cage, arnold & sly may attend clash in cotai P2 cases of ‘naked chat’ blackmail soar sjm announces q3 results, revenue drops The number of extortion cases has jumped from 35 over the first nine months of 2013 to 79 in the same period this year SJM’s net income for the first nine months of the year decreased by 4 pct year-on-year. Considering only Q3, net income dropped by 16.4 pct P3 P4 TUE. 11 Nov 2014 T. 20º/ 24º C H. 70/ 95% N.º 2188 Blackberry email service powered by CTM MOP 5.00 HKD 7.50 Founder & Publisher Kowie Geldenhuys Editor-in-Chief Paulo Coutinho “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS CHINA Liaoning Province has started to use drones with remote sensing systems to battle air pollution, a local environment watchdog said yesterday. Since bad traffic and snowstorms disturb air quality checks, Liaoning will use drones to detect polluters and control smog. The drones provide real-time inspection of the source of pollutants, said Wu Di, deputy director of the Liaoyang environmental inspection bureau. VIETNAM A Vietnamese maritime official says authorities are searching for eight sailors who went missing after their cargo ship collided with another vessel off the country’s southern coast. Improvement of traffic flow tops citizens’ concern P5 MDT REPORT 111,246 opinions and suggestions reached Chui Sai On’s campaign office and were delivered in September to the government for analysis (pictured). The results reveal that traffic, housing and healthcare are the population’s greatest concerns. P3 NORTH KOREA The U.N. agency that has provided food aid to North Korea for nearly two decades says it has enough donations to stay open for the rest of this year but is uncertain whether it will be able to operate there beyond next March. IRAN The Obama administration is facing its last best chance to curb Iran’s nuclear program — not just to meet an endof-the-month deadline to secure a deal, but get one done before skeptical Republicans who will control Congress next year are able to scuttle it. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and European Union adviser Catherine Ashton are trying to work toward an agreement in talks in Oman. LIBYA The Islamic State group has established an outpost in the Libyan city of Darna, about 1,000 miles from the nearest territory controlled by the extremists who are trying to set up a “caliphate” in the region. Activists and others in the city tell The Associated Press that religious courts have ordered public killings and floggings, as well as segregating male and female students in what could be a model for the group as it seeks to expand its control. More on backpage Gov’t backtracks, domestic violence to be listed as public crime P4 2 MACAU 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 澳聞 Letter to the Editor Red cards, yellow taxis I am writing in response to the opinion piece “Kapok: Red card for yellow cabs” by Eric Sautedé in last Friday’s Macau Daily Times. Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing with the grand majority and general thrust of Mr Sautedé’s article, I should point out some inaccuracies in the article. I am not the founder of the Macau Taxi Driver Shame Facebook group. It was in fact founded by a local man, Mr Sloane Jorba, after a particular horrific experience with Macau’s black taxis. I was however one of the very first members of the group and am the most active administrator. I guess I have become the “face” of the group over time, although that was not my initial intention. Mr Sautedé claims Macau Taxi Driver Shame is “designed to humiliate and discriminate against part of the community, making it very divisive and a trigger for equally acrimonious counter-strategies from those ‘shamed’.” While I accept Mr Sautedé goes on to acknowledge some virtues of our group and the Macau Taxi Passenger Association which was born from Macau Taxi Driver Shame, our group is not designed to “humiliate and discriminate”. All we are doing is shining a light on (or, if you prefer, holding up a mirror to) the chronically unethical and illegal behavior of some (perhaps most) of Macau’s taxi drivers. It is not MTDS which is divisive; it is the bad taxi drivers themselves, who divide their prospective customers into “gullible mainlander tourists” and “everyone else”, preferring to scam the former whilst ignoring the essential transportation needs of the latter. And so far we have seen little, if any, “acrimonious counter-strategies from those ‘shamed’.” Mr Sautedé continues, “It creates a cycle of distrust and, although it allows disgruntled users to vent their repressed resentment, ultimately it addresses the symptoms and not the ailment.” I would contend it was the drivers themselves who created the cycle of distrust. As for addressing “the symptoms and not the ailment”, I would dispute that entirely. We have reiterated time and time again that we are a long-term forward-thinking group, constantly looking for ways to address the issue holistically on a systemic basis. I should, however, reiterate that I enjoyed and agreed with Mr Sautedé’s article on the whole, especially his closing line, “All stakeholders have to be involved if the whole community is to benefit in the end.” Andrew W Scott President, Macau Taxi Passengers Association Administrator, Macau Taxi Driver Shame Facebook group MDT’s Website has logged over 82 million page views since January 1st, 2012 up to today. Thank You! Like us? The audience at the Bellini Lounge watches a performance by The Rod Experience Thursday night at The Venetian Macao Star studded boxing event? Cage, Arnold & Sly may attend Clash in Cotai T he highly anticipated Pacquiao–Algieri fight to be staged at the Venetian Cotai Arena on Nov 23 “has the celebrity rumor mill overheating with excitement,” a source close to the event told the Times. This is partly due to the celebrity sightings this week at Venetian’s Bellini Lounge where five of the world’s greatest musicians performed an intimate masterclass of classic rock and roll. David Beckham and his entourage came to see the show on Saturday along with a who’s who of the casino industry. “Celeb names such as Stallone and Schwarzenegger were being buzzed about as possible fight attendees and one fan mentioned that Nicolas Cage might be in attendance.” All three have a relationship with Venetian and have made appearances in the past. Asian celebs rumored to attend the HBO global broadcast event ranged from action film stars to pop stars, and business Actor Nicholas Cage in Macau, 2013 “royalty” from HK and China. Furthering these rumors, sightings of Sands China’s CEO Edward Tracy huddling with high profile media executives from the US and China also encouraged speculation. If part of the gossip is accurate, Venetian stands to offer up “another powerful entertainment event that furthers the global reputation of Macau as a leader in unique entertainment offerings,” an industry source said. They added that in these times of gaming revenue slowdown, “this can’t be but a positive thing for the city.” MDT was unable to confirm the information by closing time. The largest gathering of Hollywood and Asian stars in Macau occurred in October last year, when over 80 celebrities from Asia and around the world attended the Huading Awards. Attendees Director and Editor-in-Chief_Paulo Coutinho Managing Editor_Paulo Barbosa Contributing Editors_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela China & foreign editor_Vanessa Moore Design Editor_João Jorge Magalhães | Newsroom and Contributors_Albano Martins, António Espadinha Soares, Brook Yang, Catarina Pinto, Cyril Law, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Irene Sam, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Philips, João Pedro Lau, Joseph Cheung, Juliet Risdon, Keith Ip, Renato Marques (photographer), Richard Whitfield, Robert Carroll (Hong Kong correspondent), Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Ruan Du Toit Bester, Sandra Norte (designer), Sum Choi, Viviana Seguí | Associate Contributors_JML Property, MacauHR, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars | News agencies_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Lusa News Agency, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | Secretary_Yang Dongxiao included Hollywood household names Quentin Tarantino, Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Jeremy Irons, Matthew Perry and Sam Worthington, rocker Avril Lavigne, and veteran Academy Award show director Don Mischer. Jackie Chan, Hu Jun, Liu Xiaoqing, Joey Yung, Nick Cheung, Raymond Lam and Ono Lisa were among some of the Asian stars in attendance at the show, which took place at the Venetian. MDT A Macau Times Publications Ltd Publication Administrator and Chief Executive Officer Kowie Geldenhuys Secretary Juliana Cheang Address Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Advertisement For subscription and general issues: | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd send newsworthy information and press releases to: website: ISSN 2305-4271 tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 澳聞 MACAU 3 CRIME Cases of ‘naked chat’ blackmail soar João Pedro Lau F igures from the Office of the Secretary for Security revealed that there were 10,576 crimes committed between January and September this year, 3.8 percent higher than the same period in 2013. Among all types of criminal cases, the number of extortion cases has jumped by 125.7 pct from 35 over the first nine months of 2013 to 79 in the same period this year. The Secretary for Security Cheong Kuoc Va suggested that the surge in extortion cases between January and September this year can be attributed to the increase in ‘naked chat’ blackmail cases. “The reason [for the significant increase of extortion cases] is that there is a type of case that is extortion after online nude chats. There have been 48 of those cases so far this year. Therefore, most of the increased amount of extortion still no words on cheong’s future Cheong Kuoc Va was asked about the recent speculation on the new government Cabinet members during yesterday’s press conference. He said that the government would be making an announcement soon. “Everybody should have some patience,” he said. “As for my role, I am also waiting on the government’s arrangement and the official announcement by the administration,” he added. At least two lists of alleged future Cabinet members have been circulating on the Internet. In the latest one that was reported by the Times, it was claimed that Cheong Kuoc Va will be replaced by Wong Sio Chak, the current director of the Judiciary Police. cases came from the nude chat cases,” he explained. Another type of crime that has seen a considerable increase this year is usury. There were 177 cases of usury between January and September this year, a year-onyear increase of 48.7 pct. Cheong Kuoc Va pointed out that among all the people who are caught participating in usury crimes, 98 of them were from the mainland and eight were from Hong Kong. Only two Macau residents were involved in such cases. Moreover, the published figures also showed that there is a considerable increase in the number of cases where mainland residents overstay their visa. In the first nine months this year, 31,198 mainland visitors who are holders of documents other than the individual visit scheme visa were found to have overstayed, 21.5 pct more than that in the same period of 2013. Cheong Kuoc Va said that the amount of people caught overstaying their visa continued to increase in the first half of this year. However, the local government changed the penalties on visa overstay and introduced a higher fine and tighter restrictions in July. The number of days that holders of transit visas from the mainland are allowed to stay in Macau has also been reduced from seven to five days. Mr Cheong believes that the measures are helping to curb Beckham praises Macau, looks forward to further cooperation I t has been nearly a year since David Beckham first joined the bustling hospitality industry in Macau in partnership with Sands China. On his return to the region last weekend, the famed British sportsman showed his intent of “bringing enjoyment in different areas” for visitors who come to town. Talking about his partnership with Sands, Beckham stressed that “it’s been very successful so far” and is set to be a “longterm relationship.” “Everything that we’ve done is on a high level, Macau is a place that’s changing so quickly and so rapidly David Beckham on a level that has made people happy and people enjoy,” he told the Times in a question and answer session held on Saturday. “I think what we’ve tried to do, especially on my side over the last five years, is go from being the face of the sponsorship of things into ownership, part-ownership and being partner with these brands,” the global icon revealed. “It’s not something like a year-or-two relationship; it’s a long-term relationship. This is some- thing where we are looking to make things bigger, to make things better and to bring enjoyment to people in many different areas,” he added. The partnership is based around developing dining, retail and leisure concepts at Sands’ properties in Macau. Last Saturday, Beckham visited the renewed Shoppes at the Four Seasons, where a crowd of admirers was thrilled by his appearance. When a fan told