St. George’s The Dragon’s Tale November/December 2014 Episcopal Church 912 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Rector’s Remarks At this time of year, churches are in the midst of the annual stewardship campaign. It’s the way the church family shows its financial support for the ministries to be done in the coming year. To those people who have never worked on a stewardship campaign, or served on the vestry or as wardens or counters, the stewardship season and the emphasis on pledge cards for the coming year may be confusing. But I’ve found that another area equally confusing to people is how exactly the church funds itself, and what is done with the money collected week by week in the plates. To begin with, a pledge filled out and returned to the church at this time of year enables the budget committee of the vestry to plan the budget for 2015. The pledge returns give an idea of the amount of financial support the church can expect from its members. Some members give regularly but do not fill out and return a pledge card. There is no reliable way to factor this support into the budget for the coming year. The Office Manager enters the amount pledged for the coming year in a statement file so the financial support can be compiled on a giving statement for use in figuring out your taxes. It lists the amount of charitable giving, (financial contribution to the church) for the current year. People with envelopes receive the same statement. The budget committee is then given the total pledge figure for use in budget forecasting. This may not be news to you so far. But the question comes often, what happens to the money we put in the plate every Sunday? Where does that go? Imagine that you have just placed your giving envelope in the collection plate as the usher has come to your pew. The envelopes and cash are secured after each service, unopened. After the 9:30 am service on Sunday, the secured envelopes and cash are taken by members of the parish who serve as counters and are counted at church. Two counters and sometimes three are present to ensure accuracy of recording and addition. All checks are stamped for deposit only and along with the counted cash, special gifts and collections of the day are tallied on a counter’s sheet. This tally must agree with the register tape used in tabulation and the deposit ticket made out and sealed in a tamper proof deposit bag for the bank. The collection bag is taken to the bank’s night deposit, where the next business day the bank counts the deposit and notifies the parish that the deposit has been recorded. Meanwhile, the counter’s sheet showing the general deposit amount is copied to the Office Manager, Treasurers, Wardens and Rector for information. The Office Manager enters the amounts from the envelopes in the financial statement record, the treasurer uses the counter’s sheet to check against the deposit amount and administer the checkbook. The Wardens and Rector monitor the counter’s sheet for anomalies and general information. The counter’s sheets do not list individual giver’s names. If you send your check by email or by mail, when it is received by the office, the Office Manager secures it to be included in the next week’s Sunday count. All pledges and gifts made to St. George’s must be recorded and accounted for. It all gets counted, and it is all used in the spirit in which it is given. And in the middle of it all, we remember to say our prayers. -Fr. Henry Page 2 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 Deacon’s Thoughts By Scott Underhill 1 Corinthians 11:23-24. Paul writes: “For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” This is the earliest reference to the Lord’s supper provided in the New Testament, written around 54 to 55 AD, or 20 years after Jesus death. During our worship service, we gather and celebrate just as those early Christians did shortly after Jesus’ resurrection. At St. George’s, during the school year, we are blessed with Sunday Bakers, those that bake the loaves we use at the altar during weekend services that, after consecration by the priest, become the body of Jesus. As deacon of the table, I am responsible for determining how much bread to set out for the priest to consecrate. During the offertory, the ushers bring up a sheet of