PURPOSE: To support the Rocklin community with art activities and exhibits, encourage the participation of Rocklin businesses, schools and artists in the community through exhibits, art demonstrations, lectures, and workshops, and to support local artists, art in public places and art shows. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: I want to congratulate all of those who participated in the Woofstock Show "Animal Kingdom". I thought the art show was truly amazing with a wide range of talent. It was very impressive...I also want to thank all of you who helped in setting up the show and making it look so great! It was a lot of work for this particular event. It was the first time we have had a show in the Community Room in a long time - first time with multiple "artist's marketplace tables" - first time with this type of event. I know it didn't have the draw or successes that we were hoping for, but it was an incredible effort to support the City of Rocklin and bring art as another valuable piece of the day's activities. I would really like to hear from those of you who did participate, your ideas on how we, as Rocklin Fine Arts, can draw in more clientele to our shows. It's important that we do the marketing and social media for all our efforts of setting up these events. I know the City would be as interested in these ideas as the board for RFA. Again, this is OUR organization, so let's work together to make it meet the needs of our members. We have our Annual Member show coming up in October - so WE NEED YOUR INPUT! Also get ready to bring your best work! Remember this time it will be People's Choice! Don't forget the nominations are coming up pretty quick! If you would like to be a member of the board please put your name in! It really does take us all to make RFA be successful - and you will have all of us who have served on the board in the past years to rely on! We can all find a few spare hours a month to help out! Keep painting and keep learning! Thank you all again for your support at Woofstock - as your president and a fellow artist, I truly appreciate all you do! Your Prez – Gini Crepps 1 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: MEMBERSHIP, vital to any organization, IS DUE!! Our calendar year runs from July to July. If you haven’t renewed yet you are late. Please renew. Registration/Renewal Forms are available on our Web Site. Clearly printed forms are essential. Please make out your check to the Rocklin Fine Art and mail to Rocklin Fine Art, P.O.Box 1194, Rocklin, CA 95677, or you can give them to Karen at the meetings. Any questions call Karen Stegeman at 916-259-4204 or email her at kstegeman1218@gmail.com. MEETINGS AND MOTIVATION: We welcome guests and any new members you might like to invite to our meetings. These meetings are an exciting way to meet local artists, see their work, hear their stories, get motivated and see if you might be interested in taking classes with them if offered. NEWS: Thank you for your submissions! All your editor can say is….WOW! Look at all the great things happening for our mebers! You can email it to our newsletter editor, Jaci, at jmuzamel@gmail.com any time…you don’t HAVE to wait for the call for news; she’ll save it for the next newsletter. Before the good news, an update…Helen Slingland has had to resign from handling the Granite Bay Library due to her husband's illness and his need for care. We all send out good thoughts to them both! In the meantime, we’d hate to lose that venue...Is anybody in the group willing to step up and take this over? Helen has said she has all the information and it is not complicated at all to work with the librarian. This is important to RFA to honor these commitments. Please let Gini know! gini@iqdesign.com 916-624-1903 Linda Hoschler, Chairperson for the Moon Over Buffalo Art Collaborative with Rocklin Community Theatre wants to congratulate and thank you all for making this art show such a big success! We had a nice variety of artwork with oil, acrylic, pastel, batik, fused glass, watercolor, photography, digital photography and pinhole photography. RFA co-sponsored a special matinee on Saturday, August 9 where all tickets were $5. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of the Rocklin Community Theatre members for their support. We could not do it without the help of our RFA members stepping up to volunteer. August was a very busy month and Linda appreciates the time you gave. Thanks to Lenore Blaauw , Yvonne Clingerman, Jaci Muzamel, Judy Sowa, Nancy Woody, Craig Lanterman, Kathleen Ryan, Julie Martin, Marianne Harris, Karen Stegeman, Jim Thompson, Jill & Ken Maddex, Julie Garcia, Jer Jarrett, Gene McKinnon and Gini Crepps. So many helpers made our tasks easy and quick. Congrats to Karen Stegeman who sold a painting! We have one new member who joined at the theatre! Let's recognize the following artists who exhibited: Kathleen Ryan, Jill & Ken Maddex, Julie Martin, Marianne Harris, Karen Stegeman, Jim Thompson, Julie Garcia, Gene McKinnon, Steve Hoschler, Gini Crepps, Gayle Rappaport Weiland, Craig Lanterman, Jer Jarrett and Linda Hoschler. It was a treat to exhibit a 1920's City of Buffalo poster designed by Jaci Muzamel's grandfather. Jim Cunnigham had a photograph accepted into the California State Fair AND it won An Award of Merit! 2 Tony Rogone had two paintings in the California State Fair this year. He won two awards, The Kay Boron Memorial Award and the Inside Publications Award. The “Inside” is a Sacramento neighborhood magazine on which his painting was on the cover. Margarita Chaplinska had two paintings in the California State Fair and won an Award of Merit and The Cheap Joe's Art Supplies Donor Award. Marianne Harris had three of her paintings juried in to the Draft Horse Classic "Art at the Classic" this year, and she will also be having a booth again this year at the show from September 18th through 21st at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley. Karen Stegeman sold a painting at the RFA art exhibit which was held during the Rocklin Theater Company's performances of Moon Over Buffalo. Sandy Lindblad won a curator award for her pastel painting titled “Hi There” an 18x24 entered in the upcoming KVIE Art Auction. The preview Gala event is Sept 15th and the actual auction on TV will be from Sept 19-21. Google Kvie.org art auction 2014. Sandy Lindblad is pleased to announce her website www.sandylindblad.com Make sure to check it out! Sally Garcia sold a piece of metal art from the show at Woofstock! Debby Plath(who is recovering from back surgery…we send our best wishes to her) just bought three of her paintings and commissioned her to paint two more. Debby is currently showing her artwork in old town Folsom. She is a member of Folsom Art Association's Sutter Street Artists. Check out the group who share space with The Bag Lady Boutique at 627 Sutter Street. Ann Ranlett is in the Auburn Art Walk. out "Sibling Hearts", a joint show by Ann Ranlett and her brother, PY Simpson, at the last Art Walk of the season at Tango Frozen Yogurt on Thursday, October 9th from 6 - 9 pm. Their show features ceramic sculptures by PY and scratchboard drawings of those sculptures by Ann. Tango is at 940 Lincoln Way in Auburn. The show will remain at Tango through early December, so if you can't make it out for Art Walk, stop by during business hours to see it. For a sneak preview, visit Ann's Facebook album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.688980494470425.1073741845.105411602827320 Ann Ranlett is participating in the Newcastle Art Studios Tour. Ann is one of only 17 artists participating in the 3rd annual Newcastle Art Studios Tour. The tour is October 11th & 12th from 10 am - 5 pm each day. It's free. On Sunday September 28th, join Ann and some of the Tour artists for demos at Artlandish Studios in Newcastle from 12 - 5 pm. And on Friday, October 3rd, meet the artists at Lone Buffalo Vineyards for the artists' reception from 4 - 7 pm. Visit the Tour web site at www.NewcastleArt.com or feel free to contact Ann with any questions (annranlett@gmail.com, 916 300-5774). Linda Hoschler has her fused glass bowls, baskets and art in The Local Artist's Gallery in Newcastle. 