Padbury Catholic PRIMARY School 13 November 2014 Number 18 NEWSLETTER RESPECT Excellence SACREDNESS TOGETHERNESS 2014 Our Holy Father NOVEMBER 14th Merit Assembly 2.30pm 18th Yr 2 Liturgy 21st Christ the King— Prayer Assembly Yr 3 2.30pm St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper items due today 25th Year 3 Liturgy Volunteers Morning Tea 9am 26th AGM Community Meeting 7pm 27th Thanksgiving Mass 9am Whole School 28th Year 6 Final Assembly 2.30pm P & F Christmas Cocktail Party DECEMBER 1st PP Excursion—Fremantle 2nd Year 3 Liturgy 4W Class Play 9am & 2.20pm 2nd Rite Reconciliation OLM 3rd Yr 5 Bike Ed Excursion Yr 6 Graduation Mass OLM 6pm ABSENTEE TELEPHONE LINE 9404 4080 As we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy every day, we think of how those men and women have followed in Your footsteps of your Son, Jesus. Please continue to hold our serviceman and women in Your strong arms and continue to cover them with your sheltering Grace. Amen Dear Parents, friends and students, Learning intentions are student friendly statements about learning, based on a specific curriculum focus. They assist teachers in thinking deeply about learning and how to transfer this thinking into language which can be communicated to students. Learning intentions must provide clear and specific goals in order for students to understand and value them. They eliminate the notion of secret business. The teacher is not the holder of all the curriculum knowledge with students left guessing what they are learning or the purpose for learning. Learning Intentions enable both teacher and student to be clear about what learning will occur from the beginning and are used across all curriculum areas. This process of communication begins in Kindy and carries on through all year levels. Before a learning intention can be developed and communicated with students, teachers are very clear with the content to be covered. When planning, teachers are having discussions about the content descriptions provided through the Australian Curriculum. This ensures that teachers understand and can articulate learning prior to sharing learning intentions with students. Learning intentions focus on knowledge, skills or understanding (Curriculum Corporation). At Padbury Catholic Primary School every classroom has been given a magnetic strip that states “At the end of the lesson I will be able to…..” and the learning intentions are included underneath. This is just another simple way we opening up the learning process for our students. O’Leary Road, Padbury WA 6025 Telephone (08) 9404 4000 Facsimile (08) 9307 7533 Website: CLASS ALLOCATIONS 2015 Padbury Catholic has a stringent process for allocating students to classes. Considerations are taken to ensure an appropriate balance based on several criteria. This criteria may include, but is not limited to; • academic needs • special needs • gender balance • pastoral care and welfare needs • social and emotional concerns and relationships Professional judgements about class splits are made with the students’ needs and best interests in mind. This is at the forefront of all decisions. These class splits are then reviewed by the school Principal before final approval. Please note, that students are never allocated to a "teacher" but always to a class. All our teaching staff are highly trained and take part in ongoing professional development to ensure we deliver high quality teaching and learning programs across the school. Teacher allocations are finalised towards the end of the year and announced at our AGM. I ask parents not to approach staff to discuss 2015 placements for their children. We hope that you will continue to support the Padbury Catholic staff in the work that they do. AGM We look forward to coming together as a community at the Board and P&F AGM on the 26th of November. This forum allows us to look back and accurately evaluate the year we have had and celebrate the strengths of our community, the dedication of staff and the joy of our students. Denise Davis, Maura Killalea, Helen Hughes, Tracy Arnold and Tammy Hunter have all worked extremely hard to bring this all together and I am incredibly grateful. As part of the Board AGM there will be a ballot for the two vacant positions. The list of applicants is very strong and we are blessed to have parents with gifts and talents willing to support our school. Kindergarten Orientations This is a wonderful way to welcome many new families and new students to Padbury Catholic. Last week, staff members, Maura Killalea, Liz Scagliarini and Natasa Bebich together with Lisa Maxwell, our wonderful P&F President, met with parents of students enrolled in our 2015 Kindergarten class. They outlined what it means to be a Kindy student and the many opportunities their children will have at our wonderful school. This