Empower Human Ingenuity gen-E Resolve™ Support Services Service Level Agreement and Schedule Contents Introduction and Overview ................................................................................................................................. 3 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Response Time and Resolution Targets ........................................................................................................... 6 gen-E Internal Call Escalation Rules ................................................................................................................. 6 gen-E Software Support Service ....................................................................................................................... 7 Scope of Services .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Software Subscription and Supported Releases ............................................................................................. 10 Resolve™ Support Page |2 Introduction and Overview The gen-E Software Support team provides basic to advanced levels of assistance in software configuration and problem resolution. Our team is commited to ensuring the success of our customers with certified engineers available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As part of this service, clients have telephone, email and online access to our highly trained technical support specialists, who serve as a one-stop source for support services and questions related to: Installation and operational questions, Software interoperability and compatibility End-to-End Resolution Support (Level 1 to Level 3) for Resolve Software problems and incidents. Gen-E Service Desk Contact Information Gen-E Online Service Desk: http://support.gen-E.com. Email: support@gen-E.com Country Phone US & Canada – (Includes all 50 states, 866 396 9275 Local hours of operations (Business Weekday) 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m. 08082 341079 1800 309 326 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m. Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and Saipan) United Kingdom Australia Definitions The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them; all other terms remain as defined in the Agreement: “Deliverables” means, individually or collectively, any Software, or Services that are provided, developed, created or discovered in connection with the performance of gen-E. gen-E Software Support’s Deliverables: gen-E Software Support is responsible for providing Level 1 through Level 3 Support Services and Software Subscription for Resolve Runbook Automation. “Documentation” means all manuals, instructions and other documents (whether in hard copy, soft copy or web-based form) relating to, or necessary for, the use, operation or maintenance of the Software. “Defect” shall mean any reproducible and verifiable failure of a Deliverable to conform to the Documentation and/or Specifications, including, without limitation, an interruption to or a reduction in, the quality or performance of the Deliverable. “Designated Contacts” shall mean Customer’s employees (or contractors) who are designated by Customer as its contacts for the purposes of this agreement. Designated Contacts may submit, modify, or close a ticket. Designated Contacts may be changed by Customer with written notice upon notice to gen-E Software Support. Resolve™ Support Page |3 “Enhancement” - A design change thought of by a client. To request an enhancement, an issue must be opened with Software Support. Opening an issue creates an official record of the request and it is then transferred to the Development queue. The request will then be reviewed by the Development and the Product Manager. Whether the request is approved will be based on how valuable is the recommended changes, how many other users are likely to benefit from the change, and how difficult is the change to implement. Level 1 support: This is the initial support level responsible for basic Customer issues. It is synonymous with first-line support and various other headings denoting basic level technical support functions. The first job of the Level 1 Engineer is to create a ticket, gather the Customer’s information and analyzing the symptoms for Root Cause Analysis. Level 1 Engineers will typically handle basic trouble-shooting issues. For Resolution beyond their subject matter expertise, they will escalate the issue to a Level 2 Engineer. Level 2 Support: This is a more in-depth technical support level than Level 1, containing experienced and knowledgeable personnel for Resolve Software. It is synonymous with level 2 support, and various other headings denoting advanced technical troubleshooting and analysis methods. Engineers in this realm of knowledge are responsible for resolution of more complex break-fix issues. If they find that the root of the issue is resulting from a Software defect or requires an enhancement, then the Level 2 Engineer will escalate and open a ticket with the Level 3 Engineer in the Resolve Development Team. Level 2 Engineer activities may also include, but not limited to diagnostic testing, and the utilization of remote control tools used to take over the user’s machine for the sole purpose of troubleshooting and finding a solution to the problem. Level 3 Support: It is synonymous with Development Team support, back-end support, and various other headings denoting expert level troubleshooting and analysis methods. These individuals are part of the gen-E Resolve Development Team and responsible for not only assisting both Level 1 and Level 2 engineers, but with the research and development of solutions to new or unknown issues. “Incident” shall mean any event that is not part of the standard operation of a Deliverable and which causes the Deliverable to exhibit one or more Defects. gen-E Software Support shall maintain a list of all Customer incidents, including, the date and time of each Incident request, who made such request, the status of gen-E Software Support’s response to the applicable Incident