470A Main St. Open Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm. www.facebook.com/thelocalartistsgallery.com Linda Hoschler will be among the artists in the Autumn Art Studios Tour "Six at Finn Hall" Celebrate 21 years with us! Friday, November 7th - Sunday, November 9th, 10AM-5PM at Finn Hall, 4090 Rocklin Road, Rocklin. Craig Lanterman has sold two 22x28 and four 18x24 paintings in the past TWO weeks! A private party purchase all 6 painting and plans to buy 2 more when he finishes them. He will also be doing to special paintings (36x48) within the next month. Jim Thompson has several photographs now hanging permanently in the entry to Rocklin City Hall. Gini Crepps invites us this weekend for her G&G's "Dirty Laundry" Reception and to help celebrate the one year anniversary of Gallery iQ! They(she and Gayle Rappaport-Weiland) are partnering with the Me-One Foundation so a portion of all sales will go back in support of this wonderful and caring group. Deatails below with Gayle’s news…. 3 Gayle Rappaport-Weiland will be at G & G’s Dirty Laundry “Art in the Raw” Sat., Sept. 13th opening reception 5:00pm - 9:00pm Wine/Appetizers/Funky Fun Gallery Open: Sun., Sept. 14th, 12:00pm - 4:00pm Gallery iQ - 3700 Midas Ave., Ste. B3 - Rocklin 95677 (916) 624-1903 Gayle Rappaport-Weiland will be at the Carvalho Family Winery - The Delta Wine & Art Faire Sun. Oct. 5th 1:00pm - 5:00pm at The Old Sugar Mill 35265 Willow Ave., Clarksburg (916) 7741625 www.CarvalhoFamilyWinery.com Gayle Rappaport-Weiland will participate in the Autumn Arts Studio Tour Fri., Nov. 7th - Sun., Nov. 9th 10:00am - 5:00 pm Finnish Temperance Hall, 4090 Rocklin Road, Rocklin. Tour tickets are available at Finn Hall, Fri., Sat. & Sun of Tour only. Enter to win the art-filled basket. No purchase necessary. Susan Bellew reports that Lauri Dickinson will be the RFA representative for the Farmers Market at Finn Hall on September 25th, so if any RFA members would like to sell their art that day, she will have the booth set up for business. Market runs 8-12am and it will be the LAST Farmers Market for the summer. If you haven't participated this summer, don't miss it! It's a fun way to spend the morning, and it is a chance to sell your work, compliments of the City of Rocklin. You can get your fresh veggies for the day too! For more details, and to sign up to help, contact Lauri Dickinson at lauridickinson@wavecable.com We’d like to thank Susan for all the hard work she did this summer with the Farmer’s Market. Like us on Facebook(Rocklin FineArts) and SHARE OUR SITE!! We want to thank Linda Hoschler for taking on our Facebook site! It’s a lot of work and she’s doing a fantastic job. Update your spot on our website! Add our website and Facebook link to your business cards and websites! CLASSES – WORKSHOPS - OPPORTUNITIES: Please support our local artists who are generously sharing their knowledge through classes, workshops and special offers. Tony Rogone will have a demonstration: Pouring Watercolor Getting Started Right at SunCity, Roseville, Timber Creek Lodge, Fine Arts Room on Thursday, Sept, 11 at 2:00. There is a general art club meeting starting at 1:00 and Tony’s demo is after the meeting. It’s free….drop by! Ann Ranlett is teaching a scratchboard workshop at University Art in Sacramento on Saturday, September 20th, 10 am - 4 pm. The cost is $80. Sign up here: http://www.annran.com/website/classesworkshops/scratchboard-workshop-university-art Gallery iQ has some classes coming up…check them out! o Watch for information on upcoming pastel workshops! Connie Rodriquez offers many classes. Check out her website for info on any upcoming classes www.connirodriguezart.com or email her connierod22@gmail.com Gayle Rappaport-Weiland offers many classes in several mediums at numerous venues from Nevada City to The Crocker. It’s always best to check her website www.grappaport.com (click on “painting classes” under “Activities”) for complete information or call her at 916-435-4096. o Sierra College - Community Education (916) 781-6280 or (800) 242-4004 Ext. 6280 www.sccommed.org Watercolor For Beginners Sat., Sept. 20th 1:00pm - 5:00pm Watercolor Tree Sampler Mon., Oct. 6th 6:00pm - 9:00pm Acrylic Fall Foilage Sun., Oct. 26th 12:30pm - 4:00pm Exploring Watercolor Mixed Media Sat., Nov. 15th 10:30am - 3:00pm Watercolor Holiday Greeting Cards and Gift Tags Sat., Dec. 6th 11:00am - 2:30pm Nevada County (Sierra College– Community Education) 4 o Nevada County (Sierra College– Community Education) (916) 781-6280 or (800) 242-4004 Ext. 6280 www.sccommed.org Let’s Paint A Rustic Barn Sat., Sept. 27th 11:00am - 2:30pm Watercolor Workshop for Garlic Lovers Sat., Oct. 18th 11:00am - 3:00pm Watercolor for Beginners Sat., Oct. 25th 11:00am - 3:00pm o University Art (916) 435-4096 (Call 9:00am - 6:00pm) Acrylic Abstract Sampler Sun., Sept. 