Grace United Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church
982 Medical Road, Millersburg, PA 17061
Phone: 717-692-2838
FAX: 717-692-4167
Dear Friends in Christ,
It is hard to believe but Thanksgiving is soon here. Each year we look for new
ways to be thankful. I discovered this story about a school teacher and her student and thought it would be an inspiration to you.
"A Thanksgiving Day editorial in the newspaper told of a school teacher who
asked her first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for.
She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to
be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys
on tables with food. The teacher was taken aback with the picture Douglas handed in...a simple childishly drawn hand.
"But whose hand? This class was captivated by the abstract image. 'I think it
must be the hand of God that brings us food,' said one child. 'A farmer,' said another, 'because he grows the turkeys.' Finally when the others were back at work
the teacher bent over Douglas's desk and asked whose hand it was. 'It's your
hand, Teacher,' he mumbled.
"She recalled that frequently at recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubby forlorn
child, by the hand. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to
Douglas. 'Perhaps this is everyone's Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us, but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others,' she
(Author Unknown, Stories from the Heart (Multnomah Books: Sisters, Oregon,
1996), 52).
The real question for us is very simple, “Whose hands are you thankful for?”
Once you have answered that question, then let that person know how much
you appreciate them, your acts of appreciation will not be forgotten, I assure
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith
Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have
stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in
prayers.” Ephesians 1:15, 16
in the
I recently had an opportunity to witness several amazing teens help
with the Fish Fry. They gave 100% to their duties for the evening without grumbling about their assignments. I had no doubt they would do
an excellent job but I must admit, it was really great to hear so many positive comments
about the teens. They take their commitment to the Lord seriously. It is so awesome to
see them bear the family resemblance of God’s family!
As I write this, the same teens will be helping with another Fish Fry followed by a churchwide Fall Festival two days later. They will not only help with set up, they will interact
with the children and adults, run games, paint faces, judge contests, and
hand out treats and prizes for all ages. Their love for the Lord definitely
shines brightly!
Cathy Kratzer Sorrell
Youth Retreat Nov 7th – 9th with returning Guest Keynote Jon Lincoln, Youth Minister at
International Christian Church in Virginia Beach and one of Cat’s former youth along with
Avery Torres, another former youth and Jon’s right hand man. Our theme for the weekend is “CROSS Roads” which will help us focus on choosing the right path and how to stay
on that path. We are a group of 15 and would appreciate being covered in prayer from
now until our return on the 9th.
During the weekend, we will also will take some time to visit 2 historical sites – 1) the
Currituck Beach Lighthouse which was built in 1873 and is one of the few still in operation
that allow visitors to climb to the top…..all 214 steps (whew!); AND 2) the north beach
area which is home to the wild mustangs. These mustangs are direct descendants of the
Spanish mustangs brought over in the early 1500s by the explorers. DNA testing has confirmed their lineage. It’s going to be an awesome experience!
Youth Mission Trip 2015 – we have changed our location from Pittsburgh to Pasadena,
MD. We have 19 people registered but there is room for more! If you would like to join
us on this trip, please see Cat.
Youth meets every Wednesday as follows: 5:30 pm Fellowship meal; 6:00 pm Open
Gym; 7:00 pm Gathering. This group is open to all students in grades 6-12. We have a
great time together!!
Grace Kids (Preschool – 5th grade) meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm for 1 hour. Come
out for the Fellowship meal at 5:30 pm and stay for Grace Kids! We kick off with music
and then break into 2 groups for lesson and activity/craft. Our leaders are awesome with
a huge heart for God and lots of love for our children. Check out some of their crafts
hanging on the Children’s Ministry Board located in the Education Wing.
PJs & a Movie (K-5th grade) will have a “sleep over” on Friday, December 12th from 6:30
p.m.. – 8:30 a.m. Please register your child on the PJs Sign up Sheet on the Children’s
Ministry Board in the Education Wing.
