'
of travel is required.
. -
bers are carried by the shafts 39, 40 which
When the tractor is at rest and because of
rotate in opposite directions,‘ it follows that the fact that a considerable portion of the
each driven member may be driven in either weight of the en ' e is in front of the verti
cal plane of the out pair of driving wheels,
ing to which, particular friction driving and downward static pressure upon the for 115
member is in engagement with ‘the interior ward wheels is materially greater than the
of the driven member in question at any downward pressure on the, rear wheels of the
given time.
machine.‘ When the tractoris in operation,
The oscillating supporting members 36-are however, and is exerting its normal draw bar
( independently operated to bring one or the pull the reactive forces, set up by the driving 120
other of the friction driving members 43, 44 action of the engine tend to lift the front
which each carries into driving engagement pair of driving wheels from the ground, and _
a a forward or in a reverse direction, accord
with the interior ofthe driven member 27 to force the rear pair of driving wheels more
with which each oscillating member isasso ?rmly against the ground; the result being
ciated by means of arms '45 extending up
ward therefromthrough slots 46 in the trans
mission gear casing'cover. _ These arms are
that ,the downward forces at the points of
contact between the four'driving wheels and
the ground is more uniformly ‘distributed
acted upon by springs 47 so arranged ‘that than is the case when thetractor .is at rest.
i normally the friction driving members 43 The design of the frame structure in my im
will be yieldably held ‘inengageinent with: proved, _,tractor- and the‘ position ,"Of, the ea- _'
gine relative to the vertical lane of the for
ward driving wheels is in tie practical em
eratin said oscillating members each in
depen ently of the other to cause the fric
bodiment of my invention such that a sub tion driving members aforesaid to engage
stantially equal distribution of" downward the inner peripheries of the friction driven
forces is secured when the tractor is in use
members aforesaid.
pulling its normal load, thus securing sub 4. In a tractor of the class described, driv
stantially equal driving effort upon the sev ing mechanism comprising two forward
W eralv driving wheels of the machine.
friction driving members and two reverse
Having thus described and explained my frictionv driving members geared together
invention, I claim and desire to secure by so as to rotate in‘unisonin opposite direc
tions; means for driving said several driv
Letters Patent:
1. In a tractor of the class described hav ing members from the engine of the tractor;
ing driving wheels located upon ‘opposite two
transversely extending driving shafts
sidesthereof, and an engine for driving the the outer ends of which are operatively con
tractor; two friction driving members driven nected with driving wheels upon opposite
’ from said engine; two driving shafts the sides of the tractor; two annular friction
outer ends of which are operatively connect driven members carried one by the inner
ed with said driving wheels; two friction end of ‘each shaft aforesaid, and each of,
driven members carried one by the inner which members surrounds a forward and
20 end of each shaft aforesaid; two oscillating
a reverse driving member; and means for
members whereby said friction driving mem moving
said friction driving members to
bers are supported; and means for moving
a forward or a reverse driving mem
said oscillating members each independently cause
operatively engage the friction driven
of the other to thereby cause said friction
within which said driving members
driving members to engave said driven member
are located.
members to thereby drive said shafts.
a tractor of the class described, driv
2. In a tractor of the class described, driv~ ing5. In
com rising two forward
ing mechanism comprising a shaft driven
two reverse
from the engine which‘drives the tractor; a friction driving members and
30 driving gear carried by said shaft; two oscil
lating members having each a bearing; two so as to rotate in unison in opposite direc
shafts rotatably supported one in each of tions; two oscillating members whereby said
said bearings, two frlction driving members driving members are supported; a driving
carried one by each of said shafts; two pin gear driven from the engine of the tractor;
= ions carried by said shafts, and both of which gearing through which all of said friction
engage the driving gear aforesaid, two driv driving members are driven from said driv
ing shafts the outer ends of which are oper ing gear; two transversely extending driv-v
atively connected with driving wheels upon ing shafts the outer ends of which are oper
each side of‘the tractor, and the ‘inner ends atively connected with driving wheels upon
40 of which support two friction driven mem opposite sides of the tractor; two annular
bers; and means for operating said oscillat friction driven members carried one by‘ the
ing members each independently, of the other inner end of each shaft aforesaid, and each
to cause the friction driving members afore of which members surrounds a forward and
said to engage the friction driven members a‘reverse driving member; and means for
45 carried by said last mentioned two driving moving said oscillating members to thereby
cause either a forward or a reverse driving
member of each pair to engage the inner
ing mechanism comprising a shaft driven periphery of the driven member which sur
from the engine whereby the tractor is op rounds them, to thereby accomplish the driv
' ‘1.15
erated; a gear carried by said shaft; two ing of said driving shafts.
