International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 A Novel Video Enhancement Based on Color Consistency and Piecewise Tone Mapping Keerthi Rajan*1, A. Bhanu Chandar*2 M.Tech Student Department of ECE, K.B.R. Engineering College, Pagidipalli, Nalgonda, T.S, India. Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, K.B.R. Engineering College, Pagidipalli, Nalgonda, T.S, India. ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose a new method intra and inter constraint based video enhancement scheme aiming to achieve high intra frame quality of the entire picture where multiple region of interest can be adaptively and randomly enhanced the all frames of video. To guarantee the inter frame quality of each frame consistencies among the video frames. Here first we analyze the features from different ROIs and create a piecewise tone mapping curve for the entire frame such as intra frame method improves the quality. The proposed a new inter frame constraints method is to improve the temporal quality consistency. improvement in both hardware design and image processing. Nowadays most commercially available webcams are equipped with automatic gain control. Some webcams even perform real time face tracking and use the face area as the region of interest to determine the gain control parameters. There has been a lot of image processing techniques being developed that improve the brightness and contrast of the captured images. Exposure, however, is not the only factor that affects the perceptual quality of a webcam video. As shown in Fig. 1, the images on the left are frames directly obtained from an off-the-shelf webcam. Key words: Intra and Inter Constraint, Tone Mapping, Video Enhancement. I. INTRODUCTION Online video conferencing has attracted more and more interest recently due to the improvements in network bandwidth, computer performance and compression technologies. Webcams are getting popular in home users, allowing them to chat with families and friends over the Internet for free. However, the qualities of webcams vary significantly from one to another. One common issue is that webcams tend to perform poorly under challenging lighting conditions such as low light or back light. In the past several years, we have seen a lot of progress on brightness and contrast ISSN: 2278 – 7798 Fig. 1. Images on the left are input frames captured by two different webcams. Images on the right are the enhanced frames by the proposed method. While the exposures of these frames are both very good, they look pale and unpleasant. Instead, the images on the right are much more All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3062 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 appealing to most users. In TV show filming, it is no secret that stage lighting has to be carefully designed to make the images look visually appealing [3]. The lighting design involves not only the brightness but also the color scheme, because the color tone is essential in the perception of the look of the host and the mood of the stage. Since color tone is more subjective than brightness and contrast, it is difficult to come up with a quantitative formula to define what a visually appealing color tone is. Therefore, existing approaches on examplebased image enhancement often requires a user to select an example image. For instance, Reinhard et al. [6] proposed a color transfer technique to impose one image’s color characteristics on another. The user needs to select an appropriate target image for a given input image to conduct the color transfer. Qiu [5] proposed to apply content-based image retrieval technology to obtain a set of image clusters. Given an input image, its color can be modified by selecting an appropriate cluster as target. They showed that this technique works well for color enhancement of outdoor scenes when the user is available to select an appropriate cluster. However, they did not address the perceptual issue of face images and it is not clear how their technique can be applied to video conferencing scenario. Existing approaches on color balancing based approaches either use a color reference object or try to identify pixels with presumed colors (e.g. white and black) [9], and adjust the color scheme accordingly to restore the original color. These approaches did not address the problem of what is a visually appealing skin tone. In this paper, we propose a data driven approach for video enhancement in video conferencing applications. II. RELATED WORK Since a frame may often contain multiple ROIs, it is desirable for the enhancement algorithm to achieve high intra frame quality of the entire ISSN: 2278 – 7798 Picture where multiple ROIs can be adaptively and simultaneously enhanced. Fig.2. Flowchart of ACB They are not suitable for enhancing videos since the inter frame quality consistencies among frames are not considered. Some state-of-the-art algorithms can be extended for enhancing. Inter frame qualities under some specific applications. For example, Liu et al. proposed a learningbased method for video conferencing where frames share the same tone mapping function if their backgrounds do not change much. Although this method can achieve good inter frame quality in video conferencing scenarios, it cannot be applied to other scenarios if the video backgrounds or contents change frequently. To derici et al. introduced a temporally coherent method by combining the frame feature and the shot feature to enhance a frame. Their method can effectively enhance both the shot change frames and the regular frames. Adaptive Histogram Equalization The AHE process can be understood in different ways. In one perspective the histogram of grey levels (GL’s) in a window around each pixel is generated first. The cumulative distribution of GL’s, that is the cumulative sum over the histogram, is used to map the input pixel GL’s to output GL’s. If a pixel has a GL lower than all others in the surrounding window the output is maximally black; if it has the median value in its window the output is 50% grey.This section proceeds with a concise mathematical description of AHE which can be readily All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3063 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 generalized, and then considers the two main types of modification. The relationship between the equations and different (conceptual) perspectives on AHE, such as GL comparison, might not be immediately clear, but generalizations can be expressed far more easily in this framework. Modified cumulating functions: There are situations in which it is desirable to enhance details in an image without significantly changing its