November Birthdays
Nov. 1
Jane Hubler
Janyce Van Sickle
Nov. 2 Faith Zehring
Nov. 3 Logan Brosius
Nov. 4 Makayla Haines
Scott Hill
Rachel Kessler
Mitchell Phillips
Nov. 6 Jason Dreibelbis
Kiera Fulkroad
Nov. 7 Roger Carl
Nov. 10 Jill Davis
Nov. 11 Jacob DeWees
Nov. 12 Christopher Teats
Nov. 13 Thomas DeWees
Tim Ellenberger
Courtney Peiffer
Isabella Petroff
Nov. 15 Hayden Bellis
Kami Nestler
Nov. 16 JoAnn Reed
Nov. 17 Brantley Null
Nov. 18 Rick Miller
Ethan Prouse
Tim Travitz
Nov. 21 Truman Troutman
Nov. 22 Tammy Schade
Mark Hiester
Nov. 23 Diane Tobias
Carole Fetterhoff
Alex Uhler
Nov. 24 Melissa Green
James Mauser
Nicole Witmer
Nov. 28
Nov. 30
Jack Ambrovich
Patricia Hoffman
Trish Herb
Kirby Tobias
Patricia Wiebner
Pete DeSoto
Kamryn Long
Dawn Reese Leer
80 Plus Club Members:
Lois Smith 11/3
860 Rising Sun Road
Millersburg, PA 17061
Joanne Chubb 11/17
124 Botts Road
Millersburg, PA 17061
Sara Robbins 11/27
990 Medical Road
Room 308
Millersburg, PA 17061
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
Nov. 2
Janet Haines
Nov. 9 Nicole Hooper
Nov. 16
Nancy Coyle
Nov. 23 Nicole Hooper
Nov. 30 Janine Boyer
Nicole Hooper/Help Needed
Lisa Smith/Shannon Vallier
Megan Shade/Rhonda Prouse
Nicole Hooper/Faith Wilt
Nicole Hooper/Help Needed
Nov. 2
Nov. 9
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Nov. 30
Madison Hill
Jordan Mallon
Makensie Shoop
Caroline Orr
Amelia Orr
Blanket Sunday
5:30 pm ~ Messengers
6:00 pm ~ Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm ~ Just Us Girls
Wooden Nickel
Noon ~
Soup & Sandwich
4:00 pm ~ Christmas Choir
Youth OBX Retreat
BCC Making Subs
4:00 pm ~ Christmas Choir
6:00 pm ~ Surviving The
4:00 pm ~ Christmas
5:30 pm ~ Messengers
6:00 pm ~ Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm ~ Staff Parish Mtg.
5:30 pm ~ Messengers
6:00 pm ~ Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm ~ Trustees Meeting
7:00 pm ~ Worship Cmt. Mtg.
OCC ~ 6pm-8pm
OCC ~ 1pm-4pm
“Harvest Home”
4:00 pm ~ Christmas Choir
7:00 pm ~ Thanksgiving
Coop Service
OCC ~ 12pm-?
4:00 pm ~ Christmas
5:30 pm ~ Messengers
6:00 pm ~ Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm ~ Wreath Making
7:00 ~ Ad Council Meeting
5:30 pm ~ Family Meal
Youth OBX Retreat
Youth OBX Retreat
6:00 pm ~ Open gym/Small
Groups/Grace Kids
7:00 pm ~ Praise Team
7:00 pm ~ Christmas
7:30 pm ~ Choir
Youth OBX Retreat
Noon ~ Brown Bag
6:30 pm ~ Parents Mtg.
1st Year
7:30 pm ~ Parents Mtg.
2nd Year
5:30 pm ~ Family Meal
6:00 pm ~ Open gym/Small
Groups/Grace Kids
7:00 pm ~ Praise Team
7:00 pm ~ Christmas
7:30 pm ~ Choir
Noon ~ Brown Bag
7:00 pm ~ Surviving
The Holidays
7:00 pm ~ IT Meeting
4:30 pm ~ Confirmation
5:30 pm ~ Family Meal
6:00 pm ~ OG/SG/GK/
7:00 pm ~ Youth/Praise/
Christmas Choir
7:30 pm ~ Choir
Noon ~ Brown Bag
6:00 pm ~ WOF
Making Pumpkin
Fish Fry
4:00-7:00 pm
Lifesavers ~
Sight N Sound
WOF ~ Pumpkin
WOF ~ Pumpkin
6:00 pm ~ HOG
7:00 pm ~ Finance
OCC ~ 6pm-8pm
OCC ~ 9am-11am
OCC ~ 8:30-10:30 am
OCC ~ 9am-11am
4:30 pm ~ Confirmation
5:30 pm ~ Family Meal
6:00 pm ~ OG/SG/GK/
7:00 pm ~ Youth/Praise/
Christmas Choir
7:30 pm ~ Choir
Happy Thanksgiving
Events & Opportunities to Serve
Soup & Sandwiches ~ We have our Soup & Sandwich Luncheons on the first Sunday of every month. The next one is Sunday,
November 2nd, Look for the sign up sheet on the bulletin board to
contribute soup or desserts. No reservations needed. Please join us for a fun
“Just Us Girls” October Dinner Gathering:
Tuesday, November 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Wooden Nickel in Millersburg
Mission: Hearts of Grace Food Ministry
RSVP by Monday, November 1:
Please Contact: Jeanette Snell
Pumpkin Roll Orders Due - Women of Faith are taking orders for
their famous pumpkin rolls. Whole is $9.00 and Half is $5.00.
