Longview School District No. 122 2715 Lilac Street, Longview, WA 98632 - (360) 575-7000 AGENDA FOR REGULAR BOARD MEETING Date: November 24, 2014 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Admin Building Board Room 11-24-1 Call regular meeting to order 11-24-2 Flag salute 11-24-3 Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda 11-24-4 Approval of Consent Agenda a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Approval of October 27, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Approval of November 10, 2014, Special Meeting Minutes Personnel Report Warrants Contracts and Personal Service Agreements Final Acceptance - Busack’s Pre Wi-fi Work Final Acceptance - Pavement Improvement Projects 11-24-5 Superintendent’s Report 11-24-6 Mint Valley Elementary School Principal’s Report 11-24-7 Requests to address the Board (three (3) minute limit per person please) 11-24-8 Strategic Plan Review Committee Final Report 11-24-9 Procedure 4130 Title I Parental Involvement (first reading) 11-24-10 2015 PRAM Facilities Advisory Committee Recommendation 11-24-11 Revised PRAM 2014 Contract - Roofing 11-24-12 Consider setting a date and time for a follow up workshop to complete work that began during the November 10, 2014 workshop 11-24-13 Information Items A. August 2014 Year End Financial Report B. November 2014 Enrollment Report C. Board Subcommittee Reports D. Legislative Update 11-24-14 Adjournment “Kind words are the music of the world.” F.W. Faber Board of Directors Jennifer Leach, President Barbara Westrick CJ Nickerson JD Rossetti Roberta Alba-Estrada Longview School District No. 122 Long Agenda Longview School District Board of Director’s Regular Meeting November 24, 2014 7:00 P.M. Longview School District Board Room Estimated time of meeting is 1 hour. 11-24-1 CALL TO ORDER AND READING OF MISSION STATEMENT (3 MIN) “The mission of the Longview School District is to ensure that every student learns the skills, attitudes, and knowledge to become a responsible, productive citizen in a rapidly changing society. This is accomplished: Through a partnership of students, staff, parents, and community focused on results; In a supportive, caring, innovative environment; With a commitment to challenge each learner to reach potential.” 11-24-2 FLAG SALUTE 11-24-3 APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA (1 MIN) Motion: I move to approve the regular meeting agenda for November 24, 2014. 11-24-4 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (1 MIN) Recommended Motion: I move to approve the consent agenda. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Approval of October 27, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Approval of November 10, 2014, Special Meeting Minutes Personnel Report Warrants Contracts and Personal Service Agreements Final Acceptance - Busack’s Pre Wi-fi Work Final Acceptance - Pavement Improvement Projects Background/Rationale: The items on the consent agenda are routine board business. If directors have questions or concerns, please visit with the superintendent or the appropriate cabinet administrator before the meeting. 11-24-5 SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT (5 MINUTES) This agenda item will provide an opportunity for the superintendent to share letters of recognition, commendation, or other good news regarding activities associated with the Longview School District. 11-24-6 MINT VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Principal Jean Merritt will highlight the extended day clubs currently at Mint Valley like the Math Club and Science Club. These clubs challenge learners to deepen their math, science and study skills, tap into their natural curiosity about our world and promote parent involvement. Special focus will be given to our Longview School District Board of Directors Meeting November 24, 2014 Long Agenda 2014 Mint Valley Science Team who recently participated in the Southwest Washington Science Olympiad at Clark College. 11-24-7 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD (3 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON) This item allows time for public comment on topics not included on this meeting’s regular agenda. Although this is not a time for discussion, the board appreciates public input and may refer such comments to administration for appropriate follow-up. The board recognizes that public comment may include constructive criticism which the board welcomes, but public comment that is directed to board or staff that is abusive, irrelevant or inappropriate will be interrupted by the President of the Board. 11-24-8 STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE FINAL REPORT Recommended Motion: I move to approve the 2014 Strategic Plan Review Committee’s Final Report and the school improvement plans as reviewed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee. Background: The 21st annual review process on the Strategic Plan was held on October 28, 2014. The Strategic Plan Review Committee members met to review the site plans submitted by the schools and departments and followed up with tours of each. The Strategic Plan Review Committee met to complete the review process for all school sites. Fifteen school sites presented information about their accomplishments, challenges, and proposed plans. A writing subcommittee of the Strategic Plan Review Committee wrote the Strategic Plan Review Committee Final Report based on feedback from the entire committee. Proposal: The superintendent recommends the board review, discuss, and approve the 2014 Strategic Plan Review Committee’s Final Report and approve the school improvement plans as reviewed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee. 11-24-9 PROCEDURE 4130 TITLE I PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT (FIRST READING) (3 MIN) Recommended Motion: I move to approve revisions to Procedure 4130. Background: Procedure 4130 - Title I, Part A requires that parents review the district policy and procedures for parent involvement and recommend suggested changes annually. A Title I Parent Involvement meeting was held November 5, 2014. It was the consensus of the parents that Procedure 4130 be updated to reflect the array of technology available to students today and to align with terminology used in the pediatric community. Given this feedback, staff is recommending a change to the procedure to indicate the ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning. Proposal: The superintendent recommends the board review and discuss Procedure 4130 as presented in a first reading. Board policy allows for the adoption of revisions to a procedure during a first reading. Page 2 of 4 Longview School District Board of Directors Meeting November 24, 2014 Long Agenda 11-24-10 2015 PRAM FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (3 MIN) Motion: I move to approve the 2015 PRAM projects as presented in attachment 11-24-10. Background: The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) has presented to the board each year a recommended list of capital projects to be addressed for the upcoming year. Typically these projects are completed during the summer months. The goal each year is to have a recommendation to the board by November so that if the board approves, the projects can go out for competitive bidding in a timely manner thus ensuring the best possible bids for each project. Proposal: The Facility Advisory Committee reviewed, discussed and came to consensus on the following documents that accompany this memo. At the September 24, 2014 meeting the FAC reviewed and discussed the work of Facility Manager Troy Lomax. At its meeting on October 22, 2014, the FAC discussed and came to consensus on the projects to bring forward to the board for consideration. Document #1 - PRAM Priority Spreadsheet contains an analysis of the systems within each building. Systems were rated and approximate costs for replacement of each system were affixed. The items deemed “unsatisfactory” or “poor” were highlighted and recommended by Mr. Lomax for serious consideration by the FAC. In addition, Mr. Lomax identified other projects that were worthy of attention for the 2015 cycle. Document #2 - Revised 5-Year Funding Plan identifies projects by system and priority. Projects were then scheduled over the next five years. The items highlighted in yellow and in the column labeled 2015 are the projects that are being recommended to the Board. Document #3 - 2015 PRAM Pre-bid Estimate identifies projects that are recommended to occur in 2015 and identifies the estimated costs to complete the projects being recommended. Recommendation: The Facility Advisory Committee recommends the projects identified in document #3 be approved by the board for completion as the PRAM Capital Projects for 2015. 11-24-11 REVISED PRAM 2014 CONTRACT – ROOFING (3 MIN) Recommended Motion: I move to approve the 2014 PRAM Roofing Change Order for the Bus Garage project and the revised contract between the Longview School District and Pacific Tech Construction as presented. Background: In order to complete roofing projects, address unforeseen issues associated with the Monticello roof project and the R. A. Long roof project, and to stay within the PRAM budget, the bus garage roof project was delayed and not addressed in the current year as planned. The District and Pacific Tech Page 3 of 4 Longview School District Board of Directors Meeting November 24, 2014 Long Agenda Construction agreed to delay the bus garage roof project until the summer of 2015. This change in plans required a change order and a revised contract. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the change order and the contract for services. By approving both the change order and the revised contract with Pacific Tech Construction, the District will have completed all other aspects of the proposed roofing projects for 2014, while at the same time extending the timeline for the bus garage project that had originally been approved as part of the 2014 PRAM projects. Again this move has been reviewed by legal counsel and allows the 2014 projects to come in on budget. 11-24-12 CONSIDER SETTING A DATE AND TIME FOR A FOLLOW UP WORKSHOP TO COMPLETE WORK THAT BEGAN DURING THE NOVEMBER 10, 2014 WORKSHOP Background: The board met on November 10, 2014 in a workshop to discuss items related to the superintendent search. The board left the meeting with the agreement to work on the scoring instrument and interview questions. President Leach is suggesting the board continue its work to finalize decisions on these two items, by setting another workshop to complete the work. Potential Motion: I move to schedule a workshop on (date) at (time) to complete work on the scoring instrument and to further discuss how to proceed with suggested interview questions. 11-24-13 INFORMATION ITEMS A. August 2014 Year End Financial Report B. November 2014 Enrollment Report C. Board Subcommittee Reports D. Legislative Update 11-24-14 ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 4 Attachment 11-24-4a LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 122 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors October 27, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Longview School District No. 122 was held on Monday, October 27, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in the Administration Building. Present were: BOARD MEMBERS: Jennifer Leach, President Barb Westrick, Vice President JD Rossetti CJ Nickerson Robbie Alba-Estrada CABINET: Sandy Catt Larry Mayfield Ken Hermanson Chris Fritsch SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Greg Kirsch ASST. SECRETARY: Holly Pfenniger Others Present: Ray Clift, Jill Diehl, Larry Mayfield, Phil Suek, Jason Castro, Rich Reeves, Dena Enyeart, and Brian Mitchell. CALL TO ORDER AND READING OF MISSION STATEMENT President Jennifer Leach called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and read the mission statement. FLAG SALUTE Mark Morris student Steven Wallace led the flag salute. The Mark Morris After Hours Jazz Choir sang the national anthem. Choir Teacher Brian Mitchell reported on upcoming events in the district this fall, winter, and spring where the choir will be performing. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Motion: I move to approve the regular meeting agenda. Motion by: Seconded by: JD Rossetti Barb Westrick President Leach called for the vote. Carried. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion: I move to approve the consent agenda Motion by: Seconded by: Barb Westrick JD Rossetti President Leach called for the vote. Carried. Minutes Board of Directors Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 The consent agenda contained the following items: a. b. c. d. Approval of October 13, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Personnel Report Warrants Purchase of Lawn Mower to replace Toro Z Mower The warrants included the following: SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Dr. Greg Kirsch reported that he attended a reception for delegates of Wako, Japan. Several administrators and school board members were in attendance. The Strategic Plan Review Committee met on Thursday, October 23 to review the strategic plan review process and discuss the upcoming tour of building sites that will occur on October 28. Dr. Kirsch also shared the points of pride pamphlet that markets the good things that are occurring in the school district. The brochure is widely distributed to schools and is made available to the public. President Leach reported that one of our long serving board members, Dr. Doug O’Connor passed away this month. Dr. O’Connor was a significant advocate for education. The board asked the district to send a letter of condolence on behalf of the district. MARK MORRIS PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Principal Phil Suek reported that Mark Morris students continue to do well on advanced placement tests, SAT tests and state tests. Students taking the advanced placement tests are scoring above national averages, SAT are at the state average and well above the county average, and in our five tested areas Reading, Writing, Biology EOC and Math EOC 1 and 2 are all above state average. The school is currently in a three-year growth trend. Suek noted the freshman year is a pivotal year for high school students. Mark Morris staff spends considerable time working with freshman to get them off to a good start. Suek noted that students who drop out their freshman year, often begin thinking of dropping out their sixth grade Page 2 of 6 Minutes Board of Directors Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 year. Staff use “Tips for Success” that includes statements like active learner, persevere, advocate, do all the assigned work, and understand how high school works. Staff talks to students about quarters and semesters and how that relates to achieving credits. We emphasize that at the end of the first quarter students have a grade check and they have time to improve their grade before they earn a final grade and credit. Barb Westrick asked if the upperclassmen help with tutoring. Suek noted that upperclassman can become teacher assistants and help tutor students as part of their assignment. