Training that works where you do! Product Catalog w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m 1.800.643.1144 2 The IVeS TraInIng SySTem™ If you haven’t yet received an introduction to the IVES Training System™, you are missing out on the best operator training system available! Do you have powered mobile equipment like forklifts, aerial lifts or loaders? Yes? Then you need training and we can help! IVES’ products and services are built around the simple philosophy that any job worth doing, is worth doing right. The IVES Training System™ provides everything you need to deliver your training “right”. It starts with training your trainers – not only in how to train but also in how to produce and file proper documentation. We support you with comprehensive operator training and retraining materials as well as equipment-specific training aids. We provide on-going technical and administrative support and remind you when your operators need to be retrained. The IVES Training System™ will help you to ensure that your company’s mobile equipment operator training meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards and mandatory safety and health regulations. 1.800.643.1144 ntegrity alue xpertise upport TraInIng ProgramS 3 We have two convenient options when it comes to training – at our site or at yours. Here are the details for both: TRAINING AT OUR SITE Our Train the Trainer Programs are available at more than 15 locations across North America. Come and learn with us! Sorry, no refunds on models In as little as 2 days, you will learn the skills you need to start a comprehensive training program at your workplace. Our programs address a variety of equipment including: • • • • Forklifts Aerial Lifts Loaders Excavators TRAINING AT YOUR SITE Can’t come to us? No problem. We’ll come to you! Whether it’s a Train the Trainer program, operator training or even recertification for your previously trained employees – we can help. Need fall protection training? Ask us for details! We’ll send a Certified Master Trainer to your workplace to conduct whatever training it is that you need. Call us at 1-800-643-1144 or visit online at – we’ll help you figure out which program is right for you. w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m 4 TraIner Power PackS™ If you are looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of your classroom presentations as well as add an element of color and visual enhancement to your overall presentation, look no further! These valuable training aids have been assembled into a handsome sturdy carrying case for the trainer on the go. Narrow Aisle Forklift • • • • • • • • • 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Narrow Aisle Forklifts DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Stability Pyramid Model Lessons Learned DVD Die Cast Model Overhead Transparencies on CD Narrow Aisle Lift Trucks DVD Trainer Briefcase Regular $895.00 Member $795.00 Counterbalanced Forklift • • • • • • • 8 Operator Compliance Packages 1 Intro to Counterbalanced Forklifts DVD 1 “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster 1 Stability Pyramid Model 1 Lessons Learned DVD 1 Die Cast Model 1 Digital Training Aid OR 1 Overhead Transparencies on CD • 1 Point of View DVD • 1 Trainer Briefcase Regular $895.00 Member $795.00 Scissor Lift • • • • • • 8 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Scissor Lifts DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Die Cast Model Scissor Lift Digital Training Aid Trainer Briefcase Regular $629.00 Member $549.00 Skid Steer Loader • • • • • 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Rough Terrain Forklifts DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Stability Pyramid Model Lessons Learned DVD Die Cast Model Overhead Transparencies on CD Trainer Briefcase Regular $825.00 Member $725.00 Aerial Boomlift • • • • • • 8 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Aerial Boomlifts DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Die Cast Model Aerial Boomlift Digital Training Aid Trainer Briefcase Regular $629.00 • • • • • • • • • Member $449.00 Aerial Lifts • 8 Operator Compliance Packages • 1 Intro to Aerial Boomlifts & 1 Intro to Scissor Lifts DVD • 1 “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster • 1 Aerial Lifts Digital Training Aid • 1 Scissor