A WORLD.FAMOUS TABLE There is a table (not one for dinner) that's probably the most famous table of science. (You can find it in your physical science book or on page 119 of this book.) If you learn how to read it, you'll have quick access to important stuff about elements. It's called the Periodic Table (because it's written in rows, called periods). Build your skill at reading the Periodic Table by finding the missing information in the samples below. You can get more practice with the Periodic Table on pages 71,73,74, and 75 of this book. REIUIEMBER: Atomic Number atomic rn&ss = protons + neutrons atomic number = # protons Iement SYmbol Caeeo^t #protons=#electrons Name Atomic Mass a. 1. a. atomic number 79 H Au Hydrogen I Gold t97 b. atomic mass 2. a. element l2 Lead 207 6. a. atomic mass 28 10. a. # electrc;a lt Sodium b. element symbol 9l a. element symbol b. atomic 11. a. atomic b. # neutrons 23 Ra Radon 226 c. element name 8. a. atomic number 78 B Pt Boron Platinum b. element name Zirconium 88 Iron a. atomic number b. element symbol 7. Na 4. Zr 59 Fe 56 b. # protons 40 Nickel b. atomic number 3. a. # protons ll atomic number Ni 24 a. element Pb c, name Mg 5 b. # protons q 82 d. name of element Magnesium 26 # electrons b. # neutroc*q 12. a. 29 Cu b. # neutrons 195 Copper i: l b. # neutron: :i j 64 ------------i.i ...4 .!, :.i! l:l Name The BASIC/NoI Boring Middle Grades Science Book t!: 72 Copyright o2002 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. WHICH ATOM IS WHICH? Lvery kind of atom has its own unique look. All the atoms of an element have this same look. Here's a chance for you to look at some atoms and tell what elements they are. Write the name of ihe element next to each atom. You may need to use the Periodic Table to help you out. (You can ilnd one on page 119 of this book.) B. C. IF E. - H I. *aa l.lame The BASICLNoI Boring Middle Grades Science Book 7l Copyright @2002 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN.
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