Contact any Women of Faith member to place your order. Money is
due when order is placed. Deadline to order is November 5th. Rolls will be
delivered the week of November 24th. Help would sure be appreciated. If you
are interested in helping please call Yonnie Miller at 717-979-9662.
Our Next Fish Fry will be: Friday, November 14th, from 4:00-7:00 p.m.
You have a choice of baked or fried fish, Cole slaw or applesauce,
baked potato or French fries and drink. Cost is $8.50 for adult and
$4.50 for child. Dessert is extra. (Take out and limited delivery orders are available. Call 692-1587 after 1.00 p.m. on October 3rd ) Your help is needed, we need
servers, set up and clean up crew, and others, so please contact Karen Lentz at
692-4340 if you want to help.
Soup Ministry ~ The Food for Thought small group has prepared its first
batch of hearty soup! If you know someone who is homebound, caring
for an ill family member, recently experienced a death in the family, or is going
through a difficult time, we invite you to contact the office and someone will
take soup to that person or we invite you to take it to them if you'd like. Thank
you for your help with this ministry. For more information please contact Holly
Kerwin at 717-692-4510.
Events & Opportunities to Serve
Surviving The Holidays ~ This is a Grief Support Seminar to help
people cope with the loss of a loved one during the holidays. We
will be offering this seminar on two different dates. It is the same
program on both dates. Pick the one that works best for you. It will
be held in the Library on Sunday, Nov. 9th at 6:00 pm and again on Thursday,
Nov. 13th at 7:00 pm. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the overflow or call the church office at 717-692-2838. Thank You
Food for Thought ~ Thursday, November 14th, 7:00 p.m.. Diane
Nestler's home. Please join us for this important ministry.
100th Birthday ~ Sara Robbins is turning 100 on November 27th. Her
family is having a small gathering at the Manor at Susquehanna in their
Chapel On November 29th at 2:00 pm. It is just a small informal gathering to help Sara celebrate this special Milestone in her life. Further
question please call Dave Miller at 603-863-7369
Sub Sale ~ B.C.C. and G.I.F.T. Sunday School Classes will be having a
sub/sandwich sale to benefit the Cindy Maurer Family. Cindy has
been diagnosed with Bladder Cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. We
would like to show our support for her and her family. “For with God nothing shall
be impossible.” Luke 1:37 Sale begins Now through November 2, 2014. Pick Up
for subs will be Sunday, November 9 from 4-5 pm at GUMC Please contact
Michelle Peiffer, Alicia Spicher, Doug Orr or Todd Bell for more info. An order
form will be on the bulletin board in the overflow for your convenience as well
Prayer Meetings ~ Please join us on Monday Evenings at 6:00 pm for
our new weekly Prayer Meeting. It will be held in the Chapel. We
desperately need to join together as a family and pray for Revival.
Mark your calendar and plan on being an active part of this special
hour of prayer.
Events & Opportunities to Serve
Co-op Thanksgiving Service this year is here at Grace United Methodist Church . Pastors Richard Berg, Douglas Compton and Rick Anderson will offer leadership in this service. This is a Thanksgiving worship
service that is offered to the community. Service begins at 7 pm on Sunday, November 23rd.
Decorating for the Christmas Season ~ We will be decorating the
church on Monday, November 24th at 4:00 P.M. A light meal will be
served at 5:30. Please come and join us for a fun time of fellowship
and help the church to look beautiful for the joyous Christmas Season.
Even if you can’t come for the whole time, we can use your help.
There are many different types of jobs that range from sitting to arranging and
climbing ladders. It takes about 25 people to complete the decorating in a timely
manner. Please sign the sheet in the Overflow and also indicate how many people will be attending the meal. Thank You
Wreath Making - Monday November 24th at 6:00 pm Anyone wishing
to help is asked to bring along their pruning shears. If anyone has cut
greens that they would like to donate please drop them off by the Family Life
Center door by 6 pm.
Donate your turkey ~ Local stores are giving free turkeys if you meet
certain terms and / or selling turkeys at low prices. If you would like
to donate your turkey or buy a turkey for the church Christmas dinner on Dec.
14th we would greatly appreciate it. We also need persons willing to roast turkeys. Please call Deanna Bellis at 692-3540. Turkeys should be 20-25 lbs. The
church does have freezer space available.