Lift & 1 Boomlift Die Cast Model • 1 Trainer Briefcase Regular $895.00 1.800.643.1144 • • • • • • • • Member $549.00 Powered Pallet Truck Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Skid Steer Loaders DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Die Cast Model Trainer Briefcase Regular $519.00 Rough Terrain Forklift Member $795.00 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Compliance Packages Intro to Powered Pallet Trucks DVD “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster Stability Pyramid Model Lessons Learned DVD Die Cast Model Overhead Transparencies on CD Pallet Truck – Low Lift DVD Trainer Briefcase Regular $895.00 Member $795.00 TraInIng maTerIalS 5 Operator Compliance Packages Each package contains everything necessary to train, evaluate and document an operator on a specific piece of equipment, including forklifts, aerial lifts, loaders, excavators, boom trucks and mobile cranes. Select packages available in French and Spanish. Each package includes: • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 Operator Reference Manual Operator Theory Test & 2 Practical Evaluation Forms Certificate of Completion & 1 Operator Wallet Card Training and Evaluation Record Sheet Certification Folder Regular Packages Units Regular 1 to 23 $29.85 24 to 47 28.02 48 to 71 25.58 72 to 95 23.15 96 or more 21.93 Aerial Lifts / Mobile Crane Packages Units Regular Member 1 to 23 $41.85 $35.57 24 to 47 39.29 33.95 48 to 71 37.89 32.95 72 to 95 36.74 31.95 96 or more 35.65 31.00 Member $25.37 23.82 21.74 19.67 19.00 Aerial Lift Operator Familiarization Packets Overhead Transparencies on CD Designed to upgrade the general training and knowledge of previously qualified aerial lift operators. Boomlift and scissor lift operators need to be aware of and understand how to deal with any significant differences between the type of equipment they received general training on and those they are assigned to operate. Each packet includes: • • • • • 1 8 8 8 8 An invaluable training aid that adds a visual element to your forklift operator training and helps to get your point across with clarity. Each CD includes graphics and text designed to enhance the viewer’s understanding in such areas as main parts of the equipment, load center, equipment capacity, stability triangle/pyramid, loading/unloading, parking and shutdown, batteries and fuel types. Each CD is in Adobe® PDF format. Available in English or Spanish for counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklift, as well as powered pallet truck. Notice to Trainer Familiarization folders Familiarization Checklists Familiarization Record (FARE) Cards Familiarization Training Guides Units 1 2 3 4+ Regular $84.00 80.00 76.00 72.00 Units 1 2 3 4+ Member $76.00 72.00 68.00 64.00 Regular $89.00 86.00 83.00 80.00 Member $76.00 73.00 70.00 67.00 Digital Training Aids (DTAs) Designed specifically for use with our Operator Reference Manuals, this visual training aid is a stunning collection of the most accurate and colorful imagery on the market today. This product is available in downloadable and browser viewable versions for counterbalanced forklift, aerial boomlift, scissor lift, aerial lifts and excavator. Visit our website for a preview of this product! Units 1 2 3+ Regular $114.00 91.00 68.00 Member $99.00 79.00 59.00 Aerial Lift Pricing: Units Regular 1 $146.00 2 114.00 3+ 91.00 Member $127.00 99.00 79.00 w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m 6 oPeraTor recerTIfIcaTIon maTerIalS Operator Recertification Packages Each package contains the materials needed to recertify 8 forklift or aerial lift operators. Create your own combination of materials by choosing how many and what type of study guides you will need. Choose from counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklift, powered pallet truck, aerial boomlift or scissor lift. Select packages are also available in French and Spanish. Includes: AER A E R I A L LAI E AD EPAD EPAD ISTAOOLOTRP ELAPER A E R I A L L I F T S O P E FRRTAN TUTO NARLNIRO F EITCQ AUTAILOINF N O T E P A D IOSO EFRER TNTAQ NIA IFIC IC EIITQOFOUNI R RTA CA ALRT EI OQ U A LI IAFLIOCP LAIEFTRTI AOTNO RN O T E PAATDI O N N O T E P A D A E R ITASL OLPI FE TR SA TOOPIRCU E AR S O REQU I FQ A L AERIAL LIF A PER OURA LR E AT O L I F I C AT I O E RRAETQ N NO R R T S O OPR TEPA