21st12:30pm - 3:30pm o Gallery iQ (916) 435-4096 (Call 9:00am - 6:00pm) Watercolor Technique Explored In-Depth Wed., Sept. 17th 5:30pm - 9:00pm o Cuesta College (San Luis Obispo) - (805) 546-3132 http://cuesta.edu/communityprograms/ Watercolor for Beginners Wed., Oct. 1st 12:30pm - 4:30pm Let’s Paint a Lighthouse Wed., Oct. 29th 1:00pm - 4:30pm Abstract Acrylic Processes and Possibilities Sat., Nov. 22nd 10:00am - 3:00pm Watercolor Greeting Cards and Gift Tags Wed., Nov. 19th 12:30pm - 4:00pm. The Local Artist's Gallery in Newcastle has some openings. Located at 470A Main St. Open Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm. You can reach Barbara Powell, Gallery Owner at barbarapowell777@yahoo.com CALL TO ARTISTS: Connie Rodriguez wants to put on a 2 day RFA open studio and art tour at the end of April next year. It will be called, 'Art, Play, Love' Art Tour. She would like to know how many of us would be interested in having their studios open for the event...and if there are some who could pair up. The community center will host some artists but not all. It should be a great weekend to have it as there will be other studio tours in the area. Contact Connie at connierod22@gmail.com Sacramento Fine Arts has several upcoming shows…enter your work! Their link, for more info, is http://sacfinearts.org/exhibitionEntryForms.html See their website for more info. Art League of Lincoln has many “Call to Artists” offerings. For opportunities check out their website at http://www.all4art.net/ The All American Arts & Craft Fair takes place on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at McBean Pavilion in Lincoln's McBean Park, 65 McBean Dr. This fair is scheduled to replace thier former event held at Orchard Creek Lodge. The event is now open to all artists and craft persons throughout our community as well as donating booth space to our student population to encourage their interest in the arts. Moving the event also allowed promoters to lower booth fees. They hope the public will support the new venue and that all the participating vendors/artists will be successful. Details regarding the previous SCLH Fair have nothing to do with the formation of the All American Fair other than to give local artists and crafters a wonderful venue to showcase their products and to allow the public a fun and fabulous day of holiday shopping! Please spread the word and come out on November 15th to support the All American Arts & Craft Fair and your favorite artists/crafters. They can be reached at allamericanartsandcraftsfair@yahoo.com or allamericanfair@yahoo.com If you know of any “call to Artists” please get them to Jaci, jmuzamel@gmail.com for inclusion in the newsletter. We will try to include all we get, so be concise and include all info in your email. VOLUNTEERISM: Groups such as ours can only exist with the help of volunteers. PLEASE consider doing a job...any job…big or small…to make our Rocklin Fine Arts successful. A BIG thanks to all who DO volunteer…without them, where would we be? And a small note…remember that this organization is run strictly by volunteers…please be kind! 5 RFA CLUB HISTORY: When you find newspaper articles or anything online promoting art activities of Rocklin Fine Arts members, please forward them to Historian, Linda Hoschler, at cobalt.glass@yahoo.com or give them to her at a monthly meeting. She’s also very interested in any pictures you might take at one of our events. PUBLICITY: To announce an art activity of a Rocklin Fine Arts member, please give your article with associated photos to Lauri Dickinson at a monthly meeting or email them to her at lauridickinson@wavecable.com AND be sure to get them to our newsletter chair, Jaci Muzamel jmuzamel@gmail.com for inclusion in the newsletter. NEWSLETTER: Your newsletter will be emailed bi-monthly. Please send all art information/events for inclusion in the Newsletter to Jaci Muzamel, jmuzamel@gmail.com. Send anything you might have. Please make it concise and in an easy format to cut and paste. A note in an email is just fine! Please, no attachments, flyers or pictures…sorry…at this time we just can’t accommodate those. We love to know what’s going on with our members. RFA WEB SITE: The website www.rocklinfinearts.org looks gorgeous! Tell all your friends and share on any site/membership you might have! Add our website to YOUR Facebook pages! 