of Kindness Random Acts

Kim Cameron/Grand Gazette
Our Community, Our News, Our Paper
West Grand
graduate Cody
Mumma (orange
shorts) knocked
out his opponent
Colton Vaughan
in 11 seconds on
Friday night at the
1st Bank Center
in Broomfield.
Mumma “the
Puma” is a mixed
martial arts
courtesy photo
Thank you to the Kremmling
Fire Department for opening
their doors on Halloween night
to offer games, glow in the dark
necklaces, refreshments and a
tour of the fire station.
Fire Department for making
Kremmling, not just a town, but
a community.
Random Acts of
The Cliffview Assisted Living Center created a Wall of Fame that listed names of veterans with family
members that are either residents or staff members at Cliffview. (L to R) Veterans Adlor Mahon, Bruce
Miller, Tom Stark, Grand County Director of Veteran Services Duane Dailey, and Tiny Gallager.
November 13, 2014 Volume 1 Number 33
Rosalie Wilie
enjoys treats at the
Kremmling Fire
Station open house
on Halloween.
Page 2
November 13, 2014
Letters to the Editor | con’t on page 6
Photo credit Dalene Harthun
Marissa Lorenz/Grand Gazette
Undersheriff John Stein and Sheriff Rod Johnson continue to smile throughout the
November 4 election even though challenger Brett Schroetlin continued to carry the
majority of votes throughout the evening. Schroetlin will be sworn into office on
January 13 at the Court House in Hot Sulphur Springs.
Stein thanks community and supporters
Thank you to all; all of my family, all
of my co-workers and team members, all
of my supporters, and all of the friends
and neighbors in the County. I especially
want to thank my family. I cannot thank
my wife and children enough, all who
were very understanding and reserved
through a long and challenging campaign
for County Sheriff. I am ever so indebted
and grateful to my love, my wife, Heather.
To my children, your hard work and
assistance has been a real life education
and experience that we will never forget.
Your tireless dedication during a difficult
endeavor and your support of my goal is
a great success, regardless of the outcome
and loss of the election. The ups and
downs, the twists and turns, the long
hours and short summer campaigning is
encouraging and inspiring to many. It is
especially dear to me that our family spirit
will not be broken or fractured through
trials and tribulations. Persevering,
overcoming, adjusting, and creating
success after failure is an attribute many
not only envy, but are honored to have
learned and experienced. The sacrifices
that many have made were not for nothing,
will not be forgotten, and will help to better
the community through open discussion
and voicing of opinions.
These differences in opinions and
views are what make us American,
enjoying our Freedoms and way of life here
in God’s Country, Grand County. I was
honored to congratulate Sheriff elect Brett
Schroetlin last Wednesday, the day after
the election. That Wednesday evening, we
even worked a call for service under one
goal and direction together, serving and
protecting our community. A fellow team
member noted that it was paradoxical
that on the call, Brett was working under
my command and yet, in the near future
I would be working under his command.
I replied that regardless of who is in
command, we are all working for the great
people in our community, the people of
Grand County. As public servants, we
advocate for one common goal, working
together professionally in serving and
protecting Grand County.
While we
have had and argued our differences
of opinions, I am asking all to set aside
differences that remain and work together
to reunite our Community, our Sheriff’s
Office, and our common goals to protect,
serve, and better the community that we
all love and cherish. With new challenges
and change, there will be difficult times.
During difficult times, there will be
compromises, bridging of differences,
and new collaborations will be made. I
will lead fellow team members, naysayers,
and others to this new direction with open
minds, open hearts, and compromise in
coming together in comradery.
Change creates many emotions and
responses. Some are fear while others
are elation, with everything in between.
Captivating these emotions will help
drive each other towards success. We all
have many exciting endeavors to look
forward to. Over the next few months,
National Geographic will be filming
our community policing style of law
enforcement for an international television
show. I am very excited to have worked
on this project, been selected, and able to
see this come to fruition. This is not just
an opportunity for the Sheriff’s Office to
shine, it is an incredible opportunity to
showcase all that our community has to
offer. This includes our natural beauty,
our business community, our outdoor
industry and offerings, as well as our cozy
towns and community we love. With this
being about our community and a true
“bigger picture”, I too look forward to the
“bigger picture” of serving Grand County.
John W. Stein
The 99th Middle Park Fair& Rodeo Queen Kaylie Murphy (left) and Princess Erica
Weimer (right) attended the Colorado Association of Fairs and Shows (CAFS)
convention in Colorado Springs last week and had the opportunity to meet Miss Rodeo
Colorado Rhianna Russell (center).
Royalty thanks sponsors and fair board
The Middle Park Fair & Rodeo
royalty would like to thank our Fair Board
for allowing us to go to the Colorado
Association of Fairs and Shows Convention
and helping us to pay for the trip. It was
very educational and beneficial for us.
Other royalty sponsors we would
like to recognize are: Grand Hair Design
and Tanning, WayWest Inc, Carquest of
Granby and Fraser, Northwest Ranch
Supply, Blue Valley Ranch, Windstorm
Ranch, TDS Construction, Jackson
Plumbing, Middle Park Meat, Town and
Country Insurance, County Line Paint,
Fraser Lions Club, Lazy Shamrock,
Never Summer Construction, Mountain
Parks Concrete, Penley Concrete Forming
and Amber Thurow Photography. Your
sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
Kaylie Murphy, Erica Weimer and
Dalene Harthun (royalty superintendent)
Sunday Worship
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transforming lives”
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Holy Eucharist/Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m.
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Page 3
November 13, 2014
Marissa Lorenz/Grand Gazette
Marissa Lorenz/Grand Gazette
Davy Jones stands and is recognized along with all of the
other veterans present for their years of service in the United
States armed forces.
The annual Veterans’ Breakfast held at the Snow Mountain Ranch brought together veterans from across the
county. In concluding the annual event, veterans lined up for gratitude and high-fives from other attendees,
including the Granby Minnesingers at the conclusion of their heartwarming performance of military songs and
Lean on Me.
Holiday Open House
Eliminate High Heating Bills!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Hosted by Flowers by Marcia
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Page 4
November 13, 2014
Kremmling Character: Rachelle (Shelly) McManus
Hello everyone! Welcome to my Healthful
Tidbits corner! Look for me every other week
for great info on food, fitness, and wellness!
How many of you have heard of dry needling?
You may have heard of this new technique, but
may not know much about it.
What is Dry Needling?
Dry needling is a treatment that uses small
filiform needles to release tight muscles with the
goal of permanently reducing muscle pain and
dysfunction. This technique is not being used by many physical therapists
to effectively treat acute and chronic orthopedic and musculoskeletal
Cordie Steele
Exercise Physiologist
Is dry needling painful?