EQU L L IPFE R A T D ALIF AERIA S O ICA LIFT TIO N N OT IAL OR R AT O P E P ETRI AOTNOOR R T OC A P E RTAM I O EN R A T O R IFIO OMN IAA U A L LLIRIFOFI GICOCRAPAAEOTRP TOOPR R N R ERQREEQQUUAA AT O R RPE Q R OA GL IRRF IACMA TEI O PU R E Q U APR L RIEFOQIGU CPARTLOI FO TION G IN RCAAM PRREOQGUR PA RMOO PG ERRAAMT O R ALIFI CA R E Q P R O P ET I O N U A L O G RRAAMT OR IFIC A PRO TION GRA M • 1 Recertification Notepad • 8 Recertification Study Guides Units 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 or more Regular $123.00 117.00 111.00 105.00 Aerial Lift Pricing: Units Regular 1 to 4 $159.00 5 to 9 151.00 10 to 24 143.00 25 or more 135.00 Member $106.00 101.00 95.00 90.00 Operator Recertification Notepads Each notepad contains all the documentation you will require to recertify 8 previously certified operators. Select notepads available in French and Spanish. Includes the following: • • • • • 8 8 8 8 8 Operator Theory Tests Practical Evaluation Forms Record Sheets Certificates of Completion Operator Wallet Cards Regular $39.90 EPA A E R I A L B O O M L I F T O P E R AT O R R E Q U A L I F I C AT I O N N O T E PA D O P E R AT O R R E Q U A L I F I C AT I O N PROGRAM Member $34.90 Aerial Lifts Pricing: Regular Member $44.90 $39.90 Member $137.00 130.00 123.00 116.00 Recertification Trainer POWER PACK™ Developed specifically for trainers of counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklifts as well as powered pallet trucks. Each Recertification Trainer Power Pack™ carrying case includes: • • • • • 8 1 1 1 1 Operator Recertification Study Guides Operator Recertification Notepad “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster “What’s Wrong With This?” DVD Trainer Satchel Regular $199.00 Member $169.00 Operator Recertification Study Guides An excellent reference for providing theory review for previously certified operators. These guides are condensed versions of the original IVES Operator Reference Manuals. Choose from counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklift, powered pallet truck, aerial boomlift or scissor lift. Select study guides available in French and Spanish. AERIAL LIFTS STUDY GUIDE IVES Training Group is North America’s leader in mobile equipment training systems. Since 1981, IVES has personally trained tens of thousands of trainers representing all walks of business and industry, who in turn, have utilized the IVES Training System™ to train hundreds of thousands of operators worldwide on industrial mobile equipment such as: Units 1 to 8 9 to 16 17 to 24 25 or more Regular $12.95 12.45 11.95 11.45 Member $11.00 10.60 10.15 9.75 1.800.643.1144 Aerial Lifts Pricing: Units Regular 1 to 8 $16.75 9 to 16 16.05 17 to 24 15.42 25 or more 14.77 S I N C E 1 9 8 1 Elevating Work Platforms • Aerial Boomlift • Scissor Lift Forklifts • Counterbalanced • Narrow Aisle (Stand-up) • Rough Terrain • Powered Pallet Truck Loaders • Front-end • Loader Backhoe • Skid Steer Excavators • Compact / Mini / Standard • Rubber Tire / Crawler With a reputation for quality that enables employers to quickly and efficiently achieve compliance with all relevant regulations and industry standards, IVES is the training provider of choice for thousands of companies from small, local businesses to Fortune 500 corporations across North America. The number of satisfied clients joining the IVES Member $14.20 13.67 13.10 12.58 family is growing by the thousands each year, with accolades from many of them attesting that of all other mobile equipment training programs in “Best, most informative, interesting, instructive/ training class I have been through, “barring none” class will save lives & keep people safe. It has made me more confident, knowledgeable and safer. Thank you...IVES, I will recommend.” Richard Baumgarte at J & M Equipment “I can truly say that the IVES...operator training programs are easily the most authoritative, thorough and well presented training programs this writer has seen in my thirty plus years in construction safety. VIRTEXCO is proud to say we have several IVES Certified Trainers and our operators are trained, or being trained using the IVES criteria.” John Dickens at Virtexco Corp the market, “This is still the best training available.” Training programs delivered by IVES are compliant with all applicable federal and regional regulations and