Castle PTO Pages This Month at John H. Castle

Castle PTO Pages
John H. Castle Elementary School 853-8878
Contact Info
Mr. Watson, Principal
Mr. Schmitt, Asst. Principal
Tiffany Bonnell
Upcoming Events
Nov 14th
Deadline to turn in money for the Fundraiser
This Month at John H. Castle
Fall Fundraiser - Let’s Fill the Apple Cart!
Our Fall Fundraiser has officially begun!
We are doing a check-writing campaign
with the goal of purchasing an iPad cart for
teachers to sign out and use in their
classroom. In order to purchase 35 iPads,
protective cases and software, we will need
to raise $15,000. This might sound like a
lot, but if each student contributes $17, we
can reach our goal!!
Students who donate $50 or more will
be entered into a drawing for gift cards
from Barnes & Noble and Target
To celebrate all of the students’
fundraising efforts, we will have a
Fundraiser Celebration on Friday,
November 21st.
Here are the prizes and incentives we have
for our students:
Top fundraising class in each grade
will receive a special treat
Nov 20th
Market Day Pickup
5:00 - 5:45
Overall top fundraising classroom will
receive a pizza party
Raise $10,000 and Mr. Watson will
color his hair blue & yellow.
Dec 1st - 12th
Mitten Tree Collection
Raise $15,000 and Mr. Watson will
color his hair blue & yellow AND the
top fundraising class from each grade
will spray Mr. Watson with silly string.
Dec 2nd
PTO Meeting - Cafeteria
9:00 am
November 2014
Our Fall Fundraiser ends on Friday,
November 14th. So let’s hurry up and Fill
the Apple Cart! Thank you, in advance, for
helping JH Castle be an amazing school for
our students!
Nellie Hohne, Fundraising Chairperson
November is Market Day Pie Month!
November is Market Day pie month. We have the opportunity
to earn more profit for the school with the more pies we order.
We are hoping to fill 40 Thanksgiving baskets for JH Castle
families with donated Market Day pies. If you are willing to
purchase a pie and donate it to our baskets, please make your
purchase online and then email Josh Cady at to let him know which pies are designated for the baskets. Josh or Lissa Wilkerson will take your pie(s) from Market Day pick-up and
put them aside for the baskets.
Please like us on Facebook
at “John H. Castle Elementary PTO”
Please consider ordering a pie for your family and a pie to donate
to a great cause! The November Market Day pick up is Thursday,
November 20th from 5:00 - 5:45.
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Box Top Collection Success!
Our Box Top Fall contest was a
success! We collected 39,570 box tops
which equals over $3,957 for our
PTO!!!! Our class and individual
winners are as follows:
Kindergarten - Rust (2247)
1st grade - McAtee (1442)
Winning girl - Alexandria Young
(1009) - Mrs. Hammel’s class
Winning boy - Brayden Bishop (2265)
- Mr. Lendy’s class
Top 2 Winning Teachers - Mrs. Rust
and Mr. Lendy
2nd grade - Lafferty (2021)
Each winning class received an extra
recess and popcorn. Our individual
winners received a pizza party for
their class as well as having their
name on the marquee in front of the
school. Finally our 2 winning
teachers each received a $50 gift card
to the Teacher’s Aide store.
4th grade—Lendy (3090)
Thank you to all teachers, students,
and parents who sent in their boxtops! Start saving again for our
spring collection!!
5th grade - Hammon (1629)
Bridget Greer, Chairperson
3rd grade - Krodel (2214)
Mitten Tree:
Our annual Mitten Tree
collection will take place
from December 1st - 12th.
We will be setting up our
Mitten Tree in the front
hallway and collecting new
mittens, gloves, scarves,
hats, socks, and underwear for children in need at
our school and other Warrick County Elementary
Schools. Please look for more information to be
coming home soon.
Hillerie Kandul & Whitney Carpenter
Community Service Chairpersons
We want to wish a Happy Birthday to the faculty
and staff who have a birthday during the month
of November!
Jennifer Sandusky
Jennifer Sozio
Julia Gaylord
Kathy Hicks
Amanda Williams
Marla Hammel
Nicole Mattingly
Thank You to all of the
Administrators and
Teachers for all that you
do for our school! Because
of your hard work and
dedication, our school has
once again earned an “A”
grade from the Indiana
Department of Education!
Birthday Book Club:
If your child has a birthday during the months of
October or November, you should have received a sign
up form this week. Please return the form by no later
than November 21. This is a great way to honor your
child’s birthday and also help the school library.
Rhonda Phillips
Birthday Book Club Chairperson
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Canned Food Drive
Spirit Store:
The John H. Castle Canned Food Drive is still in need of
several items. Donations seem to be lower than they have
in years past, so if you are able to
send anything in it would be greatly
appreciated! Any canned or
nonperishable foods can be donated.
We are in need of some more cereal,
macaroni and cheese, peanut
butter, boxed stuffing, and canned
cranberries. We are also asking for
pies to be purchased and donated
through Market Day. Thanksgiving
Baskets will be filled and distributed to families in need at
our school just before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Don’t forget that Spirit Store is open every
Thursday morning from 8:05 - 8:20! We have
lots of new Castle themed items that would
make great holiday gifts. For more
information contact Sarah Beegle at
Landscaping Committee:
Fall Parties
Thanks to all of the dedicated Castle
student and parent volunteers who braved
the blustery weather at the 11/1
Landscaping Clean Up Day! In addition to
trimming and clean up, with the help of
Second Nature Landscape, we were able to
revitalize an area by the courtyard pond.
The Spring Clean Up date will be March 7,
Thank you to all of the parents
who planned the classroom Fall
Parties and also to all of the
parents who donated items and/or
time. The students always look
forward to these parties. It is
amazing to see all of the unique
games, crafts and snacks that
parents come up with!
Nancy Verive, Landscaping Chairperson
Volunteers Needed
Talent Show:
Family Carnival:
The PTO is planning to host a Talent Show for
John H. Castle Elementary 4th and 5th grade
students. The Talent Show will be held at Castle
High School Auditorium on April 1 and 2. We are
looking for parents willing to work on a planning
committee for this event. If
you are interested in helping,
please contact Tiffany Bonnell
Plans are underway for the upcoming Spring
Carnival to be held April 10, 2015. We divide the
event into many committees and can always use
extra help. We are always excited to have some
new faces to help us secure donations for the
Silent and Live Auction. If you have any interest
in helping with the planning of the Carnival,
please contact Tiffany Bonnell at Thank you!