For most people, there is little to no discomfort with the insertion of the
needle. However, once the needle hits the trigger point (muscle knot),
you may experience a “twitch response”, feeling like a quick muscle
cramp. Following this technique, muscle soreness can be felt for 24-48
hours after treatment. The application of heat, exercising, and drinking
plenty of fluids can help reduce soreness.
What is Dry Needling Effective For?
Running Injuries
by Christie Parrott
knows the Wild, Wild
West! Before she developed
the Hodown Apparel line
and opened her successful
business here in Kremmling,
Mcmanus was involved in
FIVE Las Vegas take-down
robberies. “No one got hurt,
but I remember thinking,
when is this going to be
over?” McManus shares.
McManus lived in Las
Vegas for 22 years, where
she worked in banking and
finance. “I wasn’t always
the rodeo ho!” she jokes. Shelly McManus teaches beginning yoga on Tuesdays
While in Vegas, McManus in the Bumgarner building at 5:30 p.m. Courtesy photo.
took boxing with a personal
trainer, who recommended yoga to beauty of the area and the fantastic time I’d
improve her flexibility. She fell in love always had helped me to decide to move
with it. McManus certified as an instructor here.”
in 2010, but felt the 36-hour course wasn’t
McManus opened Hodown Apparel’s
enough, so she flew to India and trained for flagship store this past May, and these days
an additional 200 hours. “Yoga provides a you can see her knee-deep in snowmobile
focused center,” McManus explains.
gear for winter. “I love the store. It was
Speaking of center, McManus important for me to have a place for locals
genuinely feels like Kremmling is “the that offers great selection and prices.”
center of the universe!” McManus often
Whether you want to learn how to
drove through Kremmling to visit friends balance your accounting books or even
on her way to various shows in Grand balance one on your head, McManus is
County. “It was the Trough Road that absolutely a Kremmling character with a
sucked me in,” McManus explains. “The lot to share.
Achilles Tendonitis
Shin Splints
Plantar Fasciitis (Foot Pain)
IT Band Syndrome
Hamstring Strain
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Disk and Nerve problems
Neck pain
Rotator Cuff
Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Upper Back and Shoulder
Low Back and Hip Pain
Low Back pain
Herniated or Bulging Disk
Dry Needling is now being offered at Middle Park Medical Center!
Be sure to check back in two weeks for some more great tidbits!
Until next time… Cordie
Cordie Steele
Exercise Physiologist, MPMC-Granby & Kremmling
“Disclaimer: Please consult with your medical provider if you have any medical
conditions for any special considerations or exceptions.”
Peanut Butter
Is peanut butter a good superfood to highlight? It does contain over 19 vitamins and
minerals, two grams of fiber, seven grams of protein, and no cholesterol - all in just the
very small two tablespoon serving size. The catch is that in two tablespoons you also get
190 calories and 16 grams of fat. I believe peanut butter can be a great choice for toddlers
and kids, adults needing a calorie boost, and those that can control their portions. Also, it
is a great nutrition bang for your buck. You get all this nutrition at just $0.18 per serving.
Last Time ‘Round
Kremmling Town Square
Happy Thanksgiving
Come check out all of our Holiday items!
Page 5
November 13, 2014
High speed chase demonstrates
cooperative effort
At about 6:20 p.m. on November 5, a
Trooper with the Colorado State Patrol
(you may have to call CSP to get the best
details) attempted to stop a vehicle on the
west end of Byers Canyon on highway
40. The driver left his car and took off
on foot. Colorado State Patrol requested
assistance in locating the driver. The
Grand County Sheriff’s Office, Granby
Police Department, Colorado Parks and
Wildlife, and Union Pacific assisted in
locating and arresting the driver. The
driver was arrested at approximately 7:42
p.m. Christopher Carnahan, 30 year old
Granby male, was booked into the Grand
County Jail by the Colorado State Patrol
on charges of driving under the influence,
a misdemeanor; speeding, a traffic
infraction A; vehicular eluding, a class
five felony; resisting arrest, a class two
misdemeanor; reckless endangerment, a
class three misdemeanor; reckless driving,
a class two traffic offense; and driving
when license revoked, a misdemeanor.
Sanitation District budget update
The Kremmling Sanitation District
is nearing completion of its budget
preparation for the 2015 fiscal year. The
proposed budget was discussed during
the public hearing at the November 10
board meeting. The budget summarizes
the revenues and expenses the district
expects during 2015. A rate increase
for the monthly service charges for
residential and commercial customers has
been proposed as part of the budget. The
monthly rates are proposed to increase
$1.00 per month for all customers to
$39.00 per month. The overage charge
for commercial customers is proposed to
increase by $1.50 to $4.50 per thousand
gallons of water used over the base
amount of 6,000 gallons per month. The
board continued the rate increase public
hearing to the December 8, 2014 meeting
at 7:15 pm.
The public is encouraged to look
over the proposed budget and provide
comments to the Board. Copies of the
proposed budget are available at the Town
Hall. Final adoption of the 2015 budget
will be at the December 8, 2014 Board
meeting. Any new rates adopted would
be effective December 16, 2014. Any
customer within the district may, at any
time prior to the final adoption of the
budget, provide comments or suggestions
on the budget. For further information
on the proposed rate increases or the
proposed budget, please contact Rich
Rosene, District Manager, at 724-3249.
Marissa Lorenz/Grand Gazette
GRAND PROFILE - Grand County Commissioner Elect Kris Manguso, County
Community Development Director Ed Moyers, Kremmling Town Manager Mark
Campbell, Grand Profile consultant Chris Cares of RRC Associates in Boulder
and Peter Gach of the Grand County Board of Realtors participate in small group
discussion at last week’s Grand Profile presentation at Ski Granby Ranch.
Preliminary data was presented last week
from the information collected to date by
the Grand Profiles residential and business
surveys. Surveys are still being collected
and can be completed by visiting http://
There's still time to register to attend this year’s final Health Equity Learning Series luncheon on Wednesday,
November 19, 2014, with a presentation from Dolores E. Roybal and Yvonne Sandoval.
Dolores E. Roybal (left), PhD, MSW, is executive director of the Con Alma Health Foundation, a health equity
funder with a focus on serving rural, tribal and culturally diverse communities in New Mexico. A New Mexico native,
Dr. Roybal currently serves on the boards of Grantmakers in Health and the New Mexico Association of
Grantmakers, and is a senior fellow with the New Mexico Center for the Advancement of Research, Engagement
and Science on Health Disparities.
Yvonne Sandoval (right), MSW, is executive director of El Valle Women’s Collaborative, which works toward
economic development and health and wellness in northern New Mexico. She co-founded and led Sixth Sun
Consulting, which served over 70 local and national nonprofit and for-profit organizations. A Colorado native with
family roots in New Mexico, she also serves as an adjunct faculty at the University of Denver.