referenced industry standards. IVES’ Team of Certified Master Trainers are recognized as the best in the business in terms of technical knowledge, operational experience and instructional ability. “Wonderful training program that really equipped me to be a good trainer. I learned more useful training methods than any of my credentials formal education classes thus far in college.” Megan McGarry Te l U S A 360.945.1909 Te l C a n a d a 604.542.4837 To l l - f r e e Web Email 1.800.643.1144 w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m “I thought the program was engaging and well run. At first I felt a little nervous training or becoming a trainer, but after completion of this program, I feel educated, competent, and inspired to improve workplace safety with effective training.” Jerry Wernicke at Whole Foods Market Training that works where you do. O P E R AT O R R E C E R T I F I C AT I O N PROGRAM D SafeTy TraInIng VIdeoS 7 Introduction Videos A basic introduction on a specific machine focusing on how to conduct a proper pre-use inspection. Choose from counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklift, powered pallet truck, skid steer loader, aerial boomlift or scissor lift. Regular $103.95 each Member $89.95 each R LOI D OT RK F TUSC T I O N T O P O W E R E D P A L L E T T R U C K SI N T R O D U C T I O N T O S C I S S O R L I F T S I N T R O D U C T I O N T O A E R I A L B O O MI LNI TF RT O S D U C T I O N T O N A R R O W A I S L E IFNOTRR KO LDIUF CT TSI O N T O C O U N T E R B A L A N C E D FI N I N T R O D U C T I O N T O S K I D S T E E R L O A D EI NR TS R O D U C T I O N T O R O U G H T E R R A I N F O R K L I F T S 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 1-800-643-1144 © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. © IVES Training Group All rights reserved. For a preview of these videos, go to our website at Lessons Learned LESSONS LEARNED follows each aspect of a masterfully executed accident investigation following a true-life fatal collision between a forklift and a pedestrian at an industrial mill site. This video has no actors or re-enactments – the tragic event that led to the investigation and all of the people shown are real. See what they learned from the loss of their co-worker and find out the ultimate message that LESSONS LEARNED sends – SAFETY IS NOT ABOUT RULES AND REGULATIONS, IT IS ABOUT LIFE AND LIMB! LESSONS LEARNED Safety is not about rules and regulations, it is about life and limb! L E A R N E D We would like to extend our most sincere gratitute to the management and work force of the Springfield, Oregon division of Weyerhaeuser for the production of this video. Their hard work and diligence has provided us all with a tremendous reference for remembering the true cost of industrial accidents, and the tragedy that surrounds them. What’s Wrong With This? L E S S O N S This video follows each aspect of a masterfully executed accident investigation following a true-life fatal collision between a forklift and a pedestrian at an industrial mill site. This video has no actors or re-enactment - the tragic event that led to the investigation and all of the people shown are real. 12 minutes. Regular $34.95 Member $29.95 The perfect video for forklift operator recertification training programs! See if your trainees can pick out the safety infractions – it’s both educational and fun! 12 minutes. Regular $57.95 Member $49.95 1-800-643-1144 © IVES Training Group. All rights reserved. Run time: 12 minutes Lessons Learned Cover EN_SP.indd 1 2013-08-04 11:15 AM Forklift stability is a major factor in many accidents. Collisions, rollovers and damaged goods are just some of the results of operators not understanding the principles of forklift stability. This exceptional video covers the stability triangle, the operating environment, load capacity and all elements of forklift stability. 18 minutes. Regular $455.00 Member $395.00 Danger Zone Exploring the hazards of working around forklifts in a busy warehouse setting, Danger Zone is a technically accurate and enlightening video for operators and pedestrians alike. 12 minutes. Regular $200.00 Member $175.00 P Point of View Forklift Stability Essentials PO INT• O F•VIEW will make a valuable contribution to any counterbalanced forklift-operator training program. 