Beckham, “you’ve been my idol since I was five years old,” the star blushed bright red and gave him a hug. The former sportsman said he wanted to set a good example for his children that their father is still working hard despite retiring as a football player. Speaking of what he has in common with his business partner, Beckham said, “I love the way that Sands look after the people, look after the staff, look after the charities as well. And that’s one of the things why I was very excited and interested to be involved with Sands.” Having served as a UNICEF ambassador for a decade, Beckham acknowledged that charity is what gives him “the most enjoyment and satisfaction” other than his family and the soccer field. “It always has been the most important thing to me. Either while I’ve been playing or in my life, the thing that I get most out the rise in overstaying, which has led to the number of cases dropping from 4,262 in July to 3,315 in September. Nevertheless, he insisted that it will take a longer period to determine the effectiveness of these new measures. Mr Cheong also suggested that the authorities can again adjust the regulation and further increase the penalties if necessary. Other crimes that recorded considerable increases include intimidation, rising by 23.4 percent to 206 this year; while property damage cases also rose to 801, a 10.5 percent increase. However, the number of drug consumption cases has dropped by almost half from 246 in 2013 to 124 this year. Although decreasing, theft cases still account for a large proportion of crimes. During the first nine months of the year there were 2,583 thefts (297 less than in the same period of 2013) and 92 cases of robery (versus 105 in 2013). Aggression cases, typified as “simple offenses to physical integrity” are also slighty decresing (1,314 compared with the 1,271 up to the end of September last year). Nevertheless, cases of “serious aggression” were 12, four more than in the same period of 2013. of is being part of the different charities I’ve been part of over the years. It’s something that I enjoyed the most, something at the end of my career I was looking forward to doing the most,” he said. The star also recognized a significant change in Macau since his first visit to the city about two years ago, adding that seeing new things happening on every visit is a reason why he’s always enjoyed coming back. “It’s a place that’s changing so quickly and so rapidly, and every time I come back here, even though I was here a month ago, it feels that things have changed and got bigger,” he told the Times. Speaking of his impression of the “Macau lifestyle” that he’d recommend tourists to experience, Beckham said it’s simply the “enjoyment of coming here.” “There’s a place you can go and find great food, great shopping, great nightlife and obviously the casinos,” he explained. “But it’s surrounded with great people. It’s a place where people are so friendly, and people come here to enjoy themselves. So it’s somewhere every time I come, I have fun, I eat great food,” he added. beckham’s eldest son signs for arsenal david Beckham’s eldest son Brooklyn Beckham has been signed to a shortterm contract by Arsenal. The teenager’s two brothers Romeo and Cruz already play in the club’s youth set-ups. Brooklyn was wanted by both Manchester United and Chelsea, but after showing his skills at the Gunners’ train- ing ground, he was quickly snapped up until the end of the season. An Arsenal source said that the 15-year-old “is talented and he has stood out in all of the training sessions and games he has played.” There is the potential for a long-term deal for Brooklyn if he continues to shine on the pitch for the under-16s. 4 MACAU 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 澳聞 T he government will be suggesting listing domestic violence as a public crime, the Social Welfare Bureau’s president revealed yesterday. After months of discussion, Iong Kong Io has said that consensus has been reached and the current draft legislation will treat domestic violence as a public crime. This means that the investigation and prosecution of domestic violence cases will no longer depend on a complaint filed by the victim. Speaking to reporters yesterday, the president of the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS), Iong Kong Io, said that they hope to finish drafting the bill this month. “According to society’s current will, it will be [listed as] a public crime. The government agrees,” he revealed, adding that it will not only include cases of physical violence but also of psychological abuse. The last version of the domestic violence bill, however, was quite different, as the authority was still considering listing domestic violence as a public crime only in cases of “repeated violence.” The term had raised controversy, with domestic violence concern groups urging the government to change its position, arguing that Macau’s administration had failed to acknowledge the complexity of the crime and its impact on victims and their families. Iong Kong Io brought attention to the fact that the government and IAS took into account public opinion when deciding to list domestic violence as a public crime. “After gathering stakeholders’ opinions, parti- photo archive Gov’t backtracks, domestic violence to be listed as public crime The campaign to list domestic violence as a public crime has been ongoing for over a year, as this June 2013 picture shows cularly those of social solidarity associations, the government conducted a in-depth study of the matter,” he said. More controversial issues of According to society’s current will, it will be [listed as] a public crime. The government agrees Population grows by 7,000 in Q3 Macau’s total population stood at 631,000 as of the end of September 2014, up by 7,000 quarter-to-quarter, according to the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC). The bureau attributes the increase to the higher influx of non-resident workers, which totaled 162,877 at the end of the third quarter, an increase of 7,567 over the previous quarter. The statistics revealed yesterday show that there were 1,971 live births delivered in the third quarter of 2014, an increase of 305 quarterto-quarter. Meanwhile, there were 419 mortality cases, a decrease of 58 quarter-toquarter. Considering the first three quarters of 2014, mortality cases went up by 53 yearon-year to 1,445. A total of 957 marriage registration cases were recorded in the third quarter, up by 12 quarter-to-quarter. In the first three quarters of 2014, there were 3,069 cases of marriage registration, down by 90 year-on-year. The region’s female population totaled 319,100, accounting for 50.6% of the total. Iong Kong Io IAS president the domestic violence bill are also being re-assessed, IAS president stressed, cited by TDM. Iong Kong Io stated that IAS and the government are still working on the concept of domestic violence. He said it has to be limited, but they’re hoping to reach a clear definition of this type of violent behavior. Recently, local LGBT advocacy group, Rainbow of Macau, launched a campaign pushing for same-sex couples to be protected by the domestic violence bill. However, this is unlikely to happen, Iong Kong Io confirmed yesterday. He added that domestic violence cases involving same-sex couples will be considered aside from the domestic violence legislation, since there is no legal framework in Macau for same-sex marriage. He added that the government is being cautious regarding this matter, but if any victim has any difficulties, “IAS will provide support.” The authoriry’s decision to list domestic violence as a public crime comes right after another report issued by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), released last Friday. The Committee had urged Macau to list domestic violence as a public crime. The UN entity provided a series of recommendations to the MSAR’s administration, including strengthening the system of data collection on all forms of violence against women, particularly on rape; encouraging the reporting of all forms of violence against women; and ensuring GAMING SJM announces Q3 results, revenue drops S JM Holdings Ltd net income for the nine months of the year decreased by 4 pct year-on-year to HKD5,430 million. Considering only the third quarter (Q3), net income dropped by 16.4 pct to HKD1,528m. The gaming operator announced the unaudited Q3 2014 results yesterday. SJM’s gaming revenue in Q3 decreased by 14.1 pct yearon-year to HKD18,091m. From January to September it decreased by 1.6 pct to HKD62,203m considering the same period last year. During Q3, the group’s VIP gaming revenue totalled HKD10,375m, a decrease of 23.6 pct from HK$13,575m in Q3 2013. Mass market gaming revenue stood at HK$7,359m, an increase of 3.1% from HK$7,141m, and slot machine (and tombola) revenue was HK$357m, an increase of 5.4% from HK$339m. SJM’s Q3 total income amounted to HK$18,254m, including ho- tel, catering and related services revenue of HK$163m. Considering an average of three month-end counts, during the third quarter SJM operated an average of 564 VIP gaming tables (Q3 2013: 585), 1,190 mass market gaming tables (Q3 2013: 1,186) and 2,806 slot machines (Q3 2013: 3,348). During Q3, the gaming revenue of SJM’s flagship Casino Grand Lisboa decreased by 11 pct from 2013 to HK$6,878 million. In the nine months preceding effective investigation of complaints and the prosecution of violence acts against women. CEDAW also urged the government to ensure that the future bill will provide for the use of protection orders. It also advocates for the provision of sufficient and adequate shelters for women who are victims of violence. The Committee noted that progress has been made by the MSAR’s government in combating violence against women, but said it remains concerned “at the prevalence of violence against women.” CEDAW is especially concerned that the MSAR has not yet established a human rights institution. Local anti-domestic violence groups have been advocating for the recognition of domestic violence as a public crime over the past few years. Scholar and member of the Macau Anti-Domestic Violence Coalition, Melody Lu, had already revealed on Sunday that the government was considering listing domestic violence as a public crime. She recalled that after the bill is drafted, it will be submitted for civil groups’ scrutiny. Professor of the Macau Polytechnic Institute, Cecilia Ho, welcomed the government’s decision and said Macau’s administration was very open to society’s opinions, Radio Macau reported. She stressed that it is crucial to ensure a good coordination between entities dealing with domestic violence. The scholar thinks there is a need to look at domestic violence as a human rights issue, and not as a mere private matter. CP September 30 2014, Grand Lisboa’s gaming revenue decreased by 0.3% year-onyear to HK$23,086m. Speaking about the third quarter results, SJM’s CEO Ambrose So said: “In spite of well-publicized headwinds this year which have primarily affected the VIP segment of the Macau market, SJM has turned in a decent performance in the year-to-date period. In particular our mass market business has continued its growth and overall our EBITDA margin has been stable. SJM is well-capitalized and is moving ahead at full speed on construction of our Lisboa Palace project in Cotai, while we continue striving to optimize gaming table utilization at our existing properties.” tue 11.11.2014 MACAU th Anniversary 澳聞 Catarina Pinto I mprovement of traffic flow issues is among Macau citizens’ top concerns, a report released by the government’s Policy Research Office shows. The report, which is based on 111,246 opinions and suggestions that reached Chui Sai On’s campaign office in August, reveals that traffic, housing and healthcare are the Macau population’s greatest concerns. The highest number of opinions related to traffic flow problems, as local residents are concerned about the growing number of vehicles on Macau’s roads, difficulties in getting a cab, as well as how public transportation is managed. In a press conference held yesterday, the coordinator of the Policy Research Office, Lao Pun Lap, revealed that 87,425 opinions or suggestions given by citizens regarded traffic matters. He did not disclose how many of these are related to taxi services, but hinted that it’s a high percentage. “Many of these opinions regarded taxi services, but I do not have an exact figure at the moment. But the proportion of opinions on this matter is quite diverging opinions on gov’t policies’ efficiency The Policy Research Office coordinator, Lao Pun Lap, said that with over 100,000 opinions and suggestions collected during Chui Sai On’s campaign, it is clear that Macau’s population is concerned with a wide range of issues. “The work [performed by the government] is still falling short of the population’s expectations, because society is constantly changing,” he said. On the other hand, the Policy Research Office’s main consultant, Mi Jian, said he thinks that government policies did not fail. “In reality, I don’t think there was a failure in government action. On the contrary, the government has paid great attention to stabilizing the economy over this term (…) and the population [demands improvements] in the traffic, housing, and healthcare areas.” Improvement