Dr. Roybal and Ms. Sandoval will discuss their experience in addressing health inequities in rural communities,
specifically highlighting key challenges and potential solutions.
Wednesday, November 19th
11:15-12:30 – Speaker viewing begins at 11:30
214 S. 4th St
Kremmling, CO 80459
LUNCH PROVIDED ~ Please let us know if you have any special dietary needs. Register for the luncheon by
Monday, November 17th by contacting Elizabeth Hutches at 724-3148 or emailing ehutches@mpmc.org.
The Colorado Trust – www.coloradotrust.org
Order today for
that special cook!
Flowers by Marcia
202 Park Ave., Kremmling, CO 80459 | (970) 724-1185
Page 6
November 13, 2014
Letters to the Editor continued
Campbell encourages community to stay
informed and come together
WOW, what a day November 4, 2014
was, it looks like it will go down in history
as one of the most volatile campaigns and
most voted elections, locally, statewide
and nationally, in many years. This was
a mid-term election, just think what the
2016 election will bring to us.
Speaking of history, remember all
that we have been through these past
few months IS HISTORY. Maybe your
candidate won or maybe they lost. Now
is the time we must set those feelings and
emotions aside and come together. We
must come together behind the winning
candidate and support them. Let them
know what we think and what we would
like to see done. If needed remind them
how they got there and how we can send
them home.
Remember our system of government
is still the best in the world. We each
have a vote and need to exercise that
right as was done on November 4, 2014.
We need to keep that passion burning in
the upcoming elections locally, statewide
and nationally. Those elected need to
remember we voted them in and we can
vote them out. So, as we look forward to the 2016
elections, do your home work starting
today so you can be an informed voter
in 2016. Ask those tough questions of
the candidates as they start to make
themselves known. We as citizens of the
United Sates of America can and should
hold our elected leaders feet to the fire.
They work for us and sometimes need to
be reminded of that fact.
I have heard many people talk about
different legislation and government
actions that have been forced on them.
Many have talked about the Constitution
and our rights being altered and taken
away by the chosen few in Washington.
If we work hard and work together we can
bring about the change we want to see. If
we sit in our overstuffed chair watching
TV or playing video games, we will not
bring about change. If you have not read
the Constitution of the United States of
America and the Bill of Rights or it has
been a long time since you have, take
time to do it today.
Remember it is OUR country and
they are OUR elected leaders and THEY
need to follow the desires of those who
elected them. Be an informed citizen and VOTE.
Jim Campbell
Hubert, NC
Photo courtesy of Omni Real Estate
The 10th Annual Omni Real
Estate Great Pumpkin Giveaway
Coloring Contest Winners!!
(L to R) Lachelle Lee, Isaiah Longwedel, Zeke Seltzer, Bella Ilgner, Jasmine Galloway,
Parker Monk, Caitlyn Corcoran, Hannah Gale, Amara Miranda & Drew Gilley. Our
giveaway was a HUGE success thanks to Kremmling Mercantile, Walgreens, Target
in Silverthorne, Walmart in Frisco, City Market in Granby and West Grand K-8 for all
their generous donations. Thank you Kremmling for your participation and support!!!
Keeping LIFE Grand
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Dr. McCaulley
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Happy Thanksgiving
Dr. Paden
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Page 7
November 13, 2014
Kim Cameron/Grand Gazette
OPEN HOUSE - Over 50 people gathered for the Middle Park 4-H Open House last
week. The informative session began with an overview of 4-H then allowed everyone to
speak with existing clubs. The next 4-H open house will be in Granby on Wednesday,
November 19. For more information, about 4-H and to enroll call 970-724-3436.
Photo courtesy of Amber Lemon
TOP-SELLER! Mason Lemon, Sharp Shooters 4-H member, was the top seller for
raffle tickets and won a shooting vest for his efforts.
Photo credit Karen Hammer
Harthun went to pick up her 4-H steer for next fair. The steer was donated by Dave and
Karen Hammer of the Peak Ranch. Coincidentally, the steer that was chosen by the
Harthun family was from a cow from the Acord family in Yampa. Taylin had chosen a
steer that was a direct descendant from her great grandpa’s herd. The Hammers had
purchased cows from Duane Acord nine years ago. In another coincidence, Dave and
Karen had also purchased four bulls from Taylin’s grandma, Francine Acord Brown
of 191 Livestock “What is the chance that out of 1,100 cows we chose one from one
of my grandpa’s cows when there was only 80 left, and that there is a large chance it is
from my mother’s bull?” asked Taylin mom’s Dalene. (L to R) Dalene Harthun, Tally
Harthun, Joe Harthun, Taylin Harthun and Dave Hammer. The Hereford cross in
the background is Taylin’s new steer named Angus.
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Page 8
November 13, 2014
Marissa Lorenz/Grand Gazette
AWARD WINNING TEACHERS - Emmylou Harmon, Elizabeth Bauer and Kay
West Grand Teachers recognized for excellence
by Marissa Lorenz
Three West Grand teachers were
recently recognized as going the extra
mile at the Northwest Colorado Boards
of Cooperative Educational Services
(BOCES) 2014 COLLAB regional
professional development day.
Kay Townsend, Elizabeth Bauer and
Emmylou Harmon were awarded with
the extra MILE, or Motivational and
Inspirational Leaders and Educators
award for West Grand Elementary, Middle
School and High School respectively.
The new award is an especially
notable privilege as the winners were
peer-nominated. “It is very touching to be
nominated by peers who understand what
the work is,” observed Townsend, a West
Grand second grade teacher. “It came at a
perfect time. I am honored and rejuvenated
by their support.”
Of Townsend, coworkers praised her
as, “consistently positive” and “always
putting students first.” She was appreciated
for her daily emails, which “encourage and
elevate her colleagues,” and her practice of
consistently “setting a high bar.”
Teachers at West Grand Middle School
nominated English teacher Liz Bauer as a
teacher of excellence for her willingness to
“always help out and volunteer her time”
in supporting kids. She was recognized as
being “quick to give advice,” “not afraid to
ask questions,” and “a shining example of
what we hope our young ladies to become.”
Emmylou Harmon, West Grand math
and science teacher, was celebrated by
her coworkers as being “irreplaceable.”
“She works harder than three teachers
read, identifying her greenhouse sale,
experiential field trips and teacher potlucks
as examples of how she “makes the whole
In addition to the award and
recognition in front of their Northwest
Colorado regional colleagues, the teachers
each received a $100 Amazon gift card to
be used on what they wish – “preferably
something to treat themselves,” said
Suzanne Stuart of the NW Colorado
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Photo credit Emmylou Harmon
SCIENTIFIC METHOD Freshman Grady McCallister learns about the scientific
method in Physical Science with Alka-Seltzer rockets. The rockets are propelled by the
Alka Seltzer and students constructed a hypothesis and identified variables. This was
McCallister’s second launch.
