*RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP *RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP 0LQHUDO7LWOHV *RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP (QYLURQPHQW 2014 Lead Agency Project Proposals *RYHUQPHQWRI:HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI0LQHVDQG3HWUROHXP 3HWUROHXP Projects requiring a higher level of service (Levels 2 or 3) NOVEMBER 2014 Revised – November 2014 WA Mining Projects* – NOVEMBER 2014 Project no.# DMP projects DMP Project coordinator(s) DMP contact officer(s) Project approval information *DMP LEAD AGENCY MINING PROJECTS – Projects requiring a higher level of service (Levels 2 or 3). 1 Toro Energy Graham Cobby Daniel Endacott (Environment) The original Toro Energy Wiluna Uranium Mining project (Lake Way and Centipede) received WA State environmental approval October 2012 and Commonwealth approval on the 2 April 2013. On 20 November 2013, Toro Energy acquired the Lake Maitland resource from Mega Uranium. There are now four deposits within the Wiluna Project regional resource that make up the current economic mine plan: Lake Way, Millipede, Centipede and Lake Maitland. Toro Energy Limited proposes the Extension to the Wiluna Uranium Project, which involves the mining of uranium at two locations south of the town of Wiluna, Shire of Wiluna. The locations are known as Millipede (approximately 30 kilometers south of Wiluna) and Lake Maitland (approximately 105 kilometers south-east of Wiluna). On 7 April 2014, the EPA Chairman determined the Expansion Project will undergo a Public Environmental Review. The Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) was released for public comment. The comment period ended 20 August 2014. Wiluna Uranium Expansion Project (Lake Maitland and Millipede) 2. Cameco/Mitsubishi Kintyre Uranium Project Graham Cobby Danielle Risbey The public comment period for the Kintyre ERMP ended on the 14 February. The EPA board and DMP visited the proposed site 15-16 April 2014. The EPA released EPA Report 1522 on 28 July 2014. The EPA recommended conditional environmental approval of the project. The appeals period closed August 11, 2014. 3. Energy and Minerals Australia Graham Cobby Daniel Endacott Uranium mining project proposal located in the Shire of Menzies 240 km east north east of Kalgoorlie. The proposal includes the development of a processing plant, waste rock dumps, tailings storage facilities, roads, accommodation and an airstrip. Mining is proposed to take place through open pit methods in four separate deposits – Princess, Ambassador, Emperor and Shogun. The ore would be processed onsite over a period of approximately 15 years. Uranium oxide concentrate would be shipped through either the Port of Darwin or Port Adelaide. The proposal was referred to the WA EPA August 2013 and EPBC Act 28 November 2013 and a Public Environmental Review level of assessment was determined. The ESD was released for public comment in August 2014. Eugene Bouwhuis Demelza Dravnieks The NBG Life of Mine Extension Project is currently undergoing State and Commonwealth environmental approvals processes (referred May 2012). The Public Environmental Review (PER) is under review by the relevant Decision Making Authorities and the Commonwealth DoE. An offset package has been included in the PER. The final native vegetation disturbance anticipated for the project has been reduced to 1755 ha over the next 15 to 20 years from the initial 3500 ha that was referred. Mulga Rock Uranium Project 4. Newmont Boddington Gold Extension Project Lead Agency Project Proposals – 2014 1 WA Petroleum Projects Project no.# DMP projects DMP Project coordinator(s) DMP contact officer(s) Project approval information *LEAD AGENCY MINING PROJECTS – Projects requiring a higher level of service (Levels 2 or 3). 1. “South West Hub” CCS Project Dominique Van Gent Martin Burke 2. Eastern Goldfields Gas Pipeline Project Walter Law Bev Bower APA Operations Pty Ltd, a subsidiary company within the APA Group (APA), plan to construct and operate a 294 km high pressure natural gas pipeline to convey gas from the Murrin Murrin gas lateral pipeline (licence PL 36) to the Sunrise Dam Gold Mine and to the Tropicana Gold Mine. Both gold mines are operated by AngloGold Ashanti Australia (AGA). The pipeline will be called the Eastern Goldfields Gas Pipeline (EGP). A lead agency project briefing and approvals coordination meeting was held on 17 April 2014. Baseline flora and fauna, heritage and archaeological surveys have been conducted along the proposed pipeline route. Project engineering design and procurement of equipment are in progress. A pipeline application (STP-PLA-0025) for a pipeline licence under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 has been lodged and is being assessed. Four Miscellaneous Licences have been applied for under the Mining Act 1978 for the purposes of construction and operation of the pipeline in the land areas covered by the Miscellaneous Licences. The project has been referred to the WA Environment Protection Authority on 30 July 2014 and is being assessed. The Commonwealth have determined the project is “not a controlled action” under the EPBC Act 1999. Construction works for the pipeline and associated facilities on site are scheduled to start in 2015 with first gas delivery planned for early 2016. Walter Law Beverley Bower Buru discovered the Ungani oil field with the drilling of Ungani-1 well in September 2011. The well is located in exploration permit EP391 in the onshore Canning Basin. Three other wells were subsequently drilled. Production testing and field development work is in progress to establish reservoir production performance. Buru plan to construct an oil pipeline from its Ungani site to a road tanker loading facility (stage one) and a 200,000 litre crude oil storage tank and ship loading terminal (stage two) to facilitate the expansion of the Canning Basin Ungani oil field. A pipeline licence application to cover the oil production facility, the oil pipeline and the tanker load-out facility is being assessed under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969. Walter Law Beverley