1-800-643-1144 C O U N T E R B A L A N C E D F O R K L I F T O P E R AT O R P O V exposes some of the most common hazards encountered by forklift operators within a typical warehouse environment. Examine hazards such as blind corners, pedestrian traffic, obstructed view elevating loads, and many more using an interesting mix of innovative footage, computer animation and expert narration. PO INT• OF• VI EW See things from the operator’s position in this slick, fast paced DVD that gives the viewer a glimpse of the world from the seat of a working counterbalanced forklift. V POINT•OF•VIEW C O U N T E R B A L A N C E D F O R K L I F T O P E R AT O R O See things from the operator’s position in this slick, fast paced video that gives the viewer a glimpse of the world from the seat of a working counterbalanced forklift. POV exposes some of the most common hazards encountered by forklift operators within a typical warehouse environment. 18 minutes. Regular $225.00 Member $195.00 P O V POINT•OF•VIEW C O U N T E R B A L A N C E D F O R K L I F T O P E R AT O R Pallet Truck - Low Lift Electric pallet trucks are explained in detail including proper use of this equipment in everyday applications. 15 minutes. Regular $200.00 Member $175.00 om in gs fr Se e th ’s er at or th e op n! po si tio © IVES Training Group. All rights reserved. Run time: 12 minutes Point of View cover EN_SP.indd 1 Narrow Aisle Lift Trucks Both reach trucks and order pickers are featured in this instructional program. 30 minutes. Regular $200.00 Member $175.00 2013-08-04 11:18 AM Forklifts - Reducing Product Damage This video covers the common ways forklift operators cause product damage in a warehouse environment, and recommended practices for avoiding this damage. It is meant to be used as an introductory or refresher course for forklift operators. 15 minutes. Regular $200.00 Member $175.00 w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m 8 dIe caST modelS CAT P5000 Counterbalanced Forklift – Propane Decked out with a full function three-stage mast, adjustable forks, rolling and turning rubber tires and a propane cylinder mounted on the counterweight deck. 1:25 scale model. Regular $68.95 Member $59.95 Clark C30 Counterbalanced Engine-powered Forklift Powered Pallet Truck This Clark C30 engine-powered forklift model comes complete with a full function two-stage mast, adjustable forks, and rolling/turning rubber tires. 1:20 scale model. Regular $68.95 Member $59.95 This BT powered walkie jack with authentic features and details including full movement control handle, functional load, drive/steer and idler wheels. Comes with pallet and 8 loads. 1:15 scale model. Regular $51.95 Member $44.95 Inventory & pricing is subject to change. JLG 260-25 Liftlux Diesel Scissor Lift This bold, robust model is the biggest lift platform model available. With new variable height “locking technology” and a fully functioning scissor assembly able to extend the aerial work platform nearly 3-feet into the air. 1:32 scale model. Regular $114.95 Member $99.95 Stability Pyramid Model This three-dimensional forklift training aid will help your trainees get a clear mental image of how stability is affected by things like motion and mast height (7 ½” x 4 ¼” x 6 ½”). Regular $183.95 Member $159.95 1.800.643.1144 JLG 2646ES Scissor Lift – Electric JLG G12-55A Telehandler JLG 860SJ Aerial Boomlift Skytrak 8042 Telehandler This highly detailed model features fully functioning moving parts including an extendable platform, pothole protection and grey, non-marking rubber wheels. 1:32 scale model. Regular $114.95 Member $99.95 This 1:32 scale model makes an excellent training aid for telescopic boomlift operator classes. Regular $114.95 Member $99.95 This heavy-duty die-cast model telehandler features fully functioning moving parts, 4-wheel steering, oscillating axles, and outriggers. 