Thursday, November 13
• 7:30 pm, Youth Group, MS
Friday, November 14
• 7:45 am- 12 pm, Kremmling Rec
- Silverthorne Swimming, Meet
at K-8
Saturday, November 15
• 6 pm, AWANA, K-8 bldg East
Entrance, Mustache Night
Monday, November 17
• 4:15 - 5:30 pm, CATCH Session
Two Starts, K8
Tuesday, November 18
• 3:00 - 4:30 pm, ABC Fundraising
Pick Up, K8 Science Lab
• 4 pm, Homework Club, MS
• 4:30 pm, MS Boys Basketball @
Steamboat Springs
Wednesday, November 19
• 4:15 pm, Girl Scouts Meeting, K8
Community Room
Thursday, November 20
• 4:30 pm, MS Boys Basketball @
Home vs Hayden
• 7:30 pm, Youth Group, MS
• Nov 26....Thanksgiving Break
• Nov 27....Thanksgiving
• Dec 4......Create a Craft Night, K8
• Dec 6......Kremmling Preschool
Craft Fair
• Youth Basketball League
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Page 9
November 13, 2014
Chalice Dozier White/Grand Gazette
and Brock Soderberg perform at the middle and high school concert on November 5.
Photo credit Emmylou Harmon
WGHS COLORADO RIVER WATCHERS - New Colorado River watchers were on
location during a rainy fall day to learn what is expected of them. The river watching
is under the guidance of Emmylou Harmon, and students learn to test for alkalinity,
dissolved oxygen, pH, hardness, and they take the river temperature once a month. The
data is then added to the water quality database through the Colorado River Watch
Program. Selected students test water quality every month for one year and then train
new testers. Students volunteer during the summer months to continue data collection.
(L to R) Kassidy Ramirez, Marilyn Modak, Charlee Manguso and Robert Amaro.
Photo credit Emmylou Harmon
HerWorld STEM day - The young ladies attended DeVry HerWorld STEM conference
and met with women that currently work in science, technology, engineering, and math
fields. They learned what types of skills were needed, about their college lives and their
current and past employee responsibilities. The ladies then listened to two wonderful
keynote speakers and built a recording device with snap circuitry. After the conference
we attend a Hammond’s Candy Tour and learned about candy making.
Photo credit Emmylou Harmon
TULIP BULBS TO BLOOM IN SPRING- Victor Castillo, Kayla DeSanti and Mahae
Gish plant red tulips in honor of Red Ribbon Week and to pledge a drug-free lifestyle.
* Candy
West Grand School District Menu
Monday, November 17
Tuna Casserole, Peas & Carrots, Wheat Roll
Tuesday, November 18
Beef Burrito, Refried Beans, Sour Cream & Salsa
Wednesday, November 19
Chicken Parmesan on a Wheat Bun, Mixed Vegetables
Thursday, November 20
Sloppy Joes on a Wheat Bun, Corn
* Milk, Fruit & Salad Bar provided daily
**Sponsored by Our Hometown Bank**
*Jewelry *Baked Goods
*Soaps *Clothes
*Decor *Books
*much More!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Santa from 10:00-2:00
Silent Auction
West Grand High School
Sponsored by and benefitting the:
Page 10
West Grand
middle school
strong season
The West Grand boys played SoRoCo
at home on November 6. The 6th graders
won 24-12, 7th graders lost 16-22 and the
8th graders won 47-40. The boys then
traveled to Hayden on Saturday, November
8 and came home with a sweep. The 6th
graders won 19-4, 7th graders won 35-12
and the 8th graders won 37-20. The Colts
also played November 11. The 6th & 7th
graders traveled to North Park and both
came away with a win. Sixth graders won
16-13, and 7th graders won 22-16. The 8th
graders traveled to East Grand and also
won 32-30 in a nail bitter.
CPW reminds boaters
to winterize boats
Photo credit Cassidy Henderhan
Eighth graders Luis Dominguez (23)
and Tom Henderhan (1) connect with an
inbound pass against East Grand. The
Colts were victorious.
Youth basketball league registrations
The Grand County Youth Basketball
League is now taking registrations for
the league which begins with practices on
Monday, January 5, 2015. This league is
open to all children in 3rd through 6th grade,
with practices during the week and five
Saturdays of games. The games will start
November 13, 2014
on Saturday, January 24, with February 28
being the final game day. Registrations
are now being taken until teams are full.
For more information on the league,
league fees, or to register, please call your
local recreation office - Kremmling Town
Hall at 724-3249.
Garlic Mushroom Ribeyes
4 boneless ribeye steaks (1 inch thick)
4 – 8 garlic cloves, peeled & sliced
1 lb fresh sliced mushrooms
3 Tbsp beef broth
4 Tbsp butter divided
¼ tsp pepper
1/8 tsp salt
Sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper. In a large skillet, melt 1 Tbsp butter. Cook the
steaks for 2 minutes on each side or until meat reaches doneness you prefer. (medium
rare , med or well done). Remove and keep warm. In same skillet, cook the garlic in
1 Tbsp butter for two minutes. Remove garlic and set aside. Add mushrooms and
remaining butter to skillet; sauté for 5 minutes and then stir in broth. Bring to a boil;
cook and stir over high heat until liquid is absorbed. Add reserved garlic and stir all
together. Serve over your steaks and enjoy.
Boats can be a big investment
that pays great dividends if
properly maintained (think fun,
sun, family, and friends!). Before
its too late, Colorado Parks
and Wildlife (CPW) reminds
Coloradoans to winterize boats
prior to storage so dividends of
fun keep paying when the boat is
back on the water.
anxious to get back on the water
Kim Cameron/Grand Gazette
in the spring,” says CPW Boating
Safety Manager Kris Wahlers Boats are tucked away for the winter and ice
“It can be really disappointing fishing and snowmobiling enthusiasts greet the
when they find out their boat first snows of the winter.
isn’t working because of a
mechanical issue. A stalled boat is not only for professional advice or assistance.
inconvenient and usually costly, it could be Completing smaller services like these
now can help to avoid serious problems
a big safety problem too.”
CPW’s Boating Safety Program next spring.
•Store the boat safe. Keep the boat
suggests several ways to winterize boats.
wrapped or indoors to prevent
•First, it is important to get water
of water or snow. If snow
out before a hard freeze (temperatures
cover, knock it off before
at or below 28 degrees Fahrenheit or -2
as it could break the
degrees Celsius). If water is inside a sealed
container, it won’t necessarily evaporate
“This is also a great time too get your
and needs to be drained. If not drained, the
water turns to ice at these temperatures 2015 boating registration,” adds Wahlers.
causing expansion and possible damage “Registering your boat now or over the
to the container. If that container is the winter will ensure you have registration in
engine, manifolds, water pumps, ballast hand and ready go for the first trip of the
tanks, or bilge, there will be a lot of repairs season!”
to be done before any future boating.
