PUBLICATIONS ; Cali Nuur ( August, 2015) A) Peer Reviewed Journal articles Karakaya, E., Nuur, C., & Hidalgo, A. (2016). Business model challenge: Lessons from a local solar company. Renewable Energy, 85, 1026-1035. Levihn, F & Nuur, C (2015) Co-benefits of primary energy conservation, reduced emissions and costs through biomass and waste incineration chp in district heating, forthcoming in International Journal of Energy Production and Management 1(1) pp 8798. Karakaya, E., Hidalgo, A., & Nuur, C. (2015). Motivators for adoption of photovoltaic systems at grid parity: A case study from Southern Germany. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43, 1090-1098. Karakaya, E., Hidalgo, A., & Nuur, C. (2014). Diffusion of eco-innovations: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 33, 392-399. Levihn, F., Nuur, C., & Laestadius, S. (2014). Marginal abatement cost curves and abatement strategies: Taking option interdependency and investments unrelated to climate change into account. Energy, 76, 336-344. Levihn, F., & Nuur, C. (2014). Biomass and waste incineration CHP: the co-benefits of primary energy savings, reduced emissions and costs. Energy Production and Management in the 21st Century: The Quest for Sustainable Energy, 190, 1127. Novotny, M., & Nuur, C. (2013). The transformation of pulp and paper industries: the role of local networks and institutions. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 5(1), 41-57. Nuur, C., Novotny, M., & Laestadius, S. (2012). Return of the Periphery? Globalisation, Climate Change and the Options for Forest Rich Regions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 3(3), 246-251. Levihn, F., Nuur, C., & Blomgren, H. (2011). Corporate response to climate change mitigation: What can we learn from annual reports of European industries?. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2(3), 77-86. Nuur, C., & Laestadius, S. (2010). Development in peripheral regions: Case studies in Sweden. European Urban and Regional Studies. Nuur, C., Gustavsson, L., & Laestadius, S. (2009). Promoting regional innovation systems in a global context. Industry and innovation, 16(1), 123-139. Nuur, C., & Laestadius, S. (2009). Is the ‘creative class’ necessarily urban? Putting the creativity thesis in the context of non-urbanised regions in industrialised nations. European Journal of Spatial Development, 6, 10-22. Nuur, C., & Laestadius, S. (2007). Stuck in the middle?–A case study of the underutilised potential in peripheral regions in developed countries in the age of globalisation. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2(2), 44-63. Brulin, G., & Nuur, C. (2003). Business Networking Learning: Håkan Håkansson and Jan Johansson (Eds.); Pergamon Press, Netherlands, 2001, 250pp. in Scandnavian Journal of Management. B. BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Lapko Y, Trucco P, Trianni A, Nuur C ( 2014). Implications for Collaborative Development of Reverse Distribution Network: A System Perspective. In: Implications for Collaborative Development of Reverse Distribution Network: A System Perspective. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2014; Ajaccio; France; 20 September 2014 through 24 September 2014. Springer-Verlag New York; 2014. p. 351-357. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 439. Gustavsson L, Nuur C, Laestadius S (2012). Between the regional and the global: regional innovation systems policy and industrial knowledge formation. In: Innovation Governance in an open Economy: Shaping Regional Nodes in a Globalized world. 2012. Gustafsson L, Laestadius S, Nuur C (2011). Policy Induced Regional Interactions in Enhancing Global Industrial Competitiveness. In: Economic Geography of Globalization. INTECH; 2011. p. 83-98. Nuur C (2011). Hur gör man i Sverige?. In: Leva någon annanstans: Elva berättelser i Sverige. Lund: Columbi Publishing; 2011. Laestadius S, Nuur C (2010). The disequilibirium path in natural resource economics. Stockholm: US-AB; 2010. Nuur C, Laestadius S (2009). Anomalies in the Resource Curse Paradigm : The Case of Sweden. Stockholm: US_AB; 2009. Trita-IEO, 2009:01. Laestadius S, Nuur C (2007) Regionala innovationssystem som politisk praktik - en fallstudie av Triple Steelix. In: Regional växtkraft I en global Ekonomi: Den svenska vinnväxt programmet. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag; 2007. p. 189-219. Nuur C (2007). Att forska om periferin i periferin- en personlig odyssey. In: Samtal och samhandling- erfarenheter från FOU-Centrum i Söderhamn interaktiv forskning i praktiken. Söderhamn: Söderhams förlag; 2007. Arbetsrapport från FoU-Centrum Söderhamn. Laestadius S, Nuur C, Ylinenpää H ( 2007) editors. Regional växtkraft i en global ekonomi : Det svenska Vinnväxt programmet. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag; 2007. p. 1317. Laestadius S, Nuur C, Ylinenpää H (2007) Regional växtkraft i en global ekonomi. In: Regional växtkraft i en global ekonomi. Santérus Academic Press Sweden; 2007. p. 13-26. Laestadius S, Nuur C, Ylinenpää H (2007). Regional växtkraft i en global ekonomi - det svenska Vinnväxtprogrammet. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag; 2007. Laestadius S, Nuur C. Triple Steelix (2006) - a Regional Innovation System in the Making?. 2006. Trita-IEO, 2006:16. Nuur C. Business Networking Between Information Technology Companies in Söderhamn. In: Forskningssamverkan och nya former av kunskapsbildning. Halmstadsförag; 2002. Nuur C. Det Digitala Klivet. Sandlund and Company; 2000. C. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Yasmine Sabri, Nuur, Cali and Guido J.L. Micheli (2015) Exploring Supply Chain Configuration In The Context Of Innovation Practices: Cases From Italy And Sweden;.22nd EUROMA conference 26th June – 1st July, 2015, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Lapko, Y, Nuur, C, Trianni, A, Feldmann, A and Trucco, P (2015) Current research on manufactures' activities to secure availability of critical materials. 2nd EDIM conference, Milano 9-12 June, 2015. Karakaya E, Nuur C, Breitschopf B, Hidalgo A. Spatial Dimension of Lead Markets: Evidences from Diffusion of Photovoltaic Systems in Germany. In: 8th DRUID conference, CBS Copenhagen, 16-18 June: . DRUID. 2014. * Sabre Y, Micheli G, Nuur C. Supply chain configuration, effectiveness and efficiency: Looking for the best fit. In: Ist Annual EDIM conference: . Ist Annual European Doctorate in Industrial Management conference. Milano; 2014. Karakaya E, Nuur C, Hidalgo A. Business Model Challenge: Learnings from a Local Solar Company in Germany. In: Ist European Doctorate in Industrial Management conference: . Ist Annual European Doctorate in Industrial Management conference. 2014. p. 23-. * Karakaya E, Nuur C, Hidalgo A. Modelling the Diffusion of Photovoltaic : Concepts and Applications. In: IAMOT2013 Proceedings: . 22nd International Conference on Management of Technology, Porto Alegre, Brazil 14-18 April, 2013. 2013. * Levihn F, Nuur C, Laestadius S. Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) : The need for an evolutionary approach. In: IAMOT2013 Proceedings: . 22nd International Conference on Management of Technology; Porto Alegre, Brazil 14-18 April 2013. 2013. Karakaya E, Hidalgo A, Nuur C. Diffusion of eco-innovations : Exploring the literature. In: IAMOT2013 Proceedings: . 22nd International Conference on Management of Technology; Porto Alegre, Brazil 14-18 April 2013. 2013. * Novotny M, Nuur C. The importance of local institutions in promoting entrepreneurship and innovations in peripheral regions. In: Remote innovations conference. Remote innovations conference, University Strathclyde, Glasgow, June, 15th 2010. 2010. Nuur C, Laestadius S. Natural resources and old industrialized nations : Is there a regional dimension to the resource curse?. In: The 8th conference of the EURS conference. The 8th conference of the EURS conference. Vienna, Austria. 15-17 September, 2010. 2010. Hallin A, Nuur C. Take to the City? Where?. Sustainable Cities and Regions: Enabling Vision or Empty Talk?, Örebro, Sweden, March 11-13 2009. 2009. Gustavsson L, Laestadius S, Nuur C. Aligning Triple Helix Framework with Regional Innovation Systems : insights and challenges from Swedish policy practice. 6th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages- Singapore 1618 May 2007. 2007. Ekstedt E, Nuur C. Call centre cluster- a knowledge paradox. In: 15th RIDWL congress held in Durban South Africa, February 2001. 2004. Nuur C. An Exploratory Case Study of Call Centers Firms in Ljusdal. In: The Third International Congress of the Work & Labour Network "Labour, Globalisation and The New Economy". The Third International Congress of the Work & Labour Network 'Labour, Globalisation and The New Economy'. Osnabrück, Germany. 22 - 25 May 2002. 2002.
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