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD There was no public comment. SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM ADOPTION UPDATE Ken Hermanson reported that the Leadership & Learning Subcommittee asked for an update on the new social studies curriculum. R.A. Long Social Studies teacher Jason Castro provided an update on the social studies curriculum adoption that occurred a year ago. Castro reported the district purchased the Americans and United States Government textbooks published by Holt McDougal. Each teacher has a classroom set located in the classroom and there are additional textbooks in the library. The online textbook has been a new option for students who can now access their books online. The textbooks support common core standards through critical thinking activities. There is also an online feature that allows students to research current events that provide students with the opportunity to connect the dots to historical matters. Online videos are provided in multiple languages, which is helpful to our English Language Learner groups. So far the textbooks have had a positive impact. CJ Nickerson asked whether the Spanish translation of the text has had good reviews. Castro reported that he has not heard of any problems to date. Mr. Castro noted the new Chromebook technology has been helpful for students as they help engage students in learning and provide access to current and historical information. Students are required to provide both sides of an issue and then debate the issue as a class. The access to information has impacted the quality of debates. Gary Walker asked how students get judged on debates. Castro noted that each student is required to participate twenty times in the debate and are judged on their participation. RESOLUTION 734 TEMPORARY WAIVER FROM HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Ken Hermanson reported the new “CORE 24” high school graduation requirements now require two additional high school graduation credits, beyond what the district currently requires. Beginning in 2019 the state would like graduates to have 4 English, 3 Math, 3 Science, 3 Social Studies, 1 Career and Technical Education, 2 Health and Fitness, 2 Arts, 2 World Language and personalized pathway requirements. This is an increase of 1 Science credit, 2 World Language credits, 1 Art credit, and a reduction of one elective credit and a .5 Health and Fitness credit. Page 3 of 6 Minutes Board of Directors Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 Hermanson reported the district will be required to add world language offerings and additional lab science. This will require more classrooms and additional teachers. Students will now be required to take 2 lab sciences. Depending on the pathway the student chooses, some may elect to take the path that requires no world language or art. Hermanson reported that students will be required to select a path and classes will align with that path. The challenge will be to make sure that students are counseled on their options so they do not sign up for classes that do not fit the pathway they select. To put the requirements in perspective, Hermanson reported that 91 of 205 Mark Morris seniors have taken three years of science and 126 of 212 seniors at R.A. Long have taken three years of science. This means that the district, will need to have an additional 200 students take a third year of science, which equates to eight more classes and two more science teachers. At this time the high schools offer physical science, biology and chemistry. Students may desire other options besides the three that are currently offered, so the district will need to study the options and plan accordingly. Hermanson noted the state is allowing a waiver for districts to give them time to decide how best to proceed. Director Nickerson noted his admiration for the administrators in this district who are working on this issue, noting that it is another example of federal and state mandates pushed down onto local districts. He expressed concern that teachers are under the impression the district office is responsible for all the changes that have been introduced in the last few years; however the majority of those changes are state and federal mandates the district must comply with. Nickerson was pleased to know that administrators will be working with teachers to develop a solution. Director Westrick reported the Leadership & Learning Subcommittee is supportive of the waiver. Motion: I move to approve Resolution 734 authorizing the district to apply for a temporary waiver from high school graduation requirements. Motion by: Seconded by: CJ Nickerson Robbie Alba-Estrada President Leach called for the vote. Carried. REGULAR MEETING DATES FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2014 Motion: I move to take from the table the question of whether to cancel the November 10, 2014 and the December 22, 2014 regular meetings. Motion by: Seconded by: JD Rossetti Barb Westrick President Leach called for the vote. Carried. The board then proceeded to discuss their options for these two meeting dates. Page 4 of 6 Minutes Board of Directors Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 After considerable discussion, the board agreed to cancel their regular meetings, but to hold a workshop to handle work they identified during their retreat in September. Motion: I move to cancel the November 10 and December 22 regular board meetings. Motion by: Seconded by: Barb Westrick JD Rossetti President Leach called for the vote. Carried. Motion: I move to set a special meeting on November 10, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a facilitated workshop to allow the school board time to discuss the superintendent search criteria priorities and other matters. Motion by: Seconded by: Barb Westrick CJ Nickerson President Leach called for the vote. Carried. INFORMATION ITEMS October Enrollment Report Executive Director of Finance Larry Mayfield reported the district’s enrollment numbers are less than last year. Board Subcommittee Reports Nickerson reported the Facilities Advisory Committee met and will bring forward PRAM recommendations in the near future. Other President Leach reported attending the reception for delegates from Wako, Japan, which is a sister city to the City of Longview. Delegates met with Ken Hermanson, Phil Suek, Rich Reeves and Travis Rhueter to discuss revitalizing the student exchange program between the two cities as the Japanese students are eager to visit America. There would be no cost to the district, but host families would need to be found for the students. The sister city commissioner would coordinate the student exchange program. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, Leach adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Jennifer Leach, President Barb Westrick, Vice President Page 5 of 6 Minutes Board of Directors Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 CJ Nickerson JD Rossetti Roberta Alba-Estrada Attest: Secretary Date Minutes Approved Page 6 of 6 Attachment 11-24-4b LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 122 Special Meeting of the Board of Directors November 10, 2014 The special meeting of the Board of Directors of Longview School District No. 122 was held on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 5:30 p.m., in the Administration Building. Present were: BOARD MEMBERS: Jennifer Leach, President Barb Westrick, Vice President JD Rossetti CJ Nickerson Roberta Alba-Estrada CABINET: Sandy Catt Larry Mayfield Ken Hermanson Chris Fritsch SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. Greg Kirsch Others Present: WSSDA Consultant Colleen Miller and citizen Gary Walker. CALL TO ORDER President Jennifer Leach called the special meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL REPORT Motion: I move to approve the personnel report. Motion by: Seconded by: Barb Westrick CJ Nickerson President Leach called for the vote. Carried. WORKSHOP Facilitator Colleen Miller facilitated a workshop on group decision making and reaching consensus and prioritizing desired qualities of superintendent candidates. The board agreed that honesty and accountability were the two top qualities they are looking for in a candidate. Other priorities included a record of successful administrative and financial management skills, strong instructional leadership skills, as well as strong communication and strategic planning skills. The ability to involve district staff and the community in collaborative projects was also important to the board. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, President Leach adjourned the special meeting at 9:00 p.m. Minutes Board of Directors Special Meeting November 10, 2014 Jennifer Leach, President Barb Westrick, Vice President CJ Nickerson JD Rossetti Robbie Alba-Estrada Attest: Secretary Page 2 of 2 Attachment 11-24-4c Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors of the Longview School District From: Superintendent Gregory Kirsch (Prepared by Chris Fritsch, Assistant Superintendent) Personnel Report Subject: CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL The following items are recommended for Board approval: New Hire Kathy Campton Wanda Hamm Katherine Holland James McBride Kelly Parvas Shannel Spenker Position Paraeducator Paraeducator Kitchen Helper Paraeducator Paraeducator Paraeducator Location Columbia Heights Olympic Cascade Robert Gray Olympic Northlake Date 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 11/03/2014 11/10/2014 11/03/2014 11/03/2014 Hourly Rate $12.75 $12.75 $12.39 $12.75 $12.75 $12.75 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL The following items are recommended for Board approval: Appointments All appointments are subject to registration of a valid Washington State Teaching Certificate and verification of required endorsement(s) and highly qualified status documentation. Salary placement is subject to verification of all educational credits and certificated experience. Lorna Michelle Hutcheson is recommended for appointment to the position of Kindergarten Teacher at Kessler. Ms. Hutcheson has worked as a substitute teacher for Three Rivers Christian School and Darrington and Longview School Districts. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Liberty University and a Master of Education from Grand Canyon University. It is recommended that she be placed on the 2014-15 State Salary Schedule at VIII-0 for a total contract of $48,267.12. Colleen Yang is recommended for appointment to the position of Special Education Resource Teacher at Mint Valley. Ms. Yang has worked as a substitute teacher for Chehalis, Onalaska, Yelm, Tumwater, Tenino, North Thurston, Huerfano, and Longview School Districts. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from cfritsch\\lvmc-home-01\home$\hpfenniger\my documents\lharper\1word6 doc\current board agenda\11.24.14 agenda docs\11 24 2014 personnel report (2).doc\ Biola University and a Masters of Education from Grand Canyon University. It is recommended that she be placed on the 2014-15 State Salary Schedule at VII-0 for a total contract of $30,777.94. Supplemental Contracts Name Charles Fleming Department Technology Club Advisor Building Mark Morris FTE 1.00 Stipend $ 1,280.00 cfritsch\\lvmc-home-01\home$\hpfenniger\my documents\lharper\1word6 doc\current board agenda\11.24.14 agenda docs\11 24 2014 personnel report (2).doc\ Attachment 11-24-4e Longview School District Contracts and Personal Service Agreements November 24, 2014 Contracts Purchase Order No. Vendor Western Governors University Fund n/a Student Teaching Agreement Basic Education n/a USC Rossier n/a Student Teaching Agreement Basic Education 1021500070 Cowlitz Regional Conference Center GEN Facilities and services for annual Art show n/a Description 1101500007 University of OR GEN Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Evaluation System ‐ Internet Access Subscription n/a Piper Jaffray n/a Underwriting services 1021500058 Toutle River Ranch DBA Youth and Family Link GEN 1641500107 Beeline Tours Department/ School Amount Start Ends n/a n/a 10/27/2014 Open until Terminated n/a n/a 10/27/2014 6/30/2015 $915.00 5/11/2015 5/14/2015 District Visual Arts 0501 District Assessment 0154 $1,000.00 11/4/2014 11/4/2015 Finance n/a n/a 11/6/2014 Open until Terminated Cascade Afterschool Program (CAP) 21 Century New Apps 5210 $66,903.00 6/1/2014 8/31/2015 GEN Charter Bus ‐ Varsity Football Extracurricular Transportation 0401 $1,613.50 11/7/2014 11/7/2014 Amount Start Ends Personal Service Agreements Purchase Order No. Vendor Fund Description Department/ School 1021500037 Diane Hofsetter Taylor GEN Piano Maintenance District Music 0502 $4,500.00 9/22/2014 7/31/2015 1431500021 Schuh & Associates GEN Nurse's duties at Cispus Outdoor School Basic Education 0100 $583.04 9/23/2014 9/26/2014 4661500135 Hilo Bay Sound ASB Music and light show for Fall Tolo at MM. Leadership 4085 $350.00 10/25/2014 10/25/2014 4641500102/ 4641500141 Hilo Bay Sound ASB Music for multiple dances $1,400 ($350/dance) 9/26/2014 2/1/2015 4661500141 Mobile Mic Entertainment ASB 3015 $400.00 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 1101500035/ 110150036 Community Caring Project (dba Parents Place) GEN 5115/ 5100 $27,023.00 10/1/2014 5/29/2015 2014 Contracts LM Leadership/Class 4085/2 of 2016 016 Music for after game dance at Class of 2015 MM Provide sessions of Read and Play Prent Education Groups at Parent Inv (Title) SH, MV, and Olympic in addition to screenings three times/year. 11/10/2014 1:06 PM Attachment 11-24-4f Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors of the Longview School District From: Superintendent Greg Kirsch (Prepared by Sandy Catt, Director of Communications and Technology) Subject: Final Acceptance - Wi-Fi Preparation Project Background: As part of the Wi-Fi coverage project undertaken this summer, improvements were required at Main Distribution Frame (MDF) rooms and Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) rooms at nine of our schools. Work ranged from minor to extensive depending on the building. This was a topic at the April 28, 2014 and the May 12, 2014 Finance Facilities and Technology Committee meetings. Following solicitation of quotes, this work was awarded to Busack Electric on June 9, 2014. Project Change Orders Total Project Cost $45,703 $ 0 $45,703 Excluding taxes The contractor completed all work associated with the contract by August 19 and provided commendable service to the district. The Technology and Capital Projects levy approved by Longview voters provided funds for this project. Recommended Motion: I move to approve the final acceptance of the Wi-Fi preparation project and authorize the final payment. cfritsch\\lvmc-home-01\home$\hpfenniger\my documents\lharper\1word6 doc\current board agenda\11.24.14 agenda docs\memo final acceptance wifi infrastructure-busack.doc\ Attachment 11-24-4g Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Gregory Kirsch, Superintendent (Prepared by Chris Fritsch, Assistant Superintendent) Subject: Final Acceptance - Pavement Improvement Projects Background: The District has completed all of the pavement improvement projects for the Longview School District as part of the 2014 PRAM budget which was approved by the Board on May 19, 2014. The PRAM Projects Fund budget was used to fund this project: Bid Award Change Orders Total Project Cost $362,308.68 $20,570.88 $382,879.56 includes taxes includes taxes The contractor, Five Rivers Construction, has completed all work associated with this contract. Collins Architectural Group, PS, has reviewed and recommends final acceptance of the project. Recommended Motion: I move to accept the pavement improvement projects as presented and authorize final payment. Attachment 11-24-6 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors of the Longview School District From: Superintendent Dr. Gregory Kirsch (Prepared by Jean Merritt, Mint Valley Principal) Subject: Mint Valley Principal’s School Report Background: Principal Jean Merritt will highlight the extended day clubs currently at Mint Valley: Math Club and Science Club. These clubs challenge learners to deepen their math, science and study skills, tap into their natural curiosity about our world and promote parent involvement. Special focus will be given to our 2014 Mint Valley Science Team who recently participated in the Southwest Washington Science Olympiad at Clark College. Proposal: No action needed. Information only. Attachment 11-24-8 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors of the Longview School District From: Superintendent Greg Kirsch Subject: Strategic Plan Review Committee Final Report and Site Action Plans for 201415 