Ensuring your boat is registered
•Another winterizing task is to put prevents an unwanted investment in
the appropriate amount of marine fuel additional fees and fines.
stabilizer in the tank and top it off. This
Learn more http://cpw.state.co.us/
helps keep the water out and fuel healthy thingstodo/Pages/boat.aspx.
as the boat sets for a few months without
Colorado Parks and Wildlife manages
the engine running. Adding an additive 42 state parks, more than 300 state wildlife
to the fuel and fogging the cylinders also areas, Colorado’s wildlife, and a variety of
helps to keep the engine in good condition outdoor recreation. Get your CPW park
as well.
passes, camping, recreational vehicle
•Finally, change the oil and gear lube registration and hunting and fishing
prior to winter boat storage. Getting out licenses online at cpw.state.co.us.
the old lubricants also helps to get out
Like us on Facebook at https://www.
any water that may have collected there. facebook.com/ColoradoParksandWildlife
Restoring oil and lube to proper levels
ensure the water stays out. When draining COParksWildlife
fluids, be sure to look for metal shavings
For more news about Colorado Parks
or signs of water, so they can be addressed and Wildlife go to: http://cpw.state.co.us
prior to storage. If there just doesn’t seem
For more information about Colorado
to be time to winterize your boat, the tasks
Parks and Wildlife go to: http://cpw.state.
seem daunting, or a serious issue arises,
call your local factory authorized center
Congratulations to Grand County’s athletes for
a wonderful season, and memorable broadcasts from
James Newberry and Gary Redfield!
Stay tuned for upcoming
sports broadcasts for the winter season.
Live Broadcast on KRKY are
made possible by our supportive local sponsors:
Grand Mountain Bank, Mountain Parks Electric,
Alpine West Office Supply,
Town & Country Insurance,
and Brickhouse 40.
Tune in to KRKY ‘Colorado Country’ at 930 AM, 101.9 FM, or alwaysmountaintime.com/krky
Page 11
Pee Wee Assisted
1. Markey Hren
2. Riley Mahon
3. Bayley Frazier Pee Wee Unassisted
1. Penny Myer
2. Tally Harthun
3. Stran Lechman
4. Flint Krempin
5. Kenna Wall
6. Sego Krempin
7. Quinn Miller
8. Lexi Petefish
9. Teagan Bruchez
1. Sage Lechman
2. Foster Krempin
3. Taylin Harthun
4. Sara Lechman
5. Audrey Wheatley
6. Allie VanBemmelen
7. Grace Wahl
8. Lucy Bruchez
9. Taylor Martinson
10. Aspyn Frazier
11. Caitlyn Corcoran
12. Haley Miller
1. Maddie VanBemmelen
2. Emma DeSanti
3. Bailey Martin
1. Brianna Swope
2. Madison DeCicco
3. Emma Auger
4. Jacey Murphy
5. Kayla DeSanti
6. Bixby Daugherty
November 13, 2014
Bits N’ Spurs Final Standings
1. Amanda Hren
2. Kelly Palmer
3. Sheridan Myer
4. Tracy Frazier
5. Holly Hester
6. Dalene Harthun
Senior 1. Helen Royal
2. Sarah Miller
3. Jessie Schultz
4. Angel DeCicco
5. Julie Martin
6. MJ Skelly
7. Michele DeSanti
Senior +
1. Sheri Palmer
2. Audrey Schultz
3. Jeannine Jones
4. Shirl Rogers
5. Anne Auger
Photo credit Jessie Schultz
MINI GROUP - (Top L to R) Taylor Martinson, Grace Wahl, Audrey Wheatley, Foster
Krempin, Sara Lechman, Allie VanBemmelen, Sage Lechman (Bottom L to R) Caitlyn
Corcoran, Luci Bruchez, Aspyn Frazier and Haley Miller.
The Bits N’ Spurs gymkhana series is made possible by organizers Audrey Schultz and Jessie Schultz, and the
following who have donated their time and money - Grand Foundation, Lion’s Club Foundation of Fraser
Valley, Blue Valley Ranch, Todd & Amanda Hammerlund, ATH Specialties, Northwest Ranch Supply, Almgren
Family, Central Colorado Vet Service Dr. Annie Schultz DVM, Duane & Jeannine Jones, Sheridan Myer &
Family, Kittie Docheff Family, The Auger Family, Carquest Parts & Equipment, The DeCicco Family, The
Harthun Family, Grand Hair Design & Tanning, Elaine Henrekin, Indian Creek Leather Company, Rick and
Amanda Wahl, The Martin Family, Ozzie’s Underground, Curt & Jane Reed, Troublesome Horse Rescue,
Sue Pratt, The Lechman Family, Grand Appraisal Service, Markey/Hren/French families, High Country
Stampede & Winter Park Horseman’s Association - Janet Engel, Helen Royal, Top Knot Engineering,
Tish & Tony Krempin, Rocky Mountain Scents by Dalene, Jim Higginbotham, The DeSanti Family,
Grand County Road & Bridge, Murdoch’s, Heather Hutchison in Silverthorne, Grand County Board of
County Commissioners, Lurline Underbrink Curran, Murphy’s Irish Pub, Todd & Taura Perdue, Perdue
Specialties, MJ Skelly & Lily, Bixby Daugherty, John & Tasha Miller, Bernie, Chris & Jacey Murphy, One
More Truck –Trey Linke Family, Sarah and Dave Miller Family, Colorado Custom Service, Tracy Frazier
Family, Shirl Rogers, Guy Granger, Laura VanBemmelen, Caroline Smith, Travis Hoelesi, Caitlyn Taussig
and Pat Pryor.
Photo credit Jessie Schultz
Peewee winners Markey Hren and Riley
Thank you,
Grand County voters!
-Thanks to my campaign team
for all your hard work and support.
-Thank you Sheriff Rod Johnson
for your service to Grand County.
-Thank you John Stein
for your personal commitment to this election.
Grand County Sheriff Elect
Going to work for all of Grand County
Tri -River Ace
720 Tyler Ave. | Kremmling
Same Day Service from Denver on Special Ordered Parts
~Welding Gases &
~Hydraulic Hoses
~ Marine Par ts
~Trailer Par ts
~Heav y Duty Truck ,
Trac tor & Industrial
Par ts
~BG Produc ts
Ladies Night
Friday, November 21st, 6-8 pm
Chocolate Decadence & More!
Page 12
November 13, 2014
Meeting the Need: Building Capacity for Early Childhood, Economic Growth in Grand County
by Katy Lois, MPH
With the closure of multiple childcare
providers in the last year, parents of young
children are struggling to find accessible,
high-quality childcare in Grand County.
