Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church Carlinville, Illinois Carol Link Parish Bookeeper Jennifer Frericks Coordinator of Religious Education Rev. Angel Sierra Pastor Rev. Marianna Sathuluri Parochial Vicar Rose Marie Price Carol Lefler Religious Ed. Assistant Parish Maintenance Linda Wood Parish Secretary Rocco Cania Youth Minister Cheryl Ogden, RN Parish Nurse 217- 414 - 5542 Weekend Mass Times: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm - Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am and Wednesday: 5:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm and by appointment. Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 9:00 am -12:00 Noon, Wed. 1:00 - 5:00 pm 2010 East First South Street (Rte 108) - P.O. Box 647 - Carlinville, Illinois 62626 Web: Office: (217) 854-7151 Fax: (217) 854-9228 Ss. Mary and Joseph Church The Thirty Third Sunday Ordinary Time - November 16, 2014 Parish Address: 2010 East First South Street P.O. Box 647 Carlinville, IL. 62626 Parish Office: 217- 854-7151 Parish Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 Noon Wed.: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Mass Times Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 8 am and 10 am Mon,Thurs and Fri: 8:00 am Wednesday: 5:00 pm Holy Days: As announced — Sacrament of Reconciliation — Saturday: 4:15pm - 4:45 pm and at other times by appointment —-Chaplet of Divine Mercy—Monday: 8:30 am — Scriptural Rosary — Monday: 9:00 am — Eucharistic Adoration — Thursday: 8:30 am -12:00 pm November 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Next weekend, November 22-23, 2014, is the annual Diocesan Campaign for Justice and Hope (DCJH) Collection. This collection will be used to help the tens of thousands of people living in poverty in our Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. All the money collected will be given out, through a grant process, to local programs and organizations that give realistic hope to the poor. Like all Catholic ministries, the DCJH reaches out to the broader community, without regard to race, ethnicity or religion. However, we do require that grant requests have the signature of the pastor or an active member of a Catholic parish. Last June, twenty-three (23) organizations/programs received grants from the 2013 November DCJH collection. Everyone who applied for a grant received some assistance. All the money collected was distributed through grants. The Catholic Times November 15-16, 2014 issue has information on the organizations which received grants. Mon. 11/17: St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:00 am: Kathleen Eldred Tue. 11/18: The Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul 8:00 am: Communion Service Wed. 11/19: Ordinary Time 8:00 am: Communion Service 5:00 pm: Geraldine Lange Birthday Thu. 11/20: Ordinary Time 8:00 am: Duane Morehead 11:00 am: Carlinville Rehab: Mary Bausano Fri. 11/21: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 am: Polly Kufa 11:00 am: Friendship: Jim Burns Sat. 11/22: St. Cecilia 5:00 pm: Tom Burns Sun.11/23: Jesus Christ The King 8:00 am: Florence Koster 10:00 am: Jack Stankoven Families living in poverty deserve our prayer, action and financial support. Please give generously to the DCJH collection and, when possible, share your time and talent. If you did not receive an envelope for the DCJH collection, donations can be sent to: Diocesan Campaign for Justice and Hope, 1615 West Washington Street, Springfield, Illinois 62702. For more information, email or visit the website at May God bless you and reward you with peace, joy and hope. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki Bishop of Springfield in Illinois 2 November 16, 2014 -Parish Financial ReportANNUAL CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL WEEKLY PARISH OFFERING Week 19 11/09 Total to Date Parish Assessment Fiscal Year 2014-15: $36,670.00 $254.00 $4,164.63 Weekly Envelopes $3,415.00 $88,452.99 Totals $3,669.00 $92,617.62 Residual: Budget Goal $5,200.00 $98,800.00 -$1,531.00 -$6,182.38 Building Fund: $100.00 ~ Flower Fund: $570.00 Propagation of Faith: $5.00 ~ Votive Candle: $48.60 All Saints Day: $10.00 ~ Campaign for Justice: $20.00 Loose Cash Donated Difference Total Collected: $5,440.00 $31,230.00 11/8-9/2014 11/9-10/2013 Sat. 5 pm Sun. 8 am Sun. 10 am Total 123 145 113 381 Sat. 5 pm Sun. 8 am Sun. 10 am Total 161 107 404 136 Parish Liturgical Ministry Schedule - November 22-23, 2014 