Background: The 21st annual review process on the Strategic Plan was held on October 28, 2014. The Strategic Plan Review Committee members met to review the site plans submitted by the schools and departments and followed up with tours of each. The Strategic Plan Review Committee met to complete the review process for all school sites. Fifteen school sites presented information about their accomplishments, challenges, and proposed plans. A writing subcommittee of the Strategic Plan Review Committee wrote the Strategic Plan Review Committee Final Report based on feedback from the entire committee. Proposal: The Superintendent recommends the Board review, discuss, and approve the 2014 Strategic Plan Review Committee’s Final Report to the Board and approve the school improvement plans as reviewed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee. Recommended Motion: I move to approve the 2014 Strategic Plan Review Committee’s Final Report and the school improvement plans as reviewed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee. Attachment 11-24-8 LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE FINAL REPORT 2014-15 SCHOOL YEAR Members of the Committee Community: Don Wiitala Jennifer Keene Gary Walker Ray Van Tongeren Jennifer Plough LEA: Christine Duell Dena Enyeart SEIU: Rhonda Nofsinger Administration: Noma Hudson Lacey Griffiths Mike Mendenhall Greg Kirsch LCPEA Angela Skaugset Introduction The Longview School District - Strategic Plan Review Committee summary provides an overview of the district’s continuing efforts in the 2014 - 2015 school year to meet the goals and objectives of the district’s strategic plan. The Nine characteristics of highperforming schools were used to organize information and establish a pathway for future success. These characteristics are: Clear and Shared Focus, High Standards and Expectations, Effective School Leadership, High Levels of Collaboration and Communication, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Aligned with Standards, Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning, Focused Professional Development, Supportive Learning Environment, and High Levels of Community and Parent Involvement. Each of the nine sections includes observations and recommendations by the Strategic Plan Review Committee based upon these nine characteristics. Clear and Shared Focus Observations: • Each building/department is focused on student achievement. • Building plans shared with teachers • Evidence of great rapport between administrators, staff and students as they strive for success • Staff community building exercises happening in many buildings • All (bus drivers, custodians, food service, etc.) work to make students successful Recommendations: • Share building plans with students (secondary) and parents (all). High Standards and Expectations: Observations: • Use of Common Core State Standards and learning targets • High academic standards • Increased graduation rates • Increased use of technology (Chromebooks, saturated WIFI, CAD/CAM, robotics, engineering courses) to prepare students for college/work • Effective use of time (i.e. students reciting learning as they walk from one room to another, teaching bell to bell) • The Transportation Department increased its efficiency rating from 92.7% to 100% by eliminating unfunded bus routes. • A long history of perfect OSPI safety inspections of our bus fleet Recommendations: • Continue to purchase/maintain quality technology. • Continue with the implementation of Journeys combined with technology support. • Continue to work on increasing the graduation rate. • Search for ways to adequately staff the maintenance and transportation departments • Keep using the approach that has led to good safety inspections and cost savings at MOTF. Effective Leadership Observations: • Principals/Managers doing more with less • Principals involving teachers, students and parents to meet needs • Many schools have positive, enthusiastic leadership • Shared leadership—strong teachers in the right positions (instructional coaches, LAP and Title1 instructors) • Walk throughs and formal evaluations used to improve instruction, rather than just as a final evaluation tool • MOTF shift to “in house” work that saves the district costs that would be otherwise contracted on Recommendations: • Provide more support (dean of students, assistant principals) for each elementary school. • Principals continue to provide leadership roles for their staff. High Levels of Collaboration and Communication Observations: • Support services (tech., food services, etc.) collaborating to support teachers and students while keeping up with changing laws and requirements. • The district shares its training lab with other districts in the area. • PLC time provides staff with the opportunity to collaborate. • School to school and district to district communication for our highly mobile student population Recommendations: • The nutrition department should continue to ask for student input. • Continue to work with ESD 112 to update the phone system. • Continue with PLCs. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Align with Standards Observations: • The use of curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment to reach all students, and target sub groups of students. • Some schools are using standards-based grading • Schools preparing for the change in state testing (MSP/HSPE to SBAC) • The addition of a life skills program at the elementary level Recommendations: • Make Broadway a 12 month program, rather than 9 months, so students don’t lose ground, or at the very least, have ESY (Extended School Year—summer school) for every child at Broadway. • Continue the rigor (all schools) and specifically AVID and GRIT (R. A. Long). • Do the positive attributes of the shuttle bus (more classes available) outweigh the loss of learning time? (high schools) • The Special Education Department should continue advocating for materials and providing training to resource room teachers/paras as it will lead to improved instruction. • Fill the gaps in Special Education—no life skills programs at the middle school, and no behavior intervention programs at the secondary level Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Observations: • Principals are in classrooms more. • • • Principals are trained to coach the teachers they evaluate, and use the GoObserve program to provide timely feedback to teachers. Instructional coaches at the middle school and Literacy Specialists at the elementary level have provided teachers with more support in understanding content and learning new material. Mentor teachers are providing support to a growing group of new teachers Recommendations: • Provide assistance for elementary principals so they can focus more of their time in the classroom monitoring teaching and learning, and less time on discipline and attendance. • Provide support personnel based on the needs of students, not on the number of students in the building. Focused Professional Development Observations: • Leadership and Learning and technology departments providing focused staff development (mostly after school) • Many schools doing their own PD and book studies. Recommendations: • Continue training for those teachers in the co-teach model. • Continue to find ways to provide staff PD without taking teachers out of the classroom. • Continue with PD that focuses on the issue of poverty and methods for reaching the students affected by it. • Ensure that paraeducators receive the PD necessary to meet the needs of the subgroups of children for which they provide instruction (instructional strategies as well as specific curricular training) Supportive Learning Environment Observations: • Push-in and Pull-out methods to focus instruction for set groups of children. • There is a high level of enthusiasm and buy in by teachers. • Many schools used “creativity” in putting together their schedules to reach target groups of children. (block schedules, co-teaching, etc.) • Many schools have students in leadership roles • On Track working to keep kids focused on the end result: graduation and beyond • Teachers are constantly working to change and improve instruction while overcoming all of the challenges that get in the way. • • • Students are engaged in learning at all levels Schools are clean The addition of a Literacy Specialist (2 now per building) and the new math specialist provide much needed support in reading, writing and math to elementary teachers Recommendations: • Need more Guidance, TOSAs and support staff at the middle school level. • Take a look at school boundaries with an eye toward poverty, cultural diversity, and travel time. • Prioritize the PRAM list to ensure safe, clean learning environments for all students. • Schools need to share their innovative scheduling with each other. High Levels of Community and Parent Involvement Observations: • Many schools shared the success of parent involvement initiatives. • Parent involvement in site-based teams (some buildings) • Spanish-speaking parent night—Northlake, and providing translators for parent activities at other schools • Schools and the district are reaching out by using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and teacher/school/district websites) • Schools are reaching out to their neighborhoods (i.e. parent meetings/conferences held off school grounds) • The establishment of a district Homeless Committee • Rapport building with students and families is improving effort in students and showing an increase of parent involvement in Family Night activities. Recommendations: • Ensure that the Strategic Plan Review Committee has enough community members with a focus on stakeholders: parents as members. • Schools need to focus on good PR so the community knows the positive things that are happening in our schools, rather than having it mostly come from the district office. • Work on the image of schools in our district (i.e. Mark Morris vs R. A. Long). • Continue to provide opportunities for ELL parents to be part of the greater learning community. • Ensure that every site base team has parent representation. • Reconvene the committee mid-year to discuss follow up to the recommendations. • Rotate SPRC members each year so they can see different buildings/sites. Summary/Conclusion The Strategic Plan Review Committee provides an opportunity to see all aspects of a school district sharing their mission and commitment to education. The face of education to the community is the buildings, and for families it is the teacher(s) responsible for their child’s learning. This year’s process gave committee members a chance to get into schools and actually see what the successes and challenges really are, rather than have schools prepare a ten-minute share out on their successes and challenges. All buildings shared a strong desire and commitment to do what is necessary to make sure students succeed in school and beyond. Although challenges such as high poverty and mobility rates, rising ELL (English Language Learner) and SPED (Special Education) populations still exist, each team demonstrated a commitment to the mission of student learning without excuse. It takes every one of the employees of the district working together to uphold and support our mission: Ready to Learn, Ready for Life, Together We Aspire and Achieve Challenging work lies ahead for all departments in the Longview School District. Economic realities in the region continue to create challenges for all, and the staff in Longview are describing how a team comes together to meet these challenges head on and with great success. This committee would like to thank all members of the district for getting the job done for each of the children coming eager to learn and grow; you are Creating the Future Today! Attachment 11-24-9 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Gregory Kirsch, Superintendent Prepared by Mary Carr-Wilt, Director of Title I, Title III, LAP, Early Education Subject: Procedure 4130 Title I Parental Involvement Background: Procedure 4130 - Title I, Part A requires that parents review the district policy and procedures for parent involvement and recommend suggested changes annually. A Title I Parent Involvement meeting was held November 5, 2014. It was the consensus of the parents that Procedure 4130 be updated to reflect the array of technology available to students today and to align with terminology used in the pediatric community. Given this feedback, staff is recommending a change to the procedure to indicate the ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning. Proposal: The Superintendent recommends the Board review and discuss Procedure 4130 as presented in a first reading. Board policy allows for the adoption of revisions to a procedure during a first reading. Recommended Motion: I move to approve revisions to Procedure 4130. Procedure No. 4130P Title I Parental Involvement The superintendent or designee shall ensure that the district’s Title 1 parent involvement policy, plan and programs comply with the requirements of federal law. An annual district level meeting of parents of participating Title 1 students shall be held to explain the goals and purposes of the Title 1 program. Parents shall be given the opportunity to participate in the design, development, operation and evaluation of the program. Parents shall be encouraged to participate in planning activities to offer suggestions, and to ask questions regarding policies and programs. Distribution of the district’s parent involvement policy will occur. School level parent meetings shall be held at various times of the day and evening. At these meetings, parents shall be provided: A. information about programs under Title 1; B. description and explanation of the curriculum in use, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet; C. opportunities to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children; and D. opportunities to submit parent comments about the program to the district level. The superintendent or designee will assist schools receiving Title I funds with the following shared responsibility for high student achievement. Each school in the district receiving Title 1 funds shall jointly develop with parents of students served in the program a school-level strategy outlining the manner in which parents, school staff and student share responsibility for improved student achievement in meeting academic standards. The school-parent compact shall: A. describe the school’s responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment enabling students in the Title 1 program to meet the district’s academic standards; B. indicate the ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning, such as monitoring attendance, homework completion, and daily screen time television watching; volunteering in the classroom, and participating, as appropriate, in decisions related to their child’s education and positive use of extracurricular time; and C. address the importance of parent-teacher communication on an ongoing basis through, at minimum, parent-teacher conferences, frequent reports to parents, and reasonable access to staff. Longview School District Page 1 of 2 Procedure No. 4130P Building capacity to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among school, involved parents, and community to improve student academic achievement each school, with district support, shall: A. assist parents, as appropriate, in understanding academic content standards and Title I requirements and assessment; B. provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve achievement; C. with the assistance of parents, educate site and district personnel in the value and utility of contributions of parents and how to reach out and engage parents as equal partners; D. to the extent practicable and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with Head Start, home instruction programs for preschool youngsters, the parents as teachers’ program, and public preschool and other programs; E. ensure that information related to school and parent programs and other activities is sent to parents in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand; and F. provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request, including parents of limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children and families experiencing homelessness. Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. 1118 Initially Adopted: December 15, 2003 Adopted: October 12, 2009 Amended: November 25, 2013 Amended: (date) Longview School District Page 2 of 2 Attachment 11-24-10 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Dr. Greg Kirsch, Superintendent Prepared by Chris Fritsch, Assistant Superintendent and Troy Lomax, Facilities Manager Subject: PRAM 2015 Proposal Background: The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) has presented to the Board each year a recommended list of capital projects to be addressed for the upcoming year. Typically these projects are completed during the summer months. The goal each year is to have a recommendation to the Board by November so that if the Board approves, the projects can go out for competitive bidding in a timely manner thus ensuring the best possible bids for each project. Proposal: The Facility Advisory Committee reviewed, discussed and came to consensus on the following documents that accompany this memo. At the September 24, 2014 meeting the FAC reviewed and discussed the work of Facility Manager Troy Lomax. At its meeting on October 22, 2014, the FAC discussed and came to consensus on the projects to bring forward to the Board for consideration. Document #1 - PRAM Priority Spreadsheet contains an analysis of the systems within each building. Systems were rated and approximate costs for replacement of each system were affixed. The items deemed “unsatisfactory” or “poor” were highlighted and recommended by Mr. Lomax for serious consideration by the FAC. In addition, Mr. Lomax identified other projects that were worthy of attention for the 2015 cycle. Document #2 - Revised 5-Year Funding Plan identifies projects by system and priority. Projects were then scheduled over the next five years. The items highlighted in yellow and in the column labeled 2015 are the projects that are being recommended to the Board. Document #3 - 2015 PRAM Pre-bid Estimate identifies projects that are recommended to occur in 2015 and identifies the estimated costs to complete the projects being recommended. Recommendation: The Facility Advisory Committee recommends the projects identified in document #3 be approved by the Board for completion as the PRAM Capital Projects for 2015. Motion: I move to approve the 2015 PRAM projects as presented. Facility Administration Built - 1966 Broadway Learning Center Built - 1947 Business Office Built - 2005 Cascade Middle School Remodel - 2005 Central Kitchen Built - 1966 Columbia Heights Elem Built - 1967 C.V.G Elementary Built - 1981 Harding (On Track Program) Built - 1963 Kessler Elementary Remodel - 2012 Mark Morris High School Remodel-1989 Mint Valley Elementary Built - 1969 Monticello Middle School Remodel - 2006 MOTF Built - 1968 Mt Solo Middle School Built - 2003 Northlake Elementary Built - 1953 Olympic Elem School Built - 1946 RA Long High School Remodel - 1984 RA Long Annex Remodel - 1985 Robert Gray Elementary Built - 1997 St Helens Elementary Built - 1997 Warehouse Built - 1947 Stadium Built - 1973 Totals Condition Ratings: Roofing Condition - F $61,530.00 Condition P-U $224,000.00 Condition - G $84,763.00 Condition - F $581,497.00 Condition - G Condition - G-F $226,247.00 Condition - U $285,187.00 Condition-F $67,669.00 Condition - G $391,496.00 Condition $1,218,973.00 Condition - F $276,934.00 Condition - G $673,000.00 Condition- F $260,750.00 Condition - E $535,255.00 Condition - P $208,852.00 Condition - F-P $283,360.00 Condition - G $679,427.00 Condition - F $48,510.00 Condition - G $324,387.00 Condition - F $203,000.00 Condition - G Condition$6,634,837.00 Last Repl 2000 Main 2012 Pool 2006 2013 Paving & Concrete Condition - U $328,191.00 Condition - U $30,000.00 Condition - G $4,800.00 Condition - G $47,184.00 Included-RA Long Condition - F $33,775.00 Condition - F $54,094.00 Included-RA Long Condition - F $50,470.00 Condition - F $477,280.00 Condition - G $10,000.00 Condition-F $55,000.00 Condition - F $232,233.00 Condition - E $64,266.00 Condition - F-P $527,050.00 Condition - F $219,431.00 Condition - F $194,429.00 Included Stadium Condition - G $24,262.00 Condition - E $14,751.00 Included RA Long Condition - U $65,743.00 $2,432,959.00 Last Repl HVAC Controls Last Repl HVAC Equipment Condition - U Condition - U Condition - U pneumatic Condition - F Condition - U Condition - F-G $239,215.00 Condition - U pneumatic Condition - F $87,267.00 Condition - F $110,000.00 N/A Condition - F 2005 Condition F-G Condition - U Fire Alarm Condition - F $17,580.00 N/A $63,648.00 Condition - G $24,218.00 Condition - G $212.63 N/A Condition - F-P $130,521.00 Condition -F-P $107,737.00 N/A Condition - G Condition - P Condition - P-U $62,000.00 Condition - F $80,942.00 Condition - F $19,334.00 Condition - G $133,448.00 Condition - P-U $420,000.00 Condition - G $79,124.00 Condition - F $286,581.60 N/A $70,718.00 Condition - G $183,516.00 Condition - G $59,672.00 Condition - G $80,960.00 Condition-F-P $320,940.00 Condition - F $13,248.00 Condition - F $96,682.00 Condition - G $79,536.00 N/A N/A Condition - F Condition - F Condition - U $180,155.00 Condition - F-P $470,175.00 Condition - F $106,817.00 Condition - F $332,404.00 N/A Condition - F $206,406.00 Condition -P $80,560.00 Condition -F $109,306.00 Condition-E $440,000.00 N/A Condition F-G Last Repl Condition - F 2002 1998 Replace System $125,000.00 Condition - F Condition - U Condition - F Condition - G Condition - P Condition - F-P Condition - F Condition - F 2014 $2,600,563.00 Condition - F-P Condition - U Condition - G $125,000.00 Last Repl 1999 2005 1998 2011 1997 1997 $2,092,360.23 Electrical Last Repl Plumbing Last Repl Boilers Last Repl Condition - F Condition - F N/A Condition - U Condition - F Condition P-U Condition - G Condition - G N/A Condition - G-F Condition - G Condition - G Condition - P Condition - G Condition - P Condition-F-P Condition - F N/A Condition - F Condition - F N/A Condition-F-P Condition - F N/A Condition - G Condition - F N/A Condition-F-P D Wing - P Condition-F-P Condition - F Condition F-P $1,350,000.00 N/A Condition - G Condition - G Condition - G Condition-F-P Condition - G N/A Condition - G Irrigation - P Condition - G Condition - G-F Condition - P Condition - G Condition - G-F Annex & Gym - P Condition - G Condition-F-P Drain-P Condition - E Condition-F-P Condition - P N/A Condition - G-F Condition - G Condition - G Condition - G-F Condition - G Condition - G Condition-F-P Condition - F N/A Condition - F Condition - F Condition-F-P $17,000.00 $1,367,000.00 Carpet Last Repl Security Systems Last Repl Condition - F $42,150.00 N/A Condition - F $33,945.00 Condition - F $209,800.00 N/A Condition - P $109,390.00 Condition - P $128,810.00 Condition - P $32,495.00 Condition - G $217,425.00 Condition - F $259,060.00 Condition - F-P $1,374,000.00 Condition - F Access Control $22,500.00 Condition P $6,205.00 Condition $140,240.00 Condition - P $83,060.00 Condition - P $116,400.00 Multiple Types Access Control $22,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 F Fair Condition - 11% - 38% of replacement cost to bring it to like new condition Condition $33,120.00 Condition-P-U $161,370.00 Condition-F $127,215.00 N/A N/A $0.00 $45,000.00 Grand Total E Excellent Condition - 0% replacement cost to bring it to like new condition G Good Condition - 10% or less of replacement cost to bring it to like new condition Priority Roof Paving & Concrete HVAC Controls HVAC Equipment 1 RA Long $95,000.00 Bus Garage Monticello $55,000.00 Broadway Kessler $180,155.00 Robert Gray Harding $125,000.00 R.A.L. Woodshop Mark Morris $420,000.00 Columbia Heights $130,521.00 Northlake $80,560.00 St Helens $107,737.00 $27,000.00 $64,000.00 2 3 4 5 Totals $112,618.00 CVG $285,187.00 Mark Morris Robotics $19,000.00 $30,000.00 Administration $328,191.00 RA Long $194,429.00 $15,297,719.23 P Poor Condition - 38% - 70% of replacement cost to bring it to like new condition U Unsatisfactory - Due for Replacement North Lake Olympic Olympic $208,853.00 $219,431.00 $109,306.00 $720,658.00 $607,620.00 $608,279.00 $152,000.00 Fire Alarm $484,000.00 Electrical Plumbing Carpet Mark Morris $1,350,000.00 Stadium Robert Grey $161,370.00 Columbia Heights $22,500.00 $109,390.00 $22,500.00 $17,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Security Systems Boilers $1,367,000.00 $270,760.00 RA Long-Access Monticello-Access $45,000.00 Grand Total $4,255,317.00 P.R.A.M. & Capital Levy Projects 5-Year Funding Plan 2015-2019 Assumes Capital Levy is Renewed by the Voters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Item District wide District wide District wide District wide MOTF R.A. Long R.A. Long C.V.G. Elem Harding BLDG Harding BLDG Northlake Elem Robert Gray Elem Monticello MS Columbia Heights Broadway Learning Cascade Middle Description Estimate 2015 2016 2017 Roof fall protection $170,400 $15,000 $33,900 $33,000 Fire Alarm Update/Replacement $827,000 $420,000 $62,000 $100,000 Install new HVAC control system $608,279 $180,155 $130,521 $80,560 Pavement improvement $1,470,422 $190,000 $332,991 $369,431 Bus Garage - Replace Built Up Roof $102,986 $102,986 New Single Ply Roof Woodshop/Boiler $95,000 $95,000 Dry Rot Repair & Seal Coping Stone $35,000 $35,000 Replace Built-up Roof/Remove Solar $335,187 $335,750 Repair/Replace HVAC System $125,000 $125,000 Replace comp. roof 26,500 sq. ft./Gutters $80,000 $80,000 Roof Replacement $208,852 $208,852 Replace Carpet $161,370 $161,370 Monticello Roof/Remaining $325,000 Replace Carpet $109,390 Replace Roofing $224,000 Replace Roofing $255,000 Subtotal High Priority Projects $5,132,886 Total Projects Funded 2013-2017 $5,132,886 $1,038,141 $1,020,162 $1,033,213 Contingency allowance - 10% $513,289 $103,814 $102,016 $103,321 Architectural/engineering fees $350,000 $55,000 $70,000 $70,000 Project mgmt. fees $96,000 $16,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals $6,092,175 $1,212,955 $1,212,178 $1,226,534 Projected funds available $6,070,625 $1,214,125 $1,214,125 $1,214,125 Summary funded by category: Roof replacements Pavement restoration Roof fall protection Fire Alarm System Controls upgrades Carpet replacements Total $1,661,025 $1,470,422 $170,400 $827,000 $608,279 $270,760 $5,132,886 32.36% 28.65% 3.32% 16.11% 11.85% 5.28% 100.00% 2018 $33,500 $145,000 $107,737 $300,000 2019 $55,000 $100,000 $109,306 $278,000 $325,000 $109,390 $224,000 $255,000 $1,020,627 $1,021,306 $102,063 $102,131 $70,000 $70,000 $20,000 $20,000 $1,212,690 $1,213,437 $1,214,125 $1,214,125 2015 PRAM Projects Requi Approval Facility Advisory Committe Reevaluate Project Priority 2015 P.R.A.M. & Capital Levy Projects (Pre Bid Estimate) Location R.A. Long high R.A. Long high MOTF (Bus Garage) Mark Morris High School Kessler Elementary Monticello Middle School R.A. Long high Broadway Description Single Ply Roof and Fall Protection Wood Shop/Boiler Room Dry Rot Repair & Coping Stone Sealing Replace Roof & Fall Protection Replace/Repair Fire Alarm System Replace HVAC Controls Seal Coat and Pavement Repairs Asphalt & Concrete Repair Parking Lot Repair Pre Bid Estimate $110,000.00 $35,000.00 $102,986.00 $420,000.00 $180,155.00 $55,000.00 $105,000.00 $30,000.00 Subtotal 2014 Projects $1,038,141.00 Contigency Allowance Architectural / Engineering fees Project mgmt fees Total $103,814.10 $55,000.00 $16,000.00 $1,212,955.10 Summary by category Roof Repairs Fire Alarm Update/Replacement HVAC Controls Concrete & Pavement Total Scope Amount $247,986.00 $420,000.00 $180,155.00 $190,000.00 $1,038,141.00 Scope % 23.89% 40.46% 17.35% 18.30% 100.00% Attachment 11-24-11 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Dr. Greg Kirsch, Superintendent Prepared by Chris Fritsch, Assistant Superintendent and Troy Lomax, Facilities Manager Subject: Revised PRAM 2014 Contract - Roofing Background: In order to complete roofing projects, address unforeseen issues associated with the Monticello roof project and the R. A. Long roof project, and to stay within the PRAM budget, the bus garage roof project was delayed and not addressed in the current year as planned. The District and Pacific Tech Construction agreed to delay the bus garage roof project until the summer of 2015. This change in plans required a change order and a revised contract. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the change order and the contract for services. By approving both the change order and the revised contract with Pacific Tech Construction, the District will have completed all other aspects of the proposed roofing projects for 2014, while at the same time extending the timeline for the bus garage project that had originally been approved as part of the 2014 PRAM projects. Again this move has been reviewed by legal counsel and allows the 2014 projects to come in on budget. Recommended Motion: I move to approve the 2014 PRAM Roofing Change Order for the Bus Garage project and the revised contract between the Longview School District and Pacific Tech Construction as presented. Attachment 11-24-12 Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors of the Longview School District From: Greg Kirsch, Superintendent (Prepared by Holly Pfenniger, Executive Assistant) Re: Consider setting a date to conduct a workshop to finalize work that began during the November 10, 2014 workshop Background: The board met on November 10, 2014 in a workshop to discuss items related to the superintendent search. The board left the meeting with the agreement to work on the scoring instrument and interview questions. President Leach is suggesting the board continue its work to finalize decisions on these two items, by setting another workshop to complete the work. Potential Motion: I move to schedule a workshop on (date) at (time) to complete work on the scoring instrument and to further discuss how to proceed with suggested interview questions. Attachment 11-24-13A Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Dr. Gregory Kirsch, Superintendent (Prepared by Larry Mayfield, Executive Director Finance) Subject: 2013-14 Year End Report This memo is designed to give the highlights of the results of the 2013-14 fiscal year. Please review the attached schedules which provide summary and historical comparisons for all funds. The final F196 Annual Financial Statements has been submitted to OSPI and should be available on the District website shortly. Enrollment Average Annual FTE (AAFTE) Enrollment. AAFTE 09-10 Actual 6,596 10-11 Actual 6,450 11-12 Actual 6,247 12-13 Actual 6,201 (146) (203) (380) Incr (Decr) from Prior Year 13-14 Budget 6,146 13-14 Actual 6,373 171 Fund Balance Total Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance (Committed to Minimum Fund Balance Policy plus Unassigned Fund Balance) is down ($562,910) and Total Fund Balance is down ($270,077) from 201314. As of August 31, 2014 the Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance equals 6.6% of total expenditures plus operating transfers out. Total Reserves & Designations Unreserved Undesignated Total Ending Fund Balance Unrsvd Undsgn F.B. as % of Expend. + Trnsfrs Total F.B. as % of Expenditures + Trnsfrs Out 08-09 09-10 10-11 $ 1,140,627 $ 1,805,096 $ 1,995,593 $ $ 194,415 $ 4,197,761 $ 5,596,903 $ $ 1,335,043 $ 6,002,857 $ 7,592,496 $ 0.3% 2.0% 6.7% 9.5% 8.6% 11.7% /MyDocuments/LarryM/tBoard Meetings/Financial Reports/Board/2013-14 Year End Report 11-12 12-13 13-14 2,082,182 $ 2,127,579 $ 2,420,413 5,770,135 $ 5,145,862 $ 4,582,952 7,852,317 $ 7,273,441 $ 7,003,365 9.0% 12.3% 7.8% 11.0% 6.6% 10.0% Special Ed 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 13-14 13-14 Actual Actual