of traffic flow tops citizens’ concern Lao Pun Lap high,” he stated. The coordinator acknowledged that the taxi services have not been responding to citizens and tourists’ needs. Gathered opinions show that Macau residents face hurdles not only in trying to get a taxi but they also complained of being refused by certain drivers and of overcharging. They urged the government to increase the number of taxis and address offenses related to these services. Mr Lap stressed that citizens suggested for the government to truly implement a policy giving priority to public transportation. They also think that the authorities should limit the number of vehicles on Macau’s roads, increase the number of parking lots, speed up the LRT construction works, and improve the overall traffic flow. As expected, housing is a top concern too, with 75,068 collected opinions on this matter. Lao Pun Lap acknowledged that housing isn’t an issue that just affects those with lower incomes, but indeed a problem affecting the whole of society. “Even the middle class feels that it is difficult to acquire a house. So there should be a fund to support people in acquiring a first house, or bank credit without the need to pay interest,” he revealed. Locals are expecting the government to perfect long-term housing policies, demanding an in- crease on the number of housing units on the market. A high number of opinions also addressed the need to have more land where additional housing could be built. Macau’s population provided concrete suggestions on housing policies, namely the revitalization of industrial buildings, recovering unused land, and requesting more land from the Central Government. Citizens are also demanding higher quality healthcare, as a total of 48,456 opinions show. They urge the government to work towards providing an efficient medical care mechanism. Further investment in resources, optimization of healthcare services and improvement of the patient-physician relationship were some of the suggestions provided. Respondents have also demanded that the government accelerates construction works for the new public hospital in Coloane. Diversifying Macau’s economy is a priority too, with 44,488 opinions gathered on the matter. Citizens are hoping the government will be able to create conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises to prosper. They are hopeful that the government will maintain its cash handout policy, too. The establishment of an efficient social security system is another concern addressed in 43,480 opinions collected by Chui Sai On’s Lao Pun Lap campaign office. They’re demanding a social security mechanism that can be run permanently. Many have also voiced their concerns about the safeguarding of local residents’ employment opportunities. Some have insisted that casino job posts, such as casino dealers, should remain available for residents only. The development of the politi- citizens’ opinions/suggestions in numbers te, which was the organizer of the event. Two of the winners from each of the upper primary, junior and senior high school categories, and up to three winners of the college category will have the chance to participate in the nationwide “21st Century Cup” competition. The organizer hopes that the contest will encourage young people to not only acquire more knowledge, but to develop a more global vision at the same time. The Times spoke to one of the judges, Bev Harrison, head of Off-Side Programs from Bell Educational Services. She was very impressed by the performance of the contestants. “I think that there are some extremely accomplished young children in Macau. I think one of Traffic issues 87,425 Housing 75,068 Healthcare 48,456 Economic issues 44,488 Social issues 43,480 Employment 22,468 Legal and political issues 21,320 Public Administration 12,255 Culture and education 9,787 Sports and leisure 6,443 Youth issues 6,355 Regional cooperation 5,921 Professional training 4,313 Environmental protection 2,547 Urban planning 1,686 Speech contest seeks to foster young local talent ontestants had an in-depth discussion about important issues such as gender equality and animal rights in the 13th Macau-wide English Speech Contest & 20th “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition Macau Regional Contest. The final round and award ceremony took place last Sunday at the Macau Polytechnic Institu- cal system also worries Macau’s population, with some urging the government to implement universal suffrage for the Chief Executive election. The Policy Research Office’s coordinator did not disclose how many opinions demanding universal suffrage were issued. Lastly, in a list of 18 main areas of concern compiled by the Policy Research Office, there was also a call for improvements to the reform of public administration. Chui Sai On’s campaign office collected opinions and suggestions from Macau’s population during his 14-day campaign last August. The incumbent Chief Executive gave a voice to citizens in conferences, meetings, public sessions, visits and meetings with associations. Citizens also submitted their suggestions and opinions via letter, telephone calls, fax, official website, email and WeChat. The campaign office compiled a total of 111,827 opinions and suggestions but only 111,246 were considered valid. There should be a fund to support people in acquiring a first house, or a bank credit without the need to pay interest EDUCATION C 5 the things that impressed me the most is their global perspective on things, the range of reading they had, their understanding of what’s happening in the world [and] also their confidence; that they were able to put their ideas across so confidently,” she said. In her opinion, Ms Harrison believes that it is a combination of English Corruption Security Other issues 836 32 692 proficiency, the manner in which contenders put their argument forward, and their ideas and creativity that is important. She also suggested that contestants could further improve their performance by delivering their speeches in a more natural way instead of presenting them in a rehearsed manner. “I think they are so intent on getting their messages across and doing their best that they want [the speech] to be very polished. Sometimes, it’s nice if it is more of a dialogue with the au- dience,” she said. Meanwhile, the champion of the competition’s open category, Qian Qiao, told the Times that this is the fourth time he has participated and felt that his hard work finally paid off. The University of Macau postgraduate student said that from his observation, many of his colleagues in the university have reached a high level of English proficiency due to the fact that they were exposed to an English speaking environment during their school years. JPL 6 ADVERTISEMENT 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 廣告 tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 分析 Ambereen Choudhury D eutsche Bank AG’s co-head of corporate banking and securities, Robert Rankin, will leave to join Australian billionaire James Packer’s Consolidated Press Holdings Ltd. Rankin, an Australian, will leave his job in London in January to become chief executive officer of Packer’s investment firm, Deutsche Bank said in a statement Saturday. A successor will be named “in due course,” the Frankfurt-based lender said. “I see Rob as my partner going forward,” Packer, 47, said in a telephone interview. “I’ve known Rob for a long time, he is someone I have great faith in and great trust in.” At Deutsche Bank, Rankin oversees the corporate finance unit, which houses the advisory arm, debt and equity underwriting, while Colin Fan, the other co-head of the investment bank, is responsible for trading. Rankin, 51, took up the position in March 2012. Deutsche Bank hired Rankin, a former head of investment banking for Asia-Pacific at UBS AG, as CEO for the region excluding Japan in 2009. He was initially hired to improve the bank’s standing in advisory in Asia. At the time, the company ranked behind firms such as UBS. In its statement, Deutsche Bank said its share of the global corporate finance fee pool increased to 5.5 percent in the first nine months of 2014 from 5 percent in 2011. Packer will remain as chairman of Consolidated Press Holdings. Born into an Australian media dynasty started by his grandfather Frank, Packer has a net worth of about USD5.2 billion according to Bloomberg Billionaires. His investments include casinos from Melbourne to Macau. “I look forward to working with the bank as a client in the future,” Rankin said in the statement. Bloomberg Hong Kong-Shanghai stock link gets green light Kelvin Chan, Business Writer, Hong Kong C hina is opening its stock market wider to foreigners, approving a cross-border trading link yesterday that will allow investors in Shanghai and Hong Kong to buy and sell shares on both exchanges. In a joint statement, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission said trading via the long-awaited Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect link would start on Nov. 17. Approval had been widely expected to come in October but was delayed as Hong Kong was roiled by pro-democracy protests that shut down some streets in the financial district. China’s Shanghai Composite stock index rose 2.3 percent on news of the approval. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was up 1.6 percent. Foreign access to China’s stock markets is closely managed, mainly through a quota program for institutions that represents a sliver of the overall market. While Hong Kong is officially considered a part of China after Beijing regained control of the former British colony in 1997, the Asian financial center has its own separate legal and financial system and currency. China’s stock markets have languished since hitting a peak in 2006. They Trading via the long awaited ShanghaiHong Kong Stock Connect link will start on Nov. 17 have largely been a vehicle for the government to recapitalize struggling and inefficient state-owned companies rather than a source of capital for up-and-co- ming private businesses as in other countries. The trading link is also expected to promote international use of China’s tightly controlled currency as well as boost Hong Kong’s role as a hub for yuan trading. China is gradually loosening controls on its currency and movements of capital. But it is likely to be many years before its financial markets and banking industry are sophisticated enough for full liberalization. Authorized investors in both cities will be allowed to buy and sell up to 23.5 billion yuan (USD3.8 billion) of stocks in certain companies each day through the link. Mainland Chinese investors will get up to 10.5 billion yuan of that daily limit, while investors in Hong Kong get the rest. To prepare for the launch, numerous training and education sessions were held and market participants also had to agree trading rules and other operational arrangements. “The stock exchanges and the clearing houses have completed a series of market rehearsals with market participants in both markets and reported that the systems are ready and contingency plans are in place,” the regulators said in a statement. AP corporate bits count basie orchestra to perform at the venetian macao The legendary Grammy award-winning Count Basie Orchestra will bring its unique style of jazz and swing to The Venetian Theatre on Sunday, Dec 7. The intimate venue will see the 19-piece orchestra, made up of 17 sidemen and vocalists Alexander Stewart and Carmen Bradford, led 7 bloomberg Deutsche Bank’s Rankin named CEO of Packer’s Consolidated Press BUSINESS through a catalogue of hits by two-time Grammy Award winner Scotty Barnhart, who was announced as the new director in September 2013. Barnhart is committed to continuing the excellent history started by Basie of stomping and shouting the blues, as well as refining those musical particulars that allow for the deepest and most moving of swing. Tickets for the concert go on sale today. Founded by jazz icon William James “Count” Basie in 1935, the “The Swingingest Band in All the Land” has continued to tour and release albums since the death of Basie in 1984 and has won a total of 18 Grammy Awards and 20 Downbeat and Jazz Times polls. 4th mgm macau international lion dance championship concludes The 4th MGM MACAU International Lion Dance Championship came to a conclusion after two days of competition. Kuong Ngai Dragon & Lion Dance Association from Malaysia took home the title of the 4th MGM MACAU International Lion Dance Champion, while the troupes from Hong Kong, the Philippines and Macau were awarded with the Gold Trophy in the Female Lion Dance Performance Competition. The final round of the “Male Lion Dance Competition” was held yesterday, and the troupes wowed the crowd with gravitydefying moves while performing acrobatic pole-jumping routines. The “Female Lion Dance Performance Competition” was presented by eight lion dance troupes from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The troupe from Italy forfeited the tournament due to injuries. starworld hotel opens new sichuan restaurant “feng wei ju” As StarWorld celebrates its eighth anniversary, the five-star hotel announced the official opening of its new Sichuan and Hunan restaurant, Feng Wei Ju, offering diners authentic Sichuan and Hunan flavors. Feng Wei Ju is headed by Chef Chan Chak Keong, StarWorld Hotel’s Executive Chinese Chef and a widely acclaimed figure in the culinary industry. Chef Keong has devoted himself to the study of local specialties across China’s many provinces and, for over a year, he has searched the country for chefs who share his passion and exceptionally high standards to join the restaurant’s kitchen team. Now, under the efforts of these elite chefs, Feng Wei Ju is recreating the essence of Hunan and Sichuan using fresh local ingredients. From the refreshing hot and sour of Hunan to the spiciness of Sichuan dishes, as well as the delicate hand-made ‘al dente’ noodles and dim sum, diners can look forward to a new dining experience. 