3. In a tractor of the class described, driv
oscillating members supported by said shaft
6. In a tractor of the class described, driv
and having each a bearing; two driving ing mechanism comprising a gear casing; a
shafts supported one in each of said bear~ shaft located within said casing and driven
ings; two pinions carried by said driving from the engine of the tractor; a gear car,
shafts and located adjacent one another, and ried'by said shaft; two oscillating members 120
both of which mesh with the gear aforesaid; supported by said ?rst mentioned shaft, and
two friction driving members carried by each of which carries a shaft; two friction
said last mentioned shafts; two driving driving members secured to the outer ends '
shafts the outer ends ‘of which" are opera
of’ said last mentioned shafts; tworpinions
tively connected with driving wheels upon carried by the inner ends of 'said last men
each side of the tractor; two friction driven tioned shafts, and both of which mesh with i
members annular in form secured one to the the gear aforesaid; two driving shafts the
inner end of each of said driving shafts, and outer ends of which are operatively con¢
which members surround the friction driv
nected with driving wheels upon each side
ing members aforesaid; and means for op~ of the tractor, and the inlet @945 0t which
are supported in bearings. carried by said ferentially extending ridges‘ corresponding
gear casing; two friction driven members in form with the grooves aforesaid, and
annular in form and located ‘within said
‘gear casing, and which members are carried
by said driving shaft and surroundthe driv-v
ing members aforesaid; andpmeans for op
which members are secured one to ‘the inner
driven members. '
transversely extending comparatively nar
end of each driving shaft and surround the
driving member with ‘which it cooperates;
and means for moving said driving members
> crating said oscillating members to cause into and out of engagement with said driven
said friction driving members to engage the , members.
inner peripheries of said annular friction
9. In a tractor of the class described, a
i J
7. In a tractor of the class described, a row main’ frame; two end frames secured
transversely‘ extending main frame whereby one to each end of said main frame, and each
V the driving mechanism of the tractor is sup
of whichincludes a horizontal top portion,
ported; two" side frames formed from a and two depending, and diverging legs, one
sheet of metal suitably ?anged to provide at each end of said top portion; four bear
a‘ substantially horizontal portion having ing spindles one at the lower end of each of
inwardly extending ?anges, and depending
said legs, and the axes of which spindles are
‘ and diverging ?anged leg portions, said spaced further apart than the length .of said
side frames being secured one to each end frame in the direction of travel of the trac
of said main frame; driving wheels sup tor; four wheels carried one by each of the
ported~ at the lower ends of said ?anged leg spindles aforesaid; a gear casing supported
portions; and means through which said from said main frame and located at the
driving mechanism is operatively connected middle portion thereof; transmission gear
with said driving wheels.
ing arranged within said gear casing; driv
25. .8.’ In a tractor of the class described hav- '
ing mechanism including two driving shafts
ing end frames whereby driving wheels upon extending to said side frames and ‘supported
_ opposite sides of the tractor are supported, in bearings carried by the horizontal por
' two friction driving members driven from tions thereof, and the outer ends of which
' the engine of the tractor, and each of which driving shafts are operatively connected 65
is rovided with a plurality of circumfer with said wheels so as to drive all of them;
entiallyl extending V-shaped- grooves; two and an engine supported in‘ front of said
transversely -.exten_ding driving shafts the -main frame and operatively connected with
outer ends of‘ which are operatively con
said transmission gearing to drive the 70
nected with the driving wheelslof said trac tractor.
In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature.
tor; two annularlfrietion driven members
each having a plurality of internal cireum-