paper letting me know how many people are present. The size and quality of the loaves of bread vary each week, depending on the recipe and diameter the bakers use. Typically, a loaf is four inches in diameter and has a cross cut through the center, sectioning the loaf into four equal pieces when broken. As a rule, each piece can be broken into five or six pieces, so a loaf can be distributed to 20 to 24 people. For simplicity in math, I use 25 people per loaf, so if there are 100 people at a service, consecration of four loaves should be sufficient. In practice, however, if the bread comes out light or heavy, larger or smaller, the piece of bread you receive will vary. So, if you happen to get a small piece or large piece, now you know why. We are not trying to skimp or fatten, we are trying to equally distribute the body of Jesus without having excess at the end of the service, since any leftover bread/body must be consumed by the altar servers. That is the science behind how the body of Jesus is distributed to the body of the church. Hopefully you won’t get caught up in the size or texture or moistness of the bread, but realize in the mystery of the church you are receiving Jesus himself, just as he said “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Haiti Update St. George’s continues to support our partner church of St. Jacques and St. Philippe in Corosse, Haiti along with the other churches in the Albany Diocese and their partners down in Haiti. St. George’s support comes in the form of tuition and supplies to the school. Each month, St. George’s sends down $500 to pay for the students tuitions. Presently, between 100 and 125 students go to school because of these funds. In addition, funds are also sent down on an as need basis to pay for basics, such as benches, blackboards, notebooks and chalk. On October 4, a tag sale was held at St. George’s that raised over $1,800. Half of this money will go to support our Haiti partnership, the other half will go to the work in the neighboring Dominic Republic. In addition to the school support, St. George’s is also working the leaders of Corosse to begin an agricultural nursery program, to grow food (cassava), fruit trees (mangos) and lumber (elm) from seeds to seedlings that the students can then plant at home. Outside of the partnership in Corosse, St. George’s has also been active in assisting To Love A Child in their partnership in Rantlamouaie. If you recall, in May and June of this year, Josh Fogel and his boyscout troop, along with several members of St. George’s, constructed a latrine which was shipped in a cargo container to Haiti. In July, I went down to Haiti while the cargo container was in transit and had the pit and foundation built for the latrines. In September, several others went down to Haiti and had the latrine constructed and made functional. Thanks to all who support the efforts of bringing the Love to Jesus to others in a real and practical way. (For more pictures and captions go to page 11) Page 3 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 Joyful Journey With the school year well underway, Joyful Journey continues to be a fun and busy time for our younger youth! The focus of Joyful Journey is spreading God's Word and making sure our little ones know that God loves them. This is happening in many ways - through our fun songs, the kid friendly sermons, and the interactive activities that complement our lessons. Additionally, this fall and throughout this year, Joyful Journey is discussing our church's centennial Youth Fellowship celebration. We are talking about the various decades throughout the past 100 years and what Ed Morrison and Cathy the church folk may have been praying about throughout these time periods. The songs that we Pollard lead St. George’s are singing also correspond to the decades that we are talking about in church. Keep your ears youth group for high- open for our November song, "Down to the River" which was popular in the 1940's! Then, in school age children. They January, we will be performing a song from the '60's. Joyful Journey is blessed to have so many recently participated in the youngsters who join us every Sunday. We are also blessed to have dedicated volunteers who Soup Kitchen volunteer give their time and miss out on hearing