8 ADVERTISEMENT 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 廣告 tue 11.11.2014 FORUM th Anniversary published in partnership with T erra Peregrin – Participações SGPS, owned by Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of Angola’s president, has launched a tender offer for the entire share capital of Portugal Telecom (PT) SGPS, in an announcement filed with the market regulator. According to the statement issued by the Portuguese security markets regulator CMVM, the company intends to pay 1.35 euros for each of the more than 896 million shares of the Portuguese group. In the preliminary announcement of the offer, Terra Peregrin says it may withdraw PT SGPS from the stock market if it takes at least a 90 percent share of the company. PT SGPS’s only assets are now a 25 percent stake in Brazilian operator Oi and a loan to Rioforte, of the Espírito Santo bloomberg Mobile devices and terrestrial phone handsets sit on display inside a Portugal Telecom SGPS SA mobile communications store in Lisbon group, of slightly less than 900 million euros. A week ago, French group Altice made a proposal to pay 7.025 billion for PT Portugal, excluding its business in Africa, the debt to Rioforte and financial vehicles. MDT/Macauhub 9 Joint Mozambique S Korea plant to assemble Hyundai cars A n assembly plant of South Korean car brand Hyundai was inaugurated Thursday in the industrial zone of the city of Matola, near Maputo, as part of a Mozambican-South Korean partnership, according to local news agency AIM. The partnership, called Somyoung Motors, is a private investment between Somotor of Mozambique, the majority shareholder and YoungSom of South Korea, which invested USD5.45 million including construction of the factory and purchase of the equipment needed to assemble the vehicles. The plant has an installed capacity to assemble 4,500 cars per year and in an initial phase will assemble five vehicles per day, which will increase to 1,200 units in 2015 and 2,500 in 2016. Somyoung Motors is currently assembling Hyundai i10 model cars, which are sold at a unit price of US$12,000, and the Accent 1.6 model, which will be placed on the bloomberg Angolan president’s daughter bids to buy Portugal Telecom 中葡論壇 A worker looks at the engine bay beneath the cab of a Hyundai HD72 light truck market priced at US$23,000 each. Mozambique’s President Armando Guebuza said at the plant’s inauguration ceremony, that 542,000 cars are currently registered in Mozambique and 95 percent of the 45 existing brands in the country are of Asian origin. MDT/Macauhub ad 10 CHINA 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 中國 has no interest in returning to Wan Chai. “It’s not really good for me,” she said. “I want to do something better, something positive.” More than 160,000 Indonesians, almost all women, have taken perilous routes to jobs as maids, nannies and housekeepers in Hong Kong A Filipino domestic worker, who asked to be identified only by her first name, Babylen, speaks during an interview at a shelter opened for unemployed domestic workers Jack Chang, Hong Kong A t every stop, the path from Tritin Kartika’s poor Indonesian hometown to her job as a live-in maid in a Hong Kong apartment put her at risk of exploitation. Back home, she signed an employment contract that required her to give up most of her first six months of wages, to repay her hiring agency for travel and other costs. When she arrived in her new city, the agency confiscated her passport to make sure she paid her debt. And she soon saw what many migrant workers do if they lose or abandon their jobs: A friend took her to the bars of Hong Kong’s Wan Chai redlight district, where many Indonesian and Filipino women earn money having sex with foreign men. “I just wanted a better salary, something more than what I could make at home,” said Kartika, 32, whose 5-year-old daughter is still in Indonesia. “I just wanted to help my family.” More than 160,000 Indonesians, almost all women, have taken similarly perilous routes to jobs as maids, nannies and housekeepers in Hong Kong, lured by salaries as much as five times higher than at home. Now, they’re mourning two of their own — Seneng Mujiasih and Sumarti Ningsih, former domestic workers in their 20s who were found stabbed to death last weekend in the luxury apartment of British investment banker Rurik George Caton Jutting. Jutting, 29, has been charged with two counts of murder in a case that has shocked the former British colony and Hong Kong Domestic workers struggle in risky jobs shed light on the often hidden and dire circumstances facing many of these women. All told, 320,000 foreign domestic workers clean, cook and care for children in Hong Kong, making up nearly 5 percent of the city’s population, according to a 2013 report by the human rights group Amnesty International. Most hail from Indonesia and the Philippines, and together they send home hundreds of millions of dollars each year. The women’s slayings elicit a mixture of horror and shame among Indonesians. “They understand very well when people become trapped in those kinds of forced conditions,” said Eni Lestari, a domestic worker who helps run the advocacy group Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body. “But they also feel bad and ask why people are taking these sex worker jobs.” Domestic workers and labor activists say such women are made vulnerable to abuse by Indonesian laws that require people who seek work abroad to go through hiring agencies, as well as Hong Kong regulations that tie domestic workers to their employers, even requiring that they sleep in their places of work. Workers end up deep in debt and vulnerable to fraud and abuse by the agencies, said Norma Muico, a migrant rights researcher with Amnesty International. Many women endure sexual harassment and abysmal living conditions but are legally unable to move out of their employers’ houses without giving up their work visas. Hong Kong’s domestic worker policies have drawn the attention of several U.N. human rights committees, with two of them calling for the repeal of the live-in requirement. “This is exploitation at its highest level,” Muico said. “Very rarely do you see this type of manipulation and way of extracting money from migrant domestic workers.” Like Kartika, Mujiasih and Ningsih had signed contracts requiring they pay their agencies back for travel and other costs, according to Lestari, who said she has talked to the women’s relatives and friends. Typical salaries for maids in Hong Kong run about USD500 a month, according to Lestari’s group. Agencies can require workers to give up about $335 from each paycheck. After Mujiasih was fired, she chose a sadly common option, Indonesian officials say. She overstayed her work visa and hit the bars and nightclubs of Wan Chai to make money off the mostly Western male cus- tomers — a much more lucrative, if risky, job. Kartika is done repaying the employment agency and has her passport back. She said she is sending money home and For a Filipino domestic worker, who asked to be identified only by her first name, Babylen, the past year and a half in Hong Kong has been a bitter disappointment. An injury on the job led to her dismissal in March. Now, she’s waiting to receive compensation while sleeping in a shelter opened for unemployed domestic workers. The former schoolteacher and mother of two boys said she was forced to go abroad after her husband died. “It seemed like slavery to me,” she said of working for a Pakistani family in Hong Kong. “All day or night, I can’t say no because I might lose my job. I just want to feed my family. Everyone depends on me.” AP tests planned for british banker in murder trial Rurik George Caton Jutting sits in a prison bus arriving at a court in Hong Kong The British banker charged with murdering two Indonesian women in Hong Kong will undergo a psychiatric assessment to determine whether he is fit to enter a plea in his trial. Rurik Jutting appeared briefly yesterday at a pre-trial hearing before the judge adjourned proceedings for two weeks while the psychiatric assessments are carried out. Rurik’s case has transfixed the Asian financial center. He is charged with murdering two young Indonesian women found dead in his 31st floor luxury apartment in the Wan Chai red light and nightlife district, includ- ing one found stuffed in a suitcase on his balcony. A lawyer for Jutting said he has not yet agreed to participate in a police reconstruction at the crime scene but did not rule out giving consent in the future. Jutting did not speak at the hearing, which lasted only a few minutes before he was remanded back into prison custody. Jutting, a Cambridge graduate who had worked for Bank of America Merrill Lynch, is accused of killing Seneng Mujiasih, 29, who was in Hong Kong on an expired domestic worker permit, and Sumarti Ningsih, 25, who was on a tourist visa. tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 中國 CHINA 11 APEC Summit Christopher Bodeen, Beijing C hinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took a major step in easing more than two years of high tensions over contested islands and wartime history with an ice-breaking meeting yesterday during an Asia-Pacific conference. The spat between China and Japan over uninhabited East China Sea islands has raised concerns of a military confrontation between Asia’s two largest economies, which could draw the U.S. into the fray alongside ally Japan. China also deplores what it sees as Japan’s efforts to play down its brutal 20th century invasion of China, a lingering sore point for its 1.3 billion people. The closed-door meeting raises hopes that the countries can dial down tensions and burnishes Xi’s image as a statesman ahead of a summit today of 21 world leaders including President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin. China hopes to use the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit to assert its ambitions for a larger leadership role in U.S.-dominated trade structures. Although core divisions between China and Japan won’t be resolved soon, Abe told reporters that the countries made a “first step” toward reconciliation. “I believe that not only our Asian neighbors but many other countries have long hoped that Japan and China hold talks,” Abe said. “We finally lived up to their expectations and made a first step to improve our ties.” Earlier, before heading into a meeting room at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, the two men shook hands in front of cameras, unsmiling. Abe could be seen speaking briefly to Xi, who gave no response and looked toward the cameras for the remainder of the handshake. In a break from the usual protocol, Abe was made to wait for Xi to arrive at the meeting, rather than being greeted by him on arrival. China’s Foreign Ministry also described the meeting as being at Abe’s “request,” a phrase not used in its reports on Xi’s meetings with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and other foreign leaders yesterday. China’s official Xinhua News Agency said Xi urged Japan to “do more things that help enhance the mutual trust between Japan and its neighbo- ap photo Xi and Abe hold ice-breaking meeting China’s President Xi Jinping, right, shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People, on the sidelines of the APEC meetings in Beijing ring countries, and play a constructive role in safeguarding the region’s peace and stability.” The two sides issued a joint statement on Friday agreeing to gradually resume political, diplomatic and security dialogues and reaffirming the central pillars of their post-World War II relations. In the statement, Japan said it acknowledged differing views over the status of the islands, called Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japan, a concession likely to please Beijing. China has long de- The meeting marks a turning point in ChinaJapan relations and lays a good foundation for future developments Feng Lei professor Center for Japanese Studies, Fudan University manded that Tokyo acknowledge that the islands’ sovereignty is in dispute, something Japan has refused to do for fear that would open the floodgates to further Chinese demands. China and Japan have had poor relations for decades, rooted in Beijing’s enduring sense of victimhood and Japanese fears of China’s economic and political rise. Japan’s nationalization of the islands in September 2012 infuriated Beijing, sparking anti-Japanese riots and raising regional security fears as Chinese patrol ships repeatedly entered the surrounding waters to confront Japanese coast guard vessels. China upped the ante last year by declaring an air defense zone over the East China Sea, including the islands. Japan, the U.S. and others denounced the move and refused Chinese demands that their aircraft declare themselves to Beijing when passing through the area. Abe, a conservative nationalist who was elected in late 2012, infuriated China last year when he visited Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine honoring Japan’s war dead, including executed war criminals, an act Beijing said showed Abe’s insensitivity to China’s suffering during the war. China had hoped that Abe would pledge not to visit Yasukuni Shrine again while in office, although it wasn’t clear if any such commitment was made. For its part, Japan hopes to restore robust economic exchanges with China that have suffered during the tensions, and to gain Beijing’s support for a dialogue on maritime safety in the East China Sea. While anti-Japanese sentiment remains strong among the Chinese public, Xi’s apparent willingness to set animosity aside and meet with Abe casts him in the role of global statesman, playing to China’s aspirations to be treated as a political equal by the West. “The meeting marks a turning point in China-Japan relations and lays a good foundation for future developments,” said Feng Lei, a professor at the Center for Japanese Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. “China needs a peaceful and stable international environment for its growth and an overarching antagonism would be detrimental to both si- des,” Feng said. Today, APEC leaders are due to take up a Chinese-led regional free trade initiative despite American worries that it might distract from a separate U.S.