Help needed for Christmas dinner ~ We need help to prepare and
serve the church Christmas dinner, as well as clean up afterwards on
If you want to help, contact Deanna Bellis at 692-3540 or
Jane Hepner at 692-3100.
Christmas Is Coming!
Do you love to sing Christmas Music?
Now is the time to join our
“Christmas Choir”
for our annual Christmas Musical.
All voice parts are needed.
We’ll have lots of fun and enjoy making
beautiful music and special memories.
This year we are presenting the message that “God is with us”
It all happened on a quiet night so long ago but we remember
how he changed our world forever....
“On This Very Night”
Dec. 21st at 10:30am and 7:00pm
Practices will begin on Sunday Oct. 26th
from 4:00 to 5:30 in the chapel and also
Wednesday nights at 7:00 for those who like additional
practice or may have to miss a Sunday rehearsal.
Don’t Wait!!
Sign up today and get your Choral book,
Listening CD and practice schedule.
For more information, contact Diana Paul
717-896-8784 or 717-329-5329
Hearts of Grace
For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave
me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed
clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look
after me.' "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty
or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He
will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these,
you did not do for me.' Matthew 25:42-45
Beginning the first Sunday of the month you will see hearts appear on the tree in
the overflow. On the hearts we will put a produce or dairy product needed for
the monthly boxes. By taking a heart and adding the item to your regular grocery
list you are helping us keep our costs down and our boxes full. We ask that the
item(s) you promise to purchase be brought to the church the Sunday before
distribution; the date is on the heart as well.
November starts the holiday season and we hope to make the holidays extra special for our families; in addition to the items on the Hearts of Grace tree, we are
looking for donations of frozen turkeys for our Thanksgiving boxes. Look on the
tree for “TURKEY” hearts to help us offset the cost and keep track of how many
turkeys we can plan on receiving. For financial donations please mark your envelope “Hearts of Grace”. As always your continued prayer for these families is
very important.
If you know of a need, please contact a ministry team member; Darlene Bakermans, Deb Goudy, John Ramberger, Ina Schoffstall, Beth Spicher, Janine Boyer or
Becky Witmer and we will do our best to accommodate and meet those needs. If
you feel led to give some time to this ministry, please contact a member or join
us distribution night - we start packing the boxes at 5:00pm.
Heart Tree Donations due: November 16, 2014
Distribution: November 20, 2014
Have You Visited Our Hearts of Grace Tree
Located in Our Sanctuary Overflow
We are off to a great start! The number of children receiving Jiffy
Packs continues to grow weekly. Your financial help has been amazing – we see the fruits of your labors in so many ways. Those that
hand out the packs each week are blessed beyond measure; in
some ways seemingly more than the children! On one occasion, one of the volunteers at school distribution noticed that a child’s back pack was in very poor condition. They went to Walmart to purchase a new backpack in the hopes that
school personnel would be able to identify the student and deliver the backpack!
We continue to be humbled by the ways that God is using this ministry to touch
We can really use your help in packing the Jiffy Packs! We pack several weeks at a
time and when you look at the tables in the social hall right before packing begins
you can be overwhelmed by the task! We have been blessed by so many coming
to help pack but could always use more help!
We will be packing again on November 10, 2014 beginning at 6:00pm. We could
use a couple of volunteers to come to the church early to help assemble the boxes for packing. If you are interested in more details please see Darlene Bakermans!
For more information or to discuss how you can help, please contact a Hearts of
Grace/JFY ministry team member; Darlene Bakermans, Deb Goudy,
John Ramberger, Ina Schoffstall, Beth Spicher, Janine Boyer or
Becky Witmer
Brown Bag Bible Study!
Take It To The Limit!
By: Andy Stanley
Come Back from the Edge Overloaded? Maxed out? Our culture encourages us
to live as if we have no limits. So we fill up our schedules and empty our bank
accounts. We do as much as we can, spend as much as we can, and acquire as
much as we can—all in an effort to get as much as we can out of life. This six-part
DVD shows that the secret to getting more out of life is not by doing more, but by
doing less. You’ll learn to create the margin you need to live the life God intends
for you.
When: Thursday, October 30, Noon! (6 Week Study)
Lunch: Provided, Pizza and Doagie!
Operation Christmas Child
Over the past 12 months, Linda Leshko has done a tremendous job of
bringing you monthly updates on Operation Christmas Child in this newsletter. We trust that these updates have brought to you a better understanding and appreciation of this tremendous ministry. Now we have
reached November.