1:16 scale model. Regular $114.95 Member $99.95 This rough terrain forklift model comes with fully functioning moving parts including 4-wheel steer, oscillating axles and a three section telecoping boom featuring working hydraulics mounted below the boom 1:32 scale model. Regular $114.95 Member $99.95 Sorry, no refunds on models Clark GE25 Counterbalanced Battery-powered Forklift 1:24 scale model of one of the most popular work horses of the forklift world. A fully functional two-stage mast, adjustable forks, rolling/turning rubber tires and an accessory pallet. Regular $68.95 Member $59.95 CAT Backhoe Loader Toyota 8LT-25 Counterbalanced Forklift – Gas This 1:25 scale model features a fully functional two-stage simplex mast, adjustable forks, rolling wheels, oscillating rear axle and steer wheels that turn. Regular $68.95 Member $59.95 1:50 scale model with front wheel steering with oscillating axle. Boom with extendible stick, raises and lowers with 180 degree swing. Left and right stabilizers with pads raise and lower. Regular $80.95 Member $69.95 CAT 320D L Hydraulic Excavator Highly detailed 1:50 scale model featuring movable metal tracks, boom, stick and bucket. Rotates 360 degrees on chassis. Clear windows with interior cab details. Regular $91.95 Member $79.95 9 Narrow Aisle Reach Truck This BT sit-down truck comes with rolling wheels, authentic features and details. Functional three-stage mast (10.5” extended) and reach mechanism. Comes with 1 pallet and 4 loads. 1:25 scale model. Regular $51.95 Member $44.95 CAT 980G Wheel Loader This model comes equipped with a working rock bucket and a boom that raises and lowers. This model has wheels that roll with authentic tire tread design and articulated steering and oscillating rear wheels. 1:50 scale model. Regular $91.95 Member $79.95 CAT 226B Skid Steer Loader This 1:32 scale CAT 226B skid steer loader model features realistic interior and exterior detailing. Comes equipped with three interchangeable work tools, including forks, a grapple bucket and general purpose bucket. Regular $80.95 Member $69.95 Bobcat S185 Skid Steer Loader This model is a perfect size for your operator training class. Modern design with low profile, vertical-path lift arms and high visibility cab design. Comes with a detachable bucket. 1:25 scale model. Regular $68.95 Member $59.95 w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m 10 SafeTy ProducTS Rigging Handbook The Rigging Handbook is a valuable “must have” for mobile crane and/or boom truck operators. As anyone that works with or around hoisting equipment will tell you, rigging is an entire world unto itself. Regular $28.95 Member $24.95 The Complete Rigger's Reference Handbook The Complete RIGGER’S REFERENCE Handbook is a practical, well-illustrated guide designed as a quick reference tool for the beginning and professional rigger, crane operator, supervisor and others responsible for the safe and proper use and inspection of rigging gear. This handbook is specifically designed to be used in the instruction of crane and rigging activity (5.5” x 4.25” x 0.5”). Regular $28.95 Member $24.95 Fork Inspection Kits Even the best operators cannot assess the condition of the forks beyond obvious wear and damage detectable to the naked eye. This useful kit provides you with the ability to make quick and accurate measurements to compare with critical fork arm wear specifications and ensures that the forks on your machines are in the condition they need to be in to get the job done. Regular $64.00 Member $55.00 ANSI/SIA Manual of Responsibilities These manuals are mandated to be present on all aerial lifts by most North American regulatory authorities. ANSI/SIA A92.5 references aerial boomlifts. ANSI/SIA A92.6 references scissor and vertical lifts. Regular $6.95 Member $5.95 Trainer Satchel This soft-shell carrying case is perfect for toting all of your operator recertification training materials. Complete with an exterior storage compartment and an adjustable shoulder strap, this satchel is perfect for the trainer on the go (16” x 12”). Regular $40.00 Member $35.00 1.800.643.1144 Lift Truck Log Document the inspection and maintenance history of each of your forklifts with this comprehensive Lift Truck Log. Available for counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklifts as well as powered pallet trucks. Regular $57.95 Member $49.95 Trainer Briefcase This sturdy hard-shell case has plenty of space for training manuals, videos, DVDs and models. There are also plenty of handy interior/exterior pockets and compartments for pens, markers and papers. Comes with an adjustable carry strap so just load it up and you’re good to go (18” x 13” x 8½”). Regular $190.00 Member $165.00 11 Caution Signs Keep your pedestrians and forklift operators aware of potentially hazardous working environments