-promoted pact, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Progress on TPP has bogged down in disagreements about its ambitious market-opening goals. On Saturday, trade ministers of the 21 APEC economies endorsed a call for the group to launch a study of the Chinese-led initiative, the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. Chinese analysts say Beijing sees the initiative as a way to boost its role in trade policy. APEC countries account for 40 percent of global trade, so any progress in market-opening initiatives could have worldwide implications. The chief U.S. trade envoy, Michael Froman, said Sunday that Washington doesn’t see the two initiatives as “being in competition.” He said, however, that Washington wants Beijing to focus on making progress on a proposed U.S.Chinese investment treaty and a regional pact to lower market barriers to trade in information technology. AP Afghanistan ap photo Insurgents kill 9 police officers in separate attacks Afghan officials say that nine police have been killed in two separate attacks in volatile parts of the country. Din Mohammad Darwesh, spokesman for the provincial governor in eastern Logar province, says six police officers, including their commander, were killed in a suicide attack yesterday on police headquarters in the capital, Puli Alim. He says the suicide attacker was wearing a police uniform when he infiltrated the compound. A civilian was wounded, he says. In the second attack, three police officers were killed when a bomb carried on a motorbike exploded near their vehicle in Nangahar province, says Hazrat Hussain Mashreqiwal, spokesman for the provincial police chief. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the Logar attack. India ap photo Top court lifts ban on female makeup artists India’s Supreme Court yesterday ordered the lifting of a ban on women working as makeup artists in the movie industry, ending a decades-long discriminatory practice. India’s film industry is among the most prolific in the world with nearly 1,500 films produced annually, most of them in Bollywood, as the Mumbai Hindi film industry is called. The Cine Costume Makeup Artists and Hair Dressers Association had an unofficial ban on women as makeup artists, though they could work as hairdressers to the stars. Judge Dipak Misra also struck down a regulation that people had to live in a particular city or town for five years to become a member of the association. The court order came on a petition by Charu Khurana, a female makeup artist who challenged the two clauses as being discriminatory. Her case was supported by the National Commission for Women, a state organization that protects women’s rights. The association said it was trying to ensure that male makeup artists were not deprived of work in the film industry. 亞太版 Youkyung Lee, Business Writer, Beijing S outh Korea says it has agreed to sign a free trade deal with China that will remove tariffs on more than 90 percent of goods over two decades but won’t include rice or autos. The announcement from South Korea’s presidential office yesterday came after South Korean President Park Geun-hye met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit being held in Beijing. Negotiators held a 14th round of trade talks before Xi and Park met but failed to resolved outstanding issues. A statement from South Korea’s presidential office said Xi and Park declared that the agreement was now “virtually” reached. Xi said negotiations had made “significant progress.” Two-way trade between China and South Korea was USD229 billion in 2013. The deal covers 22 areas including finance and online commerce. South Korea said it was the first time for China to include finance, telecommunications and e-commerce industries in a free trade deal. South Korea’s rice industry will not be included in the trade deal but trade in 70 percent of agricultural goods will be liberalized. South Korean trade officials said that LCDs and automobiles were among toughest areas to negotiate. They said South Korean automakers were concerned that foreign carmakers would ship their vehicles directly from China to South Korea if import tariffs on automobiles were removed. For LCDs, which is an area South Korean President Park Geun-hye, front, meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing South Korea Seoul, Beijing agree to sign free trade deal where China is catching up with South Korean technology, the two sides agreed to remove tariffs 10 years after the trade deal takes effect. Ahn Jong-beom, Park’s top economic adviser, told reporters that the two parties have no outstanding “sensitive issues” and will finalize the agreement’s wording. The China- South Korea trade deal will be formally signed early next year. South Korea’s government will seek parliamentary approval in the following months. China and South Korea began the trade negotiations in May 2012. Jee Mansoo, an economist at the Korea Institute of Finance, said the impact of the trade pact Seoul fires warning shots near N. Korea border Kim Tong-Hyung, Seoul S outh Korean troops fired warning shots yesterday after North Korean soldiers approached too close to the border separating the rival countries, Seoul defense officials said. The firing heightens animosities between the rival Koreas, even as North Korea’s tensions with the United States seem to have eased after the announced release of two detained Americans a day earlier. About 10 North Korean soldiers retreated without returning fire after South Korean troops fired 20 rounds of warning shots, the officials said on condition of anonymity because of office policy. There were no reports of casualties. South Korean troops have detected North Korean soldiers approaching the border several times this year, but this was only the second time that the South fired war- ning shots, the officials said. The incident happened inside the 4-kilometer-wide Demilitarized Zone that was created when the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice. Tensions between the Koreas remain high following two incidents last month involving exchanges of gunfire, although no casualties were reported in either one. In the first incident, troops from the two countries traded gunfire over propaganda leaflets South Korean activists sent across the border by balloon. In the second, North Korean soldiers were seen too close to the border, triggering a gunfire exchange. North Korea said its soldiers were engaging in routine patrol missions. At the center of the recent animosities is North Korea’s demand that South Korea prevent activists from launching the antiNorth leaflets. South Korea has said it cannot do so, citing freedom of speech. is unclear because the economic situation has changed since negotiations began. Some South Korea industries that were expected to benefit from increased exports to China, such as steelmaking, are no longer likely to benefit because China has made strides in improving its domestic industries, he said. AP ap photo ASIA-PACIFIC th Anniversary ap photo 12 11.11.2014 tue North Korean soldiers watch the south side with cameras at the border village of Panmunjom The conflict over the leafleting appears to have derailed talks on a high-level meeting between the two Koreas, which had been offered by North Korea during the September Asian Games and had been discussed for October or November. Over the weekend, North Korea released the last two Americans it has been detaining — Matthew Miller of Bakersfield, California, and Kenneth Bae of Lynnwood, Washington — in a move widely seen as an attempt to break a long deadlock with the U.S. over talks on the North’s nuclear program. AP tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT 13 WORLD Josh Lederman, Beijing H is influence at home quickly fading, President Barack Obama is looking east to China, the opening stop of a three-country tour that will test his ability to play a commanding role on the world stage during his final two years in office. Once treated like a global superstar, Obama arrived yesterday in Beijing under far different circumstances, with his most powerful days behind him. At home, Republicans are still rejoicing at having pummeled Obama’s political party in the midterm elections, relegating Democrats to the minority in both chambers of Congress. His counterparts in Asia surely have noticed. Upon his arrival in the Chinese capital, Obama stepped off Air Force One and onto a red carpet, where an honor guard of dozens lined his path to a waiting limousine. First up was a sit-down with President Joko Widodo of Indonesia, where Obama lived as a child. Widodo, who was sworn in last month amid high hopes for progressive leadership, said his election showed Islam and democracy can go together, and pledged to keep fighting extremism in his country. Obama was effusive, calling his election an “affirmation of the full transition Indonesia has made to a thriving democracy and a model for the kind of tolerance and pluralism that we want to see all around the world.” Obama suggested Widodo might even visit Washington next year. Reviving a phrase from his youth, Obama thanked the assembled reporters in Bahasa Indonesia, the country’s official language. Later yesterday, Obama was to give a speech about U.S. ties to Asia at a high-level Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, then join key Asian leaders for dinner and fireworks at the Beijing National Aquatics Center. During his three days in China, Obama will also meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The leaders of the world’s two largest economies will address reporters before the state visit draws to a close Wednesday and Obama flies to Myanmar. The trip marks one of Obama’s final opportunities to deliver on his goal to amplify U.S. influence in Asia. In China, Myanmar and Australia, leaders will be rendering judgment on whether Obama’s lofty ambitions in Asia-Pacific have been sidetracked by festering crises in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. “This is going to be a tough trip for the president,” said Ernest Bower, an Asia expert at th Anniversary 分析 ap photo 14 11.11.2014 tue Barack Obama, center, walks out with S Korean President Park Geun-hye, right, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, far left, and his wife Iriana, second from the left, following the APEC Summit family photo Diplomacy In China, Obama tests global clout post-election Once treated like a global superstar, Obama arrived yesterday in Beijing under far different circumstances, with his most powerful days behind him the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. He said Asian leaders were viewing Obama’s trip with a key question in mind: Who is Barack Obama after the midterm elections? “They’ll be trying to discern whether he has the commitment and political capital to follow through,” Bower said. Even before the election, Obama’s commitment to the region and his ability to boost U.S. clout there was in doubt in many capitals. U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea have pressed for a greater American presence, partly to counter China’s growing influence. Yet Obama’s mission against the Islamic State group and his government’s Ebola response have diverted U.S. military and financial resources elsewhere. “The president remains deeply committed to his Asia rebalancing strategy, and its implementation will remain a top priority throughout the second term,” said Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice. U.S. presidents often immerse themselves in foreign affairs during their last years in office, when the focus on the next presidential race saps the energy from their own domestic efforts. In the wake of last week’s