the Gospel and sermon in church themselves! A special effort on Saturday, thanks to Brian, Diana, Rob, Heidi, Susie, and Stacy, as well as to all of the parents who stop down and help out when things get extra busy! September 27th at St. Francis church in Albany. St. George’s School Sarah Keyes and Lynn The year is off to a great start at St. George’s!! All the students have settled in, made great friends, and are learning the rules and routines of school. The fire department paid a visit to discuss fire safety, Miss Katie Underhill lead St. George’s has been busy with her amazing art projects, Mr. Jon and Miss Carol have shown us how great music can be, youth group for middle- and the students are always excited for chapel with Father Henry! That doesn’t include all the other amazing school age children. Our lessons the teachers have been working on as well. Who knew learning could be so much fun? We want to middle school youth thank all of you for your continued support with our program. Come down sometime and check out the amazing projects and artwork on the walls in the school wing. If you are looking for ways to help out the school and continue your support, here are some great ways to help out….. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Box Tops: Box Tops are each worth 10 cents and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. Just look for Box Tops on products, clip them, and drop them off in the collection box in the Narthex. Hannaford: Do you shop at Hannaford? After you checkout simply deposit your school dollars into our collection box marked St. George’s School, right at the check out. Price Chopper: As a Price Chopper shopper you can help by registering your Advantage Card and designate St. George’s School at Guest service, or online at: Our school code is 50242. I have also attached a sign-up sheet as well. If you fill it out and send it in to school with your child, I can register for you. Every dollar spent at Price Chopper earns you one point. Purchase Price Chopper or Central Market Classics brands and receive double points! Turkey Trot: Coming up soon is our 3rd Annual Turkey Trot!!! If you would like to volunteer to help out at the event or be a sponsor you can look for sponsor letters on the St. George’s table in the Narthex. We will also have a volunteer sign up sheet available. If you have any questions you can contact Kristyn Alheim at 371-6351 x306. Wreath Sales: Lastly, we want to let everyone know that we will be selling wreaths again this year. Keep you eye out for the order forms to be out the first week in November. This year’s ornament will be a Christmas tree. group is up and running! We have had 3 great fellowship events (capture the flag, manhunt and a hayride) and one ministry event (helping with the tag sale). The kids and adults alike have been having a great time and are constantly coming up with new ideas! We are planning another fellowship event in Hatlee Hall on Friday 11/14 from 6:30-8pm. Also we are helping out at the soup kitchen with Deacon Scott the Saturday before We also want to let everyone know that we will be opening up registration for the 2015 school year Thanksgiving. Look for an December 1st. We open up registration to current St. George’s School students and parishioners. Make sure email with all the details you secure your spot before we open up enrollment to the general public!! ~St. George’s School Staff coming soon! Page 4 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 ALTAR GUILD MINISTRY By Doris Halvorsen I am a cradle Episcopalian. When I was a child, my mother was a member of our local Episcopal Parish Altar Guild. Our church had a brass Lectern and Pulpit, that twice a year needed polishing. When they started the Jr. Altar Guild, I joined, not realizing that part of our job would be to provide the labor needed to do that tedious polishing! I still remember the many hours spent on those projects. It did instill a love for a quiet ministry though, and it has remained a way to remember those times I shared with my mother. Those of us in this ministry, enjoy doing things quietly and in the background. It is a way to give back to the church on the terms that are right for us. I enjoy coming in on the weekends that I serve to quietly reflect and pray as I do