Saturday 5:00pm Music Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:00am No Music No Music No Music Greeters Justin & Amy Petrovich Anna & Jacob Petrovich Steven & Denise Boente Dennis & Beth Young Lector Kris Rosentreter Mark & Becky Donaldson Rick Rosentreter Eucharistic Ministers D. Reid*, T. Reid*, K. Rosentreter, D. Ahrens*, A. Grichnik*, J. Griffin, T. Rosentreter, M. Sottoriva, A. Woods, S. Griffin , M. Klaus S. Millard J. Delaney*, M. Delaney*, M. Dyer, W. Dyer, K. Egelhoff, L. Egelhoff, A. Costello Altar Servers Jacob Petrovich Logan Rosentreter Lonny Rosentreter Allison Rosentreter Dylan Rosentreter In charity, please remember in your prayers: … our military personnel, especially: William Charleton, Jerry Clarke, Jim Garner, Matthew Gazda, Jr., Stefan Gazda, Robert Knight, Antonio Lane, David Mummert, Bryan Murphy Jr., Jordan Ogden, Glen Pedersen, Todd Petersen and family, Leif Peterson, Austin Michael Smith, and Nathan Stewart. … the sick and those in need: Kenny Alberico, Robert Alberico, Marie France Armstrong, Eugene Bellm II, Matt Bellm, Mary Boehm, Paul Boehm, Karen Buechart, Norman Bowman, Mildred Caldieraro, Jayne Cioni, Susan Cosenza, Karen Dworzynski, Bill Fraser, Jane Garrett, Sandy Goodman, Tony Grayson, Sydney Green, Helen Greenwalt, Jeena Greenwalt, Paul Greenwalt, Louie Hacke, David Haley, Trisha Agetta Hall, Bill Harding, Lyndal Herschelman, Bill Hoff, Alice Johnson, Mary Kay Ketchum, Shonna Knight, Ann Link, Bill Lacy, George Lacy, Sharon Lintner, Michael Marcacci, Sam Oswald, Kristy and Andy Ott, Ronnie Paul, Joshua Renkin, Hazel Renz, Marie Reznicek, Wilma Rhodes, Regina Richey-Helmers, Chelsea Rives, Betty Robb, Walter Rosentreter, Betty Roth, Gene Rubemeyer, Russell Ruyle, Cathy Smith, Michael J. Smith, Eric Strutner, Richard Tego, Dennis Toon, Vittorina Wilson and Harry Yeager … and those who have died in the year 2014: Delphine “Del” Paul, Christine Selvo, Rose T. Hardin, Catherine Monti, George Lintner, Emily Tomaska, Darrell Bellm, Duane Morehead, Ralph Robinson, Philip Regli and Brad Demuzio. 3 News In Religious Education —A lifelong journey made together— PSR Calendar Christmas Program November We are began our rehearsals Saturday at 10:00pm. Rehearsals from now on will be held on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and on Sundays following the 10am Mass. We will not have rehearsals the entire week of Thanksgiving. Our final production will be on Sunday, December 21st at 7:00pm. If you have not signed up and would like to be a part of our program or would like to be an adult volunteer please let me know, I would be happy to have you! Jennifer Frericks at 217-854-7151 or Wednesday 19th – Regular Classes for grades K-5 Touching Safety Classes for Grades 6-8 at 5:00pm and High School at 7:00pm Wednesday 26th – NO CLASSES Thanksgiving Break PSR Snacks We are accepting snack donations of cookies, punch, and popcorn for our PSR program. Place them in the basket with the monster sign! Thank You! Rehearsal Scehdule Thursday, November 20th - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Thursday, December 4th - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Choir Only from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday, December 7th - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Thursday December 11th - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Choir Only from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday, December 14th - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Costumes from 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Thursday, December 18th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Dress Rehearsal Touching Safety Class In keeping with Diocese Policy it is required to have a Touching Safety Class once a year. Our K-5 students receive a more comprehensive lesson at school, so I am only required to have this class for our students in grades 6th -12th. The lesson talks about how to handle difficult situations that teenagers face today. The lesson will last about 45 minutes and will be this upcoming Wednesday, November 19th from 5:00 pm-6:00pm for grades 6th - 8th and from 7:00 pm - 8:00pm for the High School. Opt Out forms have been sent home and if you don’t feel comfortable with you child attending, please send the form back signed. Youth Group Our Youth Group will be meeting the first Wednesday of every month for a group activity. We will meet from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm and will be in place of the High School PSR classes that evening. Teenagers in grades 7th -12th are invited and can bring friends. We are currently planning the next event which will take place on Wednesday, December 3rd. We are beginning to plan our Mission Trip and are looking at possible service opportunities for the Youth Group to participate in. We are open to any new ideas you have to continue to rekindle the youth program here at our Church! Candy! Candy Sales have begun! Get your peanut brittle and toffee! We will be selling them before and after Mass next weekend, November 20th and 21st, and on Wednesday, November 19th during PSR. The large boxes of candy which are a pound are $8 and the small boxes which are a half pound are $4. The money raised from this will go to help fund the Mission Trip this summer! Mark Your Calendars! Children’s Snack Program Wednesday, December 10th Caroling and Christmas Party We fell behind a bit this week and were short on everything except Pop Tarts. Please remember, there are children in our community who are hungry every weekend we don’t help. Wednesday, December 17th Our Lady of the Snows Filed Trip Thank you and God Bless, Bob Reiher 217-473-0684 MORE DETAILS WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON ABOUT THESE EVENTS! 4 November 16, 2014 November Upcoming Events Nursing Home Masses November 2014 All parishioners are invited to celebrate the following Nursing Home Masses Morse Farms Heritage Health Carlinville Rehab Friendship Home Thursday, Thursday Thursday Friday November 6 November 13 November 20 November 21 St. Vincent de Paul 10:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Sunday, November 16, 2014 The next St. Vincent DePaul meeting will be held on Sunday, November 16th at 9:00 am in the Conference Room of Saints Mary and Joseph Church. For more information, contact Bob Reiher at 854-9339. Adult Faith Formation Sessions Thursday, November 20, 2014 The next session of our Parish Adult Faith Formation will be held on Thursday, November 20, 2014. The sessions are held each Thursday from 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm in the Conference Room. The book for study is entitled: “Jesus - A Pilgrimage” by Fr. James Martin, S.J. Pastoral Council Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2014 Members of the Parish Pastoral Council will hold their next meeting at 7:30 pm in the Church Conference Room on Thursday, November 20, 2014. Members are: Jessica Barkley, Paul Boente, Sarah Boyett, Kenneth Egelhoff, Susan Reznicek, and Jim Salske. Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service - Canceled Sunday, November 23, 2014 Saints Mary and Joseph Church was going to host the Carlinville Ecumenical Prayer Service on Sunday, November 23th at 6:00 pm in our Church. Some Pastors and Congregations from the Carlinville Christian Churches are unable to attend this celebration this year for various reasons. Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday, November 27, 2014 On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27th a Special Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am in our Church. All Parishioners and their families are invited to attend this Mass to offer gratitude to God for the many blessings we have received during this calendar year. Fifth Weekend St. Vincent DePaul Collection Sat/Sun, November 29-30, 2014 The St. Vincent DePaul Society will be taking a Fifth Weekend collection after the regular weekend Masses on Saturday, November 29th and Sunday, November 30th. For more info, contact Bob Reiher at 854-9339. HAPPY THANKSGIVING 5 Parish Nursing Could it be more? The house has been "put to bed". The doors are locked tight, and the lights are shut down. Sounds of slumber fill your ears as your family begins to drift off to a restful sleep. Suddenly, the most horrific sound comes from the baby monitor and you spring from your bed, rushing to the crib. Your young infant is coughing and coughing, as he tries to catch his breath comes a distinct "whoop" and the coughing begins anew. This sound is like no other. Recent news banners have announced the resurgence of pertussis. This bacterial respiratory infection is also known as whooping cough because of the unique and very distinctive cough that accompanies it. Pertussis is highly contagious and causes uncontrollable and violent coughing. The whoop sound occurs as after spasmodic bouts of the cough, the person tries to force air into