week, the Kindy teaching team have taken the new Kindy students for a test ride for an hour in the Kindy Room, while the parents were able to introduce themselves and develop the friendships that truly do make Padbury Catholic Primary School a joyous place. It was wonderful to see the parents forming new relationships. Parking past the bollards on Gibson Avenue It has been brought to my attention by a number of concerned parents that some parents are still parking on or near the footpath past the bollards on Gibson Avenue. I hope to be meeting with the council tomorrow to discuss the signage and completion of the works. I again remind everyone that parking is not permitted in this area, as it is dangerous for our students. Year 7 Orientation Days Some of our Year 6 students have been on their High School orientation days at their respective high schools. This is such an exciting time for the leaders of our school as they get to see what it will be like next year as they enter their secondary schooling. It is a time of nerves and anticipation and I know that the Year 6 students leaving will flourish in their new schools as they are well and truly prepared for the challenges ahead. As we move into the second half of term we can focus on our graduating class and celebrate their time in primary school Parent Forum Thank you to those that attended our Parent Forum last week. These forums are designed to give the parent body a voice in the operation of the school and the focus for this meeting was the schools strategic plan. Thank you to Tony Dolan for preparing this document and to the parents for their insight, knowledge and great ideas. These will all be collated and added to the final copy. Remembrance Day This year, the 11th November marked the 96th anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11 am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. The Year 6 students led a service that reverently commemorated this important date and highlighted how lucky we are. Mitch Bristow Acting Principal Planning on leaving…… Our school has a wonderful reputation and as such we have many families looking to enrol their children at Padbury Catholic Primary School. If you are planning on leaving our school community please let us know in advance by emailing us on ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL NOTICES CHRIST THE KING FEAST DAY – NOVEMBER 23 The feast of Christ the King is celebrated in the Church on this last Sunday of the liturgical year. On this feast we recognize and honour Christ as ruler of all. Christ is ruler of all in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God exists wherever love is present in the world. Therefore the kingdom of God is already among us. However, when we see and experience the suffering and evil that exists in the world we realize that the kingdom of God is not yet here completely. The saving action of Christ continues throughout the world until the reign of God is here in full. All people are welcome in the kingdom of God. Every person is included. No one is excluded, except those who exclude themselves. In the kingdom of God where Christ rules, people of every colour and race are valued. The kingdom especially belongs to those who are poor and lowly. Booklists 2015—order before 17th November! All orders received prior to next Monday, 17th November will be delivered FREE to your home. Campion will begin dispatching orders during the week of 19th December, so your order will be delivered to your home address prior to Christmas. Please note that if you are posting your order to Campion, they must receive it two days prior to the cut off date, 17th November, to ensure your order is delivered FREE. Our Padbury Catholic Primary School has always been very generous when asked to support families less fortunate than us. As such once again we will be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Each class has been asked to help by donating food items for hampers. To ensure that the hampers have a variety of food items to provide a meal on Christmas Day, we are asking each year level to bring in different items. Year Level Suggested Food Item to Donate Kindy Bags of Lollies, packets of jelly, popcorn PP Packets of biscuits, sweet or savoury, or bags of chips 1 Tinned Fruit, fruit salad, peaches, apricots, pears, etc Tinned Vegetables – beetroot, corn, peas, carrots etc 2 Christmas cakes or puddings 3 Tinned meats – ham, tuna, corned beef etc 4 Gravy powder, custard powder, long life milk, Instant coffee, tea 5 Drinks- cordial, Fruit juice, soft drink 6 Fruit mince pies, Christmas crackers Please place food items in the basket in your child’s classroom by Friday 21st November, Week 6. This will enable time for the St Vincent De Paul volunteers to put the hampers together before Christmas. Thankyou for your support and hopefully we