and a unique alphanumeric identifier. “Major Release”, sometimes synonymous with “Update”, shall mean any Software Release and related Documentation that corrects one or more Defects or provides minor functionality enhancements, but which does not change the overall utility, functional capabilities, or application of the Software. Major Releases shall be represented by a change to the right of the decimal point within the same Upgrade number of the Software (e.g., v.1.1.1 to v.1.2.0). “Migration” shall mean the process of transferring data, formats or files when moving from the existing platform release to the new platform release. “Outage” shall mean one or more Defects in a Deliverable that (a) materially affects multiple Customers, (b) for which a Workaround has not been made available; and (c) causes (i) a Platform or Software malfunction; (ii) a failure or partial failure of any major functionality; and/or (iii) data loss or corruption. “Patch” shall mean a new release of the Software, typically unplanned, that does not add any material features or functionality to the Software, including Software corrections, bug fixes, improvements and minor enhancements between service releases. A patch is sometimes also referred to as a “fix”. Patches may be built to correct critical stability or performance issues. “Platform Release” shall mean a Software Release and related Documentation that includes material changes to the overall utility, functionality, or application of the Software. Platform Releases are represented by a change to the left of the decimal point in the same version number of the Software (e.g., v.1.0.0 to v.2.0.0). Resolve™ Support Page |4 “Resolution” shall mean the recovery of the Deliverable, or correction of the Defect, giving rise to an Incident such that the Deliverable is once again performing in full compliance with all applicable Specifications. “Resolution Time” shall mean the time required for gen-E Software Support to accomplish full Resolution of an Incident, measured from the moment the Customer has reported an Incident or made a Service Request. “Response Time” shall mean the time required for gen-E Software Support to acknowledge the reporting of an Incident or the making of a Service Request and issue a tracking number, measured from the moment the Customer has reported an Incident or made a Service Request. “Root Cause Analysis” or (“RCA”) shall mean the process of identifying the events or factors that caused an Incident. “Service Desk” shall mean gen-E Software Support’s facility or facilities by which gen-E Software Support provides a first contact for support issues related to the Deliverables. The Service Desk will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern and support for issues designated as critical shall be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year (“24x7x365”). “Service Release” shall mean a periodic update that corrects problems in one version of a product. This release that does not add any material features or functionality to the Software, including Software corrections, bug fixes, improvements and minor enhancements. While Patches tend to be tactical, Service Releases are planned and managed, and will typically include many of the patches previously released. Service Releases are released more frequently than Major Releases and Platform Releases. A service release shall be represented by a change to the right of the second decimal point within the same Platform Release and Major Release number of the Software (e.g., v.1.1.1 to v.1.1.2). “Software Release” shall mean all Patches, Service Releases, Major Releases and Platform Releases provided by gen-E Software Support to Customer hereunder. “Subscriber” shall mean a customer that has purchased Resolve software support services. “Support Services” shall mean the providing to Customer of all Software Releases, including all Software Upgrades, Updates and Patches, as such are developed and released for Resolve Software. “System” shall mean all gen-E Software Support-provided Software and Services as integrated into Subscriber’s network, which together provides the functionality, features, and performance standards set forth in the Specifications. "Third Party" or "Third Party Company” means a gen-E Software Support of hardware and/or software other than Resolve Software Support. “Upgrade” shall mean any additional or replacement code that is added to or activated in an existing Release to provide new capabilities or new features via a planned Major Release or Platform Release. Upgrades typically require Migration planning and efforts. “Upgrade Option” shall mean any additional or replacement code that can be added to or activated in an existing Software Release to provide new capabilities or new features that are not included or activated in the originally installed version of the applicable Software Release. Upgrade Options are not licensed with Major Releases but may be activated upon the request of Subscriber and the payment of any applicable licensing and service fees for such Upgrade Options. “Workaround” shall mean a temporary solution to a Defect that restores the applicable Deliverable to functionality which is in accordance with the Specifications in all material respects. Resolve™ Support Page |5 Response Time and Resolution Targets Call Severity Standard Support Target for Resolution Critical High Medium Low RFI 5 Minutes 30 Minutes 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 30 Minutes 2 Hours 8 Hours 16 Hours 24 Hours gen-E Internal Call Escalation Rules Calls will be managed and/or escalated based on the rules defined below: Severity Critical Time 0-5min. 5-30min. 30min. – 2hrs. Technical Responsibility gen-E Support Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineer Support Organization gen-E Resolve Support Engineers Status Monitoring Team Lead Team Lead Director of Managed Services Team Lead gen-E Support and Development Organizations > 2hrs. High 0-30min. 30min. – 8hrs. Director of Managed Services, Team Lead, Senior Resolve