the chores needed to prepare for our weekend services. It is not heavily time consuming, but is greatly rewarding in keeping my faith. Our members work approximately once a month in small teams at the service they normally attend, setting up for the service and clearing it afterwards with some additional housekeeping chores. Additionally, as a group, we help prepare the church for the liturgical holidays, especially the Christmas and Easter seasons. Over the years that I have been involved with this ministry, I have formed a warm, close bond with other members of our group. There is always room for new members, at all of the services, but especially at the 9:30 service where we have lost members recently because of job transfers and illness, which has left that service short handed .If you want more information or wish to join, please talk to or contact Abby Bee ( or Doris Halvorsen ( or talk to any Altar Guild member. To Love A Child Selects Two of St. God Corner: George’s Own as “Circle of Love” Award This section is meant to be a place for us to share stories of how God Recipients is working in our lives. We welcome you to submit a brief story Heidi Brewer and Scott Underhill of St. blessings in the midst of everyday life. Here is an example of where about where you see God in your life. This is a way to look for the I have seen God in my life: George’s have received the “Circle of Love” Last week, I met with some coworkers after school for our first award by To Love A Child due to their faith meeting of the year. (We had started meeting last year to share support of the work done in Haiti. The award our faith, support each other, and discuss how we see God moving banquet for which Heidi and Scott received in our lives.) All of us mentioned that we were having some the reward was held November 6, 2014. normal part of a faith life, sometimes known as “going through a Hilton Garden in Clifton Park, New York. desert.” That same evening at my Upper Room meeting here at Pub Ministry: difficulty feeling connected to God. We talked about how this was a church, we discussed the same thing. We had handouts and readings pertaining to “going through the desert.” God put the Pub Ministry is aimed at taking church to the people...the latest materials in my hand that I needed to bring to my school group. He event was held on Tuesday, August 12th at The Mill on Round provided exactly what was needed at the right time. Lake. Upper Room members facilitated faith sharing in conjunction with drinks and appetizers; the public setting allows others to see worship-in-action. At this event, members of the Three Willows Fellowship praise band were in attendance to add a musical element to the festivities; a good time was had by all. Stay tuned for further events.... If you have a story you would like to share about how God is working in your life, please submit to myself, (, or Mary Golden, ( Many Blessings! ~Susan Westad Page 5 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 St. George’s Centennial Updated Calendar of Events Sunday, January 25, 2015 St. George’s Annual Meeting and Catered Family Meal, immediately following the Annual Meeting • Program: PowerPoint on the History of St. George’s. • Special Program for children in Randles Hall. Sunday, February 22, 2015, Presentation by Town Historian at a “Sit Down” Coffee Hour Enjoy breakfast with our Town Historian, John Scherer. He will talk about the history of the Town of Clifton Park and the part St. George's Episcopal Church played in that history. Saturday, April 11th and Sunday, April 12th Prayer Path Clean Up Days Complete our Prayer Path rehabilitation by removing brush and making repairs and improvements needed for the path to welcome visitors. Friday, April 17 Centennial Dinner Dance at Mohawk River Country Club Join your friends and parish family at 6:00 pm for cash bar cocktail hour followed by dinner and dancing. $40.00 per person. Sunday, April 19, 2015 Centennial Anniversary Service There will be one Service for the entire congregation at 9:30am. Special music, presentation of Centennial gifts, filling and blessing of time capsule, and commemorative planting. Centennial Monthly Decade Presentations Children and adults will briefly narrate and demonstrate what life might have been like during