can make many extra families smile this Christmas. BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT This policy focuses on the mandatory procedures for schools to ensure that students develop positive pro-social behaviours and to deal effectively with inappropriate student behaviour. Bullying is defined when an individual or group misuses power to target another individual or group to intentionally threaten or harm them on more than one occasion. This may involve verbal, physical, relational and psychological forms of bullying. Teasing or fighting between peers is not necessarily bullying. A bystander also involves children who may not be directly involved in the bullying nor are they directly bullied, who are referred to as “bystanders”. A bystander is someone who sees the bullying or knows that it is happening to someone else. Please refer to our behaviour management policy which is available online on our school website. Teachers are asked to follow the procedures set out by our policy when dealing with issues arising in the playground or classroom. Please revisit the website and familiarise yourselves with the policy. You may refer to the policy when discussing an issue with the classroom teacher. We thank you for your support as we endeavour to work together as a community instilling respect and encouraging our children to live by our motto of “Love One Another”. ON THE RADAR AT PADBURY SCHOOL FEE REMINDER Outstanding school fee accounts have been sent home this week. Please ensure all your 2014 school fees have been paid by 30th November 2014, unless you already have a payment plan in place. Should you have any queries or are not in a position to have your account cleared by the due date please email as soon as possible. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Marie-Carmen Fox and Riley Smith, both from 3M, who were individual winners of the recent Newspaper in Education's Animal Art Challenge. There were only 4 overall winners from the whole of Western Australia and we are very proud that Padbury Catholic had 2 of the winners. Our students were the also the youngest winners. Their art work and other very talented 3M creations are currently on display in our school library. CHRISTMAS CAROLS AT CHANNEL NINE Mrs Killalea and myself, took 53 very excited children from Years 1 to 6 to the Channel 9 studio to record a Christmas carol that will be shown on television as a lead up to Christmas. It was an amazing experience and they met Libby the news reader in the news room. They sang like the stars they have become! Congratulations singing super stars! Sylvia Cusack. VOLUNTEER NEEDED We have some wooden shelving in our staff workroom that we require disassembling and removing over the next few weeks. If you a in a position to assist us in removing this shelving, please contact Mrs Maura Killalea or on 9404 4000. CONGRATULATIONS Padbury would like to congratulate the graduating EMU students of 2014. We celebrate their success and thank their parents for the continued support of the program. Working together has ensured the amazing progress these children have achieved. The children have worked beautifully together, supporting each other on their journey and should be very proud of the levels that they have achieved. Jorja Abbott, Max Connell, Kasia Cooper, Lily-May Jonhs Troy Schneider, Holly Cannon 4W CLASS PLAY SPECIAL PERFORMANCES. 4W will perform their play The G B Man on Tuesday the 2nd December in the hall at 9am and 2:20pm. All members of the Padbury community are welcome to come and watch our budding stars. Please see Miss Wilson if you have any enquiries. KNITTING NANNIES/CHESS CLUB MEMBERS These clubs will now run each Thursday at lunch time. EDU DANCE CONCERT DATES This year’s Edu Dance Concerts will commence at 2pm in the Hall. Members of our community are encouraged to come along and support their children by attending the concerts. Please mark these dates in your diaries: CONCERT ONE - Thursday, 4th December PPH 1PR 1W 2SR 3M 4W 5D 6BW CONCERT TWO- Friday, 5th December PPW 1B 2F 3S 3KE 4B 5B 6RH WHOOPING COUGH/HEAD LICE We have had another diagnosis of both whooping cough and head lice have been reported to the school office this week. Please be very vigilant if your child is unwell with a persistent cough or is scratching their head continually and follow recommendations by your family doctor. Both these require students to remain at home until the condition is under control. Thank you for your understanding in this area. Further information can be found at . GIBSON AVENUE CROSSWALK ATTENDANT Rusty, our daily crosswalk attendant, has had his hours of operation changed. Rusty will supervise this very busy crosswalk from 7.50am until 8.50am each morning assisting our students to cross Gibson Avenue safely. He encourages students riding their bikes to