Hi, My name is Ted Ohlsson, I am currently working and living in Malmö, Sweden. My current position is as a Solution Architect and Business Analyst in the areas of CRM and Marketing automation at Stratiteq AB. Professional Profile In my current poison I am working as a Solution Architect and Business analyst with main focus on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics Marketing and Marketo as platforms. In this role I have one foot in the business and the other foot in the platform/technical side. I development in technical languages such as C# (crm plugins) JavaScript, XML, Fetch XML and in SPSS (creating reports) but my main focus is on keeping the whole solution together and making the system architecture fit the business requirements and needs. In the role as a consultant, I have had the opportunity to work with both bigger companies in bigger projects as well as smaller companies in smaller projects. Personal Profile As a person I am a goal focused person always trying to complete everything I have started. I also have an analytic side, where I don’t want to jump to conclusions without feeling comfortable with all facts, as well as an innovative side where I always try to find new and more effective solutions both to speed up things and to make a difference. These skills are all skills that I use in my daily work. I’m told that my profile has good leadership attributes. I have experience of leadership from my eleven years as a floorball instructor, my job as a lab Supervisor in Malmö University and also from my years as a board member at Burlöv HIBF. I’m still working, developing and using my leadership skills, especially in my current position as a chairman of the board in Burlöv HIBF. Education I have two Bachelor degrees, one in Economics with a focus on the areas of strategy and marketing, and one in Computer Science with a focus on the area of Information Systems. The two different degrees helps me relating and talking in both Business/Economical terms as well as in more technical terms. Best regards, Ted Ohlsson Ted Ohlsson +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com My Microsoft Dynamics Blog A blog containing both user and developer advice and best practices in the area of both Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics Marketing. http://swedenfordynamics.tumblr.com/ My Linked in Page https://www.linkedin.com/in/tedohlsson My CV for Downloading http://TedOhlsson.st/ Attachments Annex 1: Annex 2: Annex 3: Curriculum vitae Score from University Score from Gymnasium Profile Picture of me Ted Ohlsson +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com Curriculum vitae NAME & ADDRESS Ted Ohlsson Östra Promenaden 13B SE-211 28 Malmö, Sweden KONTAKT INFORMATION Mobile E-Mail +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com DATE OF BIRTH February 16, 1988 CIVIL STATE Single EMPLOYMENTS Solution Architect Chairman of the board Board Member Floorball Instructor MS CRM Consultant Implementation Consultant Floorball Instructor Lab Supervisor CFO/Self-employed Homework Assistance Waiter Market Researcher Substitute teacher Military Service Floorball Instructor Preschool Teacher Substitute teacher Substitute teacher Bartender Telemarketer Factory Worker 05 Floorball Instructor 08 INTERNSHIPS Internship Internship Ted Ohlsson Stratiteq AB Burlöv HIBF Burlöv HIBF Stadium Sports Camp Infocube AB/Jeeves Services GoBaby AB Södradal IK Malmö University Senac HB My Academy Scandinavian Service Partner Protoma Research Ljungenskolan Sightings, CV-9040 driver Burlövs HIBF Sandeplanskolan Västra Ingelstads skola Ljungenskolan Bar Me Multipartner AB SEPA Laserteknik Malmö 2014Arlöv 2015Arlöv 2014-15 Norrköping 2009-15 Malmö 2012-14 Täby 2011 Södra Sandby 2011-12 Malmö 2010-12 Malmö 2010-12 Malmö 2009-10 Malmö 2009-10 Sturup 2009-10 Ljunghusen 2009-10 Revingehed 2008 Arlöv 2008-09 Höllviken 2007-08 Västra Ingelstad 2007 Ljunghusen 2007 Bournemouth 2007 Malmö 2006 Lund 2004- Höllvikens IBF Höllviken 2003- Burger King OKQ8 fuel station Höllviken Höllviken 2005 2005 +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com CERTIFICATIONS MS Dynamics Implementations Cornerstone (MB5-705) Malmö 2015 Sales Specialist Assessment (MS CRM 2013) Online Malmö 2015 Presales Technical Specialist Assessment (MS CRM 2013) Online Malmö 2015 MS CRM 2013 Application (MB2-700) Cornerstone Malmö 2014 MS CRM 2011 Application (MB2-868) Add skills Gothenburg 2014 MS CRM 2011 Customization (MB2-866) Add skills Gothenburg 2013 Business systems Block 2 Block 1 The Work experience program 3 years in the Media Program Multipartner AB BUL 1 9 years High school Malmö Malmö Malmö Bournemouth Vellinge Malmö Limhamn 2009-12 2011 2008 2007 2004-07 2006 2003 Ljunghusen 2000-03 EDUCATION University Education Floorball Instructor Course Floorball Instructor Course English course Gymnasium Sails training Floorball Instructor Course Primary/High school Primary school 1995-00 LANGUAGES Swedish English Native speaker Speaks and wrights fluently HOBBIES & INTERESTS Floorball Golf Burlövs HIBF Söderslätts GK Arlöv Vellinge 20102004-06 Floorball Höllvikens IBF Höllviken 1997-09 Trelleborg Vellinge 2006 2005-06 OTHER Driver’s license UF Company Ted Ohlsson Special assignment in gymnasium +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com Ted Ohlsson +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com Ted Ohlsson +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com Ted Ohlsson +46 766 447003 Ted.Ohlsson@Stratiteq.com
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