NEWSLETTER The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains

The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll
Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon
Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE.
Tel: 020 8340 3394.
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
6.30pm (Sat) Mass
9.45am Sung Mass
11.15am Family Mass
7.00pm Evening Mass
9.00am – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9.00am - Saturday
Saturday 9.30am-10.00am
Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm
Morning Prayer
8.45am when there is a 9.00am morning Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
The Rosary is normally prayed in church
after 9.00am Mass on Tuesday and Friday
Friday – 7.30pm-8.30pm
Saturday - 9.30am-10.00am
Enrolment for children in the First Holy Communion Programme for May 2015 - For children, in Year 3, who
live in the Parish or regularly attend St. Peter-in-chains Church. For those who have not done so, this Sunday is
the last opportunity to collect Enrolment forms and information. These can be collected from the Sacristy, after
Mass. The completed form must be returned, with the fee and Baptismal Certificate to the Parish Office, during Office
hours, between 9am – 3pm, on Monday, 17th November. No forms will be accepted after this date. Please
note that parents can only collect forms for their children.
Parents Meeting – Tuesday, 25th November at St Gildas’ Schooll Hall, 7pm
The 2015 Confirmation Programme - is open to young people who live in this Parish or worship regularly here and
are in Year 9. Application forms are now available from the sacristy after Mass or the Parish Office, during office
hours and will only be given to the candidate. All Forms must be returned to the Parish Office by Monday, 17th
November. Interviews will be held on Monday, 24th November in the lower parish rooms, 7-9pm
Surgery – Fr Sean will be available for a general surgery on Tuesday, 18th November from 5.00pm-7.00pm.
Catechist Training - First Holy Communion 2015. Mary Crowley, the Diocesan Catechetical Adviser, will be
running a training session for our parish's First Holy Communion catechists this Tuesday, 18th November, 7.309pm in the Lower Parish Rooms. If you are interested in becoming a catechist, this year or in future, please come
Message from Sisters of Providence – Sr Pumalie is returning to Sri Lanka on Tuesday, 18th November after six
years in the parish and she thanks everybody for their friendship and support. Please pray for her and the Mission.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – Next meeting - Wednesday, 19th November at 7.30pm in the
Lectio Divina – Praying with the Bible. Meeting at Sisters of Sion, 63 Mount View Road on Thursdays from 7pm9pm. All welcome
Funeral Masses – The Funeral Mass of the late Sooye Pee Ah-Thion RIP will be held on Monday, 24th November
at 9am. The funeral Mass of Alan Aris RIP will be held on Friday, 28th November at 12noon. Please keep the
families in your prayers at this time.
Parish Team Meeting – Tuesday, 25th November in the lower parish rooms at 7.30pm.
Altar Servers needed to serve the Saturday 6.30pm & Sunday 9.45am & 7pm Masses. Serving is open to
anyone, whatever their age, who has made First Holy Communion. If you would like to serve please collect a
registration form from the sacristy. Training will be given and dates will be announced in the newsletter shortly.
St. Peter-in-Chains RC Infant School, Elm Grove, N8 9AJ - Reception 2015. If your child was born between
01/09/10 and 31/08/11 you will need to apply for a reception place for September 2015. Supplementary
Information Forms are now available from the school office. Please come along and visit the school - mini tours of the
school are available on most Friday afternoons at 2pm. Please contact the school on 020 8340 6789.
Joint Pilgrimage to Italy with Holy Trinity Church - We have organised a week-long pilgrimage to Ravenna,
Padua and Bologna from 24th - 30th October 2015. The cost (based on a shared room) will be £919 per person,
including flights from Stansted, half board accommodation, entrance fees and coach travel in Italy. Further details are
available from Jennifer in the office, to whom initial bookings should be returned. F Patrick Henderson
Sue Hessel, Mary Halliday and Kayte Brimacombe wish to thank everyone who came and contributed to the
parish L'Arche event on Tuesday. There was a great turnout and it was a beautiful, very moving evening. We raised
over £200, which we would like to put towards parish provision for the needs of the learning disabled and their
families in our community.