the different decades since St. George’s Church was incorporated. St. George’s Timeline A graphic timeline will be created that will depict, through children’s art work, the time period from 1914 to present day and will show the church’s growth and changes throughout the decades. Page 6 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 NOTE OF THANKS Dear Fran, Please extend my thanks to everyone for the very beautiful flowers given to me for my birthday-they really made my day! Love, Alice Springer Looking for something for our younger members to do? Michelle Nicholls found activity sheets that can be downloaded and printed . Thanks, Michelle! Page 7 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 Acolyte / Verger / Usher / Reader / Baker Schedule November – December 2014 Saint George's Episcopal Church Sunday All Date 1-Nov Saints Service Verger Usher Joan Bucher 4:30 John Snyder 8:00 Brian Bailey 9:30 Nicholas Manning Matthew Andrus Tom Bena Doris Connor Olney Giannantonio Erin Underhill Bernie Turner Joe Gulyas Day 2-Nov Acolyte(s) Joe Gulyas Joe Gulyas Reader Joan Bucher Brian Bailey Baker Linda Wilson Linda Wilson Cathy Fare Susan Westad Linda Wilson Colette Odell Jacquie Gallo Jacquie Gallo Steve Pryor Twenty-Second 8-Nov 4:30 John Henry, III Tom Kuebler Sunday after 8:00 Bob Smith Barbara Matthew Andrus Hartman Linda Miller Monica Gault Alex Bailey Matthew Andrus Ken Bee Joy Blanchet Pentecost 9-Nov 9:30 Megan Keyes Twenty-Third 15-Nov Sunday after Pentecost 4:30 8:00 16-Nov Brian Bailey Matthew Andrus Ted Chrimes E. J. Andrus 9:30 John O’Brien Emily Bailey Katie Bee John Henry, III Last Sunday after Pentecost 22-Nov Christ 4:30 8:00 Karyn Hanson E. J. Andrus Emily Bailey Ed Kramek Lil Gallagher Kathy Wood Gail Heim Gail Heim Kathy Wood Jeff Granger Neil Manning John Snyder Lorraine Simpkins Mark Simpkins Matthew Andrus Ken Bee Tom Bena John Henry, III Joe Gulyas Charles Jewett Bernie Turner Kathy Wood Joe Gulyas Matthew Andrus Matthew Andrus Alex Bailey 9:30 Jacquie Gallo Brian Bailey the King 23-Nov Abby Bee Bev Ross Doris Matthew Andrus Giannantonio Jeff Granger Nicholas Manning Bernie Turner John O’Brien Neil Manning Bob Smith Lynne Underhill Lynne Underhill Matthew Andrus Jo Anne Robbins Lynne Underhill Page 8 Sunday Dragon’s Tale Date Service Acolyte(s) Verger Nov/Dec 2014 Usher Reader Baker Steve Pryor First 29-Nov 4:30 John Snyder 8:00 Brian Bailey Joan Bucher Joan Bucher Cheryl Barbour Verger’s Choice Cheryl Barbour Sunday 30-Nov Megan Keyes 9:30 Connor Olney Erin Underhill Second 6-Dec Sunday 4:30 8:00 Bob Smith E. J. Andrus 13-Dec Sunday 4:30 8:00 of Advent 14-Dec 9:30 Fourth 20-Dec Sunday Erin Underhill 4:30 Margaret Newman Neil Manning Lynne Olney Ted Chrimes John Snyder Alex Bailey Brian Bailey Emily Bailey Cheryl Barbour Volunteer Tom Kuebler Ken Bee Bernie Turner Tom Bena Doris Giannantonio Mary Golden Susan Westad Gail Heim Bev Ross Colette Odell Sue Brooks Monica Gault Sue Brooks Bryan Bee Ken Bee Sue Brooks Lil Gallagher Barbara Knight Gail Heim Barbara Knight Jeff Granger Mary Golden Joe Gulyas Lynne Olney Barbara Knight Katie Bee Bernie Turner Charles Jewett Karyn Hanson John Snyder Matthew Andrus Matthew Andrus Linda Wilson Brian Bailey Lorraine Simpkins Mark Simpkins Linda Wilson of Advent E. J. Andrus Matthew Andrus Katie Bee Megan Keyes 9:30 Joe Gulyas Matthew Andrus Katie Bee Matthew Andrus 8:00 21-Dec Volunteer Ed Kramek Barbara Matthew Andrus Hartman Linda Miller Nicholas Manning 9:30 Third John Henry, III John Henry, III of Advent 7-Dec Brian Bailey Volunteer Connor Olney John Henry, III Bob Smith Phyllis Aldrich Ken Bee Sam Aldrich Tom Bena E J Andrus Cathy Fare Russ Wise Linda Wilson Page 9 Dragon’s Tale NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Cheryl Barbour 3 Kathy Harding Sue Kuebler Avery Lawrence 4 Samantha Burgess Jason Leone 6 Frances Gordon 7 Alfie Sarnacki 8 Alec Cozzens KellyAnn Keller 10 Jennifer Leto Milton Slewinski 11 Martha Underhill 13 Michelle Nicholls Darren Heffelfinger 14 William Olsen 16 Lydia Dominelli Tim Kaercher Isabella Nicholls 17 Jake Glaser 19 Diane Baird 21 Scott Barbou Colleen Kinley 25 John O’Brien Mark Simpkins 27 Sue Brooks 28 Daphne Jordan 29 Michael Blinstrub Timothy Burgess Mike Leonard Nov/Dec 2014 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Ted