their lungs. Over 10,000 children every year are affected with this infection. The ages most often affected are infants through 5-6 year olds. There have been occurrences of older children, teens and even adults who have contracted a milder infection if immunity fades. Research has also shown that it may be possible that strains have become resident to the vaccine currently given to infants. Pertussis symptoms may start very much like a cold. Very often 10-14 days after exposure, the person begins with severe bouts of coughing. These are often describes as the "worst in their lives". These episodes can be severe enough to crack ribs and rupture blood vessels in the eyes. Even more important, during these bouts the infected person can spread the infection to a dozen more without even realizing what they are infected. The infection is transmitted in airborne droplets as they cough. Pertussis immunization are given to infants in a series of 5 doses at 2,4,6 months and then 15-18 months. Additional doses are done for children at 4 and 6 years with a booster dose at 11-12 years old. It's important to have these immunization completed on the schedule recommendations by the CDC. Vaccines are effective 80-90% of the time but not perfect. If it seems to be more than a cold it's always good to ask "could it be more?" Parish Notes And Community Events Salvation Army Bell Ringing Salvation Army Bell Ringing will begin on November 24th this year. Our Parish will provide bell ringers on November 24th, 25th, and 26th at Carl”s IGA and at Walmart. Peggy Garrison, Mary Dunn, and Leonard Bomkamp will be calling members of the parish soon to ask you to help with this worthy cause. PLEASE HELP if you can. Thanks, Leonard Bomkamp K. C. Auxiliary Decorate the K.C. Hall For Christmas The K.C. Auxiliary does not have a regular meeting in November. They will decorate the hall for Christmas on Monday November 17th at 6 pm. Pizza will be ordered for those who help. Men are welcome. For more information call Beth Young…...854-3028 Holiday Wreath Workshop MCDD Fundraiser With Emily Ruppel Friday November 21st at MCDD School, 700 E. Elm. Doors open at 6:00 pm Class Starts at 6:30 pm. $50 per person for class and supplies. Please bring scissors Advanced registration is required & spaces are reserved on a first-come first-serve basis. Door Prizes / Snacks / Silent Auction. Purchase tickets at Cheryl Beanblossom: Edward Jones, Fenton Family Chiropractic & Goodman Agency Parish Prayer Chain Invitation Our Parish prayer chain is inviting new members to join in this spiritual strengthening of those in need. If you are interested in helping in this Ministry please call our parish office at 854-7151 and we will mail you the new list with instructions. You will be asked to call on the next person on the chain in order to pass on the name of those requesting prayers. Health insurance Assistance Food Pantry Would you like to help the food pantry this week but not sure what to give ? Here are a couple of suggestions: Toilet Paper and other Paper products All help is appreciated. Open enrollment for Health Insurance starts November 15th. If you have questions and need help call Miranda Clark, in person counselor and navigator, at 217-7109925 to make an appointment. Services are Free! To apply from home go to or call the help desk at 866-311-1119 6 November 16, 2014 PLEASE HELP PARISHIONER INFORMATION Is it I, Lord? In stillness, you hear Him calling...the call to be the hands and feet of Christ. We are in desperate need of Eucharistic ministers for Heritage Manor nursing home After the first of the year, the volunteer core group will drop to just two. Please consider serving this important ministry so it may continue. For the residents of this nursing home this is their weekly opportunity to be nourished by the body of Christ. Please prayerfully reflect "is I you are calling Lord?" To volunteer, please call the parish nurse Cheryl Ogden at 217-414-5542 New members & changes only—Fill in, cut out, and send to parish office. Name_______________________________________ Street_______________________________________ City_____________________________ State_________________ Zip________________ Submitted by___________________________________ Phone (Day)____________________ (Night)___________________ Are you: ____new resident ____new address ____new family member 7 ___wish clergy to call ___illness in family ___moving away
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