The need to build early childhood capacity
has become increasingly dire, and yet the
problem often goes unlabeled as an issue
of Grand County’s economic development.
Nonetheless, several leaders are joining
together to invest in further growth of the
local early childhood system, highlighting
the effects it will have on our workforce
and general community immediately as
well as in coming years.
Defining the Need
Understanding the need to build
early childhood capacity begins in an
examination of the data. The population
of children aged 0 to 5 in Grand County
is estimated at 658. That said, the current
number of licensed childcare slots in
Grand County is 263 and dropping, down
over 18% from last year. Statistically,
this means that there is now only one
childcare slot for every 2.5 children aged
0-5 in the community. Such a ratio is,
itself, inadequate to meet the needs of
the community, but when other real-life
logistics are factored in, however, the
access situation is actually much worse.
Consider the county’s dispersed geography,
for example. If a family is living and
working in Winter Park, but the nearest
open childcare slot is in Kremmling, that
family would have to drive 191 miles every
day just to drop off and pick up their child.
This can hardly be considered accessible.
Moreover, not every slot is available
for every child. Depending on the
policies and licensing of each childcare
center, slots are designated for infants,
toddlers, walking toddlers, potty-trained
toddlers, or preschoolers. So the age and
developmental stage of a child limits the
number of available childcare slots even
further. In fact, at the moment there is not
a single licensed infant slot available in
Grand County, creating a crisis situation
for those who have or are about to have
a baby.
There are also no licensed
providers offering evening or weekend
care in the county, a fact that is particularly
devastating to the many parents working
in the tourism industry.
In addition to the limited availability
of licensed childcare is the cost. This
June, the Colorado Children’s Campaign,
the Women’s Foundation of Colorado,
and Qualistar Colorado released a report
documenting Grand County as having the
5th highest childcare costs of any county in
Colorado (comparing the average cost of
care to the median income for a married
couple). This means that, on average,
obtaining childcare in Grand County costs
couples 14.81% of their combined income.
When the limited availability of nearby
slots is paired with these high costs,
the overall accessibility of childcare for
families in the community drops further.
Weighing the Need
The numbers are clear: the situation is
grim for working parents of young children
in Grand County. Yet this is much more
than a parent problem. In fact, the full
repercussions of this situation ripple out
to the entire community. This is because
early childhood, from a community
perspective, is largely an issue of economic
development. Parents comprise a large
percentage of the community’s viable
workforce, and hence the well-being of
our local economy depends on them. Yet
without accessible childcare available for
their children; absenteeism, tardiness,
and turnover rates abound. Without a
high-quality, stable environment for their
children; calls from home, stress, and
other distractions are causing drops in onthe-job productivity for the large parent
sector of the workforce.
In some cases, even if high-quality,
nearby childcare is available for a parent,
the cost of care is so high relative to their
wages that the parent is actually losing
money by continuing to work. Instead
of contributing to the economy, capable
workers in the community are remaining
unemployed, simply because it would be
irrational for them to “pay” to work. Then
there is the issue of attracting and keeping
professional talent in the community, yet
few working professionals with a family
choose to move and stay in a place where
there is nowhere for their child to go.
Jessica Smolleck, Childcare Resource
and Referral Specialist for Grand
Beginnings, has the data to show that these
situations are more than mere suppositions.
“Right now, Grand County is in a childcare
crisis.” She remarks, “In the last six
months, I have received at least 30 contacts
from parents trying to find care for their
child. The year is only halfway over, and
already the number of calls is over 300%
the total in 2012. Parents are panicking.
They call me up all excited about a new job
offer, then hang up exasperated. In their
view, the job isn’t available to them until
accessible childcare is also available.”
Yet these are only the immediate
effects of Grand County’s early childhood
situation, since the community-wide
effects of the early childhood system are
generational as well. Research shows that
every $1 dollar invested in early childhood
brings $10 back to a community, a return
on investment higher than that averaged
in both the stock and real estate markets.
Young children in Grand County are
more than just tiny beings that require
They are investments,
and they will form the workforce that
determines the future success of this
community. This means, however, that
we need more than just childcare for these
individuals, we need high-quality early
education to be accessible for masses of
young children in Grand County. Without
it, the overall efficiency of our economy
and development of our community is
hindered, now and into the future.
Addressing the Need
Leaders in the county not only
recognize the importance of this issue,
but have mobilized in search of viable
solutions. Action is forthcoming.
Recognizing the degree to which
their local economy stands to prosper,
the Grand Lake Chamber of Commerce
is increasingly focusing on the issue of
early childhood. Grand Lake is currently
without a single licensed childcare
provider, meaning that families there must
either stay home with their kids, drop their
kids off at a neighbor’s house, or drive 64
to 124 miles each day to find the nearest
early childhood center. Entering into
meetings with Grand Beginnings, Grand
Lake has been identified as having an
open market for high-quality childcare.
“It’s about ensuring healthy development
of children in the area, but it’s also
about local job creation for a committed
individual,” stated Grand Beginnings in
a presentation to the Chamber’s Board,
“We have resources available to those who
are interested--professional development
scholarships, start-up funds, and free
quality improvement coaching. The trick
in a rural community is finding interested
and dedicated entrepreneurs.”
Eternal Hills Christian Preschool
has partnered with Grand Beginnings to
create four new infant slots opening up
this month, increasing infant childcare
capacity by 20% in Grand County. Made
possible via a grant partnership between
Grand Beginnings and Grand County
Social Services, Eternal Hills is receiving
approximately $12,000 to open two new
classrooms by January 2015 to build
further capacity for infant and toddler
care. The expansion has already added one
new staff member and will create up to
five more early childhood jobs the county
by the time the project is finished.
Beginnings is arranging to allocate funds
to assist with the opening of two new
licensed childhood providers in high-need
areas of the county. The organization
is also in the process of administering
$14,000 to fund the quality improvement
and rating process for six other Grand
County early childhood providers, a
testament to the fact that it isn’t just about
sheer capacity, but the quality of care that
can be maintained at that capacity.
“The need to bolster the early childhood
system in Grand County still exists, but
with that need lies many opportunities
which we are working to advance,”
Grand Beginnings issued in a general
statement, “It’s best for the children of
our community but also for our local
economy. The sooner employers and other
leaders in the community capitalize on this
concept, the better for all of us.” For more
information on this subject, contact Grand
Beginnings at 970-725-3391 or health@
Page 13
November 13, 2014
Tree Seedlings For Sale
Listed below are the real estate transactions recorded with Grand County during the
month of October in Kremmling and Old Park. This information was provided by RE/
Max Red.