2014 MEETING AND EVENTS CALENDAR: All meetings begin at 10am - 3rd Thursday of each Month at The Rocklin Event Center 2650 Sunset Blvd, (Rm 107 for the meetings - enter in the back of the building) Rocklin, CA 95677! Fantastic directions can be found using the “Directions” link on their webpage http://www.rocklin.ca.us/depts/parksnrec/facilities/sunset_center/default.asp We are seeking a new Demo/Speaker Chair. It’s SO much fun to work with artists from around our state and set up classes for our organization. If you’d like to try your hand at this and have questions, email Jaci Muzamel at jmuzamel@gmail.com Details and more info are always available on our website www.rocklinfinearts.org Put the dates on your calendar and plan to join us! September 18….Graphite artist Sean Bonito and there will be a class afterwards. Focus of Class: Drawing with contrast and adding shape and volume to your work. For all levels from beginning to advanced. Instructor: Sean Bonito Cost: $25 Registration by e-mail: seanfbonito@yahoo.com Images: Please come to class with an animal/human image and a simple prepared sketch to work on. This needs to be no more than an outline. Upon registration, I will supply you with a animal image and instructions for transfer if needed. 6 Materials List for Drawing Class: * Pencils: 4H, 2H, HB, 2B, 4B and 6B (in-between shades are recommended but not required). I will provide an 8B pencil. Staedtler is my preferred brand but other brands will work. Staedtler sets are locally available at Staples. * Drawing pad - 9”x12” or larger. Paper weight should be between 60 - 100 lbs. * Eraser - Paper Mate - Pink Pearl * Hand-held pencil sharpener October 16… it’s ALL about the member show! November 20… speaker news to follow. December 18….keep your calendars open for a holiday get together! Last year was tons of fun at Gini’s Gallery iQ! Details to follow! RFA MONTHLY ARTIST COMMUNITY SHOWINGS: Show your work off right here at home. Local business owners allow members to display their work. If you are interested, contact Karen Stegeman at 916-259-4204, or kstegeman1218@gmail.com or see her at the next meeting. The Rocklin Florist, at 5885 Pacific Street, Rocklin One month exhibit. Small to Medium sized images. 10 to 15 pieces depending on the size. The florist shop has space to hang your work on the walls as well as to display table top pieces on a small table or a mantle. You will need a listing of your work to give the owner for inventory purposes. Also make note of any small easels you might bring with you. You can price your work for sale and provide your business card or contact information so you can be contacted by potential buyers. It’s a great exhibition opportunity and will look good on your bio. Hours 10am to 6pm Mon-Fri o Exhibiting at The Rocklin Florist September…Jill & Ken Maddex October….. Jaci Muzamel November…Susan Bellew December…Jim Thompson JD’s Bakery and Sandwich Shop, at 3700 Midas Ave, Ste A1, Rocklin One month exhibit. Small to Large sized images. 10 to 20 pieces depending on the size. If you would prefer to participate in a group show rather than a solo show, let us know. Hours: Mon-Sat 5:30 am - 3 pm and there is outdoor seating. o Exhibiting at JD’s September…Jim Thompson October…Rose Sloan November…Tim Sloan December…Kathy Twizzelman We are thrilled to announce that our 2014 Exhibit Calendar is filled, with two members on a waiting list. NOTE!! If you know of any place where we could display our art or if you have any contacts someplace who could pave the way for us to display our art, anywhere….contact Karen. We’re looking for new venues to add to our existing ones. 7 Your Rocklin Fine Arts Chair People President Vice-President Secretary Gini Crepps Jer Jarrett Debby Plath g-crepps@iqdesign.com jerjarrett@sbcglobal.net DebbyPlath@gmail.com Treasurer Membership Website Bill Jarrett Karen Stegeman Gini Crepps billjarrett@sbcglobal.net kstegeman1218@gmail.com g-crepps@iqdesign.com Historian Publicity Newsletter Linda Hoschler Lauri Dickinson Jaci Muzamel cobalt.glass@yahoo.com lauridickinson@wavecable.com jmuzamel@gmail.com Demos/Speakers Exhibits Board Member at Large Jaci Muzamel Karen Stegeman Karen Stegeman jmuzamel@gmail.com kstegeman1218@gmail.com kstegeman1218@gmail.com REMEMBER ... ART MATTERS! 8
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