Actual Budget Actual Increase Birth to Pre-K 171 167 158 160 169 9 Kinder to 21yrs 857 855 882 865 919 54 1,028 1,022 1,039 1,025 1,088 63 Total Ave Students Special Ed use of levy resources increased by ($308,247) from a Budget of ($1,111,902) to Actual of ($1,420,149). Revenues increased $415k due to an increase in SpEd Birth to PreKinder enrollment, increase in K-12 BEA enrollment and increase in Safety Net. However, expenditures increase $718k from budget due to a $154k increase in salaries and benefits and $564k increase in contractual costs for Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologist (SLPs) and Student Outplacement Services. Food Services Food Services results Net Revenue - Regular School Year Net Revenue - Summer Program Use of Equipment Reserve Net Revenues Programs 89 & 98 $171,614 18,560 (127,112) $ 63,062 Net revenues are added to and Use of Equipment Reserves are deducted from the Food Service Equipment Replacement Fund within the assigned fund balance. Pupil Transportation Pupil Transportation use of resources ended the year at ($422,580) or $220,132 better than the budget of ($642,712) creating a positive impact on the unassigned fund balance. Salaries and benefit are under budget by $130,836 ($60,453 in mechanic salaries were moved to Motor Pool to comply with salary allocations rules regarding school bus mechanics). Material Supplies & Other Costs (MSOCs) are under budget by $88,756, primarily due to transportation billings exceeding budget. Capital Projects Fund The ending fund balance Restricted for Debt Service Committed from Levy Proceeds $1,120,991 $ 434,358 Restricted from State Proceeds $ 696,288 Assigned to Fund Purposes $ 24,434 To cover Financing $975K of the energy project $253k is needed to complete 13-14 levy projects in progress during 14-15 State Match monies remaining, much of which will be expended to complete the energy project. Uncommitted coming mostly from rental revenues Completion of the energy project in 14-15 will come from a combination of the ending balance of state proceeds (state match monies), a $500,000 energy grant and financing $975,000 through the State Treasurer’s Office LOCAL program. A Budget extension was approved by the board in June to increase expenditure authority to accommodate spending of levy project carryover monies, summer WiFi project and the OSPI energy grant project. /MyDocuments/LarryM/tBoard Meetings/Financial Reports/Board/2013-14 Year End Report Debt Service Fund Fund balance was spent down slightly. Balance is within an acceptable range. Associated Student Body Fund Total revenues, expenditures and ending fund balance are in the similar range as in prior years. Transportation Vehicle Fund Two of the four buses purchased this year were planned for purchase in the prior year. A Budget Extension was approved by the board in January to provide purchase authority for the additional bus purchases. /MyDocuments/LarryM/tBoard Meetings/Financial Reports/Board/2013-14 Year End Report 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT PRESENTED TO THE BOARD NOVEMBER 24, 2014 If you have any questions regarding the information provided, please contact the Finance Office at 360-575-7020 or accounting@longview.k12.wa.us ENROLLMENT BASIC K-12 FTE ENROLLMENT ` 1/2 Day Kinder All Kinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL K-12 Actual 12-13 179.75 140.93 536.45 510.66 464.87 482.51 478.81 489.23 514.41 475.22 498.84 488.40 547.24 393.91 6,201.23 Budget 13-14 87 329 493 517 519 455 472 464 487 491 452 461 484 362 6,073 Actual 13-14 98.25 365.53 529.09 551.75 497.45 491.37 490.10 493.05 488.90 499.90 499.50 487.88 397.86 433.05 6,323.68 Over (Under) 11.25 36.53 36.09 34.75 (21.55) 36.37 18.10 29.05 1.90 8.90 47.50 26.88 (86.14) 71.05 250.68 ALE 9-12 SUBTOTAL Incl above 6,201.23 73 6,146 48.84 6,372.52 (24.16) 226.52 91.44 4.90 96.34 90 5 95 101.77 6.55 108.32 11.77 1.55 13.32 TOTAL K-12 6,297.57 6,241 6,480.84 239.84 HIGH POVERTY K-3 1,099.56 1,468 1,498.12 30.12 CTE Grades 7-8 CTE Grades 9-12 334.01 25 295 17.65 309.66 (7.35) 14.66 SPECIAL ED AGE 0-2 SPECIAL ED AGE 3-PreK SPECIAL ED AGE K-21 56.22 101.44 881.67 56 104 865 61.22 107.89 918.67 5.22 3.89 53.67 BILINGUAL 340.22 330 340.22 10.22 RUNNING START RUNNING START - VOC LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 2 of 15 Summary by Fund FUND FISCAL YEAR BEGINNNING BALANCE REVENUES OTHER FINANCE SOURCES EXPENDITURES (USES) OPERATING TRANSFERS ENDING BALANCE GENERAL 2013-14 2012-13 $7,273,441 $7,852,317 $69,440,785 $65,334,071 $69,110,862 $64,362,947 ($600,000) ($1,550,000) $7,003,365 $7,273,441 CAPITAL PROJECTS 2013-14 2012-13 $3,871,177 $3,878,829 $1,470,807 $1,527,798 $3,565,913 $2,985,450 $500,000 $1,450,000 $2,276,071 $3,871,177 DEBT SERVICE 2013-14 2012-13 $1,381,979 $1,329,607 $4,284,961 $4,303,683 $4,294,907 $4,251,311 $0 $0 $1,372,033 $1,381,979 ASB 2013-14 2012-13 $124,288 $104,945 $624,337 $620,389 $582,444 $601,046 $0 $0 $166,181 $124,288 TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE 2013-14 2012-13 $789,692 $391,173 $317,596 $298,519 $489,157 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $718,131 $789,692 LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 3 of 15 Expenditure/Revenue Comparison by Program PROGRAM Basic Ed, District Support,Other Food Services ACTUAL REVENUES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 2013-14 NET NOTES $34,733,795 $48,441,830 ($13,708,035) 2,715,026 2,633,404 81,622 Excess of revenues over direct expenditures allocated to FS Equipment Replacement in Assigned to Other Purposes Transportation Operations 1,873,925 2,296,505 (422,580) Subsidy Special Ed (Local,State) 6,544,822 7,961,357 (1,416,535) Subsidy Special Ed (Federal) 1,516,709 1,455,705 61,003 Vocational - CTE (Local,State) 1,732,302 1,710,404 21,899 77,124 73,839 3,285 Indirects Title 1 (Federal) 2,229,477 2,134,493 94,985 Indirects Title II (Federal) LAP (State) Special/Pilot (State) 525,444 1,601,720 283,955 503,223 1,082,763 295,273 22,221 518,957 (11,318) 44,882 44,002 880 324,962 295,811 29,151 Vocational - CTE (Federal) Title III LEP Bilingual (Federal) Trans. Bilingual (State) Indirects Carryover of current year revenues to 2013-14 Indirects Indirects taken and unspent revenues carried over to 2014-15 in Reserve for Carryover of Restricted Revenue Mostly Nat'l Board Prof Teacher Cert Stipends Indirects Indirects (also expended $151K in Basic Ed for Transitional Bilingual) Indian Ed (Federal) 59,694 57,151 2,543 Indirects Highly Capable (State) 62,609 62,586 23 Indirects Other Instr Programs 106,510 52,024 54,486 Daycare (State & Federal) 8,400 54,441,357 10,491 69,110,862 (2,092) (14,669,504) Levy Collections & Timber Tax 14,999,428 69,440,785 69,110,862 14,999,428 329,923 100,000 500,000 (100,000) (500,000) $69,710,862 ($270,077) Interfund Trnsfrs Out to Transp Vehicle Fund Interfund Trnsfrs Out to Cap Prj Fund - PRAM Totals $69,440,785 Total Beginning Fund Balance $7,273,441 Total Ending Fund Balance $7,003,365 LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 4 of 15 Locally Funded Programs Subsidy 2013-14 Ending Fund Balance Budget Nonspendable % of Exp + Trnsfrs Actual % of Exp + Trnsfrs Diff $260,000 0.37% $321,464 0.49% $61,464 Restricted 245,000 0.35% 882,863 1.34% 637,863 * Committed 3,503,817 5.00% 3,485,543 5.29% (18,274) Assigned 880,000 1.26% 1,216,086 1.84% 336,086 * Unassigned 909,710 1.30% 1,097,409 1.66% 187,699 $5,798,527 8.27% $7,003,365 10.63% $1,204,838 $4,413,527 6.30% $4,582,952 6.95% * Unreserved/Undesignated Increase in Carryover of state special purpose funding. LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 5 of 15 Ending Fund Balance History 2008-09 Actual % of Exp + Trnsfrs $164,317 0.24% $101,402 0.16% $82,072 0.13% Restricted 0 0.00% 463,071 0.74% 319,733 * Committed 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Assigned 976,312 1.43% 1,240,623 * Unassigned 194,414 0.28% $1,335,043 $194,414 Nonspendable * Unreserved/Undesignated 2009-10 Actual % of Exp + Trnsfrs 2010-11 Actual % of Exp + Trnsfrs % of Exp + Trnsfrs 2012-13 % of Exp Actual + Trnsfrs 2013-14 Actual $292,128 0.46% $358,195 0.54% $321,464 0.49% 0.49% 250,782 0.39% 355,909 0.54% 882,863 1.34% 3,247,171 5.00% 3,195,434 5.00% 3,295,647 5.00% 3,485,543 5.29% 1.97% 1,593,788 2.45% 1,539,272 2.41% 1,413,475 2.14% 1,216,086 1.84% 4,197,761 6.67% 2,349,732 3.62% 2,574,701 4.03% 1,850,215 2.81% 1,097,409 1.66% 1.95% $6,002,857 9.53% $7,592,496 11.69% $7,852,317 12.29% $7,273,441 11.03% $7,003,365 10.63% 0.28% $4,197,761 6.67% $5,596,903 $5,770,135 8.62% 2011-12 Actual 9.03% Increase in carryover of state special purpose funding in 2013-14. LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 6 of 15 $5,145,862 7.81% % of Exp + Trnsfrs $4,582,952 6.95% Fund Balance Change 2013-14 Beginning Fund Balance Nonspendable Fund Balance - Inventory & Prepaid Items Inventory Prepaid Items Restricted for Carryover of Restricted Revenues Carryover of State Revenues Not Spent in 13-14 LAP, CTE, I-728 Restricted for Self-Insurance - Vision Plan $ 46,259 311,936 Ending Fund Balance $ 63,963 257,501 340,909 867,863 15,000 15,000 Assigned to Other Purposes Building Budgets Carryover Negotiated Agreements Textbook Budget Carryover Fees Collected in 13-14 for use in 14-15 Prog 5805 Collection of Evidence Carryover Technology & Print Center Designations & Phone System Vehicle (ordered in summer to be delivered in 13-14) Food Service Net Revenues Set Aside for F.S. Equipment Replacement Subtotal Nonspendable, Restricted & Assigned Fund Balance 185,354 6,431 233,823 46,715 17,181 458,548 25,355 123,007 6,431 0 55,431 0 509,527 0 440,068 2,127,578 521,690 2,420,413 Committed to Minimum Fund Balance Policy of 5% Unassigned Fund Balance Subtotal Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance 3,295,647 5.00% 1,850,215 2.81% 5,145,863 7.81% 3,485,543 5.00% 1,097,409 1.57% 4,582,952 6.57% Total Fund Balance LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT $7,273,441 Page 7 of 15 $7,003,365 2013-14 Revenues by Source Federal, 10% Other, 0% Local Taxes, 22% Local Support, Non-Tax, 1% State, General Purpose revenues increased due to enrollment increase over budget and state increase in per student funding. State, 67% Local Taxes BUDGET % ACTUAL % $14,765,277 21.50% $14,999,428 21.60% 1,044,328 1.52% 1,020,534 1.47% State, General Purpose 35,868,099 52.23% 37,051,324 53.36% 1,183,225 State, Special Purpose 8,938,413 13.02% 9,405,948 13.55% 467,535 (23,794) Federal, General Purpose 0 0.00% 29,927 0.04% 29,927 Federal, Special Purpose 6,798,944 9.90% 6,669,278 9.60% (129,666) 59,800 0.09% 264,347 0.38% 204,547 1,200,000 1.75% Contingency $68,674,861 100.00% Page 8 of 15 $234,151 Local Support, Non-Tax Other LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT VARIANCE 0.00% $69,440,785 100.00% (1,200,000) $765,924 Revenue History as % of Total Federal, 10% Other, 0% Local Taxes, 22% Local Support, Non-Tax, 1% State, General Purpose revenue percent increase is due to enrollment increase over budget and state increase in per student funding. State, 67% LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL Local Taxes 16.50% 18.03% 19.37% 21.85% 23.21% 21.60% Local Support, Non-Tax 1.56% 1.61% 2.20% 1.56% 1.57% 1.47% State, General Purpose 51.45% 52.71% 51.61% 53.49% 51.75% 53.36% State, Special Purpose 16.01% 12.12% 12.55% 12.44% 12.35% 13.55% Federal, General Purpose 0.10% 0.09% 0.09% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% Federal, Special Purpose 14.23% 15.29% 14.10% 10.51% 10.87% 9.60% Other 0.14% 0.15% 0.09% 0.10% 0.20% 0.38% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Page 9 of 15 Expenditures by Object Contractual Supplies & Services Materials 11% Travel 0% Capital Outlay 0% 8% Salaries & Benefits 81% Salaries & Benefits BUDGET % ACTUAL % $55,150,800 79.38% $55,994,797 81.02% ($843,997) Supplies & Materials 6,516,667 9.38% 5,258,627 7.61% 1,258,040 Contractual Services 6,287,107 9.05% 7,481,033 10.82% (1,193,926) Travel 117,627 0.17% 174,957 0.25% Capital Outlay 204,132 0.29% 201,448 0.29% 2,684 1,200,000 1.73% 0 0.00% 1,200,000 Contingency 69,476,333 Operating Transfers Out LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT VARIANCE Page 10 of 15 100.00% 69,110,862 100.00% (57,330) 365,471 600,000 600,000 0 $70,076,333 $69,710,862 $365,471 Expenditures by Activity ` Central Admin 6.8% School Admin 6.5% School Support 18.4% Schools 68.3% Central Admin Act 11,12,13,14,15, 21, 41, 51, 61 School Admin Act 21, 23 School Support Act 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x Schools Act 22, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33 ACTUAL % $ 4,685,110 6.78% 4,483,374 6.49% 12,730,125 18.42% 47,212,252 68.31% $69,110,862 100.00% LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 11 of 15 Capital Projects Fund 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $3,423,711 $3,481,431 $3,833,091 $3,693,358 $3,878,829 $3,871,177 57,720 696,665 1,748,379 1,437,206 1,527,798 1,470,807 Expenditures 0 345,005 1,888,111 1,251,735 2,985,450 3,565,913 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 1,450,000 500,000 $3,481,431 $3,833,091 $3,693,358 $3,878,829 $3,871,177 $2,276,071 Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Ending Fund Balance Restricted for Debt Service $1,120,991 Restricted for Levy Proceeds $120,008 $436,427 $994,705 $434,358 Restricted from State Proceeds Assigned Fund Balance to Capital Project Purposes $3,481,431 Tax Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value $696,288 $3,833,091 $0.2791 $3,573,350 $0.2995 $3,442,402 $0.3349 $2,876,472 $0.3449 $24,434 $0.3366 Tech & Capital Levy began in calendar year 2010. One time tax refund levy for $14,134 was approved for collection in calendar year 2012 resulting in a tax rate increase of $0.00323 per $1,000 assessed value. LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 12 of 15 Debt Service Fund 2008-09 Beginning Fund Balance 2009-10 $1,529,675 $1,491,060 2010-11 $1,268,549 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $1,641,181 $1,329,607 $1,381,979 Revenues 4,111,235 4,173,188 4,188,513 4,121,713 4,303,683 4,284,961 Expenditures 4,149,851 4,395,699 3,815,881 4,503,066 4,251,311 4,294,907 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Ending Fund Balance 69,779 $1,491,060 $1,268,549 Tax Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value $0.9240 $0.8955 $1,641,181 $0.9672 $1,329,607 $1,381,979 $1,372,033 $0.9727 $1.0034 $0.9982 Goal is to maintain a level tax rate in the Debt Service Fund. One time tax refund levy was approved for collection in calendar year 2012 resulting in a slight tax rate increase. LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 13 of 15 Associated Student Body Fund 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $141,706 $152,704 $189,460 $144,741 $104,945 $124,288 Revenues 674,697 631,417 597,725 520,308 620,389 624,337 Expenditures 663,699 594,661 642,444 560,105 601,046 582,444 $152,704 $189,460 $144,741 $104,945 $124,288 $166,181 Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Report is a consolidation of high school ASB activities. LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 14 of 15 Transportation Vehicle Fund 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 $246,051 $260,770 $418,209 $320,187 $391,173 $789,692 Revenues 349,928 385,193 201,196 319,658 298,519 317,596 Expenditures 335,209 227,755 299,218 248,671 0 489,157 100,000 100,000 $789,692 $718,131 Beginning Fund Balance Transfers In/(Out) Ending Fund Balance $260,770 $418,209 $320,187 $391,173 The fund balance was built up to set aside resources for the replacement of large groups of buses retiring off the OSPI depreciation schedule in fiscal years 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2018-19. Purchased Off Depr 5 Buses Aug 2003 2015-16 13 Year Depreciation 5 Buses Jun 2004 2016-17 13 Year Depreciation 3 SpEd Buses Feb 2006 2018-19 13 Year Depreciation 4 SpEd Buses Apr 2011 2018-19 8 Year Depreciation LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT Page 15 of 15 Monthly Budget Report FY 2013-14 August 2014 FUND GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS ENDING BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES TRANSFERS IN EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE DEBT SERVICE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE ASB FUND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES TRANSFERS IN EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE 1 Longview School District FUND BALANCE ADOPTED BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR TO DATE BALANCE REMAINING % RECEIVED/EXPENDED COMPARED TO BUDGET 2013-14 2012-13 $7,273,441 $68,674,860 $69,476,333 $600,000 $69,440,785 $69,110,862 $600,000 ($270,077) ($765,925) $365,471 $0 $3,021,723 $500,000 $5,806,266 $1,470,807 $500,000 $3,565,913 ($1,595,105) $1,550,916 $0 $2,240,353 $4,204,875 $4,303,249 $4,284,961 $4,294,907 ($9,946) $1,017,545 $991,437 $304,800 $100,000 $515,298 101.12% 99.47% 100.98% 97.70% $7,003,365 $3,871,177 61.41% 101.53% 0.00% 81.07% ($80,086) $8,342 101.90% 99.81% 102.49% 99.81% $624,337 $582,444 $41,893 $393,208 $408,993 61.36% 58.75% 59.72% 60.73% $317,595 $100,000 $489,157 ($71,561) ($12,795) $0 $26,141 55.96% $2,276,071 $1,381,979 $1,372,033 $124,288 $166,181 $789,692 $718,131 | August 2014 Budget Status Report 103.16% 94.93% 99.18% 0.00% 0.00% LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT BALANCE SHEET ALL FUNDS August 31, 2014 OTHER FUNDS TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE PRIVATE PURPOSE TRUST GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,046,952 (1,926,544) 7,441,290 840,215 0 17,409 60,635 63,963 257,501 7,541,995 $16,343,416 640,824 (623,905) 710,588 0 0 41,372 0 0 0 3,416,442 $4,185,321 25,335 (11,600) 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,735 167,446 $211,917 23,104 0 2,127,830 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,348,929 $3,499,863 313,367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 404,764 $718,131 3,838 (150) 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 288,392 $292,134 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Salaries Accrued Interest Payable Work in Progress Payroll & Benefits Payable Due to Other Govt Units Due To Other Funds Deposits Deferred Revenue Deferred Revenue- Tax Rec. TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,296,142 398,766 0 0 43,993 52,843 41,427 0 65,590 7,441,290 9,340,051 344,608 836,721 0 0 0 0 17,333 0 0 710,588 1,909,250 36,546 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 9,140 0 45,736 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,127,830 2,127,830 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 527 FUND BALANCE Restricted for C/O of Restricted Rev Restricted for Debt Service Committed from Levy Proceeds Restricted from State Proceeds Restricted for Fund Purposes Nonspendable Fund Balance Nonspendable Fund Balance Inv. & Prepaid Restricted for Self-Insurance Committed to Minimum FB Policy Assigned to Other Purposes Assigned to Fund Purposes Unassigned Fund Balance ENDING FUND BALANCE 867,863 0 0 0 0 0 321,464 15,000 3,485,543 1,216,086 0 1,097,409 7,003,365 0 1,120,991 434,358 696,288 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,434 0 2,276,071 0 0 0 0 166,181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166,181 0 1,372,033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,372,033 0 0 0 0 718,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 718,131 0 0 0 0 0 13,418 0 0 0 0 278,190 0 291,608 $ 16,343,416 $ 4,185,321 $ 211,917 $ 3,499,863 718,131 $ 292,134 ASSETS Cash Warrants Outstanding Taxes Receivable Due from Other Gov't Units Due from US Treasury (COBRA) Due From Other Funds Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Items Investments TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE 2 Longview School District ASB DEBT FUNDS | August 2014 Budget Status Report $ LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE ALL FUNDS for period ending August 31, 2014 OTHER FUNDS GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS ASB DEBT FUNDS TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE PRIVATE PURPOSE TRUST REVENUES Local Taxes Local Support NonTax State Revenues Federal Revenues Other Revenue Student Body Athletics Classes Clubs Private TOTAL REVENUES 14,999,428 1,020,534 46,457,271 6,699,205 264,347 0 0 0 0 0 69,440,785 1,450,933 14,730 5,083 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,470,807 0 0 0 0 0 249,683 246,408 22,160 103,588 2,498 624,337 4,268,219 1,598 14,966 178 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,284,961 0 7,763 309,833 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 317,595 0 0 0 0 42,550 0 0 0 0 0 42,550 EXPENDITURES Expenditures Principal & Interest Tech & Capital Projects Bus Purchases TOTAL EXPENDITURES 69,110,862 0 0 0 69,110,862 0 0 3,565,913 0 3,565,913 582,444 0 0 0 582,444 0 4,293,249 1,658 0 4,294,907 0 0 0 489,157 489,157 24,661 0 0 0 24,661 0 (600,000) (600,000) 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 EXCESS OF REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING OVER (UNDER) EXP & OTHER FIN USES (270,077) (1,595,105) 41,893 (9,946) (71,561) 17,889 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7,273,441 3,871,177 124,288 1,381,979 789,692 273,719 $ 7,003,365 $ 2,276,071 166,181 $ 1,372,033 718,131 $ 291,608 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Refunding of Bond Sales Operating Transfers In (Out) ENDING FUND BALANCE 3 Longview School District $ | August 2014 Budget Status Report $ LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE For the period ending August 31, 2014 Revised Budget Current Month YTD Revenues & Other Financing Sources 1000 Local Taxes 2000 Local Non-Tax 3000 State, General Purpose 4000 State, Special Purpose 5000 Federal, General Purpose 6000 Federal, Special Purpose 7000 Revenues From Other Schl. Distr. 8000 Other Agencies & Assoc. 9000 Other Financing Sources Subtotal 9900 Transfers In A. Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 14,765,276 1,379,685 35,868,099 9,953,229 0 6,648,771 52,000 7,800 0 68,674,860 0 68,674,860 101,644 20,505 3,773,300 958,402 0 882,928 5,169 1,488 0 5,743,436 0 5,743,436 14,999,428 1,020,534 37,051,324 9,405,948 29,927 6,669,278 76,124 188,222 0 69,440,785 0 69,440,785 Expenditures 00 Regular Instruction 20 Special Ed Instruction 30 Voc. Ed Instruction 50&60 Compensatory Ed Instruction 70 Other Instructional Programs 80 Community Services 90 Support Services B. Total Expenditures 37,444,394 8,721,697 1,910,694 5,847,167 178,700 64,942 15,308,739 69,476,333 3,606,680 756,385 220,107 1,075,414 10,798 36,322 1,540,259 7,245,965 37,496,613 9,417,062 1,784,243 4,412,716 114,610 46,695 15,838,923 69,110,862 C. D. Other Fin. Uses Transfr Out (GL 536) Other Financing Uses (GL 535) 600,000 0 0 0 600,000 0 E. Excess of Revenues & Other Fin Sources Over (Under) Exp & Other Finance Uses (1,401,473) (1,502,529) (270,077) A. B. F. G. H. Total Beginning Fund Balance Prior Year Adjustment (GL 898) Total Ending Fund Balance 7,200,000 0 5,798,527 7,273,441 0 7,003,365 I. Ending Funding Balance Accounts 821 Restricted for Carryover of Restricted Rev 840 Nonspendable Inventory & Prepaid Items 845 Restricted for Self-Insurance 872 Committed to Min Fund Bal Policy 888 Assigned to Other Purposes 890 Unassigned Fund Balance Total Ending Fund Balance Accounts 230,000 260,000 15,000 3,503,817 880,000 909,710 5,798,527 867,863 321,464 15,000 3,485,543 1,216,086 1,097,409 7,003,365 4 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Encumbrances Balance YTD as % of Budget (234,152) 101.59% 359,151 73.97% (1,183,225) 103.30% 547,282 94.50% (29,927) 0.00% (20,507) 100.31% (24,124) 146.39% (180,422) 2,413.11% 0 0.00% (765,925) 101.12% 0 (765,925) 101.12% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (52,219) (695,365) 126,451 1,434,451 64,090 18,247 (530,184) 365,471 100.14% 107.97% 93.38% 75.47% 64.14% 71.90% 103.46% 99.47% Longview School District #122 Original Budget vs Current Budget For the Month Ended: August 2014 Budget by Program 01 Basic Education 02 ALE 03 04 Original Current Budget Budget DIFF. Budget By Activity $36,389,635 $36,448,373 $58,738 $158,247 $158,247 Occational Work $443,768 Bld Spec Prgms $193,086 05 Adoption Budgets 21 State Special Education Originial Current Budget Budget DIFF. 11 Board of Directors $191,750 $191,750 $0 $0 12 Superintendent's Office $335,884 $335,884 $0 $443,768 $0 13 Business Office $812,671 $812,671 $0 $246,063 $52,977 14 Human Resources $568,698 $568,698 $0 $248,883 $248,883 $0 $7,126,946 $7,145,471 $18,525 15 Public Relations 21 Supervision- Instruction $170,438 $170,438 $0 $1,360,205 $1,421,721 $61,516 $18,180 22 State Special Education - Infants/Toddlers $223,525 $205,000 -$18,525 22 Learning Resources $793,489 $811,669 24 Federal Special Education $1,347,805 $1,456,073 $108,268 23 Principal's Office $4,415,388 $4,449,386 $33,998 31 State Vocational $1,826,509 $1,824,555 -$1,954 24 Guidance- Counseling $1,535,607 $1,563,378 $27,771 34 State Vocational - Middle School 38 Federal Vocational $0 $12,300 $12,300 $64,269 $73,839 $9,570 $2,418,625 $2,440,233 $21,608 27 Teaching $522,026 $575,034 $53,008 28 Extracurricular 29 Payments to Other Districts 25 Pupil Managemtn / Safe 26 Health Services 51 Federal - Disadvantaged 52 Federal - School Improvement 55 State Learn Assist Prg $1,586,422 $1,628,972 $42,550 58 State Special & Pilot Programs $1,112,795 $562,224 -$550,571 64 Federal Limited English Prof $56,600 $112,316 $55,716 41 Supervision - Food Service 65 Trans Bilingual, State $272,172 $267,821 -$4,351 42 Food 68 Federal Indian Education $75,161 $57,150 -$18,011 74 Highly Capable $50,789 $50,789 $0 79 Other Instructional $20,230 $133,819 $113,589 88 Broadway Daycare $25,499 $47,742 $22,243 89 Other Community Services 97 General Supportive Services $17,200 $17,200 $0 $10,269,292 $10,295,112 $25,820 98 Food Services $2,510,290 $2,510,290 $0 99 Pupil Transportation $2,516,647 $2,515,147 -$1,500 TOTAL $69,476,421 $69,476,421 $0 Budget By Object Current Budget Budget 31 Instr. Prof. Dev. $0 -$1,345 44 Food Service Operations $40,572,807 -$605,751 $1,052,962 $1,068,031 $15,069 $7,500 $92,347 $84,847 $1,034,593 $1,375,988 $341,395 $166,943 $166,943 $0 $940,719 $934,219 -$6,500 $1,423,628 $1,430,128 $6,500 49 Transfers -$17,200 -$17,200 $0 51 Supervision- Transport $336,565 $336,565 $0 $1,943,560 $1,927,622 -$15,938 $333,098 $352,850 $19,752 $45,000 $45,000 $0 59 Field Trips -$142,383 -$147,697 -$5,314 61 Supervision - Plant $290,880 $289,242 -$1,638 62 Ground Care - Maintenance $434,153 $435,791 $1,638 $2,484,402 $2,483,402 -$1,000 $31,863 52 Operating Buses 53 Maintenance of School Buses 56 Insurance - Transportation 63 Operation of Plant 65 Utilities DIFF. $383,213 $2,396,939 $41,178,558 64 Maintenance of Plant/Equipment Original $383,213 $2,398,284 67 Buildings & Property 0 Debit Transfers $485,646 $513,283 $27,637 68 Insurance - Ex Transport 1 Credit Transfers -$485,646 -$513,283 -$27,637 72 Information Systems $906,433 $938,296 $1,857,576 $1,857,576 $0 $36,570 $36,570 $0 $572,000 $572,000 $0 $1,215,751 $1,215,911 $160 -$9,689 2 Certificated Salaries $29,107,731 $29,560,580 $452,849 73 Printing $216,970 $207,281 3 Classified Salaries $11,204,160 $11,401,291 $197,131 74 Warehouse & Distribution $158,710 $158,710 $0 4 Employee Benefits $14,838,997 $14,963,445 $124,448 75 Motor Pool $466 $4,952 $4,486 5 Supplies & Materials $7,716,667 $6,291,380 -$1,425,287 $500 $500 $0 7 Contractual Services $6,287,107 $6,795,477 $508,370 84 Principal $15,640 $15,640 $0 91 Public Activities $17,200 $17,200 $0 $69,476,421 $69,476,421 $0 8 Travel $117,627 $231,737 $114,110 9 Equipment $204,132 $232,511 $28,379 $69,476,421 $69,476,421 $0 TOTAL 83 Other Interest TOTAL The Actual Original (Adopted) Budget is $69,476,333. The difference of $88 is a result of a conversion error from the budget file that could not be corrected in the general ledger. 5 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Longview School District Net Cash Balance General Fund $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 Longview School District . $8,400,000 ` Net Cash Balance - August General Fund $8,200,000 $8,000,000 $7,800,000 $7,600,000 $7,400,000 $7,200,000 6 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Cash Balance 30 Days Cash 3frbud12.p GL 960 Revenues LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 122 GF Revenue Summary (Date: 8/2014) Description 1:47 PM 11/04/14 PAGE: 2013-14 Revised Budget August Activity 2013-14 Activity 14,691,196.00 64,261.76 14,923,270.75 -232,074.75 0.00 0.00 1,392.75 -1,392.75 0.00 74,081.00 37,382.16 74,764.32 -683.32 100.92 14,765,277.00 101,643.92 14,999,427.82 -234,150.82 101.59 72,500.00 858.42 92,399.19 -19,899.19 127.45 3,000.00 455.00 3,375.00 -375.00 112.50 91,000.00 -687.08 19,933.24 71,066.76 21.90 475,000.00 11,127.05 487,710.42 -12,710.42 102.68 10 R 960 ---- -- 2300 --- ---- ---- Investment Earnings 10,000.00 695.99 8,114.54 1,885.46 81.15 10 R 960 ---- -- 2500 --- ---- ---- Gifts/Donations 50,610.00 0.00 85,508.05 -34,898.05 168.95 10 R 960 ---- -- 1100 --- ---- ---- Local Property Tax 10 R 960 ---- -- 1400 --- ---- ---- Local In-Lieu-of Taxes 10 R 960 ---- -- 1500 --- ---- ---- Timber Excise Tax 10 R 960 ---- -- 1--- --- ---- ---- Local Taxes 10 R 960 ---- -- 2100 --- ---- ---- Tuition & Fees, Unassigned 10 R 960 ---- -- 2188 --- ---- ---- Day Care Tuition 10 R 960 ---- -- 2200 --- ---- ---- Sale of Goods/Supp/Serv 10 R 960 ---- -- 2298 --- ---- ---- Food Services 10 R 960 ---- -- 2600 --- ---- ---- Fines/Damages 10 R 960 ---- -- 2700 --- ---- ---- Rentals/Leases 10 R 960 ---- -- 2800 --- ---- ---- Insurance Recoveries 10 R 960 ---- -- 2900 --- ---- ---- Other Local Reimbursements 10 R 960 ---- -- 2910 --- ---- ---- E-Rate 10 R 960 ---- -- 2--- --- ---- ---- Local Support Non-Tax 10 R 960 ---- -- 3100 --- ---- ---- Apportionment Uncollected % Balance Collected 101.58 500.00 0.00 441.47 58.53 88.29 30,000.00 863.92 48,642.46 -18,642.46 162.14 0.00 0.00 13,775.00 -13,775.00 0.00 661,718.00 7,191.47 177,330.42 484,387.58 26.80 50,000.00 0.00 83,303.98 -33,303.98 166.61 1,444,328.00 20,504.77 1,020,533.77 423,794.23 70.66 33,274,686.00 3,373,279.41 34,186,846.59 -912,160.59 102.74 10 R 960 ---- -- 3121 --- ---- ---- Apportionment-Sp Ed 1,120,727.00 119,557.22 1,195,605.08 -74,878.08 106.68 10 R 960 ---- -- 3300 --- ---- ---- Local Effort Assistance 1,472,686.00 280,463.34 1,616,047.80 -143,361.80 109.73 0.00 0.00 52,824.38 -52,824.38 0.00 35,868,099.00 3,773,299.97 37,051,323.85 -1,183,224.85 103.30 4,764,948.00 535,889.88 4,900,450.65 -135,502.65 102.84 351,647.00 38,056.80 380,567.96 -28,920.96 108.22 1,701,461.00 163,457.22 1,601,720.43 99,740.57 94.14 10 R 960 ---- -- 4158 --- ---- ---- Special & Pilot Programs 689,032.00 166.04 283,955.20 405,076.80 41.21 10 R 960 ---- -- 4165 --- ---- ---- Transitional Bilingual 321,117.00 35,171.06 324,961.84 -3,844.84 101.20 10 R 960 ---- -- 4174 --- ---- ---- Highly Capable 60,896.00 6,259.57 62,609.41 -1,713.41 102.81 10 R 960 ---- -- 4198 --- ---- ---- School Food Service 40,377.00 0.00 52,460.26 -12,083.26 129.93 10 R 960 ---- -- 4199 --- ---- ---- Transportation - Operation 1,808,935.00 179,401.45 1,799,221.75 9,713.25 99.46 10 R 960 ---- -- 4--- --- ---- ---- State Revenue-Special Purpose 9,738,413.00 958,402.02 9,405,947.50 332,465.50 96.59 10 R 960 ---- -- 5400 --- ---- ---- Federal In-Lieu-of Taxes 0.00 0.00 623.80 -623.80 0.00 10 R 960 ---- -- 5500 --- ---- ---- Federal Forests 0.00 0.00 29,303.03 -29,303.03 0.00 10 R 960 ---- -- 5--- --- ---- ---- Federal Rev-General Purpose 0.00 0.00 29,926.83 -29,926.83 0.00 1,517,092.00 124,281.44 1,516,708.69 383.31 99.97 77,124.00 18,467.40 77,124.00 0.00 100.00 10 R 960 ---- -- 3600 --- ---- ---- State Forests 10 R 960 ---- -- 3--- --- ---- ---- State Revenue-General Purpose 10 R 960 ---- -- 4121 --- ---- ---- Special Education 10 R 960 ---- -- 4122 --- ---- ---- Special Ed Infants & Toddlers 