Chrimes 4 Kathy McCrea 5 Jim Patterson 6 Miriam Kramer 7 Matthew Bailey Trevor Leone 8 Peggy Patterson 11 Carolyn Aldrich Tommy Keyes 12 Jacob Fogel Patty Pollard Delva Robert 13 Becca Pollard 14 Sean Collins Sarah Malinowski 16 Diana Glaser Dottie Stafford 17 Jessica Baird 18 MaryAnn Gulyas 19 Rose Marie Day Beryl Schmid 20 Laura Hickey Zachary Nightingale 21 Alexi Glaser Alyssa Glaser 22 Allison Gier 25 Rodney Brewer 26 Natalie Casale 27 Brian Payne 28 Paul Rogers 29 Carl Reed NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 1 8 Neil & Tonya Manning Robert & Joan Bennett Ed & Ruth Kramek 9 Herman & Pam Sabourin 11 Tom & Sue Lessard Jeffrey & Hadley Boone 18 Les & Cathy Nickerson 22 Allen & Jeanne Nuss 27 John & Rhonda Gaba 1 23 27 31 Edward & Katherine Rockstroh Jason & Kathleen Herb Tad & Barbara Knight Matt & Jennifer Andrus Page 10 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 St. George's Centennial Dinner Dance, Friday, April 17th PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! Plan to join your parish family to celebrate our Centennial on Friday, April 17, 2015 . . . at St. George's Centennial Dinner Dance. This event will be held at the Mohawk River Country Club and Chateau on River Road in Rexford - . A cocktail hour (cash bar) with appetizers and live musicians begins at 6:00pm followed by a delicious dinner including salad bar, pasta stations and a main course buffet of chicken Francaise, beef bourguignon, and stuffed filet of sole. Coffee and dessert will be served. Hersh Productions will provide D.J. services for dancing and entertainment. The price per person for the event will be $40.00. Look for additional information after the New Year on our website. Page 11 Dragon’s Tale Construction of the Latrine Pit in July 2014 Arrival of Latrine Pieces in Haiti in September Nov/Dec 2014 Page 12 Youth Ministry Activities Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 Page 13 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 Coffee Hour Schedule WEEK 08:00:00 AM 09:30:00 AM BAKERS 11/02/14 G HEIM B ROSS J GRANGER T GRANGER BEACON POINT T GRANGER M RICHENS 11/9/14 SCOTTISH LITURGY B SOVIK L MILLER N MANNING J ANDRUS S KEYES S BROOKS S KEYES 11/16/14 H & D GATES L UNDERHILL & FAMILY B KNIGHT D GLASER J GALLO 11/23/14 NEW CONSECRATION SUNDAY NEW CONSECRATION SUNDAY NEW CONSECRATION SUNDAY 11/30/14 G HEIM B ROSS N MANNING C VANDERVEER D GIANNANTONIO S GOLDEN 12/07/14 B SOVIK L MILLER G EHLER R BREWER BEACON POINT R CASALE J BLANCHET 12/14/14 H & D GATES L UNDERHILL & FAMILY D GLASER J ANDRUS 12/21/14 T & N CHRIMES J GRANGER T GRANGER S WESTAD M RICHENS T GRANGER 12/28/14 G HEIM B ROSS S KEYES S KEYES D GIANNANTONIO C VANDERVEER 01/04/2015 B SOVIK L MILLER G EHLER BEACON POINT N MANNING S BROOKS J GALLO Page 14 Dragon’s Tale Nov/Dec 2014 ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Parish Office Phone: 518 371-6351 Email: Office hours: Mon-Fri 9am – 3pm Emergency Contact: 265-1960-please use to report a hospitalization or death THE CLERGY The Rev. John Henry, Rector The Rev. Scott Underhill, Deacon The Rev. Robert Roach, Deacon, retired THE VESTRY Matt Andrus, Sr. Warden Jo Anne Robbins, Jr.Warden Brian Bailey, Christian Education Susan Westad, Evangelism Neil Manning, Fellowship Lynne Olney, Finance Mary Golden, Membership Joy Blanchet, Outreach Ken Bee, Property Bryan Bee, Property Mary Ann Gulyas, Worship THE STAFF OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Organist/Choirmaster: Dr. Timothy Olsen St. George’s is a family of disciples Assistant Organist: Cathy Pollard joyfully reaching out in love Parish Office Manager: Jennifer Leto to nurture, teach and heal Sexton: Tim Schlachter in Jesus’ Name. Treasurer: Jim Olney Asst. Treasurers: Jack Underhill, Cathy Pollard, Steve Hickey ST. GEORGE’S SCHOOL Teaching Head, Pre-k to Grade 1: Sandy Graves 3716351 ext 304 Teaching Head, 3 and 4 year olds: Kristyn Alheim 371-6351 ext 306 FOR MORE INFORMATION about St. George’s Church, please contact our website, or phone St. George’s office at 518-371-6351 This newsletter is published in electronic form so that we can be good stewards of our environmental resources. If you need a printed copy, please contact our parish office at 3716351.
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