use his service as a safe alternative to crossing the road. Please remember Padbury Catholic staff provide a duty of care from 8.30am each day and students should not be arriving at school prior to this time. SCHOOL BANKING School banking will continue until the last week of this term. Students graduating from Padbury Catholic Primary School are able to continue with the school banking facility as long as they have a sibling still at our school. See Helen or Tracy in the school office if your child would like to participate in school banking. SUSTAINABILITY IN YEAR 4W 4W continue to provide a facility to recycle batteries. Please deliver any old /used batteries to the Year 4W classroom and place them in the bin provided. Lets all do our part to save our environment! LIBRARY NEWS THE WIZARD OF OZ Two of our students Kian and Caiden Cartnell (PPW) are performing in this production at the Old Mill Theatre during November and December. If you are interested in seeing their talent on show, http:// . Congratulaon boys we all wish you well. FUN ON THE DAIRY FARM Buckingham House, nestled in the backstreets of Wanneroo, has long been a site of interest due to its rich heritage as a former graziers house in 1890. Paying homage to its original owners, John and Amelia Buckingham, and their seven children, who kept their cattle well watered from Lake Joondalup, a Day at the Dairy provides a great opportunity to take the kids along to this open house and find out a bit more about it's past occupants and about all things cow related. On Sunday 16th November, head on over to Buckingham House between 1pm and 4pm for a fun filled day with the family. Enjoy playing games from yesteryear, make the Australian favourite damper bread in addition to some great crafts in the form of making your own Christmas card or a cow themed puppet. There will be farm animals to visit and you can also have a look around the old school house. There will be members of the Wanneroo Historical society on hand for knowledge and assistance, in addition to folk from the Wanneroo Men's Shed. This is a fun day and entry is only by gold coin donation. Where: Buckingham House, 10 Neville Drive, Wanneroo When: Sunday November 16th 1pm - 4pm Cost: Free - but gold coin donation encouraged The Year Two class are looking at older toys. They are perfecting their marble skills in this activity! Now is the time to check your irrigation system to ensure sprinklers are functioning property. Blocked or broken sprinklers can send thousand of litres of water onto roads and pathways. Continuing to check your irrigation system each four weeks, over the summer period, all helps save water! HONOUR BOARD 14 November 2014 PPH PPW 1B 1PR 1W 2F 2SR 3KE 3M Thomas West Luka Babich Thomas Sanders Ben O’Herlihy Ariana Tonev Thomas McManis Jason Jardim Ayla Radici Archie Steven Daniel Curtin Jude Fagan Joshua Malyniak Megan Kelly Oisin Allen Ariana Naumoski Victoria Sutrisna Seumas Smart Declan Barr Hunter Smith Shawn McEntyre Lily Barbetti Sophie Buckley Shanae Tucker Andrew Holliday Stefan Trofimczyk Caelan Thomson Emily Bender Charlie Baker Dion Cassiani Haylee Nowrojee Alicia Ryan Thomas Horne Joel Persak Troy Schneider Jordan Watson Lachlan McGuinness Ruby Stockden Emma Bristow-Stagg Holly Azzaro Sean Lougheed Annika Piwowarek Brayden Wilkinson Xavier Gerard Lilly-May Johns Brodie McGuirk Jade McEntyre Zane Songerwala Bridie McGuane Ava Eastcott Marie-Carmen Fox Matthew Herrera Lily Stray Tyler Kunzli Holly Sotirov Nicole Trofimcyzk 3S 4B 4W 5B 5D 6BW 6RH William Brennan Scout Croyston Benjamin Holliday Dylan Moses Alexandra O’Brien Amahlee Thomas Julia Buswell Dominik Piwowarek James McGee Thomas Lynch Sarah Currell Montana Meek Amity Smith Kirby Watson Julian Pelle Annabella Spratt Sofia Wheildon Carrig Plane Keegan Watson David Cook Dakota Michailidis Seth Roebuck Emily Woodall Jeremy Leeming Aiden Nguyen Chloe Thomas Eden Tansey Alex Banducci Luke McIntosh Luke Di Stefano Archer Durell Harry Gilson Anna Lewis Lily Hearn Faith Ward Sinead Coulter Chelsea Bayntun Curtis Brown Stefan Pelle Imogen Durell Baylee Howard Adam O’Neill Kristen Parrotte Rian Oldham Hayley Thompson Keeva Sixsmith Joshua Moses Kyle Sorensen Merit award recipients will receive their certificate at the Merit Assembly this Friday at 2.30pm.. . OUR LADY OF THE MISSION PARISH WEEKEND MASS TIMES Saturday Sunday 8am 9.30am 6.30pm 11am 5.45pm St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers: We are again hoping to offer festive hampers to struggling local families just prior to Christmas, and request your support with donated goods to make up the hampers. Generous individuals, extended family or friends may sponsor those less well off. Lists of various size families will be available from Saturday November 15th at the rear of the church, along with suggested hamper items. Please