Calling all “Facebook” users - When visiting “Facebook”, please add “My Hospital Prayer and Activities Book” as a
“like”, to aid its publicity. This unique and original Catholic publication aims to help children pray if they are patients
in a hospital. All proceeds from the book go to “Seasons for Growth Eng. & Wales”, an education bereavement charity
for children. Fr Peter Michael Scott, Parish Priest & the Cardinal’s Advisor for Healthcare Chaplains, Westminster
Celebrating 25 years of the Westminster Diocesan Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes! A Special Concert and
Jubilee Reception will be held at Our Lady of Victories, Kensington W8 on Friday, 21st November 2014, 7.30pm. A
magnificent musical programme including choral works by MacMillan and Schubert will be performed by the UCLU
Music Society. Tickets are £10 and £5. All funds raised will be used in support of the pilgrimage fund to enable the
sick to travel to Lourdes. Box Office is open now: Gerald Daly 020 7798 9173.
Stroud Green Winter Fair - 22nd November, 12-4pm, Stapleton Tavern, 2-4 Crouch Hill. The fair features a
Christmas decorations workshop for children, the work of local talented artists and craft experts, with homemade
produce to tempt Christmas shoppers as well as our famous WI cake stall! And it’s all in aid of local charity Open
Door so you can shop guilt free knowing that you’re helping to make a difference. All Welcome!
The Sick and Departed – among the sick please pray for Marie Antoniewicz, Christian Overall, Antonio Neto, Zintra
Sansom, Maria Graham, Brenda Buzec, Patrick Garry, Amy Gordon, Ann Tomlinson, Annette Donivar, Margaret
Bradley, Patsy Bradley, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Alex Robertson, Helen
Kozlowski, Lena Cavaciuti, Margaret Sibanda, Alan Aris, Eileen Mac Avock, Margaret Whelan, Don Brewis, Errol
Curran, Roman Cholij & Adeline Oyekoya. For our Dead – Michael Morris, Sooye Pee Ah-Thion & Alan Aris RIP.
Baptism – Congratulations to Alyse Dixon-Bellot who was baptised on 9th November 2014. May God bless Alyse,
her parents and godparents.
Parish Repository – The parish repository stall will be available on Sunday, 23rd & 30th November after the
morning Masses.
Parish Draw Results - 1st 502,
2nd 561
3rd 585
(Yellow AB 213110)
Thank you for contributing to the Sunday offering - Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund £787.19
LINEN: Theresa Quinn (16th November)
16th Nov PLANNED GIVING TEAM B meets in lower parish rooms at 6.45pm
17th Nov COUNTING TEAM B meets in lower parish rooms at 9.30am
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION – Deadline for application forms
18th Nov ASCENT GROUP meets in Lower Parish Rooms at 10am
FR SEAN’S GENERAL SURGERY - at presbytery 5pm-7pm
FHC CATECHIST TRAINING – in the lower parish rooms 7.30pm-9pm
WEDNESDAY 19th Nov LEGION OF MARY meets at the presbytery 7.30pm
RCIA GROUP meets in the presbytery at 7.30pm
20th Nov LECTIO DIVINA at Sisters of Sion, 63 Mount View Road, 7pm-9pm
21st Nov HOLY HOUR – 7.30pm-8.30pm
22nd Nov SOUP RUN TEAM A meets in lower parish rooms at 4pm
Readers: 22nd/23rd November - 6:30pm – Maura O’Shea
9:45am 1st Reading – Harriet Mackie
2nd Reading – Therese Moloney
7:00pm Michael Sherley-Dale
Readings: 22nd/23rd November -1st Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12.15-17 2nd Reading: Corinthians 15:20-26.28
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 (Background for the scripture can be found on the parish website)
Ministers of the Eucharist: 22nd/23rd November – 6:30pm Sarah Fleming, Sean Buckley, Steve Bethell
9:45am Claire Paul, Gabriella Olaniran, Gertrude Jones, Isaac Phillips, Jim Donoghue
11:15am Helen Bligh, Jenny Coleman, Katherine Quinn, Kathleen McGrath, Kayte Brimacombe
7:00pm Mary Maloney, Michael Woods, Nena Whitehead