elections, White House officials spoke optimistically about Obama’s prospects for clinching trade deals in Asia and elsewhere now that Republicans are set to control Congress. Under Obama, U.S. trade negotiators for years have been pursuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a major trade pact being negotiated with 11 nations. The talks have repeatedly blown past their deadlines, and other nations have been wary about Obama’s ability to push an eventual deal through Congress, where Democrats have been sensitive to the concerns of labor unions. But with Republicans in charge, Obama’s prospects may have improved, so the argument goes. Republicans tend to support trade deals as a way to boost the U.S. eco- nomy, and GOP leaders have spoken positively about giving Obama so-called “fast track” approval that would subject the final deal to an up-ordown vote, preventing lastminute amendments that could sink the whole deal. China’s not part of the talks, and is pursuing its own free trade deals in the region. What’s more, Chinese leaders have viewed Obama’s focus on Asia with suspicion, fearing an attempt to contain China’s growth and influence in the region. In a sign of the political climate facing Obama in China, state-run media have been mocking him in the days before his visit. “Obama always utters ‘Yes, we can,’ which led to the high expectations people had for him,” read an editorial in the English-language Global Times. “But he has done an insipid job, offering nearly nothing to his supporters. U.S. society has grown tired of his banality.” Another reminder of the tensions in the region came hours before Obama left on Saturday when North Korea released two American detainees after Obama’s spy chief made a secret mission to Pyongyang to secure their release. In his meetings with Xi, Obama also plans to address human rights issues, officials said, including the treatment of journalists as well as prodemocracy protests in Hong Kong that erupted in September to the dismay of Chinese officials. Climate change — a key concern in smog-filled Beijing — and China’s aggressive behavior toward its neighbors are also on Obama’s agenda. AP obama: hong kong priority is to avoid violence President Barack Obama says his priority when it comes to pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong is to ensure that violence is avoided. Obama is speaking in Beijing about protests that erupted in September in Hong Kong demanding open nominations in the city’s elections. Obama says China isn’t in the same place as the U.S. when it comes to development. But he says it would be unrealistic for the U.S. to set aside its concerns about human rights. He says the U.S. won’t stop speaking out about the things it cares about. Obama says the U.S. doesn’t expect China to follow the U.S. model in all circumstances. He says China’s relationship with Hong Kong has historically been complicated. Obama’s comments come on the first day of a threeday visit to China. tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT 15 16 INFOTAINMENT what’s ON ... Exhibition of Watercolor Works by Sio Ieng Leong Time: 10am-7pm (opened on public holidays) Until: November 16, 2014 Venue: UNESCO Centre of Macau, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 2872 7066 The 61st Macau Grand Prix Exhibition Time: 10am-7pm (Mondays to Sundays) Until: November 17, 2014 Venue: Rui Cunha Foundation/Av. da Praia Grande Nº 749 -R/C, Macau Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 2892 3288 Artistic Perspectives Time: 10:3 am-6:30pm (Closed on Mondays) Until: November 23, 2014 Venue: 10 Fantasia Creative Industries Incubator, Calçada da Igreja de S.Lázaro, 10 Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 2835 4582 14th Macau Food Festival Time: 5pm-11pm (Mondays to Thursdays) 3pm-midnight (Fridays to Sundays) Until: November 23, 2014 Venue: Sai Van Lake Square Admission: Free Enquires: (853) 2857 5756 Time & Routes of free shuttle bus (3 routes): 5pm11:30pm (Mondays to Thursdays) 3pm-12:30 midnight (Fridays to Sundays) Return service to Sai Van Lake Square and Macau Luso Bank (Av. Dr. Mario Soares), OCBC Weng Hang Bank (32, Est. Marginal do Hipodromo), opposite Altira Macau Hotel in Taipa Macau Fringe 2014: Multi-media Arts Exhibition Time: 12pm-6pm (November 10-16, 2014) Until: November 16, 2014 Venue: Old Court Building Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 2833 7676 or 8988 4000 Language: Cantonese Offbeat US woman celebrates birthday with sky dive 11.11.2014 tue th Anniversary 資訊/娛樂 TV canal macau 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast 14:30 RTPi Live 14:58 Policy Adress - Chief Executive 17:40 Brazil Avenue (Repeated) 18:30 TDM Sports (Repeated) 19:30 Soap Opera 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report 21:00 TDM Interview 21:45 Happy Endings S1 22:10 Brazil Avenue 23:00 TDM News 23:30 Miscellaneous 00:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) cinema cineteatro 6 Nov -12 Nov interstellar_ room 1 2.30, 6.00, 9.00 pm Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 169min kung fu jungle_ room 2 2.15, 4.05, 7.55, 9.30 pm Director: Teddy Chen Starring: Donnie Yen, Charlie Young, Wang Bao-qiang Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 100min don’t go breaking my heart 2_ room 2 7.45 pm Director: Johnnie To Starring: Louis Koo, Miriam Yeung, Gao Yuanyuan Language: Cantonese (English and Chinese) Duration: 115min 100th gangster pay day_ room 3 2.15 4.00, 7.45, 9.30 pm Director: Lee Po Cheung Starring: Anthony Wong, Charlene Choi, Wong Yau Nam Language: Cantonese (English and Chinese) Duration: 134min Eleanor Cunningham of Howes Cave, New York, has bested former President George H.W. Bush. He celebrated his 90th birthday by skydiving; she made the big leap to mark her centennial. Cunningham kissed her 7-month-old great-greatgranddaughter before suiting up for her 100th birthday jump Saturday at Saratoga Skydiving in Gansevoort. It was her third jump, after taking up the sport at age 90. Cunningham lives with her granddaughter in their Schoharie County home in central New York. Her doctor signed off on the skydiving expedition, saying her health makes her more than capable of doing what she loves. Dean McDonald of Saratoga Skydiving says Cunningham is his oldest jump partner yet. ouija_ room 3 7.30 pm Director: Stiles White Starring: Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Daren Kagasoff Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 89min macau tower 6 Nov - 26 Nov interstellar_ 2.30, 5.30, 8.30 pm Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 169min this day in history 2004 Veteran leader Yasser Arafat is dead The veteran Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has died in hospital in Paris, France, aged 75. The man who led his people’s struggle for more than 40 years suffered multiple organ failure at 0330 local time (0230 GMT). He had been in a coma since 3 November and two days ago suffered a brain haemorrhage. He was brought to a military hospital near Paris from Ramallah on the West Bank at the end of last month as his condition deteriorated. The exact nature of his illness remains a mystery, although doctors ruled out cancer and rejected the allegation by Palestinian militant groups that he had been poisoned. His body was flown this evening to Cairo, Egypt, where his funeral will be held tomorrow, attended by Arab and other leaders. He will be buried in Ramallah on Saturday. In the Palestinian territories news of his death was greeted with open displays of grief. The authorities have declared 40 days of mourning. Tributes came in from around the world. The French President, Jacques Chirac, said the Palestinian leader was “a man of courage and conviction who for 40 years incarnated the Palestinians’ fight for recognition of their national rights”. The White House simply described the death as a “significant moment in Palestinian history” and offered condolences. The Israeli government, which has long labelled Mr Arafat a terrorist, said his death could be a turning point for peace in the Middle East. Mr Arafat spent his last three years held a virtual prisoner by the Israeli authorities in his partially-destroyed compound in Ramallah. Relations between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government deteriorated since 2000, when he was blamed by Israel and the United States for the failure of peace talks at Camp David. Mr Arafat always insisted the deal he was offered was less generous than it has since been portrayed. Under the Bush administration, he has been shunned by the United States as complicit in terrorism. Since the 1950s Mr Arafat has been the public face of Palestinian opposition to Israel, first as the leader of Fatah, the Movement for the Liberation of Palestine, and then at the head of the PLO. There is a long-standing question mark over his involvement in attacks by Palestinian guerrillas from various factions. Mr Arafat refused to discuss such attacks, though he always denounced terrorism as a tactic. Then in 1993, he began negotiating with Israel’s Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, in secret talks in Oslo. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Mr Rabin and Shimon Perez, after signing the Oslo Accords, seen as a breakthrough towards an independent Palestinian state and a permanent peace with Israel. Courtesy BBC News In context After his funeral in Cairo, attended by leaders and representatives from 40 countries, Yasser Arafat was buried in Ramallah amid chaotic and emotional scenes. Soil from the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, where Palestinians hope he can one day be reburied, was used in his grave. Elections were held in January 2005. They were won by former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, who had already succeeded Yasser Arafat as leader of the PLO after serving as his deputy since 1969. In September 2005 Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip and evicted Jewish settlers, and there have been tentative moves towards renewed peace talks despite continuing violence on both sides. Yasser Arafat’s medical records were released in 2005, and appeared to show that doctors could not determine the underlying cause of his death. The records said Mr Arafat died from a stroke that stemmed from an unknown condition. Speculation continues over the cause of his death, with many Palestinians believing he was poisoned by Israel. The Israeli government has denied this. tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 資訊/娛樂 Taurus Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 You have to do something about your clutter — or maybe all that empty space in your house! You’ve got to balance your possessions with your needs, and if it takes all day, so be it. Your intensity makes life great for you and your people — you don’t let go of anything good, while forcefully dismissing all the bad. It’s one of those days when you really need to revel! Gemini Cancer May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 This is not the time to issue demands or otherwise expect the world to match your pace. Instead, you need to deal with your own issues while you wait for everyone else to catch up with you. You need to throw a party — or an intimate gathering — so invite folks over for dinner or more. You know how to make people feel welcome, and once you get things rolling, it becomes unstoppable! Leo Virgo Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You can’t believe what you’re hearing today — about yourself! It’s one thing to know others talk behind your back, but another thing entirely to actually catch them in the act. Your thoughtful, philosophical side is out on display today, and you couldn’t be happier. It’s a great time to dig deeply into big issues and see what comes of them. The little details can wait for another day. Libra 17 The Born Loser by Chip Sansom YOUR STARS Aries INFOTAINMENT SUDOKU Weather Easy Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 You need to be a little more open to new possibilities — which isn’t all that hard for you, fortunately. Of course, you may not like what you’ve got to do at first, but it is sure to grow on you! Sagittarius Capricorn Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You need to be a little more open to new possibilities — which isn’t all that hard for you, fortunately. Of course, you may not like what you’ve got to do at first, but it is sure to grow on you! Your softer side is on the surface now, and you may find that you can more easily tell your sweetie (or crush) how you feel. It’s a really good time for romance, so go for it soon! Aquarius Pisces Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 The past is catching up with you — but that can be a good thing! As long as you don’t just wallow in nostalgia or regret, you can take pride in your accomplishments and ensure that the future is bright. Your attractiveness is heightened today — so go fishing for a new romance or a new job! You can make a great first impression without trying very hard, and your new confidence is amazing! Medium Hard 3 13 overcast Harbin 0 6 haze/cloudy Tianjin 7 13 overcast Urumqi -5 2 clear Xi’an 7 16 cloudy/clear Lhasa -1 19 clear Chengdu 10 16 shower/cloudy Chongqing 12 16 drizzle/overcast Kunming 10 22 cloudy Nanjing 10 17 overcast Shanghai 13 