Bower Chevron is responsible for the decommissioning of all offshore and onshore production, processing and export facilities on Thevenard Island (TVI) located 25 kilometres offshore from the town of Onslow, Western Australia. Following an application from Chevron Australia Pty Ltd, DMP provided consent on 22 January 2014 to the licensees to cease to operate the four licenced pipelines. Petroleum recovery operations ceased in April 2014 and all facilities are being cleaned of petroleum residue. Offshore facilities decommissioning is scheduled over 2015 -2016. Onshore remediation and rehabilitation is scheduled for 2016 -2020 in accordance with the TVI Field Closure Plan. APA Group / AngloGold Ashanti 3. Ungani Oil Project Buru Energy Limited 4. Thevenard Island Decommissioning Project Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Graham Cobby A Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project involving companies from the South West investigating the potential to store CO2 in the Lesueur Sandstone Formation of the Southern Perth Basin (on the Swan Coastal Plain between Bunbury and Pinjarra). The project has been allocated $52 million under the Australian Government’s CCS Flagships program to progress investigations of the suitability of the Lesueur. A separate National Geoscience Agreement has been signed to progress seismic work (completed in March 2011) and a stratigraphic well in the Lesueur area was drilled in the Shire of Harvey in February/March 2012 which has produced promising results demonstrating a thick layer of shale suitable that could act as a sealing unit, and a large injection target formation of sandstone. A community consultative committee was established in August 2011. A 3D seismic program was completed in May 2014. Lead Agency Project Proposals – 2014 2 Commonwealth Petroleum Projects – from 1 January 2012, petroleum activities in Australian Commonwealth waters are regulated by National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). DMP will provide project approval information for selected petroleum projects as a number of these project proposals have significant infrastructure and/or operational approval requirements within WA jurisdiction. Project no. Commonwealth petroleum projects 1. Pluto LNG Expansion Project Trains 2 & 3 Woodside 2. Wheatstone LNG Development Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Project approval information The Pluto LNG project is located 190km north-west of Karratha, Western Australia, in the Northern Carnarvon Basin. The project is a joint venture between Woodside, the operator, which has a 90% interest, and Tokyo Gas (5%) and Kansai Electric (5%). The project is processing gas from the Pluto and neighbouring Xena gas fields. Production started April 2012. Expansion plans for Pluto are on hold. Chevron Australia plan to construct and operate a two train liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility and domestic gas plant at the Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area, 12 kilometres west of Onslow on the Pilbara coast of Western Australia. The initial capacity is expected to be two trains of 8.9 million tonnes per annum. Eventually the Project could expand to produce up to 25 million tonnes per annum of LNG. The Project requires the installation of gas and condensate gathering, processing and export facilities offshore and onshore. A final investment decision on the Project was announced in September 2011 and construction is now underway. First LNG shipments are planned for 2016. 3. Scarborough LNG Project ExxonMobil 4. Ichthys Gas Browse (Inpex) Esso Australia Pty Ltd (ExxonMobil) is proposing to develop the Scarborough gas field through the installation and operation of a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) liquefaction, storage and offloading facility (the ‘Project’). The Scarborough field is located within retention lease WA-1-R approximately 220 km northwest of Exmouth off the coast of Western Australia. ExxonMobil submitted a Referral (reference 2013/6811) under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) on 2 April 2013. FEED studies are in progress. Preliminary environmental documentation was submitted in September 2013. FLNG is considered the preferred option. FEED studies underway. FID decision made in January 2012. The project is now in the construction phase. First shipment expected in Q4 2016. Lead Agency Project Proposals – 2014 3 OTHER WA RESOURCE PROJECTS: Selected Department of State Development lead agency resource projects where DMP provide approval agency services. Project Project Key legislation Project information 1 Roy Hill Iron Ore & Infrastructure Mining Act 1978 State Agreement Act Located 115km north-east of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The project will consist of: Mining operation for 55Mtpa hematite iron ore; Crushing, screening and processing lump and fines products; Stockpiling and train loading; A 344km standard gauge, single line, dedicated heavy-haul railway from the mine site to Port Hedland; Port facility located at Port Hedland for receiving, stockpiling, screening and an Automated Operations Centre in Perth. A special railway license (SRL) was granted, mining of high grade ore commenced in May 2014 and first shipment of ore for export is planned for 2015. 2 Yeelirrie Uranium Cameco State Agreement Act Uranium mining project – On 26 August 2012, Cameco announced the acquisition of the Yeelirrie Uranium Project from BHPB. Discovered in the early 1970’s, it is the largest known uranium deposit in WA. 3 Ashburton North LNG Project Precinct Planning Legislation Land Administration Act New strategic industrial area 20kms south of Onslow allocated for the development of multi user LNG processing facilities and associated infrastructure. Future port facilities are planned. Lead Agency Project Proposals – 2014 4 Government of Western Australia Department of Mines and Petroleum Mineral House, 100 Plain Street East Perth, Western Australia 6004 Tel: +61 8 9222 3333 Fax: +61 8 9222 3862 Email: dmp@dmp.wa.gov.au www.dmp.wa.gov.au DMPOCT14_3406
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