with these highly visible signs. Made of durable polyethylene plastic, these signs are perfect for the warehouse. These 10” x 14” signs are durable and water resistant. Available in the following messaging: • • • • • • • No Smoking Battery Changing Caution Chock Wheels Caution Forklift Traffic No Smoking Propane Changing Caution Pedestrian Traffic Caution Stop & Sound Horn Caution Secure Trailer Regular $22.95 Member $19.95 “Be Aware - Be Safe” Safety Poster IVES high-impact safety posters cleverly deliver a simple but powerful message BE AWARE - BE SAFE. The placement of posters and signs around the training room creates an atmosphere that brings safety to the forefront. These 18” x 24” posters are available for counterbalanced forklift, narrow aisle forklift, rough terrain forklift, powered pallet truck, aerial lifts and skid steer loader. Regular $11.95 Member $9.95 Stop Sign This is a standard full sized STOP sign, perfect for a warehouse environment. Durable and water resistant, measuring 18” x 18”. Regular $34.95 Member $29.95 OSHA Regulation Poster If your company uses forklifts in the United States, then this poster is the ideal way to inform your employees of the key points of the OSHA 29 CRF 1910.178 Regulation regarding training, safe operation and inspection of this type of equipment. Regular $5.95 Member $4.95 Forklift Safety Stickers Reduce the chance of accidents by reminding the operator and pedestrians of simple safety rules that protect them from injury or death. This set includes 16 UV coated 3 ¼” x 1.125” stickers so they will last for years and are perfect for any industrial setting. Regular $22.95 Member $19.95 w w w. i v e s t r a i n i n g . c o m Testimonials “This training was done correctly and my expectations were blown away.” Ulises, Monier LifeTile LLC. “Thanks for being so easy to work with top to bottom. I organized the class and was trying to make it happen (on our end) right up until the last minute. Not many companies can pull off polite, professional, easy going and flexible all at the same time. Sincere thanks!” Kristina, PSAV Presentation Services. “Awesome, in my industry and prior careers I have attended and participated in countless training programs and can honestly say this was the most captivating and well paced, pleasurable programs of all.” Keith, Correctional Services Canada. “At Safety Center, we only offer the highest quality safety training. IVES Training is the only program we offer for mobile equipment training. Our clients tell us that this training is the best around and that they have taken this training because of IVES’ excellent reputation.” Liz, Safety Center Inc. “We strongly recommend IVES Training Group.” Ray, Cephalon. “E & J Gallo Winery continues to be committed to providing our employees the highest level of effective safety training. We have been utilizing IVES as the sole provider of mobile equipment training at our locations for the past 15 years. We appreciate the professional working relationship that we have developed over these years. It is critical to our success that these operators have the most superior quality training program in existence, that is why we selected and continue to use IVES.” Gene, E & J Gallo Winery. “This was a great program, hands down the best.” James, Navigata Communications. “The materials used as well as the approach to the program were extremely insightful and surprisingly fun. I really think my time was well spent.” Raul, Fresh Express. “This is the most educational and thorough training I have attended.” Trent, City Of Tacoma. “Excellent program. I’m always impressed with the professionalism exhibited by IVES.” Craig, CSA Transportation. “This class has been fantastic! It has taken our company from having no training whatsoever, to having a knowledgeable and competent staff in using mobile equipment.” James, Glanbia Foods. “This training program was educational, enjoyable and extremely useful.” Paul, IKEA North America. “I have taken many training courses over the years and can honestly tell you that this was the best, most useful, and applicable training I have ever received.” John, Canadian Auto Parts Toyota. “Best training class I have ever been a part of. If I ever need additional training, it will be with IVES.” James, Panasonic.
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