RESEARCH CONFERENCES ESF-EMBO Symposium Flies, worms and robots: combining perspectives on minibrains and behaviour 8 – 13 November 2014 Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain List of Accepted Posters Number Surname 1 Cardona Firstname Albert 2 Wu Jie-Kai 3 4 Izquierdo Pamir Eduardo Evren 5 Kaburi Josyline Cirindi 6 7 8 9 Malanchuk Ruffier Goulard Asahina Oksana Franck Roman Kenta 10 Jagota Anita 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Haberkern Braun Kim Ohyama Roy Tastekin Schleyer Hannah Andreas Daeyeon Tomoko Suva Ibrahim Michael 18 Calvo Ana 19 20 21 22 Pacheco Pinedo Robie Saumweber Szigeti Diego Armando Alice Timo Balazs 23 Turner-Evans Dan Abstract_Title Inhibitory feedback circuits in sensory systems Protein-synthesis-dependent representation of long-term memory in sparse efferent neurons of Drosophila mushroom body Steering in C. elegans Model-based data analysis of individual-animal chemotaxis behavior from group assays in larval Drosophila Evaluation of lambdacyhalothrin incorporated into 1, 4-dichlorobenzene for the control of insect vectors of malaria and leishmaniases Oncogenic potential of novel mTOR isoform Biomimetic robots account for the direct use of optic flow in insect flight control Modelling visual head to horizon servoing in hoverflies (Episyrphus balteatus) Sexually dimorphic neurons control male aggressive arousal in Drosophila through neuropeptide Tachykinin Differential stoichiometric interactions in remodeling of central nervous system during Postembryonic development in Lepidopteran insect Bombyx mori A virtual reality system for the study of visually guided navigation in head-fixed walking Drosophila Multisensory integration and decision-making in Drosophila larvae Digging and diving to feed: olfaction directs foraging behavior in the Drosophila melanogaster larva Multilevel multimodal integration enhances action selection in Drosophila Adaptive motion computation in the blowfly visual system Functional Characterisation of neurons Involved in Drosophila Larval Chemotaxis High-resolution comparison between learned and innate olfactory behaviour in larval Drosophila The thermotaxis circuit of C.elegans: implication of chemical and electrical synapses to control different modes of thermal behavior Characterizing the dynamics of the song motor circuit in Drosophila Creating structure-function brain maps in Drosophila melanogaster Mnemonic architecture of individually identified mushroom body extrinsic neurons Eigenmaggots: understanding behaviour as a trajectory across body posture space Multi-electrode Extracellular Electrophysiology from Optogenetically Identified Neurons in the Drosophila Central Complex List of Accepted Posters Number Surname 24 Vo Doan 25 Von Philipsborn Firstname Tat Thang Anne C. 26 Baschwitz Amelie 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Suzuki Nehrkorn Risse Hums Klibaite Berthé Hückesfeld Linder Schlegel Schoofs Walker Schulze Weir Naoki Yamao Yoshinori Johannes Benjamin Ingrid Ugne Ruben Sebastian Ashley Philipp Andreas Samuel J Aljoscha Peter Honda Masataka 42 Bartumeus Frederic Abstract_Title CYBORG INSECT: Living insect-machine hybrid system for flapping and walking control Neuronal circuits for Drosophila courtship song A digital in vivo 3D atlas of the antennal lobe of Drosophila melanogaster Neuronal basis for an appropriate behavioral response to unapparent wide-field motion in Drosophila melanogaster A model for non-monotonic intensity coding FIM2C and the analysis of collision behavior in Drosophila larvae. Control of head and body coordination in C. elegans during oxygen-induced search behaviors Quantification of male-female interactions during Drosophila melanogaster courtship Relevance of moving body appendages in freely maneuvering Drosophila Feeding motor patterns in Drosophila larvae Neural dynamics from whole-brain calcium imaging in C. elegans Connectomic Analysis of Neuropeptide Hugin producing Cells in the CNS of Drosophila Central Serotonergic Modulation of Motor Outputs in Drosophila Larvae Modulation of chemosensory processing & behaviour by mating in Drosophila melanogaster. Casting light on the interplay between perception and decision making in active sensing Early steps in polarization vision Reconstruction of cellular migrating behavior based on molecular activity Functional identification of thermotactic neural system in C. elegans Multi-scale and non-stationary search behaviour in model organisms
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