18 cloudy Wuhan 9 18 cloudy/clear Hangzhou 12 18 cloudy Taipei 19 24 drizzle Guangzhou 17 24 drizzle/overcast Hong Kong 21 24 cloudy 4 6 drizzle Frankfurt 3 11 drizzle/cloudy Paris 5 11 drizzle/overcast London 10 12 drizzle New York 6 13 clear Moscow Crossword puzzles provided by Down: 1- Dehydrate; 2- Shave; 3- Understatement; 4- Community spirit; 5Animated character; 6- Large flightless bird; 7- Debris; 8- Mend; 9- What you put Yesterday’s solution on snooze; 10- Sailors; 11- From ___ Z; 12Asphalt; 13- Tarries; 14- Express support; 21- K-6; 24- Coach Rockne; 25- Bikini blast; 27- Perfect places; 28- Brainstorms; 30- Singer Chris; 31- “Awake and Sing!” playwright; 33- Certain salt; 34- Pertaining to the open seas; 35- Montgomery’s state; 36- Impure acetic acid; 37- Prolonged unconsciousness; 38- Unific; 39- Floral ornament; 40- Catherine the Great, e.g.; 42- Hurt; 45- Singer Lopez; 46- Hermit; 48- Londoner, e.g.; 49- Meadow mouse; 51- “…and seven years _____”; 53Engine part; Beijing Condition world Crosswords Across: 1- Erased; 8- Capable of being evaluated; 15- Embodiment; 16- High spirits; 17- Lacking; 18- Situated near the ear; 19- Crazy as ___; 20- Brings up; 22- ___-Aztecan languages; 23- Makes lace; 24- Middle East rug; 25- From the U.S.; 26- Hot time in Paris; 27- Keyboard key; 28Anatomical passages; 29- Remainder; 31- Hans Christian Andersen’s birthplace; 32- Hardens; 33- Citrus coolers; 34- Stately dance; 37- Animal; 41- Inventor Howe; 42- Newsgroup messages; 43- ___ de guerre; 44Slender; 45- Domesticates; 46- Speech issue; 47- Actor Vigoda; 48- Skater Boitano; 49- Elector; 50- First Russian astronaut; 52- Plant of the buttercup family; 54- Conceive; 55- Abilities; 56- Arteries of the neck; 57- Appears; Max China Easy+ Scorpio You are more attractive than usual — which is really saying something! Make sure that you’re speaking to the right people and letting the universe know what — and whom — you want. Min Useful telephone numbers Emergency calls 999 Taxi (Yellow) 28 519 519 Fire department 28 572 222 Taxi (Black) 28 939 939 PJ (Open line) 993 Water Supply – Report 1990 992 PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Telephone – Report 1000 PSP 28 573 333 Electricity – Report 28 339 922 Customs 28 559 944 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 IACM 28 387 333 Tourism 28 333 000 Airport 59 888 88 ad 18 11.11.2014 tue SPORTS th Anniversary 體育 G Rugby Australia beats Samoa 44-18 in 4 Nations Champs a major impact, highlighted by his 34th-minute try. Samoa cut the lead to 28-12 after six minutes of the second half with a try to Ben Roberts and, after Australia had pulled ahead with Cronk’s second try, rallied again with a try to David Fa’alongo. Australia inflated its winning margin with tries in the last five minutes to Josh Papali’i and Josh Mansour. The final will be played Saturday in Wellington. AP reg Inglis and Cooper Crock shared four of Australia’s eight tries in a 44-18 win over Samoa to seal a place opposite New Zealand in the final of rugby league’s Four Nations Championship. New Zealand clinched its finals spot with a 16-14 win over England on Saturday, which left it unbeaten in round-robin play after a 30-12 win over Australia and 14-12 win over Samoa. Australia needed to win Sunday’s match to avoid missing the final for the first time in 60 years. Samoa would have gone through with a win by eight points or more and England would have reached the final if Samoa had won by fewer than eight points. Australia eliminated those possibilities with its best performance of the tournament, scoring five tries to take a 28-6 halftime lead. Australia was much more confident and effective in possession Sunday than in had been in its loss to New Zealand and a contentious 16-12 win over England. Cronk scored the first of his tries in only the second minute to lift any early pressure from the Kangaroos and Inglis’ first gave them a 10-0 lead in even time. Samoa hit back with the first score card Cooper Cronk of its tries, to Tim Simona, to cut the lead to 10-6 midway through the first half. But Australia broke away in the next 20 minutes with Inglis’ second try and others to Daly Cherry -Evans and David Klemmer to take a decisive lead to halftime. Cherry-Evans’ was probably the best try of the match: he sold a dummy on the short side of a defensive scrum and sprinted 70 meters through a disordered defense to score. Klemmer came off the bench to make Australia 44 (Cooper Cronk 2, Greg Inglis 2, Daly Cherry-Evans, David Klemmer, Josh Popali’i, Josh Mansour tries; Cameron Smith 4 goals; Daly Cherry-Evans 2 goals), Samoa 18 (Tim Simona, Ben Roberts, David Fa’alogo tries; Tim Lafai 3 goals). HT: 28-6. N ew Zealand defeated England 24-21 on Saturday, bossing a home side that’s desperate to make Twickenham a fortress heading toward the Rugby World Cup it will host in 10 months. Instead, the All Blacks added to their aura with a news flash of their own: It was their seventh win in eight matches on England’s turf in the last decade, and they will feel right at home when they come back to defend the Cup. All Blacks coach Steve Hansen, however, insisted the result would have no bearing on the World Cup, where New Zealand and England could meet only as early as the semifinals. Of the All Blacks earning a psychological advantage, Hansen said, “That’s a load of baloney. “The All Blacks have shown many times you can be top dog and not get there. Today is about winning today. “There’s no psychological advantage because World Cups have shown time and again that prior history goes out the door.” The All Blacks were set back by an unexpectedly ap photo All Blacks beat England 24-21 at Twickenham England’s Mike Brown runs with the ball as he is challenged by New Zealand’s Aaron Smith strong start by England, playing its first test in five months, but the visitors gradually took charge, took the lead for good in the 46th minute, and squeezed the life out of England in the second half, despite a yellow card and heavy rain. Putting away their customary flash and dash, New Zealand played smart, patient, textbook rugby in scoring three tries, and overcame making only three goalkicks out of ei- ght shots. Not until reserve prop Charlie Faumuina burrowed over from a ruck after 22 phases to make it 24-14 with nine minutes to go were the All Blacks safe on the scoreboard, but the match was already in the palm of their hands. “I’m proud of the way the guys, after a slightly dodgy start, held our nerves, and got the points we needed in the second half,” captain Richie McCaw said. “I’m especially happy, when it was really bucketing down, that we held the ball to get across the line.” In that second half, they overturned all of the statistics in which they were in deficit in the first half: Possession, territory, line breaks, penalties conceded, tackles. England had barely touched New Zealand’s half in the second spell when the rain began and hooker Dane Coles was sin-binned for retaliating at opposite Dylan Hartley. But thanks to wise substitutions and savvy leadership, the All Blacks still dominated, bombing two tries and a penalty in front of the posts. When Coles returned, his teammates had won the period 3-0, and Hansen believed that was key. “The reality is we won the game in that 10 minutes because we were able to play with 14 men,” Hansen said. “Yes, Coles was ill-disciplined, but what pleased us most was that our guys showed their fortitude, we won that period, and that hurt England.” They then constructed a try of awesome ease for Faumuina, and put a fifth straight win over England to bed. England finished as it started, with a try, but the penalty try off a maul in the dying moments merely flattered the scoreline. A year ago on the same ground, New Zealand shot ahead 17-3 in even time. England should have pulled off the same feat on Saturday. England winger Jonny May plucked out a solo try in the third minute by beating center Conrad Smith and last man Israel Dagg on speed. England should have had two more tries by the 10th minute but May missed an unmarked Owen Farrell, and fullback Mike Brown, with the overlap, dropped a beautiful pass from inside center Kyle Eastmond. New Zealand flyhalf Aaron Cruden crashed over to finish a 70-meter counterattack, then England struck back with two Farrell penalties for 115, while Cruden levelled with two of his own. Farrell’s third penalty sent England into the break with a deserved three-point lead, but it lasted only six minutes into the new half. The second try was an example of All Blacks poise and smarts featuring lock Sam Whitelock, Aaron Smith, and No. 8 Kieran Read. When New Zealand swung the ball left, it had a three-on-one, and McCaw his 25th test try. The All Blacks finally led, and never let go. AP tue 11.11.2014 th Anniversary 體育 Ernie Vandeweghe poses in 1947 Beth Harris, Sports Writer E rnie Vandeweghe, a New York Knicks player in the post-World War II era and father of former NBA star Kiki Vandeweghe and three other top athletes, has died. He was 86. The death was confirmed night by Kiki Vandeweghe, who said his father died of natural causes at his home in Newport Beach. Vandeweghe averaged 9.5 points and 4.6 rebounds in 224 regularseason games for the Knicks from 1949-56. In college, he averaged 19.1 points in four seasons at Colgate. “I am so lucky to have spent so many years with him learning and growing,” granddaughter CoCo Vandeweghe, a pro tennis player ranked 40th in the world, said in a Facebook post Saturday. “He is now in a better place with his beloved wife. He will be missed dearly. Love you Pal.” Ernie Vandeweghe’s wife, Colleen, died in 2010. She won the 1952 Miss America pageant. Born in Montreal, Vandeweghe went to medical school while in the NBA and was a physician in the U.S. Air Force. He was chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and served on the Olympic Sports Commission. He also was the Lakers’ team physician when the team moved to Los Angeles from Minneapolis. “He’s never really gone because the lessons are still there,” said Kiki Vandeweghe, who as a 5-year-old didn’t understand why his physician father would often be gone on weekends. “He used to take care of the athletes and their kids. I found out he never charged any of those people. When you can afford to give back, you do.” Kiki Vandeweghe played 13 seasons in the NBA and was a two-time All-Star who averaged 19.7 points for his career. Daughter Tauna won a U.S. swimming championship in the backstroke and competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Son Bruk was a beach volleyball player, and daughter Heather captained the U.S. women’s polo team. Coco is Tauna’s daughter. Ernie Vandeweghe grew up in New York on Long Island and played football, basketball and baseball in high school. AP 19 Football | European Roundup Arsenal stumbles, Juventus cruises and PSG wins A rsenal was left to rue its defensive vulnerabilities for the second time in a week after again failing to defend a lead in a 2-1 away loss to Swansea on Sunday. The defeat followed a 3-3 draw at home to Anderlecht in the Champions League on Tuesday, which Arsenal had led 3-0. Title holders Juventus had no such problems, following a 7-0 rout of Parma to strengthen its lead at the top of Serie A. Two-time defending champion Paris Saint-Germain closed the gap on league leader Marseille with a 2-0 home win against its bitter rival, while Borussia Dortmund finally got back to winning ways, beating Borussia Moenchengladbach 1-0 in the Bundesliga. ENGLAND. Arsenal and Tottenham slumped to 2-1 losses in the Premier League as their weaknesses were exposed, while Newcastle’s resurgence continued with a fourth straight win. After throwing away a 3-0 lead against Anderlecht in the Champions League in midweek, Arsenal conceded twice in less than three minutes at Swansea to drop out of the top four. Chile forward Alexis Sanchez scored for the fourth straight league game to give Arsenal a 63rd-minute lead, only for Gylfi Sigurdsson to equalize with a stunning free kick in the 75th and Bafetimbi Gomis to grab the winner barely 90 seconds after coming on as a substitute. Spurs lost at home to Stoke to fall to 12th in the standings and increase the scrutiny on new manager Mauricio Pochettino. “We need to improve quickly because you never have a long time in football,” Pochettino said. “My challenge in the next few weeks is to change the mentality.” That is something Alan Pardew has managed at Newcastle, which was without a win until Oct. 18 but has surged up to eighth in the table. Young Spanish striker Ayoze Perez scored for a third straight game to set Newcastle on its way to a 2-0 win at West Brom. Argentine defender Fabricio Coloccino headed in the second goal. Everton drew 1-1 at Sunderland and is in 10th place. FRANCE. PSG overcame a poor start before getting the better of title rival Marseille 2-0 thanks to goals from Brazilian winger Lucas and Edinson Cavani. Marseille started the stronger team. Top scorer Andre-Pierre Gignac hit the crossbar with a header in the fifth minute and the visitors then missed other chances. PSG’s night was capped by the return from injury of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who has missed the past seven weeks with a heel injury. He came on in the 65th minute but failed to score and ignored better-placed teammates on several occasions. The win moved