Development Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineers Team Lead gen-E Support and Development Organizations > 8hrs. Medium/Low 0hrs. – 2hrs. 2hrs. – 16hrs. > 16hrs. Director of Managed Services, Team Lead, Senior Resolve Development Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineer gen-E Resolve Support Engineer Team Lead Director of Managed Services, Team Lead Resolve™ Support Page |6 gen-E Software Support Service End Customer Responsibilities –When calling or submitting a problem to gen-E Software Support about a particular service request, please have the following information ready: Company name Contact name Preferred means of contact (voice or email) Telephone number where you can be reached if request is voice Related product and version information Related operating system and database information Comprehensive description - It is necessary for the customer to provide a comprehensive description of the issue when opening a support ticket with the help desk. Severity of the issue in relationship to the impact of it affecting your business needs. Configuration and log files – To resolve the issue in a timely manner, it is necessary to send the configuration files associated with each product affected by the issue as well as the log files. It may be necessary to place the product in debug mode to capture any errors which may be occurring. gen-E Support Engineer Responsibilities A support ticket will be created for each incident opened with the service desk. These incidents are logged as service requests into the gen-E incident management system. The ticket will remain open until the issue is successfully resolved. Once logged, a unique call record is created. Please make note of this number and use it in any future communication for that issue with the Service Desk. Your service request is routed to a Level 2 Support Engineer for handling. Incidents will initially be flagged with the priority levels outlined below. (See Priority Levels Section). Other calls may be later flagged with: “Pending Client”: The problem awaits further input from the client “Closed”: The problem has been resolved to the client’s satisfaction. For resolution, your service request/incident is analyzed, resolved, or escalated as appropriate. The Support Engineer will attempt to identify the issue by reviewing the documentation. If necessary, the Support Engineer may need to access information on your system relative to the failure or will attempt to replicate the issue in a controlled test environment in the support development lab. If the issue is not replicable in the lab, the engineer will contact the Designated Contact (s) and determine the differences between the Partner’s environment and our lab environment. This process will continue until the issue is identified and resolved. gen-E may also recommend reviewing the problem information or test cases on-line by setting up a remote session. Resolution and Escalation Process The gen-E Level 2 Support Engineer will use every resource available to resolve the issue within the support network. If the Level 2 Engineer is unable to resolve the issue in a timely manner, the ticket will be escalated to the Level 3 Engineer in the Resolve Software Development Team. The Level 2 Support Engineer assigned to the ticket will continue work toward the resolution in our lab Resolve™ Support Page |7 and will also work with the Development Team to resolve the issue. The gen-E Level 2 Engineer will act as a liaison between the Customer and the Development Team, providing the Customer with updates. Status Updates –Customers may view the latest updates for their incidents by logging into support.gen-E.com. The assigned Level 2 Engineer will provide daily updates on all open tickets designated as “Critical”. The update may be accomplished by email or by telephone depending on the Customer’s wishes and the number of people being updated. Software Defect/Enhancement Request – To request a defect or an enhancement request from the Development Team, please contact the gen-E Software Support team. The issue must be replicable in a lab environment. The Development Team will not open a request of this nature without the ability to consistently replicate the issue. Once the issue has been replicated and identified, the gen-E support engineer will open a bug/enhancement request with the Development Team. After opening the bug/enhancement request, the gen-E Level 2 Engineer will monitor the progress of the request. Updates to the bug/enhancement requests will be given to the Customer on a periodical basis. During this investigation process, the gen-E Software Support team determines if your defect issue falls into one of three categories as described below. A. A known defect-related issue: If the Support Team determines that the issue is the result of a software defect that has previously been reported, the following actions may be taken: o A fix or workaround is provided to circumvent or correct the issue o If no workaround is available and it is determined that one is required, the Support Team will work with the customer to find the best feasible workaround o The Support Team advises the customer when the defect is closed, assists in fix implementation and updates the customer’s problem record. B. A new defect: If the Support Team determines that the issue is the result of a Resolve software defect that has not been reported before, we will work with you to create a Software Problem Report (SPR) to track the resolution of the defect. These SPRs are routed to the appropriate development teams. The development teams analyze the SPR to determine how the defect will be addressed. One of a number of fix related activities may result: o The defect is determined to be of high impact, a code fix is created and delivered to you o The defect is determined to be of lower impact which does not require an immediate, permanent fix. We may defer the fix for a future release. Call Records will reflect deferred fixes with a closing code of "FIN "(Fixed If there is a Next release) to designate