November is our action month when your contributions made throughout
this year get packed in shoeboxes for the start of their trip throughout the
world. We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed money or items
for this ministry. Can we put on a final push to fill more shoeboxes than we
ever have before? If you can’t do a shoebox or two or ten, your monetary
contributions would also be much appreciated.
The other way you may wish to help is to work in our Relay Center as we
collect shoeboxes from other churches. Our hours for collection are noted
below. If you are able to help at one or more of these times, please let
John Orr know (692-3548) so he can place you on the work schedule.
November 17 – Monday
1 -4 PM
18 – Tuesday
6 – 8 PM
19 – Wednesday 9 – 11AM
20 – Thursday
6 – 8 PM
21 - Friday
9 – 11 AM
22 – Saturday
8:30 – 10:30 AM
23 – Sunday
12:00 - ?
Hospice of Central Pennsylvania offers a unique volunteering opportunity
where veterans are able to volunteer to visit with other veterans at the
end of life. These veteran-to-veteran volunteers are able to provide
companionship, comradery and compassion.
Veteran-to-Veteran volunteers can:
Provide companionship to a fellow veteran
Read to a fellow veteran
Play cards or a board game with a fellow veteran
Provide support through active listening to a fellow veteran
Help make a meal or take a fellow veteran to a restaurant
Just be there to support a fellow veteran
If you are a veteran and would be interested in helping a fellow veteran at
the end of life, please contact
Stephanie Schaefer, Volunteer Coordinator at (717) 732-1000
**There is an upcoming training class in November 2014
Please call to register for the class**
Blanket Sunday November 2nd
Harvest Home Sunday November 23rd
Mission Central trip December 13th
Next Missions meeting January 15 @6:30 P.M.
2015 Dates for Mission Central
February 21st
April 18th
Take it to the Cross
A Ministry of Daily Prayer and Connection
Your Heavenly Cheering Squad!
By Pastor Rick Warren
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to
the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that
so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before
us.” (Hebrews 12:1 NLT)
Home field advantage can mean everything in sports. Teams who are at home
often have a far better record than those on the road. When a team has someone cheering them on, they can often outplay their ability.
The Bible says that you, too, have an audience cheering you on. Hebrews
12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to
the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that
so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before
us” (NLT).
Nothing you do is private. You have an audience. Heaven is watching. But,
more importantly, you have a cheering section. The Bible says that everyone in Heaven is cheering you on.
You probably realize that God knows everything. The Bible says “The eyes
of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9 KJV). The
Lord doesn’t miss a thing. He knows your ups and your downs — your everything. He
knows every thought you have.
But you’re also surrounded by "a huge cloud of witnesses to this life of
faith.” Moses is watching you. Abraham is watching you. Every believer who has ever
lived is in the stands watching you live out your faith.
And they’re cheering you on. When you’re scared, they’re rooting for you to
be courageous. When you want to give up, they’re urging you to keep going. When
you feel insignificant and forgotten, they’re in your corner.
Talk It Over
•What does understanding that God knows your ups and downs change for you?
•Who do you think is among your cloud of witnesses? Are there friends or family who
have gone on before you?
The Take it To the Cross team has been offering a daily devotion just for that reason. Using the Scripture from the Pastor’s message, we break it down into 5 parts and prepare a short comment and prayer
daily Monday through Friday; sometimes we use a concordance, sometimes it is thoughts that God has
placed on our hearts that day. We also include prayer needs for church programming throughout the
week. The devotions are sent daily to your email inbox. If you would like to receive these daily devotions, please send an email to Becky Witmer at If you have any questions or
would like to join the team, see any team member: Jeanine Boyer, Eileen Orr, Ina Schoffstall, Jeanette
Snell, Beth Spicher or Becky Witmer.
Pray for the right reasons: “Do not become devoted to the habit, but to the Savior. Do
it not because other people are doing it – not as a spiritless duty every morning, not
merely as an end in itself, but because God has granted the priceless privilege of fellowship with Himself.” – Bob Foster
Poinsettia Order for 2014
Last Day to Order is December 5th
Your Name ________________________________________
Memory of : _______________________________________
Honor of : _________________________________________
Total Number of poinsettias ________________
Total amount due $______________
Gift to Missions In Lieu of A Poinsettia
Deadline to give to Missions is December 5th
Your Name: ________________________________
Memory of: ________________________________
Honor of : _________________________________
Rev. Douglas Compton ~ 717-692-1584
Jane M Hubler, Secretary ~ 717-692-2838
Cathy Kratzer Sorrell, Youth ~ 717-692-1586
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