general characteristics. There are also situations in which stronger contrast enhancement is required, but where the effect of standard AHE is too severe. Our aim was to develop a fast and flexible method of adaptive contrast enhancement which could deal with such tasks using few parameters. The version of Gaussian blurring proposed is quite effective, but slow to process because a histogram is processed for each pixel. In this study we considered alternative forms of enhancement by directly specifying alternative cumulation functions. The procedure we set out adds flexibility and is simple, and parameter values can be chosen quite easily. A wide variety of contrast enhancement effects can be obtained using the procedure outlined and choosing different cumulation functions. Any reasonable choice can be accommodated by the Fourier series method, and so the challenge is to develop a simple form which produces a desirable range of effects. System overview: Our hardware prototype consists of two light stands one on each side of the laptop so that both sides of the face are lit equally. Each light stand contains 20 LED lights in 4 different colors: red, green, blue, and white. The LEDs are mounted on a circuit board covered with a diffuser which softens the lighting and makes it less intrusive. The LEDs of the same color are connected to an LED driver. The four LED drivers are connected to a data acquisition controller which is plugged into a laptop’s USB port. The data acquisition ISSN: 2278 – 7798 controller provides a programmable interface allowing applications to adjust the voltages of the LED drivers. Each LED driver is a voltageto-current converter which adjusts the brightness of the LED lights. Exposure and White Light Initialization: When the system is started, it goes to the state of “Exposure and White Light Init.” The system first checks the overall intensity of the image (no face detection yet). If it is too dark, the system sets the voltage of the white LED light to be an initial voltage value. Then the camera exposure is adjusted to ensure reasonable face brightness. Denote Ymin as the minimal intensity value and Ymax as the maximal intensity value, which are set to be 70 and 170, respectively, in our implementation. If the average intensity in the face region is less than Ymin or larger than Ymax, we will increase or decrease the exposure level by one level at a time until the average intensity in the face region Iy falls in between Ymin and Ymax. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM and SIMULATION RESULTS In this paper, a new intra-and-inter-constraintbased (A+ECB) algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm analyzes features from different ROIs and creates a “global” tone mapping curve for the entire frame such that different regions inside a frame can be suitably enhanced at the same time. Furthermore, new inter frame constraints are introduced in the proposed algorithm to further improve the inter frame qualities among frames. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. As mentioned, most existing approaches have various limitations in enhancing videos. It shows enhanced results by modified global histogram equalization algorithm and region based method. Since image is enhanced based on global contrast metric without considering region differences such as face are not properly enhanced. Since region All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3064 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 based method identifies the face region and performs enhancement, the visual enhancement is much improved. The tone mapping function trained from face region will be applied to an entire image; the quality of some other regions such as screen becomes poorer. Fig.3. Block Diagram of the proposed system. Fig.4. The designed video Enhancement system by using MATLAB GUI. Fig.5. selected low resolution input video from data base. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3065 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 The processes of the ACB step can be further described by multiple ROIs are first identified from the input video frame. In this paper, we use video conferencing or video surveillance as example application scenarios and identify ROIs (such as human faces, screens, cars, and whiteboards) based on an Ada Boost-based object detection method. Other object detection and saliency detection algorithms can also be adopted to obtain the ROIs. Fig.6. From selected video frames conversion. Fig.8. Enhanced region of interested area by using ACB proceses. Fig.7. selected region of interest in the frame. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3066 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 Fig.9. Enhanced Region of interested area by using ECB processes. The ECB step can be implemented by the HEMbased framework. In our paper, besides we also propose another ECB step. It compares the enhancement results for different intra frame enhancement methods. Since the colors of the two people are far different to each other, the learning-based method cannot properly enhance both faces simultaneously. As when it enhances the face of one person, the quality of another person’s face becomes unsatisfactory. Although by using the factor based strategy in the tradeoff between the two faces can be improved, it is still less effective in creating a tone mapping curve for enhancing both ROIs. We can see that the face of the right person is still dark in. Comparatively, our ACB algorithm will select the piecewise strategy that calculates a fused piecewise global tone mapping function based on both regions. We can achieve satisfactory qualities in both faces; Moreover, although the original video from each party may have large difference in illumination conditions, the enhancement results of different users are more coherent by our algorithm. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 Fig.10. Enhanced Region of interested area combined intra and inter constraints base tone mapping method. All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 3067 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014 IV. CONCLUSION In this paper we proposed a novel A+ECB scheme for video quality improvement. And also it can be analyzed features from various region of interests (ROIs) are created global tone mapping curve for an entire frame such as both intra and inter quality of frames can be effectively enhanced. Further we can introduce combined intra and inter with color consistency were introduced in the proposed algorithm to further improvement inter frame quality among frames. 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