PSG to within one point of league leader Marseille, with Lyon ap photo ap photo Former NBA player Ernie Vandeweghe dies at 86 SPORTS Arsenal’s Alexis Sanchez, third from right, scores his side’s second goal during a Champions League, Group D soccer match two points behind Marseille in third place after beating Guingamp 3-1 at home, thanks to Alexandre Lacazette’s 11th goal of the season and two from midfielder Nabil Fekir. Sixth-place Saint-Etienne drew 1-1 at home to Monaco, and Reims beat Lille 2-0. GERMANY. Christoph Kramer’s bizarre own goal gave Borussia Dortmund a 1-0 win over Borussia Moenchengladbach to end the side’s five-game losing streak and lift it out of the Bundesliga’s relegation zone. World Cup winner Kramer converted into his own net from the center circle in the 58th minute when he inadvertently chipped an attempted back pass over his goalkeeper and could only watch helplessly as the ball bounced in. After its first defeat of the season, Moenchengladbach is third — seven points behind Bayern Munich. Wolfsburg beat Hamburger SV 2-0 and consolidated second place, four points behind Bayern, with its eighth consecutive win in all competitions. ITALY. Carlos Tevez scored a stunning goal to help Juventus crush Parma 7-0 and move three points clear at the top of the Serie A table. Tevez ran most of the length of the field and beat four men to score Juventus’ fourth before doubling his tally minutes later. Fernando Llorente and substitute Alvaro Morata also both netted twice, and Stephan Lichtsteiner was also on target to send Parma to its heaviest defeat in Serie A. “We had a great game,” Tevez said. “It was important to win and we were good in making hardly any errors. After the last international break, we missed so many scoring opportunities. Today we made up for our previous mistakes.” Second-placed Roma beat Torino 3-0 thanks to goals from Vasilis Torosidis, Seydou Keita and Adem Ljajic, while Napoli went third with a 1-0 win at Fiorentina with a winner from Argentina forward Gonzalo Higuain. Inter Milan’s inconsistent form continued with a 2-2 home draw against Hellas Verona, while Lazio lost 2-1 at Empoli. Chievo Verona beat fellow struggler Cesena 2-1 to move off the bottom of the table, while Palermo drew 1-1 at home to Udinese. Cagliari was held 1-1 by 10-man Genoa. SPAIN. Goals by Carlos Vela and Imanol Agirretxe gave lowly Real Sociedad a 2-1 home win against 10-man defending champion Atletico Madrid. The defeat leaves left Atletico in fourth-place on 23 points — four behind leaders Real Madrid. Also, Victor Casadesus struck late to give lowly Levante a 1-1 draw at Sevilla in a fierce match. Sevilla left-winger Víctor Machin headed in Gerard Deulofeu’s pinpoint cross in the 31st minute. But Casadesus pounced on a poor clearance by Sevilla goalkeeper Antonio Alberto Bastos to equalize in the 80th. The game lasted 96 minutes due to injury stoppages, including Bastos who was treated three times for a bleeding jaw. The game had to be stopped five times to treat players off the field. Sevilla occupies fifth place on 23 points. Real Madrid leads the standings on 27 points, two ahead of Barcelona. AP McDonald’s key sales figure BUZZ declines in October THE World Views Roger Moorhouse, Bloomberg US meth users turning to cheaper Mexican-made drug Ambient 60-80 Moderate NIGERIA A suicide bomber disguised in school uniform detonated explosives at a high school assembly in the northeast Nigerian city of Potiskum yesterday, killing at least 48 students, according to survivors and a morgue attendant. EGYPT Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, a jihadi organization based in the Sinai Peninsula that has carried out several attacks targeting Egyptian security forces, has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. The announcement reflects the growing regional appeal of the Islamic State, an al-Qaida breakaway group that has carved out a selfstyled caliphate in Syria and Iraq and demanded the loyalty of the world’s Muslims. A Franklin County police officer counts pills containing pseudoephedrine during a raid of a suspected meth house in Gerald, Mo. Jim Salter, St Louis S eizures of homemade methamphetamine labs are down by nearly half in many Midwestern states, but use of the drug remains high as people increasingly turn to cheaper, imported Mexican meth. Meth lab busts and seizures are down 40 percent or more in states that traditionally lead the country in that category, narcotics experts told The Associated Press. Enforcement and stricter laws are partly responsible, but the meth now coming through Mexican cartel pipelines is so cheap and pure that it is supplanting meth made in homes. The cartels have even expanded their meth reach to rural areas and small towns. “The great news is that meth from Mexico doesn’t explode, doesn’t burn down your house and your neighbor’s home, doesn’t contaminate your property, doesn’t kill children the way meth labs have done here in the U.S. for decades,” said Jason Grellner, the chief narcotics officer in Franklin County, Missouri. Meth lab seizures peaked nationally in 2004, when nearly 24,000 labs were seized. The Drug Enforcement Administration reported 11,573 seizures last year, up 363 from 2012. The Mexican cartels have long controlled the market for illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Meth was trickier. For years, many U.S. users have chosen to make their own, first in homemade labs that often caught fire or ruined houses. The Drug Enforcement Administration’s website lists thousands of homes contaminated by meth. When federal and state lawmakers began imple- Jim Shroba, special agent in charge for the DEA’s St. Louis office. The price over that same period has fallen sharply, from USD290 per pure gram to around $100 per pure gram. Marijuana is by far the most seized drug in the United States, with DEA statistics showing 268,000 kilograms seized in 2013. That compares to 22,500 kilograms of cocaine, 3,990 The Mexican cartels have long controlled the market for illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Meth was trickier. For years, many U.S. users have chosen to make their own menting laws limiting the sale of key meth ingredient pseudoephedrine in the mid-2000s, it became difficult to obtain enough for large batches. Meanwhile, Mexican cartels have increased their meth-making, using the organic compound phenylacetone — banned in the U.S. but obtainable in Mexico, according to the DEA — rather than pseudoephedrine. The purity of Mexican meth increased from 39 percent in 2007 to essentially 100 percent today, said kilograms of meth and 965 kilograms of heroin. At first, the Mexican meth was aimed mainly at big cities and suburbs. Indiana’s meth suppression commander Niki Crawford said it is increasingly showing up in her state’s mid-sized cities. “We all know that if we get a handle on meth labs, we will still have meth addicts who will work very hard to get their drug,” Crawford said. “This is where the Mexican cartel meth will fill the void.” AP SOUTH AFRICA Prosecutors said yesterday their application to appeal against Oscar Pistorius’ manslaughter conviction and five-year prison sentence will be heard in a South African court on Dec. 9. ap photo Russian President Vladimir Putin made headlines around the world last week when he defended the 1939 Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, by which Stalin and Hitler agreed secretly to divide Eastern Europe between them. It was, Putin said, in line with the normal “methods of foreign policy” of the time. “What is so bad about it, if the Soviet Union did not want to fight?” he asked. Putin’s language was harsher than when last he spoke publicly on the subject, at a 2009 commemoration of the outbreak of World War II, when he dismissed “all treaties” with the Nazis as “morally unacceptable” and “politically senseless.” The reason for the shift in tone seems clear: Over the last year or so, relations between Moscow and the West have all but broken down and there is no mileage for Russia in accommodating Western sensibilities. More worrying, though, are the uncanny historical parallels to the era of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that seem to have accompanied Russian actions in the last year: the sabre-rattling, the talk of rescuing Russian minorities, the border provocations, the mysteriously downed aircraft, the invasion of neighbouring Ukraine and the annexation of its territory. The Kremlin playbook that guided Stalin in 1939-40 would appear to have found a new reader. Look a little closer, though, and the substance of Putin’s argument on the Nazi-Soviet Pact hasn’t changed. Last week, as five years ago, he echoed a familiar Soviet-era justification of the agreement, according to which, Stalin was forced into the deal by the perfidy of the West and his decision to sign it was “defensive” in motivation. Both propositions are thoroughly disingenuous. Nothing prior to Hitler’s attack on Russia in 1941 suggested Stalin’s motivation in signing the Pact was defensive. On the contrary, the available evidence suggests strongly that his goal was to encourage Hitler to attack and undermine his old enemy, the Western Imperialists. At that point, he surmised, he would be able to march westward unopposed and turn the entire continent of Europe communist. We know this was the thrust of Kremlin thinking, because numerous senior Soviet politicians said so at the time. They made little mention of not wanting to fight. We know it, too, because the Soviet Union was not shy of fighting when the war began – just not against Hitler. The attempt to shift blame for the Pact on to the West is similarly mendacious. When Putin said in 2009 that all treaties signed with Nazi Germany were morally unacceptable, he was juxtaposing the NaziSoviet Pact with the Munich Agreement of 1938. It is certainly true that collective security had failed by 1938, and each state was seeking to make the best bilateral arrangements it could. But the British and French effort to placate Hitler in 1938 cannot seriously be viewed in the same category as Stalin’s pact with him of the following year. One was a failed attempt to preserve the peace (at the expense of Czechoslovakia); the other was a successful attempt to launch a war. One was a political arrangement to head off a crisis, the other opened a two-year economic and strategic relationship that was an alliance in all but name. Including both under the rubric of “treaties with the Nazis” is a deliberate and cynical obfuscation. So, what about Putin’s contention that the NaziSoviet Pact (better known by the names of the two foreign ministers involved, Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop) was “not so bad.” Well, it depends on where you were standing. From the safety of the Kremlin, perhaps it might have seemed so, but few people further west would have agreed. The Nazi-Soviet Pact launched World War II and divided Eastern Europe between the Nazis and Soviets, directly affecting at least 50 million people. Hitler invaded Poland 10 days after the deal was signed and Stalin followed suit a little more than two weeks later. Poland was divided and enslaved by the two most hideous and murderous totalitarian regimes the world has seen. The Nazi-Soviet Pact was an archetype of cynical, Machiavellian, totalitarian politics, a natural product of the two hateful regimes that spawned it. It may well have been “typical” by the perverted standards of Stalin’s Soviet Union or Hitler’s Third Reich, but that does not mean that modern politicians can glibly play it down, make light of it or rehabilitate it. The fact that – in 2014 – Putin is openly prepared to do so should concern us all. 70-100 Moderate High Density 65-85 Residental Moderate Area ap photo should worry everyone Roadside WORLD BRIEFS Organized crime Putin’s Hitler-pact defense Air quality ap photo opinion region, the Middle East and Africa. McDonald’s APMEA division has been trying to bounce back since the summer, when a TV report in China showed workers at one of its suppliers repackaging meat that was alleged to be expired. The claim has not been publicly confirmed by the supplier or the government. The Oak Brook, Illinois company said comparable sales for Europe fell 0.7 percent. source: dsmg McDonald’s Corp. says that a key global sales figure slipped 0.5 percent in October, with weakness in the U.S. and ongoing difficulties from a food-safety scandal in China weighing down its business. The world’s biggest hamburger chain said yesterday that the decline in global sales at locations open at least 13 months included a 1 percent drop in the U.S. and a 4.2 percent decline for the unit that includes the Asia-Pacific Station SPAIN About 1.6 million people in Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia voted Sunday in favor of breaking away from the country and carving out a new Mediterranean nation in a mock independence poll, but more Catalans stayed away either because of the poll’s USA With the completion of a 21-day incubation period for Ebola yesterday, a nurse who successfully fought efforts to restrict her movements hopes to resume a normal life. Kaci Hickox says she fought quarantines in New Jersey and Maine on behalf of all health care volunteers who go to West Africa to fight Ebola.
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