1) Seller – Express Homes LLC to Buyer - Gavlin Holms Bohall
Price - $165,000 in Gore City
2) Seller – Joseph G Berger to Buyer - Adam R Tanton
Price - $139,000 in Grand West
3) Seller – Roy N Enter to Buyer- Highlands Investment Group
Price - $154,000 in Gore Range
Old Park
1) Seller – Elizabeth C Weber to Buyer - From Up Above Inc
Price - $217,000 in Old Park
This information was obtained from the Grand County Clerk and Recorder for dates
10/1/14 to 10/31/14, all reported sales were not necessarily listed or sold by Re/Max Red
and are intended only to show trends in the area.
Re/Max Red looks forward to providing you sales information
The Middle Park Conservation District
is once again offering tree seedlings for
sale to landowners wishing to conserve
their properties. Seedlings are grown at
the Colorado State Forest Service Nursery
in Fort Collins and can be purchased in
bulk for really low prices. Seedlings
come in packages of 1, 10, 25, 30, or 50
trees and range in size from 5 inches to
14 inches tall. There is no minimum
acreage size, so landowners of all sizes
can purchase seedlings. There are also
some new variety packs, tall potted trees,
and perennials available for sale this year
that haven’t been offered in the past.
Tree seedlings can be utilized for a
variety of conservation projects. They
can help stabilize soil on barren ground
or steep slopes; reestablish logged forests;
or grow up to be living windbreaks for
livestock or households. Tree seedlings
will be available for purchase through the
Middle Park Conservation District until
next spring; however, some species in
particular sell out quickly. Thus, it is best
All trees will be delivered to Grand
and Summit County in May 2015.
Please contact Katlin Miller with the
Middle Park Conservation District at
970.531.0127 or middleparkcd@gmail.
You can also download the 2015
Order Form and Info Sheets at www.
Starla’s Kitchen
Fr e s h C
innam on R olls - M ade to Order
Rebecca Guthrie, Broker / Owner (970) 485-4141,
rguthrie@remax.net or Amber Lemon, Associate
Broker (970) 531-2149, amber@amberlemon.com
1/2 dozen - $8.00
1 dozen - $15.00
Call or text Starla at 970-531-6517
Sunday, November 23rd, 2014
100 YD., 200 YD.
All sighting in to be done by 10 a.m.
We are now at
404 Park Avenue | Kremmling
(across from our old location).
Broker/Owner - Rebecca Guthrie | (O) 724-5813 | (C) 485-4141
27 Miles North of Silverthorne
11 Miles South of Kremmling
at Mile Post 128.1 on Colorado Hwy 9
Sponsored by
for more information call
Steve at 970-724-9368
Page 14
November 13, 2014
Wolford Report | Salmon
by Jeff Miller, Lake Skipper
Now that’s a bucket of fish!!! Colorado State Parks & Wildlife have surpassed 1
million harvested Kokanee salmon eggs at Wolford. Fish biologist Jon Ewert is hoping
Wolford produces 2 million eggs this year. That’s about what’s needed to stock Granby,
Williams Fork, Green Mountain, and Wolford reservoirs in 2015. Folks receiving
giveaway salmon need to be signed up at the main boat ramp by 9:30 am to receive fish,
currently those days are Monday and Thursday. Fisherman are doing well on rainbows
at the dam and the Day-Use Parking lot using salmon eggs. Kokanee salmon are being
caught using slip bobbers with small pink jigs. Water level is 15 feet down and water
temperature is very cold. Wolford discharge flow is 20 cfs. Have fun and good luck.
Heritage Coalition Corner
During the war, 1945 -1946, Kremmling and Fraser
were the location of German prisoner of war camps.
Prisoners in Fraser were used for lumber production
and those located in Kremmling were used to cut and
ship ice by rail, mostly to the Grand Junction area.
The Heritage Coalition of Grand County consists of the Grand Lake Area Historical Society, Grand
County Historical Association, Historic Fraser, Moffat Railroad Museum and Model Railroad
Club, Grand County Characters, Trail River Ranch and Grand County Tourism Board.
Life is Grand series by Mister V
Page 15
Help Wanted
F/T Custodian starting
$11.10-$11.70 per hr.
with benefits.
Apply online at
under Employment
Open until filled.
For more info call
Jake Johnson at
FULLTIME Mechanic needed
at Mountain Park
Concrete Call
Prep Cook/
Needed at Quarter
Circle Saloon
PT Flex Schedule
$10/hr, call Bob at
Office Space for Lease
on the town square
in Kremmling. Over
1,300 sq ft with one
large office or conference room and two
regular offices. Also
receptionist area with
built in desk. Back
room that can be used
for office or storage
area. Some storage in
basement. Utilities are
very reasonable. First
with one year lease.
Call Jeff Pexton at
2bd/1bth Mobile Home
for rent in Kremmling
$625 a month + Gas/
Electric Background check
required 251-455-3409
Quality Grass Hay
One time-turner
borrowed from young
wizard. Running out of
time fast. Please return
Clean and Spacious
“Lock off” Apartment in
pvt home
1BR/1BTH 750 Sq FT
• In Town off Hwy
• Great views of the
$550 Month/ Yr Lease
Rent includes all utilities
Security Deposit REQ.
Two Apartments for
RENT: 106 Park St
• Studio $350
• 1Bedroom $400
Call Bob 531-1441
Hay For Sale
It’s a Wrap!
See Results in as little as 45 Minutes!
West Grand Schools
is now accepting apps
certified weed free.Sm
sq. 60-70 lb Early orders
accepted. More info
Manufactured Home
for Sale
Mobile Home for
S a l e 14x70 model
buddy, remodeled/
storage shed, 3bd/1&
1/2 Bath, 908 Central,
Sp. 18, Kremmling
$10,995. Call
(970) 509-0601
Need a Holiday gift Idea?
A subscription to the Grand Gazette
Give the Gift of Community
$52 for 1 year/$30 for 6 months. Please send
payment and subscription request to Grand
Gazette, PO Box 782,
Kremmling, CO 80459.
Name __________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
November 13, 2014
SALE 3BD/1.5
BA House in HSS.
$1000+utilities. NS/
NP. 1st & Dep. W/D
Hookups. Avail.
Oct. 1
Maria 970-531-3393
Get the sexy body you
hydrated, smoother skin.
Call you local Kremmling Rep
Rebecca Mannon 970-420-9741
Thursdays 2:30 PM
Cost $7.00
REBECCA MANNON (970) 420-9741
Move & Groove
Exercise Class
Starts Nov 19th
atWednesdays 9:30am
at Bumgarner Building.