10 R 960 ---- -- 4155 --- ---- ---- Learning Assistance 10 R 960 ---- -- 6124 --- ---- ---- Special Ed - Supplemental 10 R 960 ---- -- 6138 --- ---- ---- Secondary Vocational Education 7 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report 1 3frbud12.p GL 960 Revenues LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 122 GF Revenue Summary (Date: 8/2014) Description 10 R 960 ---- -- 6151 --- ---- ---- Disadvantaged 1:47 PM 2013-14 Revised Budget August Activity 2013-14 Activity 11/04/14 PAGE: Uncollected % Balance Collected 2,548,823.00 619,969.56 2,229,477.48 319,345.52 87.47 10 R 960 ---- -- 6152 --- ---- ---- School Improvement 600,450.00 75,391.72 525,443.98 75,006.02 87.51 10 R 960 ---- -- 6164 --- ---- ---- Limited English Proficiency 114,562.00 1,377.00 44,882.21 69,679.79 39.18 4,000.00 0.00 5,024.63 -1,024.63 125.62 10 R 960 ---- -- 6188 --- ---- ---- Daycare OSPI Revenue 10 R 960 ---- -- 6189 --- ---- ---- Other Community Services 17,200.00 46,316.04 54,762.69 -37,562.69 318.39 1,720,000.00 0.00 1,946,689.57 -226,689.57 113.18 59,693.00 0.03 59,693.66 -0.66 100.00 10 R 960 ---- -- 6300 --- ---- ---- Federal Grants 0.00 0.00 -146.06 146.06 0.00 10 R 960 ---- -- 6321 --- ---- ---- Medicaid Reimburements 0.00 -2,875.18 62,541.64 -62,541.64 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 147,076.00 -7,076.00 105.05 6,798,944.00 882,928.01 6,669,278.49 129,665.51 98.09 10 R 960 ---- -- 7197 --- ---- ---- Support Services 20,000.00 4,952.18 25,095.77 -5,095.77 125.48 10 R 960 ---- -- 7198 --- ---- ---- Food Services - Outside 32,000.00 -80.40 26,327.32 5,672.68 82.27 0.00 297.19 24,701.33 -24,701.33 0.00 52,000.00 5,168.97 76,124.42 -24,124.42 146.39 0.00 944.40 50,001.82 -50,001.82 0.00 7,800.00 543.70 7,290.07 509.93 93.46 10 R 960 ---- -- 6198 --- ---- ---- School Food Service 10 R 960 ---- -- 6268 --- ---- ---- Indian Education 10 R 960 ---- -- 6998 --- ---- ---- USDA Commodities 10 R 960 ---- -- 6--- --- ---- ---- Federal Rev-Special Purpose 10 R 960 ---- -- 7199 --- ---- ---- Transportation Billing Schools 10 R 960 ---- -- 7--- --- ---- ---- Other School Districts 10 R 960 ---- -- 8199 --- ---- ---- Transportation Billing Other 10 R 960 ---- -- 8200 --- ---- ---- Private Foundations 10 R 960 ---- -- 8500 --- ---- ---- Educational Service District 10 R 960 ---- -- 8--- --- ---- ---- Other Entities Grand Revenue Totals 0.00 0.00 130,930.34 -130,930.34 0.00 7,800.00 1,488.10 188,222.23 -180,422.23 2,413.11 68,674,861.00 5,743,435.76 69,440,784.91 -765,923.91 101.12 % of Fiscal Year Completed – 100.00% % of School Year Completed – 100.00% • 1100 – Tax collection percentage is up. • 2200 – Budget for Sales of Goods and Services included revenues now recorded in 7199 and 8199. • 2900 – Included $400k of the $1.2M Contingency budget. • 3100 – Due to increase from budgeted enrollment and increase in state funding per student. • 4158 – Revenues for the National Board Certifications stipend make up most of the revenues. Much of the remaining budget is tied up in the budget contingency. • 6151 – Title I revenues and expenditures are lower than budgeted for the year. • 6198 – Food Service revenues are up due to increased participation and a small increase in the federal reimbursement rate. • 6321 – Medicaid reimbursements are revenues from billing for the SLP and OT services to Medicaid. No revenues are budgeted due to uncertainty. • 7199 – ASB and PTO transportation billings are recorded in 7199 per the State Accounting Manual. Revenues were initially budgeted in revenue code 2200. • 8199 – Outside transportation billings are recorded in 8199 per the State Accounting Manual. Revenues were initially budgeted in revenue code 2200. • 8500 – Refund from excess balance in ESD 112 Unemployment Pool. 8 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report 2 3frbud12.p LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 122 Object Summary (Date: 8/2014) Description 5:09 PM 11/04/14 PAGE: 1 Original Revised August YTD Outstanding Budget Budget Activity Activity Encumb Balance % of Revised Budget 485,646.00 513,283.00 132,073.25 614,383.54 0.00 -101,100.54 119.70 -485,646.00 -513,283.00 -132,073.25 -614,383.54 0.00 101,100.54 119.70 ---- -- 0--- Debit Transfers ---- -- 1--- Credit Transfers ---- -- 2--- Certificated Salaries 29,107,731.00 29,560,580.00 2,905,502.09 29,249,436.22 0.00 311,143.78 98.95 ---- -- 3--- Classified Salaries 11,204,160.00 11,401,291.00 1,158,854.71 11,929,507.47 0.00 -528,216.47 104.63 ---- -- 4--- Benefits 14,838,997.00 14,963,445.00 1,316,584.86 14,815,853.14 0.00 147,591.86 99.01 ---- -- 5--- Supplies - General 7,716,667.00 6,291,380.59 1,008,395.79 5,258,627.28 0.00 1,032,753.31 83.59 ---- -- 7--- Contractual - General 6,287,107.00 6,795,476.72 787,464.04 7,481,032.74 0.00 -685,556.02 110.09 ---- -- 8--- Travel 117,627.00 231,736.69 16,979.71 174,956.82 0.00 56,779.87 75.50 ---- -- 9--- Capitalized Equipment (> $5K) 204,132.00 232,511.00 52,183.56 201,447.90 0.00 31,063.10 86.64 69,476,421.00 69,476,421.00 7,245,964.76 69,110,861.57 0.00 365,559.43 99.47 Grand Expense Totals % of Fiscal Year Completed – 100.00% % of School Year Completed – 100.00% Significant unspent supply budgets in Object 5 are as follows: Program Description BEA CTE Title II LAP Program No. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 31,34,38 52 55 Special/Pilot Technology Food Service 58 97 Act 74 98 Transportation 99 Unspent (<Over>) $28k $92k $72k $586k $186k $52k <$165k> $30k Supply Budgets What is not spent will be carried over to next year. Budget for potential carryover from 12-13 not spent. Up to 10% of current year allocation may be carried over to next year. $174k of balance is in 5899 budget contingency. Non-capitalized equipment underspent. Increased spending for additional participation. Additional revenue made up for additional cost. Underspending on fuel. Contractual Services Object 7 • • • • Special Ed <$459k> outplacement of students and outside contracted staff Board <$133k> Legal, Audit, and other Utilities <$115k> Net other $22k 9 Longview School District The Actual Original (Adopted) Budget is $69,476,333. The difference of $88 is a result of a conversion error from the budget file that could not be corrected in the general ledger. | August 2014 Budget Status Report 3frbud12.p LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 122 PP Summary (Date: 8/2014) GL 530 Expenses Description 10 E 530 01- Basic Education Original Budget Revised Budget August Activity 2013-14 Activity Outstanding Encumb 5:10 PM Balance % of Revised Budget 36,389,635.00 36,448,373 3,554,534.64 36,603,332.10 375.36 -155,334.46 100.43 10 E 530 02- ALE 158,247.00 158,247 15,303.72 165,053.54 0.00 -6,806.54 104.30 10 E 530 03- Occasional Work 443,768.00 443,768 13,016.68 342,287.32 0.00 101,480.68 77.13 10 E 530 04- Bld Spec Prgs 193,086.00 246,063 12,757.05 200,491.35 0.00 45,571.65 81.48 10 E 530 05- Districtwide De 248,883.00 248,883 11,068.06 185,448.44 0.00 63,434.56 74.51 37,433,619.00 37,545,334 3,606,680.15 37,496,612.75 0.00 48,721.25 99.87 7,126,946.00 7,145,471 773,152.95 7,661,978.61 0.00 -516,507.61 107.23 223,525.00 205,000 40,940.54 299,378.21 0.00 -94,378.21 146.04 10 E 530 24- Spec Ed - Feds 1,347,805.00 1,456,073 -57,708.48 1,455,705.48 0.00 367.52 99.97 10 E 530 2-- 8,698,276.00 8,806,544 756,385.01 9,417,062.30 0.00 -610,518.30 106.93 10 E 530 31- Voc State 1,826,509.00 1,824,555 219,699.88 1,623,835.18 0.00 200,719.82 89.00 0.00 12,300 -13,929.28 86,568.37 0.00 -74,268.37 703.81 10 E 530 0-10 E 530 21- Special Ed 10 E 530 22- SpEd Inf&Toddlr 10 E 530 34- Mid Schl VOC 10 E 530 38- Vocational Fed 64,269.00 73,839 14,335.97 73,839.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 E 530 3-- 1,890,778.00 1,910,694 220,106.57 1,784,242.55 0.00 126,451.45 93.38 10 E 530 51- Title I Pt A 2,418,625.00 2,440,233 584,109.83 2,134,492.64 0.00 305,740.36 87.47 522,026.00 575,034 69,780.42 503,222.99 0.00 71,811.01 87.51 10 E 530 55- LAP 1,586,422.00 1,628,972 179,737.47 1,082,763.26 0.00 546,208.74 66.47 10 E 530 58- Special/Pilot 1,112,795.00 562,224 175,416.79 295,273.25 0.00 266,950.75 52.52 10 E 530 5-- 5,639,868.00 5,206,463 1,009,044.51 4,015,752.14 0.00 1,190,710.86 77.13 56,600.00 112,316 0.00 44,002.17 0.00 68,313.83 39.18 272,172.00 267,821 66,369.95 295,811.23 0.00 -27,990.23 110.45 10 E 530 52- Title II 10 E 530 64- Title III, LEP 10 E 530 65- Transition 10 E 530 68- Indian Ed 10 E 530 6-- 75,161.00 57,150 0.00 57,150.63 0.00 -0.63 100.00 403,933.00 437,287 66,369.95 396,964.03 0.00 40,322.97 90.78 10 E 530 74- Highly Capable 50,789.00 50,789 3,164.14 62,586.02 0.00 -11,797.02 123.23 10 E 530 79- Other Instr Prgms 20,230.00 133,819 7,633.38 52,024.04 0.00 81,794.96 38.88 10 E 530 7-- 71,019.00 184,608 10,797.52 114,610.06 0.00 69,997.94 62.08 10 E 530 88- Daycare 25,499.00 47,742 118.69 10,491.47 0.00 37,250.53 21.98 10 E 530 89- Comm Services 17,200.00 17,200 36,203.16 36,203.16 0.00 -19,003.16 210.48 10 E 530 8-- 42,699.00 64,942 36,321.85 46,694.63 0.00 18,247.37 71.90 10,269,292.00 10,295,112 1,263,981.64 10,945,217.17 0.00 -650,105.17 106.31 10 E 530 98- Nutrition 2,510,290.00 2,510,290 108,735.29 2,597,201.26 0.00 -86,911.26 103.46 10 E 530 99- Transportation 2,516,647.00 2,515,147 167,542.27 2,296,504.68 0.00 218,642.32 91.31 10 E 530 9-- 15,296,229.00 15,320,549 1,540,259.20 15,838,923.11 0.00 -518,374.11 103.38 Grand Expense 69,476,421.00 69,476,421 7,245,964.76 69,110,861.57 0.00 365,559.43 99.47 10 E 530 97- General Support 10 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report 11/04/14 PAGE: 1 % of Fiscal Year Completed – 100.00% • • • • • • • % of School Year Completed – 100.00% Prog 21 SpEd – Overspent budget due to increased costs for contracted staffing and student outplacement services. Prog 31 Voc – Underspent. Excess can be carried over to next year. Prog 34 M.S. Voc – New program for 2013-14 at Cascade M.S., expenditures were budgeted in Program 31. Prog 51 Title I – Budgeted higher than actual funding. 15% of current year unspent allocation may be carries over to the next year. Prog 52 Title II – Budgeted higher than actual funding. 100% of current year allocation may be carried over to the next year. Pro 55 LAP – Underspent. 10% of current year allocation may be carried over to next year. Prog 58 Special/Pilot – Most of the expenditures are for the National Board Certification stipend. $178K of the Budget contingency in Prog 5899 was unallocated at year end. Prog 64 Title III LEP – Budgeted higher than actual funding. Grant budget was spent. Prog 79 Other Instr. Programs – $50k in Project Lead the Way budget to be carried over to 2014-15. Prog 97 General Support – See Activity Summary Activities 11 to 15 and 61 to 84. Prog 98 Nutrition Services – Increased expenditures over budget can be attributed to the net of slightly underspending wages and benefits and overspending on supplies for additional participation in the meal programs. Prog 99 Pupil Transportation – Underspent in Bus Driver wages and benefits, moved $60k in mechanic wages and benefits to the Motor Pool to comply with state transportation funding model, underspent fuel and had increased billings, partly due to summer school. • • • • • The Actual Original (Adopted) Budget is $69,476,333. The difference of $88 is a result of a conversion error from the budget file that could not be corrected in the general ledger. 11 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report 3frbud12.p LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT 122 Activity Summary (Date: 8/2014) GL 530 Expenditure/E Description Revised Budget August Activity 2013-14 Activity ---- 11 --- Board of Directors 191,750 191,750 82,627.27 319,410.22 0.00 -127,660.22 166.58 ---- 12 --- Superintendent's Office 335,884 335,884 33,512.44 385,402.27 0.00 -49,518.27 114.74 ---- 13 --- Business Office 812,671 812,671 78,589.93 837,735.87 0.00 -25,064.87 103.08 ---- 14 --- Human Resources 568,698 568,698 77,137.90 664,157.24 0.00 -95,459.24 116.79 ---- 15 --- Public Relations 170,438 170,438 7,635.46 160,185.22 0.00 10,252.78 93.98 1,360,205 1,421,721 194,209.80 1,540,811.46 0.00 -119,090.46 108.38 ---- 22 --- Learning Resources Outstanding Encumb 11/04/14 PAGE: Original Budget ---- 21 --- Supervision Balance % of Revised Budget 793,489 811,669 64,627.95 807,248.88 0.00 4,420.12 99.46 ---- 23 --- Principals Office 4,415,388 4,449,386 302,393.12 4,483,373.89 0.00 -33,987.89 100.76 ---- 24 --- Guidance & Counseling 1,535,607 1,563,378 170,891.91 1,681,727.58 0.00 -118,350.08 107.57 383,213 383,213 67,661.41 455,913.44 0.00 -72,700.44 118.97 2,398,284 2,396,939 185,145.97 2,505,121.55 0.00 -108,182.55 104.51 41,178,558 40,572,807 4,493,667.40 39,084,673.51 0.00 1,488,133.99 96.33 1,052,962 1,068,031 41,193.25 1,111,648.65 0.00 -43,617.65 104.08 ---- 25 --- Pupil Management & Safety ---- 26 --- Health Related Services ---- 27 --- Teaching ---- 28 --- Extra Curricular ---- 29 --- Payments to other Districts 7,500 92,347 0.00 253,571.17 0.00 -161,224.17 274.59 1,034,593 1,375,988 114,162.95 1,210,156.94 0.00 165,831.06 87.95 ---- 32 --- Instructional Technology 0 0 -14.23 66,627.36 0.00 -66,627.36 0.00 ---- 33 --- Curriculum 0 0 35,562.87 35,562.87 0.00 -35,562.87 0.00 166,943 166,943 15,713.79 171,451.21 0.00 -4,508.21 102.70 117.49 ---- 31 --- Instr. Prof. Dev. ---- 41 --- Nutrition Services ---- 42 --- Food ---- 44 --- Operations ---- 49 --- Transfers ---- 51 --- Supervision 940,719 934,219 16,021.36 1,097,645.49 0.00 -163,426.49 1,423,628 1,430,128 113,203.30 1,364,307.72 0.00 65,820.28 95.40 -17,200 -17,200 -36,203.16 -36,203.16 0.00 19,003.16 210.48 336,565 336,565 28,516.65 331,133.99 0.00 5,431.01 98.39 1,943,560 1,927,622 186,256.13 1,822,445.20 0.00 105,176.80 94.54 333,098 352,850 24,319.52 313,347.62 0.00 39,502.38 88.80 ---- 56 --- Insurance 45,000 45,000 0.00 56,760.93 0.00 -11,760.93 126.14 ---- 59 --- Transfers ---- 52 --- Operations ---- 53 --- Maintenance -142,383 -147,697 -71,550.03 -227,885.06 0.00 80,188.06 154.29 ---- 61 --- Supervision 290,880 289,242 24,064.08 274,822.91 0.00 14,419.09 95.01 ---- 62 --- Grounds Maintenance 434,153 435,791 52,598.76 433,897.42 0.00 1,893.58 99.57 2,484,402 2,483,402 245,813.23 2,589,078.01 0.00 -105,676.01 104.26 ---- 63 --- Operation of Buildings ---- 64 --- Maintenance 906,433 938,296 158,319.08 1,147,092.04 0.00 -208,796.04 122.25 1,857,576 1,857,576 251,452.86 1,973,481.64 0.00 -115,905.64 106.24 36,570 36,570 2,150.00 34,198.02 0.00 2,371.98 93.51 572,000 572,000 4,533.04 539,284.72 0.00 32,715.28 94.28 1,215,751 1,215,911 152,889.53 1,176,215.14 0.00 39,695.86 96.74 ---- 73 --- Printing 216,970 207,281 70,064.29 166,613.77 0.00 40,667.23 80.38 ---- 74 --- Warehouse & Distribution 158,710 158,710 24,651.01 170,815.90 0.00 -12,105.90 107.63 ---- 75 --- Motor Pool 466 4,952 -2,057.24 72,826.78 0.00 -67,874.78 1,470.65 ---- 83 --- Interest 500 500 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 ---- 84 --- Principal 15,640 15,640 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,640.00 0.00 ---- 91 --- Public Activities 17,200 17,200 36,203.16 36,203.16 0.00 -19,003.16 210.48 69,476,421 69,476,421 7,245,964.76 69,110,861.57 0.00 365,559.43 99.47 ---- 65 --- Utilities ---- 67 --- Building & Property Security ---- 68 --- Insurance ---- 72 --- Information Systems Grand Expense Totals % of Fiscal Year Completed – 100.00% 12 5:10 PM Longview School District of School Year Completed – 100.00% | August 2014 Budget Status Report 1 • • • • • • 11 Board of Directors – Legal, elections, other contractual overspent. 12 Superintendent – Retirement of Superintendent. 13 Business Office – Salaries, postage, contractual overspent. 14 Human Resources – Salaries and benefits overspent. 25 Pupil Management & Safety - Truancy Officer $47k was budgeted in Activity 21, additional pay and substitutes for Para supervision $18k, additional SRO costs $6k. 27 Teaching – o Pro g 31 CTE $296, total budget unspent as a whole $200k o Prog 51 Title I $223k, total budget unspent as a whole $305k o Prog 55 LAP $590k, total unspent as a whole $546k o Prog 58 Special Pilot $276k, total unspent as a whole $267k. 29 Payments to Other Districts – Contracts for services in out of district programs provided to Special Education students. 