sign up, provide your contact details and take an info sheet. Missions Fundraising: We are supporting the Christmas Appeal for Dampier Peninsula Parish, in the Kimberley. Dampier Peninsula Parish serves the Aboriginal Communities of Beagle Bay, Lombadina / Djarindjin and One Arm Point 2-3 hours north of Broome. We are asking for your generosity and support in an effort to raise funds for their Christmas celebrations this year. The money will go towards things like Christmas trees, decorations, a nativity scene, advent wreaths, and gifts for the families of their communities. Christmas is, of course, a very important time of the year for their largely Catholic communities on the Peninsula, but they do find that a lack of finances does affect how much they are able to offer their people during the Christmas celebrations. If you are able to help in any way, I would be ever so grateful. Fr Christopher Knapman said he will send photos and updates to inform us on how our gifts were spent. Contact Jo: 0409 112 501. Please note that the closing date for donations is Sunday 16 November. Altar Servers: You have a new roster to collect from the Sacristy. This now includes all of the children who attended the recent training courses. Please collect promptly so that you do not miss out on your turn. Helping Hands: for students in Years 5 and 6 on Fridays from 5-6pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Lisa on 0481 190 869 for more information or just come along! PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS Dear Parents. Unfortunately we won’t be running a vacation care this year. We will try to run it in the New Year. Connolly, St. Andrews, Joondalup and West Greenwood will be running a vacation care. Please note that Padbury OSHCLUB will be closed from the 22nd of December till the 5th of January. Could all parents please book their children in on-line to avoid us turning anybody away. This enables us to have enough notice to organise extra staff members should our Student/staff ratio need changing each day. The parents have 24 hours to book your children in and 24 hours to cancel the booking. If you cancel your child’s booking before 24 hours you will not be charged. Thankyou for all your understanding and support. OSHCLUB Team Programs contact number. 0478 182 388 PADBURY CARERS Containers are regularly returned to the school office for collection. If you have provided a meal in a container that needs returning please call into the school office and see Helen or Tracy and collect. There is currently a white ceramic dish with a lid waiting for collection. PADBURY CATHOLIC UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours: Wednesday 2.30pm—3.00pm Friday 8.30am—9.00am On-Line orders: Co ordinator: Lisa Heredia COMMUNITY NOTICES SACRED HEART COLLEGE AGM 7.30 pm in the College Staff Room The Annual General Meengs of the College Board and P&F will be held at the College on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Staff Room. In accordance with the Board Constuon, five (5) posions will become vacant on the Board as a result of the term of the exisng members expiring. Being eligible, four (4) members again offer themself for renominaon. Those wishing to nominate are asked to submit a brief biography of no more than 400 words with their Nominaon. The College is a large and diverse enty and scope exists for a variety of persons possessing differing skill sets to contribute to the ongoing growth and success of the College. Skills in the areas of Compliance & Legal, Academic experience, Accountancy, Building, Risk, Markeng, Human Resources and Informaon Technology would be held in high regard. However, those who possess a general will and desire to contribute in any way they can are also most welcome. The College’s Strategic Plan for the period 2014 – 2016 would provide a good basis for understanding where the College is heading; a copy can be accessed at h=p:// Enquiries can be made with the College Business Manager, Mr Stephen Marn, by phone on 9246 8268 or by email to The Board operates under a Constuon which can be found on the College website at: h=p:// Community members wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the Board meeng can also contact the Business Manager. The closing date for nominaons and agenda items is 3.00pm Monday 10 November 2014. Late applicaons and submissions cannot be accepted. College community members are invited to a=end as reports will be provided by the Principal, Board Chairman, Board Treasurer and P&F Chairperson. Stephen Marn For and on behalf of the Board 24 October 2014 COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS! Event: Venue: Date: Time: Carols By Candlelight Sacred Heart College, Hocking Parade, Sorrento 5 December 2014 6.30pm for a 7pm start
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