Cost: $7 a class
Geared specifically for
those exercisers just
beginning, recovering
from injuries and
senior citizens
Rebecca Mannon
Page 16
Dates to Remember
Send events and meetings to
grandgazette@gmail.com or
call 970-724-8977
November 13, 2014
Happy Birthdays & Anniversaries
Thursday, November 13
Trista McAdon
Jim Coulter 
Thursday - November 13
• Children’s Story Hour, 10:15 am, Kremmling Library 724-9228
• Senior Luncheon, 12 pm, Senior Apts, Sloppy Joes, Scalloped
Friday, November 14
Corn, Peas, Peaches, Granby 531-0290 Kremmling 724-9730
Danny Reynolds
• Silver Sneakers
Mimi Stout
• Silver Sneakers, 2:30 pm, Cliffview Assisted Living Center
Matt Hill
• Zumba, 5:30 pm, Bumgarner Building.
Mark Hill
• Kremmling Fire Board Meeting, 6 pm, Fire Station
Jimmer & Jerrie Baller 
• Krem. Preschool Board Meeting, 6 pm, Preschool Room
• Directed Studio Art Class $6, 6-8 pm, GRAG Gallery, for
Saturday, November 15
info call 531-3390
Gracean Hoesli
Friday - November 14
Gracie Jo Gilmore
• Water Aerobics, 8-9 am, Allington Inn
Daniel E Off
• Gore Range Artisans Group (GRAG), Beg Watercolor
Larry Pope
Class - 6 weeks $70, 10 am - 12 pm, GRAG Gallery, call
for class information 531-3390
Sunday, November 16
• Sew it Seamz Rag Rug Class, 5 - 8 pm, Old Middle School
Lyndee Jo Thomson
in Kremmling, $55, for more info call 970-531-9534
Cindy Kassales
 = anniversary
• Gallery Expansion Open House, 6 - 8 pm, Gore Range
AJ Multerer
 = birthday (in memory)
Artisan Gallery
Jonathan Siefkin
• GCHA Annual Meeting/Dinner, 6-9 pm, Snow Mountain
Eylan Morales
e-mail grandgazette@gmail.
Caroline Smith
com or call 724-8977 to add
Saturday - November 15
your special day to the calendar.
Mitch Cunico
• AWANA, 6 pm, K-8 bldg east entrance, Mustache Night/
Nichole Clark
We’re Dotty for You
Travis Smith
Sunday - November 16
• See Page 2 Church Directory for Sunday School and
Church Schedules
Monday - November 17 The 2nd Annual talent show has been been moved to February.
• DAC, 10:30 - 11:45 am, K8 Community Room
for more details to come.
• Senior Luncheon, 12 pm, Senior Apts, Beef Barley Soup,
Egg Salad Sandwich, Fruit and Yogurt Parfait, Granby
531-0290, Krem 724-9730
• Zumba, 4:30 pm, Bumgarner Building
• Kremmling Promotions Committee, 5:30 - 6:30 pm,
Chamber Building
• Adult Pickleball, 6-8 pm, K8 Cafeteria
Tuesday - November 18
• Board of County Commissioners Meeting, 8:30 am, County
Admin Building, Hot Sulphur Springs
• Senior Luncheon, Senior Apts, Turkey, Dressing, Green Bean
Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Bars, Granby 531-0290,
Kremmling 724-9730
• Yoga, 5:30 pm, Bumgarner Building, Cost $7
Wednesday - November 19
• Three River Rec District Meeting, 11 am, Town Hall
• Move & Groove, 9:30 am, Bumgarner Building
• Health Equity Learning Series, 11:15 am - 12:30pm,
MPMC-Krem. Reg. for luncheon by Nov 17 at 724-3148
• Piloxing, 5:30 pm, Bumgarner Building
• Rotary, 6 pm, Allington Inn
• VFW Ladies Auxiliary, 6 pm, HSS Court House
• Kremmling Town Board Meeting, 6:30 pm, Town Hall
Craft fair Saturday, December 6 from 9:00-3:00 (earlier for
vendors). Early vendors fee $25 if paid by Nov. 17, and $30
• 4-H Open House, 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Granby Community Center
after Nov. 17. Pictures with Santa, silent auction, concessions.
Thursday - November 20
• Children’s Story Hour, 10:15 am, Kremmling Library 724-9228 Call 724-9483 or visit our website www.kremmlingpreschool.
org and the vendors registration form is under the “Parent
• Senior Luncheon, 12 pm, Senior Apts, Meatloaf, Mac and
Cheese, Harvard Beets, Three Bean Salad, Mand Orange/Cottage Connection” tab.
Cheese, Granby 531-0290 Kremmling 724-9730
• Silver Sneakers, 2:30 pm, Cliffview Assisted Living Center
• Zumba, 5:30 pm, Bumgarner Building.
Mark your calendars, save the date
You don’t want to miss it or be late…
Why? What? When? Where? You want to know
Nov 21...Ladies Night, Tri-River Ace
It’s CREATE A CRAFT NIGHT and you’ll want to go!
Thursday, Dec. 4th at the West Grand Elementary School…
Community Calendar Sponsored by
Look for more details to come- it’s going to be so cool!
Talent Show rescheduled
Preschool craft fair
West Grand PTT craft night
Jason Bock captured the photo of the sunset
at the Singer Rancher last week. Recent
beautiful sunsets and sunrises seemed to
be a harbinger for the snow that hit earlier
this weeek
Gallery Expansion
Our Gallery expanion is complete!
...and we couldn’t have done it with you!
As a thank you to all who have
contributed and donated... Please join us
at our Open House for refreshments and a
first look at our newly expanded Gallery.
Friday, November 14 from 6-8 pm.
GCHA Dinner
GCHA Annual Meeting and Dinner,
Saturday Nov. 15, 6 - 9 pm. Snow
Mountain Ranch, Leggett Building.
Everyone Welcome. History Program on
“Rarities and Oddities at the Museums.”
Price: $35 GCHA Members, $40 General
Public. Delicious Dinner, Program and
Silent Auction benefit Grand County
Historical Association’s programs and
three museums.
Community Dinner
Trinity Episcopal Church and
Cliffview Assisted Living Center are
sponsoring their annual Thanksgiving
dinner on Thursday, Nov. 27, at Noon.
This free dinner is for the Cliffview
residents, their guests, and community
Trinity Episcopal
Cliffview are providing the turkeys,
ham and side dishes. Donated pies
and desserts are always appreciated, as
well as volunteer help from community
Please contact Jeff Pexton at 724-3530
for more information.
Annual Hymn Sing
Annual Thanksgiving Hymn Sing is
on Wednesday, November 26 at 7 pm. It
will be held at the Parshall Bible Chapel in
downtown Parshall.
Gazette Staff: Kim Cameron, 970-509-0547 (cameron-kim@hotmail.com or gazetteeditor@outlook.com), Sales/marketing 970-724-8977 (grandgazette@gmail.com), Marissa Lorenz, 303-818-9126, (marissa.grandgazette@gmail.com), Grand Gazette, PO Box 782, 116 N. 3rd Ave, Suite 1A, Kremmling, CO 80459. Office phone 724-8977.