Church Office 41 Beddi Road, Duncraig WA 6023 Phone/Fax 9448 5760 E: welcome to Duncraig Christian Fellowship CHURCH LEADERSHIP Elders: Mr Brian Hunter Mr David Shaw Mr David Smith Mr Wes Budge Mr James Dorn Ministry Rosters 16/11/14 9448 4081 0414 560 506 9448 4338 9302 3084 9404 8469 (** ALL subject to change as needed) 23/11/14 30/11/14 Communion Basil Jayatilaka David Smith Austin Noronha Family James Dorn David Shaw Brian Hunter Speaker David Smith Lloyd Porter Steve McKerney ** Music Team 1 Team 2 Team 3b ** Sound Paolo Paolo Daniel Computer Aaron Paul M Aidan Welcomers A & H McGregor R & E Miller C & J Mitchell Crèche Annette & Nancy Sally & Lauren Joanne W & Kaitlyn Communion Kitchen John & Gail Barbara & Margaret McCarthys Family Service 10:30 am Flowers Helen Margaret Helen Pathfinders 11:00 am If you are visiting us today, WELCOME! We’d love to invite you to join us for tea and conversation at 10:00am after the Communion service . Our Theme for 2014 is: Living in the presence of God Matthew 28 v. 20 Services for 16th November 2014 9:15 am Today Church Notice Board A very warm welcome to our speaker: David Smith David will be speaking for two Sundays:PLEASE CAN YOU HELP!! 9 November 16 November On “Praying the Lord’s Prayer” For your convenience & enjoyment of the morning services: Today’s Message: If you would like a copy of today’s message, please go to where you can download the message online or place an order for a CD. Sermon notes: If you would like to take notes during the message there are sheets available in the foyer. Crèche: is available for the Family Service, during Speaker’s time. Cry Room: is next to the Sound Centre. Parents can view & hear the service while attending to their babies. (Entrance from foyer) Music: During the Communion Service, please choose songs from the Duncraig Christian Fellowship Songbook provided. Thank you. Pathfinders: The Sunday School Classes meet (school term) during the Speaker’s time at 11am. Watch for the moving band on top of the screen, announcing it’s time for children to go to their rooms. Pastoral Visit /Prayer Request: If you would like prayer or a pastoral visit from someone please fill out the forms provided in the foyer and place in the wooden box. Thankyou. We urgently need billets for 11 of the AFES students during the mission week. It’s for 4 nights, from Wednesday 26th till Saturday 29th. Prayerfully consider and let David Shaw know if you’re able to help. Thank you SATURDAY 29TH NOVEMBER FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT A fun night for all ages!! Invite friends to join us from 5pm for a BBQ, followed by the movie “Frozen” at 6pm. This event is free and is part of our mission week with the AFES students. There’ll be a short children’s talk after the movie which will explore some of the themes the movie raises. FLOWERS ROSTER Please consider being placed on the roster to provide flowers for our Sunday services. It’s always lovely to see beautiful fresh flowers being displayed as we come to worship and praise our God. Please see Gail if you’re able to help CAROLS BY CANDLE LIGHT SATURDAY 13TH DECEMBER Invite family & friends and join us for a great night of singing carols as we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. Starts from 5:30pm! Any notices for the bulletin or church roster, please email to Jo at by Thursday as pieces of paper sometimes disappear. Thankyou! Ministry Matters Friendship Coffee Mornings Every alternate Monday 9:00am - 12:00pm Like, Friendly company, interesting chats & discussions, and home baked morning tea? Contact: Alastair 9407 8757 DCF Calendar Ladies Bible Study Kidz Club Tuesday 9:30am - 11:00am Tuesday 4:00pm - 5:30pm Purpose: Encourage ladies to come together in a relaxed environment to discuss, learn & share in God’s word. Crèche Available A fun program for children including games, singing, bible story, memory verses, activities & an afternoon snack. Contact: Jo 9448 5760 Contact: Mel 9448 5760 November 2014 Sun 16 