31 Instructional Professional Development - Under spent TPEP training budget. 42 Food – Spending high due to increased participation. 52 Operations (Transp) – Underspent bus driver salaries and benefits. 56 Insurance – Insurance premium for bus fleet is higher than budgeted. 59 Transfers (Transp) – Billings out to departments for extracurricular, field trips and summer school was higher than budget. 63 Operations (Custodial) – Wages and benefits exceeded budget by $78k, the remainder of overspending came from MSOCs. 64 Mainteance – Maint Dept overspent $51k, un budget Summer Projects $95k, Safety over by $26k, Kessler Insurance Claim costs $45 to reimbursed by insurance. 65 Utilities – Over budget for Natural Gas and City Water/Sewer/Sanitation. 75 Motor Pool – Vehicle ordered for 2012-13 was not received and paid until 2013-14. A portion of the bus mechanics salaries is charged to Motor Pool to comply with the State Accounting Manual. This change occurred after the budget was approved. Bus mechanic salaries were budgeted in Pupil Transportation Activity 53. 91 Public Activities – Summer Food Service Program expenditures and revenues were higher than budget. • • • • • • • • • • • The Actual Original (Adopted) Budget is $69,476,333. The difference of $88 is a result of a conversion error from the budget file that could not be corrected in the general ledger. 13 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE For the period ending August 31, 2014 Revised Budget A. Revenues & Other Financing Sources 1000 Local Taxes 1,428,464 2000 Local Non-Tax 113,128 3000 State, General Purpose 5,083 4000 State, Special Purpose 500,000 5000 Federal, General Purpose 48 6000 Federal, Special Purpose 0 7000 Revenues From Other Schl. Distr. 0 8000 Other Agencies & Assoc. 0 9000 Other Financing Sources 975,000 Subtotal 3,021,723 9900 Transfers In From General Fund 500,000 A. Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 3,521,723 Expenditures 10 Sites 20 Buildings 30 Equipment 40 Energy 50 Sales & Lease Expenditure 60 Bond Issuance Expenditure 90 Debt B. Total Expenditures Current Month Encumbrances YTD 13,382 1,182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,564 0 14,564 1,450,933 14,730 5,083 0 60 0 0 0 0 1,470,807 500,000 1,970,807 499,312 3,826,954 1,480,000 0 0 0 0 5,806,266 320,937 970,523 262,679 500,000 0 0 0 2,054,139 465,984 1,363,702 1,236,226 500,001 0 0 0 3,565,913 0 0 0 0 0 0 Balance YTD as % of Budget (22,469) 98,398 (0) 500,000 (12) 0 0 0 975,000 1,550,916 0 1,550,916 101.57% 13.02% 100.01% 0.00% 125.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 48.67% 100.00% 55.96% 33,328 2,463,252 243,774 (500,001) 0 0 0 2,240,353 93.33% 35.63% 83.53% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 61.41% B. C. D. Other Fin. Uses Transfr Out (GL 536) Other Financing Uses (GL 535) E. Excess of Revenues & Other Fin Sources Over (Under) Exp & Other Finance Uses (2,284,543) (2,039,575) (1,595,105) F. G. H. Total Beginning Fund Balance Prior Year Adjustment (GL 898) Total Ending Fund Balance 3,871,177 0 1,586,634 3,871,177 0 2,276,072 I. Ending Funding Balance Accounts 830 Restricted for Debt Service 862 Committed from Levy Proceeds 863 Restricted from State Proceeds 889 Assigned to Fund Purposes Total Ending Fund Balance Accounts 0 994,705 0 591,929 1,586,634 1,120,991 434,358 696,288 24,435 2,276,072 14 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund balance is being spent down on the OSPI Energy Grant projects. $1.1M is restricted for Debt Service on financing of $975K of the energy project. Most of the Restricted from State Proceeds (State Match from bond sale) will be spent in 14-15 to complete the energy project. Longview School District Net Cash Balance Capital Projects Fund $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Longview School District Net Cash Balance- July Capital Projects Fund $6,000,000 ` $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 15 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE For the period ending August 31, 2014 Revised Budget A. Current Month Encumbrances YTD Revenues & Other Financing Sources 1000 Local Taxes 2000 Local Non-Tax 3000 State, General Purpose 8000 Other Agencies & Assoc. 9000 Other Financing Sources A. Total Revenue & Othr Fin Sources 4,199,875 2,000 3,000 0 0 4,204,875 39,670 106 0 0 0 39,775 4,268,219 1,598 14,966 0 178 4,284,961 Expenditures 1xxx Principal Payments on Bonds 2xxx Interest Payments on Bonds 3100 Interfund Loan Interest 4100 Bond Transfer Fees 5100 Arbitrage Rebate 6100 Underwriter's Fees B. Total Expenditures 2,845,000 1,448,249 0 10,000 0 0 4,303,249 0 (0) 0 0 0 0 (0) 2,845,000 1,448,249 0 1,658 0 0 4,294,907 C. D. Other Fin. Uses Transfr Out (GL 536) Other Financing Uses (GL 535) 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. Excess of Revenues & Other Fin Sources Over (Under) Exp & Other Finance Uses (98,374) 39,775 (9,946) B. F. G. H. Total Beginning Fund Balance Prior Year Adjustment (GL 898) Total Ending Fund Balance 1,315,000 0 1,216,626 1,381,979 0 1,372,033 I. Ending Funding Balance Accounts 830 Restricted for Debt Service Total Ending Fund Balance Accounts 1,216,626 1,216,626 1,372,033 1,372,033 16 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Balance YTD as % of Budget 0 (68,344) 402 (11,966) 0 (178) (80,086) 101.63% 79.92% 498.85% 0.00% 0.00% 101.90% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,342 0 0 8,342 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 16.58% 0.00% 0.00% 99.81% Longview School District Net Cash Balance Debt Service Fund $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Longview School District Net Cash Balance- July Debt Service Fund $4,000,000 ` $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 17 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE For the period ending August 31, 2014 Revised Budget A. B. Current Month Encumbrances YTD Revenues 1000 General Student Body 2000 Athletics 3000 Classes 4000 Clubs 6000 Private Moneys A. Total Revenues 374,600 354,175 25,900 262,870 0 1,017,545 578 13,092 0 158 0 13,828 249,683 246,408 22,160 103,588 2,498 624,337 Expenditures 1000 General Student Body 2000 Athletics 3000 Classes 4000 Clubs 6000 Private Moneys B. Total Expenditures 293,076 392,432 29,062 276,867 0 991,437 16,719 17,696 0 185 1,029 35,628 169,784 265,076 19,992 124,730 2,862 582,444 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,108 (21,800) 41,892 C. D. Other Fin. Uses Transfr Out (GL 536) Other Financing Uses (GL 535) E. Excess of Revenues & Other Fin Sources Over (Under) Exp & Other Finance Uses F. G. H. Total Beginning Fund Balance Prior Year Adjustment (GL 898) Total Ending Fund Balance 94,635 0 120,743 124,288 0 166,181 I. Ending Funding Balance Accounts 819 Restricted for Fund Purposes Total Ending Fund Balance Accounts 120,743 120,743 166,181 166,181 18 Longview School District 23,441 18,961 64 1,559 0 44,025 | August 2014 Budget Status Report Balance YTD as % of Budget 124,917 107,767 3,740 159,282 (2,498) 393,208 66.65% 69.57% 85.56% 39.41% 0.00% 61.36% 99,851 108,395 9,006 150,577 (2,862) 364,968 65.93% 72.38% 69.01% 45.61% 0.00% 63.19% Longview School District Net Cash Balance Associated Student Body Fund $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Longview School District Net Cash Balance- July Associated Student Body Fund ` $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 19 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report ASB Fund Budget Status Report by School MONTH: August 2014 REVENUES Actual For Month Budgeted General Student Body R.A. Long Mark Morris (000) (464) (466) TOTAL $0 $288,150 $729,395 $1,017,545 Actual For Year $0.00 $3,264.86 $10,562.91 $13,827.77 $0.00 $282,017.97 $342,319.32 $624,337.29 Budgeted Less Actual Percent $0.00 $6,132.03 $387,075.68 $393,207.71 0.00% 97.87% 46.93% 61.36% EXPENDITURES Actual For Month Budgeted General Student Body R.A. Long Mark Morris (000) (464) (466) TOTAL $0 $244,100 $747,337 $991,437 Actual For Year $0.00 $26,061.72 $9,566.47 $35,628.19 $0.00 $288,075.46 $294,368.79 $582,444.25 Budgeted Encumbered Less Actual $0.00 $28,653.25 $8,484.76 $37,138.01 $0.00 -$72,628.71 $444,483.45 $371,854.74 TRANSFERS R.A. Long M ark M orris TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE General Student Body R.A. Long M ark M orris TOTAL (000) (464) (466) $0.00 $46,196.37 $78,091.53 $124,287.90 ENDING FUND BALANCE General Student Body R.A. Long M ark M orris TOTAL 20 Longview School District (000) (464) (466) | August 2014 Budget Status Report $0.00 $40,138.88 $126,042.06 $166,180.94 Percent 129.75% 40.52% 62.49% Private Purpose Trust Fund Budget Status Report MONTH: August 2014 REVENUE Actual Actual for Month for Year Actual + Encumbe re d Scholarships (3000's) $3,657.00 $39,929.10 $39,929.10 Student Aid (2000's) $522.99 $2,620.74 $2,620.74 Other $0.00 TOTAL $4,179.99 $42,549.84 $42,549.84 EXPENDITURE Actual Actual for Month for Year Actual + Encumbered Encumbe re d Scholarships (3000's) $500.00 $23,964.27 $0.00 $23,964.27 Student Aid (2000's) $0.00 $697.00 $0.00 $697.00 Other $0.00 TOTAL $500.00 $24,661.27 $0.00 $24,661.27 TRANSFERS Scholarships $0.00 Student Aid $0.00 Other $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 Beginning Fund Balance ************************* $273,718.99 Ending Fund Balance **************************** $291,607.56 Majority of the Private Purpose Trust balance belongs to scholarships within the RA Long Foundation. 21 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Longview School District Net Cash Balance Private Purpose Trust Fund $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Longview School District Net Cash Balance- July Private Purpose Trust Fund $350,000 ` $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 22 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report LONGVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE For the period ending August 31, 2014 Revised Budget A. Current Month YTD Encumbrances Revenues & Other Financing Sources 1000 Local Taxes 2000 Local Non-Tax 3000 State, General Purpose 4000 State, Special Purpose 5000 Federal, General Purpose 8000 Other Agencies & Assoc. 9000 Other Financing Sources Subtotal 9900 Transfers In From General Fund Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 0 4,800 0 300,000 0 0 0 304,800 100,000 404,800 0 25 0 309,833 0 0 0 309,857 0 309,857 0 7,763 0 309,833 0 0 0 317,595 100,000 417,595 B. Expenditures 30 Equipment 60 Bond Levy Issuance 90 Debt Total Expenditures 515,298 0 0 515,298 0 0 0 0 489,157 0 0 489,157 C. D. Other Fin. Uses Transfr Out (GL 536) Other Financing Uses (GL 535) 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. Excess of Revenues & Other Fin Sources Over (Under) Exp & Other Finance Uses (110,498) 309,857 (71,561) A. B. F. G. H. Total Beginning Fund Balance Prior Year Adjustment (GL 898) Total Ending Fund Balance 789,692 0 679,194 789,692 0 718,131 I. Ending Funding Balance Accounts 819 Restricted for Fund Purposes Total Ending Fund Balance Accounts 679,194 679,194 718,131 718,131 23 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Balance 0 (2,963) 0 (9,833) 0 0 0 (12,795) 0 0 0 0 YTD as % of Budget (12,795) 0.00% 161.72% 0.00% 103.28% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 104.20% 100.00% 103.16% 26,141 0 0 26,141 94.93% 0.00% 0.00% 94.93% Includes increase of $327,000 in budget authority to cover the cost of the two 2012-13 buses received and paid for in 2013-14. Longview School District Net Cash Balance Transportation Vehicle Fund $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Longview School District $1,000,000 Net Cash Balance- July Transportation Vehicle Fund ` $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 24 Longview School District | August 2014 Budget Status Report Attachment 11-24-13B Memorandum Date: November 24, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Dr. Gregory Kirsch, Superintendent (Prepared by Larry Mayfield, Executive Director of Finance) Subject: November 2014 Enrollment Report Background: For the months of September through May the Board is provided a monthly enrollment report to assist in monitoring Budget versus Actual FTE Enrollment. BEA FTE Enrollment 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Budget (Undr)/Ovr Sept 6,801 6,594 6,502 6,298 6,205 6,322 6,296 6,401 (105) Oct 6,839 6,647 6,583 6,348 6,276 6,437 6,370 6,494 (124) Nov 6,785 6,646 6,556 6,335 6,276 6,449 6,342 6,501 (159) Dec 6,749 6,635 6,513 6,315 6,258 6,437 6,326 6,485 (159) Jan 6,696 6,600 6,442 6,286 6,206 6,381 6,272 6,431 (159) Feb 6,705 6,603 6,438 6,264 6,220 6,361 6,269 6,428 (159) Estimated Mar Apr 6,660 6,589 6,592 6,531 6,416 6,393 6,198 6,157 6,178 6,132 6,348 6,350 6,241 6,220 6,400 6,379 (159) (159) May 6,589 6,513 6,370 6,156 6,139 6,347 6,222 6,381 (159) June 6,282 6,112 6,122 6,201 6,186 6,345 (159) Average 6,712 6,596 6,468 6,247 6,201 6,363 6,274 6,425 (150) Estimate based on 2013-14 Enrollment Trend by Grade Level Estimate based on 2012-13 Enrollment Trend by Grade Level Estimate based on 2011-12 Enrollment Trend by Grade Level Estimate based on 3yr Average of 2011-12 to 2013-14 Enrollment Trend by Grade Level (119) (131) (156) (135) The monthly budget is calculated on the averages of the prior two years trend. As of the November count, District Average Annual FTE (AAFTE) is estimated to be short of budget between (119) FTE or (1.85%) and (156) FTE or (2.43%). This AAFTE decrease roughly translates into a potential decrease in apportionment revenues of between ($678,300) and ($889,200), before taking into consideration changes in SpEd and CTE enrollment. Special Ed Enrollment Estimated 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Sept 841 799 823 796 821 876 888 Oct 858 828 870 832 873 923 904 Nov 832 847 869 850 881 931 893 Dec 832 840 859 860 875 922 885 Jan 813 842 853 861 874 925 886 Feb 822 844 846 863 886 917 888 Mar 816 852 853 859 886 918 889 Apr 804 844 858 853 878 905 878 May 803 832 847 862 891 915 890 854 890 912 888 OctMay/Jun Ave 823 841 857 855 882 919 889 Budget (Undr)Ovr 867 21 918 (14) 926 (33) 918 (33) 919 (33) 921 (33) 922 (33) 911 (33) 923 (33) 921 (33) 920 (31) Kinder - 21 Jun A 2 year average was used for calculating the monthly SpEd K-21 budget. Assuming Kinder to 21 SpEd enrollment will follow the prior two year trend, the average annual enrollment is estimated to be (31) students less than budget. At this enrollment level the SpEd % of BEA enrollment would be approximately 13.95%. This reduction in SpEd K-21 enrollment combined with a reduction in BEA enrollment is estimated to result in a reduction in SpEd K-21 revenue of ($154k). Estimated Birth-PreK 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Budget (Undr)Ovr Sept 135 128 137 131 128 113 99 118 (19) Oct 139 129 151 140 136 133 122 132 (10) Nov 151 152 160 152 155 157 137 153 (16) Dec 156 155 167 167 158 172 146 162 (16) Jan 160 157 172 171 158 174 147 163 (16) Feb 168 164 174 174 157 176 147 163 (16) Mar 171 167 179 177 161 177 150 165 (16) Apr 173 169 179 177 156 177 147 163 (16) May 182 178 184 174 162 180 152 167 (16) Jun 173 176 176 157 172 (16) OctMay/Jun Ave 163 159 171 167 158 169 145 160 (15) A 2 year average was used for calculating the monthly SpEd Birth to PreK budget. 0-PreK population is down (20) students from November 2013 and down (16) from the monthly budget. The shortfall of students from the monthly budget is comprised of a shortfall of (11) in Birth to 2 (Progress Center) and a shortfall of (5) in 3 to PreKinder (Broadway). This reduction in SpEd Birth to Pre-Kinder enrollment is estimated to result in a reduction in SpEd Birth to Pre-Kinder revenue of ($99k). Proposal: The attached enrollment report is included as information only.
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