plans for inclusion in a future release. o For impacting problems, once an SPR is created the appropriate development team(s) become engaged and will work to resolve the situation. o Because of the complexities of the environments supported, SPRs will often take several weeks, possibly months, to debug and to write, test, package and distribute a fix. o After you have received a program fix, we will follow up with you to confirm resolution of your problem C. A problem that is not defect-related: If the Support Team determines that the issue is not a software defect in supported Resolve code, we will continue to work the problem to resolution only at your request and with your concurrence, under a separate services agreement and/or submit the request as an ‘Enhancement to the Product’. Resolve™ Support Page |8 o Enhancement Request Process: Opening an issue creates an official record of the request and it is then transferred to the Development queue. The request will then be reviewed by the Development and the Product Manager. Whether the request is approved will be based on how valuable is the recommended changes, how many other users are likely to benefit from the change, and how difficult is the change to implement. You will be able to view an update of your request by logging into your account’s Online Service Desk. Priority Levels gen-E has defined a four-level severity system based on Customer impact and urgency: Critical: Critical Impact/System Down: Business critical software component is inoperable or critical interface has failed. This usually applies to a production environment and indicates you are unable to use the program resulting in a critical impact on operations. This condition requires an immediate solution. High: Significant business impact: A software component is severely restricted in its use or you are in jeopardy of missing business deadlines because of problems with a new application rollout. Medium: Some business impact; Indicates the program is usable with less significant features (e.g. not critical to operations) unavailable or not functioning. Low: Minimal business impact: A non-critical software component is malfunctioning, causing minimal impact. Non-urgent assistance (e.g. Service Requests) required for configuration/usage of specific products. Example: Client Can Request for Information (RFI): Information on Software features or specifications, including missing documentation. Scope of Services Technical question support allows you to obtain assistance from gen-E for product specific, taskoriented questions regarding the installation and operation of Resolve software. In the course of providing answers to your technical questions, we may refer you to product documentation or publications, or we may be able to provide a direct answer to assist you in the following areas: Short duration problems involving: Installation Usage (how-to) Specific usage/installation questions for documented functions Product compatibility and interoperability questions Providing available configuration samples Planning information for software fixes gen-E Software Support is not structured to address everything -- the following are examples of areas that are beyond our scope: Analyzing performance Resolve™ Support Page |9 Writing, troubleshooting or customizing code for a client Answering extensive configuration questions Recovering a database or data recovery Consulting Requirements Gathering gen-E does not provide maintenance support for the operation or performance of any Customer’swritten or third party applications (e.g. Oracle, SAP, etc.), except as related to the interaction of Customer’s written or third party applications with the Software. Software Subscription and Supported Releases gen-E will provide the following software updates and enhancements on an as available basis: Software Defect (e.g. bug) fixes Documentation to include appropriate release, including functional, configuration and installation information Supported Releases gen-E will support previous releases of software for two previous Major Releases and one Platform Release following the general availability of a new release update. Thereafter, gen-E shall have no further responsibility for supporting and maintaining the prior releases. Note: Resolution and Service Level commitments will be affected and may not be met if an issue is related to the the correctness of, performance of, or any resulting incompatibilities with, current or future releases of the Software if the Subscriber has made changes to the Software, without the prior notification and approval of gen-E. New Release Process gen-E shall notify Subscriber’s Designated Contact in advance of each new Software Release. The notice shall include all applicable Documentation, including, but not limited to, a description of any Software corrections, enhancements or new functionality contained in the applicable Software Release, as well as (in the event that gen-E Software Support is not performing the installation of the Software Release) all required instructions and support for Subscriber to perform the installation and configuration of the Software Release. The updates and enhancements specified above, and those otherwise provided by gen-E to the purchasers of the software, will be provided in a machine-readable format. Updates to the related documentation will be provided in electronic or hard copy form at the option of the Subscriber. Duplication, distribution and installation of updates and enhancements shall be the responsibility of the Subscriber. If requested, gen-E will provide onsite assistance for the installation of updates on a time and materials basis, plus expenses New Software Release Documentation Upon Subscriber’s request to their designated gen-E Account Manager, gen-E Software Support will provide overview of the Software roadmap to Subscriber for the purposes of discussing potential changes in the functionality or interfaces of the Software. Resolve™ Support P a g e | 10
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