Mon 17 David Smith Coffee Morning Tues 18 Ladies’ Study Wed 19 24 Friends in Craft Mainly Music DETOUR Uth Thursday 9:30am - 11:30am Friday 10:00am - 11:30am Friday 7:30pm - 10:00pm A fun interactive music Learn interesting Crafts & Have Our youth group. Organised fun session for parents with a good chat with friends. activities for young people in a young children. Followed with wholesome & fun environment. Crèche available morning tea. Contact: Sue 9300 5741 or Contact: Norma See DCF website Gail 9448 3709 0408205260 for weekly updates Lloyd Porter 20 Growth groups Fri 21 Friends in Craft Sat 22 Mainly Music Kidz Club Elevate Young Adults James’ growth group 23 Thurs 25 Ladies’ Study 26 Kidz Club James’ growth group Detour 27 Growth groups 28 Friends in Craft Elevate Young Adults 29 Mainly Music Detour Upcoming Events CELEBRATIONS!! NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS CARE & SHARE MINISTRY Special Occasion: Card Ministry: Birthdays, Anniversaries Compassion Helps CARE & SHARE Ministry We will no longer be putting meals in the freezer, but should the need arise for meals, I will draw up a roster and call on our very willing and generous ladies to help and provide a meal. Thank you — Jo Mitchell HAMPERS: Please leave dry goods in the boxes supplied in the foyer. Contact: Joanne Mitchell ( 9448-5760) MAINLY MUSIC Fri 21-Nov Fri 28-Nov Fri 5-Dec Vicki Budge Gladys Sleith Norma Troiani Russell Miller Bill Taylor Linley Pass Jo Mitchell 19th Nov 19th Nov 21st Nov 22nd Nov 26th-30th Mission Week with AFES DECEMBER 7th Pathfinders Presentation 13th Carols by Candle Light— Percy Doyle Reserve 18th Term 4 ends ANNIVERSARIES Bill & Pauline Taylor 19th Nov Keeping in touch 26—30 November, AFES & DCF Mission. An opportunity to be actively involved in evangelising to our community. Please consider the following ways to assist:• Billeting university students for 4 nights. • Inviting others to events like Ginger bread house making, Pool competition, and Family night • Take a day or two off work to do house visits in pairs in the neighbourhood (training available) • Visit the local Nursing home with students singing carols . • Praying for people to respond to the work of the Holy Spirit during this time. Wednesday 26th November—Come and make a Gingerbread House Come and enjoy a night of building and decorating your own gingerbread house. Great gift idea for Christmas. At 7:00pm here at DCF, cost $15 per person. Please book your place with Jo Mitchell—9448 5760 or email Thursday 27th November—Men’s Pool Competition At On-Cue, Warwick, starts at 7:00pm and cost is $10 that includes pool table hire and cocktail food. Booking is essential!! RSVP by 23rd November to Jo or David on 9448 5760 or email Prayer Matters “…..Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b Please continue to keep the following people in your prayers:Ross Budge:- Please continue to pray for Ross’ wife Joan, Wes, Vicki and the rest of the family at this time. May God continue to strengthen them as they cope with their loss. Stan would like to thank those that prayed for his nephew Mark’s family wife Taryn, sons Jack (12) & Ben (10), & Mark’s mum Maija. It’s very much appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Noreen McDowall Noreen is doing well. Both Derek & Noreen thank you for your continued prayers. Year 12 & Year 11 Students : Caleb Lambert & Lauren Mitchell, who are sitting their final exams. University students Sarah, Aidan & Jess who are also sitting exams Persecuted Christians all over the world. Travelling friends Peter & Caroline Morris travelling around Australia. Missionaries Trevor & Manoli Allen Paul & Gerrah Kulikovsky WEEKLY GIVING Weekly Budget: $3,400.00 Average Offering for the last 4 weeks: $2,393.61 Offering previous week: $2,550.90 For those wanting to give via direct debit, see details below. Westpac BSB 036-226; Account: 407270 PRAYER MEETING Friday Morning 9:30am in the Upper Lounge
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